Change Isn't Always Good: Michael Grove
Change Isn't Always Good: Michael Grove
Change Isn't Always Good: Michael Grove
Michael Grove
ASLA, PLA, Sasaki Associates [email protected]
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Anthropogenic climate change is one of the most existential threats humanity has faced. Its
eventual outcomes, if we do not intervene now, will be catastrophic. Landscape architects are in a
unique position to become some of the most influential voices in identifying solutions. There is no
silver bullet that will solve the crisis. Multiple strategies require a systems-thinking approach on a
variety of fronts and at a diversity of scales. Designing a more resilient future must span the spec-
trum of ecological, economic, and community-based approaches to tackle big topics like regain-
ing the planet’s biodiversity, rethinking the impacts of our current agricultural practices, and en-
gaging political leaders and ordinary citizens to support strategic investments that will reduce risk.
Resilience, Habitat Loss, Climate Change, Urban Agriculture, Landscape Architecture.
Received: May 2019 / Accepted: July 2019 | © 2019 Author(s). Open Access issue/article(s) edited by QULSO, distributed
under the terms of the CC-BY-4.0 and published by Firenze University Press. Licence for metadata: CC0 1.0
24 DOI: 10.13128/rv-7012 -
The acclaimed Russian author Leo Tolstoy once said Throughout my career as a landscape architect, I
that “everyone thinks of changing the world, but no have generally been an optimist. The act of design
one thinks of changing himself”. Even before the is, by nature, forward-looking. When putting pen
dawn of civilization, when our Neanderthal cousins to paper, you are laying out your hopes and dreams
roamed the earth alongside us, humans have been for the future—blending the reality of present day
at the top of the food chain. Being the dominant needs with a grand vision for what might be. As de-
species has allowed the human race to not just to signers, we think of ourselves as stewards, often
survive, but to thrive. But at what cost? When the with a healthy dose of hubris guiding us to believe
industrial revolution demanded that we use Earth’s that human potential can solve anything. I hope it
natural resources at unprecedented amounts, we can. But we must address the issues at hand with
became reckless. For millennia before, our very ex- bold action. Climate change extends far beyond sea
istence depended on an intentional stewardship level rise and warming temperatures. It is impacting
of the natural world around us. But our kinship the biodiversity of our planet with frightening con-
with the Earth was abandoned centuries ago, and sequences, reducing our ability to continue to feed
now seems nearly forgotten. We have changed the our ever-growing population, and risks sending the
world, but not for the better. The fact that technol- global economy into a tailspin.
ogy has improved our life expectancy, and has al- With that in mind, designing for a more resilient
lowed us to explore further and connect with each world requires a multi-faceted approach, as incon-
other more is not being questioned. But so far, we sistencies and ambiguity arise when we define re-
have observed that technology has proven to be silience too broadly. At the very least, we must ad-
more of a drain on the planet’s resources, rath- dress resilience as it relates to climate change from
er than the panacea that was promised. The world an ecological, humanistic, and economic perspec-
does not need changing—it is we who must change. tive. The following outlines some of the most sig-
nificant existential threats we are facing, thoughts
on how to address resiliency as it relates to these
three categories, and tangible examples of projects
that are confronting them head-on.
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Ecological Resilience: Regaining the planet’s Individual species or components of an ecosystem
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interaction and disturbance they allow, each site in- of research, education, public outreach, and envi-
tegrates a complex yet complimentary program ronmental stewardship.
that offers the highest standards in captive animal From a conservation perspective, the giant panda
facilities, support facilities including research labo- is considered an ‘umbrella species’ where the pro-
ratories and a veterinary hospital, and educational tection of their habitat benefits additional endem-
and public outreach facilities. The first of the three ic and threatened species. Noted as a global biodi-
sites is the existing Beihu Panda Park, which is lo- versity hotspot, the temperate mixed conifer and
cated in a suburban area seven miles northeast of broadleaf forest ecosystem of the giant panda’s
Chengdu’s city center and currently serves as the habitat range is noted for its species richness and
main research hub. The second site is located with- diversity, containing over 5,000 plant species, 365
in the 492 square mile Longquanshan Forest Park, bird species, and 109 mammal species including red
providing an opportunity to experience pandas in a pandas, clouded leopards, and golden snub-nosed
much larger native habitat. The third and most re- monkeys. While designed habitats within the Re-
mote site is Dujiangyan, which is situated 35 miles serve’s expansion include areas just outside of the
northwest of Chengdu in the foothills of the Tibetan giant panda’s habitat range, the design focuses on a
Plateau and serves as the site for pre-release train- restoration approach for the three sites to:
ing for bred-in-captivity juvenile pandas prior to 1. create optimal habitat conditions for the giant
their release into the wild. All three sites work to- panda and companion species building off of
28 gether to support the Reserve’s overarching goals each site’s existing resources and microclimates;
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Fig. 2 — The protection of companion species are
an integral component of the Chengdu Panda
2. restore the function and diversity region’s mixed ing close attention to the type and density of bam-
conifer/broadleaf forests and bamboo-dominat- boo occurring with the restored forests. Across their
ed understory on each site; range, pandas consume about 60 bamboo species,
3. provide visitors with a more in-depth and interac- and habitat carrying capacity is based on the sea-
tive learning experience emphasizing the conser- sonal availability of the most nutritious part of var-
vation of the giant panda as an umbrella species ious bamboo species throughout the year. While
for other mammals, birds, and amphibians which this is typically influenced by elevation and topogra-
share the region’s diverse forest habitat; phy, each site’s ‘panda kitchen’ ensures the full nu-
4. demonstrate innovative economic and low im- tritional requirements of the giant pandas are met.
pact development models to reduce habitat im- In addition to planting design, enclosure configura-
pacts in situ. tions avoid steep terrain (>30% slopes) that can be
To advance this approach, a rigorous site analy- difficult for pandas to traverse. Since giant pandas
sis process examined existing topography, drain- do not hibernate and prefer a cool to moderate cli-
age patterns, and land cover to provide an under- mates, enclosure locations maximize the benefits
standing of each site’s buildable land area, which of each sites’ microclimate, siting most facilities on
was based on criteria of preserving/restoring steep cooler, densely vegetated north-facing slopes near
slopes, redeveloping existing development sites, natural streams.
and maintaining a sufficient buffer from streams. Building upon the Reserve’s existing facilities, Bei-
The analysis also scrutinized each site through a hu Panda Park offers an expanded research and
habitat suitability lens, drawing upon criteria noted education center to accommodate those seek-
in peer-reviewed literature of GIS applications eval- ing a more informative experience. Close to down-
uating the habitat of giant pandas. A GIS overlay town and linked to the city by public transit, this ur-
analysis was then developed to identify the most ban destination introduces the giant panda to the
suitable areas for giant panda habitat enclosures millions of people who come to Chengdu each year.
and pre-release training. Informed by this compre- Here, visitors learn about the daily lives of pandas
hensive understanding of habitat requirements, and their companion species, their shared habitat,
proposed improvements included a range of na- and get a glimpse into ongoing research. Based on
tive tree species and structural compositions, pay- the habitat suitability analysis, all new giant panda 29
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Fig. 3 — The Chengdu Panda Reserve offers a blend of conservation and species protection
alongside ongoing research, public outreach, and pre-release training of juvenile pandas.
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Fig. 4 — Habitat design considered climate change and its impacts to temperature, humidity,
and other factors which determine its microclimate.
enclosures are sited on north and east facing slopes ural range, the program focuses on wildlife reintro-
to maximize the benefits of the cooler microclimate duction. As one of the gateways into China’s newly
with access to prevailing northeast winds. established Giant Panda National Park, pre-release
Located near Chengdu’s new International Airport, training acclimates born-in-captivity juvenile pan-
the Longquanshan Panda Village provides an abbre- das prior to final release into the wild. With a sig-
viated introduction to the giant panda and regional nificant expansion of animal exhibits planned, the
conservation efforts. Nestled into a low valley and proposed configuration of house/enclosure is or-
offering scenic beauty and climate comfort, the ganized into three zones — an expanded visitor ex-
Panda Village Zoological Park is conveniently posi- perience, a research cluster, and wildlife immersion
tioned as a gateway to Chengdu. Working with the that presents conditions similar to what giant pan-
topography of the site, facilities are positioned with- das would find in the wild to facilitate pre-release
in the mountain landscape to reduce noise and light training.
impacts from nearby urban areas, situating animal The plan for the Chengdu Panda Reserve by no
enclosures along shaded northeast-facing slopes. means strives for perfection, but its goals for hab-
The most remote of the three sites that comprise itat protection are ambitious, and hopefully will in-
the Chengdu Panda Reserve is the Dujiangyan Pan- spire other regional planning efforts around the
da Wilderness. Located in the foothills of the Tibet- world to shape their desired outcomes with a wid-
30 an plateau and adjacent to the giant panda’s nat- er lens.
Community Resilience: ulation, California also suffers from periodic, se-
Feeding a growing population vere droughts that can impact food availability and
Habitat protection doesn’t only benefit wild ani- pricing across the entire country and beyond. As it
mals. Conservations efforts also provide enormous stands today, our food system is at risk of failure.
benefits to humans, most notably for one of our Some have also said that as our world population
most basic needs—the food we eat. But by the end continues to grow, water may someday become
of the century, our agricultural lands will probably be more valuable than gold. Yet our food requires a sig-
about half as productive as they are today, with the nificant amount of water to produce it. In California,
same land producing half as much food in a world agriculture consumes 80% of the state’s available
that needs to feed at least 50% more people. And water supply. Just one crop alone, alfalfa hay—con-
most of those people—an estimate 80% of us—will sumed primarily by cattle—uses the same amount
be living in cities. So how can we invest in food sys- of water as 12 million households annually. This
tems that will create more resilient cities in the fu- kind of water-intensive farming and long-distance
ture? Most investment strategies are based on the transport of goods is unsustainable.
principal of diversification— to reduce risk, create a To reduce our carbon footprint, we need to grow our
portfolio that includes multiple investments. That food closer to where we live—in cities. Yet for far too
said, our current food system does just the oppo- long, he have maintained a separation of the ur-
site. Its success depends on concentrated, large- ban and rural environments. Cities were cities, and
scale industrial agriculture in only a few places. For farms were farms. Yet nowhere is our dependence
example, the vast majority of the fruits, nuts, and on the natural environment more immediate and
vegetables grown in the United States are from Cal- more apparent than with our food. Farms them-
ifornia alone. With limited additional capacity avail- selves are complex, dynamic ecosystems, and farm-
able to produce more food for a growing global pop- ers are the stewards and the beneficiaries of these 31
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Fig. 5 — Some of the most agriculturally productive areas of California are the most
vulnerable to drought and other impacts of climate change.
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Fig. 6 — Fertilizer consumption is increasing around the world, with some of the highest
rates occurring in China.
ecosystems. Historically, farms were managed as small farm was also teeming with biodiversity — es-
zero-waste cycles. Between the livestock and the pecially insects. Pest species were present, but so
produce, all forms of waste were processed and uti- was an abundance of beneficial insects that fed on
lized as inputs. In healthy ecosystems, waste is a these pests, and were the pollinators necessary for
misnomer and maximum efficiency is the modus fruits and vegetables to grow. Over 100,000 differ-
operandi. Vegetable waste feeds the livestock, live- ent species including bees, birds, bats, wasps, flies,
stock waste feeds the soil, and the soil produces the butterflies, moths, ants, beetles, and other bugs all
vegetables. But within this neat cycle are millions of contribute pollination services worldwide. Today,
unseen and underappreciated players with critical many industrial farms rely exclusively on only one
functional roles — -agrobiodiversity. species — the honeybee — which is highly suscepti-
The traditional farm was a characteristically messy ble to disease outbreak and hive collapse. Similar-
landscape with a mix of crops, pastures, fence- ly, countless species of beneficial insects once kept
rows, and woodlands that built a balanced ecolo- pest populations in check, but depended on adja-
gy through the resilience inherent in these diverse cent non-crop habitats like hedgerows, woodlots,
systems. Modern industrial farms, on the contrary, and meadows for their life-cycles. Our reliance on
have resulted in ever-more simplified landscapes chemical pesticides has eliminated most of these
with fewer and fewer living components. The het- species from modern farms.
erogeneity of the messy farm gave way to mas- Farms have also increased fertilizer applications
sive fields of single-species crops and isolated con- significantly in the past 40 years, especially in Chi-
32 fined animal feeding operations. The traditional na. As industrialized farms shift towards monocul-
tures, a host of new problems have arisen that im- rather than exporting pollutants. They bring com-
pact not only the ecosystem, but our entire socie- munities together around the elemental joy of the
ty. The runoff of farm nutrients is the primary con- pastoral landscape. With few exceptions, this has
tributor to eutrophication in rivers and lakes around been happening organically, through the efforts of
the world. Pesticide application not only eliminates passionate individuals. Design and planning, how-
populations of beneficial insects, it contaminates ever, can strengthen this movement. As urban
groundwater, kills fish and amphibians, and wreaks centers continue to expand, so will the challenges
havoc on the balance of any ecosystem. Bumble- and opportunities for urban agriculture.
bees, for example, have declined by over 25% across Now more than ever, as we imagine innovative
most of the northern temperate world. The loss of functional roles of farm landscapes within and
genetic diversity in food crops through the ongo- around cities, we must seek to rebuild the complex
ing extinction of heirloom and uncommon varieties landscape structures to support a robust agro-eco-
threatens the very future of our food supply as cli- logical system. As designers, we must strive to in-
mate change and emerging diseases make com- tegrate sound science into the creative process
mon varieties more and more vulnerable in an un- and explore the spatial synergy between our natu-
certain future. ral lands, recreational lands, and our productive ag-
Yet, in cities around the world, small-scale, envi- ricultural lands all at the interface of the burgeon-
ronmentally and community focused farms are ex- ing modern city. How can a stormwater basin serve
periencing a renaissance. Small farms are emerg- as a source population for beneficial insect preda-
ing not merely as sources of food, but also serve as tors? How can the landscape of a public park inten-
educational landscapes where urban children learn tionally rebuild pollinator populations adjacent to a
about food and nature. They are part of our green community vegetable garden? How can we leverage
infrastructure as well, providing ecosystem services diverse yet intentional native plant palettes to con- 33
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Fig. 8 — The traditional Shanghainese diet
tribute mutual benefits with local farms? Can we which make them an economical and efficient op-
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Fig. 10 — Cities around the world, including Makoko #2, Lagos, Nigeria 2016.
Boston, are beginning to map the impact of photo(s) © Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Admira
sea level rise and other symptoms of climate Photography, Milan / Nicholas Metivier Gallery,
change as they make long-term planning Toronto.
decisions. Fondazione MAST. Athropocene, un’esplorazione
multimediale che documenta l’indelebile impronta
Fig. 11 — A composition of strategies, rather umana sulla terra.
than any one ‘silver bullet’ solution, must
be implemented to mitigate the impacts of
climate change.
paredness planning at the building, city, and region- As designers, we need to focus on having a deep-
al scale. Designers also collaborated with experts in er understanding of ecology and embrace our re-
engineering, academia, advocacy, and policy mak- sponsibility to promote resilient strategies in or-
ing to harness sea level rise expertise and push de- der to find a balance between the ecological pro-
sign thinking further. The study illustrated Boston’s cesses and societal wellbeing. In spite of the world
vulnerabilities and demonstrated design strategies we are leaving to our children and our grandchildren
to address them, catalyzing a conversation among, to fix, I am still optimistic. If there ever were a time
city officials, real estate leaders, and academics in history for the design professions to step up, it
about a specific call to action: to develop a resilien- is now. Everything we do must focus on slowing cli-
cy plan for the city called ‘Climate Ready Boston’, mate change while contributing to the betterment
which was unveiled in 2018. of society. It is our obligation as designers to provide
a meaningful and lasting benefit to the planet, and
to humanity.
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