Calendar of Activities For EMHC New
Calendar of Activities For EMHC New
Calendar of Activities For EMHC New
Augustine Parish
Iba, Zambales
1. Conduct a survey of To enrich the
sick and elderly spirituality of
1st Saturday of October Spiritual Deepening during
brothers and sisters the EMHC in the Rev. Fr. Jun
(Tentative) the Holy Hour
in Barangay Sto. conduct of Holy
Rosario Hour
To offer prayers
for the souls of
Offered prayers for the
1. All Saint’s Day/ All the departed
Parish Priest Nov. 1, 2016 souls of the faithful
Souls Day brothers and
sisters and bless
their tombs
To experience
Gods blessings
through a
2. Christ the King meaningful Experienced spiritual
Parish Priest
Celebration participation blessings and renewal
during the
Christ the King
Retreat To reflect on Fr. Jun Saturday before the 1st Enlightened perspective
our spiritual
on the essential
preparedness Fr. Arwin
Sunday of Advent preparation for the coming
for the coming Fr. Eric
of the Messiah
of the Messiah