Battle Report - The Black Gate Opens
Battle Report - The Black Gate Opens
Battle Report - The Black Gate Opens
DESCRIPTION Black Gates of Mordor and there make Knights of Minas Tirith, 8 Riders of
Sauron's siege of Minas Tirith has been their stand. Though small in number, Rohan, 8 Warriors of Rohan with
shattered and his chief lieutenant, the Gandalf reasons that there are enough of throwing spears and shield, 3 Rohan
Witch-king of Angrnar, slain. As the Dark the Free Peoples' mightiest Heroes to Royal Guard with throwing spear, 4
Lord plans the next phase of his war, tempt Sauron into open battle and thus Rangers of Gondor with bow, Gwaíhir,
Gandalf counsels the Free Peoples to take divert his eye from the efforts of Frodo Landroval and Meneldor. 1 Warrior of
the initiative away from their foe. All and Sam. Minas Tirith and 1 Knight of Minas
now rests in the hands of the Ring-bearer, Tirith may be given a banner.
for Sauron cannot be overthrown by On the Good side is Aragorn (wearing On the Evil side are 2 Ringwraiths on
armed might alone. Only through the heavy armour and carrying Anduril), Fell Beasts, 1 Uruk-hai Captain, 2 are
destruction of the One Ring can his Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf the White, Captains, 2 Easterling Captains, 36 Orcs
power be truly undone. Gandalf''s plan is Pippin, Elladan, Elrohir, Éomer, (12 with shield, 12 with spear, 6 with
a daring but uncertain, even foolhardy, Gamling, 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith (4 bow and 6 with two-handed weapons), 14
one. The great Captains of the West will with spear and shield, 4 with bow and 4 Mordor Uruk-hai (7 with two-handed
lead a mere handful of troops to the with shield), 4 Fountain Court Guard, 4 weapons), 22 Easterlings (11 with shield
and spear and Il with shield), 8 Warg
Riders (4 with throwing spear and 4 with 72"/180cm
Ore bow) and 2 Cave Trolls. 2 >,0.1
~~, t¡!~
Easterlings and 2 Orcs may be given a
~- -_ . . . _ . . . -'.,l~:,
I ','
o .' i; ..,; "'" Ii ,~
If you want to play this game with other I
warriors choose at least 1,500 points for
I .
both sides. No more than a third (33%) '~'o
II '" .
and dead trees. : .o~~ ,
I ',' ,~ I
Winning priority for the first time, the
Good side prepared to make the most of
this advantage. However, before they
could begin, the Ringwraith
accompanying the Orcs took to the sky,
silently beckoning his minions forwards.
The mighty Eagle, Meneldor, swooped
down upon the Ri,ngwrai¢, forcing him
to ground. The Black Ridllr"landed only a
few yards from his original 'Position.
However, the Orcs who were guarding
the Nazgûl were still in a position to
protect it from the other Eagles.
Meneldor was locked in battle with one
of the Nine, with no chance of aid! .
The forces of Good ploughed into the
Orcs on the northern side of the
battlefield once more. Éomer led the
charge into the Uruk-hal of Cirith Ungol,
but the forces of, Rohan were being
slowly depleted, Some of the Riders of
Rohan with b,çíws tookup positions on
the nearest hì1l,decidihg'that the centaal
force of Orcs, Trolls and Uruk-bai were
now getting too close fer comfort.
Meanwhile, the Heroes àndtht;ir infantry
raced towards the Easterlings on the
southern edge of the báttlefield. Again,
Gandalf summoned a Sorcerous Blast;
again causing confusion in their tightly-
packed ranks. This time two East~rling's
were felled by the force of the blow, and
four others were scattered ,to 'the ground,
Legolas added to the Easterlings' woes
by loosing a volley of arrows at their ,
battle lines, slaying one of the Standard
Bearers, however another of their number
quickly stepped forward to raise aloft the
pennant. All of the Warriors of Rohan on
foot stepped forwards and threw their
throwing spears into the Easterlings, but
only one struck true, as the rest were
deflected by the tall shields of these
resilient warriors. The Riders of Rohan
on the hill sent a hail of arrows towards
one of the Cave Trolls, but failed to harm
the thick-skinned brute, T'he Evil side
responded by volley-firing at the Riders,
killing the horse from beneath one of
them, leaving him on foot.
As the vicious mêlée to the north raged
on, Landroval was badly wOUn~by his
= --::, 117
With shooting proving ineffectual for both was knocked to the ground by the winged
sides, battle commenced once more. brute and was wounded several times by
Garnling and Éomer managed to slay only the Captain and the Ringwraith.
a single Ore between them, while the However, by strength of will and plain
accompanying Knight of Minas Tirith luck the Elven Prince survived the
was felled in return. Gwaihir fared far onsl~ught. In the main fight, despite their
better, ripping asunder one of the Warg best efforts, the Warriors of Rohan and
Riders who dared assault him, sending the the Easterlings appeared deadlocked. To
others reeling. the north, the Free Peoples fared much
better, almost wiping out the Orcs and
Uruk-hai that stood before them. Gwaihir
Mark's force had yet to make an
killed the Ore he was fighting, finally
impact in the game, with his Trolls and
leaving the Eagles free to move to where
Orcs seemingly floundering out of
position. However, now that Rowland they were needed most.
had successfully tied up Rob's cavalry
force and Mark (Bedford) andMat's
Standard Bearers played a huge prut in
Heroes were almost on top of Darron's
the fighting this turn. 'The losses on the
Easterlings, the plan became clear.
Good side would have been
Rowland's Nazgûl and half of Darron's
horrendous were it not for the
Ore enemies. Slowly being worn down Easterlings joined Mark's Orcs in the
invaluable re-rolls, which saw most of
by greater numbers, the noble bird of centre, looking decidedly scary and
the Warriors of Rohan win their fights
prey was close to death. Meneldor fared preparing to bear down on the Good
despite rolling lower originally. Darron
little better and was beaten back by the Heroes en masse!
felt duly robbed of a glorious victory
Nazzûl's unnatural mount, his flesh torn as his Easterlings, despite
by the Fell Beast's mighty jaw~. In the outnumbering Mat's Warriors of
nearby fighting, Garnling and Eomer TURN 6 Rohan by two to one, failed to inflict a
united to fell two Uruk-hai Warriors and Realising that the Good infantry would single wound. Only the Easterling
the Uruk-hai Captain, but again the be engaging the Easterlings in combat at Captain succeeded, using all his Might
weight of numbers on the Evil side meant the earliest opportunity, the Ringwraith to call a heroic fight, kill two Rohirrirn
that a Knight of Minas Tirith was slain. accotnpanying them decided to limit their and then wound Elrohir twice! The Elf
options as much as possible by trying to hung on by the skin of his teeth, as
TURN 5 kill at least one of their most powerful Mat used all his Fate and Might to
This time it was the Evil side who took take only a single wound!
Heroes. However, the Black Rider's
the initiative. However, sensing what was
plans were cut short as the bold Hobbit,
to come, Gandalf darted forth and cast a
Pippin, led a pre-emptive charge that saw
crushing .Sorcerous Blast at the TURN 7
the Warriors of Rohan engage the Although the Good side took the priority,
Easterlings once more. This time only a
Easterling ranks. The Warriors of Minas the second Easterling Captain cried
single warrior of the east was slain. On
Tirith also raced forwards to help their "With Me!" to try to get his Men into
the northern side, Gamling also pre-
Rohirrim cousins. Summoning the dark position. However, his efforts were
empted his foes' manoeuvres, and was
powers to avail him, the Nazgûl immediately countered by Aragorn, who
followed by Éomer and one of the
Transfixed Elrohir and charged into the ordered the Rohirrirn and the Warriors of
Knights of Minas Tirith as they again
son of Elrond. The Elven Prince WaS Minas Tirith to press the attack into the
charged into the midst of the remnant
powerless to stop the magical power of Easterling formation. Realising that the
the Ringwraith and stood rooted to. the Ringwraith could be a more serious
The Evil side had bided their time long spot as the black shadow of the Fell threat than he had first imagined, Gandalf
enough, and now made their gambit. Beast loomed upon him. The rest of the the White engaged in a battle of wills
Transfixing the weakened Éomer with a Easterlings crashed into the Warriors of with the Black Rider to attempt to
hissed word of power, the Nazgûl took Rohan, determined to put a halt to the Immobilise it. The Nazgûl, stronger in its
flight, leaving behind the troublesome Good side's run of fortune. To the north, native realm, resisted Gandalf's efforts.
Eagles and heading towards the central Garnling, Éomer and the Royal Guard of To the north, the Riders of Rohan, the
group of Trolls and Orcs with but a single Rohan sallied forth to finish off the Royal Guard, Éomer and Gamling began
purpose - to destroy Aragorn! To aid the remnants of Orcs and Uruk-hai. to ride towards the central mass of Orcs,
escape of their lord, the Warg Riders who
The Riders of Rohan on the hill to the praying that they were not too late to stop
had been skirting around the flanks of the
north again took aim at the large mass of the Evil side's plan. Gwaihir charged into
combat raced forwards and leapt at
Orcs in the centre, slaying one of the foul two Warg Riders, but was countercharged
Gwaihir before the lord of Eagles could
servants of Sauron. Legolas lent his bow by a third, trapping the lord of Eagles.
take off and pursue. The majority of the
to the volley, picking off another Orco The Ringwraith, seeing that Elrohir was
Easterlings, along with their Ringwraith
attempting to stay out of the fighting due
master, also changed course and headed As the mêlée began, the Easterling
to his heinous wounds, took to the air and
towards the central force. The Evil side Captain led by example. With an
managed to land beside him, singling him
was regrouping in the middle of the battle, almighty battle-cry he cleaved the two
out for another brutal attack.
seemingly to attack one side or another. Rohirrirn he was fighting in twain, before
The Good infantry still looked strong, but racing forwards and leaping at Elrohir. Landroval and Meneldor swooped towards
it remained to be seen if it could stand up The Transfixed Elf was now facing a the Ore archers who had spent the battle
to two-thirds of the Evil army alone! Captain as well as a Fell Beast. Elrohir harassing the Rider of Rohan. The Orcs
turned their attentions to the Eagles, roared an oath in Elvish and prepared to The Uruk-hai who had suffered defeat
hitting them an unprecedented number of exact revenge. Elsewhere, Gwaihir was earlier at the hands of the Warriors of
times, but failing to get through their outnumbered by the brutal Wargs and was Minas Tirith made up for it now. Swarming
feathered hides, which seemed like wounded by their vicious attacks. around the rocks towards their enemies, the
armour against the crudely-made Ore Uruks began to cleave through the Men, as
bows. TURN 8 the Mardor Orcs accompanyingthem
Evil gained priority and put their fell began to aid the Easterlings in killing the
The fighting began in earnest, as the first machinations into action. The bulk of the
wave of the central mass of Orcs had Warriors of Rohan. Even the noble
Orcs and Uruk-hai ploughed into the Fountain Guard seemed unable to make a
finally caught up with the Good infantry.
Good infantry, locking them in combat so difference, as the second Ringwraìth
Two Wan;iors of Rohan fell, but the .
that they were powerless to stop the intercepted them - their Mithril helms and
Warriors of Minas Tirith proved harder to
cunning plan, Both Ringwraiths turned heavy armour proving no defence against
crack, as they struck down three of their
their attentions to the King of Men, the rending maw of the Fell Beast. Elladan
Uruk-hai foes. The Ringwraith decided to
Aragarn Elessar, and attempted to faced off against the other Nazgû1.His
make an example of Elrohir, drawing his Compel him. The first Nazgûl failed to
sword and fighting 'him in martial co~bat consummate skill with the Elven blades
overcome Aragorn's strength of will, but shone through, as he transformedinto a
rather than with fell sorcery. However, the second succeeded. Aragorn's limbs
already badly wounded and drained, whirl of darting steel. The Ringwraith stood
moved against his will and he found no chance, and was slain outright.
Elrohir could not put up a strong fight, himself running headlong into a Cave
and was slain by the slashing talons of the Troll! Every Ore and Easterling nearby Aragarn was powerless to resist·the
Fell Beast. Seeing hi", brother fall, Elladan ' piled into the beleaguered King, adding power of his assailants, and.was
to his woes, while the unengaged subjected to a flurry of blows from the
"- Easterlings formed a wall of steel so that Cave Troll and the Easterlings. However,
The Cirith Ungol Uruk-hai had finally none could aid him. All the Good Heroes a mighty foe such as King Elessar should
reached the figlìting, but were unable who were able charged into the fray, never be underestimated. Aragarn
to get into a decent position. Mat had withstood the assault and survived ...
trying their best to clear a path to King
placed his Warriors of Minas Tirith barely!
Elessar. However, Elrond's son, Elladan,
behinda line of jagged rocks, which
had other concerns on his mind. Finding
counted as a defendable barrier.This TURN 9
gave his troops a level p1aying field, as a path through to his brother's killer, he
Demoralised by their failure to slay
the Uruks were unable to use multiple prepared to exact vengeance upon the Aragarn and with their force close to
fights to crush the Gondortans. .
. Ringwraith.
breaking point, the Evil force visibly
shrank back as the Good side won priority, Gwaihir was the first to fall in what looked forces of the Dark Lord. Gandalf
spurred on by their wish to save Aragom. like the most decisive round of mêlée yet. smashed aside the Easterling Captain
Gwaihir, having broken free of his Warg The noble Eagle was surrounded by the with a thunderous Sorcerous Blast, while
assailants, swooped down on the Ore bow Ore archers and stabbed to death. In the Legolas and Gimli launched headlong
men to the west. The other Eagles flew as central combat the Mordor Orcs began to into the Orcs, closely followed by the rest
swiftly as they could towards Aragom, but run out of steam, being hewn left and right of the Good warriors. Every Ore that was
could not quite reach him. Aragom was by the Gondorians and Rohirrirn. The unengaged fled the battle due to the loss
unable to escape the Evil warriors Easterlings, too, felt the wrath of the Free of their comrades.
surrounding him, so he trusted to Anduril Peoples, as Gandalf, Elladan, Girnli and As the fighting commenced, it soon
and charged into the Cave Troll. Éomer even Pippin fought with renewed vigour, became apparent that the backbone of the
and Gamling, accompanied by the Riders realising that the end may indeed be near. Evil force had been broken. Orcs were
of Rohan, caught up with the main prong In return, two Rangers of Gondor were slain in droves, with only the Uruk-hai
of the assault, and crashed into the Orcs felled by Easterlings and even Legolas was and Easterlings maintaining their
and Uruks. All the Evil warriors who were wounded by an Easterling Captain. Finally, discipline. Éomer's Riders demolished
able charged into the Good Heroes on foot. all eyes turned to Aragom's plight. their Ore opponents, although the
Surrounded and pinned by a Troll and half- Marshall of the Riddermark was
It looked like Aragorn was doomed a-dozen Orcs and Easterlings, King Elessar wounded by the second Cave Troll.
to die this turn, and the hopes of the was bested. As he fell into the dirt, the Though pockets of the Evil force fought
Free Peoples with him. However, hearts of the Free Peoples sank. However, on, it became apparent that the battle was
against all odds, the King of Men through the despair of losing their King, effectively over.
survived. Aragorn's impressive hope shone through, as the Evil force was
statistics make him a game-winning THE RESULT
broken. The remaining Nazgûl faded into
model. Darron's tactic of oblivion as the combat took its toll and its Despite a hard-fought, bitter game, the
compelling Aragorn into the waiting physical form was .lost. Courage drained result was a Draw. The Good side was
horde was a sound one and probably from the craven Orcs as they looked about remarkably close to being broken itself,
would have succeeded if one of the and realised that their army was but a but with the deaths of most of the Evil
Ringwraiths had also charged into shadow of its former self. If the Evil side Heroes, the forces of darkness simply did
combat. As it happened, the was to be victorious this day, then they not have the killing power to inflict the
Ringwraiths were just too far out of would have to strike now ... required casualties. Had Aragorn not
position, and Aragorn clung on to fallen to the underhand trap set by the
life - but now he had no Fate and TURN lO - CONCLUSION Ringwraiths, then the Free Peoples may
no store of Might! The Good army seized the initiative and well have scored a resounding victory.
began to push one last time into the
Conclusions - The Forces of Good
Mark Bedford: That Rob Wood: Mmmm ... Matthew Ward: I will
was some battle. Hard and it was all going so now go down in history
fought from both sides, well. Right from the as the first person to lose
with superbly painted outset we had them Aragarn in a battle report
figures on well-made under control, the - a dubious honour. How
terrain (what more could cavalry surged forward, did I manage such a feat?
a gamer ask for ... well engaged the enemy and I'm afraid it was a case of
apart from total victory). I was very slowly whittled them down. The extra speed being vital and haste being fatal. In
pleased with how my forces worked. Might from the Royal Standard meant hindsight, it's easy to see that I took the
Gandalf managed to cast most of his that time and time again I was able to second option - Aragarn charged boldly
spells to great effect (ahhh, those poor plough back into the ranks of the Orcs. towards the largest foe he could find and
Easterlings). I also thought that taking the However I think that having to whittle promptly got pounced on by half of the
fight to the enemy was the correct tactic, them down for so long meant that the Evil army. I can only assume that I
that way we could kill them in separate much needed relief for the infantry came should not, in fact, have paid attention to
groups rather than allowing them to form just a little too late and Aragarn was cut the sibilant voices that assured me that
up into one solid, unstoppable horde (a down in the fray before they could make my tactics were sound ones ...
tactic I usually use with my own Evil a difference to the Free Peoples' line. A Other than that, things went rather well
forces). The only problem was that charge from even a few cavalry models with Rob's Rohirrim chopping the Orcs
during the heat of battle Heroes can can make a big difference in this game into little kibbles left right and centre
sometimes be too courageous for their and perhaps I should have left the Orcs at several turns before our main force
own good - Aragom does like to lead by the north edge of the table just a few arrived in combat - an exceptional and
example, after all - but this time he stuck turns earlier instead of waiting to kill heroic performance that managed to
his neck out too far ... every last one - and I thought greed was gamer us a draw...
only for the Evil ones!