October Newsletter Seattle Swiss Society

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org October 2010

Special points of PRESIDENT’S CORNER

interest: Dear Members: to thank the Reichlin It is never too late to
Oct. 22 Sisters for their Jodel learn or to refresh
Fall Dinner Our 1st of August picnic your skills. If you are
performance which
South Seattle was a HUGE success. interested, give Patty
brought a piece of
Community About 100 people turned “the treasurer” or me
home and that “homey”
College out for our celebration. a call.
feeling into our gather-
6:30 PM We were delighted to see
quite a few new faces With fall just around
Dec. 5 and children. I hope that We have taken a sum- the corner, we get
Christmas this is a sign that our club
mer break with our Jass together next month
Party is indeed getting an infu- for our annual Fall
at sion of young blood and lessons, but now want
Monroe Swiss to resume this most typ- Dinner.
will continue to grow and
Hall prosper. I would also like ical of Swiss games. (continued on page 2)

Inside this issue: FALL DINNER

1st August Recap 2 As the days are getting The social hour starts
shorter and colder, there at 6:30 p.m. followed MENU
Fall Hike Recap 2 is no better way to spend by dinner at 7:30 p.m.
an evening than with Appetizers
Announcements 3 The cost is just $40
your friends. for members and $50
Other Swiss Clubs 3 Spinach Salad
On Friday, October 22 for non-members and
we are once again guests. This includes
Publisher/Editor 3 Grilled Prawns
holding our annual the reception, dinner, & Citrus Vinaigrette
Directions to 4 Fall Dinner at the beverages, tax and
SSCC South Seattle Community gratuity. Emince de Veau
College in the Alki Room. Zurchoise with
Your Board 5
Chef Robert Houot has Please send in your Spaetzle
put together another sign-up form no later
Swiss Consulate 5
fabulous menu for our than October 11 as Pear Tart
Fall Dinner Signup 5 Club. We hope to see seating in limited. Almandine
many of our members
and friends at this won- (Reservation Form on
derful evening. page 5)
Page 2 Seattle Swiss Society


Our 1st of August Celebra- sisters of the Enzian Swiss extend its gratitude to Ro-
tion was held at the Edge- Ladies Choir from Tacoma. land and Doris Oberholzer
brook Swim and Tennis Club The Seattle Swiss Society for their outstanding contri-
on Sunday August 1, 2010. would like to thank them for butions as well as to Patty
The weather was gorgeous. their performance. We look and Jason Richert for mak-
We had our best turnout in forward to similar ing it possible to hold
several years with close to opportunities in the event once again
100 members and guests the future to cel- at the Edgebrook.
participating in the event. We ebrate while lis- Thanks also to
listened to speeches by the tening to these Jason & Dick for
President of Switzerland, Do- talented ladies. grilling the sausages
ris Leuthard, and to our Hon- Our newly elect- and to the many who
orary Consul, Philippe Goe- ed party chair helped set up and
tschel, who provided a brief person, Margret contributed fabulous
update on events related to Aebersold, did a great job co- side dishes for all to enjoy,
Switzerland. ordinating the celebration to along with Nussgipfel and
This year we enjoyed the make this event successful. Napoleons.
singing by the Reichlin The club would also like to


We started our fall hike appetizers. Three more mem- recommended the nearby Lake
(actually summer, August 21- bers then arrived and we all Stuart.
22) near Index. Eight hikers sat down for a delicious Swiss
headed up the dinner. Of course no Swiss So finally at noon we got started
easy trail to Bridal outing is complete without on our hike. This was a beautiful
Veil Falls. After our a game of Jass. trail with stretches along the
picnic lunch we creek and past impressive rock
climbed the steps The next morning, after a formations. At the lake we rested
to the upper falls. leisurely breakfast again for a while to enjoy the views of
On our drive up to prepared by Roland, the the surrounding mountains. We
Stevens Pass, we whole group packed up. It got back to our cars by six, a bit
made a short stop was raining on the west later than planned, but the hike
at the Deception falls before side of the pass, so we head- was well worth it. Luckily the
heading to the Swiss Cabin ed east toward Leavenworth drive home was a breeze.
at the pass. While Roland and into the Icicle Creek Val- We would like to thank Theres
Oberholzer prepared our ley. The planned hike to Eight- Fillmore for organizing the hike
dinner, the other hikers mile Lake was closed due to a and Roland for his excellent
enjoyed a glass of wine and smoldering fire, but the ranger meals. Thanks also to the Swiss
Ski Club for letting us stay at their
President's Message cabin.
What a great way to start a week-
end, even if we have to fight the
traffic a bit. Please see the
detailed information in this news-
letter. The menu, with a definite
“Swiss” touch, together with good
friends, will make this an evening
you don’t want to miss.

Hans Saxer
October 2010 Page 3

Century Celebration for Hedy Rusch

On September 17, Hedy celebrated her
100th Birthday
We all wish you a very happy 100th year. We hope that
you can enjoy it in good health in the circle of family
and friends. Congratulations to
Louise Osterday
Following are a few highlights of Hedy’s long and full life: who celebrates her
Hedy was born in Bern in 1910, the youngest of eight
children. At the age 15 she moved to the French part
90th Birthday
on Nov 28, 2010
of Switzerland to learn French. She worked in a pastry
shop, thus setting the stage for her future life.
Best wishes for good
In 1938 Hedy made the big move to the United States, health and a continued
joining her sister in upstate New York. Shortly afterwards,
she moved to New York City where she worked at the active lifestyle.
“Swiss Pavilion” during the 1939 World Fair. Now the
plot thickens. There, someone approached Hedy and
told her about this Swiss man from Appenzell who
would like to dance with her but was a bit shy. Hedy
would not let this dance opportunity pass and as they
say - the rest is history. Save the Dates:
In 1940 Hedy and Arnold “the shy” Rusch got married. December 5
The couple packed up their things and moved to Seattle.
Hedy’s knowledge of pastry and Arnold’s skills as a Christmas Party
pastry chef were just what Seattle needed. For eight
years they co-owned the successful “Swiss Pastry Shop”
on Fifth Avenue. Then they bought the Magnolia Village January 29, 2011
Bakery and Pastry Shop, where they put in long hours
for thirty years. General Meeting
Hedy now lives with her son, Stephen, in Bellevue. Her
daughter Heidi lives nearby. Hedy has two grandchildren,
and three great-grandchildren.
(Historical data provided by Samantha Oberholzer)

Tacoma Swiss Society Events Monroe Swiss Colony

From the Publisher’s
November 13 For information contact: Desk
Rippli Dinner/ Eileen Crutcher Do you have any news,
Enzian Concert (360) 939-2334. information, thoughts
[email protected] or ideas that you would
December 12 like to share with other
Swiss Children’s members of the Club?
Swiss Club Helvetia of NCW Please contact your
Christmas Party
(Leavenworth) publisher/editor, Hanna
LeMaster at
For information call the Tacoma
For information contact Martin & [email protected]
Swiss Society - Joe & Louise
Hospenthal at (253) 896-2593 Heidi Stoller (509) 782-5808. or (360) 455-8376.
Page 4 Seattle Swiss Society


R oo

From north-or southbound I-5 . From south suburbs Michigan-Corson exit off I-5,
or southbound Route 99 • At Southcenter interchange of north or southbound
• Take West Seattle bridge exit I-5 and I-405, exit to Highway • Take Michigan-Corson exit.
from I-5 or Route 99. 518 westbound. • Turn right onto South Michi-
• Exit to northbound Highway gan St.
• Take the Delridge Way S.W.
509 at Burien interchange. • Follow Michigan to First Ave
• Take the Cloverdale/South South bridge, taking ramp
• At third light, turn left onto Park exit (do not cross First onto bridge.
S.W. Oregon Street. Ave S. bridge). • Take FIRST exit – West Mar-
• Take arterial to top of hill, • Turn left at light onto S.W. ginal Way/South Seattle Com-
veering right onto 21st Ave Cloverdale Street and drive up munity College.
S.W. the hill. • Turn right on 2nd Ave S.W.
• Get in the righthand lane and • Turn left on West Marginal
• Stay on arterial as it winds up
veer right at light onto Olson Way S.W.
hill and turns into 16th Ave
Place S.W. • Turn left on Highland Park
• Stay in right lane and veer Way
• Follow 16th Ave S.W. south right onto S.W. Roxbury. • Go up Highland Park Way to
for ¼ mile to SSCC campus. • Turn right at 16th Ave S.W. top of hill.
and drive north for about 2 • Take first right turn onto S.W.
miles; or Holden Street.
South Seattle Community College • From Burien, drive north for • Turn right onto 16th Ave
6000 16th Ave. S.W. six miles, beginning on Am- S.W., follow north one mile to
Seattle, WA 98106 baum Blvd. S.W. SSCC campus.
(206) 730-4251 (Security Office) • Ambaum becomes 16th Ave
S.W. at 116th St. S.W.
October 2010 Page 5

Philippe Goetschel YOUR 2010 BOARD

Honorary Consul
Consulate of Switzerland President: Hans Saxer 360-863-2094

6920 94th Avenue SE Vice President: Roland Oberholzer 425-637-8750

Mercer Island, WA 98040
206-228-8110 Phone Treasurer: Patty Richert 425-444-7672
206-236-8420 Fax Secretary: Dick Reutimann 206-232-7022
[email protected] Events Chair: Margret Aebersold 425-353-0788
www.eda.admin.ch/washington Newsletter: Hanna LeMaster 360-455-8376

Auditors: Cindy Hutter

To contact the Swiss

Switzerland’s Ethnic divisions:

Consulate General of Switzerland: Total population: Swiss nationals only:
456 Montgomery Street Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94104
• German 65% 74%
Phone: (415) 788-2272 • French 18% 20%
Fax: (415) 788-1402 • Italian 10% 4%
E-mail: [email protected] • Romansh 1% 1%
• other 6% 1%


(Due October 11, 2010)

Number of members ___________ x $40.00 = ______________
Number of non-members or guests ___________ x $50.00 = ______________

Total amount of check: $___________________

Name(s) as you would like it to appear on the name tag:




Please mail this form together with your check made out to the SEATTLE SWISS SOCIETY to:
Patty Richert
4122 - 135th Place SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
(425) 444-7672

No later than October 11, 2010, please!

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