Size Reduction

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 To increase the surface area and that lead to increase rate of reaction, Heat transfer and
Mass transfer.
 Decreasing the cost of transport because the sizes become small.
 To plot particle size distribution for material crushed by a jaw crusher and then ground in
a ball mill and to find its mean size.
 Discuss the effect of number of ball and ball diameter on the efficiency of crushing

This experiment has many names such as (Crushing) or (Grinding), it used for reduce the size
of solid materials. The operations of reduce the size of liquid materials called (Automizeration)
and the device that reduced diameter of liquid farinas called (Automizer). Raw materials often
occur in sizes that are too large to be used and, therefore, they must be reduced in size. This
size - reduction operation can be divided into two major categories depending on whether the
material is a solid or a liquid. All depend on the reaction to shearing forces.

Size reduction is major unit operation in industries handling particulate solid. The industries
like mineral dressing, paint, cement, bauxite, pharmaceutical as well as black powder handles
large amount solid materials which need to be grinded to fine size. The equipments usually used
for size reduction are,
1. Cutting machines like knife cutters, slitters, dicers
2. Crushers like jaw crushers, gyratory crushers, etc. Crushers are used for coarse and fine
size reduction.
3. Grinders like hammer mills, rolling-compression mills, tumbling mills, etc. Grinders are
used for intermediate and fine size reduction.
4. Ultrafine grinders like hammer mills, agitated mills, fluid-energy mills, etc.
The basic motive behind performing the size-reduction is to make too large to be used solid
materials usable. It leads to an increase in surface area per unit volume which enhances the rate
of the reaction by allowing more sites for the reaction to take place. Moreover handling of
smaller size particles is much easier as compared to that of bigger particles.
After the crushing process comes the screen analysis, in this process there is a set of screens that
placed on a device in which the vibration and retuation processes are performed and the screen
with a large hole is at the top then the screens are arranged according to their diameter from
largest to smallest.
Jaw crusher: It contain two jaws, one of them is constant, and another is moveable. It used to
crushing coarse particles.
Hammer mill: It is a tweak contain hammers, when the tweak round, the hammers were
working. It used to crushing intermediate particles.
Ball mill: It contain a balls, the volume of balls depended on feed, if the feed was small
quantity, the balls be small. It used to crushing fine particles.


In the mining processes, blasting is the first stage of comminution. Comminution in the mineral
processing plant takes place in a sequence of crushing and grinding (and/or milling). Crushing
reduces particle size of run-of-mine ore to such a level that grinding mill can further grind it
until the mineral and gangue is substantially produced as separate particles.

Crushing is accomplished by compression of the ore against rigid surfaces, or by impact against
surfaces in a constrained motion path.

Grinding (and/or milling, which is a form of grinding) is accomplished by abrasion and impact
of the ore by the free motion of unconnected media such as rods, balls, or pebbles.

Crushing is usually a dry process, and is performed in several stages. Crushers such as; jaw,
gyratory, cone, high pressure roll and impact crushers are available.

Grinding or milling is usually performed wet and dry grinding has limited applications.
However there is an overlapping size area where it is possible to crush or grind the ore.

Tumbling mills for size reduction with either steel rods (rod mills) or balls (ball mills), or sized
ore (AG & SAG mills) as the grinding media used depending upon the size and energy

Stirred mills represent the broad category of mills, steel, ceramic, or rock media. Vertical and
horizontal configurations exist, and because of smaller media sizes, they are far more suitable
for fine grinding applications than ball mills. Stirred mills are claimed to be more energy
efficient (by up to 50%) than conventional ball mills.

This concept is simple to grasp in the case of jaw crushers. During the crushing stroke, a lump
of ore is shattered and during the reverse (opening) stroke, those fragments which are larger
than the discharge gap are retained within the jaws for further crushing. The same types of
process also occurs within gyratory and roll crushers, and it is a particular feature of the
operation of rod mills.

W (g)
Seq. x y (mm) x.y x2
of Screen
1 361.28 0.65446 2.36 1.54452 0.42831
2 78.17 0.1416 1.18 0.16709 0.02005

3 84.01 0.1522 0.212 0.03226 0.02316

4 5.47 0.00991 0.18 0.00178 0.000098

5 5.72 0.01036 0.15 0.00155 0.00011

6 6.65 0.01205 0.106 0.00128 0.000145

7 5.46 0.00989 0.038 0.00038 0.00010
n =7 w =546.76 ∑x =0.9905 ∑y =4.226 ∑x.y =1.749 ∑x2 =0.472

(∑x)2 =0.981
Seq. y (mm) x1
1 2.36 0.639
2 1.18 0.299
3 0.212 0.0202
4 0.18 0.011
5 0.15 0.0023
6 0.106 -0.0104
7 0.038 -0.030









0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Seq. y (mm) Ln x2 x2
1 2.36 0.9447 2.5720
2 1.18 0.7292 2.0734
3 0.212 0.1956 1.2160
4 0.18 0.1447 1.1557
5 0.15 0.0881 1.0921
6 0.106 -0.0199 0.9803
7 0.038 -0.3387 0.7127

*We note that results for equation ( ) be close to experimental results

more than results for equation ( ).
In this experience, one of the important things that must be focused on is that it is an important
experiment in reducing volumes, thus providing ease of transportation and reducing
transportation costs.
What is observed in the experimental calculations is that the mathematical values of the weight
fraction in the experiment are close to the theoretical results when using the formula
( ), while the theoretical results are more remote when using the equation
( ).
 Sinnott, R. K., 2005, Coulson & Richardson s Chemical Engineering Series, Chemical
Engineering Design, Fourth Edition, ButterworthHeinemann An Imprint of Elsevier,
 R. H. Perry, D. Green (eds.): Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook, 6th ed. McGraw-
Hill, New York-Toronto-London, 1984.
 Crushing and Grinding - UNT Digital Library
 FDE412- Experiment II-SIZE Reduction - StuDocu

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