Battlefleet Gothic Tactics Cruiser Squadron
Battlefleet Gothic Tactics Cruiser Squadron
Battlefleet Gothic Tactics Cruiser Squadron
Cruiser Squadron Tactics
By Alex Aimette
Half of winning an engagement in Battlefleet Gothic is to know your ships and then translate
this knowledge into a game plan. In this article, Alex Aimette discusses one way of thinking of
your fleet – as organised groups of squadrons that can be structured ahead of the game for
specific tasks in any given scenario.
The use of squadrons is an advanced rule that cruisers. Eldar and Tyranid fleets are so
allows you to combine two to six ships of the different, that I do not feel safe commenting on
same type, either escort, cruiser or battleship. them. The Tyranids seem like they would also
Here, I’m presenting squadron ideas for the benefit from the close support of a cruiser
most common ship available, the cruiser. Not squadron, but until I’ve faced them with the
only is the cruiser the most easily obtained new rules, I will only encourage those players
model, but it is the mainstay of Imperial and of the Hive Mind to try these out and write
Chaos Fleets, and Ork and Eldar fleets as well back!
unless they are only on a raid. A cruiser can
Remember that squadron rules are part of the
take a lot of punishment before it is crippled or
advanced rules section of the BFG rulebook
hulked, and dish out a lot of punishment along
(on p.37), so it is perfectly possible that you
the way. Most battles will be won or lost by
will occasionally play games without using the
your cruisers, not your escorts and battleships.
rules for squadrons. Even without the actual
The use of cruiser squadrons enables you to squadron rules, these ideas will still help you
shoot more effectively, combine ordnance, to mentally organise your ships before you
make command checks more easily, and help fight a battle. I do recommend that you use the
your ships to stay alive under heavy fire. While advanced rules as these give you a lot of
I have only used these tactics with the cruisers interesting options for Battlefleet Gothic.
of my Imperial Fleet, Orar Passage, I believe
they will also work well with Chaos and Ork
1 x Dominator Class
1 x Lunar Class Cruiser
1 x Tyrant Class Cruiser
1 x Dictator Class Cruiser
1 x Lunar Class Cruiser
1 x Gothic Class Cruiser
1 x Dauntless Class
Light Cruiser
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The Cruiser Squadron Formation ships, add one to the centre, being careful to
First, you need to visualise the formation. Set keep the ‘more than 3cm’ distance between all
it up on the table or use the diagram below to five ships.
organise your thoughts.
The front, flank and rear spaces below are to
I usually fight with ship A as the front ship and maximise the firepower of the entire squadron
ship D as the rear ship in a diamond formation, in those fire arcs. This helps you to remember
but you could also fight with a square what the squadron’s capabilities are at any
formation. As you manoeuvre, if you given moment and angle to the enemy. Clarity
continually duplicate all ship movements, the of thought during the engagement can mean
formation will turn anyway and become a the difference between victory and defeat, and
square or diamond in relation to the enemy. this will help you to remember what your
It’s still easier than trying to coordinate several squadrons are supposed to be doing, even in
ships on different courses! If you have a grand the heat of battle. I always write down a small
cruiser, I would put it on the side closest to the diagram of the ships on a flashcard, just like
enemy to take advantage of the larger number below, with the firepower totalled up. This
of shields and hits, letting it soak up damage helps me remember to fire all possible
and spare the cruisers. Since victory points are weapons each turn.
almost always based on ships crippled or
Some important measurements to remember
destroyed, this helps keep your point losses
on the table are:
down. You could also put a battleship between
the squadron and the enemy to soak up enemy 1) A blast marker or average ship
firepower while the squadron unloads massive stand = +/-3cm
amounts of broadsides or ordnance into the 2) Short range for Batteries = 15cm
enemy ships! 3) Bomber move = 20cm
The distances between each ship are marked as 4) Fighter and Torpedo move = 30cm
being greater than 3cm because 3cm is the size
If you keep your ships at the same interval
of a blast marker. Since any blast marker
through a battle, it’s easy to remember
touching your ship’s base takes down a shield,
distances and guess for Nova Cannon range. If
you do not want blast markers to be placed so
your front cruiser fires a Nova Cannon forward
they hit two ships. The distance should be
at 50cm, and your ships are at the proper
about 3.5cm between each ship. You want to
intervals, you know that the rear Nova Cannon
be close together so that ships have good
has a shot of about 59cm, measured from the
battery and lance ranges to enemy vessels past
ship’s base. If your left flank cruiser fires
the opposite flank ship of the formation.
batteries at 5cm to the side, the right flank
You can have three ships or five ships in the cruiser will have a range of about 14cm. It’s
squadron instead. For three ships, simply the same with ordnance. If you want to fire
eliminate one ship; I recommend removing a one torpedo salvo 30cm, you will need for the
flank ship when engaging enemy to flank, and front ship to be 21cm from the target, and then
a front or rear ship when fighting enemy to the the rear cruiser will be 30cm away.
front or rear. This helps prevent just one vessel
being on point and nearest the enemy. For five
at least
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• Suggested Variant •
1 x Mars Class
1 x Dictator Class Cruiser
1 x Gothic Class Cruiser
2 x Dauntless Class
Light Cruiser
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Chaos Cruiser
2 x Murder
Class Cruisers
2 x Carnage
Class Cruisers
Chaos Cruiser
• Suggested Variant •
4 x Carnage
Class Cruisers
victory for Fleet Orar Passage and the Emperor! If you substitute in two Devastation class
cruisers, you would add fifty points but still
It would also be easy to replace the light
only be at 710. For this you would get front
cruiser in either of the above squadrons with
firepower of 24 batteries, flank firepower of 16
an escort squadron serving the same function.
batteries and eight lances, and eight launch
I haven’t used any escorts yet, but I think it’s a
bays all-around.
good option and plan to try it. I have two
squadrons of five that were just recently For the long range squadron, I would group
commissioned, with the first nearly ready for together Murder and Carnage class cruisers.
deployment in our next campaign game. Two of each would give you front firepower of
12 batteries and four lances at 60cm! Flank
Chaos Cruiser Squadrons
firepower would be 20 batteries at 60cm, and
For Chaos cruisers, I would divide my ships
52 batteries at 45cm. This squadron is the
into close attack ships for under 30cm and
perfect raider fleet or fire-support fleet. They
long-range attack ships for 30-60cm. I would
should even be able to take care of Nova
then try and close with the 30cm squadron and
Cannon-armed Imperial vessels, closing with
keep the other one shooting at longer range.
them in a turn or two of quick movement, and
Good ships to squadron for close range
this squadron only costs 700 points. Personally,
fighting would be four Slaughters. At 30cm, this
I am planning to make a Chaos raiding
squadron would have a frontal firepower of 24
squadron dedicated to Tzeentch. This will have
batteries, broadside firepower of 32 batteries
four cruisers and six Idolator escorts.
and eight lances with none to the rear. And
Its express function will be to engage at long
this squadron would only cost 660 points!
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Chaos Cruiser
• Suggested Variant •
4 x Slaughter
Class Cruisers
Ork Cruiser
• 3 x Kill Kroozers
1 x Terror Ship
range, then disengage if enemy ships get too x D6 gunz and 12 heavy gunz, with four launch
close. The cruiser I would pick is the Carnage. bays for all-around attacks. Since the heavy
Four Carnage cruisers have excellent ranged gunz do double hits, this is quite a bit of
fire for only 720 points. The front firepower damage for only 650 points! Again, this will
would be 24 batteries at 60cm, the flank would have to wait for a future article since we’re just
be 40 batteries at 60cm and 64(!) batteries at preparing the Orkies for battle.
45cm. With their excellent speed, this force
should be a severe danger on the table in most
I believe there is a strong reason to use cruiser
scenarios. If it works, I’ll try and report it in a
squadrons. They help you organise your
future article.
thoughts and prepare for a mission. They take
Ork Cruiser Squadron advantage of rules that help you to control
Having recently purchased a small fleet of Orks them with special orders more easily,
to be pirates in the battle for the Bhein Morr concentrate firepower, combine ordnance, and
sub-sector, I thought I’d give an example of keep cripples alive. If you keep fixed distances
their cruiser capabilities. With their ‘-1’ between your ships, it will be easier to guess
leadership modifier, they will need a cruiser multiple Nova Cannon shots, torpedo and
squadron if they want to fight the Imperium! bomber ranges, and protect your ships with
With four cruisers, you get four chances at their your own fighters. In short, this is a tactic that
highest leadership, (an 8). If you combine the astute commander of Imperial, Chaos or
three Kill Kroozers with one Terror Ship, you Ork fleets should consider. Let me know how
end up with front firepower of 4 x D6+2 prow it works for you!
gunz, and 24 heavy gunz. Flank firepower is 4