Bulletin Supplement August 5 2018
Bulletin Supplement August 5 2018
Bulletin Supplement August 5 2018
Get your Free Show tickets in the Reed Room following both services, or
at the door starting 30 minutes before tonight’s performance.
Free Family Movie Night August 10th!!! OF MEMBERSHIP AT ALDERSGATE CHURCH?
Invite a friend or neighbor and join us for a Friday The local church is the most significant arena through which disciples of
Family Movie Night on August 10th. We will enjoy Jesus Christ are made and Jesus’ disciples reach out into the world to
our movie and fellowship in the comfort of the A/C share God’s love. It is in and through the church that Jesus Christ is
in the Reed Room. Doors open at 6:00 PM and proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. Please contact Pastor Rob
our family-friendly movie about cars starts at 6:30 by telephone at 434-973-5806 or complete the communication card
PM. Bring your blanket and beach chairs. Bring a found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate when it is passed
picnic dinner or purchase hot dogs and snacks at during the service if you wish to explore the meaning of membership in
our Pit Stop Concession Stand. All proceeds will go the life of Aldersgate Church.
to support youth ministry programming.
For Our Youngest Friends Come and join the fun!
and Their Parents Here WEE Grow Again is right around the
A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through corner and we will need a lot of smiling
age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An faces to help make the sale a success. If
usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is you would like to have the opportunity to
available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and meet other church members as well as
hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All those from the community, this is your
restrooms are equipped with changing tables. chance to do just that while making a difference.
The dates we need help are September 5th-22nd. You can go online to
TODAY - Welcome Event for Pastor Julie www.hereweegrowagain.com and click on login to create an account
Who doesn’t love ice cream in August? Please and register as a volunteer. You will then choose the dates/times you
join us on TODAY from 2:00 to 4:00 pm would like to volunteer.
downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for ice cream
and all the toppings. This is a great opportunity Need to come in for a shorter shift? No problem! Just email Karen at
to get to know Pastor Julie Nitzsche and her [email protected] and let her know the actual times you
family. Hope to see everyone there! The can make it in.
Aldersgate Hospitality and Staff-Parish
Need to sit while you help out? No problem! We have plenty of duties
Relations Committees
where you can sit and contribute to the sale. Just make sure you let
Karen know.
Camp Young at Heart
Save the date for Camp Young at Heart 2018, an ecumenical camp for Think because you are a man that you can’t help out? WRONG! We
adults of all ages. The camp will be held at Aldersgate United Methodist have several men who come and join the fun! We hope you will, too!
Church again this year on August 27, 28 and 29, from 9am - 2pm. Hope you can join us in September!
Registration fees this year are $25 per individual and $40 per couple. For
more information and/or to register, call Broadus Memorial Baptist
Church at 977-7381. Information forms are available in the narthex.
Aldersgate Financial Forum
Loaves and Fishes Pantry Sunday, August 19th at 3:00pm
Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive
The pantry receives a lot of fresh bread, and we are collecting peanut Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the Financial Form that
butter and jelly to go along with the bread. During the month of August, will be lead by members of the Finance and Stewardship Committees of
please bring standard size jars (no glass) of peanut butter and jelly and Aldersgate Church to help you better understand our current and future
place in the collection bin in the narthex. If you prefer a monetary financial needs. The forum is scheduled for a no more than one hour.
donation, make checks payable to AUMC with “Loaves & Fishes” in the We hope you will plan to attend.
memo line.
Cuba Mission Trip Children’s Summer Rotational
Dear Aldersgate family,
On August 10-19, myself and 12 other members of various United
Sunday School
Methodist churches in Virginia will be traveling to Cuba for a mission Each Sunday — 10:10 AM – 10:50 AM
trip as part of the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission. As we Unfinished Fellowship Hall
prepare to leave for our trip, our team is still searching for donations to
bring with us to help our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Join us today as we finish our first summer series, LOVE IS ….. with a
The list is as follows: story and craft!
- Flat double bed sheets and towels. In August, join us again as we begin our new series to wrap up our
- Over the counter medications such as: aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Summer Rotational Sunday School.
multivitamins, both adult and pediatric. August 5th – Exploring Scripture with Science
- Small bars of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, shampoo. August 12th – Exploring Scripture with Games
- Light summer weight clothing lightly used or new for everyone. New August 19th – Exploring Scripture with Arts and Crafts
underwear for everyone. August 26th – Exploring Scripture with Cooking
- Pens, pencils, markers, scissors, small pads of paper, small boxes of
Our Sunday School programing is designed for Pre-School to rising 5th
graders. Each week, our leaders support programing using Games, Arts
- Light weight suits for pastors, dress shirts, men’s slacks, polo shirts.
and Crafts, Science, or Cooking to help children experience the
- Small Spanish Bibles
scriptures in a different way! Please join the fun!
- Baseballs/mitts/baseball caps
There will be a box labeled ‘Cuba donations’ located at both entrances For Our Parents: While your child is attending Sunday School we invite
of Aldersgate through Sunday, August 5th if you feel so led as to donate you to swing by the Reed Room upstairs for a cup of coffee. There you
any of the items listed above. Above all, your prayers for our team as we will be able to meet other parents.
go and serve in Cuba are so appreciated. Thank you so much and may
God’s grace and peace be with you! ~ Ashley Oliver For more information please contact Carolyn Robertson or Sherry Bryant
– Summer Sunday School Coordinators [email protected]