November 2007 Experience New Horizons! Volume 226

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November 2007 Experience New Horizons! Volume 226




A chill is in the air so
come cozy up in atmosphere
with your friendly yacht
for a Friday night dinner





November 2
    Hosts: Bill &
 Merilee Newton
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November 9
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Hosts: Robert & Marla Stephen-
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% son and Art & Angela Lewis
%% “Bounty of the Sea”
'$   %(
%( with vegetables or pasta
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salad ice cream dessert
November 16th
Bring an appetizer to share!

November 22nd (no dinner Fri.)
Happy Thanksgiving
Charlie & Antonette Allegria 7 November 30th
Harold & Bea Moskowite 5
Andree & Chuck Youngson 19 Bring an appetizer to share!
Frank &Sarah Massino 28
FROM THE Jon Lander
FLAG Vice Commodore
November 2007

Avi Strugo Clay Parker

Commodore Rear Commodore
While our great group of members For me, the Fall Season seems to al-
started their wonderful Bay Cruise, Fall is in the air and, as I write this, ways be a time to regroup, repair, and
Wendy and I spent time with her mom we are experiencing some Indian sum- realign priorities. A time to maybe
who has just opened her eyes from a mer days which provide an opportunity catch one’s breath after a summer if
hip replacement surgery. We made to continue the boating season. Even if high energy involvement in activities,
sure she was doing great before we it is a tour on the river, get outside and especially at your club. Cruise-ins are
accepted the invitation of Marcus enjoy the season as gray ole’ winter will pretty much over, cruise-outs are in the
Young, the Commodore of the Golden be with us soon. wane and some big projects completed
Gate Yacht Club. He invited us and a The Halloween Party was early this at our clubhouse.
slate of other Commodores to get to year to take advantage of a Saturday There are some things needing doing
know each other, enjoy a magnificent night. Hope you enjoyed the fun and prior to winter weather setting in big
view of the Blue Angeles on the bay, music and decorations provided by time, however. Tom Nunan, your
learn more about their club and partake Sally Servidio, Mary Parker and Else highly loved Buildings & Grounds
in a delicious lunch. About 15 Com- Madsen. Let your Board know your Manager has scheduled a couple times
modores accepted the invitation as well thoughts on adding entertainment to our to meet for some fairly minor outside
as a retired Blue Angels pilot and a events. It adds to the cost but hopefully repair and painting. Saturday, Novem-
new tradition was born. is viewed as a value to the event. We ber 3rd and the afternoon of Sunday,
Our General Meeting will be held at have enjoyed some talented musicians November 4th should get the job done,
our club on November 16th where our this year thanks to the recruiting efforts so look for an e-mail to remind every-
members are invited and encouraged to of Mary and Clay Parker. one of the work to winterize our club-
vote on the nominations of our officers The Lighted Boat Parade will be Dec house.
and board for 2008. Our Nominating 1 (see included flyer). Decorate your Our membership continues to grow
Committee completed its task and we boat, invite some friends and join us for with the addition of Clyde and Kathleen
have a new slate of officers and board the wonder of lights on the water and Smith. Please welcome them as they
ready for your approval. We posted our special gift to the community. This need to get known to our wonderful
the official list in our clubhouse and all event is also early on the calendar to group. They are sponsored by Sally
the members have received an official take advantage of favorable evening Servidio, Philip Craig and Lili Keating.
notice. Please join us on November tides (at least the River “looks” wider at Our cruising schedule is coming to a
16th for the General Meeting and for high tide). Then meet at the club house close for the year. Those of us partici-
making your voice heard. after the parade for some hot soup to pating in various cruise-outs have had a
We have had a fantastic year full of ward off the chill of the evening. great time and will look forward to
accomplishments, remodeling (we have Our “big” event of the year, the making 2008 another successful season,
just completed Phase 1 of our remodel- Change of Watch and General Meeting as well. Thanks to Charlie Agnew and
ing plan), great cruising and making will be at the Napa Valley Country the various cruise-out captains that have
new friends. We are working on Phase Club on December 15 (also on a flyer). spent a lot of time and energy putting
2, the deck extension and on Phase 3, Do come and celebrate the many events together great events including the most
our new kitchen remodeling and expan- and improvements our club accom- recent Bay Cruise during Fleet Week in
sion as well as on obtaining the long plished in 2007 and look forward, with San Francisco Bay.
term lease from the City of Napa. a new Board and Officers, to the possi- The annual Lighted Boat Parade is
We still have two glorious months, so bilities of 2008. It should be a great scheduled for December 1st with a pot-
get ready for an inspiring Lighted Boat party! luck at the club to follow. This is al-
Parade on December 1st, and a Grand Kurt Stahr reports that the sign up for ways an event enjoyed by our members
General Meeting and Change Of Watch the New Year’s cruise out has filled the and the Napa community. Get out those
on December 15th. It is also the best available berth spaces at South Beach. decorations and start planning your
time to explore Angel Island and other If you are still thinking you might like mojo to win one of the annual prizes!
favorite places on the Bay, so to attend, get on the waiting list with Happy and safe boating to each of
“Experience New Horizons,” be safe him as sometimes a space opens before you!
and have fun on the water. the event.
Still lots of fun and fellowship ahead!
Enjoy your membership in the NVYC.
NVYC Friday Night Dinner Hosts November
2007 2 Potluck: Newton
If you can't host on your assigned/chosen date, 9 Stephenson & Lewis, A&A
please find someone to trade with and call Linda 16 Waters & Waterworth
Sharp at 226-7488 or e-mail
[email protected] with your changes. Cruise in:

DOMINIQUE’S COQ AU VIN blend in refrigerator one hour.

Preparation: 25 Minutes - Cook 1 Hour - Serves: 4
4 Slices of bacon, diced STEVE & ELLEN’S VAQUERO BEEF
1 Tablespoon butter or margarine 2 Tbsp oil
1 chicken (3pounds) cup up - I use skinless, boneless 3-4 pounds boneless beef chuck roast
chicken breasts 1 tbsp hickory flavoring
Salt and freshly ground pepper 1 can (8oz) tomato sauce
18 to 20 pearl onions, peeled 1/2 tsp minced garlic
2 cups thickly slices mushrooms 1 Tbsp molasses
2 cloves of garlic chopped 1 Cup chunky green chili sauce—medium-hot
2 tablespoons flour 1/4 cup tequila
1/4 cup brandy (optional). 1 Tbsp triple sec
1 3/4 cups fruity red wine, such as hearty burgundy 1 tsp lime juice
1/3 cup chopped parsley
1 bay leaf In large skillet, brown beef in oil, about 5 minutes
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme per side. Pierce beef all over with large fork. Place in
1. In a large frying pan, cook bacon over low heat 8 X 10 baking dish. In a small mixing bowl, combine
until brown and crisp. Drain on paper towels. remainder of ingredients and pour over beef. Bake
Mix flour and salt and pepper in a plastic bag and at 350 degrees covered tightly with foil for about 2
put the chicken pieces so they are coated lightly with 1/2 to 3 hours until fork tender. Allow to cool, shred
the flour mixture. Melt butter in skillet and brown & degrease. Serve with flour tortillas and sour
chicken over medium-high heat about 5 minutes on cream for garnish.
each side. Transfer to a heatproof casserole.
2. Add whole onions to frying pan an cook, turning
until browned. (Add oil or margarine if pan is dry) DIANE BROWN’S MINT DELIGHT
Transfer onions to pot with chicken. Add mush- 1) Bottom Layer
rooms and garlic to frying pan and brown 1 C Sugar
slightly. Place in casserole with chicken. You can do ½ C Butter
steps 1 and 2 ahead of time if you want. 4 Eggs
3. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Heat the red wine 1 C Flour
and brandy to a boil. Pour into casserole. Sprinkle ½ t salt
with 3 tablespoons parsley, the bay leaf and 1 can chocolate syrup (16 oz. size)
thyme. Add bacon. 1 t. vanilla
Bake covered for 1 hour. Remove bay leaf and gar- Do not use mixer. Cream sugar and butter. Add
nish with the remaining chopped parley. eggs and beat well. Add flour and stir well, add
FRESH TOMATO, GARLIC,CORN SALSA syrup and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into greased 13 x
2 – Jalapeno Pepper 9 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool.
1-serrano if you like it hotter 2) Mint Layer
1-2- mild pepper like Anaheim 2 C Powdered Sugar
2-dried ancho peppers, soak hot water ½ C Butter
1-ear corn, boil 2 min, then water bath 4 T Green Cream de Menthe
Cilantro Mix well and spread over cooled first layer. Let
Tomato harden. (I recommend letting it harden for at least ½
Garlic day before adding glaze.
Cumin 3) Glaze
Oregano 1 C Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
Salt to taste 6 T Butter
Remove seeds, fine dice all ingredients, let flavors Melt and cool and spread over 2nd layer. (If the
“The Best Cruise Ever”
2007 NVYC Bay Cruise
5 Ports and 20 Happy Boats

NVYC cruisers signed up in re-

cord numbers to experience first hand 5 San
The NVYC showed the St. Francis YC crew how to
stern in at a dock that normally side-ties. We watched the
110’ Victoria dock astern of our boats, and Caladesi had
Francisco Bay Yacht Clubs for the 2007 San to move when the 75’ Valerie showed up to claim her slip.
Francisco Bay Cruise. Led by Cruise Captain What a club! Great food and friendly staff. And that
Steve Vartan, 24 vessels signed up, 20 vessels ac- goes for Liverpool Lil’s too...and Chestnut St. where
tually left Napa on the journey and 7 vessels made Grand Cru’s Naidene found a laundromat to dry out
all the ports over 10 days. from the storm the night before.
The crossing from the St. Francis to South Beach was
The Magnificent Seven were Strange Trip, wet, windy and lumpy. The Schagers decided that it was
Grand Cru, Stahrship, C-king Fun, too nasty to stay on their boat with 2 small
Caladesi, Lady Di and Salina. Some Please be dogs and headed back to Napa. Did I men-
boats only planned on a limited stay considerate of your tion that it was as rough as New Years 2006?
but six boats had a change of plans For many it was the roughest water they had
fellow boaters and experienced. The wind blew us around while
mid-course. With the large sign-up, only sign up for the docking but we all made it safely.
it was necessary to split the group at South Beach Harbor is always everyone’s
two ports and the sudden change of ports you really plan favorite port. The lights alone make it worth
plans by some captains caused need- to visit. Yacht clubs the trip. Karen Agnew celebrated a birth-
less scheduling problems. have limited dock day and made pancakes for the group.
Twenty-two cruisers joined South Beach YC
But did we have fun? Oh, yes space. at their ‘Bye-bye Summer” party; food and
we had fun! It took more than a music spectacular. Lady Di and Stahrship
rainy night at Corinthian YC or a escorted Charisma to the Golden Gate
very rough crossing from the St Francis YC to bridge on Sunday morning to wish them a bon voyage.
South Beach Harbor to stop this group from hav- Safe journey, Charisma...
ing a good time.
At Emery Cove, Cruise Captain Steve ar- NVYC Boats that went to one or more ports, in
addition to the seven listed above, were: Betty D. ,
ranged a send-off party for Kristen and Alan Blue Sky (aka the Ghost Ship), Feisty Lady, Why
Spence who were leaving for a 2 year cruise to Knot II, Dancing Wolfe, Charisma, 2KVELL4,
Mexico and the South Pacific aboard 53’ Cha- Bon Vivant, Lucky Bummer, White Wave, Lazy
risma. At least 46 club members crowded the Daze, Lili Pad and White Pelican.
dock for cocktails, Steve’s Vaquero Beef and Do-
minique’s Coq au Vin. • Among the land cruisers: de l’Etoiles,
Treasure Island YC was a little weary after Moores, the Clay Parkers, the Robert Park-
hosting 4 yacht clubs in 5 days, but they still ers, Phillips –Burresh and the Gurleys,
treated us well...steak dinner from the barbe- • The ride home to Napa was foggy and
cue...and they are a club without running water smooth.
or a galley in their clubhouse. A highlight: jelly • We wish Brave Duck a speedy recovery.
fish floating near the pier. We all had front row • We had 9 days of sun, one rainy day, one
seats on the riprap for the Blue Angels rainy night.
Show...Fabulous! • WATCH YOUR WAKE: a little common
Corinthian YC’s harbormaster was gracious sense goes a long way; radio for permission
and helped all of our boats tie up in an orderly to pass another boat; pass at a safe distance.
fashion. The shopping and the restaurants were- • See You On the Water. - (Ellen Vartan 07)
n’t bad either. The Axelsens and the Poehlmanns
drove down for a leisurely lunch in town.
Great views of the Blue Angels
Aboard the Lili Pad
Dinner at Trader Vics– Emeryville




Betty D

Corinthian Y.C. Tiburon

Palace of Fine Arts-near St. Frances YC
Cocktail Party on
the Agnews Boat
South Beach

Thank You Steve & Ellen


Dinner at the “Slanted Door”

Ferry Building
! "# 

left for a 2 year
Journey .
Starship and Lady Di
Escorted them to the
Golden Gate Bridge.
Light Up the Napa River Night!

The Napa Valley Yacht Club

2007 Lighted Boat Parade

Saturday, December 1
Sign up Now!
Cruise Captain:
Charlie Agnew - 255.8115
Mandatory Captain’s Meeting: 5 pm in the club;
Boat departure immediately following.

Hot Soup & Beverages after the parade at the Clubhouse...Prizes

for most theme, etc.
Call Mary Parker if you can help - 224.0188
Bring Your Friends…All Boats Welcome... Join the Fun
Scott & Diane Brown
707 258-5211 707 258-5233
Board Members 
Commodore Avi Strugo 224-8707 Meeting called to order at 5:30,
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Jon Lander
Clay Parker
September 11, 2007 at NVYC
Secretary Bob Weeks 253-2276 Club House Present: Avi Struggo,
Treasurer Ria Donald 255-1194 Jon Lander, Clay Parker, Bob
Staff Commodore;
Sherrill Schager 255-9338 Weeks, Ria Donald, Steve Vartan,
Leroy Moore 255-4790 Scott Brown 255-0885 Leroy Moore, Bill Coffield, Scott
Bill Newton 224-0306 Steve Vartan 224-6553 Brown, Bob Craven
Brent Waters 257-3677 Bob Craven
Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore
Previous month's minutes ap-
Port Captain Bill Newton 224-0306 proved by Clay Parker and sec-
Social Chair Mary Parker 224-0188
onded by Steve Vartan.
Bar Captain Dirk Kruidenier 554-1098 Financial Report: Matured Cer-
OD Coordinator: Linda Sharp 226-7488 tificate of Deposit will be shopped
(supplies) Bob And Joyce Craven, Bob LeRoy and Marcy
by Bob Weeks and Leroy Moore to
Chairs - Rear Commodore find a better interest rate.
Fleet Captain: Charlie Agnew 255-8115 Jon Lander motioned to raise the
Newsletter , Web
Scott Brown
Philip Craig
price of drinks by one dollar per
Newsletter Sally Servidio 224-6972 drink when the Club purchases
Advertising Manager Sally Servidio 224-6972 new glassware, seconded by Steve
Merchandise Manager Angela & Art Lewis 252-8586
Membership Manager Evelyn Silveri 255-1254 Vartan.
Bldg. & Grounds Tom Nunan 252-7928 October 26 will be our Hallow-
Public Relations
Other Staff - Commodore
Steve Vartan 224-6553 een Party. Change of Watch will be
Audit and By-laws: at Napa Valley Country Club on
Budget & By-laws Ria Donald 255-1194 December 1 5. The Lighted Boat
Long Range Planning
Steve Vartan
Kathy Nord
Parade will be December 1.
Sunshine Bob Stemmer 255-9137 Future kitchen plans were pre-
Christmas Seniors Karen Agnew 255-8115 sented by Dana Robbers and Pat
PICYA Delegates Maxine Maas 255-4110
Richard Tipton 745-0166 Caspersen. Bob Weeks will get a
Ria Donald 255-1194 building permit.
8 Bells Committee Evelyn Silveri
Jackie Finnegan 255-6638 Kathy Nord
We have our dredging permits
. and are now negotiating with Napa
Valley Marina for a price to do the
Meeting adjourned at 7:30.
NVYC PAST COMMODORES Respectfully submitted,
Bob Weeks, Secretary
1987-1988 Fos Pritchett
1989 Jim Garcia (Dec’d)
1990-1991 George Donald (Dec’d)
1992 Kathy Nord 2000 Steve Vartan
1993 Gary Schager 2001 Dan Robson
1994 Chuck Miller (Dec’d) 2002 Bill Newton
1995 Joe Ramos 2003 Mary Herschend-Robbers
1996 Wayne Friesel 2004 Carol Willis
1997-1998 Ria Donald 2005 Bob Keating
1999 Susie Pritchett 2006 Sherrill Schager
P.O.BOX 5951
NAPA, CA. 94581
707 252-3342

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