Living Sustainably
Green Streets, Jobs and Towns Program
Protecting Bees from Pesticides
Greener Lawn and Garden Care
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD)
Greener Products and Services
Safer Household and Industrial Chemicals
Greening Industrial and Business Processes
Green Engineering
We focus on areas where we can make the
biggest positive impact. We are focusing on SUSTAINABILITY
the areas where we believe we can make the
biggest positive difference—Climate, Water
and Waste.
Prepared by:
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez
Professor Verayo
WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINA- Sustainability is central to underpinning feel-
BILITY? ings of authenticity in tourism.[261] Experiences
can be enhanced when substituting the con-
trived for the genuine, and at the same time
Environmental sustainability is defined as re- inspire a potentially deleterious appetite for
sponsible interaction with the environment follow-up visits to the real thing: objectively
to avoid depletion or degradation of natural authentic sites untouched by repair or rejuve-
resources and allow for long-term environ- nation
mental quality. The practice of environmen-
tal sustainability helps to ensure
How Can I Help with Sustainability?
Giving economic priority to the fulfillment
of human needs while staying within
ecological limits, as sustainable devel- that the needs of to-
opment demands, is in conflict with the day's population are
structural workings of capitalism.A met without jeopardiz-
steady-state capitalist economy is im- ing the ability of fu-
possible further, a steady-state capital- ture generations to
ist economy is socially undesirable due meet their needs.
to the inevitable outcome of mas-
sive unemployment and underemploy- When we look at the
ment natural environment,
we see that it has a ra-
Capitalism will, unless overcome ther remarkable ability
by revolution, run up against the physi- to rejuvenate itself
cal limits of the biosphere and self- and sustain its viabil-
destruct ity. For example, when a tree falls, it de-
composes, adding nutrients to the soil.
These nutrients help sustain suitable condi-
Social dimension tions so future saplings can grow.
When nature is left alone, it has a tremen-
dous ability to care for itself. However,
Peace, security, social justice
when man enters the picture and uses many
Poverty of the natural resources provided by the en-
Human relationship to nature vironment, things change. Human actions
can deplete natural resources, and without
Human settlements the application of environmental sustaina-
Human and labor rights bility methods, long-term viability can be
Sustainability economics represents: "... a
Learn the applications of environmental sus- broad interpretation of ecological economics
tainability, including sustainable agriculture, where environmental and ecological variables
forestry and energy. and issues are basic but part of a multidimen-
sional perspective. Social, cultural, health-
related and monetary/financial aspects have to
be integrated into the analysis.
Many governments also promote various ac- Sustainability to include health of the land, air
tivities and development plans that are de- and sea
signed to provide for the needs of present
times and projects that do not compromise
environmental resources for future times.
The supply and demand market is consumer- Environmental sustainability programs in-
ist in nature and modern life requires a lot of clude actions to reduce the use of physical
resources every single day ; for the sake of the resources, the adoption of a ‘recycle every-
environment, getting what we consume under thing/buy recycled’ approach, the use of re-
control is the paramount issue. newable rather than depletable resources,
the redesign of production processes and
Economic development is about giving people products to eliminate the production of toxic
what they want without compromising quality materials, and the protection and restoration
of life, especially in the developing world, and of natural habitats and environments valued
reducing the financial burden and “red tape” for their livability or beauty. These sustaina-
of doing the right thing. bility programs need to operate on an ade-
quate scale and need to continue operating
reliably for as long as the threats continue.
Social Development
There are many facets to this pillar. Most im-
portantly is awareness of and legislation pro- Some of the issues that pose major environ-
tection of the health of people from pollution mental sustainability problems include:
and other harmful activities of business and
other organisations (6). In North America, Eu-
rope and the rest of the developed world, destruction of the living environments
there are strong checks and programmes of (habitats) of native species
legislation in place to ensure that people's
health and wellness is strongly protected. discharge of polluting chemicals and oth-
er materials into the environment
emission of greenhouses gases into the at-
mosphere than can cause climate change
depletion of low cost oil and other fossil