17 1999ply Drops Composites Part B
17 1999ply Drops Composites Part B
17 1999ply Drops Composites Part B
Thickness variations are required to optimize the design of modern laminated composite structures. These thickness variations are
accomplished by dropping plies along the length to match varying in-plane and bending loads. This results in a structure which is matched
to stiffness and loading requirements. Unfortunately, these ply drops produce internal and local stress concentrations as a consequence of
geometric discontinuities and shear lag. In this study, we explore various factors for design of composite structures with ply drops. These
factors include: thicknesses, ply stacking sequences, ply drop geometries and manufacturing considerations. In addition, fatigue loading is
considered with respect to delamination initiation and growth. A strong sensitivity to the position and the manufacturing details of ply drops
is shown for fatigue damage initiation and growth. All studies were conducted on a low-cost E-glass/polyester composite system. The results
indicate that it will be difficult to completely suppress damage and delamination initiation in service. However, it was found that, in many
cases, there is a threshold loading under which there is little growth after initiation is noted. Factors affecting this threshold are analyzed via
the virtual crack closure method in Finite Element Analysis and verified experimentally. Design rules for ply dropping are presented on the
basis of these results. q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ply-drops; B. Delamination; Strain energy release rate; B. Fracture; B. Fatigue
Table 1
Ply and adhesive material properties
Material E11 E22 (GPa) E33 (GPa) v12 v13 v23 G12 (GPa) G13 (GPa) G23 (GPa) t (mm)
D155 08 ply 38.4 8.9 8.9 0.29 0.29 0.29 7.4 7.4 4.6 0.45
DB120 ( ^ 45)8 ply a 11.8 11.8 7.9 0.43 0.28 0.28 7.4 4.1 4.1 0.68
Adhesive b 2.6 0.31
Nominal Vf 45%
styrene in the polyester has cross-linked to attain maximum laminates tested and the properties of each laminate, includ-
composite strength. Nominal material properties may be ing a description. In these initial configurations there was
found in Table 1. only a single ply drop and the material was the same thick-
The ply configurations were chosen by selecting the most ness as the DD5 material. A minimum of five (5) test repli-
fatigue resistant material from previous studies [1]. This cates were used for the studies.
was the DD5 material with a 38% fiber volume in a [0/ ^ In Fig. 2, it is shown how the laminates behaved, up to
45/0]s laminate configuration construction using the fabrics delamination initiation. The strain energy release rates (Gc)
as mentioned earlier. The fatigue data for the DD5 material were determined from the critical load (Pc) using the follow-
is illustrated in Fig. 1. ing strength of materials formula from Ramkumar and
Whitcomb [2], and later by Rhee [3].
A2 E2 2 A1 E1
3. Static tests Gc P2c 1
2wA2 E2 A1 E1
The first test conducted was a static test which was used Where: the subscript 1 is for the thin section and 2 is for the
to determine the critical load for delamination initiation and thick section of each test coupon, the A is the cross-sectional
to determine how a delamination in each configuration area and E is Young’s modulus, respectively, for each part
would form and grow. Micro-Measurements WK series of the specimen, and w is the width of the coupon.
strain gages were mounted on the thick and thin sections A diagram of the model used can be seen in Fig. 3. The
of the coupons to obtain a more accurate measurement of corresponding nominal critical strain energy release rates
strain than could be obtained by using an extensiometer. The for static delamination initiation are 0.12, 1.34 and
initial tests were the ESA, ESB and ESC laminates. The test 1.61 N mm 21 for the ESA (single interior ply drop), ESB
matrix was expanded to include such effects as thickness, (interior ply drop of first continuous interior 08 ply), and
manufacturing parameters and repair. A guide to all of the ESC (center 08 ply drop), respectively. It is interesting to
laminates is given in Table 2, which contains a list of the note that the 08 Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test and the
Table 2
Laminate configurations, specifications and descriptions
ESA [0 a/(0/ ^ 45/0)s] 24.0 35.2 3.81/3.10 Single exterior ply drop
ESB [0/0 a/ ^ 45/0/0/ ^ 45/0] 24.8 35.1 3.7/3.00 Single interior ply drop
ESC [0/ ^ 45/0/0 a/0 ^ 45/0] 24.3 35.3 3.61/3.02 Single center ply drop
ESE [0 a/(0/ ^ 45/0)3] 30.5 39.7 4.52/3.81 Thicker laminate, single
exterior ply drop
ESF [0/0 a/ ^ 45/0/(0/ ^ 45/0)2] 33.3 39.7 4.70/4.06 Thicker laminate, single
interior ply drop
ESG [0 a/0 a/(0/ ^ 45/0)3] 32.7 38.9 4.95/3.81 Thicker laminate, two
exterior ply drops
ESH [0/0 a/0 a/ ^ 45/0/(0/ ^ 45/0)2] 34.5 38.9 4.70/3.56 Thicker laminate, two
interior ply drops
ESJ [0 a/(0/ ^ 45/0)s] 26.7 37.5 3.56/3.05 Single exterior ply drop,
ESK [0 a/(0/ ^ 45/0)s] 29.3 37.4 3.53/2.90 Single exterior ply drop,
w/Hysol adhes.
Indicates ply or plies dropped.
End Notched Flexure Test (ENF) tests [4,5] for these same machine. In the ESA laminate, a single exterior ply was
materials are 0.49 and 2.27 N M 21, respectively. All of the dropped and the initial maximum cyclic stress of 207 MPa
laminates are mixed-mode, with the external ply drop more in the thin section was chosen. The delamination initiated
Mode I dominant, and the interior ply drops more Mode II easily and grew rapidly as can be seen in Fig. 4. It was not
dominant, to be discussed later. until the maximum stress was reduced to 120 MPa (corre-
sponding to approximately 0.5% engineering strain) that the
delamination finally arrested after some growth, compared
4. Fatigue testing to the static strength of ESA of 452 MPa. The next laminate
tested was the ESB laminate which consisted of a single
From the critical loads determined from the static tests, internal ply drop. This laminate schematic can be seen in
the fatigue load of each laminate could be approximated. All Fig. 5 later.
of the tests in this study were run at R 0.1 (minimum/ From the static testing this laminate had approximately a
maximum stress) on an Instron 8501 servo-hydraulic testing 68.9 MPa higher stress level before delamination initiation
the expense involved with a full three-dimensional version. membrane stresses contribute to the strain energy distribu-
Energy release rates were calculated using the virtual crack tion. As extension of the laminate occurs, the bridging ply
closure method, as shown in Eq. (2). reacts to the asymmetric loading through membrane and
bending stresses. At higher strains, the membrane stresses
1F Du
G 2 become more important. This is a nonlinear effect.
However, the virtual crack closure was found to be linear
Where: G is the strain energy release rate for a given mode, for the cases considered here. In other words, if there are
F is the force required to close the crack, Du is the nodal significant geometric nonlinearities up to the loads of inter-
displacement required to close the crack for the given mode, est, these must be accounted for, but the virtual crack
and Ac is the area of the crack closure. closure can be accomplished by scaling unit loads. By
This method allows modal distribution to be analyzed. solving for Mode I (opening mode) and Mode II (shear or
The method requires the application of virtual loads on sliding mode), the total energy release rate can be found.
nodes closest to the crack front and re-evaluation of the There are currently two schools of thought on how the
model with these loads. As discussed earlier, it was found modal release rates should be added together. One method
that it was necessary to perform a nonlinear analysis for the merely adds them, the second method is the square root of
deformed geometry as shown in Fig. 9 because the the sum of the squares [7,8].
D.S. Cairns et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 523–534 529
Table 3
Delamination growth rates for laminates studied (mm/cycle) a
Using the virtual crack closure method, ESA, ESB, and ply drop. The ESE laminate had an exterior ply drop while
ESC samples were examined for energy release rates from the ESF laminate had an interior ply drop.
crack initiation and crack arrest using experimental data and The ESE laminate had a lower delamination growth rate
loading. Using the accumulated data, it may be possible to than the ESA laminate, which had a smaller overall cross-
predict crack arrest in complex composite structures under sectional area. The Gc for both the ESA and ESE laminates,
fatigue loading. However, it is necessary to first establish a along with the ESF laminate compared with the ESB lami-
relationship between the energy release rates and the load- nate were similar.
ing before reasonable predictions can be made. Using the The ESG and ESH laminate were also thicker in cross-
virtual crack closure method, in Table 3, the percent of section, but, in an attempt to simulate a potential manufac-
Mode I and II responsible for extending the crack is turing situation, two plies were dropped at a single location
shown. In this table, the percentage of each mode for the instead of one ply. The ESG laminate contained two ply
delamination extending into the thicker section (before the drops on the outside while the ESH laminate contained
ply drop) is given, with the percent strain provided for refer- two ply drops on the interior. In both cases, these config-
ence. The analyses were conduced at the experimentally- urations behaved poorly compared with their single ply drop
measured arrest damage sizes. Most of the initiation (small counterparts. During testing of the ESH laminate, the resin
crack lengths), was dominated by Mode I crack growth. The rich area ahead of the ply drop was observed to fragment
crack also extended into the thinner section (after the ply during the fatigue test. When the coupon was in the maxi-
drop), the corresponding percentages are given in Table 4. mum stress part of the fatigue cycle a fracture in the resin
For this purpose, it is expedient to establish a larger data- pocket through the laminates width was seen. No material
base of energy release rates from the virtual crack closure was left ahead of the ply drop after the first initial cycles.
models to compare with experimental data. Of particular This is illustrated in Fig. 10 and described as the ‘window’
note, as the crack grows, the fracture is dominated by in this region.
Mode II strain energy release rates. Hence, initiation The ESG laminate with a double external ply drop dela-
appears to occur in the detailed, resin-rich area in Mode I, minated more easily than a single ply drop on the outside.
and progresses to Mode II domination. One apparent reason for this is the higher critical strain
energy release rate of the ESA laminate, the Gc of the
ESG laminate was only 1.26 N mm 21, while the Gc for the
6. Laminates ESE, ESF, ESG and ESH ESA laminate was 1.89 N mm 21. Another reason for this
was the increased bending moment created by the eccentri-
After the first three laminates were studied, it was decided city of having two layers creating the ply drop, as well as the
that other laminate configurations should be considered. The larger dropped area. A comparison of laminates which
ESE and ESF laminates were thicker laminates with a single
Table 4
Percentage of strain energy release rates for crack growth into thicker
section a
Fig. 13. Comparison of ESA, JKA ‘feathered’, JKA random at 207 MPa.
applying a thin, tough adhesive, delamination initiation laminates were judged. As can be seen from Fig. 13, the
would be resisted. Also the adhesive layer enhances the feathered laminate provided a substantial decrease in the
process zone for fracture [9,10]. It is noted that ‘Z-Spiking’ delamination growth rate. However, applying random mat
and adding local adhesive can also easily be applied in a to the lay-up had little effect and possibly increased the
hand lay-up manufacturing process as well. delamination growth rate. An extensive study was not
performed here, but this result is consistent with other
studies, wherein if the process zone in the interply region
8. Results from delamination prevention techniques is suppressed with reinforcement, the critical strain energy
release rate decreases [9].
Since all of the delamination prevention techniques were In Fig. 14, the ESK laminate with the Hysol adhesive is
applied to the same layer configuration as the ESA laminate, compared with three other laminates. The ESK laminate
the ESA laminate was used as a standard by which the other demonstrated a significant improvement over the other
configurations tested. The delamination in the ESK laminate free-edge effects. The results for the ESJ laminate are illu-
did not initiate until the other laminates had completely strated in Fig. 15. Note that ‘Z-spiking’ has a profound
delaminated. The ESJ laminate with ‘Z-Spiking’ is not influence on the arrest, presumably resulting from the
shown on this graph because there was no delamination extensive fiber bridging noted in these samples. The ESB
initiation in more than 200 000 cycles at the same stress laminate results, with feathered ply drops, are presented in
level. Both ‘Z-spiking’ and the Hysol adhesive delamination Fig. 16. From Fig. 16, it can be clearly seen for the ESB
did not initiate like the other laminates. In both cases, the laminate with feathered ply drops that the delamination
delamination initiated at the specimen edges, as expected started but stopped, while the ESB material with no
from previous studies [11–13]. These edge delaminations feathering continued to grow until arrest at a much larger
occurred even though the edges of the specimens were care- delamination length. In Table 2, the delamination rate for
fully polished. Polishing mitigates, but does not preclude various stress levels and laminates ESA through ESK is
presented. In this table, the R ratio (min stress/max stress) 3. Internal ply drops are more resistant to delamination than
value equals 0.1. external ply drops.
4. Repairing external plies using an adhesive is effective in
preventing delamination from starting again.
9. Repairing samples previously tested 5. The use of ‘Z-Spiking’ and adhesives in the initial manu-
facturing of parts with ply drops substantially reduces the
During testing the ESA laminate, which had an exterior initial delamination growth rate.
ply drop, the outer layer peeled away from the rest of the 6. Using feathering at the ply drops reduces the delamina-
laminate. For practical purposes, it was desired to determine tion growth rate.
whether it is possible to repair the delamination with two 7. Random mat possibly has a detrimental effect on dela-
epoxy adhesives. The first adhesive was Hysol EA mination resistance.
9309.2NA, which is blue in color, while the second one
was Hysol EA 9412, which is clear. After the initial test On the basis of these results, an optimum configuration of
run, the adhesive was injected into the delamination via dropping plies may be to have an internal ply drop, with a
syringe. A C-clamp was applied to the specimen until the combination of either ‘Z-Spiking,’ an adhesive or ‘feather-
adhesive cured. These procedures were adopted to simulate ing’ used in the construction.
practical field repairs for composite structures. The speci-
men was then retested at the same stress level and the dela-
mination growth rate was compared to the original rate, 11. Further study
which can be seen in Fig. 17. From Fig. 17, the two adhe-
sives had a similar delamination growth rate and provided a The current analysis for ply drops is based on a strength
significant reduction in delamination growth rate compared of materials approach. it is encouraging that this approach
with the original laminate. may be adequate for damage growth during fatigue as was
shown in Fig. 8. This warrants additional studies. The
strength of materials approach does not include details at
10. Conclusions and design recommendations the crack tip region. Further studies will incorporate more
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