Micro-Teach 2 Revision

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Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: Language Arts-Kindergarten

Concept: Making inferences from a text and identifying key concepts and parts of a book

Standards/Rationale: 110.11(b) Knowledge and skills

(1) Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Print Awareness. Students understand

how English is written and printed. Students are expected to:

(F) hold a book right side up, turn its pages correctly, and know that
reading moves from top to bottom and left to right; and

(G) identify different parts of a book (e.g., front and back covers, title

(4) Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of

texts drawing on useful strategies as needed. Students are expected to:

B) ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud.

Learning Target: Assessment:

The student will identify orally the six parts Oral responses
of a book with 75% accuracy.

Materials: Book- “The Pout-Pout Fish, worksheet, crayons

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will: The student will:

Focus/Mental Set: Answer questions about the parts of the
Read “The Pout-Pout Fish to the students. book and listen to the story as the teacher
Ask students to locate the front cover, back reads.
cover, spine, title, author’s name and
illustrator’s name.
Teacher Input: Listen, ask and answer questions about the
Have students sit on the carpet. Ask parts of a book and the story.
students, “Does anyone know where the
front cover of the book is?” Choose a
student to come up and show the class the
front cover. Repeat this activity asking the
following questions: 1. “Does anyone
know where the back cover of the book
is?” 2.” Does anyone know where the
spine of the book is?” 3.” Does anyone
know me where the title of the book is?” 4.
“What is the person called who wrote the
story?” 5. “Does anyone know where the
author’s name is?” 6. “What is the person
called who drew the pictures in the book?”
7. “Does anyone know where the
illustrator’s name is?” Now ask students
about how to hold a book and where to
begin reading a book. Next, ask students
questions about the story. 8. “Who is the
book about?” 9. “Who helps the pout-pout
fish change?” 10. “How does she help him?
Ask students if they have any questions
about the parts of a book or the story and
answer accordingly. Now, have students
stand up and do their best silly dance.
While standing, ask students, “If you were
a book where would your front cover be?”,
“Where would your back cover be?”,
“Where would your spine be?”, “Where
would your title be?”, “Where would the
author’s and illustrator’s names be
written?”. Now have children sit down.
Call out random words including the parts
of a book and instruct children to clap
twice when they hear a book part. Now
have children stand again and have the
helper for the week (name is on the board)
call out random words including book parts
and ask children to stomp their feet twice
when they hear a book part. Now,
randomly draw names from the name jar on
the desk and instruct children to say a part
of a book when their name is called.
Lastly, review the parts of a book; front
cover, back cover, spine, title, author, and
illustrator by saying them orally and having
children repeat them. Tell students that
next we will be doing two activities; a
worksheet and playing the game Mix-Pair-
Share. Have students return to their seats.
The worksheet and Mix-Pair-Share
question cards can be found in a folder
labeled, The Pout-Pout Fish on teacher’s
desk. The book is beside the folder.

Guided Practice: Listen as the teacher gives instructions for

Pass out the worksheet. Students have coloring the worksheet. Color the
crayons at their desks. Ask student to work worksheet and ask questions.
with a partner at their table to complete
worksheet. On the first picture on the
worksheet have students color the front
cover of the book red, the back cover of the
book blue, and the spine yellow. On the
second picture have students color the title
of the book blue, and on the third picture
have students color the author and
illustrator’s names red.

Independent Practice: Listen to the instructions for the game.

Mix-Pair-Share. Remind students how to Listen to the cues from the teacher and play
play the game. Step #1-When the teacher the game.
says, “Mix” students will mix around the
room. Step #2-When the teacher says,
“Pair” students pair up with person closest
to them and give each other a high five.
Step #3-Tell students who don’t have a
partner to raise their hands to find each
other and pair up. Step #4-the teacher will
ask a question and give students a few
minutes to think. Step #5 Teacher says,
“Share” and students share their answers.
Repeat steps 1-5 until all question cards
have been used.
Lead the game of Mix-Pair-Share. 1.Call
“Mix” and allow the students a few
minutes to move around the room. 2.Call
“Pair” and ask students to pair with the
student closest to them. 3. Read the
question card, give students a few minutes
to think. 4. Pass books out from the stack
on the desk to each pair. 5.Call, “Share”
ask students to share their answers.
Continue to play Mix-Pair-Share repeating
the steps until all question cards have been
read to the class and answers shared.

Closure: Listen for direction and point to the correct

Make sure each student has a book and tell part of the book when asked.
them to point to the correct part of the book
when asked to. Call out the six parts of a
book and let children identify them by
pointing to them each time.

Enrichment: Reteach:



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