Slope Stablization Methods

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Chapter 72 doi: 10.1680/moge.57098.1087

Slope stabilisation methods CONTENTS

72.1  Introduction 1087

Paul A. Nowak Atkins Ltd, Epsom, UK 72.2  Embedded solutions 1087
72.3  Gravity solutions 1088
Earthworks slopes may require the use of structural solutions where geometric constraints or 72.4 Reinforced/nailed
the proximity of settlement-sensitive structures prevent the design of a full height earthworks solutions 1089
solution. Structural solutions may also be used for road widening where further land purchase 72.5  Slope drainage 1090
is not possible, and for the stabilisation of existing earthworks slopes. This chapter introduces 72.6  References 1091
the major forms of structural slope solutions.

72.1 Introduction Piled walls are usually designed in order that potential fail-
Stabilised slopes incorporating structural components, nail- ure surfaces passing below the toe of the wall achieve a sat-
ing or reinforcing elements in new earthworks, are usually isfactory factor of safety/degree of utilisation as described in
employed either: Chapter 69 Earthworks design principles. Wall design should
also consider the action of the piles to act as shear keys on
■■ where long term performance of a conventional slope may impact
adjacent structures e.g. adjacent buildings; or
potential failure surfaces passing through the wall, and should
be designed as a conventional embedded retaining wall after
■■ where geometric constraints do not allow the construction of a Gaba et al. (2003).
conventional slope that is stable over its design life. Where the design of the wall cannot satisfy bending moment
Stabilised slopes are, however, common in stabilising existing and shear requirements of the pile shaft, or deflection causing
assets and the widening of existing motorways where measures unsatisfactory settlement of the ground behind the wall, addi-
cannot extend outside the existing asset boundary. tional support can be considered. This would usually comprise
The selection of a stabilisation method can depend on the (i) cantilever walls; (ii) ground anchors; (iii) raking piles; and
balance of the capital expenditure to construct and maintain (iv) tie bars; see Figure 72.1.
versus the adoption of a less expensive option that may require Ground anchors, installed at the head of the pile, apply a
additional measures to be applied at a later date. This is usually restraining force in an active manner directly after construction;
the decision of the asset owner and can depend on the conse- the active load in the anchor being applied immediately after
quences of failure. A useful approach outlining responsibilities installation. The design of the anchor should be after BS 8081
is given in Charles and Watts (2002). (BSI, 1989).
This chapter describes briefly methods to stabilise slopes; Raking piles, installed in a similar manner to anchors,
they can be divided into: apply no initial restraining force and act passively whereby
forward movement of the wall generates friction on the rak-
■■ embedded solutions; ing pile shaft. This initiates an anchoring action at the vertical
■■ gravity solutions; pile head. The raking piles should be designed as conventional
piles in tension.
■■ reinforced/nailed solutions;
Tie bars act in the same way as raking piles but can be post
■■ slope drainage. tensioned to act similarly to ground anchors. They require a
restraint mechanism and are most practicably used in the sta-
In some cases, solutions comprise more than one of the above
bilisation of existing earthworks embankments where there
is a piled wall on the opposite side of the embankment. This
72.2 Embedded solutions solution has been employed in the stabilisation of London
Embedded solutions generally comprise: Underground embankments.
Sheet pile walls are designed in the same manner as bored
■■ concrete pile walls; pile walls, but may be precluded where vibration could
■■ sheet pile walls. affect adjacent structures if a driven method of installation
is employed. This can be overcome by the use of a hydraulic
Concrete pile walls usually comprise bored cast in situ or jacking installation method. The use of a sheet pile solution for
continuous flight auger piles. Pile diameter and spacing will the remediation of a failed slope may be attractive as it can be
depend on the size of plant that requires access to the loca- implemented rapidly after the failure occurs.
tion and the requirements of the design with respect to bending Care should be taken in the design of sheet pile walls in that
moment and shear in the pile shaft. the design section chosen should be capable of being driven

ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering © 2012 Institution of Civil Engineers   1087
Design of earthworks, slopes and pavements

Capping beam

Concrete/steel sheet pile

Ground anchor



Raking pile

Tile rod

(ii) (iv)

Figure 72.1  Typical embedded solutions: (i) cantilever wall; (ii) wall with ground anchor; (iii) wall with raking pile; (iv) wall with tie and
deadman block

in the prevailing ground conditions. Guidance is given in reinforced earth wall. Typical solutions, without soil reinforce-
Williams and Waite (1993). ment, are illustrated in Figure 72.2.
Structural design of bored pile walls should be undertaken The gravity structure performs under its own stability in
to BS EN 1992–1 (BSI, 2004a), BS8110–1 (BSI, 1997), terms of its resistance to sliding, overturning and bearing capac-
BS8500 (BSI, 2006) or BS5400 (BSI, 2002). Structural design ity failure. They can be designed in accordance with Chapman
of steel sheet piles should be undertaken to BS EN 1993– 5 (2000). Reinforced earth and reinforced soil walls should be
(BSI, 2007). designed in accordance with BS 8006 (1995 and 2009b) as
More advice on the design of embedded walls is given in described in Chapter 73 Design of soil reinforced slopes and
Section 6 Design of retaining structures. structures. More advice on the design of reinforced gravity
walls is given in Section 6 Design of retaining structures.
72.3 Gravity solutions In addition to the stability of the gravity structure, the
Gravity structures would usually comprise the following solu- designer should also consider the stability of the slope that it
tions: (i) reinforced concrete wall; (ii) gabion wall; (iii) dry retains. It is common for walls greater than 3 m which retain
block wall; (iv) crib wall; (v) reinforced soil wall; and (vi) a slope behind them to require embedment of the wall below

1088 ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering © 2012 Institution of Civil Engineers
Slope stabilisation methods



and backfill
Stone field
gabion baskets


Figure 72.3  Effect of sloping ground on excavation and backfill
volume: (i) gravity wall with horizontal ground behind; (ii) gravity wall
with sloping ground behind

ground surface on the passive side in order to prevent overall

failure of the composite slope and wall.
blockwork It is usual that gravity structures are designed with granular
backfill in the area of the active wedge behind the wall. Care
should be taken where a gravity structure is specified on existing
or widened infrastructure, as it may result in significant excava-
Concrete base tion of the slope behind the wall as shown in Figure 72.3.
It is common that gravity structures, particularly masonry
(iii) and brick walls, form part of an existing infrastructure asset.
Where an assessment is required as part of an asset condition
survey, this will be carried out to current best practice i.e. BS
EN 1997 (BSI, 2004b) or, formerly, BS 8002 (BSI, 1994). It
should be borne in mind, particularly with respect to railway
Transerve concrete/
infrastructure, that the structure may be up to 100  years old
timber units and would not have been constructed to current best practice.
Granular infill Assessment of the structure to BS EN 1997 or BS 8002 is likely
Longitudinal to indicate failure of the structure or earthwork which shows no
units visible structural distress. In this case, the asset owner should
be consulted and a sensible approach to the management of the
asset agreed.
72.4 Reinforced/nailed solutions
Figure 72.2  Typical gravity solutions: (i) reinforced concrete wall; Reinforced or nailed slopes will generally comprise the use of
(ii) gabion wall; (iii) dry block wall; (iv) crib wall
geogrid reinforcement or a grid of soil nails to provide addi-
tional tensile strength along likely failure surfaces. Typical
examples are shown in Figure 72.4.

ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering © 2012 Institution of Civil Engineers   1089
Design of earthworks, slopes and pavements

Original slope
A surface

B 2
1 Failed

A Primary reinforcement

B Secondary reinforcement to prevent local failure

of face between primary grids Original cut
slope material
(i) Geogrid
Slope cut back
beyond slip

1 Figure 72.5  Repair of slope failure using geogrids


Design should be carried out in accordance with BS 8006

and further guidance is provided in Chapters 73 Design of soil
reinforced slopes and structures and 74 Design of soil nails.
(ii) The use of soil reinforcement and nailing is not confined
to steep-faced (approximately 60°) slopes; it can be applied
to slopes of any angle where additional tensile strength of the
reinforcement or nailing allows the adoption of a stable slope
Facing at a steeper angle than if no reinforcement were employed. On
Steel the Terminal 5 spur road project at Heathrow airport, geogrid
reinforcement was employed to allow the use of 1V:2H slopes
in London Clay embankments where geometric constraints
prevented the adoption of 1V:4H slopes used for the majority
of the embankment construction.
Geogrids have also been used to repair slope failures, par-
ticularly cutting slopes. They were extensively used on the M4
motorway in Berkshire in the 1970s and were also used in a
London Clay cutting on London Underground at Hendon. The
slipped material is excavated back beyond the slip surface,
stockpiled and re-compacted with layers of geogrid to provide
additional tensile strength to the original failed material as
Mesh facing shown in Figure 72.5.
This solution may not always be practicable if there is
insufficient facility to temporarily store the slipped material
locally. If storage of excavated material is not available local
to the failed area it is common practice for the slip repair to be
20° effected using imported granular material.

(iv) 72.5 Slope drainage

Stability of constructed slopes can be influenced by water
Figure 72.4  Typical reinforced/nailed solutions: (i) reinforced
soil slope; (ii) reinforced soil block; (iii) reinforced earth slope; either as groundwater (see Chapter 70 Design of new earth-
(iv) soil nail slope works) or as precipitation.
The former may result in deep seated slope failure if uncon-
trolled and not in line with design assumptions, particularly
in inter-bedded cohesive and non-cohesive strata; groundwater

1090 ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering © 2012 Institution of Civil Engineers
Slope stabilisation methods

flow in the non-cohesive strata causes softening of the sur- British Standards Institution (2006). Concrete. Complementary
rounding cohesive material. Standard to BS EN 206–1. London: BSI, BS 8500.
The ingress of precipitation can cause softening of the sur- British Standards Institution (2007). Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel
face layers of cohesive earthworks, which leads to reduction in Structures. Piling (including National Annex). London: BSI, BS
any effective cohesion in the slope material and the develop- EN 1993–5.
British Standards Institution (2009a). Code of Practice for Earthworks.
ment of shallower failure surfaces. These are commonly seen
London: BSI, BS 6031.
on major road networks and require remediation. British Standards Institution (2009b). Code of Practice for
It is common practice to counteract these problems with Strengthened/Reinforced Soils. Document 09/30093258C, Draft
slope drainage, either as part of the original slope construction for Public Comment. London: BSI, BS 8006–1.
or as a remedial works measure. Chapman, T. (2000). Modular Gravity Walls – Design Guidance.
Slope drainage usually takes the form of gravel-filled drains London: Construction Industry Research and Information
orthogonal to the slope (counterforts) or as a ‘herring bone’ Association, CIRIA Report C516.
pattern. The drains are commonly constructed with a carrier Charles, J. A. and Watts, K. S. (2002). Treated Ground, Engineering
pipe and geotextile wrap to prevent the ingress of fine-grained Properties and Performance. London: Construction Industry
material which would impact on their long-term performance. Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report C572.
Drains are usually spaced at intervals of between 5 and 10 m Gaba, A. R., Simpson, B., Powrie, W. and Beadman, D. R. (2003).
Embedded Retaining Walls – Guidance for Economic Design.
along the slope, depending on the composition of the slope
London: Construction Industry Research and Information
material. Useful guidance on their design and the philosophy Association, CIRIA Report C580.
behind slope drainage is provided by Hutchinson (1977). Hutchinson, J. N. (1977). Assessment of the effectiveness of cor-
In designing slope drainage, a suitable outfall has to be con- rective measures in relation to geological conditions and types
sidered to prevent ponding of drainage water which will occur at of slope movement. Bulletin of the International Association of
the base of the earthwork, potentially resulting in the softening Engineering Geology, 16, 133–155.
of the toe and increasing the potential for failure in this area. Williams, B. P. and Waite, D. (1993). The Design and Construction of
Slope drains can be connected to a drain constructed parallel Sheet Piled Cofferdams. London: Construction Industry Research
to the toe of an embankment slope, or to verge drainage in a and Information Association. CIRIA Special Publication SP95.
cutting. Outfall of the system can be by means of positive flow, Woods, B. and Kellagher, R. (2007). The SUDS manual. London:
such as an existing river course or existing public sewers, or to Construction Industry Research and Information Association,
CIRIA Report C697.
a sustainable drainage system (SUDS), Woods and Kellagher
(2007). 72.6.1 Further reading
Highways Agency (2009). Specification for Highway Works. London:
72.6 References Stationery Office.
British Standards Institution (1989). Code of Practice for Ground
Anchorages. London: BSI, BS 8081.
British Standards Institution (1994). Code of Practice for Earth
Retaining Structures. London: BSI, BS 8002.
British Standards Institution (1995). Code of Practice for Strengthened/ It is recommended this chapter is read in conjunction with
Reinforced Soils and Other Fills. London: BSI, BS 8006.
British Standards Institution (1997). Structural Use of Concrete. Code ■ C
 hapter 23 Slope stability
of Practice for Design and Construction. London: BSI, BS 8110–1. ■ C
 hapter 69 Earthworks design principles
British Standards Institution (2002). Steel, Concrete and Composite
Bridges. London: BSI, BS 5400. ■ S
 ection 6 Design of retaining structures
British Standards Institution (2004a). Eurocode 2 – Design of All chapters in this book rely on the guidance in Sections 1
Concrete Structures. General Rules and Rules for Buildings Context and 2 Fundamental principles. A sound knowledge of
(Including National Annex). London: BSI, BS EN 1992–1. ground investigation is required for all geotechnical works, as set
British Standards Institution (2004b). Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical out in Section 4 Site investigation.
Design (Including National Annex). London: BSI, BS EN 1997–1.

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