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The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted 14 Planetary Gearsets in a Honda?
as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). — by Sean Boyle
Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommenda-
tion by ATRA. 24 HEAVY METAL: 2009 Honda Has Mysterious Noise
GEARS , a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030,
is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed and Won't Shift Intermittently
ten times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written — by Rolly Alvarez
permission of the publisher. GEARS is distributed to members of the transmis-
sion industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe, 28 IN FRONT OF THE FLYWHEEL: Pressure and Vacuum Diagnosis,
and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address
to GEARS in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting GEARS in Part III: Running Compression
care of ATRA.
— by Scott Shotton
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of adver-
tisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising there- 34 UP YOUR BUSINESS: Don't Aspire to Be Great
from against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any
advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause. — by Thom Tschetter
GEARS is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher 38 SUCCESS STRATEGIES: Think About It
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal — by Jim Cathcart
advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes-
sional person should be sought from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted
40 2018 TCRA Event a Rousing Success
by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers.
GEARS also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. GEARS — by Steve Bodofsky
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you 44 ATRA'S POWERTRAIN EXPO 2018 GUIDE
would like to submit an article to GEARS, include background information about
the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want 56 Shop Equipment and Tools Showcase
submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
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Oxnard CA 93030
Phone (805) 604-2000
Fax (805) 604-2006
www.atra.com Casting a Positive Note to the Industry
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GEARS, P.O. Box 16118, — by Lance Wiggins GM 6T70/75 & Ford 6F50/55
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Casting a Positive
Note to the Industry
hen you have a passion You can view the podcasts on
to serve, it tends to YouTube at the ATRA and GEARS
overcome your life in Magazine channel or search
a positive way. Opening the door for Transmission Coaching Podcast on the
someone… letting people go before YouTube™ search bar. You can also
you… asking if there’s anything else download the podcast from iTunes:
you can do for them… it’s these types Simply search Transmission Coaching
of core values that make you who you Podcast in the iTunes™ store. Keep
are. your eye out for the logo.
For me, I’ve always been told With ATRA’s new Virtual
you can’t get anywhere doing nothing; Training and our podcast, we’re going
you have to work at being the best. I to revolutionize your continuing
by Lance Wiggins
don’t consider myself to be the best at education. The opportunity for you to
anything; there’s always someone out get your training on the way home or on
there who’s better. For me, that just your phone is now a reality. Where else,
means I need to push myself to be better or better yet, who else, is putting your
and learn as much as I can. career path first?
I listen to audio books, consistently Your training is important to
get trained by factory courses, and listen ATRA: By the time this article comes
to podcasts. Which brings me to our out, ATRA’s new repair center will
Transmission Coaching Podcast: Just be at your fingertips. You’ll have the
another way to get valuable information opportunity to listen or view the various
with ease. podcasts and, coming soon, a futuristic
ATRA’s Transmission Coaching learning tool to propel you to where you
Podcast is our way of adding want to be in this industry. In episode three, we had special-
information to the industry in an easy- Each podcast will feature guest Thom Tschetter, who’ll be hosting
to-use format. This has been our goal informative and intriguing information a session at this year’s Expo along with
for some time and recently, Virtual regarding our industry — some some other industry veterans. This was
Training has become our path to allow management, others tech, still others a very informative podcast that brought
you to continue your education with just a good, old-fashioned sit-down some interesting business practices to
your time in mind. with industry veterans. life.
The Transmission Coaching Our first episode featured Vanessa There have been a few more and
Podcast, powered by ATRA, is now Velasquez, ATRA events director, and our plan is to bring you a new and
part of our continuing education. Rodger Bland, managing editor for informative podcast every week. If
Sponsored by GEARS Magazine, this GEARS Magazine. We discussed what you’d like to be a part of the podcast
new educational podcast is taking its happens behind the scenes and what it or have some ideas you’d like to share,
first steps into our industry. takes to put the ATRA Powertrain Expo email me at [email protected].
There’s something to be said about together. It’s a great time to be fixing
your time… there’s a value placed on In the second episode, Vanessa and transmissions… so let’s keep fixing
it. We recognize that and have taken I talked about education in our industry transmissions together!
steps to offer you something to listen and what it takes to be a leader…
to during your drive home or in the teaching technicians how to get their
background in your office. training and staying on top of their craft.
The new FordParts.com makes finding the right parts fast and easy. From your desktop, tablet or mobile device.
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hange happens even when you pickups. The 2012-and-
don’t realize it. Change in this earlier applications used
industry is happening quickly an Isuzu T-150 transfer
and that trend will continue for several case, while the 2015-and-
years to come. All too often, you’re later applications use a Magna
expected to repair problems you’ve Powertrain (MP) transfer case.
never seen before, often part of an The transfer cases used in the 2013-
unfamiliar system or component. 2014 applications were manufactured little while. The reason? I’ve been asked
The lack of familiarity and by AAM, better known as American to help diagnose several vehicles that
understanding with the system or Axle Manufacturing, located in were having transfer case issues. Before
component can be frustrating as you Detroit. The AAM transfer case is a we get into the actual issue, let’s take
fight your way through to diagnose and little different from some transfer case a bird’s-eye view of the AAM transfer
repair something you know little or systems, especially when it comes to case.
nothing about. electronic operation and what you can The AAM transfer case is a part-
One such experience deals with a expect to see on your scan tool. time, 2-speed, electronically shifted unit
little-known AAM transfer case system At this point, you may be very similar to some of the New Process
(RPO NQV) used in 2013-2014 GMC wondering why I chose to write about and MP transfer cases used in many
Canyon/Chevrolet Colorado mid-size a transfer case that was only used for a truck applications. The transfer case
4 GEARS June 2018
is controlled by
a standalone transfer
case control module, which is
located behind the glovebox.
The bidirectional shift motor mounts
to the back of the transfer case and controls a mode
and a range fork inside the unit. 4WD low range achieves a
2.62:1 ratio, while high range is 1:1.
As with many other transfer cases, you can make “on
the fly” shifts between 2WD and 4WD, but shifting into
or out of 4WD low range will require that you place the
transmission shifter into neutral, with road speed less than
2 MPH. If the shift fails to occur, the indicator lamp on the
dash-mounted rotary switch will flash for 30 seconds before
lighting the previous range LED.
To shift the transfer case to neutral, rotate and hold the
switch past 4WD low position. With the transmission in
neutral or the clutch pedal depressed, the red, neutral LED
on the switch will light.
To shift the transfer case, you’ll need to rotate the
switch to the desired position. There are several fixed
resistors inside the switch. The TCCM provides five volts to
the switch and simply monitors the voltage drop across the
switch resistors to determine the range the customer desires. Remove the connectors and visually inspect for corrosion.
2.5 V Held
Neutral 4.7–5.3 V 2.3–2.7 V 190º–200º 195º
1.5 V Released
Specifications are just as important.
6 GEARS June 2018
by Jarad Warren
fter a rebuild, Toyota transmis-
sions can have shifting issues
and TCC complaints that drive
you crazy. If you take a few precautions,
you can cut down a lot of the headaches.
Some of the main causes for these
issues trace back to the valve body,
solenoids, and contamination.
For this article, we’re going to talk
about Toyota transmissions as a general
group. Toyota five- and six-speeds have
a lot of common operating components.
The linear style solenoid control
pressure, shifts, and lockup operate
almost identically in each model.
The valve body also has some Example of Solenoid Disassembly Tool Made by Omega Machine & Tool
general issues across the Toyota
transmission group. We’ll point you in Figure 1
the right direction so you know where
to look for wear in these valve bodies. the transmission cooler to get the debris up valves or replace solenoids because
out of it. That works well sometimes. of fine contamination, that’ll cost way
RADIATOR AND Many Toyotas come in with case more than a radiator. Often replacing
TRANSMISSION COOLER wear and planet damage, and most the radiator will eliminate reworks or
When a car comes in with 120,000 come in with TCC converter issues. no-goes on your lift.
miles, we all know some parts are at These different issues cause a lot of
the end of their lives. The radiator is very fine debris that we don’t always SOLENOID ISSUES
one of them. see or get out of the coolers. Solenoid issues can cause line
Over time, the radiator gets This fine debris can cause a lot of pressure, lockup, and shift issues. One
buildup inside the cooling system and headaches, usually when on a road test of the main problems with the solenoids
isn’t able to cool the engine as well as and the transmission gets hot. This is is contamination. The solenoids you
it did when it was new. When the when that fine debris shakes loose from need to clean and inspect most are the
engine is running hotter than normal, the cooler and finds its way into the SLT, SL1, SL2, SL3, and SLU
the transmission runs hotter too. And, valve body and solenoids. solenoids.
as we all know, heat cuts into the life I know what you’re thinking: “We There are a few different tools on
of a transmission. can’t afford to install a new radiator.” the market to take the solenoids apart
The other thing a lot of techs don’t Maybe the better point is, how can you for cleaning. One is by Omega Machine
think about much is the transmission afford not to change the radiator? If and Tool, they offer a tool for the larger
cooler inside the radiator. We all flush you have to remove valve body to free can SLT and SLU solenoids (figure 1).
8 GEARS June 2018
Figure 2
Upper Body 1
Inspect all these
valves for wear
Solenoid or looseness.
Figure 5
Figure 6 Figure 7
Valve body wear is very common,
and Toyota is no exception. Some of
the areas on these valve bodies you
need to check are the lockup relay
valve, TCC control valve, solenoid
regulator valve, boost valve, and the
clutch apply control valves.
On a Toyota A750, lockup issues
are a big problem. Let’s take a look at a
couple areas that need to be repaired
on this valve body (figure 5).
On this valve body, the lockup
relay valve bore is part of the valve
body casting. When this bore wears
(figure 6), you have problems with con-
trol lockup slip, TCC chatters, bump
on shifts, and erratic lockup apply and Example of Sonnax Valve Repair Kit
release. Sonnax and Transgo both have
tools to repair this. The main thing is Figure 8
to address this valve bore and repair it.
The solenoid regulator valve is Always check the boost bushing in and the boost bushings. Follow it up
almost always worn on Toyota Toyotas. They love to stick and wear with a good clean rebuild and replace
transmissions. You’ll need to inspect and cause all kinds of issues with the the radiator.
the valve bore for wear and repair it. pressure regulator boost valve, lockup Address these few areas on your
Sonnax and Transgo both have simple valve, and the clutch boost bushing Toyota rebuilds and your Toyota
repairs for this bore (figure 7). Most of (figure 8). headaches will be reduced dramatically.
the repairs are drop-in parts and The procedure is simple for
require no special tools. If the oil to the Toyotas: Clean or replace the linear-
solenoids isn’t correct, the solenoids style solenoids, along with repairing
can’t operate correctly. That’s why this worn areas in the valve body at the
bore needs your attention. solenoid regulator, TCC relay valve,
GEARS June 2018 13
n 2013, when I presented the Honda
6-speed at Expo in Washington,
D.C., I speculated that Honda was
pushing their traditional helical gearset
design to the max. Their 6-speed
transmission weighs about 250 lbs
without fluid, it’s about 15.5” long, and
it has a whopping five shafts to deliver
six speeds and reverse.
With the competition moving to
eight and nine speeds, something had
to give. Well, Honda engineers haven’t
been resting on their laurels. In recent
years, Honda has engineered new
CVTs for their smaller vehicles and
the 4-cylinder Accord, a dual clutch
transmission (DCT) 7-speed for the
Acura RLX hybrid, and an 8-speed Figure 1
DCT fitted into the Acura ILX and
TLX models.
The DCT8 transmission is covered
in the Oct/Nov 2017 and Jan/Feb
2018 issues of GEARS and you can
also find it online. Even the Acura
NSX has a new 9-speed DCT. This
is all in addition to the ZF 9-speed
transmission used in their Acura
MDX, Honda Pilot, and Odyssey.
How can they top all of that?
Well, Honda plunged head-first into
planetary gearsets by designing and
manufacturing a 10-speed automatic
transmission with four planetary
gearsets and a special 2-way clutch
that allows a ratchet-type mechanical
clutch to either lock in both directions
or allow the gearset to freewheel in
one direction.
Honda introduced the 10-speed in
the 2018 Honda Odyssey and Acura
RLX. Compared to the 6-speed, the
10-speed is a solid inch shorter and Figure 2
Trying to understand the powerflow
for all ten speeds and reverse is a head-
ache in the making. To make some
sense of it (and any new transmission
that I take apart), I often draw up a
simple schematic representing how the
gears connect to each other and how
the clutches drive/hold specific gearset
combinations. This transmission didn’t
end up being so simple (figure 2).
There are four planetary gearsets
shown, with gearset one (P1) to the
far right and gearset four (P4) to the
far left.
The illustration shows the transmis-
sion operating in first gear. Brake 1 (B1),
brake 2 (B2), and the 2-way clutch
(TWC) are holding everything colored
in black. Some common connections
you might make out include:
• The input shaft has the P3 sun
Figure 3
gear splined to it, so it’s always
considered an input. The input shaft
also drives the C1 clutch and the
C3 clutches. These are all indicated
in red on the illustration (figure 2),
and the bottom of figure 3 shows the
input shaft, P3 sun gear, and C1 and
C3 clutches.
• P1 internal, P3 carrier, and P4
carrier are all splined together. This
is indicated in purple and it’s the
middle gearset in figure 3.
• P1 carrier and P2 carrier are splined
together. These carriers are held
stationary by the 2-way clutch in
reverse and first and they freewheel
in all other gears. The illustration
shows these gears in black.
Have a look at the P1 planetary,
P2 planetary, and the TWC (figure 4).
Also shown is the P1 sun gear and hub
for B1, the P4 sun gear and C2 clutch
(and hub) which allows the P4 sun gear
to either be held by the B2 brake or be
connected to P3 internal and P2 sun.
Confusing, isn’t it? Nobody ever
said squeezing ten forward speeds
into a transmission with six hydraulic
clutches and one mechanical clutch
would be easy. Figure 4
Figure 9 Figure 10
RAP Kit AD Smokey19Orange Car 0717.indd 1 5/31/2018
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Planetary Gearsets in a Honda?
June 2018 Full Page21
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Planetary Gearsets in a Honda?
tight squeeze of the impeller/turbine/ Regarding maintenance, here’s how technology to make a transmission
stator (figures 16 and 17) . you can check the oil level: with more gear ratio options smaller
The torque converter uses a 1. Warm the engine up. and lighter, yet still hold the torque and
captive clutch design with two sets 2. Shift through all ranges and horsepower of a modern powertrain.
of dampening springs on the turbine manually shift into second gear. Look for another article in the
assembly: one set on the outer 3. Place in park. near future covering the electronics
diameter and one set more toward 4. Shut the engine off. and hydraulics of this impressive
the center. The damper and turbine 5. Remove the ATF Level bolt on the transmission.
assembly have 38 rivets holding the side of the transmission (figure 18).
TCC hub, turbine shaft hub, and There should be a slight drip from
spring stops together. the hole. If no fluid is present, add
On the converter that I cut apart, Honda Type 2 ATF to the fill hole.
the TCC had very tight clearance. This mechanical overview of
The multiple disc clutch assembly has the Honda 10-speed transmission
selective plates as discovered by the demonstrates that advances can be
stampings on the backing plate. made to existing planetary gearset
Figure 15 Figure 16
Figure 17 Figure 18
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by Rolly Alvarez
o here we go again with a Honda So this vehicle rolls into the shop. But when we drive the vehicle hard,
with noises and weird shifting. It intermittently won’t shift and makes the OSS signal goes berserk, and
In most cases, we tend to think a weird noise at times. Notice I said “at the codes come back, along with a
that we’ve pretty much seen it all by times,” because the wife claimed that, screeching noise and an obviously
now, but oh boy how wrong we are. when she drives the vehicle, she doesn’t skewed OSS signal.
When a vehicle comes into the experience any problems. Obviously With all that in mind, we decided
shop, we pull codes and drive the we have two different sets of driving to pull the OSS and inspect it. Eureka!
vehicle to get a feel of the problem habits: The husband drives the vehicle Look what we found (figure 1):
and whether it matches the customer’s more aggressively than the wife. So the OSS is grinding against
complaint, which for the most part it This is one reason it’s so important the gear… or is it too long? Did this
never does. to pay attention to what the
So that being said, when custom- customers say.
ers experience transmission trouble This is valuable because, when
nowadays, the first thing they do is it comes to diagnosis, those expla-
Google it. Yep, times are changing nations offer a clue on where to go
rapidly and the number of auto experts or how to drive the vehicle. It’ll
out there keeps on growing. But when make the diagnosis quicker, more
the customer brings the vehicle to you, effective, and more profitable.
more than likely he’s done research Driving on an open road, tip-
already, and is coming in with no ping the throttle, the transmission
exact answer and a gazillion opinions shifted on time and there were no
of what it could be. noises. Then, when we drove more
Here’s a chance for you to shine aggressively, the noise showed up
and separate yourself from the fly- and codes P0720 and P0500 set.
by-night or low-ballers out there. Next we came to a stop, and
ATRA’s seminars or webinars offer started driving at light throttle.
a lot of information that is critical to Once again the noise was gone
our industry. Take advantage of this and the transmission shifted okay.
free information it’ll help you separate The issue is, when the engine is
yourself from the crowd. under torque the drivetrain moves
This particular vehicle was a back and forth.
2009 Honda Accord with a 2.4L and a I connected a scan tool and
B90A. However, the same can happen monitored the OSS and VSS.
on LX or EX vehicles with VIN CS1; When we drive the vehicle slowly,
or with an M91A unit on LX or EX there are no issues with the OSS
vehicles with VIN CP2. or VSS and the signals are perfect. Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 4
5R110 Diesel
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We designed and manufacture the EPC and Direct Solenoid
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Direct Solenoid works in conjunction with
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(number 1 failure of 5R110).
by Scott Shotton
The Driveability Guys
n the last two issues of GEARS observe cylinder pressures. But in the In figure 1, the green trace is a pressure
Magazine, we covered engine me- case of running compression, you’ll waveform from a cylinder while the
chanical testing using high cur- need to enable fuel and ignition to allow engine is idling. I’ve used cursors, from
rent probes for relative compression the engine to run. top-dead-center compression to top-
testing in conjunction with transducers Ignition needs to function for the dead-center compression, to mark the
for cranking vacuum testing. We also cylinder you’re testing because you’ll 720º of crankshaft rotation that occurs
touched on in-cylinder cranking com- want to see when the spark for that in the four-stroke cycle.
pression testing using a pressure trans- cylinder occurs. If possible, you’ll want It’s easy to identify TDC
ducer. to disable fuel for only the cylinder compression because cylinder pressure
This month we’ll expand our in- you’re testing. Once the engine is is the highest at this point. Notice that
cylinder testing by using a pressure running, there’s a plethora of data you the running compression pressure is
transducer to analyze running can observe. only 74 PSI. It’s normal for the running
compression. compression at idle to be lower than the
The Anatomy compression pressure of a cranking test.
The Test Before you can analyze an The red trace on the capture is the
Much like our previous oscilloscope capture using this ignition firing event for the cylinder
compression test, you’ll need to install technique, you need to understand the where the pressure transducer is
the transducer in the spark plug hole to anatomy of a known good waveform. installed.
In this case, the ignition-firing of the Econoline, the crankshaft pulley If an exhaust valve sticks closed,
event (red) occurs after top-dead-center: keyway had worn (figure 3) and caused the exhaust has nowhere to escape and
To the right is retarded. With the engine the reluctor to shift on the crankshaft. pressure builds again. Notice the rapid
running, we’d expect the firing event to pressure release the moment the intake
occur well to the left of top-dead-center, How About the valve opens to prepare for the upcoming
or advanced. Valves? intake stroke. The Dodge in question
To calculate exactly what the The next value of this technique is had a cam follower that had fallen off
ignition timing is requires some simple to distinguish between different valve (figure 5) and was no longer opening the
measurement and math. First, measure train faults. When you understand the exhaust valve.
the time it takes for the 720º, 4-cycle known good anatomy of a compression Every compression related issue
event to occur. For discussion, let’s say waveform, you can begin to analyze will appear a little different on the scope.
that measurement is 136 milliseconds. the waveforms by looking for issues, or They all have different “signatures” if
Next, divide 720 by the time measured anomalies, that don’t fit the norm. you will. The next vehicle didn’t have a
to figure out how long 1 degree of This next vehicle was a Dodge with dead misfire but did exhibit some rough
crankshaft rotation takes. In this case, a 4.7-liter engine that had a misfire. It had running. A relative compression test
720 ÷ 136 = 5.3 milliseconds. sufficient spark and fuel. The technician revealed that one of the cylinders was a
If we now measure how far away also opted to swap ignition coils and bit lower that the rest. When performing
the ignition event is from top-dead- fuel injectors to no avail; the misfire an in-cylinder running compression test
center, say 45 milliseconds, then 45 ÷ didn’t move with either attempt. Once (figure 6) we obtained a very interesting
5.3 = 8.5. If the measured ignition event he performed a running compression waveform.
was before top-dead-center (or to the test (figure 4), the mechanical fault What this capture shows is an
left), then the ignition timing would be became obvious. unwanted rise in pressure near the
about 8º-9º advanced. If it were after In the waveform, you can see end of the exhaust stroke. Obviously,
top-dead-center (or to the right), then a compression stroke and a power compared to our last example, the
the timing would be 8º-9º retarded. (or expansion) stroke. But notice the exhaust valve isn’t stuck closed. But
Ignition timing on almost all pressure buildup when we should see an could it be closing early?
modern vehicles is based on the exhaust stroke. It almost appears to be That’s exactly what’s occurring.
crankshaft position sensor’s input to an extra compression stroke. Actually, This could be caused by advanced
the PCM. If the timing is off, examine it’s an unwanted compression stroke exhaust camshaft timing, but in this case,
the CKP reluctor closely. In the case because the exhaust valve isn’t opening. only one of the cylinders is affected.
Figure 4: There’s a pressure build-up where the exhaust stroke should have been.
This technique can be valuable in
two major ways: The first would be
a quick, clean, and accurate method
for diagnosing mechanical or ignition Figure 5: A cam follower had fallen off under the camshaft cover and caused
timing issues. The second would be as a change in the compression waveform.
a learning tool.
How do we learn from this Then you’ll be more apt to recognize
technique? If you obtain a capture, you the “signature” of that specific fault.
can’t make sense of, save it for future Engine or electrical diagnostic
analysis. After you’ve disassembled, issues you’d like to see addressed?
diagnosed, and repaired the engine, Let Scott know. Send him an email at
revisit the capture knowing the fault and [email protected] and you
figure out why the pressures behaved just may have your question covered in
the way they did. a future issue of GEARS Magazine.
Figure 6: We’ve mapped the four strokes on this waveform to show the unwanted pressure increase occurs
near the end of the exhaust stroke.
Vanessa Velasquez,
ATRA Events director
by Thom Tschetter
p Your Business is an exclusive
GEARS Magazine feature in
which I share stories, insights,
and reflections about real business and
life challenges.
You might think I’ve lost my mind
with the title of this article. I hope it
caught your attention. After over 25
years of reading and listening to me
talk about how to make your business
the best it can be, how to differentiate
yourself from the competition, and
how to take it from good to great,
you’re entitled to wonder why I’d make
such a seemingly insane statement.
My doctor and my wife assure me
that I’m still sane, and I still believe in
all the principles that I’ve presented
to you over the years. But recently it
occurred to me that greatness isn’t a
destination… it’s a pursuit that will
never and shouldn’t be achieved.
Aspire to be great plus one… always
looking for one more way to improve.
Sure, you might believe you have
a great company — the best in your
specialty — but there really isn’t any
one group or organization that’s the
final authority to determine whether
you’re the best or, for that matter, great.
Even if there were such an
authority, their opinion would be
subject to debate among your peers.
For instance, can you recall a time
when the Oscar went to a movie
or movie star that everyone agreed
deserved it?
34 GEARS June 2018
I call it the Keep on Doing • Are we staffed and equipped for One of my favorite quotes comes
Principle. That is, keep on doing this? from Dwight Eisenhower, “Neither a
the things that make you successful, • Are we profitable at this? wise man nor a brave man lies down
keep on innovating, and keep on • Does it interfere with other, more on the tracks of history to wait for the
implementing improvements: in short, profitable services? train of the future to run over him.”
keep on moving forward. It requires • Can we improve on any aspect of Don’t aspire to be great; aspire to
relentlessness, resilience, tenacity, and providing this service? continually improve. Greatness isn’t a
persistence, but that’s likely what got • Should we continue doing it? destination; it’s a continuous pursuit.
you where you are in the first place. 3. Make a list of new services that you Greatness will occur as a natural
Like Collin’s flywheel metaphor, could offer or innovative ways you consequence of doing the right things,
it requires major effort to get started, could expand on your current list. doing them right, and continuously
but once the flywheel is in motion, 4. Ask this similar list of questions improving.
momentum becomes your ally. With about each of these considerations:
each successive turn, it gets easier to • Will we be good at it?
maintain and even increase speed. • Are we staffed and equipped to
But this is where many companies do it?
begin to coast and become complacent. • Will we be profitable doing it?
They start ignoring the things that • Will it interfere with other
got them there, and they cease their profitable services we’re
continuous pursuit of ways to improve. currently doing?
To sustain greatness, great companies • Will we be better off doing it
never stop improving. than not doing it?
Continuous incremental improve- • Is it worth the effort and
ments over time produce better, investment to start doing it?
longer-lasting, sustainable results than Remember the Flywheel Effect.
one big change. For example, would 5. After you complete the above steps,
you benefit more from doing 100 make three more lists and place
sit-ups everyday over the next week each of the above services on the
or from doing 20 sit-ups everyday for appropriate list:
the next 35 days? Either way, it’s 700 • Start Doing list
sit-ups. • Keep Doing list (Include ideas
Most likely you wouldn’t even do for improvements on this list.)
the 100 per day for the entire week • Stop Doing list
because it would be too difficult and 6. Take appropriate action. Just having
painful. On the other hand, there’s the list does nothing… it takes
a better chance that you’d do 20 a action. But, if you did a sincere
day for 35 days. Plus, after 35 days, gut check and are brutally honest,
you’ll notice a physical improvement, not taking action should make you
form the habit, and might even keep uncomfortable.
doing them.
IS IT TIME There’s probably one word that
FOR A GUT CHECK? describes why 10 of the eleven great About the Author
Excuse the pun… I couldn’t companies identified in Good to Thom Tschetter has served our
resist. Borrowing from characteristic Great failed to sustain greatness. That industry for nearly four decades as
number 3 in Collin’s list, Confront the word is complacency. Even if your a management and sales educator.
Brutal Facts: Be brutally honest about company is performing beyond your He owned a chain of award-winning
situations and circumstances but don’t wildest expectations, don’t become transmission centers in Washington
give up hope. It might be time for you complacent. Continuously look for State for over 25 years.
and your team to do a gut check. I call it ways to improve and take action. He calls on over 30 years of
a gut check because to me, it goes deeper Great companies can’t stand experience as a speaker, writer,
business consultant, and certified
than brutal honesty. What you discover still or rest on their laurels because
arbitrator for topics for this feature
will surprise you. Here’s the process: someone else is in pursuit. Remember
1. Make a list of all the types/ one of the most famous slogans in
Thom is always eager to help
categories of services your company advertising history: “We’re number
you improve your business and your
provides. 2… we try harder.” I don’t even have life. You can contact him by phone at
2. Ask yourself these questions about to mention the company name. By (480) 773-3131 or e-mail to
each one: the way, do you remember who was [email protected].
• How good are we at this? number 1?
36 GEARS June 2018
Members.ATRA.COM 1-866-GO-4-ATRA
ntelligence doesn’t serve us until In watching recent music competi-
we stop to consider what we’ve tions on TV, you can quickly see who
seen. They say that the essence really knows how to play and sing, by Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE
of intelligence is the ability to make and who only has good musical ability
distinctions, to notice the differences, but not the gift of being able to touch
to see more than the obvious. people with music. That “gift” or
You may look at a transmission “magic” is learnable, but not without the potential power of knowledge and
and see exactly what I see, but I’ll taking time to reflect on the meaning translates or transmits it to our hands
only notice what I see. Because of my and feeling of the songs. and voices for application in wise ways.
lack of automotive training, I’ll only I’m at the other end of the spectrum The next time you talk with one
observe what is obvious to anyone. when it comes to reflecting. I take what of your coworkers about something
As a trained transmission profes- some would consider too much time to that they already know, consider that
sional, you’ll notice much more. You’ll think about what things mean or how they may only know it technically.
see systems, patterns, brands, types, they could be applied for some good In other words, they might be able to
extras, omissions, and even more. You purpose. Then again, it’s my job to parrot it back to you just as you said it,
can look at a transmission and know think about things and interpret them but without thinking it through, they
which cars use them, whether they’re for you. won’t really understand what it means
new or reman, etc. That’s because, as My favorite phrase of late? “What to them.
you’ve learned about them, you’ve also this means to you is…” Don’t expect people to truly know
given a great deal of thought to what I present this on a slide in my what they’ve merely seen or heard.
they are, how they operate, and what seminars and tell the audience to ask it Help them think about what it means.
each item means in the mix that we all day long. “If I share a story or idea
know as a transmission. By contrast, today and you can’t see the usefulness
I see what looks like a prop from the of it, please interrupt me and ask,
movie The Matrix! ‘Jim, what does this mean to me?’”
The same is true in the rest of life. The ideas don’t matter except in how Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is
The more you notice, the more you they can be valuable or useful to the a strategic advisor to ATRA and
know… but your intelligence in each learners. a longtime contributor to GEARS
situation depends on how much you’ve Schools teach lots of great informa- Magazine. As a professional speaker
reflected on what you’ve learned and tion and powerful ideas, but if there’s and business advisor, he helps people
discerned its meaning. no reflection on how to apply them, see the deeper meaning in their
Take music for example: If you then the classroom time was wasted. business and find quicker, more
learn basic guitar playing, then Knowledge isn’t power. The abil- lasting ways to make business and
you’ll know the strings, the frets, the ity to apply knowledge is where the personal problems go away. Contact
strums, the notes, and the chords, but power comes in. The intelligence him at [email protected] and visit
you won’t know how to play a song that comes from taking time to think his web site Cathcart.com for free
well. You can form notes and chords things through is, in many ways, the videos, articles, and resources.
perfectly but still miss the magic. “transmission” of our minds. It takes
38 GEARS June 2018
t’s been a few weeks since the Attendees got a taste of every facet Afterward, everyone headed back
2018 TCRA event, the preeminent of one of the most successful torque to the hotel. Most traveled back the way
training and meeting program for converter rebuilding facilities in the they came: by bus. But a lucky few got
the torque converter professional. This world. a special ride back: Larry and Marcin
year’s event took place in Florida, at Afterward, Larry St Amand, the got their powerboats out and took a few
the Weston Cape Coral Resort at Ma- owner of Florida Torque Converter, folks back over the waterways.
rina Village, April 20-21, 2018. And, had everyone bussed over to his ranch Upon returning to the hotel, they
according to those who made it a point for a barbecue lunch, an event catered held the TCRA member’s meeting,
to take part, it was a rousing success. by Bangin’ Dave’s BBQ. There was which was followed by a reception
The event began with a guided tour brisket, ribs, chicken… everything for hosted by Sonnax. This was where
of the Florida Torque Converter factory. the discerning barbecue connoisseur. attendees could meet up with the
At Larry's ranch for a barbecue lunch, an event catered by Bangin’ Dave’s BBQ.
June 2 - Vancouver, BC
June 2 - Council Bluffs, IA Schedule Fees
August 4 - San Antonio, TX Registration ......7am-8am All Pricing in US Funds
Seminar......................8am* ATRA Members .........$175
August 11 - Atlanta, GA Lunch .............12pm-1pm Non-Members ...........$220
August 18 - Anaheim, CA *Vancouver Seminar
Begins at 9am
Every 4th person........FREE
On-site registration.....$250
August 25 - Portland, OR
August 25 - Tulsa, OK
September 8 - Billings, MT How To Register
Phone toll-free: (800) 428-8489
September 15 - Newark, NJ
September 22 - Chicago, IL Fax your payment & (805) 988-6761
registration information to:
November 17 - Baltimore, MD
Online: http://members.atra.com
Mail your payment to:
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OCT. 31ST - NOV. 3RD
hosted by
atra expo 12pg.indd 1 5/31/18 9:11 AM
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Driveability Diagnostics
Two facets that define your business and your successes. Get a
Sales & fresh perspective from two new speakers at this year’s Expo —
Leadership Larry Mersereau and Ron Hurst. These two will both inform and
entertain with new ideas to help you redefine your image in ways
that make you stand out from the crowd. Expect some valuable
takeaways that you can put to work the moment you get home.
Mexica Italian
Grand Bazaar
outdoor area
Food Court
8am - 9:30am Reference Voltage Test Tips You Should Know - Dan Marinucci
9:45am - 11:15am Mercedes “7G-DCT” 7 Speed Dual Clutch Transmission - Mike Souza
11:30am - 1pm Evaluating Rebuild Options When Time is Money - Randall Schroeder
Thursday 2pm - 3:30pm
3:45pm - 5:15pm
GM’s 10L90 vs Ford’s 10R80 - Robert Bateman
Diagnosing Intermittent Electrical Issues - Steve Garrett
November 1 5:30pm - 7pm Friction 101 - Chris Horbach
9am - 4pm Focus on the Solutions, Not the Problems - MaryAnn Croce
By the Numbers-Forwards & Backwards - Mario Jauregui & Thom Tschetter
Going Paperless Transformed My Business - John Braconnier & Thom Tschetter
November 3 3pm - 5pm MAF Sensors and Fuel Trims - Eric Ziegler
3pm - 5pm Making the Most of Your Diagnostic Equipment with Everyday Failures - Reese Blalock
3pm - 5pm They Just Don’t Understand! Getting Through Without Giving Up, or Giving In - Ron Hurst
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TITLE: Owner Manager Complete Trade Show Lunch &
Conference Technical Management Only Trade Show
Rebuilder Diagnostician
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TITLE: Owner Manager
Rebuilder Diagnostician
NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
TITLE: Owner Manager
Rebuilder Diagnostician
NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
TITLE: Owner Manager
Rebuilder Diagnostician
NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
TITLE: Owner Manager
Rebuilder Diagnostician
NAME _______________________________________________________________________________
Complete Conference Registrant* _____ $ 445 $ 545 $ 545 $ 645 $ 745 $____________
Technical or Management Conference* _____ 395 495 495 595 695 $____________
Trade Show Only _____ 30 30 30 30 40 $____________
Extra Luncheon Ticket - Includes Trade Show Pass _____ 50 60 50 60 75 $____________
(Included with Complete, Tech & Management Conferences)
*Conference Registrants may receive Trade Show Passes for spouse and/or TOTAL $____________
children by contacting ATRA Registration at 1-800-428-8489.
All cancellation requests made
after 10/1/2018 are subject to a
I do not wish to receive any advertising or promotional material from Exhibitors. $50 cancellation fee.
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and address).
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Steubenville Ohio 8-5 EST M-F or email: edrozzelle@ HELP WANTED: $5000 Sign on Bonus for
– Pittsburgh Area. This area needs this performanceautomatic.com. qualified candidates - Career Opportunity in
shop to stay open! Owner wants to retire sunny Clearwater Florida. Family business,
and wishes for a transition take over. Little HELP WANTED: INDUSTRY EXPERTS offers sign on bonus for an ATRA Certified
competition, very clean-very nice shop, NEEDED - Precision of New Hampton Builder, R&R Driveability Technician &
good reputation, 4 bays, 3 new lifts. Will is seeking qualified individuals proficient Manager to work for busy spacious 6000 sq.
finance for the right person. Call (740) in Transmissions, Solenoids, Soft and ft. shop. Alltech Transmission’s is seeking
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BUSINESS FOR SALE: Ville Platte, and management opportunities in a Must have a superior skill set with a winning
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business featured in October 2016 GEARS manufacturing company. Call (800) 654- Insurance. Email Resume: Nicolecapital@
magazine. Owner must retire for health 1220 or email [email protected]. live.com. ATRA Mbr
reasons. 2 inside bays with 1 outside truck ATRA Mbr
lift, Snap-On equipment, too much to list. HELP WANTED: West Central
Also has an apartment in shop with full HELP WANTED: Shop that has been Florida Transmission Shop seeking
kitchen. Contact Alan: (337) 363-4897. in business for 38 years is looking for highly motivated Electrical Diagnostic
ATRA Mbr a responsible and caring transmission Transmission Technician - Must have
technician. Ability to rebuild most makes knowledge in re-flashing - Wiring diagrams
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Amarillo, Texas of transmissions both domestic and foreign - R & R capabilities - Must have own tools
– Established and reputable transmission models. Able to do some R & R. Require - Minimum 5 years transmission experience
shop for over 20 plus years, 60X70 sq. ft. Clean & organized work ethic. Pay based - No weekends – Pay dependent upon
shop with 20X30 sq. ft. add on build room, off experience $45,000-$75,000, Computer, experience - Excellent benefits - Email
4 semi truck trailers with parts, 5 lifts, 1 wiring and Hi-Performance experience is resume to [email protected] or call
large-30,000 lbs. outside lift, Chassis dyno. a plus. Driver’s license required. Must Chris at (352) 796-6544. ATRA Mbr
Too much equipment to list. Contact Teresa have own tools. We provide special tools.
(806) 372-2210. ATRA Mbr Our normal business hours are 8am- HELP WANTED: San Diego’s largest,
5pm & 9am-6pm 5 days a week. We longest running independently owned
WANTED: 1965-1986 Ford C4/C5 valve are located close to Mooresville, transmission repair specialist is looking
bodies. Must be non rusted/rebuildable Indiana off highway 67. (317) 831-3066 - for qualified diagnosticians and sales
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