St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist
Joseph Parish
Fr. John Cordes, Pastor
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: [email protected]
Father John email: [email protected]
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
June 18, 2018 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
CCD will begin in less than two months and we are in need of teachers!! If you could spare just a
few hours each week to assist in the catholic education of our youth, we would certainly appreciate your
generosity and commitment to our parish! Please call CCD Director—Rose Redeker as soon as possible.
The PAID position of part time custodian for our school building and church is OPEN now. This position
involves approx. 5 hours per week and includes cleaning the school and vacuuming beneath the church
benches. If you are interested, please call Father John at the rectory at 475-3326.
Faith and Family Night at the K (Royals) will be Saturday, July 7. There will be a post game
program included in your ticket. Check out the flyer on the church bulletin board or email
[email protected] or 816-504-4165,
Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka is hosting a “Living in Love” retreat on Saturday and
Sunday, August 4-5. Check out the flyer on the church bulletin board or go to
The next weekend for Worldwide Marriage Encounter is July 13-15 in Kansas City. For more info or to apply, visit or call Tony & Barb at 816-741-4066 or email [email protected].
Rural Youth Ministry Outreach of the Archdiocese will host the 2018 Summer Tour “Perfectly
Imperfect” on August 12 at Horton and August 19 at St. Boniface, Scipio. Check out at
[email protected] or
Outreach Ministry has been formed at St. Joseph to assist sick, elderly, disabled, or homebound parishioners or
their families who are in need of visits, calls, cards, meals, or transportation. If you or a family member are in
need of one of these services, please contact ARLENE REDEKER at 475-3414. If you are able to provide one of
these services (visit, send cards, make calls, provide a meal or ride), also call Arlene. We would also like to send
birthday cards to parishioners and community members who are 80 or over, widowed, in a nursing facility, or
homebound. If you know of someone that might enjoy a card, please call KAREN HAYES at 475-3327 and give
her their name, birthday, and address. THANKS for your help in getting our ministry started!
Please keep our seminarians in the Archdiocese in your daily prayers. These
seminarians are fulfilling summer assignments in different parishes and areas in the
The Cross of Infertility
This weekend we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist, a miraculous child born to parents who
bore the heavy burden of infertility for many years. God answered Elizabeth and Zachariah’s
prayers, but there are likely couples you know who are still waiting for their answer. Here is how
you can help:
• Don’t give advice unless asked.
• Acknowledge their suffering and offer to listen.
• Be sensitive regarding baby or child-related events.
• Continue to pray and let your friend know you are praying.
If you are in the midst of this struggle yourself, we know there are no easy answers. We join you
in prayer with this weekend’s psalm: For you are my hope, O LORD; my trust, O LORD, from my youth.
Please watch the bulletin and our Facebook page for any
changes or deviations or special announcements.