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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018


Effect of Steel Slag as Partial Replacement of Coarse

Aggregate in M35 Grade of Concrete
M-tech student, Structural Engineering, Baddi university of Emerging Sciences and Technology, Baddi,
Distt. Solan( H.P), India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Baddi university of Emerging Sciences and
Technology,Baddi, Distt. Solan (H.P), India.

Aggregates are the important constituents in concrete. In India, annual outcome of Steel Slag is about 10
Million Tone . The utilization of waste materials from the industries has been continuously emphasized in the
research work. The present work is to use steel Slag as partial replacement for coarse aggregate. The M35 concrete
with steel slag partial replacement for coarse aggregate are examined in the present study. According to material
properties studied are 7days and 28days compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength were found
experimentally. The results were compared with conventional concrete property. The results showed that partially
replacing about 0%, 15 % , 30 %, 45%, and 60% of steel slag aggregates by weight for natural aggregates From
these results of the study we can say that as the percentage of steel slag as replacement is increased (0% to 45%) the
strength of concrete increases. After 45% replacement of Coarse aggregate as steel slag slight decrease in strength is
observe, but still it is higher than 0% replacement without any adverse effect on the strength of concrete.

Keywords - Steel Slag, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Spilt Tensile Strength.

Global warming and environmental destruction has additional work to determine the feasibility of

come forward as a major issue in the recent years. utilizing this industrial by-product more wisely as a

Started alarming in engineers mind, especially in replacement for both fine and coarse aggregates in a

civil engineers mind. Looking forward for finding out conventional concrete mixture. From these results of

the solution of these issues and also the use of more the study we can say that as the percentage of steel

and more environmental- friendly materials in every slag as replacement is increased (0% to 45%) the

Industry particularly construction industry is a strength of concrete increases. After 45%

paramount importance. Civil engineers start thinking replacement of Coarse aggregate as steel slag slight

about concrete, which is more dominant product to be decrease in strength is observe, but still it is higher

used by civil engineers to make it environmental than 0% replacement without any adverse effect on

friendly. These materials are majority byproducts the strength of concrete.I l producing 3-7 tonnes of

from other processes, out of all these materials one of waste which includes the solid, liquid and gas are

the useful byproduct material is Steel slag. Steel slag generated for every ton of steel produced.

is previously used as aggregate in hot mix asphalt

surface applications, but needs to update for

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 367

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

II. MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES is generally used as a coarse aggregate. The nature
of work decides the maximum size of the coarse
aggregate. Locally available coarse aggregate
Cement Brand : Ultratech Cement having the maximum size of 20 mm was used int
Cement Type : Ordinary Portland his work.
Specific Gravity of Cement,G =3.13 Physical Properties of coarse aggregates.
Standard Consistency of cement: Characteristics Value
Quantity of Cement: W1=400gms Type Crushed
Quantity of Water: W2= 33%=132ml Specific Gravity 2.884
Penetration of Plunger from Top = 33 mm Total Water Absorption 0.97%
(Desirable is 33 to 35 mm) Fineness Modulus 6.96
Initial Setting Time: Quantity of Cement:
Mechanical Properties of Aggragate
Weight of Water as per Standard Consistency: P =
Property Value
33 %= 132 ml
13 % (should not be
Elongation Index
Initial Setting Time of the Cement : 28mins. Final
more than 15 %)
Setting Time of the Cement : 560 mins. Fineness of
12 % (should not be
Flakiness Index
Cement,W = 225m2/kg Compressive strength of more than 15 %)
Cement Specific Gravity of
G = 2.98
3days : 23 Aggregate Slag Aggregate
7days : 37 4.5 % (should not be
Aggregate impact value
28days : 43 more than 30 %)
SAND (Fine Aggregate) 19.11 % (should not
Crushing value
The sand used for the work was locally procured and be more than 45 %)
conformed to Indian Standard Specifications IS: 383-
Dry Loose Bulk Density 1.52 Kg/lt
2016. The sand was sieved through 4.75 mm sieve to
1.0 % (should not be
Water Absorption
remove any particles greater than 4.75 mm. The
more than 2 %)
various other tests conducted are specific density,
14 % (should not be
Abrasion Value
bulk density, fineness modulus, water absorption and
more than 30 %)
sieve analysis. The fine aggregated belonged to
Steel Slag
grading zone II. This Aggregate
Steel Slag is the main component of this study, which
is locally available material. Steel Slag used in is
fine aggregate was 2.60 while its Fineness modulus
work is collected from Jai Jawala Steel industry
Baddi. Steel slag is a byproduct obtained either from
conversion of iron to steel in a Basic Oxygen Furnace
The material which is retained on IS sieve no. 4.75
(BOF), or by the melting of scrap to make steel in the
is termed as a coarse aggregate. The crushed stone
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). The molten liquid is a

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

complex solution of silicates and oxides that Composition Compositio

solidifies on cooling and forms steel slag.Steel slag is Constituents provided n provided
defined by the American Society for Testing and By Steel
Materials (ASTM) as a non-metallic product, Industry (%) by
consisting essentially of calcium silicate sand ferrites
combined with fused oxides of iron, aluminum,
Aluminum oxide
4.84 1-5
manganese, calcium and magnesium that are
developed simultaneously with steel in basic oxygen,
Calcium oxide
30.7 40-52
electric arc, or open hearth furnaces. (Kalyoncu,
2001). Steel furnace slag is produced in a Basic
Chromium oxide
Oxygen Furnace (BOF) or Electric Arc Furnace 0.28 ---
(EAF) as a byproduct of the production of steel. In
10 – 40
the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), the hot liquid
Iron 35.6 (70 -80%
metal from the blast furnace, scrap and fluxes, which
oxide FeO, 20-
contain lime (CaO) and dolomitic lime, are charged
(FeO) 30%
to a furnace (Shi, 2004). A lance is lowered into the
converter and then oxygen in injected with high
Magnesium oxide
pressure. This slag is in molten state and is then 9.95 5-10
processed to remove all free metallic impurities with
Manganese oxide
help of magnetic separation and then sized into 3.99 5-8
construction aggregates .Unlike the Basic Oxygen
Phosphorus oxide
Furnace (BOF) process, the Electric Arc Furnace 0.61 0.5-1
(EAF) does not use hot metal, but uses cold steel
Potassium oxide
scraps. This slag which floats on the surface of 0.05 --
molten steel is then poured off. Minor elements
included are manganese, iron, sulfur compounds and Silicon oxide
12.0 10-19
traces of several other elements .Physical (SiO2)

characteristics such as porosity, density, particle Sodium oxide

0.09 --
gradation, are affected by the cooling rate of the slag (Na2O)
and its chemical composition. Titanium oxide
0.65 --
Vanadium oxide
0.21 --
Water Absorption 3.37 --
SSD Specific 3.09 --

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

The physical mechanical and chemical properties of be avoided since the quality of the water could
steel slag are shown below. change due to low water or by intermittent tap water
1.Physical Properties of Steel Slag is used for casting.
Property Value
Specific Gravity > 3.2 - 3.6 3.DESGIN MIX AS PER IS 10262:2009
Unit Weight, kg/m3 1600 – 1920 Mass of Cement in kg/m3 -400
Water Absorption up to 3% Mass of Water in kg/m3 - 160
Mass of Fine Aggregate in kg/m3 - 704 Mass of
2 Mechanical Properties of Steel Slag as Aggregate 3
Coarse Aggregate in kg/m - 1271
Property Value Mass of 20 mm in kg/m3 - 915

Elongation Index
1.01 % (should not be Mass of 10 mm in kg/m3 - 356
more than 15 %) Mass of Admixture in kg/m3 - 2.00
4.48 % (should not be Water Cement Ratio - 0.40
Flakiness Index
more than 15 %)
Specific Gravity of Steel 4.TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
G = 2.91
Slag Aggregate The test results of slump, compressive strength, split
23.21 % (should not tensile strength and flexural strength obtained from
Aggregate impact value
be more than 30 %) the experimental study are given in the form of graph
36.55 % (should not and made discussion also.
Crushing value
be more than 45 %) A.Slump test
Dry Loose Bulk Density 1.12 Kg/lt Slump test is conducted on fresh concrete of different
2.5 % (should not be mix proportions. The obtained slump value for
Water Absorption
more than 2 %) normal concrete is 50 mm. This indicates medium
27 % (should not be workability.
Abrasion Value
more than 30 %) Fig.1 shows the variation of slump value of concrete
using steel slag. From the graph it is observed that in
Water concrete, percentage of steel slag increases, it
Generally, water that is suitable for drinking is decreases the workability.
satisfactory for use in concrete. Water from lakes and Mixture Measured slump (mm)
streams that contain marine life also usually is Steel Slag 0% 50
suitable. When water is obtained from sources Steel Slag 15% 48
mentioned above, no sampling is necessary. When it
Steel Slag 30% 42
is suspected that water may contain sewage, mine
Steel Slag 45% 37
water, or wastes from industrial plants or canneries, it
Steel Slag 60% 35
should not be used in concrete unless tests indicate
that it is satisfactory. Water from such sources should

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

B. Compressive strength Fig4.2

.2 Split tensile strength of concrete using steel
Concrete cubes of size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 slag at 28th day
mm were prepared and the specimen is cured, it is Fig.2 shows the split tensile strength of concrete
tested for compressive strength. The maximum load using steel slag at 28th day. The split tensile strength
at failure reading was taken. of concrete showed similar behavior to the
compressive strength. The results showed that the
50 42.6 44
Compressive strength(N/mm2)

39.4 40.82 38.04 40.1 split tensile strength is increased upto 45%
40 34.21
29.85 32.05 replacement of coarse aggregate using steel slag,
30 25.87
beyond that the split tensile strength value reduced
20 7th day
but it more than
n the split tensile strength of control
10 28th day mix.
0 D. Flexural strength
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% The flexural strength test for beam specimenhaving
Volume of aggregate replaced by steel slag (%) thesize of100 x 100 x 500 mmwas casted and cured
at 28 days. It was kept horizontally between the
.1 Compressive strength of concrete using
loading surfaces of a universal testing machine and
steel slag at 7th& 28th day
the load was applied until failure of the beam. The
Fig.1 shows the compressive strength of concrete
failure load was noted and shorter length from crack
using copper slag at 7th and 28th day. It was
observed that the strength of concrete increases with
the increase in the quantity of ssteel slag as 4.89
replacement to natural aggregates. 5 4.18 4.34 4.2
Flexural strength (N/mm2)

C. Split tensile strength 4
Concrete cylinders of diameter 150 mm and height 3
300mm were casted and the specimen is cured, it is
tested for split tensile on 28th day. The
maximumload at failure reading was take
5 0% 15% 30% 45% 60%
Split tensile str(N/mm2)

3.65 3.87 3.85 Volume of aggregate replaced by steel…

4 to support strength was measured.

2 Fig4.3
.3 Flexural strength of concrete using steel

1 slag at 28th day

Fig.3 shows the flexural strength of concrete using
0% of15%
45% by60%
steel slag steel slag at 28th day. It is observed that flexural
strength of concrete increases with the increase in the
quantity of steel slag as replacement
replacem of coarse

ISSN: 2395-1303
1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 371
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

aggregate. Upto 45% of replacement by steel slag, the Resistance of sulphate attack of concrete shows
the flexural strength of concrete increases but beyond increment beyond it will show decrement in the
45% decrease in the strength was observed. The strength is observed.
maximum increase in the flexural strength obtained at
45% replacement and the flexural strength of 50
concrete increases 18.20% compared with control
45 44
concrete. 42.6 41.82
40.82 40.56 40.1
Resistance to Sulphate attack of concrete 39.04
40 37.11 37.78 38.04
This test was conducted on 150 x 150 x 150mm cube 36.4

Compressive strength (N/mm2)

34.21 34.48
specimens. The cubes were casted and cured in water 32.05 32.63
29.85 30.1
for 28 days. Sodium sulphate(NaSo4) solution of 30 27.15
50g/l is used to evaluate sulphate resistance of 25.87 7th days
concrete. Cubes are immersed in solution after 28 Immersed
days curing, and are tested for compressive strength 20 28th days
at 7&28 days. When this compressive strength is Immersed2
compare with the compressive strength of specimen
cured in water at same ages also there is increase of 10
steel slag aggregate with natural aggregate at 15%,
30%, 45%and 60% were also checked. When the
replacement of natural aggregate with steel slag 0
increase in the mix. 0% 15% 30% 45% 60%
Volume of aggregate replaced by steel slag (%)
Compressive strength of concrete mixes after
immersion in NaSo4solution
From observation we conclude that the Resistance to The Resistance to sulphate attack of concrete mix
sulphate attack of concrete increases as the quantity increases upto 16% if 45% of aggregate is replaced
of steel slag is increases on replacement of coarse by steel slag at 28 days.
aggregate .Only upto 45% replacement of steel slag
5.CONCLUSION between the particles and cement paste.

• The optimum value of compressive strength • This experimental study has proved to be

, flexural strength, split tensile strength can better way to disposal of steel slag

be achieved by 45% replacement of steel • The cost of slag is almost 50% of that of
slag. natural aggregate also it is economical to use

• Strength of M35 grade of concrete increases the Steel Industrial waste product. Also it

with increases in steel slag quantity. The could be easily used as coarse and fine

improvement in strength may be due to aggregate in all plain concrete applications.

shape, size and surface texture of steel slag

aggregate, which provide better adhesion

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 3, May - June 2018

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