Expansion of Liquids

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1. Linear and areal expansions have no significance for a liquid, since shape of liquid depends on
shape of vessel.
2. Liquids do not possess any definite shape and require a container to hold them. Hence only
cubical expansion is considered.
3. For liquids there are two types of cubical expansion
i) Coefficient of apparent expansion (a)
ii) Coefficient of real or absolute expansion (r)
4. Coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid is the ratio of the apparent increase in volume per
1°C rise of temperature to its initial volume.
apparent increase in volume
γa =
original volume x rise in temperatur e

Unit of a : °C1.
5. Coefficient of real expansion is the ratio between real increase in volume per 1°C rise of
temperature and the original volume of the liquid.
real increase in volume V −V
γr = = 2 1
original volume x rise in temperatur e V1 (t2 − t1 )

Unit of r : °C1.
6. r = a + vessel = a+3.
7. If v=+ve and r<v, a=ve, the level decreases continuously when heated.
8. If v=+ve and r=v; a=0, the level will not change when heated.
9. If v=+ve and r>v; a=+ve, the level first falls and then rise when heated.
10. If v=0; r=a, the level will increase continuously when heated.
11. If v=ve, a>r, the level will increase continuously when heated.
12. The real expansion of a liquid does not depend upon the temperature of the container.
13. The apparent expansion of liquid depends on a) initial volume or liquid, b) rise in temperature
c) nature of liquid and d) nature of container.
14. The fraction of the volume of a glass flask that must be filled with mercury so that the volume of
the empty space left may be the same at all temperatures is 1/7.

15. If the same liquid is heated in two different vessels x and y then ( ra ) x + 3α t = ( ra ) y + 3α y

16. In determining γr by Dulong and Pettit’s method, if h0 and ht are heights of liquid is the two limbs
ht − h0
of a U - tube maintained at 0°C and t°C γr = /°C

17. In determining γa by specific gravity bottle method.

Weight of empty bottle = w1g
Weight of (bottle + liquid) = w2g
Weight of (bottle + remaining liquid) = w3g
( w3 − w2 )
γ app = /°C
( w3 − w1 )(t2 − t1 )

Massof the liquid exp elled

γ app =
Massof the remaining liquid × Temp.diff .

m1 − m2
18. If m1 is mass of liquid and m2 is mass of remaining liquid, then γa =
m2 (t2 − t1 )

19. A specific gravity bottle contains m g of liquid of apparent expansion γ at 0°C. if it is heated
γ mt
through t°C, mass of expelled liquid is x=
1+ γ t

20. When a solid substance is immersed in a liquid at 0°C, the loss of weight is w0. Now liquid is
heated to t°C, loss of weight in the substance is wt. Then wt = w0 ⎡⎣1 + ( γ s − γ R ) t ⎤⎦

21. A solid of negligible volume expansion floats in a liquid. At t1°C & t2°C. the fractions f1, f2 of
volumes of the solid remains submerged in the liquid. The coefficient of volume expansion of
a2 − a1
liquid is γ R =
a1t2 − a2t1

22. To keep the volume of empty space in a vessel (volume vg) constant at all temperatures by pouring
certain amount of a liquid of volume vl, the condition is vll=vgg where l=coefficient of
cubical expansion of liquid and g=coefficient of cubical expansion of vessel.
23. The density of a liquid usually decreases when heated. If d1 and d2 are the densities of a liquid at
0°C and t°C respectively, then
dt = ; dt = do (1rt);
1+ γr t

d1 − d 2
γr = /o C
d1t 2 − d 2 t 1

a) When water at 0°C is heated, its volume decreases up to 4°C and from 4°C its volume
increases with the increase of temperature. This peculiar behavior of water is called anomalous
expansion of water.
b) Water has maximum density and minimum volume at 4°C.
c) Hope’s apparatus is used to demonstrate that water has
maximum density at 4°C.
d) Dilatometer is used to prove anomalous expansion of water.
e) Aquatic animals are surviving in cold countries due to the anomalous expansion of water.
f) During winter, in cold countries, even if the temperature falls far below 0°C, the water in the
frozen lakes or seas at the bottom remains at 4°C.
g) When water freezes, it expands and consequently water pipes burst in winter.
h) When water at 4°C is filled to the brim of a beaker, then it over flows when it is either cooled
or heated.
i) Water has positive coefficient of expansion above 4°C and negative coefficient below 4°C.
j) At 4°C the coefficient of expansion of water is zero.


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