Le Maitre 1976
Le Maitre 1976
Le Maitre 1976
Igneous Rocks
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The chemical variability of 39 groups of igneous rocks has been investigated using a data
base of 26,373 published analyses. Each group was extracted from the data base using the
name given in the reference from which the analysis was collected. The numerical data for
each group includes wt. per cent and molecular per cent means, standard deviations, C.I.P.W.
norms, Niggli values, the first three eigenvalues and eigenvectors together with a breakdown
of the geographical distribution of the analyses used. Nine variation diagrams are also
given for each group.
I T is over twenty years since Nockolds (1954) published calculated average
compositions of a wide variety of igneous rocks. Prior to that the standard
reference for average compositions of igneous rocks had been Daly (1933).
Both of these authors were primarily concerned with delineating specific rock
types in terms of their chemistry but paid no attention to the variability within
each type. Most of their averages were derived from fewer than thirty individual
analyses and in many cases, from less than ten. Since then other averages pub-
lished have been more specific. For example, Green & Poldervaart (1955)
examined the composition of basaltic rocks from a geographical point of view,
while Manson (1967) and Chayes (1969) concerned themselves with the variation
in composition within basalts and andesites, respectively. Unfortunately many
users of averages seem to attach great importance to the individual values with-
out any particular concern for the amount of variability that such rock types
might be expected to show. It is hoped that this paper will make people more
aware of the variability within rock types.
The data used in this paper were extracted from a master file of 26,373 pub-
lished analyses of igneous rocks which forms part of the CLAIR data system
in use at the University of Melbourne and briefly described by Le Maitre (1973).
All the data reductions and computerized plots used are part of the CLAIR
All the diagrams and numerical data are presented in the same manner for
each rock type, in order to aid comparisons.
[Journal of Petrology, Vol. 17, Part 4, pp. 589-637, 1976]
These have been produced on a computer line-printer by the CLAIR system
as density plots which simulate half-tone printing. As a number of points falling
within one cell of the plot increases so the intensity of the characters printed
increases. Up to three over-printings were necessary to produce the five scales
of intensity used. Although the program used has options for four types of
scaling (linear, sine, square root, logarithmic) the square root scale was found
in most cases to give the best visual expression of the distribution of points.
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The linear scale under-emphasizes the peaks of the distribution while the
logarithmic scale over-emphasizes the background. Analyses were only plotted
in the triangular diagrams if the sum of the components was greater than or
equal to 10 per cent or 20 per cent as indicated by the 2 sign associated with
the diagrams. In each diagram the mean position of all those points included
in the diagram is plotted with a heavy circular symbol. It should be noted that
in many diagrams the position of the mean is not the same as the position of
the greatest density of points (the mode of statistics), thus emphasizing the
dangers of using averages in an indiscriminate manner.
This is a total alkali-silica diagram extended to cover the range of all rock
types. The short inclined line is the line of demarcation between the alkali
basalt and tholeiitic basalt fields of Macdonald & Katsura (1964). Although
originally popularized by Tilley (1950) to distinguish between alkali and tholei-
itic basalts the diagram has been used by other authors to cover a wide range
of rocks (Le Maitre, 1962; Baker, 1969).
This is the QLM diagram as described by Burri (1964). In this diagram M
represents the olivine and ore, P the pyroxene, L the feldspathoid, F the feldspar
and Q the quartz molecules, respectively. Points plotting above the line PF are
oversaturated with respect to silica.
This is a plot similar in concept to the QLM diagram to show the relationship
of normative feldspar and ferromagnesian molecules with silica saturation. As
many compositions have neither normative Q nor normative Ne, Lc, or Kp
many rocks plot on the horizontal line between the left and right apices of the
diagram—a disadvantage that the QLM diagram does not have.
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This is a normative approximation to Streckeisen's (1967) modal classification
of igneous rocks. One of the difficulties of equating the normative and modal
approaches is in allotting normative Ab between alkali feldspar and plagioclase
(Le Maitre, 1976). In this case the ratio of alkali feldspar (Or') to plagioclase
(An') is taken as the ratio of normative Or to An. The normative Ab value is only
used to maintain the correct ratio between total normative feldspar and norm-
ative Q (or Ne+Lc+Kp). Again a disadvantage of this diagram is that many of
the analyses fall on the horizontal line between 'alkali feldspar' and 'plagioclase',
having neither normative Q nor normative Ne, Lc, or Kp.
All the numerical data has been processed by computer and the values then
rounded-off to one, two, or three decimal places. The individual values quoted
may not, therefore, exactly add up to the total given or implied due to these
rounding-off errors.
The left-hand column gives the mean wt. per cent of all those analyses in the
CLAIR file containing separate FeO, Fe2O3, H2O+ and H2O- determinations.
The total number of analyses found for the particular rock name is indicated
against the asterisk sign in the bottom right-hand of the page. The next two
columns give the C.I.P.W. norm and Niggli values of the mean analysis in the
left-hand column. The differentiation index (Thornton & Tuttle, 1960) and
crystallization index (Poldervaart & Parker, 1964) of this mean are given below
the Niggli values.
Under 'Data recalculated to 100 per cent' is given the mean wt. per cent and
standard deviation of all analyses containing separate FeO and Fe2O3 deter-
minations (total number against hash sign in bottom right of page) after the
nine oxides listed have been recalculated to 100 per cent. The mean wt. per cent
analysis has also been recalculated into molecular per cent. The first three
eigenvectors and eigenvalues as per cent and accumulative per cent are also given
for all these recalculated values. The meaning of eigenvectors and eigenvalues
can be found in Le Maitre (1968) or in many texts on statistics, e.g. Davis (1973).
Briefly the first eigenvector is the direction of 'the best straight-line fit' through
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the analyses in n-space and the first eigenvalue is a measure of the spread of
points along that direction. If a single function is required that will optimize the
variability within a particular rock group then one cannot do better than to
choose the first eigenvector. For example, to show best the variability among
a group of andesites, evaluate the expression:
—0-888 SiO 2 +0050 TiO 2 + . . . - 0 0 3 4 Na 2 O-0065 K2O
for each andesite analysis and the values obtained will give the relative position
of the andesites along the first eigenvector.
The eigenvalues are actually the sums of squares of the data points on to
hyperplanes normal to the corresponding eigenvector and passing through the
mean. They are thus indicators of the shape of the distribution of the data
points in space, e.g. spherical, planar, elongated, which in turn is a function of
the factors controlling the variability.
The geographical distribution of the analyses are given for all analyses in
the CLAIR file and the total number is given against the dagger sign in the
bottom right-hand corner of this page. For the purposes of this paper the world
is divided as shown in Fig. 1.
The number of references given in the bottom left-hand corner of the page
refers to the total number of individual references from which the analyses were
Fio. 1. Location of boundaries used to describe the geographical distribution of analyses in each set of averages.
Order ofpresentation of averages
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6. Syenite 29. Basanite
7. Trachyte 30. Nepheline leucite basalt
31. Nephelinite
8. Granite 32. Tephrite
9. Rhyolite
10. Adamellite 33. Anorthosite
11. Granodiorite 34. Websterite
12. Rhyodacite 35. Pyroxenite
13. Dacite 36. Lherzolite
14. Tonalite 37. peridotite
15. Diorite 38. Harzburgite
16. Andesite 39. Dunite
17. Monzonite
18. Latite
19. Trachyandesite
20. Mugearite
21. Trachybasalt
22. Hawaiite
In one sense then, this presentation must have a minimum number of dis-
satisfied customers!
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be largely arbitrary as there appear to be no genuine minima in any of the
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normative types until it has been conclusively shown that the ferromagnesian
minerals in andesites are never Ne normative.
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nephelinite (No. 31) particularly in the FMA triangle. Although the tephrite
(No. 32) and basanite (No. 29) analyses somewhat overlap, their normative
feldspar compositions do generally behave as they ought to, with the basanites
being somewhat more plagioclase-rich and the tephrites more alkali feldspar-
rich. However, there seems to be very little difference between the nephelinite
(No. 31) and nepheline, leucite basalt (No. 30) analyses probably due to the
confusion that has existed in the nomenclature of these rocks (see Streckeisen
(1967), p. 187-8).
This study was made possible by a grant from the Australian Research Grants
Committee. Many thanks are due to Mrs. S. Monahan, Miss B. Edwards, Mrs.
K. Mehre, and Miss H. Johns who patiently accumulated the CLAIR master
file; to Dr. A. Cundari and A. K. Ferguson for discussions involving the format
of the presentation; to Professor J. F. Lovering and Professor K. Yagi for
critically reviewing the manuscript; to Mr. L. J. Course, Department of Fine
Arts, University of Melbourne for discussions involving the theory of half-tone
printing and photographic techniques for the production of the diagrams; to
Mrs. Gwen Waterman for patiently typing the tables and to Mr. Don Campbell
for producing the diagrams in their final form.
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