Joseph Parish
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Interim Parochial Administrator
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: [email protected]
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
September 9, 2018 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
We are updating the prayer list. If you have Thanks SO much for your financial
someone you would like to specifically add, commitment to our parish! Blessings!
please email Laurie or call church office.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 – Sacred Heart Church will host a presentation about Faith Based Community
Initiatives and foster care program in Lyon County. CALM Foster Care Agency will also participate. Lunch
will be held at 11:30 AM. Please bring a salad or side dish to share. Call Sacred Heart for more info.
The 45th annual Mexican Supper for Sacred Heart School will be Sept. 28 from 4:30-7:30 PM in the parish hall. Tickets are on
sale now for $8/meal. New this year, purchase and carry out un-fried tacos at the door- 10 for $10 !
The Archdiocesan office of the Permanent Diaconate is offering a series of Information Nights this fall at the
following locations:
Tuesday, Sept. 18, St. Francis Xavier in Burlington Thursday, Sept. 20, Christ the King in Topeka
Monday, Sept. 24, Cathedral of St. Peter in KCK Tuesday, Oct. 16, St. Benedict in Atchison
Wednesday, Oct. 24, Corpus Christi in Lawrence
All information nights begin at 7 PM. More info: email [email protected] or call 913-647-0358 or visit
June Knight of Month – Doug Schmidt June Family of Month – Michael Ratcliff
July Knight of Month – Mike Cole July Family of Month – Dave Goodell
July Friend of Month- Neenan Corp.
August Knight of Month - Joe Cole August Family of Month – Michel Ratcliff
Just as you celebrate Labor Day at the end of summer, you can also celebrate your Marriage by
attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. It’s a positive, simple, common sense private
experience between husband and wife that revitalizes marriage. A weekend renews the romance
and excitement you experienced during your dating days. The next Weekends in Kansas City are
September 14-16, 2018 and November 9-11, 2018. For more information or to apply, please
visit our website:
www.wwme4youandme.org or call Tony & Barb Zimmerman, 816-741-4066
or email [email protected]