Chemrj 2016 01 04 30 34
Chemrj 2016 01 04 30 34
Chemrj 2016 01 04 30 34
ISSN: 2455-8990
Research Article CODEN(USA): CRJHA5
Determination of Heavy Metals in Soil from Bokkos and Mangu Local Government Areas
of Plateau State, Nigeria
Abstract This study was conducted at Bokkos and Mangu local government areas of plateau state, Nigeria. Soil
sample at varying depth(0 – 10 cm, 10 – 20 cm and 20 - 30 cm)were analyzed for heavy metals. This is to ascertain
the effect of leaching in heavy metals concentration at various soil depths and to understand the phenomenon of
heavy metals accumulation in plants. Soil samples were collected at six different locations (Batura, Mangor, Mbar,
Kirang, Ampang and Bwai) in the two study areas. The samples were digested and analyzed for Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe,
Zn and Pb Using standard procedures. The results showed high concentration of metals analyzed, with highest
concentration of each metal as follows; Cr (2.59 ± 0.81µg/g); Ni (3.60 ± 081µg/g); Zn (1.19 ± 0.68µg/g); Cu (1.92 ±
0.03µg/g); Mn (4.79 ± 0.12µg/g); Fe (52.27 ± 2.81µg/g) and Pb (0.45 ± 0.16µg/g). Among all the metals analyzed,
Fe showed highest concentration while Pb showed the lowest concentration at all depth. The values obtained were
observed to be statistically significant at p˂0.05. All values obtained were above the WHO permissible limit,
therefore the soil of Bokkos and Mangu local government areas were found to be polluted at the time of this study
which may lead to possible contamination of plant cultivated on them.
Nelson J et al Chemistry Research Journal, 2016, 1(4):30-34
mobility of all heavy metals. To increase the mobility of heavy metals, the pH of the soil solution should be lowered.
Indiscriminate anthropogenic activities such as mining on Jos Plateau leads to many part of areas being exposed to
erosion and reduced available arable land for crop production. Toxic metals bio-accumulate in the body via the food
chain. Toxic heavy metals may affect germination, young or old trees stem growth, leaf formation, root growth,
flowering, fruiting, plant growth rate and biomes photosynthesis, transpiration, mineral nutrition and secondary
metabolism. Chemicals come and go but rarely disappear completely from our ecosystem [12].
Nelson J et al Chemistry Research Journal, 2016, 1(4):30-34
Table 3: Mean concentration of heavy metals in µg/g in soil samples at varying dept from Batura study area,
Bokkos LGA, Plateau State.
Depth Cr Ni Zn Cu Mn Pb Fe
0-10cm 0.32a±0.09 1.08a±0.01 0.81a±0.53 0.90a±0.43 4.30a±0.19 12.40a±0.55 0.22a±0.02
b b b b b b
10-20cm 0.39 ±0.01 1.09 ±0.02 1.04 ±0.81 1.04 ±0.66 4.70 ±0.41 14.55 ±1.31 0.23b±0.02
c c c c c
20-30cm 0.46 ±0.05 1.15 ±0.11 1.05 ±0.60 1.53٭±0.79 4.73 ±0.12 16.67 ±1.30 0.30c±0.09
0-10cm 0.02 ±0.02 0.05a± 0.05 0.06a±0.01 0.06a± 0.04 0.13a± 0.02 1.20a± 0.11 0.06a±0.02
b b b b
10-20cm 0.05 ±0.01 0.19 ±1.03 0.09 ±0.03 0.08 ٭±0.01 0.39٭± 0.07 3.11 ± 0.14 0.12b±0.01
c c c c
20-30cm 0.09٭±0.04 0.21 ±0.11 1.04 ±0.08 0.13 ±0.02 0.81 ± 0.51 5.60 ±1.08 0.17٭±0.06
Standard 0.3 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1
Values presented are mean ± SD of replicate date. Within column, paired mean with different alphabets are
statistically significant (p˂0.05). Key: SD ═ Standard Deviation, ═ ٭not significant
Cr = Chromium, Ni = Nickel, Zn = Zinc, Cu = Copper, Mn= Manganese, Fe= Iron, Pb = Lea
Table 4: Mean concentration of heavy metals in µg/g in soil samples at varying depth from Kirang study area,
Mangu LGA, Plateau state, Nigeria.
Depth Cr Ni Zn Cu Mn Fe Pb
0-10cm 0.88a±0.17 1.15a± 0.05 0.20a±0.06 0.29a±0.33 2.01a± 0.96 18.17a±1.78 0.22٭±0.04
10-20cm 1.36b±0.89 b
2.14٭± 0.10 0.23 ± 0.04 0.23b±0.07 2.05b± 1.08 27.08b± 2.23 0.23٭±0.05
20-30cm 2.59c± 0.72 2.20c± 0.09 0.37c±0.11 0.42c±0.07 2.61c± 0.47 42.78c±2.75 0.27c±0.05
0-10cm 0.02 ±0.02 0.05a±0.05 0.06a±0.01 0.06a±0.04 0.13a±0.02 1.20a±0.11 0.06a±0.02
b b b b
10-20cm 0.05 ±0.01 0.19 ±1.03 0.09 ±0.03 0.08٭±0.01 0.39٭±0.07 3.11 ±0.14 0.12b±0.01
c c c c c
20-30cm 0.09٭±0.04 0.21 ±0.11 1.04 ±0.08 0.13 ±0.02 0.81 ±0.51 5.60 ± 1.08 0.17٭±0.06
Standard 0.3 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1
Values presented are mean ± SD. replicate data within column, paired mean with different alphabets are statistically
significant (p˂0.05). Key: SD ═ Standard Deviation, ═ ٭not significant
Cr = Chromium, Ni = Nickel, Zn = Zinc, Cu = Copper, Mn= Manganese, Fe= Iron, Pb = Lead
Table 5: Mean concentration of heavy metals in µg/g in soil samples at varying depth from Ampang study area,
Mangu LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Depth Cr Ni Zn Cu Mn Fe Pb
0-10cm 0.21a±0.08 0.22٭±0.03 0.18a±0.08 0.10a±1.39 1.04a±0.06 5.34a±3.03 0.26a±0.07
b b b b
10-20cm 0.11 ±0.03 1.43٭±0.04 0.19 ±0.06 0.13 ±1.46 1.09 ±0.15 16.44 ±2.18 0.20b±0.01
c c c c
20-30cm 0.30 ± 0.30 1.46٭±0.03 0.21 ±0.04 1.15 ±1.41 1.33 ±0.29 17.58c±3.44 0.19c±0.10
0-10cm 0.02 ±0.02 0.05a±0.05 0.06a±0.01 0.06a±0.04 0.13a±0.02 1.20a±0.11 0.06a±0.02
b b b b
10-20cm 0.05 ±0.01 0.19 ±1.03 0.09 ±0.03 0.08٭±0.01 0.39٭±0.07 3.11 ±0.14 0.12b±0.01
c c c c
20-30cm 0.09٭±0.04 0.21 ±0.11 1.04±0.08 0.13 ±0.02 0.81 ±0.51 5.60 ±1.08 0.17٭±0.06
Table 6: Mean concentration of heavy metals in µg/g in soil samples at varying depth from Bwai study area, Mangu
LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Depth Cr Ni Zn Cu Mn Fe Pb
0-10cm 0.24a±0.26 1.28a±0.56 0.60a±0.76 0.27a±0.42 2.55a±1.32 11.40a± 1.50 0.36a±0.05
b b b b
10-20cm 0.32 ±0.39 2.39 ±1.30 0.74 ±0.72 0.67٭±0.05 2.39٭±1.11 14.74 ± 0.70 0.42b±0.30
c c c c c
20-30cm 0.11٭±0.22 3.60 ±0.81 1.19 ± 0.68 0.43 ±0.54 2.68 ±1.54 19.60 ±1.82 0.27٭±0.04
0-10cm 0.02 ±0.02 0.05a±0.05 0.06a±0.01 0.06a±0.04 0.13a±0.02 1.20a±0.11 0.06a±0.02
Nelson J et al Chemistry Research Journal, 2016, 1(4):30-34
Sample Preparation
Two grams of soil sample was weighed into acid washed glass beaker and was digested by the addition of 20 cm3 of
aqua regia, 10 cm3 of H2O2was added in small portions to avoid any possible overflow leading to loss of materials
from the beaker. The beaker was placed on hot plate and heated at 90 oC for two hours. The sample was filtered out
to separate the insoluble solid from the supernatant liquid. The volume was adjusted to 100 cm 3 with distilled water.
The analysis was carried out using Perkin- Elmer Analyst 300 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).
Data collected was analyzed using (GraphPad InStat 2000).One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
Turkey-Kramer´s Multiple Comparison was used to assess the variation in concentration of heavy metals, cations
and anions exchange capacity among the varieties. Possibilities less than (p<0.05) was considered statistically
significant. Results were express as mean ± standard deviation
This study revealed that, the Concentration of heavy metal in soil samples varies as the depth increase in the order 0-
10cm< 10 – 20cm <20 – 30 cm. It was observed that the concentration of iron in the study areas increases as the
depth of the soil increases, which could be due to leaching. This result is in line with earlier reported work [13]. Due
their bioavailabilty in soil plants tend to absorbed them because they need them for their normal metabolism. Heavy
metals are present in food in very minute quantities; their existence is due to their role in the body metabolism. It has
been established that whatever is taken as food might cause metabolic disturbance if it does not contain the
permissible upper and lower limit of heavy metals. Thus the deficiency and excess of heavy metals (Iron. Zinc and
chromium) may produce undesirable effect [14]. Effect of toxic metals on human health and their interaction with
essential heavy metals may produce serious consequences [15]. It was observed by Uwah et al., (2007);Akan et al,
(2013) [13, 16]. This study showed that, iron (Fe) showed the highest concentration in µg/g at all depths. The
highest concentration of iron in all the soil of the study area was observed in Mbar study area at the depth 20–30 cm.
It was also observed that Batura study area had the lowest concentration of iron.
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