GDCO - Final
GDCO - Final
GDCO - Final
Methodology The trainings will be delivered in two parts. First part through e-learning –
which will be aimed at delivering knowledge concerning all listed subjects.
Second part through workshops that will encourage interaction, discussion,
group work, reflection, and localization to participants’ needs and context.
Module Diversity management in the workplace in the context of HEI
Aims The main aims of the training are:
Acquiring knowledge concerning diversity management and cross-
cultural communication
Acquiring skills concerning managing diversity in work place and
communicating cross-culturally
Acquiring social competences concerning behavior in cross-cultural
Content The training will cover the variety of topics connected with diversity
management, including:
Managing diversity in workplace,
Managing cross-cultural teams,
Cross-cultural intelligence and stereotypes,
Building trust in cross-culture environment,
Cultural shock and adaptation
Cross-cultural values and behaviors
Part of the training will also cover the topics connected with cross-cultural
communication, including:
Cross-cultural communication styles and approaches,
Cross-cultural work styles and behavior,
Methodology The trainings will be delivered in two parts. First part through e-learning –
which will be aimed at delivering knowledge concerning all listed subjects.
Second part through workshops that will encourage interaction, discussion,
group work, reflection, and localization to participants’ needs and context.
Module Personal Development and Intellectual Honesty
Aims By the end of this module participants should be able to:
Identify different dimensions of intellectual honesty
Reflect on their professional path
Identify personal and professional needs
Align these needs with the institutional mission
Content The training will cover the variety of topics, including:
Intellectual honesty:
o Dimensions of intellectual honesty
o principles and values
o dilemmatic situations
o decision making
o Beyond plagiarism
o Teaching and learning approaches for intellectual honesty in
higher education
Personal and professional development:
o Principles of active listening
o Feedback principles and strategies
o Coaching principles and strategies
o Team building exercises
Personal development plan aligned with the institutional mission
o Reflection on the institutional mission
The importance of individual and team roles
Methodology The trainings will be delivered in two parts. First part through e-learning –
which will be aimed at delivering knowledge concerning all listed subjects.
Second part through workshops that will encourage interaction, discussion,
group work, reflection, and localization to participants’ needs and context.
Module Leadership: creating directions, setting goals, defining tasks
Aims By the end of this module participants should be able to:
Understand the position of leadership skills in personal skills´
Understand the personality traits, behavioral patterns and skills of
Identify leadership styles.
Be able to distinguish between cognitive, interpersonal, strategic
and business skills.
Improve strategic skills.
Identify problems of goal attainment.
Content The training will cover the variety of topics, including:
The role of leader´s personality traits in his/her work.
Typical behavioural patterns of good leaders.
Leader´s skill structure – improvement of cognitive, interpersonal,
business and strategic skills.
Application of techniques of self-presentation, active listening,
speaking, observation, self-control, self-awareness
Improvement of assertiveness, empathy, conflict management and
work with personnel resources.
Getting to know the basic strategies of goal setting.
Improvement of planning, realizing and organizing of teamwork
during goal attainment
Identification of common problems in goal attainment – obstacles,
coping, solutions
Identification of basic leadership styles
Comparing the teacher and leader/manager/coach
Methodology The trainings will be delivered in two parts. First part through e-learning –
which will be aimed at delivering knowledge concerning all listed subjects.
Second part through workshops that will encourage interaction, discussion,
group work, reflection, and localization to participants’ needs and context.