A Conceptual Framework For Integrated STEM Educati

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Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11

DOI 10.1186/s40594-016-0046-z
International Journal of
STEM Education


A conceptual framework for integrated

STEM education
Todd R. Kelley1* and J. Geoff Knowles2

The global urgency to improve STEM education may be driven by environmental and social impacts of the twenty-
first century which in turn jeopardizes global security and economic stability. The complexity of these global factors
reach beyond just helping students achieve high scores in math and science assessments. Friedman (The world is
flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century, 2005) helped illustrate the complexity of a global society, and
educators must help students prepare for this global shift. In response to these challenges, the USA experienced massive
STEM educational reforms in the last two decades. In practice, STEM educators lack cohesive understanding of
STEM education. Therefore, they could benefit from a STEM education conceptual framework. The process of
integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in authentic contexts can be as complex as
the global challenges that demand a new generation of STEM experts. Educational researchers indicate that
teachers struggle to make connections across the STEM disciplines. Consequently, students are often disinterested in
science and math when they learn in an isolated and disjoined manner missing connections to crosscutting concepts
and real-world applications. The following paper will operationalize STEM education key concepts and blend learning
theories to build an integrated STEM education framework to assist in further researching integrated STEM education.
Keywords: Integrated STEM, Framework, STEM pedagogies, Scientific inquiry, Engineering design

Background domains. However, the views on the nature and develop-

Many global challenges including “climate change, over- ment of proficiencies in STEM education are diverse,
population, resource management, agricultural produc- and increased focus on integration raises new concerns
tion, health, biodiversity, and declining energy and water and needs for further research (English 2016; Marginson
sources” need an international approach supported by et al. 2013).
further development in science and technology to ad- Although the idea of STEM education has been con-
equately address these challenges (Thomas and Watters templated since the 1990s in the USA, few teachers
2015, p. 42). Yet numerous educational research studies seemed to know how to operationalize STEM education
have indicated that students’ interest and motivation to- several decades later. Americans realized the country
ward STEM learning has declined especially in western may fall behind in the global economy and began to
countries and more prosperous Asian nations (Thomas heavily focus on STEM education and careers (Friedman
and Watters). Concern for improving STEM education 2005). STEM funding for research and education then
in many nations continues to grow as demand for STEM increased significantly in the USA (Sanders 2009). The
skills to meet economic challenges increasingly becomes urgency to improve achievement in American Science,
acute (English 2016; Marginson et al. 2013; NAE and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education is
NRC 2014). Driven by genuine or perceived current and evident by the massive educational reforms that have oc-
future shortages in the STEM workforce, many educa- curred in the last two decades within these STEM edu-
tion systems and policy makers around the globe are cation disciplines (AAAS 1989, 1993; ABET 2004; ITEA
preoccupied with advancing competencies in STEM 1996, 2000, 2002, 2007; NCTM 1989, 2000; NRC 1989,
1994, 1996, 2012). Although these various documents
* Correspondence: [email protected] seek to leverage best practices in education informed by
342 Young Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA research on how people learn (NRC 2000a, 2000b),
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 The Author(s). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 2 of 11

competing theories and agendas may have added confu- something innovative and exciting yet it may, in reality, re-
sion to the complexity of integrating STEM subjects. Re- main disconnected subjects (Abell and Lederman 2007;
cent reforms such as Next Generation Science Standards Sanders 2009; Wang et al. 2011). However, an integrated
(NGSS) (NGSS Lead States 2013) and Common Core curricular approach could be applied to solve global chal-
State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) (National lenges of the modern world concerning energy, health,
Governors Association Center for Best Practices & and the environment (Bybee 2010; President’s Council of
Council of Chief State School Officers 2010) advocate Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) 2010).
for purposefully integrating STEM by providing deeper Kennedy and Odell (2014) noted that the current state of
connections among the STEM domains. One of the STEM education:
most recent NAE and NRC (2014) documents, STEM
Integration in K-12 Education: Status, Prospects, and an has evolved into a meta-discipline, an integrated
Agenda for Research, recognize problems with compet- effort that removes the traditional barriers between
ing agendas, lack of coherent effort, and locating and these subjects, and instead focuses on innovation
teaching intersections for STEM integration. The Com- and the applied process of designing solution to
mittee on Integrated STEM Education was charged to complex contextual problems using current tools and
assist STEM education stakeholders by (a) carefully technologies. Engaging students in high quality STEM
identifying and characterizing existing approaches to in- education requires programs to include rigorous
tegrated STEM education, (b) review evidence of impact curriculum, instruction, and assessment, integrate
on student learning, and (c) help determine priorities for technology and engineering into the science and
research on integrated STEM education. This report was mathematics curriculum, and also promotes scientific
created as a way to move STEM educators forward by inquiry and the engineering design process. (p. 246)
creating a common language of STEM integration for
research and practice. This effort indicates that further STEM education can link scientific inquiry, by formu-
work remains to improve STEM integration in practice lating questions answered through investigation to in-
and establishes a need to conduct more research on in- form the student before they engage in the engineering
tegrated STEM education (NAE and NRC 2014). design process to solve problems (Kennedy et al. 2014).
One outcome of improving achievement in STEM edu- Quality STEM education could sustain or increase the
cation in many countries is preparing a workforce that will STEM pipeline of individuals preparing for careers in
improve national economies and sustain leadership within these fields (Stohlmann et al. 2012). Improving STEM
the constantly shifting and expanding globalized economy. education may also increase the literacy of all people
Wang, Moore, Roehrig, and Park (2011) stated that: across the population in technological and scientific
areas (NAE and NRC 2009; NRC 2011).
Growing concern about developing America’s future As the USA and other countries work to build their
scientists, technologists, engineers, and capacity in STEM education, they will need to interact
mathematicians to remain viable and competitive in with each other in order to enhance their efforts in
the global economy has re-energized attention to international scientific engagement and capacity building
STEM education. To remain competitive in a growing to provide quality education to all of their students
global economy, it is imperative that we raise student’s (Clark 2014, p. 6).
achievement in STEM subjects. (p. 1)
Defining integrated STEM education
European STEM educators and industrialists have iden- Over the last few decades, STEM education was focused
tified a widening STEM skills gap among the workforce. on improving science and mathematics as isolated disci-
Improving STEM education is driven increasingly by eco- plines (Breiner et al. 2012; Sanders 2009; Wang et al.
nomic concerns in developing and emerging countries as 2011) with little integration and attention given to tech-
well (Kennedy and Odell 2014). While STEM student en- nology or engineering (Bybee 2010; Hoachlander and
rollment and motivation has declined in many western Yanofsky 2011). Furthermore, STEM subjects often are
countries, various studies have shown an increased inter- taught disconnected from the arts, creativity, and design
est among young people in developing nations such as (Hoachlander and Yanofsky 2011). Sanders (2009) de-
India and Malaysia (Thomas and Watters 2015). scribed integrated STEM education as “approaches that
explore teaching and learning between/among any two
Seeking coherency in STEM education or more of the STEM subject areas, and/or between a
Much ambiguity still surrounds STEM education and STEM subject and one or more other school subjects”
how it is most effectively implemented (Breiner et al. (p. 21). Sanders suggests that outcomes for learning at
2012). STEM education is often used to imply least one of the other STEM subjects should be
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 3 of 11

purposely designed in a course—such as a math or sci- critical thinking skills, improves problem solving skills,
ence learning outcome in a technology or engineering and increases retention (Stohlmann et al. 2012). Building
class (Sanders 2009). Moore et al. (2014) defined inte- a strategic approach to integrating STEM concepts re-
grated STEM education as “an effort to combine some quires strong conceptual and foundational understanding
or all of the four disciplines of science, technology, en- of how students learn and apply STEM content. The fol-
gineering, and mathematics into one class, unit, or lowing theoretical framework for integrated STEM seeks
lesson that is based on connections between the subjects to propose such an approach.
and real-world problems” (p. 38). Integrated STEM cur-
riculum models can contain STEM content learning ob- Conceptual framework for integrated STEM
jectives primarily focused on one subject, but contexts education
can come from other STEM subjects (Moore et al.). We, Research in integrated STEM can inform STEM educa-
however, define integrated STEM education as the ap- tion stakeholders to identify barriers as well as deter-
proach to teaching the STEM content of two or more mine best practices. A conceptual framework is helpful
STEM domains, bound by STEM practices within an to build a research agenda that will in turn inform
authentic context for the purpose of connecting these STEM stakeholders to realize the full potential of inte-
subjects to enhance student learning. grated STEM education. We propose a conceptual
The authors acknowledge that there are limits to this ap- framework around learning theories and pedagogies that
proach to teaching integrated STEM education. Some will lead to achieving key learning outcomes. Developing
might view this approach too focused on career pathways a conceptual framework for STEM education requires a
with emphasis on STEM practices and authentic applica- deep understanding of the complexities surrounding
tion of STEM knowledge. The authors acknowledge that how people learn, specifically teaching and learning
teaching STEM from the proposed approach is not possible STEM content. Research shows STEM education teach-
in all circumstances and could limit the content taught ing is enhanced when the teacher has sufficient content
from this approach. Some necessary knowledge in mathem- knowledge and domain pedagogical content knowledge
atics and sciences that are theoretically focused may not (Nadelson et al. 2012). Instead of teaching content and
provide authentic engineering design applications as well as skills and hoping students will see the connections to
common STEM practices limited by current technology. real-life application, an integrated approach seeks to
locate connections between STEM subjects and pro-
Limits of current integrated practices vide a relevant context for learning the content. Educa-
Making crosscutting STEM connections is complex and tors should remain true to the nature in which science,
requires that teachers teach STEM content in deliberate technology, engineering, and mathematics are applied
ways so that students understand how STEM knowledge to real-world situations. The Next Generation Science
is applied to real-world problems. Currently, crosscut- Standards (NRC 2012) suggest closer study of prac-
ting connections remain implicit or can be missing all tices may help to provide a framework for integrating
together (NAE and NRC 2009). The Committee on STEM subjects.
Integrated STEM Education noted that: The proposed framework as presented is intended for
secondary education, specifically high school level edu-
Connecting ideas across disciplines is challenging cators and learners. The following graphic (Fig. 1) helps
when students have little or no understanding of the capture a conceptual framework for integrated STEM
relevant ideas in the individual disciplines. Also, education and will also serve as a frame for the core
students do not always or naturally use their concept of the paper. We will reference the graphic
disciplinary knowledge in integrated contexts. throughout the paper to further explain key concepts
Students will thus need support to elicit the relevant and make connections across STEM practices. The aim
scientific or mathematical ideas in an engineering or of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework to
technological design context, to connect those ideas guide STEM educators and to build a research agenda
productively, and to reorganize their own ideas in for integrated STEM education.
ways that come to reflect normative, scientific ideas Figure 1 illustrates the proposed conceptual framework
and practices. (NAE and NRC 2014, p. 5) for integrated STEM education. The image presents a
block and tackle of four pulleys to lift a load, in this case
Increased integration of STEM subjects may not be “situated STEM learning.” Block and tackle is a pulley sys-
more effective if there is not a strategic approach to imple- tem that helps generate mechanical advantage to lift loads
mentation. However, well-integrated instruction provides easier. The illustration connects situated learning, engin-
opportunities for students to learn in more relevant and eering design, scientific inquiry, technological literacy, and
stimulating experiences, encourages the use of higher level mathematical thinking as an integrated system. Each
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 4 of 11

Fig. 1 Graphic of conceptual framework for STEM learning

pulley in the system connects common practices within et al. 1989; Lave and Wenger 1991; Putnam and Borko
the four STEM disciplines and are bound by the rope of 2000). Foundational to this theory is the concept that un-
community of practice. A complex relationship of the pul- derstanding how knowledge and skills can be applied is as
ley system must work in harmony to ensure the integrity important as learning the knowledge and skills itself. Situ-
of the entire system. The authors are not suggesting that ated cognition theory recognizes that the contexts, both
all four domains of integrated STEM must occur during physical and social elements of a learning activity, are crit-
every STEM learning experience but STEM educators ical to the learning process. When a student develops a
should have a strong understanding of the relationship knowledge and skill base around an activity, the context of
that can be established across domains and by engaging a that activity is essential to the learning process (Putnam
community of practice. Like any mental model, there are and Borko 2000). Often when learning is grounded within
limits to looking at integrated STEM education using this a situated context, learning is authentic and relevant,
approach. We will seek to provide support for this mental therefore representative of an experience found in actual
model while acknowledging the limits in viewing STEM STEM practice. When considering integrating STEM con-
education this way. Each part of the conceptual frame- tent, engineering design can become the situated context
work will be described in detail. We encourage readers to and the platform for STEM learning.
refer back to Fig. 1 to help better understand the various Certainly, there is some STEM content that cannot be
aspects of this proposed framework. situated in authentic contexts, therefore limiting this
model to only content that can be applied through situ-
Situated STEM learning ated learning approaches. Within Fig. 1, the analogy of
The authors would advocate most content in STEM can situated learning as a “load” to lift may present a limited
be grounded within the situated cognition theory (Brown perspective of this educational model.
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Pulley #1: engineering design they converge according to Purzer et al. (2015) are “(a)
Engineering design can provide the ideal STEM content reasoning processes such as analogical reasoning as navi-
integrator (NAE and NRC 2009; NRC 2012). Moreover, gational devices to bridge the gap between problem and
an engineering design approach to delivering STEM solution and (b) uncertainty as a starting condition that
education creates an ideal entry point to include engin- demands expenditure of cognitive resources…” (p. 2).
eering practices into existing secondary curriculum. Additionally, both engineering design and scientific
Using engineering design as a catalyst to STEM learning inquiry accentuate learning by doing (Purzer et al. 2015).
is vital to bring all four STEM disciplines on an equal Similar to situated learning theory, approaching all
platform. The very nature of engineering design provides STEM content through engineering design is not always
students with a systematic approach to solving problems possible. For example, some science content is currently
that often occur naturally in all of the STEM fields. theoretically based and cannot be taught by design-
Engineering design provides the opportunity to locate based instruction.
the intersections and build connections among the
STEM disciplines, which has been identified as key to Pulley #2: scientific inquiry
subject integration (Frykholm and Glasson 2005; Barnett Learning science in a relevant context and being able to
and Hodson 2001). transfer scientific knowledge to authentic situations is
Science education can be enhanced by infusing an en- key to genuine understanding. An inquiry approach to
gineering design approach because it creates opportunity instruction requires teachers to “encourage and model
to apply science knowledge and inquiry as well as pro- the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as the curiosity,
vides an authentic context for learning mathematical openness to new ideas, and skepticism that characterize
reasoning for informed decisions during the design science” (National Research Council 1996, p. 37). Scientific
process. The Conceptual Frameworks for New Science inquiry prepares students to think and act like real scien-
Education Standards (NRC 2012) in the USA recom- tists, ask questions, hypothesize, and conduct investigations
mend that students are given opportunities to design using standard science practices. However, an inquiry-
and develop science investigations and engineering de- based approach involves a high level of knowledge and en-
sign projects across all K-12 grade levels (p. 9). The ana- gagement on the part of the teachers and students.
lytical element of the engineering design process allows Teachers often feel unprepared because they are lacking
students to use mathematics and science inquiry to cre- authentic scientific research and inquiry experiences them-
ate and conduct experiments that will inform the learner selves (Nadelson et al. 2012). They harbor misconceptions
about the function and performance of potential design about hands-on instruction, viewing a series of tasks and
solutions before a final prototype is constructed. This lab activities as being equivalent to scientific inquiry. How-
approach to engineering design allows students to build ever, practical and procedurally based hands-on activities
upon their own experiences and provide opportunities are not equivalent to true science inquiry but must include
to construct new science and math knowledge through “minds-on” experiences embedded within constructivist ap-
design analysis and scientific investigation. According to proaches to science learning (National Research Council
Brown et al. (1989), these are necessary experiences for 1996, p. 13). Students can become drivers of their learning
effective learning: when given the opportunity to construct their own ques-
tions related to the science content they are investigating.
Engineering and technology provide a context in Key to effectively preparing teachers to teach through
which students can test their own developing inquiry requires improving their pedagogical content know-
scientific knowledge and apply it to practical ledge while experiencing authentic science investigations
problems; doing so enhances their understanding of and experimentation practices. Powell-Moman and Brown-
science—and, for many, their interest in science—as Schild (2011) note that “in-service teachers see direct bene-
they recognize the interplay among science, fits when scientist-teacher partnerships associated with
engineering, and technology. We are convinced that professional development are used to develop content
the engagement in the practices of engineering design knowledge, along with scientific process and research skill
is as much a part of learning science as engagement through collaboration on research projects” (p. 48).
in the practices of science. (p.12)
Pulley #3: technological literacy
In engineering practice, engineering design and scien- Fully understanding the “T” in STEM education seems
tific inquiry are interwoven through an intricate process to escape many educators who fail to move beyond
of design behaviors and scientific reasoning (Purzer et al. merely the use of educational technology to enhance
2015). Though there is a notable difference between en- STEM learning experiences (Cavanagh 2008). STEM ed-
gineering design and scientific inquiry, two central ways ucators with only this view point fail to acknowledge
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 6 of 11

that technology consists of a body of knowledge, skills, Engineering can differ from technology in that
and practices. The term technology means so many dif- engineering only comprises the profession of
ferent things to people rendering the term almost use- developing and producing technology, while the
less, and further study of technology definitions will not broader concept of technology also relates to the user
bring clarity to the subject (Barak 2012). Herschbach dimension. Technologists, more than engineers, deal
(2009) suggested there are two common views of tech- with human needs as well as economic, social,
nology; an engineering view of technology and a human- cultural or environmental aspects of problem solving
ities perspective of technology. The engineering view, and new product development. (in Barak 2012, p. 318)
also referred to as the instrumental perspective
(Mitcham 1994; Feenberg 2006), indicates that “Tech- Barak (2012) suggests that both engineering and tech-
nology is equated with the making and using of material nology are so closely related that they should be taught
objects—that is, artifacts” (p. 128). However, the human- in unison within technology education and suggests
ities view of technology focuses on the human purpose teaching them as one school subject called Engineering
of technology as a response to a specific human en- Technology Education (ETE).
deavor; therefore, it is the human purpose that provides In 2000, the International Technology Education As-
additional meaning for technology (Achterhuis 2001; sociation (ITEA) drafted the Standards for Technological
Mitcham 1994). The humanities view of technology rec- Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology (STL) to
ognizes that technology is value-laden (Feenberg 2006) define the content necessary for K-12 students to be-
and thus, provides opportunities to explore technology come technologically literate citizens living in the
impacts including cultural, social, economic, political, twenty-first century. The STLs have been revised twice
and environmental (ITEA 2000). (ITEA 2002, 2007) and also include student assessment
Table 1 provides critical elements of distinction be- and professional development standards (ITEA 2003).
tween these two views of technology. The Standards for Technological Literacy identify con-
Mitcham (1994) combines these two views together tent standards for grades K-12 that provide students op-
when he identified four different ways of conceptualizing portunities to think critically about technology beyond
technology. He identifies technology as (a) objects, (b) technology as an object and in doing so prepare students
knowledge, (c) activities, and (d) volition. Often, people to become technologically literate. STEM educators
associate technology as artifacts or objects; unfortu- should provide students opportunities to think through
nately, many only view technology in this way and over- technology as a vehicle for change with both positive
coming this limited view of technology may be critical and negative impacts on culture, society, politics, econ-
for teaching STEM in an integrated approach. Mitcham omy, and the environment.
also contends that technology consists of specific and
distinct knowledge and therefore is a discipline. He Pulley #4: mathematical thinking
views technology as a process with activities that in- Studies have shown that students are more motivated
clude designing, making, and using technology. Tech- and perform better on math content assessment when
nology as volition is the concept that technology is teachers use an integrated STEM education approach. A
driven by the human will and as a result is embedded recent study found that students performed better on
within our culture driven by human values. Herschbach post math content assessments and increased STEM at-
(2009) contends that technology leverages knowledge titudinal scores when engaging in learning activities that
from across multiple fields of study. DeVries (2011) in included engineering design and prototyping solutions
Barak (2012) writes: using 3D printing technology (Tillman et al. 2014).

Table 1 Two views of technology

Engineering perspective of technology Humanities perspective of technology
Technology consists of: Technology can be viewed as:
• A distinct body of knowledge • More than a sum of tools, instruments, artifacts, processes, and systems
• An activity or a way of doing • Influences the structure of the cultural/ social order regardless of its user intentions
• Design, engineering, production, and research procedures • Serving human values and influence value formation
• Physical tools, instruments, and artifacts • Autonomous social and economic forces that often override traditional and
competing values
• Organized integrated systems and organizations that are • Capable of unanticipated positive as well as destructive social and economic
used to create, produce, and use technology consequences
Based upon Herschbach 2009
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 7 of 11

Williams (2007) noted that contextual teaching can give around real-life STEM contexts regardless of the peda-
meaning to mathematics because “students want to gogical approach.
know not only how to complete a mathematical task but Using a community of practice approach to integrated
also why they need to learn the mathematics in the first STEM can be challenging for teachers as they need to
place. They want to know how mathematics is relevant continually network with experts and be open to allow-
to their lives” (p. 572). Incorporating STEM practices ing members of the community of practice into their
that include mathematical analysis necessary for evaluat- classroom. Additionally, not all students learn best in
ing design solutions provide the necessary rational for social settings so these students may struggle to fully en-
students to learn mathematics and see the connections gage in a community of practice and this may limit their
between what is learned in school with what is required ability to learn using this educational approach.
in STEM career skills (Burghardt and Hacker 2004).
The authors again acknowledge that not all secondary STEM community of practice
education math content can be applied to engineering The Next Generation Science (NGS) Framework (NRC
design approaches. Similarly, secondary education stu- 2012) carefully uses language that describes common
dents may not have the cognitive development necessary practices of scientist and engineers. These practices be-
to connect mathematical thinking within all engineering come science learning outcomes for students. Equally
design problems. important to learning science concepts, scientific prac-
tices and skills are also emphasized as key outcomes
The rope: a community of practice (NRC 2012). Engineering practices are also identified
Additionally, the concept of learning as an activity not within the NGS framework because some of the prac-
only leverages the context of the learning but also the so- tices of scientists and engineers are shared. An inte-
cial aspect of learning. Lave and Wenger (1991) describe grated STEM approach can provide a platform through
this as legitimate peripheral participation when the learn- a community of practice to learn the similarities and dif-
ing takes place in a community of practitioners assisting ferences of engineering and science. Table 2 shows de-
the learner to move from a novice understanding of know- scriptions of common science practices and engineering
ledge, skills, and practices toward mastery as they partici- practices providing opportunity to compare similarities
pate “in a social practice of a community” (p. 29). and differences (NRC 2012).
The study of STEM practices can provide a better
In a community of practice, novices and experienced understanding of each domain and help teachers
practitioners can learn from observing, asking questions, identify key learning outcomes necessary to achieve
and actually participating alongside others with more or STEM learning. Table 3 below identifies key practices
different experience. Learning is facilitated when novices that build the unique set of knowledge, skills, as well
and experienced practitioners organize their work in as a unique language to form common practices of
ways that allow all participants the opportunity to see, science and technology while investigating and solving
discuss, and engage in shared practices. (Levine and problems (Kolodner 2002).
Marcus 2010, p. 390) Table 4 identifies the math standards for math practice
located in the Common Core standards for mathematics
Integrated STEM education can create an ideal plat- identifying common practices necessary when solving
form to blend these complementary learning theories by mathematical problems. Understanding these mathemat-
providing a community of practice through social dis- ical practices can be critical for effective integrated
course. As educational leaders have wrestled with the STEM education because mathematical analysis can be
concept of integrating STEM disciplines, key elements found in all the other STEM domains.
of situated learning have emerged. For example, Berlin Upon review of these practices across science, engin-
and White (1995) argued that efforts to integrate math- eering, technology, and mathematics, the very nature of
ematics and science should be founded, in part, on the these disciplines as well as the context in which the
idea that knowledge is organized around big ideas, con- practices occur provide the learner with authentic exam-
cepts, or themes, and that knowledge is advanced through ples that could help to illustrate crosscutting STEM con-
social discourse. nections. Locating intersections and connections across
When engaging students into a community of practice, the STEM disciplines will assist STEM educators who
we suggest that the learning outcomes be grounded in understand these practices and how they are uniquely
common shared practices. Community of practice can similar and different. An integrated STEM approach
provide opportunity to engage local community experts should leverage the idea that STEM content should be
as STEM partners such as practicing scientists, engi- taught alongside STEM practices. Both content and
neers, and technologists who can help focus the learning practices are equally important to providing the ideal
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 8 of 11

Table 2 Comparison of science and engineering practices

Science practices Engineering practices
Begins with a question about a phenomenon. Begins with a problem, need, or desire that leads to an engineered
Using models to develop explanations about natural phenomena. Using models and simulations to analyze existing solutions.
Scientific investigation in field or lab using a systematic approach. Engineering investigation to obtain data necessary for identifying criteria
and constraints and to test design ideas.
Analyzing and interpreting data from scientific investigations using a Analyzing and interpreting data collected from tests of designs and
range of tools for analysis (tabulation, graphical interpretation, investigations to locate optimal design solutions.
visualization, and statistical analysis) locating patterns.
Mathematical and computational thinking are fundamental tools for Mathematical and computational thinking are integral to design by
representing variables and their relationships. These ways of thinking allowing engineers to run tests and mathematical models to assess the
allow for making predictions, testing theory, and locating patterns or performance of a design solution before prototyping.
Constructing scientific theory to provide explanations is a goal for Constructing designing solutions using a systematic approach to solving
scientists and grounding the explanation of a phenomenon with engineering problems based upon scientific knowledge and models of
available evidence. the material world. Designed solutions are optimized by balancing
constraints and criteria off existing conditions.
Arguments with evidence is key to scientific practices by providing a line Arguments with evidence is key to engineering for locating the best
of reasoning for explaining a natural phenomenon. Scientists defend possible solutions to a problem. The location of the best solution is
explanations, formulate evidence based on data, and examine ideas with based on a systematic approach to comparing alternatives, formulating
experts and peers understandings. evidence from tests, and revising design solutions.

context for learning and the rationale for doing so. Lo- in integrated STEM education including those designing
cating crosscutting practices will help students identify initiatives for integrated STEM, those developing as-
similarities in the nature of work conducted by scien- sessments, and lastly for educational researchers (NAE
tists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians and and NRC 2014). For further investigation in integrated
could help students make more informed decisions STEM education, researchers need to document in
about STEM career pathways. more detail their interventions, curriculum, and pro-
grams implemented, especially how subjects are inte-
Discussion grated and supported. More evidence needs to be
Integrated STEM research agenda collected on the nature of integration, scaffolding used,
The proposed conceptual framework must be tested and instructional designs applied. Clear outcomes need
through educational research methods to determine if to be identified and measured concerning how inte-
these concepts improve the teaching and learning of grated STEM education promotes learning, thinking,
STEM content. A research agenda must be crafted to interest, and other characteristics related to these ob-
test theories under a variety of conditions to determine jectives. Research focused on interest and teacher and
the best approach to integrated STEM. In the USA, the student identity also needs to address diversity and
Committee on Integrated STEM Education developed sev- equity, and include more design experiments and lon-
eral recommendations directed at multiple stakeholders gitudinal studies (NAE and NRC 2014). Though these

Table 3 A selection of science and technology skills and practices

Science skills and practices Technology skills and practices
Understanding a problem and what might need to be investigated Identifying criteria, constraints, problem specifications
Generating questions that can be investigated “Messing about” with and understanding materials
Investigation with a purpose-experimentation, modeling, learning from cases, Investigation for the purpose of application-designing and running
managing variables, accurate observation and measuring, seeing patterns,… models, reading and learning from case studies,…
Informed decision making, reporting on justifying conclusions Informed decision making, reporting on and justifying design decisions
Iteration toward understanding Iteration toward a good enough solution
Explaining scientifically Explaining failures and refining solutions
Investigation planning Prioritizing criteria, trading them off against each other, and optimizing
Communication of ideas, results, interpretations, implications, justifications, Communication of ideas, design decisions, justifications, explanations,
explanations, principles design rules of thumb
Teamwork, collaboration across teams, giving credit Teamwork, collaboration across teams, give credit
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 9 of 11

Table 4 Mathematical standards for mathematical practice The TRAILS project research will be guided by asses-
Make sense of the problem and persevere in solving them. sing the following:
Mathematically proficient students explain the meaning of a
problem and looks for solution entry points.
(a) Science and technology education teacher’s self-
Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematically proficient efficacy in teaching STEM through an integrated
students are able to decontextualize—create abstractions of a
situation and represent it as symbols and manipulate. STEM approach.
(b)Assessing students and teacher’s awareness of STEM
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with Mathematics.
(c) Assess students’ ability to use twenty-first century
Appropriate tools strategically. skills while creating engineering design solutions to
Attend to precision. TRAILS challenges.
Look for and make use of structure. (d)Assess students’ growth in students’ STEM career
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. interest, self-efficacy in learning STEM content, and
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, p 6–8
growth in STEM content knowledge.

We theorize that teachers will increase self-efficacy

recommendations were made in the context of the teaching these subjects after participation in the TRAILS
American education system, they could prove helpful program, and this would indicate a stronger foundation
in many other countries’ educational systems as well. for effective teaching (Stohlmann et al. 2012). Measure-
ments of teacher self-efficacy parallels and extends the
One example: Teachers and Researchers Advancing work of Nadelson et al. (2012), and additionally mea-
Integrated Lessons in STEM (TRAILS) sures student self-efficacy in learning STEM. Self-
A current National Science Foundation I-TEST project efficacy is a good predictor of performance, behavior,
can serve as an example of research created to assess the and academic achievement (Bandura 1978, 1997). Re-
proposed framework. Todd Kelley is the principal inves- search projects like TRAILS provide researcher oppor-
tigator of the TRAILS project that aims to improve tunities to explore the impact of an integrated STEM
STEM integration in high school biology or physics clas- teacher professional development on teachers teaching
ses and technology education classes. TRAILS partners practices as well as assess impact on students’ learning
science and technology teachers during a 2-week sum- STEM content. TRAILS also focuses on how the project
mer professional development workshop to prepare the may impact students’ interest in STEM careers. This
teachers to integrate STEM content through science project serves as one example of how future research on
inquiry and engineering design in the context of ento- integrated STEM teaching can assess teaching and learn-
mology. 3D printing technology is used to allow students ing of STEM content as well as help to identify barriers
to create engineering designed bio-mimicry solutions. that exist in current educational systems. Projects like
Students’ use mathematical modeling to predict and as- TRAILS are needed to help inform educational re-
sess design performance. Lessons are created to address searchers and the greater STEM education community
technological literacy standards and well as math and what works effectively and what does not when integrat-
science standards. The goals of the TRAILS project are ing STEM subjects in secondary education. The pro-
as follows: posed theoretical models need to be tested and vetted
within the STEM education greater community. The
Goal 1: Engage in-service science and technology current TRAILS project provides an ideal platform to
teachers in professional development building STEM conduct research on this approach to integrated STEM
knowledge and practices to enhance integrated STEM to seek to identify the benefits as well as limitations.
Goal 2: Establish a sustainable community of practice Conclusion and implications
of STEM teachers, researchers, industry partners, and The recent STEM education literature provides rationale
college student “learning assistants.” to teach STEM concepts in a context which is most
Goal 3: Engage grades 9–12 students in STEM learning often delivered in project, problem, and design-based ap-
through engineering design and 3D printing and proaches (Carlson and Sullivan 1999; Frykholm and
scanning technology. Glasson 2005; Hmelo-Silver 2004; Kolodner 2006;
Goal 4: Generate strategies to overcome identified Kolodner et al. 2003; Krajcik et al. 1998). It could prove
barriers for high school students in rural schools helpful if integrated STEM educators learned the various
and underserved populations to pursue careers in “STEM languages” and STEM practices outlined above.
STEM fields. The reality is secondary education in the US silo STEM
Kelley and Knowles International Journal of STEM Education (2016) 3:11 Page 10 of 11

subjects within a rigid structure with departmental section. TRK crafted the conceptual framework section. Both JGK and TRK
agendas, requirements, content standards, and end-of- collaboratively created the graphic and TRK provided the conceptual framework
components of the graphic. JGK contributed to collecting supporting literature
year examinations. If these barriers remain in education in and assisted TRK refining the writing for clarity. Both authors have read and
the USA and in other nations, they may constrain the suc- approved the final manuscript.
cessful implementation of an integrated STEM program
therefore jeopardizing the entire STEM movement. Competing interests
The authors suggest that the key to preparing STEM The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
educators is to first begin by grounding their conceptual Author details
understanding of integrated STEM education by teach- 1
342 Young Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. 2Ivy Tech Community
ing key learning theories, pedagogical approaches, and College, Purdue University, 2325 Phil Ward Blvd, Crawfordsville, IN 47933,
building awareness of research results of current second-
ary STEM educational initiatives. Furthermore, profes- Received: 13 August 2015 Accepted: 4 July 2016
sional development experiences for in-service teachers
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