Internal External Positive Negative Why?
Internal External Positive Negative Why?
Internal External Positive Negative Why?
Internal == External
Positive == Negative
1. Students perceive science as difficult subject
- (Why difficult) – focus on theory: not easy to understand, high degree
of abstraction, memorizing without understanding, no interest and
(example: in physics, we learn about force.)
(evidence: )
- (Why difficult): algorithmic, involve many steps in learning it, could
not see the link between the steps, mastery of basic skills before
proceeding to advanced level knowledge, time-consuming to produce
impact in learning, lazy
- (Why difficulty):
2. Irrelevance of science with real life application
- (Why irrelevance) – science is not visible in application, abstract,
3. Curriculum is not attractive
4. Effect of parents (moneymaking)
5. Lack of hands-on experience