The Dwarves, or Khazâd in their own speech, were of shorter stature than Elves
and Men and much hardier. Lovers of crafting and mining, they delved deep mountain
halls and were fierce enemies of the Shadow as a whole. They were made by Aulë the Vala
before the Awakening of the Elves and were designed strong to endure, as they were to
come in the days of the power of Melkor. They were stubborn, fast in friendship and enmity,
and suffered toil and hurt of body more heartily. Aulë did not have the power to grant the
seven Dwarf Fathers independent will, however, and after being reprimanded by Ilúvatar
for his lack of patience Aulë prepared to dutifully destroy his creation. Having pity,
Ilúvatar granted them independent life, but not wishing for them to awaken before his own
Children put them to sleep. Aulë separated the Dwarves and scattered them in deep
mountain halls through Middle-earth. They awoke sometime after the Awakening of the
Elves and before the return of the Noldor had established great halls in the Blue Mountains
and at Khazâd-dum in the Misty Mountains, home of Durin’s folk.
The Dwarves of Belegost, known as the Broadbeams, settled beneath Mount Dolmed
in the Blue Mountains before the start of the First Age. They were the finest smiths and
stone-carvers, loving to work in copper and iron more than silver or gold. They were the
first to form chain mail and aided King Thingol in the construction of Menegroth, for which
they were paid with the Nimphelos, a pearl the size of a dove’s egg. In after days their lord
was Azaghâl and they formed a close friendship with the Noldor, praising their gems and
sharing a devotion of Aulë, whom the Dwarves named Mahal. They took part in the
Nirnaeth Arnoediad but refused to take part in the Sack of Doriath and after the War of
Wrath most left to join the growing Dwarf kingdom of Khazad-dûm.
This army may include any models with the Belegost keyword.
Smiths of Great Renown – Belegost models gain +1 Strength on a turn in which they
Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost..…………………………………………….185 Points
Mighty lord of Belegost in the First Age, Azaghâl was waylaid by Orcs while
traveling in East Beleriand but was rescued by Maedhros and the two formed a closed
friendship. In gratitude, Azaghâl gave Maedhros his helm, later to be known as the
Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin. He and his Dwarves joined the Union of Maedhros during the
Nirnaeth Arnoediad and Azaghâl and his Dwarves helped cover the retreat of the Sons of
Fëanor by surrounding the dragon Glaurung. Azaghâl was struck down by the dragon but
with his dying breath drove his knife into Glaurung’s belly, causing him to flee the battle.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 7/4+ 4 8 3 3 7 4* 3 1
Azaghâl’s Knife – Forged in the fires of Belegost, this knife wounded the
dragon Glaurung, causing the beast to flee the battlefield.
At the start of each Fight phase Azaghâl must declare if he is using his axe
or knife. Azaghâl’s knife inflicts half a Monster model’s starting Wounds.
Heroic Actions
Nimphelos………………………………………………………….10 points
If equipped with Nimphelos, Azaghâl may cast Fortify Spirit once per game
automatically without expending a point of Will.
Models equipped with a Khazad Mask cause Terror and add 1 to their
Defense value. In addition, Dragon Fire is resolved at a Strength 6 rather than
a Strength 10 and ignores the Set Ablaze Special Rule.
Special Rules
Iglishmêk – The gesture code used by the Dwarves was one they did not
teach to outsiders and used to great effect on the battlefield.
The range of Heroic Actions With Me! for Dwarf Heroes is extended to 12”
rather than 6”.
Lord of Belegost – Azaghâl’s Stand Fast! is 12” rather than 6” and counts
for Hero and Warrior models. Additionally, he counts as a banner for all
Belegost Dwarf models within 9”.
Stone Hard – Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor,
Aulë made the Dwarves strong to endure, and they withstood fire more
hardily than either Elves or Men.
Dwarf Heroes pass Fate rolls on a 3+ and when wounded by Dragon Fire
only suffer 1 Wound rather than being automatically slain.
Rulers of the Halls of Belegost, these Dwarf lords were mighty smiths and captains
ere the end of the First Age, when most migrated eastwards join the Dwarves of Khazad-
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 6/4+ 4 7 2 3 6 3 2 2
Heroic Actions
Shield……………………………………………………….…..……5 points
Khazad Mask……………………………………………………….10 points
Dolmed Axe – These axes of the Dwarves of Belegost were forged with the
sole purpose of tearing through dragon flesh.
Special Rules
Formed to fight the menace of the Dragons of Morgoth, the Dragon Guard were
made up of the mightiest warriors of Belegost and led by captains of great renown.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 6/4+ 4 7 2 2 6 2 2 1
Heroic Actions
Shield…………………………………………………………..……5 points
Special Rules
Khazâd ai-mênu – The Dwarves are upon you! This battle cry from the
earliest days of the wars of the Dwarves was meant to instill terror in their
The Captains of Belegost and all friendly Belegost Dwarf models within 6”
cause Terror.
These Dwarf captains fearlessly led the hosts of Belegost against many a foe of
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 5/4+ 4 7 2 2 5 2 1 1
Heroic Actions
Heroic March
Shield………………………………………………….………..……5 points
Special Rules
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/4+ 4 6 1 2 4 1 3 1
Two Pickaxes – Belegost Smiths may benefit from Piercing Strike with the
addition of increasing the model’s Strength by 2 rather than 1 if successful.
Special Rules
Magical Powers
Bladewrath – Range 6” on a 4+
Dragon Guard Team……………………………………………………..30 Points
Mighty in battle and well-equipped to fight off the menace of the Dragons of
Morgoth, the Dragon Guard were the Dwarves surest defense against the fire-breathing
Dragon Shield
Mv F S D A W C
5” 5/4+ 4 9 1 1 5
Dragon Spear
Mv F S D A W C
5” 5/4+ 5 7 1 1 5
Dragon Spear – These long spears were made to plunge deep beneath the
scales of dragons.
Special Rules
Mountain Dweller
Dragon Hardened – The Dragon Guard of Belegost will not shy away from
any drake or wyrm, no matter the size.
Tasked with defending the rulers of Belegost, the King’s Guard ever remained by
their lord’s side, whether in battle or on travels abroad.
Mv F S D A W C
5” 5/4+ 3 6 1 1 5
Special Rules
Dwarves of renown, the Warriors of Belegost took part in some of the most famous
battles of the First Age. After the War of Wrath, many journeyed eastwards to swell the
ranks of the other Dwarven Houses with much battle lore.
Mv F S D A W C
5” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 4
Armor of Belegost and axe
Shield……………………………………………………..…………..1 point
Banner……………………………………………………….……..25 points
Khazâd Drum [Dwarf] – The drums of the Dwarves were deep and
booming, used for directing their troops on the battle and sending signals in
the mines.
At the start of the Move phase, a model with a war drum may declare they
are sounding the advance. When this occurs, all friendly Dwarf models
within 12” of the drummer add 3” to their Movement value. Dwarf models
affected may still Charge in that turn.
Mountain Horn – The horns of the Blue Mountain Dwarves were unlike
those of the Elves. These sent out deep and low notes that would reverberate
through the ranks of friend and foe alike.
All friendly Dwarf models on the battlefield gain +1 to their Courage value
and all enemy models on the field suffer -1 to their Courage value. This is
not cumulative with any other Courage modifiers.
Special Rules
Mountain Dweller
Mv F S D A W C
6” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 4
Cloak………………………………………………………………….1 point
Shield……………………………………………………..…………..1 point
Special Rules
Mountain Dweller
Mountain Trade – The traders of the Blue Mountains dealt with many
peoples across Beleriand and Eriador, bringing goods back to their halls
from far and wide.
If one or more Dwarf Road Traders are in an army then the following
Wargear options are available to allied models at the cost listed below.
Models wearing an Elven cloak have the Stalk Unseen Special Rule.
This army may include any models with the Nogrod keyword.
Fierce in Battle – Friendly Nogrod models may re-roll To Wound rolls of 1 when fighting
in close combat.
King of Nogrod……………………………………………………….110 Points
The Kings of Nogrod were mighty Dwarf lords of the First Age. Though unnamed
in The Silmarillion no doubt they took part in the great and at times dark deeds of their
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 6/4+ 4 7 2 3 6 3 2 2
Great Axe – The Great Axes of the Firebeards could cut through the rough
hide of great beasts like few other weapons could.
Heroic Actions
Shield……….………………………………………………………..5 points
This is a two-handed weapon which may use the Bash or Pierce Special
Strikes. In addition, it increases the model’s Strength characteristic by 1
when making Strikes.
Special Rules
Telchar of Nogrod was one of the greatest smiths of Middle-earth, and certainly of
the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains. His works enriched all the peoples of Beleriand in
their fight against Morgoth and included such works as Angrist, Narsil, and the Dragon-
helm of Dor-lómin.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 6/4+ 4 7 2 3 5 2 3 3
Heroic Actions
Shield……….………………………………………………………..5 points
Special Rules
Magical Powers
Captains of the guard of Nogrod ever stood by their lord’s side and were the fiercest
of enemies in combat.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 5/4+ 5 7 2 2 6 2 2 1
Heroic Actions
Special Rules
The captains of the Nogrod armies led their forces in battle with ferocity and pushed
back the Shadow wherever they met it, though succumbing to it towards the end of the age.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 5/4+ 5 7 2 2 5 2 1 1
Heroic Actions
Heroic March
Special Rules
Skilled craftsmen of the Firebeards, the Nogrod Jewelers had skill rivaled only by
that of the Noldor upon their return from Aman. These jewelers were employed often by
the Sindar and their greatest work was by far the Nauglamír.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/4+ 4 6 1 2 4 1 3 1
A Jewel of Nogrod allows the Nogrod player to re-roll Priority once per
game. If there is more than one Nogrod Jeweler in the army, then the player
may re-roll once per Jeweler.
Shield……….………………………………………………………..5 points
Magical Powers
Firebeard Guard…………………..……………………..………………12 Points
The Firebeard Guards were strong and loyal bodyguards of the Lords of Nogrod
and would fight by their sides at all times, defending them to the death.
Mv F S D A W C
5” 5/4+ 4 6 1 1 4
Special Rules
The Dwarves of Nogrod were mighty craftsman and made many great works in the
First Age of the world. However, their deeds in the later days of the age would serve to
strain the relationship between Dwarves and Elves for millennia to come.
Mv F S D A W C
5” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 4
Shield……………………………………………………..…………..1 point
Banner………………………………………………………….…..25 points
Special Rules
Mountain Dweller
The Dwarf Road Traders were those Dwarves of Belegost who often journeyed
westward to the realms of Elves and Men, selling the work of the kin from the Blue
Mountains and bringing back many treasures in return.
Mv F S D A W C
6” 4/4+ 3 6 1 1 4
Cloak………………………………………………………………….1 point
Shield……………………………………………………..…………..1 point
Special Rules
Mountain Dweller
Mountain Trade – The traders of the Blue Mountains dealt with many
peoples across Beleriand and Eriador, bringing goods back to their halls
from far and wide.
If one or more Dwarf Road Traders are in an army then the following
Wargear options are available to allied models at the cost listed below.
Models wearing an Elven cloak have the Stalk Unseen Special Rule.
This army may include any models with the Petty-Dwarf keyword.
Hunted to the Brink – Petty-Dwarf models from this army list gain the Stalk Unseen
Special Rule starting at 3” rather than 6”.
Mîm was one of the last of the Petty-Dwarves and lived with his two sons in Amon
Rûdh during the Wars of Beleriand. He led Túrin to his halls and later fled to Nargothrond
after its destruction where he claimed Finrod's treasure for himself. He was killed there by
Húrin and cursed the treasure of Nargothrond with his dying breath.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/3+ 4 6 2 3 4 3 3 1
Heroic Actions
Shield…….…………………………………………………………..5 points
Special Rules
Magical Powers
Ibun……………………………………………………………………….60 Points
One of the two sons of Mîm, Ibun survived longer than his brother Khîm but died at
some point before his father found Húrin in Nargothrond.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/3+ 4 6 2 2 4 2 2 1
Heroic Actions
Special Rules
Khîm...……………………………………………………………………60 Points
Khîm was one of the sons of Mîm and was killed by a stay arrow into his back from
one of Túrin’s band.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/3+ 4 6 2 2 4 2 2 1
Heroic Actions
Shield…….…………………………………………………………..5 points
Special Rules
The Captains of the Petty-Dwarves were stealthy and usually not strong fighters,
though when cornered they would lash out at their enemies with surprising fierceness.
Mv F S D A W C M W F
5” 4/3+ 4 6 2 2 4 2 1 1
Heroic Actions
Heroic March
Shield…….…………………………………………………………..5 points
Special Rules
Hatred [Elf], Stalk Unseen, Woodland Creature
Scatter to the Wilds – The Petty-Dwarves were driven from their homelands
and hunted to the brink of extinction by the Elves, and the fewer in number
they became the less confident in battle they were.
The Petty-Dwarf Captain suffers a -1 penalty when taking a Courage test for
a Broken force.
The Petty-Dwarves were reclusive and were frequent haunts of the woods of
Beleriand in the days of the chaining of Morgoth. However, by the time of the return of the
Noldor they were a rare sight indeed, especially on the battlefield.
Mv F S D A W C
5” 3/3+ 3 4 1 1 3
Shield…….…………………………………………………………...1 point
Special Rules