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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

9, Issue 3, 2021 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Experimental Study on Effect of Partial Replacement of JHAMA

Bricks as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
Mr.N.Thirugnansambantham1 Arun R2 Dhamayanthi Malathi A3 Manikandan K C4
Vinothkumar P5
Head of the Department 2,3,4,5Student
Department of Civil Engineering
Shree Venkateshwara Hi-tech Engineering College, Othakuthirai, Gobi, India
Abstract— The concrete is very useful material and now a of natural resources and to find alternative ways conserving
days it is not only used in the building construction work but the environment.
it is also useful for the construction of the bridges, roads,
dams and other important structures. The concrete is a II. METHODOLOGY
composite material and conventional concrete is made of
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. Since the COLLECTION OF MATERIALS
use of concrete is very large and day by day the cost of the
conventional concrete material also rises. So, it is
advantageous to use the alternative materials for making the
concrete. This project focuses on the coarse aggregate in
concrete. In this project Jhama brick or over burnt brick is
used to replace the coarse aggregate partially. This material STUDY ON PROPERTIES OF
was chosen because of their availability also possesses higher MATERIALS
strength between 120 to 150 Kg/cm2. The jhama brick is
available from brick manufacturing area. This project
presents the effects of jhama class brick inclusion on the
mechanical properties of jhama class brick based concrete MIX PROPORTION
used partially replace, ent jhama class brick to coarse
aggregate ratios of 15%, 20%, 25% in M25 grade of concrete.
Keywords: Partial Replacement, JHAMA Bricks, Concrete


Concrete is considered as the world’s most used construction CONCRETE
material. The usual ingredients in concrete are cement, fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. It was recognized
long time ago that the suitable mineral admixtures are mixed
in optimum proportions with cement improves the many
qualities in concrete. With increasing scarcity of river sand
and natural aggregate across the country, research began PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF
cheaply available material as an alternative for natural JHAMA BRICKS WITH COARSE
aggregate. Utilization of industrial waste or secondary AGGREGATE
material has increased in construction field for the concrete
production because it contributes to reducing the
consumption of natural resources.
In this project, the jhama bricks are used to replace
the coarse aggregate with the percentages of 15%, 20%, & CURING
25% by weight of coarse aggregate in M25 grade of concrete.
Concrete cubes and cylinders for different curing ages to be
tested at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days.
In India, there is great demand of aggregate mainly TESTING
from civil engineering industry for road and concrete
constructions. But, now a days it is very difficult problem for
availability of coarse aggregates. So, researches developed
waste management strategies to apply for replacement of ANALYSIS OF RESILTS
coarse aggregates for specific need.
Natural resources are depleting worldwide while at
the same time the generated wastes from the industry are
increasing sustainable development for construction involves
the use of non- conventional and innovative materials, and Cement is fine, gray powder is mixed with water and materials
recycling of waste materials in order to compensate the lack such as sand, coarse aggregate to make concrete. The cement
and water from a paste tat binds other materials together as

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Experimental Study on Effect of Partial Replacement of JHAMA Bricks as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
(IJSRD/Vol. 9/Issue 03/2021/084)

concrete. In this present work Ordinary Protland Cement IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH
(OPC) cement of 53 grade was used from casting the cubes and
A. Compressive Strength of Hardened
cylinders. Cement was uniform in color i.e, gray with a light
greenish shad. Concrete id done by cube test. Compressive strength of
Particulars Values concrete on hardened concrete is determined using
Grade OPC 53 compressive test. The compressive test is carried out on
Specific gravity 3.13 specimen cubical in shape. The cube of size 15 x 15 x15 cm
Standard consistency % 32% are used. Metal mould preferably steel or cast iron are
selected, cleaned and inner layer of specimens are applied
Fineness % 3.11%
with crude oil. Concrete prepared in the ratio 1:1:2 and is
Initial setting time (mins) 30
filled into the mould in layers approximately 5cm deep. Each
Final setting time (mins) 600
layer is compacted either by hand or by vibration.32
Table 1: Properties of cement
After the top layer has been compacted the surface
A. Fine Aggregate of the concrete is brought to the finishing level using a trowel.
These are the aggregate which have a size less than 4.75mm. When compacting is done by hand, the standard tamping bar
in the laboratory, they are classified as the aggregate which is used and the strokes of the bar are distributed a uniform
passes through the BIS sieve no.480. usually natural sand is manner over the cross section of the mould.
used as fine aggregate. At place where natural sand is not Compressive strength of concrete =Maximum compressive
available crushed stone is used as fine aggregate. load / cross sectional area
 Specific gravity of fine aggregate is 2.63 σ = P/ bh for cube
σ = P/ πr2h for cylinder
 Fineness % of fine aggregate is 2.45
σ = Compressive strength of specimen p = Load applied to
 Bulk density of fine aggregate is 1.71
the specimen
B. Coarse Aggregate b = Breadth of the cube specimen h = Height of the specimen
The size of aggregate between 20mm and 4.75mm is r = Radius of the cylinder
considered as coarse aggregate. Laboratory tests were Size of cubes = 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm
conducted on coarse aggregate to determine the different Grade of concrete = M25 grade specimen
physical properties as per IS 2386 (Part III) – 1963. This test B. Compressive strength test values
was conducted for 20mm size aggregate. This method is
7 days 14days 28days
useful for finding the particle size distribution of aggregate. s.no %
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
They were considered as per IS 383-1970.
1. 0% 20.20 25.20 31.60
 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate is 2.72
2. 15% 20.50 25.15 32.81
 Fineness % of coarse aggregate is 7.17
3. 20% 20.73 23.20 33.30
 Bulk density of coarse aggregate is 1.594
4. 25% 20.86 24.91 32.25
C. Water Table 3: Compressive strength of jhama bricks
Water is a key ingredient in the manufacture of concrete.
Attention should be given to the quality of water used in
concrete. The good quality concrete can be made with water
which should be clean and portable. Water should be avoided
if it contains large amounts of dissolved solids, or appreciable
amounts of organic materials.
 Specific gravity of water is 1
 PH value of water is 7 to 9
D. Jhama Bricks
When the bricks excessively up to the temperature 1100-1200
degree centigrade it turns into over burnt bricks. These bricks
are also known as jhama bricks. Due to over burnt, the bricks
become black and its edges are also become curved. Due to
this the bricks are sold at cheaper rate. Therefore, one of the
cheaper alternatives for coarse aggregate.
Particulars Values
Specific gravity 2.67
Crushing value 35.97 Fig. 1: Compressive strength test
Bulk density 2.32
Table 2: Properties of jhama bricks This test was developed in Brazil in 1943. The splitting test
is simple to perform and gives more uniform result than other

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Experimental Study on Effect of Partial Replacement of JHAMA Bricks as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
(IJSRD/Vol. 9/Issue 03/2021/084)

tension test. Strength determined in the splitting test is found Among different percentage mixes of concrete 20%
to be nearest to the tensile strength of concrete. showed maximum compressive strength at later ages.
The test is carried out by placing a cylindrical The compressive strength was found to be about 4%
specimen of 15cm and length 30cm loading in a compressive higher than control mix when the coarse aggregate is replaced
testing machine. The load is applied until failure of the by 15%.
cylinder which occurs along the diameter. The compressive strength was found to be about 3%
Fbt = Pl/(bd2) higher than control mix when the coarse aggregate is replaced
Where, by 15%.
P = Compressive strength at failure l = load of cylinder The cost analysis indicates that percent of coarse
b = Width of cylinder d = Diameter aggregate reduction decrease the cost of concrete, but at the
same time strength also increase. The mix is the most
A. Split Tensile Strength Test Value
economical and gives high strength compared to control mix.
7days 14days 28days
S.no %
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 REFERENCE
1. 0% 2.11 2.22 3.02
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Fig. 2: Split tensile test and an aggregate of rock.
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It can be seen that there is increase in strength with the and Innovations in Technology, ISSN: 2454- 132X,
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compressive strength was achieved by 20% replacement of [7] Tariq Ali., Nouman Iqbal., Muhammad Ali Khan., Dr.
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VII. CONCLUSION water and cement in concrete production.
We concluded that the strength of concrete increased by the
replacement of coarse aggregate by 20% of jhama brick, save
concrete materials costs. Here we are using OPC of 53 grade,
well graded coarse and fine aggregate.

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