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Retwall 1

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Address of Project Project No.: 15-0001

Architect Designed: b
Retaining wall RW01

Wall: (Retaining wall RW01) 1800mm retaining height, 190mm thick (No key)
Loads: Surcharge = 5.00kPa, Drained
Footing: 1700mm long (overall), 100mm overhang (behind wall), 400mm deep
Stability: M*o = 20.4kNm < øMr = 26.1kNm OK (0.78)
Sliding: V*slide = 24.9kN > øVr = 16.3kN No Good (1.53)
Moment: M*wall = 11.9kNm, Design factor Фn = 1.0
Bearing: Max. bearing pressure = 32kPa < Allowable = 150kPa OK (0.21)


Retaining height (z) = 1800 mm (= Wall height)

Risk class = B (A),(B),(C) - Moderate damage and loss of service - Table 1.1
Backfill type = 1 Class(1), Class(2), (U)ncontrolled, (I)n-situ - Table 5.1(A)

Soil parameters Wall

Internal friction (ø) = 30 ° (0° ≤ ø ≤ 45°) Wall thickness (t) = 190 mm
Incline (β) = 0 ° (0° ≤ β ≤ 45°) 1 in 0.0 Wall height (wh) = 1800 mm (= Retaining height)
Soil weight (γ) = 18.0 kN/m³ Add'l thickness (tt) = mm (behind wall)
Cohesion (c) = 0 kPa Add'l th. height (whh) = mm (behind wall)
Friction coefficient (μ) = 0.577 Add'l th. on soil side = Y (Y)es,(N)o
Wall Wt (Wwt) = 25 kN/m³
Use passive = Y (Y)es,(N)o
Manual Kp value = 0.00 0 for default Footing
Soil depth to Ignore = 0 mm (for passive) Footing depth (d) = 400 mm
End thickness (d2) = 0 mm (0 = no taper)
Allowable bearing = 150 kPa Footing length (L) = 1600 mm excluding overhang
Overhang (fo) = 100 mm additional to length
Slab overlay (ts) = mm Key depth (key) = 0 mm (sliding only)
Soil overlay (tsl) = mm Key length (klen) = 500 mm
Key position from heel (kpos) = 0 mm (to face)

Design loads - Appendix J - AS4678 & Section 4

Surcharge Min. = 5.0 kPa min. (Table 4.1) Additional Overturning

Surcharge (S) = 5.0 kPa Overturning (Ma) = 0.00 kNm
Water height (hw) = 0 mm (over footing, 0=no water) Thrust (Va) = 0.00 kN
Load factor = 1.50
Earth factor = 1.25 (1.25)
Water pressure = 1.00 (1.00) Ma* = 0.00 kNm
Live load factor = 1.50 (1.50 - 0.0 for stabilising effect) Va* = 0.00 kN
Stabilising = 0.80 AS 4678 - App J (Moment/Thrust about top wall)

Material design factors - Section 5

Φuc = 0.90 c*=c*Φuc = 0 kPa Cl 5.2.1

Φuo = 0.95 ø* = 28.7 ° Cl 5.2.2 ø* = 0.502 rad

Design factor (Φn) = 1.00 Table 5.2

Ka = 0.351 Depth of tension zone = 0 mm
Kp = 2.853 Acting soil height (ha) = 1800 mm

Design Moment in wall (about top of footing, per m of wall)

Pressure Thrust Thrust* Lever arm Mw Mw* Comments

kPa kN/m kN/m mm kNm/m kNm/m (At wall base)
Soil = Ka*γ*ha = 11.36 10.22 12.78 600 6.13 7.67 Max. pressure at base
Water = None = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 Max. pressure at base
Surcharge = Ka*S = 1.75 3.15 4.73 900 2.84 4.26 Uniform pressure dist.
Additional = 0.00 0.00 1800 0.00 0.00
Total 13.38 17.51 8.97 11.93

Total thrust = 13.38 kN/m

Total ult. thrust = 17.51 kN/m
Total moment (Mw) = 8.97 kNm/m
Total ult. moment (Mw*) = 11.93 kNm/m
Total ult. wall moment (Mw/Φn) = 11.93 kNm/m

Overturning (Limit mode U2) (about base of footing, per m of wall)

Depth for rotation (deff) = 400 mm (Footing depth)

Pressure Thrust Thrust* Lever arm Mo Mo* Comments

kPa kN/m kN/m mm kNm/m kNm/m (At footing base)
Soil = Ka*γ*(ha+deff) = 13.88 15.27 19.09 733 11.20 14.00 Max. pressure at base
Water = None = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 Max. pressure at base
Surcharge = Ka*S = 1.75 3.86 5.78 1100 4.24 6.36 Uniform pressure dist.
Additional = 0.00 0.00 2200 0.00 0.00
Total 19.13 24.87 15.44 20.36

Total thrust = 19.13 kN/m

Total ult. thrust = 24.87 kN/m
Total moment (Mo) = 15.44 kNm/m
Total ult. moment (Mo*) = 20.36 kNm/m
Total ult. (Mo*/Φn) = 20.36 kNm/m

Restoring (Limit mode U2) (about base of footing, per m of wall)

Force Lever arm Mr øMr Ecc Mb

kN/m mm kNm/m kNm/m mm kNm/m
Footing = 16.32 850 13.87 11.10 0 0.00
Soil overlay = 0.00 705 0.00 0.00 145 0.00
Slab overlay = 0.00 705 0.00 0.00 145 0.00
Main wall = 8.55 1505 12.87 10.29 -655 -5.60
Lower wall (back) = 0.00 1600 0.00 0.00 -750 0.00 Using Wwt-Soil dentity (γ)
Soil behind wall = 3.24 1650 5.35 4.28 -800 -2.59
Tapered = 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 850 0.00
Key = 0.00 1450 0.00 0.00 -100 0.00
Passive pressure = 0.55 0.44
Total 28.11 32.63 26.11 -8.19

Total force (Wt) = 28.11 kN/m

Total bearing overturning (Mb) = -8.19 kN/m
Total restoring (Mr) = 32.63 kNm/m
Total ult. Restoring (ø*Mr) = 26.11 kNm/m OK (0.78)

Sliding (Limit mode U1)

Sliding (V*slide/Φn) = 24.87 kN/m at base

Passive resistance of footing and key = 4.11 kN/m
Sliding resistance = μ*Wt = 16.22 kN/m
Total resistance (øVr) = 16.26 kN/m No Good (1.53)

Total (Wt) = 28.11 kN/m

Overturning moment (Mot = Mo + Mb) = 7.25 kNm/m
Ecc = Mot / Wt = 258 mm Ecc≤(L+fo)/2, Within kern

Minimum bearing pressure (q.min) = 1 kPa

Maximum bearing pressure (q.max) = 32 kPa OK (0.21)
y= 0 mm

Class - Table 1.1

A - Minimal damage and loss of access
B - Moderate damage and loss of service
C - Significant damage or risk to life

A commonly used value for μ is:
Tan (ø) = 0.577

End thickness:
End thickness allows for a reduced footing depth
at the position where rotation occurs (may also
be affected by the key position)

Key Position:
Min. distance to key from front not to
affect the rotation depth = Key depth/(Tan(ø)-Tan(øb)):
Angle of base øb = 0.0 °
Key position from toe = 1200 mm
Min. position from toe = 0 mm (lesser distance increases the overturning depth)
Max. position from heel = 1200 mm (greater distance increases the overturning depth)

Ignore depth & Kp:

For sliding, change the ignore depth to
ignore the specified top distance of soil
in passive resistance. Kp may be manually
changed for entering a non-zero value also.

Overturning rotation point:

To allow for rotation at centroid of bearing area:
Reduce by = 0 mm
y= 0 mm (refer bearing below)
y/3 = 0 mm

Additional overturning description:

Title =

Additional overturning:
Manually enter for fence loading or
partial surcharge. Provide thrust and moment
about top of the wall (not retaining height).
(Take additional restoring weight by increasing
the wall weight if required)

Set Φ factors to 1:
Factor is 1 = N (Y)es,(N)o
Depth for rotation:
No taper, No key = d (Depth)
Tapered, No key = d2 (Taper depth)
No taper, Key = d + the key depth
Taper, Key = d2 + the key depth
(Where key position effects the overturning depth)

Additional moment:
Additional thrus and moment are at the
top of the footing, therefore are adjusted for
the rotation point.
Mo = Ma + Va*deff

Lever arm:
Lever arm taken from edge of footing.
(Refer to the diagram)

Positive to left side

Take thrust at = B (B)ase, (T)op of footing
Ignore cohesion = Y (Y)es,(N)o

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