MEC77 - A Shadow in The East

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In the East there was a dull red glare under the lowering Component Overview

cloud: it was not the red of dawn. Across the tumbled lands
m 1: between, the mountains of the Ephel Duath frowned at them, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - A Shadow in the
East expansion includes the following components:
m If black and shapeless below where night lay thick and did not
i pass away, above with jagged tops and edges outlined hard • This rules insert
m\«i§\ |; and menacing against the fiery glow.
.vn • 156 cards, consisting of:
The Two Towers
• 2 Hero Cards ( 1 is double-sided )
Welcome to A Shadow in the East, an expansion to The Lord • 29 Player Cards ( 1 is double-sided )
of the Rings: The Card Game. This expansion explores the
largely unknown lands of Rhun and a people who live too • 115 Encounter Cards
near the shadow of Mordor. Three original scenarios take • 10 Quest Cards
the players on a journey down The River Running, into
I Dorwinion , and under the Hills of Rhun .
Web Resources
There is an online tutorial for the game available at /lotr-tutorial
You can enter and track your plays and scores of these
scenarios and others online through The Lord of the Rings:
The Card Game Quest Log at

Expansion Symbol
The cards in the A Shadow in the East expansion can be
identified by this symbol before each card 's collector number
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Jiules 8? New Xerms Smeacjol / Gollum

Included in A Shadow in the East is a unique, double-sided
Immune to player card effects” hero / enemy card: Smeagol / Gollum. Each side of this card
Cards with the text ‘Immune to player card effects" ignore represents a different aspect of the iconic character: Smeagol
the effects of all player cards. Additionally cards that arc
, is a hero who wants to see Sauron defeated, but Gollum is
immune to player card effects cannot be chosen as targets of an enemy who seeks revenge against those who stole his
player card effects “ precious” . Smeagol cannot be chosen as a starting hero when
playing saga expansions or the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle
Contracts When a player selects Smeagol as a starting hero, he must
Contract is a new player card type introduced in the A shuffle two copies of the treachery card “ Stinker” into the
Shadow in the East expansion . Contract cards can represent encounter deck. The “ when revealed” effect on Stinker will
a literal contract like the one Bilbo signed with the Dwarves cause Smeagol to be flipped over to Gollum . When this
before joining their quest for Erebor, or they can represent happens, the Smeagol hero leaves play and the Gollum enemy
a social contract like the bond of trust shared by all nine enters play engaged with its owner in the ready position .
members of The Fellowship of the Ring. While Gollum is in play, he engages the first player. When
Contracts count as player cards, but they are never included Gollum is defeated , he is flipped to Smeagol . When this
in a player ’s deck and do not count towards a player ’s happens, the Gollum enemy leaves play and the Smeagol hero
minimum deck size. Instead, each player may choose enters play under its owner ’s control in the exhausted position
one contract to put into play along with his heroes at the
beginning of the game with its “ A ” side faceup. If a contract
places restrictions on the contents of a player ’s deck, those
restrictions must be met in order to choose that contract.


A side quest with an encounter card back is called an

Xhe One Ring 8? Xhe "Master" Xrait ‘'encounter side quest ." An encounter side quest is both a
A Shadow in the East includes a single copy of The One quest card and an encounter card . When an encounter side
Ring. The One Ring is a player card attachment with its own quest is revealed , it is added to the staging area. Because side
unique card frame and its own special rules. quests are quest cards as well as encounter cards, the “ when m.
sf . revealed” effects of side quests cannot be canceled by player
The One Ring has Setup text that instructs you to attach it
to a hero you control . This is done immediately after placing card effects.
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your starting heroes in your play area. If two or more players
have The One Ring in their decks, the first player decides Side Quests in flay II
which player will put his copy of The One Ring into play. While any side quest is in the staging area, it functions like a ps
Each other copy is removed from the game.
quest card with the following exception: when a side quest is
The One Ring is immune to non - Master card effects. Cards defeated, the players do not advance to the next stage of the
with the Master trait represent the power of The Master quest deck. Instead, the side quest is added the victory display.
Ring, and can only be used by the player who controls The
At the beginning of each quest phase, if there are one or more
One Ring. Cards with the Master trait cannot be used when
side quests in the staging area, the first player may choose one
playing saga expansions. to be the “ current quest” until the end of the phase instead of

the quest card that is currently active via the quest deck. While
Indestructible a side quest is the current quest, any progress that the players mm
An enemy with the indestructible keyword cannot be make is placed onto that side quest and any card effects that
destroyed by damage, even when it has damage on it equal target the “ current quest” target that side quest. Progress must
to its hit points. still be placed on the active location before it can be placed
on a side quest. Any progress that is made beyond the current
Areheiy X quest ’s total quest points is discarded ; do not place progress on iftp -

any other quest card in play.

While a card with the archery keyword is in play, players must HU
1 assign damage to characters in play equal to the specified
archery value al the beginning of each combat phase. This SARK
damage can be dealt to characters under any player ’s control ,
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and it can be divided among characters as the players see fit. If
there is a disagreement as to where to assign archery damage,
the first player makes the final decision. If multiple cards with

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m I the archery keyword are in play, the effects are cumulative.

Remember that ® does not block archery damage. 1B IT9
ftIt’s nearly impossible to find your way through this maze of dark tunnels.

* When Revealed : Each player places the top ten cards of his deck facedown * * ' *

Side Quests . under his threat dial ( without looking at them ). When this stage is defeated ,

each player shuffles all cards under his threat dial back into his deck .

I Forced : After a player raises his threat by any amount, he discards the top Spi;

Side quests represent secondary adventures that the heroes I card from under his threat dial.
fOIcfORYlO ! .
may undertake while pursuing the main goals of the quest Ijfn C tlicli Hi' HiTi

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deck . Side quests are never considered to be a part of the quest Example encounter side quest
deck . The top card of the quest deck is called the main quest.”
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Guarded (X) The JUver Running

Guarded ( X ) is an alternate version of the guarded keyword , Difficulty level = 6
where X is one or more card types (such as enemy or
location ). When a card with guarded ( X ) enters play, discard It was late spring and the trees were already blossoming in Dale
cards from the encounter deck until an encounter card when envoys from Dorwinion arrived with an urgent message
with the matching type is discarded . Then add that card to
for King Brand. The city guard escorted the weary travelers to
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’V i; the staging area and attach the guarded ( X ) card to it as a the great keep where they found the King holding court from
guarded objective. Once attached an objective with guarded
upon his wooden throne. Citizens of Dale and nearby Lake -
( X ) works just like an objectiv e with the original guarded town were gathered there seeking audience, and a motley band ;

: of adventurers stood to one side observing what was said . The

mmi keyword . If the encounter deck is empty while resolving
the guarded ( X ) keyword, shuffle the encounter discard pile guards made their way through the crowd and brought the
Dorwinions straight to the foot of Brands throne.
into the encounter deck and finish resolving the guarded ( X )
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. vf keyword . “ Welcomefriends,” said King Brand to the weary Dorwinions. II
I- i “ What brings you here in such haste?”
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Example: During the quest phase, Stephen reveals
Evidence of the Cult (#36). It has the guarded
The Dorwinions bowed, and one of them said, “ A great
darkness has befallen our fair country, my lord.”
: Why
(enemy) keyword, so Stephen places it in the staging
few Pte area and discards cards from the top of the encounter “ People are missing”, said another. “ Whole vineyards go
deck until an enemy is discarded . Then, he adds that untended in the countryside because the workers have
enemy to the staging area and attaches Evidence of disappeared . We fear what these things forebode, but we are
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the Cult to that enemy as a guarded objective. helpless to forestall it; we have no warriors to protect us”.
i ii
“ Alas, that I have none to send thee” the King spoke sadly. “ My

country was this last winter beset by Ores and Dragons, and we
satIf -
recover still . Tm afraid all my warriors are needed here.”
“ Have you no one you can spare, my lord ?” asked one of the
II life
T!« Dorwinions.
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“ Indeed not,” was King Brands grave reply. “ Though I wish that
i it were otherwise.”
I - “ Then I fear that Dorwinion will be consumed by darkness,”
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1 lamented one of the messengers.
m if “ Perhaps not ,” spoke one of the adventurers who stood nearby.
He motioned to his companions. “ My friends and I have rested
here long enough and we stand ready to aid your people .”

im si Walking forward to the foot of the throne, he knelt and

continued: “ We have enjoyed King Brand’s hospitality, and by
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his leave we will journey to Dorwinion to confront the growing
shadow there.” Hi
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The Dorwinions regarded the adventurer with surprise, hut the 7 wouldn' t be too quick to guess what all Easterlings think of
King smiled and spoke. “ My friend , this country owes you and the West or anything else ," chuckled Rutland . “ They come in
your friends a debt that cannot be repaid . I could not ask you to all different kinds , just like you and me. I expect most of them
undertake another journey into danger on my behalf But since would rather live with their neighbors than kill them , though
you do now volunteer, 1 am glad. I can think of no one better sure enough there are some who want blood. But they spend
suited for this task . Go with my blessing and the goodwill of my a fair bit of time fighting amongst themselves from what I
peopled hear. Matter of fact, the merchants we trade with on the river
mentioned once how they were threatened themselves. Seems
The King ordered that a boat be provisioned for the long
some cadre of warriors didn’ t approve of them doing business
journey to Dorwinion , and an oarsman familiar with the
with usd
southern passage of the River Running be assigned to bring the
heroes there safely. 7 should like to meet these merchantsd said the hero. 7 have
never spoken with an Easterling befored
Once underway, the heroes learned much from the oarsman
assigned to them by King Brand . His was named Rutland , and “ You ll get your chance soon enough,” said Rutland . “ We camp

he was a seasoned boatman who made his livelihood ferrying there tonightd
goods up and down the River Running. He told the heroes all
he knew of Dorwinion and its surrounds as the current brought That evening, just before dusk , the oarsman landed their boat
them ever closer. on the eastern shore and led them to the merchants camp.
The Easterlings there greeted the Lakeman like an old friend ,
They re a peaceful people - not much for fighting,” said and they welcomed the adventurers to join them by their fire.
Rutland . “ They prefer making that famous wine of theirs. Its As the sun went down, news and drinks passed freely between
powerful stuff , too. The Elves in Mirkwood cant get enough of them , and before long there was merry laughter too. The heroes
it. Last year I made enough gold from trading with them to buy were enjoying the hospitality of their hosts when there was a
this here boat.” He smiled proudly and patted the oar he was terrible cry, and out of the night charged Easterling warriors
using to steer. brandishing torches. They set fire to the huts and threw their
torches in Rutland’s boat. The oarsman cried out in terror and
“ Yep,” he continued . “ We deal with all kinds: Dorwinions, Elves , was struck down alongside his merchant friend. There was no
Easterlings, and now them Haradrim you brought this spring.”
time to organize a defense and the heroes had no choice but to
What dealings do you have with Easterlings ?” asked one of the flee , so they lifted their injured friend and carried him away
heroes. into the dark night.

Just a little trade,” said the oarsman. “ Some of their merchants “ The River Running’ ’ is played with an encounter deck built
set up camp just north of Dorwinion on the eastern shore of the with all the cards from the following encounter sets: The River
river. We like to stop there on our way to and from the Sea of Running, Riders of Rhun, Easterling Raiders, and Rolling
Rhun to swap goods and news. They’re honest people, even if Plains. These sets are indicated by the following icons:
they seem strange to us.”
That is surprising news,” said the hero with wonder. “ We
thought all Easterlings were our enemies and hated the West.”
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Danger in Dorwinion
Difficulty level = 5 fe; j
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Built upon the shore of the Sea ofRhun , the capital of
HERPES HAVE WON THIS QUEST Dorwinion was at most times a cacaphony of trade: The docks a
were lined with boats from Lake - town, hired hands loaded
The heroes scrambled up the steep embankment on the and unloaded cargo, and mules brayed loudly as they pulled
I WBk . •:
western shore of the River Running. Their feet slipped on the
loose rocks and their tired legs screamed with pain, yet they
heavy carts to and fro. Shouting could also be heard from the
merchant district as sellers peddled their wares to the crowds of
toiled on, determined to reach the summit and escape from people who passed between their stands.
§fj the valley below. When they reached the top, a wide plain But not this day. When the heroes had arrived in Dorwinion ,
A' opened before them, and they collapsed from exhaustion. they found the capital a much quieter place . A shadow of fear
Mi1i I
mmxmm After they caught their breath, the heroes crawled back to hung over the city. People spoke in hushed tones, if they spoke

m the edge of the ravine and looked over the river they had at all. Most of the Dorwinions they met on the street did not
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just crossed. Below, upon the eastern shore they saw the greet them but rather looked down and walked faster. Nearly
11 Easterling warriors who had pursued them. They appeared every home and shop around them was shut tight with windows 9

n to be debating with each other. Some pointed across the river shuttered.
- in the direction the heroes had fled while others shook their Rutland guided them to the home of his cousin, and there a gSSSB
heads and raised their fists. For a tense moment the heroes woman motioned for them to come inside. After the heroes
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feared that these fierce warriors would ford the river and entered her home , she glanced outside before closing the door. as

HH continue the chase, but to their great wonder, the Easterlings

instead turned their horses east and rode away. “ Rutland !” she exclaimed and hugged the Lakeman. When she
mmby saw that her embrace pained him, she looked him over with i
“ Why do they leave?” asked one of the heroes in disbelief. concern, and asked , “ What happened to you ?”
“ Can’t say,” answered Rutland in a pained voice. He “ I was injured by Easterling raiders when they attacked the
coughed and clutched his side. merchant camp,” answered Rutland . “ These brave companions
Ifit Your wound needs attention, ” said the hero, looking at the rescued me.” He motioned to the heroes.
ISE.- injured Lakeman with concern. Their host bowed and said , “ Welcome . I am Niena .”
“ Aye, ” groaned Rutland. “ I ’ve a friend in the city of “ What troubles this place, Niena?” asked one of the heroes.
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Dorwinion who can patch me up. Name s Niena. Her
m 1 i
husband, Torwald, is a cousin of mine. If you can help me “ A hidden evil afflicts our city,” she answered softly. “ Each night
there, they’ll take care of me. people disappear, but no one will speak of it. Those who did i
mm Of course, ” said the hero, helping Rutland to his feet. “ Our
have gone missing themselves. Now everyone looks suspiciously
at their neighbors. We are prisoners to our fear.”
quest is to answer Dorwinion s call for help. We should not

rest again until we reach the city. " “ Do you know who might be responsible?” asked the hero.
Niena looked nervously at the door. “ There are rumors ,” she

said . “ Some say a cult has taken root here in secret , and they
Ill are behind the abductions.

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Can you tell us more about this cult ?’ the hero asked . “ Who
are they? Where do they meet ? not lessen the sting of bctray'al.
ft ! 11 know notf answered Niena . “ It is only a rumor Nobody will ><
That is truer ” her friend agreed. “ Yet my immediate concern
speak of it openly, so nothing is known. Please, help my city! is given to the missing Dominions: Where are they? We have
My husband , Torwald , was one of those who tried uncover the searched out every secret meeting place in this city and still
truth , and he has been gone for weeks now. I fear that he is not found them.”
dead , but I need to know. Will you not help?”
“ You there!” said the hero, pointing at an injured cultist with
i “ We willf declared the hero. He stood and walked toward
her sword. “ Where have you taken them? Speak quickly! ff

the door. Then turning he said , “ We will discover the truth

behind these disapperances, and unmask this cult if they are The cultist clutched his wounded arm and looked wide-eyed
responsible. And if we cannot find your husband , then we shall at the bloodied sword mere inches from his face. “ I - 1 don )
avenge him ” know!” he stammered.
“ You lie! ” shouted the hero. The cultist saw a raging fire in
Danger in Dominion ” is played with an encounter deck built
Math all the cards from the following encounter sets: Danger her eyes and tried to squirm away from her sword, but the
in Dorwinion, Servants of Sauron , City of Rhun , and Under wall was behind him and there was nowhere to go. He raised
Guard. These sets are indicated by the following icons: his good hand and said, “ I don’t know where it is.”
“ Where what is? ”
“ The temple! ” said the cultist. “ The temple where they ve
Hi taken the captives. It’s somewhere in the Hills of Rhun, but !
don’t know where.
“ How did you learn of this temple? Who told you? ”

DO NOT READ “ No one told me. I overheard that one there talking to his
THE FOLLOWING UNTIL THE boss about it. ” The cultist motioned to the dead body at the
hero s feet.
“ So, our defeated foe was himself a servant , ” remarked the
“ Wroth am I to discover that Dorwinions did willingly hero s companion. “ Then the real danger is in the Hills of
consort with the agents ofMordor to terrorize their own Rhun, and our work in Dotwinion remains unfinished. ”
countrymen, ” growled one of the heroes. She stood over the
“ Indeed, ” agreed the hero as she wiped the blood from her
body of her fallen enemy - the leader of the cult responsible
sword. “ Let us hand this cultist over to the local authorities
for abducting Dorwinions and nearly subduing the country
and go ourselves in search of this temple.”
through fear.

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Xhe Xemple of Doom
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Difficulty level = 7
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u It /oo|b the heroes several days to reach the Hills of Rhun, and
-- several more before they found a narrow path that wound
between the ridges and gorges of the hills. On the path were m
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ml m the unmistakable signs of captives being led upwards , so the
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11 heroes followed the trail with redoubled speed and vigil until
at last they found what they sought: A mighty temple carved

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s directly into a sheer rockface.
8§ |§p The entrance to the temple was like the gaping maw of a

ravenous beast, and the jagged pillars that flanked either side
left no doubt in the heroes ’ minds: this was a temple built to
M immm Salmon during the dark years of His reign over Middle-earth
i it » •
m when the Elves and Numenoreans abandoned the lands east
»» of the A nduin to His rule. Rumors of dark rituals and dreadful
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1 m
sacrifices came to the West out of those years, but never any
witnesses. When the Dark Lord was overthrown by the Last
Alliance of Elves and Men, those who worshipped Sauronfled
the wrath of the West, and they hid themselves in dark places
where the High-elves and Sea-kings did not go.
mi But when the power of Mordor arose once more, those who
3 t
still worshipped the dark were drawn back to the land of
1m 3
shadow, and there Sauron fdled them with terrible malice
and vengence against the West. He sent them abroad to lands

m such as Dorwinion to plant fear and sow dissent in the hearts
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of those who might oppose Him. They went here and there

ih whispering shade in the ears of the unwise. Some they won to

their cause with promises of power; others they subdued with
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n threats of violence. In time, they had won nearly all the lands

i of Rhun to their Master s will.

$ m All the while, they met in secret to worship their Dark Lord
and offer up sacrifices to hasten the day of His wrath. So it
was that the heroes found the entrance to the temple guarded.

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A foul reek issued from it.
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“ We cannot enter this way undetected, ” whispered one hero to
MM another. “ If we charge the guards they will surely alert those

W,\ inside, and the captives ' lives will be forfeit. "
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1 “Agreed. ” vcz /V/ the other. " We must search about for another Xhe power of Mordor Deck

way in and enter secretly. A temple this size must have more
II The Power of Mordor deck represents Sauron’s expanding
than one opening.”
influence over Middle-earth. To build The Power of Mordor
Just then a horrible scream echoed out from the temple s black deck when setting up The Temple of Doom , take each card
gate. from “ The Power of Mordor” encounter set and shuffle them
together. This is The Power of Mordor deck. if

We must move quickly, or the Dorwinions will die

i regardless , ” urged the first hero. " See how the sky darkens IS!
above? Evil things take place within. ” Quesf Stages vs. Side Quests M

E "It is the work of Mordor, " agreed the second. " Come, we Some cards in The Temple of Doom reference the number of m

must search for another entrance. ” quest stages in the victory display. Quest stage refers only to rJ -i

the double-sided quest cards that come from the quest deck.
They withdrew from the main gate and climbed down the side Therefore, when calculating the number of quest stages in the 1

i wi ; . j
m of the hill that sloped out of the guards ’ view. There they found victory display count each individual double-sided quest card
i a low cave that led to a deeper tunnel. They lit torches and found there, but do not count side quests in the victory display.
If followed the tunnel as it wound its way beneath the temple of ; mmm •

m The Temple of Doom is played with an encounter deck .

" "

built with all the cards from the following encounter sets: The
i Temple of Doom, Ulchor’s Guard, Twisted Tunnels, Easterling 111 ip
Raiders, and The Power of Mordor. These sets are indicated by 1 IP
the following icons:

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( heyrescued to he none other than
from ( he altar turned out
Menas husband. Torwald. When he heard that his wife was

ft THE FOLLOWING UNTIL THE safe and anxiously awaiting his return, he wept and thanked T'’- Ka- L
HERPES HAVE WON THIS QUEST, the heroes many times 1
HH There were more joyful tears and heartfelt thanks when the S
IT ,
m The heroes fought their way past sewage Easterling warriors heroes arrived in Dominion a week later with their rescued

ill to reach the stone altar just in time to stop a dark figure from
plunging his dagger into the heart of a helpless Dominion
man. The man with the dagger recoiled and hissed at the
captives. Doors and windows wereflung open, and the people
rushed out to be reunited with their loved ones. As husbands ,
! if

*heroes, “ Curse you! Not again!”

His face was scarred and twisted into a hideous fit of rage.
wives , parents and children embraced again for the first time
in months, the dark clouds over Dominion were dispersed
and the sun shone clear again. But in the hearts of the heroes
there lingered a shadow of doom: Ulchor had escaped after
If The heroes froze when they saw it clearly for the first time.
swearing vengeance upon them, and he had displayed new ’

»1 B
“ Alcaron!”
The man laughed, and the noise of it was mocking and cruel.
“ Yes, I was Alcaron, ” he said, “ until you left me for dead in
powers of sorcery in the temple. He was too dangerous to be
allowed to roam freely. The heroes would have to seek him out
in order to finish the job they > started years ago.

y the Morgul Vale. I should have died, but the Nazgiil would not To be continued in “ Wrath and Ruin” the first Adventure
let me. By their craft, I have been restored. No longer do I hide Pack in “ The Vengeance of Mordor” cycle. i
behind the mantle of Alcaron. You face Ulchor, Thane ofNurn

[I !
and servant of Sauron. I will have my vengeance upon you!”

MM Ulchor raised his hand as if to strike, but instead there was a

rush of wind and every torch in the room blew out. Smoke and
fill I•
darkness consumed the temple chamber. The heroes circled
with their backs to one another in order to ward off any attack,
but no blow was struck. MS


A After a few tense moments, one of the heroes spoke: “ He has

fled ” MM

“ Shall we give chase?” asked another. w
-J “ No,” replied the first. “ The Dominions here need our help. I

til We must see to their safe return before we give thought to

Thane Ulchor "


mm “ Very well, ” he replied. “ Let us start with this poor fellow on

the altar. Can someone light a torch? >

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Several torches were lit . The heroes gathered together all the
survivors and led them out of the hideous temple. The man -V

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Game Modes Credits

f The Lord of the Rings: The Card Came is intended for both Expansion Design and Development : Caleb Grace
m casual players and dedicated enthusiasts . To accommodate Proofreaders : Stephen and Lori Redman
" different play styles, three modes of play are available: LCG Manager : Mercedes Opheim
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Easy, Standard, and Nightmare.

Graphic Designer : Neal W. Rasmussen
Easy Mode Graphic Design Coordinator : Joseph D. Olson
Easy mode is ideal for new players and for players who prefer Graphic Design Manager : Chris Hosch
the narrative and cooperative aspects of the game with less
challenge. To play a scenario in Easy mode, simply take the Cover Art : Tomasz Jedruszek
following steps during the setup of any scenario: Art Direction : Deborah Garcia and Tim Flanders
1) Add one resource to each hero’s resource pool. Managing Art Director : Melissa Shetler
Fiction : Caleb Grace
2) Remove any card with the “ difficulty” indicator around its
encounter set icon ( a gold border ) from the current scenario’s Licensing Coordinator : Sherry Anisi
Licensing Manager : Simone Elliott
Visual Creative Director : Brian Schomburg
Production Management : Jason Glawe and Dylan Tierney
Senior Project Manager : John Franz-Wichlacz
Senior Manager of Product Development : Chris Gerber
Executive Game Designer : Corey Konieczka
Some older scenarios (including those in early printings of
the core game) do not have the “ difficulty” indicator icon on Head of Studio : Andrew Navaro
relevant cards their encounter decks. Please visit Special thanks to Nate French to see which cards should be Playtesters : Matt Newman, Jeremy Zwirn, Tony Fanchi, Tyler Parrott.
removed in those scenarios. Mike Strunk , Ryan “ Get it!” Fralich , Sean Switajewski, Jason Svee,
Mike Bogenschutz, Ian Martin, Robert Moran, David Gearhart, Brad
Standard Mode Smith, Mark Bridge, Landon Sommer, Chris Kraft, Jacob Hampton,
Chris Crissey, Mike Foster-Coode, Stephen and Lori Redman, James and
To play a scenario in Standard mode, simply follow the
normal setup instructions for that scenario. Wendy Chandler, and Noah Shreeve.

Nightmare Mode
Players who desire a truly difficult
challenge should consider using the
supplemental “ Nightmare Decks”
(sold separately) for each scenario .
More information about Nightmare
Decks for The Lord of the Rings:
The Card Game can be found at
www. .
life /

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