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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready M ix

Concrete Industry.
Raghavendra Y. B,Y. Ramalinga Reddy.
Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) is a byproduct
Abstract: The construction industry plays a vital role in India’s from the blast furnaces used to make iron. These operate at a
development and it contributes about 8-10 per cent to GDP on an temperature of about 1500 degrees centigrade and are fed
average. Developing nations like India need to have faster with a carefully controlled mixture of iron ore, coke and
construction with high quality, durability and a pollution-free
limestone. The iron ore is reduced to iron and the remaining
environment, which can be achieved only with Ready mix
concrete (RMC). The usage of GGBS is very high in RMC materials from a slag that floats on top of the iron. This slag is
industry. Compressive strength and workability are the most periodically tapped off as a molten liquid and if it is to be used
important and basic properties of concrete for any applications. for the manufacture of GGBS it has to be rapidly quenched in
An experimental investigation is carried out on optimum usage of large volumes of water. The quenching optimises the
GGBS in Ready Mix concrete industry. This paper presents the cementitious properties and produces granules similar to
experimental test results of 27 types of concrete mixes made with coarse sand. This granulated slag is then dried and ground to a
10% to 80% replacement of ordinary Portland cement. Slump fine powder.
retention for 180 minute which is a basic requirement for an RMC
industry is carried out. Compressive strength testing of all the
The use of slag (GGBFS), an industrial by- product which
specimens was carried out at 7, 28, 56, 90 and 180 days. otherwise would contribute to land pollution, as a
The test results proved that the compressive strength of concrete replacement for Portland cement in concrete will result in less
mix containing GGBS increases but after 50% of the total binder energy for the manufacture of cement and reduce the green
content, the addition of GGBS does not improve the strength of gas emissions due to concrete construction (Flower et al.,
concrete. The reason could be GGBS may act as fine aggregate. 2005) [16]
As per IS 16714:2018 Granulated blast furnace slag is defined
Keywords: RMC, Optimum GGBS, Workability, Strength gain, as a non metallic product consisting essentially of glass
containing silicates and aluminosilicates of lime and other
bases which is developed simultaneously with iron in blast
furnace. Granulated blast furnace slag is obtained by further
processing the molten slag by rapidly chilling or quenching
Admixtures are the integral part of modern concrete. The with water or steam.
advances in construction industry have contributed ASTM C 989 defines slag activity index as the percentage
tremendously for the new developments in admixtures. The ratio of the average compressive strength of slag cement
use of various admixtures in concrete alters the fresh (50-50%) mortar cubes to the average compressive strength
properties (Workability) and hardened properties (Strength) of reference cement mortar cubes at a designated age.
and durability. Due to the vast construction activities, According ASTM C 989, GGBS is classified into three grades
different grades of concrete with natural and artificial – Grade 80, Grade 100 and Grade 120, depends on relative
ingredients are in use. In the preparation of concrete, a compressive strength. The amount of fines retained when wet
number of mineral and chemical admixtures are used in screened on a 45-μm sieve is 20% max.
addition to the standard ingredients. The dosage of these The selection of cementitious materials and admixture in mix
admixtures is comparatively more in READY MIXED design is most significant in order to achieve required
CONCRETES. properties of concrete.
Usage of six components namely, coarse aggregate, fine A Ones and A Kyuz [3] have determined the compressive
aggregate, water, Ordinary Portland cement with mineral strength of GGBS concrete at different ages and at various
admixture/blended cement and plasticizer for production of replacement levels. A Grade 100 class (ASTM C 989) GGBS
engineered concrete, instead of was used. It was reported that the optimum level of GGBS
non-engineered/semi-engineered concrete production with content for maximizing strength is at about 55-59% of the
four components, can make concrete sustainable in India. total binder content. GGBS has positive effect on the
Mineral admixture such as Alcofine, Microsilica, Rice husk workability
ash, Fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS),
are commonly used in concrete to enhance the concrete
Manuscript Received on August 20, 2019.
* Correspondence Author
Raghavendra Y B*, Research Scholar, School of Civil Engineering
REVA University, Bengaluru, India Email: [email protected]
Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy Professor & Director,
Assoc. Dean (Civil & Mech), REVA University, Bengaluru, India
Email: [email protected]

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4542 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

Mohamed Elachalakani, Tarek Aly and Emad Abu-Aisheh good water absorption and RCP performance was for 60%
[13] carried out experiments on high volume GGBS concrete. GGBS mix
Based strength, durability, setting time and workability 80% In this paper, an experimental investigation of optimum usage
GGBFS Mix and 60% GGBFS mix was proposed for the use of GGBS in concrete for RMC Industry was carried out by
in the construction of Masdar City in UAE. The worst water varying cement content and water cement ratio.
absorption and RCP performance was for 0% GGBS mix and

Table1:Chemical compositions (%) of binding materials

Constituents (%)
Material SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO Mg O SO3 S Cl Glass content
Cement* 20.68 4.94 4.23 60.63 1.58 1.53 - 0.022 -
GGBS* 35.0 8.0 3.0 37.0 7.27 0.23 0.58 0.007 92%

Table 2:Physical properties of

binding materials
Table 3: Properties of aggregates
Physical test Cement* GGBS*
Specific gravity 3.13 2.86 Fine
2 Properties Aggregate
Fineness specific surface in m /kg Aggregate
by Blaine’s permeability method 324 386 Specific gravity 2.56 2.67
Fineness(retained on 90 µm sieve) 5% - Fineness Modulus 2.80 7.10
Fineness(retained on 45 µm sieve) - 4.5% Water Absorption 3.80 0.40
Combined Flakiness Index
Vicat time of setting (min) & Elongation Index - 21.74
Initial 140 - Impact Value - 23.0
Final 220 - Crushing Value - 27.0
Table 4 : Properties of admixture

Parameter Specification (As per IS 9103) Result *

Physical state Reddish Brown liquid Reddish Brown liquid
Chemical name of active ingredient Polycarboxylate Polymers Polycarboxylate Polymers
Relative Density at 25 C 1.09+/-0.01 1.09
pH Min 6 7.27
Chloride Content (%) Max 0.2 0.0074
Dry Material content (%) 35 (+/-5%) 35.32
* As furnished by the manufacturer
B. Concrete Mix Proportions
The mix proportioning was carried out as per IS 10262:2009
A. Material properties code. Three approaches were adopted in this study for a better
and accurate assessment. The most commonly used binder
Cement: The cement used was OPC 53 grade conforming to
content and water cement ration by RMC manufacturer was
IS 269-2015. The physical and chemical composition are
considered. The term cement refers to the binder including
given in table 1 & 2.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS): The GGBS
The first approach was low volume cement content (350
used was conforming to ASTM C 989 and was provided by a
kg/m3) with water cement ratio 0.45. The control mix had 350
reputed GGBS manufacturer. The physical and chemical
kg/m3 OPC, 158 kg/m3 water, 677 kg/ cum crushed 20 mm
compositions are given in table 1 & 2.
aggregate, 451 kg/m3 12.5 mm aggregate, 785 kg/cum
Aggregates: Locally available aggregates was used, the
crushed rock fines and a high range water reducer 1.4 kg/m3
properties are given in table 3
was used in the mix. This approach is represented in mixes
Chemical Admixture: Poly carboxyl ate (PCE) based
C350G0, C315G35, C280G70, C245G105, C210G140,
admixture was provided by a reputed admixture manufacturer
C175G175, C140G210, C105G245, and C70G280. The table
was used. The properties are given in table 4
5 shows the mix proportions and the test results.

The second approach was

medium volume cement

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4543 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

content (400 kg/m3) with water cement ration 0.40. The The third approach was high volume cement content (450
control mix kg/m3) with water cement ratio 0.35. The control mix had 450
had 400 kg/m3 OPC, 160 kg/m3 water, 671 kg/ cum crushed kg/m3 OPC, 158 kg/m3 water, 680 kg/ cum crushed 20 mm
20 mm aggregate, 447 kg/m3 12.5 mm aggregate, 746 kg/cum aggregate, 435 kg/m3 12.5 mm aggregate, 714 kg/cum
crushed rock fines and a high range water reducer 2 kg/m3 crushed rock fines and a high range water reducer 2.9 kg/m3
was used in the mix. This approach is represented in mixes was used in the mix. This approach is represented in mixes
C400G0, C360G40, C320G80, C280G120, C240G160, C450G0, C405G45, C360G90, C315G135, C270G180,
C200G200, C160G240, C120G280, and C80G320 The table C225G225, C180G270, C135G315, and C90G360 The table
6 shows the mix proportions and the test results. 7 shows the mix proportions and the test results.
Table 5 Total cement content 350 Kg/cum, Water cement ratio 0.45
Ref Mix C350G0 C315G35 C280G70 C245G105 C210G140 C175G175 C140G210 C105G245 C70G280
Cement 350 315 280 245 210 175 140 105 70
General details
GGBS% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Admixture Kg/ cum 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Initial Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
60 min Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
Slump (mm)
120 min 150 155 165 180 190 210 220 230 240
180 min 90 125 135 155 165 190 200 210 215
Temperature Atmospheric Temp 27.5 28 27.8 27.6 27.3 28 28.5 29.5 29.5
(·C) Concrete Temperature 28.4 29.1 28.4 28.5 27.9 28.6 28.1 28.6 29.0
Air Content % 1.40 1.35 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.20 1.10
7 hr 55 8 hr 50 10 hr 10 15hr 45 19hr 55
Initial 8 hr 15Min 8hr 0 min 8hr 10 min 8hr 20 min
min min min min min
Setting time
9 hr 35 10 hr 0 10hr 20 11 hr 10 11 hr 0 11hr 10 13 hr 10 18 hr 25 22 hr 30
min min min min min min min min min
7days 29.0 28.1 26.1 25.3 23.5 22.6 16.2 14.2 12.4
Avg 28days 40.5 38.6 36.8 34.0 34.1 32.4 24.3 22.6 19.6
Compressive 56 days 41.8 41.3 42.3 42.6 43.5 43.0 30.2 27.5 24.5
strength (Mpa) 90 days 44.3 44.9 44.5 44.9 45.3 46.0 32.6 30.5 26.8
180 days 45.2 46.2 47.6 48.7 49.6 51.0 35.1 33.2 29.4
strength gain 28days 39.7 37.4 41.0 34.4 45.1 43.4 50.0 59.2 58.1
from 7 to 28 56 days 44.1 47.0 62.1 68.4 85.1 90.3 86.4 93.7 97.6
days, 56days, 90 days 52.8 59.8 70.5 77.5 92.8 103.5 101.2 114.8 116.1
90 days, 180
days (%) 180 days 55.9 64.4 82.4 92.5 111.1 125.7 116.7 133.8 137.1

Table 6 Total cement content 400 Kg/cum, Water cement ratio 0.40
Ref Mix C400G0 C360G40 C320G80 C280G120 C240G160 C200G200 C160G240 C120G280 C80G320
Cement 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80
General details GGBS% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Admixture Kg/ cum 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Initial Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
60 min 180 Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
Slump (mm)
120 min 140 150 165 175 180 200 210 230 235
180 min 80 120 135 145 150 170 180 190 200
Atmospheric Temp 27.9 28.2 28 27.8 27.6 28.2 28.8 31.2 28.1
(·C) Concrete
28.9 29.2 28.8 28.6 28.1 28.6 28.7 29.7 27.2
Air Content % 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05
7 hr 45 8 hr 0 8 hr 50 10hr 30 14hr 45 19hr 45
Initial 8hr 15 min 8hr 30 min 8hr 40 min
min Min min min min min
Setting time
9 hr 45 10 hr 15 10hr 11 hr 0 11 hr 15 11hr 30 13 hr 30 17 hr 45 22 hr 0
min min 40min min min min min min min
7days 40.0 39.2 38.3 36.7 33.2 32.3 26.0 23.6 22.1
Avg 28days 49.2 48.5 47.5 46.2 45.6 45.0 34.2 32.3 28.6
Compressive 56 days 52.3 51.5 51.0 53.6 54.3 57.0 44.5 42.5 39.5
strength (Mpa) 90 days 54.2 52.6 54.7 57.2 59.6 60.3 50.9 47.6 45.3
180 days 57.4 54.4 58.0 59.8 61.1 65.0 53.6 51.0 47.9
strength gain 28days 23.0 23.7 24.0 25.9 37.3 39.3 31.5 36.9 29.4
from 7 to 28 56 days 30.8 31.4 33.2 46.0 63.6 76.5 71.2 80.1 78.7

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4544 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

days, 56days, 90 days 35.5 34.2 42.8 55.9 79.5 86.7 95.8 101.7 105.0
90 days, 180
days in (%) 180 days 43.5 38.8 51.4 62.9 84.0 101.2 106.2 116.1 116.7

Table 7 Total cement content 450 Kg/cum, Water cement ratio 0.35
Ref Mix C450G0 C405G45 C360G90 C315G135 C270G180 C225G225 C180G270 C135G315 C90G360
Cement 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80
General details GGBS% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Admixture Kg/ cum 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Initial Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
60 min 180 Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse Collapse
Slump (mm)
120 min 140 150 165 175 180 200 215 230 240
180 min 80 120 135 145 150 170 180 190 200
Atmospheric Temp 26.5 29.3 26.1 28.1 28 28.5 30.2 29.1 29.6
(·C) Concrete
27.5 30.5 27.5 29 28.6 28.6 29.5 28 28.9
Air Content % 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05
8 hr 10 8hr 25 8 hr 20 13hr 55 16 hr 15
Initial 7 hr 25 min 8hr 20 min 8hr 20 min 9hr 45 min
Min min min min min
Setting time
10 hr 25 10hr 11 hr 10 11 hr 30 11hr 10 13 hr 10 15 hr 55 19 hr 20
Final 9 hr 35 min
min 50min min min min min min min
7days 48.2 46.8 44.5 41.6 38.3 36.8 26.8 24.5 23.5
Avg 28days 59.3 57.5 57.3 55.4 54.1 53.3 37.3 35.3 31.7
Compressive 56 days 63.2 63.7 64.8 64.4 65.7 65.8 46.5 44.7 47.5
strength (Mpa) 90 days 65.7 66.8 66.6 68.5 69.5 71.2 51.5 48.9 46.2
180 days 66.9 69.4 67.9 70.6 72.6 75.8 54.8 52.6 48.9
Compressive 28days 23.0 22.9 28.8 33.2 41.3 44.8 39.2 44.1 34.9
strength gain 56 days 31.1 36.1 45.6 54.8 71.5 78.8 73.5 82.4 102.1
from 7 to 28
days, 56days, 90 90 days 36.3 42.7 49.7 64.7 81.5 93.5 92.2 99.6 96.6
days, 180 days
180 days 38.8 48.3 52.6 69.7 89.6 106.0 104.5 114.7 108.1
in (%)


A. Low volume cement content (350 kg/m3)

Fig 3 & Fig 4 shows the results of compressive strength
development for the Ref mixes C350G0 to C70G280 where
the binder content 350 kg/m3 and water cement ratio 0.45 is
constant for all the mixes. The early age strength values of
GGBS concrete mixes are lower than the controlled OPC mix.
As the curing period increases the strength value of GGBS
mixes also increases. At 50% replacement the strength gain is
maximum but after 50% there is a drop in the strength of
concrete. At 50 % replacement, the percentage of strength
gain from 7 days to 56 days is 90.3% whereas after 56 days
there is no significant strength growth. It is observed there is a
significant drop in the slump (Fig 1) from 120 min to 180 min
in pure OPC mix compared to GGBS blended mixes. The
slump retention capacity of GGBS mixes are better than the
OPC mix for the constant binder content, water cement ratio
and also admixture dosage. The concrete temperature is
higher than the atmospheric temperature for the OPC mix but
at 60% replacement i.e. C140G210 the concrete temperature
(fig 2) is lesser than atmospheric temperature. The setting
time of blended mixes increases slightly but all the mixes are
in acceptable limits. Air content has no adverse effect on

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4545 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

Fig 1 Slump test results for low volume cement content (350 kg/m3)

Fig 2 Temperature results for low volume cement content (350 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4546 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

Fig 3 Mechanical strength results for low volume cement content (350 kg/m3)

Fig 4 Results for strength gain in % for low volume cement content (350 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4547 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

B. Medium volume cement content (400 kg/m3)

Fig 7 & Fig 8 shows the results of compressive strength significant drop in the slump (Fig 5) from 120 min to 180 min
development for the Ref mixes C400G0 to C80G320 where in pure OPC mix compared to GGBS blended mixes. The
the binder content 400 kg/m3 and water cement ratio 0.40 is slump retention capacity of GGBS mixes are better than the
constant for all the mixes. The early age strength values of OPC mix for the constant binder content, water cement ratio
GGBS concrete mixes are lower than the controlled OPC mix. and also admixture dosage. The concrete temperature (Fig 6)
As the curing period increases the strength value of GGBS is higher than the atmospheric temperature for the OPC mix
mixes also increases. At 50% replacement the strength gain is but at 60% replacement i.e C160G240 the concrete
maximum but after 50% there is a drop in the strength of temperature is lesser than atmospheric temperature. The
concrete. At 50 % replacement, the percentage of strength setting time of blended mixes increases slightly but all the
gain from 7 days to 56 days is 76.5% whereas after 56 days mixes are in acceptable limits. Air content has no adverse
there is no significant strength growth. It is observed there is a effect on mixes.

Fig 5 Slump test results for medium volume cement content (400 kg/m3)

Fig 6 Temperature results for medium volume cement content (400 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4548 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

Fig 7 Mechanical strength for medium volume cement content (400 kg/m3)

Fig 8 Results for strength gain in % for medium volume cement content (400 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4549 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

C. High volume cement content (450 kg/m3)

Fig 11 & Fig 12 shows the results of compressive strength in pure OPC mix compared to GGBS blended mixes. The
development for the Ref mixes C450G0 to C90G360 where slump retention capacity of GGBS mixes are better than the
the binder content 450 kg/m3 and water cement ratio 0.35 is OPC mix for the constant binder content, water cement ratio
constant for all the mixes. The early age strength values of and also admixture dosage. The concrete temperature (Fig 10)
GGBS concrete mixes are lower than the controlled OPC mix. is higher than the atmospheric temperature for the OPC mix
As the curing period increases the strength value of GGBS but at 60% replacement i.e C180G270 the concrete
mixes also increases. At 50% replacement the strength gain is temperature is lesser than atmospheric temperature. The
maximum but after 50% there is a drop in the strength of setting time of blended mixes increases slightly but all the
concrete. At 50 % replacement, the percentage of strength mixes are in acceptable limits. Air content has no adverse
gain from 7 days to 56 days is 78.8% whereas after 56 days effect on mixes.
there is no significant strength growth. It is observed there is a
significant drop in the slump (fig 9) from 120 min to 180 min

Fig 9 Slump test results for high volume cement content (450 kg/m3)

Fig 10 Temperature results for high volume cement content (450 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4550 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

Fig 11 Mechanical strength for high volume cement content (450 kg/m3)

Fig 12 Results for strength gain in % for high volume cement content (450 kg/m3)

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4551 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019

Fig 13 Slump test results for all mixes

Fig 14 Temperature results for all mixes

Fig 15 Mechanical strength for all mixes

Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4552 & Sciences Publication
Optimum usage of GGBS in Ready Mix Concrete Industry.

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As per BIS 456 – Plain & Reinforced concrete- Code of 2014, IIT Madras
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GGBS majority of the strength gain happens within 28-56 conference of the concrete institute of Australia, Melbourne: 2005:10
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should be considered.
Due to the glassy texture of GGBS we have observed minimal AUTHORS PROFILE
water demand and excellent slump retention due to slower Raghavendra Y. B. holds a B.E (civil) and M.Sc Engineering
reaction rate of early hydration Fig 13. The slower hydration (Research) degree. Currently he is pursuing
Author-1 PhD in Civil Engineering at REVA
rates helps to lower early heat generation thereby reducing the
University. He is awarded as Young
incidences of early thermal cracking. Engineer of Karnataka-2016, sponsored by
Based on temperature results it can be concluded that at 60% Indian Concrete Institute (Bangalore Centre).
replacement the concrete temperature falls below the Working for Ready Mix Industry from past
atmospheric temperature and hence where temperature 16 years. APARNA employee best
performance award 2016, Appreciation from
controlled concrete is required GGBS can be replaced at a M/s Aparna Enterprises Ltd for branding
minimum of 60%.Fig 14 APARNA. Certified Lead Auditor on QMS
Based on setting time test results, higher replacement of as per ISO 9001:2015 standard, Bureau VERITAS. He has published 7
GGBS increases the setting time of concrete but it does not national and international journals. He is the Project external guide for
B.E. and M.Tech. Students of B.I.T, EPCET, BMS & MVJ College of
have any adverse effect on the final product. Engineering His research interests include special concrete, use of
It is very important to select a good chemical admixture to admixtures in concrete, concrete mix design and curing of concrete
achieve the required properties of concrete. Life time Member ICI and ACCE.

CKNOWLEDGMENT r.Y.Ramalinga Reddy holds M.Tech in Hydraulic

Author-2 Engineering and PhD from Sri Krishnadevaraya
The author would like to thank Dr Y Ramalinga Reddy, University, Anantapur. He is the Professor and
School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, for his Director, Assoc. Dean (Civil and Mech) REVA
University. He has total 29 years experience out of
valuable guidance. Also thanks Aparna Ready Mix concrete
which 25 years in teaching experience which
company and Quality team for performing trial mixes. includes 5 years research experience and 4 years in
Industry. His areas of specialialization are
REFERENCES Hydrology & Irrigation, watershed Management,
Risk Management, Human Resources
1. ASTM: C 989-04, “Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Management. He has awarded Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Life Time
Blast-Furnace Slag for use in Concrete and Mortars”, ASTM, America. Achievement National Award (on 24th Feb 2018 by International Institute
2. IS 16714:2018: Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore.) and Best Director Award -
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Retrieval Number F8861088619/2019©BEIESP Published By:

DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8861.088619 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
4553 & Sciences Publication

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