GBT13752 1992en
GBT13752 1992en
GBT13752 1992en
P 97
GB/T 13752-92
GB/T 13752-1992 How to BUY & immediately GET a full-copy of this standard?
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Table of Contents
4 General ...................................................................................................... 8
Annex A (Supplement) Numerical table data for the stability calculation of the
Annex C (Reference) Examples for the working levels of the tower cranes . 100
Annex D (Reference) Estimation method of the hoisting impact factor 1 .... 101
Annex F (Reference) Selection of the rail and wheel combination ............... 107
Annex K (Reference) Standard load spectrum for the mechanism of the tower
Annex L (Reference) Examples for the working levels of the tower crane’s
Annex Q (Reference) Method of determining the fatigue strength limit σrk .. 136
Annex T (Reference) Calculation method of the reel wall thickness ............ 144
This Standard specifies the basic criteria and calculation methods that the
design calculation for tower cranes should follow. All other calculation methods
that are proved to be correct and reliable by theory and practice can also be
This Standard is not applicable to the tower cranes converted by auto, tyre and
crawler cranes.
2 Normative references
GB 985 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding, manual arc
welding and gas-shielded arc welding
GB 986 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding
GB 1231 Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head, large
hexagon nuts, plain washers for steel structure
GB 3632 Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain
washer for steel structures
3.1 Loads
p - Pressure;
T - Torque.
σ0.2 - Test stress when the residual strain of the standard tensile test for
materials is up to 0.2%;
l, L - Length, distance;
h - Height;
D, d - Diameter;
R, r - Radius;
b - Width;
e - Eccentricity;
J - Moment of inertia;
δ - Thickness;
ᇞ - Displacement;
θ - Angle;
V - Volume.
K, k - Dimensionless coefficient;
Kn - Safety factor;
α, β, f - Coefficients;
Cδ - Flexibility;
CW - Wind coefficient;
When the tower crane or its hoisting car is running, the collision load generated
due to the unevenness of the track is taken into consideration by the running
impact factor 4 multiplied by the deadweight load Fg and the hoisting load FQ.
SELECT 4 according to Table 7.
a. The load in the load bearing structure or mechanism, due to the acceleration
(deceleration) of the transmission mechanism (such as mechanism startup
or braking), can be calculated by means of rigid body dynamics. SEE Annex
E (reference). During calculation, it is assumed that the hoisting mass is fixed
at the end of the boom or on the crane carriage.
b. In order to consider the impacts of the elastic vibration of the system in the
process of acceleration (deceleration) on the load increase, the load variation
ᇞF caused by the driving force of the transmission mechanism shall be
FW - Wind load acting on the tower crane and the item (FW1, FW2), N;
When determining the load combination, it is assumed that the wind load acts
on the most unfavorable position.
a. In the open area, the relationship between the wind pressure and the wind
speed at a height of 10m from the ground can be calculated according to the
Equation (5).
b. Calculated wind pressure under operating condition can be divided into two
categories: pW1 and pW2.
pW1 refers to the calculated wind pressure under normal operating condition,
which is used for selecting the resistance calculation of the motor power as well
as the fatigue strength and heat checking of the mechanical parts. pW1 = 150Pa.
pW2 refers to the maximum calculated wind pressure under operating condition,
which is used for calculating the strength, stiffness and stability of the
mechanical parts and metal structures, and for checking the overload capacity
and overall anti-tipping stability of the transmission. pW2 = 250Pa.
In special cases, such as for special purposes or for the areas with stronger
wind, higher calculated wind pressure value can be specified according to the
agreement between the user and the manufacturing plant.
b. For the spatial structure composed of two parallel plane trusses, the wind
coefficient of the monolithic structure can be taken as that of the overall
structure, while the total windward area is calculated according to Article
c. Wind blows in the diagonal direction of the spatial structure of the rectangular
cross section. When the side ratio of the rectangular cross section is less
than 2, the wind load is taken as 1.2 times the wind force acting on the long
side of the rectangle. When the side ratio of the rectangular cross section is
greater than or equal to 2, the wind load is taken as the wind force acting on
the long side of the rectangle.
d. The wind load of the spatial structure of the triangular cross section is
calculated as 1.25 times the wind force of the projection area perpendicular
to the wind direction.
e. For the spatial structure of the triangular cross section (such as horizontal
beam boom) whose upper and lower chord members are square steel tubes
and whose web members are circular steel tubes, under the action of lateral
wind, TAKE the wind coefficient CW = 1.3.
The windward area is calculated by the projection area of the structural member
on the plane perpendicular to the wind direction.
A = ωA1 (6)
b. For two pieces of same type of parallel structures with equal height, the
windshield action of the front piece to the posterior piece shall be taken into
account. The total windward area is calculated according to the Equation (7).
Note: ① In the table, pW3 = 800Pa is equivalent to the wind pressure value in Shanghai.
② In special cases, if using in the areas where larger windstorms are likely to occur, higher
calculated wind pressure may be specified according to the agreement between the user and
the manufacturing plant.
The test load refers to the overload load acting on the tower crane during the
performance test, which is divided into static test load Fst and dynamic test load
The static test load Fst is calculated according to 1.25 times the rated hoisting
capacity; while the dynamic test load Fdt is calculated according to 1.1 times the
rated hoisting capacity.
During calculation, the dynamic test load Fdt shall be multiplied by the dynamic
load factor 6. 6 is calculated according to the Equation (10).
When the tower crane or crane carriage is in collision with the buffer, the
collision load Fc acting on the structure is calculated according to the kinetic
energy absorbed by the buffer. TAKE the running speed of the tower crane or
crane carriage before the moment of collision as 0.7 to 1.0 times the maximum
normal operating speed. A small value is taken when a reliable automatic
deceleration control device is provided.
The collision load Fc can be calculated according to a rigid body motion model
(regardless of the effects of the suspended item) and multiplied by the elastic
vibration load factor 7 to consider the effects of the system’s elastic vibration.
For the spring buffers commonly used by the tower cranes, 7 can be taken as
1.25; for other buffers, 7 can be selected between 1.25 and 1.6 according to
its performance.
Other loads include the installation load, loads acting on the work platforms and
channels, and transport load.
The installation loads at all stages must be calculated according to the structural
pattern, installation and disassembly procedures of the tower crane. During
calculation, the calculated wind pressure pWe is taken as 100Pa.
On the work platforms that might store materials and tools, CALCULATE based
on bearing 3,000N of concentrated load;
For the structures that are only used as channels, CALCULATE based on
bearing 1,500N of concentrated load;
The transport load refers to the load acting on the components (such as overall
hauling wheel set) of the tower crane during transportation. During calculation,
the effects of the actual dynamic load in transport state shall be taken into
The anti-tipping stability of the tower cranes shall be checked according to the
operating conditions listed in Table 12.
Under the non-operating condition (storm invasion), the anchoring device or rail
clamping device must be used to prevent the tower crane from sliding along the
rail under the maximum wind force under the non-operating condition. The anti-
sliding condition is as follows:
Fbo - Braking force (or anchoring force) along the rail direction generated by the
rail clamping device and brake wheels, N;
FW3 - Maximum wind force along the rail direction under the non-operating
condition, N.
When designing the rail clamping device, the friction coefficient of the rail clamp
(scratches on the surface and quenched) and the rail is taken as 0.25. The
maximum operating force of the manual rail clamping device shall not be
greater than 200N.
When determining the support reaction of the tower crane, the combined
operation of the system composed of the tower crane, chassis, landing legs and
foundation shall be taken into account. For the attached and internal climbing
tower cranes, the combined operation with the system composed of building
supports shall also be taken into account.
4.5.1 Running tower cranes and fixed tower cranes with chassis
The absolute value of the horizontal support reaction (generated by the braking
of the running mechanism) of the tower crane running on the rails along the rail
direction shall not be greater than the adhesive force of the brake wheels and
the rails.
The wheels’ horizontal support reaction perpendicular to the rail direction shall
be calculated according to 0.075 times the maximum vertical support reaction.
For the crane body attached to the building, the support reaction shall be
calculated according to the multi-span continuous beam of the elastic support,
which is the load of the attachment device.
The support reaction of the first attachment point on the upper part of the crane
body (support end of the cantilever on the crane body) is the maximum. This
reaction value shall be taken as the calculated load of the attachment device
and building support device.
When calculating the support reaction of the internal climbing tower cranes,
DETERMINE the simplified mechanical model according to different specific
support programs. For the case where the upper and lower support frames are
normally used to support the internal climbing tower crane, the upper frame can
be considered as mobile rigid hinged support, while the lower frame can be
considered as fixed rigid hinged support. However, the torque is supported by
the upper frame.
4.6.1 Rails
The rail type used by the rails of the tower cranes is related to the wheel
diameter and calculated load. The calculated load of the wheels shall be
calculated according to Article
The rail foundation can use gravel or concrete foundation according to work
The rail foundation must be able to bear the maximum load under the operating
and non-operating conditions.
The concrete foundation applied to the fixed tower cranes shall be designed to
meet the anti-tipping stability and strength conditions.
4.7 Transport
The transport of the tower cranes must comply with relevant provisions on rail
and road transport.
The axial load of the hauling wheel set of the tower crane under overall hauling
shall not exceed 1.3 × 105N. Each hauling wheel set shall have a parking brake
to ensure reliable braking on the slope of 6%.
4.8 Counterweight
For the upper rotary tower cranes, the counterweight mass shall be determined
according to the principle of acting minimum load on the crane body.
For the lower rotary tower cranes, the counterweight mass shall be determined
according to the conditions of anti-tipping stability.
The design and calculation of the tower cranes shall meet the requirements of
GB 5144.
5 Structure
This standard uses the allowable stress method for calculation. The metal
structural members shall be subjected to strength, stability and stiffness
calculations, and shall meet its specified requirements. During calculation, the
plasticity of the materials shall not be taken into account in general.
The working levels of the structure are related to the stress status (nominal
stress spectral coefficient) and number of stress cycles (stress cycle level) of
the structural members.
The load spectrum and the number of operating cycles of the tower crane are
the basis for determining the stress spectrum and the number of stress cycles
of the structural members. The working levels of the structure and the tower
crane are not necessarily the same, depending on the circumstances.
The values, directions and acting positions of various loads shall be combined
according to the most unfavorable conditions of the checked structures and
The major bearing structural members in the metal structure of the tower crane
shall use Q235 plain carbon structural steel complying with GB 700, 20 steel
complying with GB 699, 16Mn and 15MnTi steel complying with GB 1591.
For the steel applied to the bearing structural members, the grade of steel and
material shall be selected based on the importance of the structure, load
characteristics, connection methods, operating temperature and other different
Killed steel shall be applied to major bearing structural members of the tower
crane. The materials shall have the assurance of conformity for the impact
toughness at room temperature. For the tower cranes operating in the regions
below -20°C, Q235 and 20 steel applied to the major bearing structural
members shall have the assurance of conformity for the impact toughness at -
20°C; 16Mn and 15MnTi steel shall have the assurance of conformity for the
impact toughness at -40°C. The assurance of conformity for the cold bending
test is required if necessary.
Steel castings shall use the steel conforming to the provisions of GB 11352.
a. When the ratio OF the yield point σs TO the tensile strength σb of the material
is less than 0.7, the safety factor and basic allowable stress
corresponding to various load combinations shall be determined according
to Table 19.
n1 - Number of high strength bolts at the checked cross section (at the
outermost bolt of the connector).
The strength of the butt weld subjected to tension (compression) and shear
force shall be calculated according to the Equation (19).
The high-strength bolted connections are able to bear shear force, tension,
moment and combined loads.
In this case, the shear force that the connector is subjected to is transmitted
through the friction between the friction surfaces of the connector.
kc - Coefficient, related to the stiffness of the bolts and connected parts; during
steel connection, the use of metal gaskets or no gaskets, TAKE kc = 0.2 to 0.3;
Ad1 - Cross-sectional area calculated by the thread’s inner diameter, when the
diameters of other parts of the screw are less than the thread’s inner diameter
or the screw is hollow, Ad1 refers to the minimum cross-sectional area, mm2;
〔σL〕 - Allowable stress of the bolt, which can be calculated according to the
Equation (24), Mpa.
σs - Yield point of the bolt material, selected according to Table 24, Mpa;
Kn1 - Safety factor, when controlling the preload, TAKE Kn1 = 1.2 to 1.5; when
not controlling the preload, SELECT according to Table 25.
lc - Calculated length of the structural member, SEE Annex H (reference) for the
calculation method, mm;
〔λ〕 - Allowable slenderness ratio of the structural member, SEE Table 26.
b. When the yield point σs of the material is greater than 345Mpa, the
slenderness ratio λ can be approximately replaced by the hypothetical
FE - Euler critical loads FEx and FEy, whichever is smaller, FEx and FEy shall be
calculated according to the Equations (35) and (36), N.
For the space truss structural members and spliced combined structural
members, φψ = 1 is taken during calculation. Furthermore, ADD the additional
bending moment FNᇞo generated by the structural member’s initial
displacement ᇞo caused by the manufacturing error to the Mox or Moy in the
second and third items of the Equation (31).
a. When the plates (steel plates or other plates) are laid densely on the
compression flange and are firmly connected with it to prevent the lateral
displacement of the bending structural member’s compression flange;
b. For the bending structural member of the simple support on both ends of the
i-shaped cross section, when the ratio OF the free length lf TO the width b of
its compression flange does not exceed the numerical value specified in
Table 27, for the bending structural member with no lateral support points in
the span, lf refers to its span; for the bending structural member with lateral
support points in the span, lf refers to the distance between the lateral
support points of the compression flange (the bearing of the bending
structural member is considered to have lateral supports);
Where: When the bending structural member does not comply with the
Article, the lateral buckling stability must be checked according to the
Equation (32), among which φW value can be selected or calculated according
to Annex A (supplement).
a. The critical stress when the cylindrical shell is subjected to axial compression
or bending is as follows:
σc,cr - Critical stress when the cylindrical shell is subjected to axial compression
or bending, when the critical stress calculated according to the Equation (40)
exceeds 0.75σs, it is allowed to reduce according to the Equation (41), Mpa;
c. Stiffening ring
Both ends of the cylindrical shell shall be equipped with the stiffening rings or
the structural members with corresponding effects. When the shell length is
greater than 10R, it is necessary to set middle stiffening rings. The spacing of
the stiffening rings shall not be greater than 10R. The cross-sectional moment
of inertia Iaz of the stiffening ring shall meet the requirements of the Equation
The calculation of the structural fatigue strength uses the maximum stress
method. CHECK according to the Equations (44), (45) and (46).
τxymax - τmax whose plane is perpendicular to the x axis, and whose direction is
parallel to the y axis, MPa;
〔σr〕 - Absolute value of the allowable tensile (or compressive) fatigue stress,
SEE Article 5.7.3, MPa;
〔τr〕 - Absolute value of the allowable shear fatigue stress, SEE Article 5.7.3,
The calculation of the structural fatigue strength can also use the stress
amplitude method. SEE Annex J (reference).
When there is only one kind of cyclic stress in the positions to be checked, or
the effect of one kind of cyclic stress on the structural members is significantly
greater than other cyclic stresses, the effects of other cyclic stresses can be
ignored, and the fatigue checking is only conducted to this kind of cyclic stress.
USE the Equation (44) or (45). At this time, for the structural members whose
total number of stress cycles is less than 1.6 × 104, the fatigue checking may
not be performed.
The maximum calculated stress σmax or τmax used during calculation refers to
the maximum stress of the absolute value on the fatigue calculation point
determined by the load combination A specified by Article 5.3.2. During the
fatigue calculation, the compressive stress is negative. For the cyclic shear
stress with a progressive direction, positive and negative directions must be
Use the following ratio to express the cycle characteristics of the fatigue stress:
σmin (or τmin) here represents another limit value corresponding to σmax (or τmax)
in a most unfavorable cycle. σmin (or τmin) and σmax (or τmax) are the same as the
amount that can be negative (SEE Article 5.7.1). Therefore, the ratio can vary
from -1 to +1.
When it is necessary to use the Equation (46) for checking, the ratios
corresponding to three different cyclic stresses are respectively as follows:
Where: The numerical values of the maximum calculated stress σxmax, σymax and
τxymax are independently determined according to the provisions of Article 5.7.1,
respectively. The numerical values of corresponding σxmin, σymin and τxymin are
independently determined according to the provisions of this Article,
The numerical values of the allowable fatigue stress depend on the working
levels of the structure, material categories of the structural members,
connection type of the connectors (stress concentration level), cycle
characteristics of the stresses (SEE Article 5.7.2), etc.
The allowable tensile or compressive fatigue stress of the welds is the same as
the base metal.
The allowable shear fatigue stress of the welds shall be determined by the
Equation (53).
e. Bolts
For the bolts in single shear, the allowable shear fatigue stress 〔τr〕 is taken
as 0.6 times the allowable tensile fatigue stress 〔σrt〕 corresponding to W2.
For the bolts in double or multiple shear, the allowable fatigue stress is taken
as 0.8 times the allowable tensile fatigue stress corresponding to W2.
For the bolts, the allowable compressive fatigue stress can be taken as 2.5
times the allowable shear fatigue stress.
The rigidity requirements of the tower cranes are divided into static and dynamic
rigidity. The static rigidity is characterized by the static displacement value of
the structure where the elastic deformation is generated when the specified
load is applied to the specified position. The dynamic rigidity of the tower crane
as the vibration system is characterized by the lowest natural frequency
(referred to as the full load natural frequency) of the system when the length of
the suspension of the wire rope winding is equal to the rated hoisting height.
The horizontal static displacement ᇞX of the crane body at the junction of the
boom shall not be greater than h / 100 under the rated hoisting load of the tower
crane, where h refers to the vertical distance FROM the junction of the crane
body and the boom TO the plane of action directly supporting the entire crane
body for the mobile tower cranes, and refers to the vertical distance FROM the
junction of the crane body and the boom TO the highest attachment point for
the attached tower cranes. CALCULATE according to the Equation (54).
FN - Resultant force of all the vertical forces above the junction of the crane
body and the boom [including the conversion force of the crane body’s
deadweight here, SEE Annex G (reference) for the conversion method], under
the rated hoisting load, N;
FE - Euler critical loads FEx and FEy, whichever is smaller, FEx and FEy shall be
calculated according to the Equation (55), N;
ᇞM - Horizontal displacement at the junction of the crane body and the boom
caused by the bending moment M on the centerline of the crane body under
rated hoisting load, mm.
Do NOT check the dynamic rigidity of the tower cranes in general. When the
user or the design itself has a special request, checking can be performed.
a. The structural rod’s center of gravity line shall coincide with the centerline of
the structural geometry as far as possible. The center of gravity line of the
attachment weld and the bolt set shall coincide with the rod’s center of gravity
line as far as possible.
c. The structures (or structural members) shall be constructed so that they can
be easily made, transported, staggered, installed and maintained. The
structure of the outdoor operation must be protected from water.
d. For the welded structural members with direct access to dynamic load and
complex stress, unless taking measures to reduce or eliminate the internal
welding stress, otherwise the thicknesses of the carbon steel and low alloy
steel in use shall not be greater than 50mm and 36mm, respectively.
f. For the large structures requiring splicing on site, it is advisable to give priority
to the high-strength bolted connections.
g. The joint of the welded beam’s transverse stiffening rib and the flange plate
shall be chamfered, with a width of about b / 3 (but not greater than 40mm)
and a height of about b / 2 (but not greater than 60mm). SEE Figure 6. b
refers to the width of the stiffening rib.
Figure 6
h. For the bearing structure, the thickness of the steel plates and open profiles
shall not be less than 4mm, while the thickness of the closed profiles shall
not be less than 3mm.
The groove type of the butt welding shall conform to the provisions of GB 985
and GB 986.
For the butt welding with unequal plate thickness or width in the major bearing
structure, when the difference between the plate thicknesses or widths of the
The static power of the mechanism is calculated by the hoisting load, rated
hoisting speed and mechanism efficiency. The motor primaries is performed
according to the static power of the mechanism and the electrical continuity.
The electrical continuity of the mechanism is shown in Annex M (reference).
In the absence of special requirements, the motor capacity and the mechanism
control system shall be such that the average acceleration of the item at the
time of commencement of the mechanism is not greater than 0.8m/s2.
The motor overload and heating must be verified. The verification method is
described in Annex N (reference) and Annex O (reference).
The driving device of the hoisting mechanism shall be provided with at least
one supporting brake which shall be normally closed. The brake wheel must be
mounted on the rigid coupling shaft of the transmission mechanism.
It is recommended to use the support and control braking together. The control
braking can be electrical, such as regenerative braking, reverse braking, energy
consumption braking, eddy current brake, etc. It can also be mechanical. The
control braking is only used to consume kinetic energy for safe deceleration of
the items. When used in conjunction with the control braking, the minimum
brake safety factor of the support brake should still meet the above
wind force acting on the boom system, the horizontal inertial force and the
centrifugal force of the hoisting item, the inertia force of the boom system, the
resistance caused by the slope, and the frictional resistance of the boom
system during luffing.
For the motor with the luffing jib mechanism, the equivalent power is calculated
according to the maximum value of the root-mean-square value’s equivalent
resistance torque of various operating conditions under normal operating
condition, and the motor primaries is performed according to the equivalent
power and the electrical continuity of the mechanism. The electrical continuity
of the mechanism is shown in Annex M (reference).
The motor capacity and mechanism control system shall ensure that the
maximum acceleration (deceleration) of the horizontal movement of the boom
head during luffing shall not be greater than 0.6m/s2.
The motor overload and heating must be verified. The verification method is
described in Annex N (reference) and Annex O (reference).
Normally closed brake shall be used. For the balanced luffing mechanism, the
braking safety factor is respectively taken as 1.25 and 1.15 under the operating
and non-operating conditions. For the unbalanced luffing mechanism, a support
brake and a stopper or two support brakes shall be mounted. The principle of
selecting the brake safety factor of the support brake is the same as that of the
lifting mechanism. When two support brakes are mounted, each brake safety
factor shall not be less than 1.25. Furthermore, the stopper shall be capable of
safely supporting the boom and hoisting load when supporting the brake failure.
An interlocking protection device shall be provided between the stopper and the
luffing jib mechanism so that the luffing mechanism cannot be actuated before
the supporting of the stopper is removed.
The brake deceleration shall not exceed the numerical values in Article
The luffing static resistance of the luffing mechanism of wire rope traction trolley
includes the frictional resistance, equivalent ramp resistance (calculated
The maximum traction of the stable luffing includes the frictional resistance (as
specified in Article, maximum wind resistance under normal operating
condition (calculated by the wind pressure pW2), maximum ramp resistance
during full load operation (calculated according to 2% slope), resistance caused
by hoisting wire rope and traction wire rope bypassing the guide pulley, and
traction required by the traction wire rope to maintain a certain degree of sag.
The traction wire rope of the luffing mechanism of wire rope traction trolley uses
the method in Article to select the wire rope according to the maximum
traction of the stable luffing, and performs checking according to the maximum
torque of the motor.
The static power of the mechanism is calculated according to the luffing static
resistance, luffing speed and mechanism efficiency. The motor primaries is
performed according to the static power and electrical continuity of the
mechanism. The electrical continuity of the mechanism is shown in Annex M
The motor capacity and mechanism control system shall ensure that the
acceleration (deceleration) of the luffing trolley shall not be greater than 0.5m/s2.
The motor overload and heating must be verified. The verification method is
described in Annex N (reference) and Annex O (reference).
The brake torque of brake for the luffing mechanism of the wire rope traction
trolley plus the running frictional resistance torque (excluding the frictional
resistance torque of the rim and the side of the rail) shall be able to stop the
luffing trolley in an unfavorable situation within the required time (the time
required is determined by the operating conditions of the crane). For the luffing
mechanism of the overhead unbalanced trolley, the brake safety factor shall not
are used, it is advisable to slow down before braking. The brake deceleration
shall not exceed the numerical value in Article In the meantime, it is
also necessary to ensure that the slewing parts are free to slew under the wind
force at a wind speed of greater than 20m/s.
The running static resistance includes the frictional resistance, ramp resistance
(the slope is taken as 0.5%) and cable towing resistance. For the regular
travelling tower cranes, the effects of the equivalent wind resistance shall also
be taken into account. The frictional resistance includes the resistance of the
wheel rolling along the rail, frictional resistance within the wheel bearing, and
additional frictional resistance between the wheel rim and the side of the rail
head. The latter is generally considered by multiplying the sum of the two basic
frictional resistances above by the additional coefficient 1.5.
The static power of the mechanism is calculated according to the running static
resistance, running speed and mechanism efficiency. The motor primaries is
performed according to the static power and electrical continuity of the
mechanism. The electrical continuity of the mechanism is shown in Annex M
In the absence of special requirements, the motor capacity and the mechanism
control system shall ensure that the average linear acceleration (deceleration)
value of the tower crane is not greater than 0.05m/s2 to 0.07m/s2.
The motor overload and heating must be verified. The verification method is
described in Annex N (reference) and Annex O (reference).
The brake torque of the running mechanism’s brake plus the running frictional
resistance (excluding the frictional resistance of the rim and the side of the rail
head) shall be able to stop the tower crane at full load and under the
unfavorable conditions of downwind and downhill within the required time
(which can be calculated according to the deceleration specified in Article
During the startup or braking of the running mechanism, the drive wheel should
not slip normally. During checking, the adhesion coefficient of the tower crane
wheels and the rail is taken as 0.12.
For the running mechanism using the hydraulic coupling with limited torque, the
slip checking may not be performed during startup.
The self-elevating tower cranes shall give priority to the hydraulic jacking
mechanism. The mechanical jacking mechanism can also be adopted.
The jacking force is calculated from the total gravity of the jacking components
and the frictional resistance between the relative moving parts in the jacking
process. During jacking, the calculated wind pressure is 100Pa as specified.
The lowering speed shall not be greater than the jacking speed.
The fuel tank capacity of the hydraulic system can be determined according to
the Equation (58).
The maximum operating load T2max is used for static strength calculation of the
parts, which can be determined according to the following methods:
a. Hoisting mechanism
When hoisting items from the ground, for the part outside the shaft connected
with the motor, TAKE the load acting on the part, which is generated by the
product of the hoisting load and the dynamic load factor 2; for the part on the
shaft connected with the motor, TAKE 2.0 to 2.5 times the motor’s rated torque
acting on this part. During the ascending startup and descending braking of the
suspended items, the load of the parts can be calculated according to the Article
E2 in Annex E (reference).
b. Other mechanisms
For the running, slewing and luffing mechanisms, the maximum operating load
T2max can be calculated according to the Article E2 in Annex E (reference).
The special loads are used for checking the static strength of some parts.
The dynamic load caused to the running mechanism during buffer collision shall
be estimated according to the Equation (62).
T3max - Torque acting on the drive shaft of the running mechanism during buffer
collision, N • m;
R - Wheel radius, m;
∑Fvmax - The sum of the maximum calculated wheel pressures on the drive
wheels of the transmission mechanism, N.
b. Test load
According to the provisions of Article, the greater one of the product of
the dynamic test load and the dynamic load factor 6, and the static test load,
shall be taken as the special load of the computing mechanism.
When calculating the fatigue strength of the transmission parts, the number of
stress cycles within the design life shall be calculated. When the stress variation
is smaller than 10% of the maximum stress of the absolute value, their number
of stress cycles shall not be calculated.
Ns = Nhtz (63)
a. The transmission part whose number of stress cycles is only related to the
number of operating stresses:
Nh = NaNp (64)
Na - Number of stress cycles that the part experiences in each operating cycle.
b. The transmission part whose number of stress cycles is related to the slewing
The load for the calculated stress on the hazardous point of the calculated parts
shall comply with the provisions of Article 6.3.2. USE usual method of material
mechanics for calculation. The composite stress shall be synthesized according
to the appropriate strength theory.
During static strength calculation, for the materials with better plasticity, the yield
point σs of the material is used as the strength limit of the parts.
When the ratio OF the yield point σs TO the tensile strength σb of the material
is greater than 0.7, in order to reduce the risk of brittle fracture caused by
accidentally exceeding the yield point of the material, the hypothetical yield
point calculated according to the Equations (66) and (67) as specified is used
as the strength limit of the parts.
The fatigue strength limit σrk of the parts is obtained by the test or calculation.
90% of the parts shall remain effective under this stress.
a. Stress cycle characteristics ( = );
For parts that are in frequent friction during motion, the abrasion loss of the
friction surface during the use period shall be within the allowable range.
Relevant physical quantities affecting the abrasion loss are usually checked to
ensure that they do not exceed the allowable value. For instance, for the brakes,
clutches and sliding supports, the pressure intensity per unit area p of the
coverage and the characteristic coefficient pv (the product of p and relative
motion velocity v of the friction surface) shall be checked to ensure that they do
not exceed the allowable values. The allowable physical quantities of the
commonly used materials of the friction surfaces shall comply with the
provisions in Annex R of GB 3811 [SEE Annex R (reference) of this Standard].
When the hydraulic push rod brakes or other brakes are used as the speed
control device, the friction surfaces shall use the abrasion and high temperature
resistant materials. The brake wheels shall have good heat dissipation
conditions, and shall also be conducted with the heat dissipation checking, so
as to ensure that their temperature rise is within the allowable range.
6.4 Parts
6.4.1 Hook
The design calculation and selection of the hooks shall meet the provisions of
GB 1005.1.
Each hook shall be equipped with an anti-off pawl. The design of the anti-off
pawls shall comply with the provisions of JJ 75.
The hoisting wire ropes shall be preferred to use the non-rotating wire ropes.
In the environments with larger corrosion, the galvanized wire ropes shall be
The calculation and selection of the wire rope’s diameter shall be performed
according to the following two methods. During design, SELECT any one of the
methods according to the specific circumstances.
a. The diameter of the wire rope shall be selected according to the maximum
operating static tension of the wire rope and the safety factor related to the
working level of the mechanism belonging to the wire rope, which is suitable
for the running wire ropes and the wire ropes for tensioning. The breaking
force of the selected wire rope shall meet the Equation (71).
Knr - Minimum safety factor of the wire rope, selected according to Table 34.
Note: The safety factor of the wire ropes for tensioning shall not be less than 3.5.
b. The diameter of the wire rope can be determined by the maximum operating
static tension of the wire rope according to the Equation (72), which is
suitable for the running wire ropes.
The values of the selection factor C are taken according to the working levels
of the mechanism, which shall be selected according to Table 35. The values
of the selection factor C of the wire rope with a fiber core and the structural
types of 6 × 19 and 6 × 37 are listed in the table. When the structural type and
the strength limit of the wire rope are different, the calculation of the selection
factor C value is shown in Annex S (reference).
c. Under any circumstances, the actual diameter of the stressed wire rope shall
not be less than 6mm.
Fvmin - Minimum wheel pressure generated by the basic load and additional load
during normal operation, N.
When determining Fvmax and Fvmin, the coefficients 1 to 7 in the Article 4.2 of
this Standard shall all be taken as 1.
The contact fatigue strength shall be calculated according to the Hertz equation.
It can be divided into line contact and point contact according to different contact
situations of the wheels and the rail.
Fv ≤ k1DwltC1C2 (75)
k1 - Allowable line contact stress constant associated with the material, k1 of the
steel wheels shall be selected according to Table 37, MPa;
RW - Curvature radius, the greater value of the curvature radius of the wheel
and the top radius of the rail;
kr - The coefficient determined by the ratio OF the curvature radius of the top of
rail TO the curvature radius of the wheel ( ), selected according to Table 40.
a. The mounting bolts and nuts shall select high strength bolts and nuts above
Level 8.8.
b. The mounting bolts shall be conducted with the static strength calculation
and fatigue strength calculation. SEE Annex U (reference) for the calculation
c. When the upper and lower supports connected with the slewing bearing use
the threaded hole installation, the minimum screw-in depth of the bolts on
the upper and lower supports shall not be less than the specified value. SEE
Table U5 in Annex U (reference).
Selection of standard model reducers shall check the input power and output
torque according to the working level and load of the mechanism as well as the
allowable bearing capacity of the reducer at the corresponding working level,
so as to ensure the design life and intensity in use.
The maximum radial load on the shaft end of the reducer shall also be checked
if necessary.
The maximum static power of the hoisting mechanism shall be less than or
equal to the allowable input power of the reducer at a given working level.
The maximum output torque of the reducer shall be applied to the reel according
to the maximum operating load, and shall also consider the effects of the pulley
efficiency on the calculation. The calculated value shall be less than the
maximum allowable output torque of the selected reducer at the given working
The motor directly drives the reducer. The maximum output torque of the
reducer shall be calculated according to the maximum torque of the motor, and
shall not exceed the maximum allowable output torque of the reducer at the
given working level.
of the motor. On the contrary, the checking shall be performed according to the
transmission torque of these devices.
a. When the primary reducer is selected for the trolley luffing mechanism, the
output torque of the reducer shall be calculated according to the luffing static
resistance torque in Article
Tc ≤ Tt (78)
Tc = KntT1max (79)
Knt - Safety factor of the coupling, for the hoisting and unbalanced luffing
mechanisms, Knt = 1.5; for other mechanisms, Knt = 1.35;
T1max - Calculated basic load of the coupling, calculated according to the Article
E1 in Annex E (reference), N • m.
The torque-limited (yox) and general (yop) hydraulic couplings are normally
For the running device with the rated running speed of less than 0.7m/s, it is
allowed not to check the capacity of its buffering device absorbing the kinetic
The buffer housing and stop as well as the fixture shall be designed according
to the maximum impact force that occurs when the tower crane collides at the
rated speed. Kn3 in Table 33 shall be taken as the strength safety factor.
7 Electric
7.1.1 The control system of each mechanism shall meet the requirements for
the operating speed of each mechanism.
7.1.2 The control system of the hoisting mechanism shall be designed based
on the following principles:
a. When the load is up to 125% of the rated load, the items can still be hoisted
from the ground.
b. When the voltage value is 0.9 times the rated voltage, lift up the maximum
hoisting capacity, the items are not allowed to slip regardless of the control
handle in any position.
7.1.3 The control system shall ensure that the mechanism is activated and
the braking acceleration is required.
7.1.5 The maneuvering gear is preferentially used with a linkage console. The
console shall be arranged in accordance with the provisions of GB 5144 and
shall be provided with an emergency stop button capable of stopping all
7.1.6 For portable maneuvering gears, the control circuit voltage shall not
exceed 48V, and must be equipped with an emergency button capable of
cutting off the total power supply. This device should have good insulation
properties and the protection grade of not lower than IP 44.
7.2.1 The tower cranes use 380V, 50Hz three-phase AC power supply. The
three-phase AC power supply with other parameters can also be used
according to the user requirements.
7.2.2 The power supply shall ensure that the tower crane’s voltage variation
of does not exceed ±10% of its rated value during normal operation.
7.2.3 The power supply shall set up the circuit switch that can easily turn on
and cut off the power supply of the complete machine.
7.2.5 For the running tower cranes, the power cords shall be introduced by a
cable roll that can be rolled on its own. The radius of the inner ring of the cable
reel shall be greater than the allowable bending radius of the power cable.
Under normal circumstances, when the outer diameter of the cable is less than
21.5mm, the diameter of the reel’s inner ring shall be at least 10 times the outer
diameter of the cable. When the outer diameter of the cable is greater than
21.5mm, the diameter of the reel’s inner ring shall be at least 12.5 times the
outer diameter of the cable. The collecting ring of the cable reel shall meet the
requirements of the corresponding voltage level and current capacity. Each slip
ring shall be at least equipped with a pair of carbon brush. The contact voltage
drop of the carbon brush shall be less than 1.5V. The current density is generally
taken as 15A/cm2 to 20A/cm2. The protection grade of the collecting ring shall
not be lower than IP 44.
7.2.6 The maximum tensile stress that the cable copper core is subjected to
shall not exceed 20MPa.
The motor selected by each mechanism must comply with GB 755 and the
standards related to the special motors.
The working system levels of the motor shall conform to the corresponding
requirements of the mechanism.
The protection grade of the motor enclosure shall not be lower than IP 23. Each
motor whose protection grade is lower than IP 44 must be equipped with a
protective cover, without affecting the heat dissipation of the motor. The resistors for the tower cranes are repetitive short-term working
system, with a cycle period of 60s. The electrical continuities are divided into
4.4%, 6.2%, 8.8%, 12.5%, 17.5%, 25%, 35%, 50%, 70% and 100%. The
capacity of the resistance at all levels shall be selected according to different
access time. The same resistance element has different allowable current values
at different electrical continuities. This value shall be not less than the operating
current of the motor. In order to reduce the number of resistors, the allowable
current value of the selected resistance elements at individual levels can be 5%
less than the motor operating current. The protection grade of the resistance box shall not be lower than IP
23. The lead wire shall be firmly connected to withstand vibration without
becoming loose.
7.4.3 Contactor
The contactor shall be selected according to its operating current and expected
service life based on the selection curve provided by the manufacturing plant.
For the frequently used contactors along with more complex operating
conditions, it is advisable to select the capacity at a higher level for application.
7.4.4 Fuse SELECT the fuses with the corresponding voltage levels based on the
circuit voltage. It is advisable to select the switch or spiral fuses. SELECT the melt rated current based on the rated current of the circuit
and the required operate time of protection according to the protection
characteristics curve provided by the manufacturing plant.
As for the fuses for preventing the motors from short circuit, the melt rated
current can respectively be calculated according to the Equations (82) and (83).
IR = kiIe (82)
ki - Coefficient, taken as 1.5 to 2.5, and taken as the greater value during heavy-
load full-pressure direct startup. The connecting wires in the distribution boxes can be laid in the
trunkings or use the rear X-type wiring. Both ends of each wire shall be marked
with the serial number consistent with that in the electrical schematic diagram. The external connecting wires can be laid in the trunkings and metal
pipes. The cables can be laid directly. Where there is mechanical damage,
chemical corrosion and oil erosion, the protective measures shall be taken on
the cables. For the fix-laid cable, the bending radius shall not be less than 5 times
the outer diameter of the cable. In addition to the cable reel, the bending radius
of the mobile cable shall not be less than 8 times the outer diameter of the cable.
It is appropriate to use the cable mesh suspension method to fix the cables
suspending on the crane body. A cable mesh shall be set every 20m. A halfway junction box shall be set when the cable needs to be
lengthened. The junction box shall be secured for easy maintenance. Standard
terminal blocks shall be used in the junction box. The terminal capacity shall
meet the requirements of the wire’s current carrying capacity, and shall have
the same serial number as the wire. The protection grade of the junction box is
IP 44. For AC power supply, at peak current, the voltage loss from the self-
powered transformer’s low-voltage bus to any motor terminal shall not exceed
15% of the rated voltage.
Ip = keIe (84)
Ip - Peak current, A;
ke - Motor starting current multiple, for the cage motors, TAKE the given value
of the sample; for the winding motors, 2 can be taken when there is no exact
data; Each distribution box must be equipped with a facility for easy hoisting
(rings, etc.). The total power supply circuit must be equipped with an automatic air
switch for short circuit protection. For the tower crane with a lifting torque of
above 800kN • m, each mechanism shall be provided with a separate automatic
air switch for short circuit protection. Each phase of the automatic air switch
shall be configured with an instantaneous overcurrent release, and its setting
shall be greater than the peak current of the control object.
If some low-power motors use fuses for short circuit protection, the rated current
of the melt shall be selected according to Article The frequently started and reversed cage motors shall not use thermal
relays for motor overload protection. It is advisable to select the motors with
overheating protection (embedded with thermo-sensitive elements in the motor
stator windings).
and higher than 1.1Ve (Ve refers to the rated supply voltage), the alarm shall be
given or the power supply circuit shall be cut off automatically. The power supply circuit must be equipped with voltage loss
protection. When the power supply is interrupted, the total circuit can be
automatically disconnected.
Each mechanism shall be equipped with the zero position protection. When
starting operation and recovering power supply after voltage loss, the handle of
each mechanism’s maneuvering gear must be set to zero before the motor can
start up.
The power circuit shall be equipped with the device for phase dislocation and
loss protection.
7.7.5 Others
7.8.1 The normally uncharged metal shells, metal piping, low-voltage sides of
the safety lighting transformers of all electrical equipment are required to be
grounded in a reliable way. When the electrical equipment is directly attached
to the metal structural member, and there is a reliable electrical contact, it is
unnecessary to install another electrical connecting wire.
7.8.4 The minimum cross-section of the copper wire for the grounding of a
single electrical device is:
7.8.5 The connection of the grounding wire to the device can be screwed or
welded. Screw connection shall take anti-loose and anti-rust measures.
7.8.6 The grounding wires are strictly forbidden to be used as the current-
carrying zero lines.
7.9.1 Lighting ENSURE that there is moderate lighting in the cabs. The lighting of
the crane body and other parts shall be set according to the requirements of
the users. The power supply voltage of the fixed lighting device shall not exceed
220V. It is strictly forbidden to use metal structures as the circuits of the lighting
circuits. The power supply voltage of the portable lighting device shall not
exceed 48V. AC power supply is strictly prohibited using autotransformer step-
down. Primary coils for other step-down transformers shall be controlled by the
bipolar switch or automatic air switch.
7.9.2 Signals The cabs shall at least have the following signal indications:
b. Alarm or signal indication when exceeding the hoisting capacity and hoisting
7.9.3 Communication
7.10 Others
Note: ① The welded joints applied in Table B1 shall meet the following technical requirements:
a. Before the butt joints are welded, the base metal at the weld root shall be processed and
finished. The backing welds shall be applied. The end of the weld shall not protrude or
recess the continuous surface of the structural member.
b. For the T-shaped or cross connectors of the K-shaped slope, the clearance of the
incomplete penetration in the blunt edge shall not be greater than 0.2 times the height of
the welding foot, and shall not exceed 3mm.
c. All welds of the joints shall be conducted with the appearance inspection, and shall comply
with the provisions on conforming welds in JJ 12.1.
② Besides meeting the requirements in Note ①, if the joint welds can meet the following technical
conditions at the same time, the corresponding stress concentration level (except for Level K0)
can be one level lower than that specified in the table (indicating that Ki can be degraded to Ki-
a. In the welding area, the transition shall be smooth without defects, and shall be processed
if necessary. The direction of the processing traces shall be parallel to the direction of the
maximum tensile stress.
b. All welds shall be conducted with the appearance inspection. The butt welds shall also be
conducted with the non-destructive testing of internal quality. Furthermore, they shall
conform to the provisions on top quality welds in JJ 12.1.
Annex D
Estimation method of the hoisting impact factor 1
D1 When the items are hoisted from the ground, the steel structure (boom,
crane body, etc.) of the tower cranes will generate elastic vibration. Since the
structure mass is involved in the vibration, the additional inertial impact’s
dynamic load is generated in the structural member. The impact acceleration a
is caused by hoisting the items from the ground, and its value can establish the
following relationship with 2:
g - Acceleration of gravity.
SET ka =
Then 1 = 1 ± ka
When designing different structural members of the same tower crane, 1 value
will be different. It should be noted, however, that the load of the structural
member to be checked should be increased after taking 1 into account. TAKE
the schematic diagram shown in Figure D1 as an example to explain the
defining principle of 1.
a. For the A-A section, when the mass m3 is in vibration, its gravity Fg3 shall be
multiplied by 1 = 1 + ka;
b. For the B-B section, when the mass m3 is in vibration, its gravity Fg3 shall be
multiplied by 1 = 1 - ka; while the gravity Fg1 of the mass m1 shall be
multiplied by 1 = 1 + ka.
|Tb| (|Fb|) - Brake torque (force) converted to the calculation element, N • m (N);
T1 = Tr + J2 • a or F1 = Fr + m2a
The rigid body dynamics method does not reflect the effects of the system
flexibility. Since the components of the transmission system are not absolutely
rigid, when the external force changes, the system will produce elastic vibration
so that the components are subject to greater dynamic load. The elastic
vibration load can be analyzed and calculated through the equivalent elastic
vibration mechanics model. The dynamic load factor 5 is introduced to the
preliminary design and simplified calculation for consideration. The load of the
calculation load in Figure E1 can be calculated according to the Equation (E4).
T(i) (F(i)) - Load acting on the calculation element before the acceleration
(deceleration) of the system, N • m (N), which shall be calculated according to
the rigid body dynamics model;
ᇞT (ᇞF) - Variation of the load acting on the calculation element before and
after the acceleration (deceleration) of the system, N • m (N), which shall be
calculated according to the rigid body dynamics model, ᇞT = T(f) - T(i) or ᇞF =
F(f) - F(i);
Annex F
Selection of the rail and wheel combination
F1 When selecting the rail and wheel combination of the tower crane, the
calculated load of the wheels shall be determined according to the Article The rail and wheel combination shall be selected from Table F1 or F2
according to this calculated load.
Wheel diameter Rail type
mm P18 P24 P33 P38 P43 P50 QU70 QU80
250 50 45 65 80 - - - -
315 65 60 85 105 110 110 - -
400 - 80 110 136 140 140 180 200
500 - - - 170 180 180 230 250
630 - - - - 230 230 290 320
710 - - - - - 260 330 360
Wheel diameter Rail type
mm P18 P24 P33 P38 P43 P50 QU70 QU80
250 70 65 90 110 - - - -
315 90 85 115 145 150 150 - -
400 - 110 150 190 195 195 250 275
500 - - - 240 250 250 320 350
630 - - - - 320 320 405 450
710 - - - - - 365 460 505
Annex H
Calculated length factor μ
lc = μ1μ2μ3μ4l (H1)
H2.1 If the structural member has only one attachment support point in its
shaft portion, and the support flexibility of the attachment support point may not
be taken into account, the values of the calculated length factor μ1 can be
looked up in Table H1.
Figure H1 Figure H2
b. For the trolley luffing boom with double hoisting points (Figure H3) and the
trolley luffing boom with double and single hoisting points (the central section
of the boom is equipped with a hinge point, as shown in Figure H4), when
considering the effects of the non-directional force of two boom cables at the
same time, if the length of the OA segment (l1) is taken as the geometric
dimensions of the structural member, it is advisable to look up the
numerators in Table H6 or H7; if the length of the AB segment (l2) is taken as
the geometric dimensions of the structural member, it is advisable to look up
the denominators in Table H6 or H7. Since the effects of the variable cross
section and the double cable of the boom have been taken into account in
Tables H6 and H7, μ2 = 1 and μ4 = 1 shall be taken after referencing the data
in these three tables.
Boom cable force decomposition at the point A Boom cable force decomposition at the point B
Figure H3
Figure H4
la1x, la2x - The cross-sectional inertia moments generated when two segments
of boom (OA and AB segments) bypass the horizontal axis (which is x-x) of the
centroid of section, m4;
la1y, la2y - The cross-sectional inertia moments generated when two segments
of boom (OA and AB segments) bypass the vertical axis (which is y-y), m4;
F1x, F2x - Components of the tensions F1 and F2 in the boom cable in the
horizontal direction, F1x = F1 • cosθ1, F2x = F2 • cosθ2, N;
θ1, θ2 - Angle between the boom cable and the boom centerline;
F1, F2 - Internal forces in the boom cable under the calculated operating
condition, N.
H4.2 For the compressive structural members subjected to the external force
of directional force, or the compressive structural members ignoring this
favorable factor despite of subjected to the non-directional force, TAKE μ3 = 1.
When the trolley luffing boom with double hoisting points as shown in Figure H3
is checked to be stable in the hoisting plane, the effects of the integrity and
double axial force of the boom functioning at the same time shall be generally
taken into account. If the length of the OA segment (l1) is taken as the geometric
dimensions of the structural member, it is advisable to look up the numerators
in Table H8. If the length of the AB segment (l2) is taken as the geometric
cross-sectional areas of
various oblique lacing bars in
the plane perpendicular to the
x-x axis cut out by the cross
section of the structural
4 Lacing bar
cross-sectional areas of
various oblique lacing bars in
the plane perpendicular to the
y-y axis cut out by the cross
section of the structural
When calculating the KH, the structural member has already converted into a
uniform cross-sectional hypothetical structural member. Its calculated length lc
= μl has also been converted from the length coefficient μ (μ = μ1 • μ2) (in case
of simple supports on both ends or cantilever support, it is advisable to look up
the Table H5; in other cases, it is advisable to derive according to the energy
method). In order to take Iae into account when calculating ᇞH, the Equation (I3)
can be rewritten into:
For instance: if there is a bending structural member with one free end and one
fixed end (SEE Figure I1).
Figure I1
Annex J
Stress amplitude method for the
fatigue strength calculation of the structure
〔σa〕 - Allowable tensile (or compressive) fatigue stress amplitude, SEE Article
J3, MPa;
〔τa〕 - Allowable shear fatigue stress amplitude, SEE Article J3, MPa;
is only used for checking the compound effect of the above three kinds of (or
two of them) cyclic stress.
When there is only one kind of cyclic stress in the positions to be checked, or
the effect of one kind of cyclic stress on the structural members is significantly
greater than other cyclic stresses, the effects of other cyclic stresses can be
ignored, and the fatigue checking is only conducted to this kind of cyclic stress.
USE the Equation (J1) or (J2). At this time, for the structural members whose
total number of stress cycles is less than 1.6 × 104, the fatigue checking may
not be performed.
The numerical values depend on the working levels of the structure, material
categories of the structural members, connection type of the connectors (stress
concentration level), cycle characteristics of the stresses (SEE Article 5.7.2),
When σmax refers to the tensile stress, TAKE 〔σa〕 as 〔σat〕 (allowable tensile
fatigue stress amplitude). When σmax refers to the compressive stress, TAKE
〔σa〕 as 〔σac〕 (allowable compressive fatigue stress amplitude). 〔σat〕
and 〔σac〕 shall be calculated according to the equations in Table J1.
When the numerical value of 〔σat〕 or 〔σac〕 is greater than 0.375σb (1 - ),
TAKE 〔σat〕 = 0.375σb (1 - ) or 〔σac〕 = 0.375σb (1 - ).
Annex N
Motor overload checking
The pull-in torque of the motor shall meet the Equation (N1).
Cage asynchronous motors (including the multi-speed motor, the speed values
are different): Ku = 2.2 to 2.4;
DC motors: Ku = 1.4;
DW - Wheel diameter, m;
Zm - Number of motors.
TW2 - Wind resistance torque generated by the calculated wind pressure PW2,
N • m.
Ts = KuTr (N4)
Tr - The sum of the static resistance torques converted by the deadweight loads
of the boom and balanced system, hoisting load of the unbalanced section,
wind load generated by the calculated wind pressure pW2 and frictional
resistance of each rotational hinge point of the boom system to the motor shaft
in case of considering the efficiency of the transmission system, N • m.
Annex O
Heat checking of the asynchronous motors
It is advisable to use the average loss method. The equivalent torque method
or equivalent current method can also be used for accurate motor heat checking
according to the different types of motor. The following methods can also be
adopted for approximate calculation.
Pn - Rated power of the motor, its working system is S3, and the electrical
continuity JC% is the same as the value of the actual mechanism, kW;
Tre - Equivalent average resistance torque for the most unfavorable operating
cycle, calculated according to the Equation (O2), N • m;
Tri - Corresponding motor resistance torque within the operating time ti,
including the starting and braking torques, N • m;
ti - Each operating time in the operating cycle of the mechanism, excluding the
downtime, s.
Tre = Tr • KG (O3)
Annex P
Stability checking of the oil cylinders
P1 The stability of the oil cylinders can be checked according to the Equation
Fcr - Critical load of the oil cylinder, calculated according to the Equation (P2),
l - Calculated length of the oil cylinder, determined according to Table P1, mm.
Annex Q
Method of determining the fatigue strength limit σrk
The maximum stress when the intact rate of 90% is remained after the polished
test rod is subjected to an infinite number (number of cycles is greater than 107)
of symmetrical cycles under the rotational bending test conditions is called
fatigue strength limit, which is expressed by σ-1.
When the fatigue strength limit of the material is not given, the fatigue strength
limit value for the symmetrical cycle of the structural steel can be calculated
according to the Equations (Q1), (Q2) and (Q3).
The transmission parts are more complex than the test rods in shape, along
with rough surface and larger dimensions. Therefore, the fatigue strength (σ-1)G,
(τ-1)G of the transmission part is less than the fatigue strength σ-1, τ-1 of the
polished test rod. The effects of the shape, surface status and dimensions on
the fatigue strength is considered through corresponding coefficients according
to the Equations (Q4) and (Q5):
The shear stress caused by the transverse force does not need to be
considered for stress concentration.
Q2.1 The values of the shape coefficients Kσ and Kτ are rarely derived directly
from the fatigue test. Most of the curves are the data of the theoretical stress
concentration factors aσ and ar. At this time, the sensitivity coefficient q of the
material is converted into the effective stress concentration factor, which is:
The curves of the most common surface status coefficients β1 and β2 are listed
in Figure Q2. The curves 1 to 5 indicate the surface processing coefficient β1.
The curves 6 to 7 indicate the corrosion coefficient β2.
Annex T
Calculation method of the reel wall thickness
The reel length of the tower crane is generally designed to be less than 3 times
the diameter of the reel. It can be seen from the force analysis that: since the
reel wall is subjected to smaller bending and torsional stresses, the calculation
shall be performed according to the compressive stress and local bending
stress in the position where the wire rope is wound out.
a. The compressive stress σp of the reel wall in the position where the wire rope
is wound out shall be calculated according to the Equation (T1).
σc - Compressive stress in the position where the wire rope is wound out, MPa;
b. The local bending stress of the reel wall in the position where the wire rope
is wound out shall be calculated according to the Equation (T2).
The wall thickness of the side plate shall be checked according to the Equation
T3 Few notes
b. The effect of bending and torsion shall also be taken into account when the
reel length is greater than three times the diameter of the reel.
c. For the large-size reel with a diameter of greater than or equal to 1,200mm
and a length l of greater than 2Dd, especially the steel plate welded large-
size thin-walled reel, the reel wall stability shall be checked.
Annex U
Calculation method of the slewing bearing selection
Feq = Fv + + 3.44Fh (U1)
Feq = Fv + + 2.5Fh (U2)
Feq = Fv + (U3)
D0 - Center circle diameter of the roller, for the double-row ball slewing bearing
and three-row roller slewing bearing, D0 refers to the center circle diameter of
the roller in the lower row, m.
d0 - Diameter of the steel ball or roller, for the conical rollers, d0 refers to the
medium diameter, mm;
θ - Nominal contact angle, for the single-row ball type, θ is equal to 50°; for the
cross roller type, θ is equal to 45°;
l0 - Contact length of the roller, for the single-row cross roller type, the roller is
cylindrical, and l0 is equal to 0.75d0; for the three-row roller type or the cross
roller type using the tapered roller or drum-shaped roller, l0 is taken as 0.85d0,
Z0 - Number of steel balls or rollers, for double-row ball type or three-row roller
type, Z0 refers to the number of rollers on the upper row, Z0 is calculated
according to the Equation (U8).
when Kg = 4.37, used for the single-row and double-row ball type,
when Kg = 4.10, used for the cross roller and three-row roller type;
n - Number of the mounting bolts on the inner ring of the slewing bearing;
D1 - Distribution circle diameter of the mounting bolt hole on the inner ring of
the slewing bearing, m.
The fatigue strength of the mounting bolts for the slewing bearing shall meet
σak - Fatigue limit stress amplitude of the bolt, selected according to Table U3,
Annex V
Current carrying capacity of the wire
Iz = KaKtKjIg (V1)
Ig - Reference value for the current carrying capacity of the wire and cable, SEE
Table V3 for the commonly used values, A.
Additional information:
Main drafters of this Standard: Xie Yaoting (chief editor), Hu Zhaolin (chief
editor), Chen Jianyuan, Gu Dimin, Chen Zhenyi, Jia Zhiquan, Li Yishen, Zhang
Guorui, Ye Yuanhua, Tang Mingqing, Ding Yi, Luo Shijun, Mei Kun, Zhou Zhong,
Cong Jiaxu, Zhang Desheng, Meng Xiaoping, Gao Yongxing, Huang Gongcai,
Zheng Dianyi, Hu Yuankai, Zhu Yiwei, Lin Gang and Fang Yanlong.