Grade 3 2nd Term Scheme-1
Grade 3 2nd Term Scheme-1
Grade 3 2nd Term Scheme-1
Concept of Religion
Indigenous Religion
Morals and Values
The concept of morals and values
Rights and Responsibilitieslearning
1. Primary School FRME Syllabus Gr 3
2. Vent FRME Learners book 3
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Media Activities
1 LESSON1 By the end of the critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION lesson learners conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT should be able to management page 14-23 *Demonstrations
Religion in the -identify *Group work
problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
family religions in *Question and Answer
decision making Assumed knowledge Learners know where their
SUB CONCEPT different
Concept of Religion families. communication Book Grade 3 page 37-70 families come from
-Religions: social Introduction -Teacher asks learners about their families
-describe -ICT tools and where they belongs to.
*Indigenous confidence
Religion origins of Step 2 -learners practise
leadership -musical instruments
different Step 3 Learners read a passage on “I belong” on page
*Christianity -braille books
religions 14.
*Islam -real objects Step 4 -In groups learners take turn to list their family
*Judaism -real regalia members
-resource person Step 5-Groups feed back
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 - describe origins critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION of Indigenous conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT religion page 14-23 *Discussions
Origins management
*Group work
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Indigenous Religion
*Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners know churches
-Origins of Indigenous
communication Introduction -Teacher asks learners about their church
social -ICT tools denominations.
confidence -symbols Step 2 -learners discuss the beginning of indigenous
-musical instruments religion
-braille books Step 3 Learners practice ways of praying in indigenous
-real objects religion
-real regalia Step 4 -In groups learners role play the ways of praying
-resource person in indigenous religion
Step 5-Groups feed back the best group to present
Conclusion -oral discussions tr gives homework to find
names of supreme being
LESSON 3 -state names of critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION supreme being . conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT page 14-23 *Demonstrations
Names of supreme being management
- find meanings of Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT problem solving
the names Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of vadzimu
Indigenous Religion - decision making
Names of supreme being Introduction -Teacher asks learners whether the know
communication -ICT tools musikavanhu or nyadenga
-Meanings of names
social -symbols Step 2 -learners list names of the supreme being
confidence -musical instruments Step 3 Learners explain the meanings of diff names of
leadership -braille books supreme being with the help of the Tr.
-real objects Step 4 -In pairs learners discuss names of supreme
-real regalia beings
-resource person Step 5-learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -identify and critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION compare sacred conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT places in page 14-23 *Educational tours
Sacred places management
Indigenous *Group work
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Indigenous Religion Religion *Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of muhacha
-Sacred places
-name sacred trees communication tree
such as:home
altar/chikuwa/emsamo in Indigenous social -ICT tools Introduction -Teacher asks learners about sacred places
-Sacred trees Religion confidence -symbols they know.
-musical instruments Step 2 -learners name sacred places in Indidenous
-braille books religion
-real objects Step 3 Class engaged in a field trip and visited sacred
-real regalia places in their community
-resource person Step 4 -In groups learners identify similarities among
sacred places
Step 5-Groups feed back
Step 6-learners answer questions individually
Conclusion -oral discussions
-resource person favourite ceremony songs
Step 5-Groups feed back and best group perform in
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -name and critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION describe religious conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT artfacts they know page 14-23 *Demonstrations
Religious artefacts and management
-identify attire in Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Group work
attire problem solving
SUB CONCEPT Indigenous Book Grade 3 page 37-70 *Question and Answer
decision making Assumed knowledge Learners know attires worn with
Indigenous Religion Religion
communication -ICT tools pupils from indigenous religion
-Artifacts such
as:tsvimbo/intonga/nhekw social -symbols Introduction -Teacher shows learners tsvimbo,nhekwe
e/imfuko confidence -musical instruments and mukombe
-Attire such as leadership -braille books Step 2 -learners identify the artifacts and attire from the
chuma/amangonqo/machi -real objects pictures
ra emudzimu/izembatho -real regalia Step 3 Learners name the attires
-resource person Step 4 -In groups learners discuss the attire and artfacts
of indigenous religion
Step 5-Groups feed back
step6-learners draw and write work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 -name the symbols critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION used in Indigenous conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT Religion and show page 14-23 *Demonstrations
Symbols and sacred management
their significance Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Group work
days problem solving
SUB CONCEPT -state sacred days Book Grade 3 page 37-70 *Question and Answer
decision making Assumed knowledge Learners know chisi/izilo
Indigenous Religion in Indigenous
Religion communication -ICT tools Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the symbols
-Sacred days ,chisi/izilo social -symbols used in indigenous religion
confidence -musical instruments Step 2 -learners identify symbols from the pictures
leadership -braille books Step 3 Facilitator explains the significance of the
-real objects symbol and sacred days
-real regalia Step 4 -In groups learners name the sacred days in
-resource person indigenous religion and explain it siginificance
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners answer question
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -state sacred days critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Problem solving
RELIGION Education grade 3) Syllabus
KEY CONCEPT in Indigenous conflict page 14-23 *Critical thinking
Revision exercise Religion management Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT -name the symbols Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
Indigenous Religion problem solving
used in Indigenous Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
-Sacred places decision making -ICT tools
-origins Religion and show Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
communication -symbols Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
-symbols and attire their significance
social -musical instruments Step 5.Revising the test
-sacred days and sacred
places confidence -braille books Conclusion
- leadership -real objects Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
-real regalia class
-resource person
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M/ Media Activities
3 LESSON 1 By the end of the critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION lesson learners conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT should be able to *Demonstrations
Founder management page 14-23
-name the founder *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Christianity Religion of Christianity Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of God
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Introduction -Teacher asks learners whether they
-Founder Religion
communication -bible know musikavanhu Jesus Christ or God
-Names of supreme being
-state names of social -picturesof Christians Step 2 -learners list names of the supreme being
supreme being .- confidence -ICT tools Step 3 Learners explain the meanings of diff names of
find meanings of leadership -potrait of founder supreme being with the help of the Tr.
the names Step 4 -In pairs learners discuss names of supreme
beings and explain the significance of the titles of
supreme being
Step 5-learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -state sacred days critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION in Indigenous conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT Religion *Demonstrations
Sacred days management page 14-23
-identify and *Group work
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Christianity Religion describe places of *Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of their church
-Sacred days worship in the
Christianity communication denominations
-Places of worship
Religion social -bible Introduction-Teacher asks learners about their religions
confidence -picturesof Christians Step 2 -learners identify sacred days in christianity
leadership -ICT tools Step 3 Learners name the places of worship in
-potrait of founder christianity
Step 4 -In groups learners visit places of worship within
in their community
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write individual
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
home work to research about the holy books and attire
of Christians
LESSON 3 -name the symbols critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION used in Indigenous conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT Religion and show *Demonstrations
Symbol management page 14-23
their significance *Group work
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Christianity Religion -describe and *Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners have seen the pastor
-Symbol identify the attire
worn communication reading the bible
-Holy book(division of -name the holy social -bible Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the attire of
holy book) book used by the confidence -picturesof Christians christianity
Christians leadership -ICT tools Step 2 -learners identify the holy book read by
-potrait of founder christians
Step 3 Learners identify and name the symbol that
describe the christians
Step 3-learners name and describe the attire worn by
step 4 -In groups learners draw and explain the
significance of the symbol
Step 5-Groups feed back and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions ns
LESSON 4 critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Problem solving
RELIGION conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Critical thinking
KEY CONCEPT *Question and Answer
Revision exercise management page 14-23
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Christianity Religion
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
communication Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
*Names of supreme being
*Symbol and attire social -bible Step 5.Revising the test
*Holy book and place of confidence -picturesof Christians Conclusion
worship leadership -ICT tools Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
-potrait of founder class
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M/ Media Activities
4 LESSON1 By the end of the critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION lesson learners conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT should be able to *Demonstrations
Founder management page 14-23
-name the founder *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Judaism Religion of Judaism Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of vadzimu
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Introduction -Teacher asks learners whether they
-state names of communication heard about Moses
-Names and tittles of
supreme being supreme being . social -ICT tool Step 2 -learners name the founder of judaism
confidence -potrait of founder Step 3 Learners explain the meanings of tittles of
- find meanings of leadership -pictures of jews supreme being with the help of the Tr.
the names Step 4 -In pairs learners discuss the significance of the
-newspaper cuttings
Step 5-learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -state sacred days critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral Cultural transmission
RELIGION in Indigenous conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT Religion *Demonstrations
Sacred days management page 14-23
-identify and draw *Group work
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Judaism Religion places of worship *Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners have heard about
-Sacred days in judaism religion
communication judaism
-Places of worship
social -ICT tool Introduction-Teacher asks learners about their church
confidence -potrait of founder denominations
leadership -pictures of jews Step 2 -learners identify sacred days in judaism
-newspaper cuttings Step 3 Learners name the places of worship in judaism
Step 4 -In groups learners outline activities done during
scared days
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write individual
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
home work to research about the holy books and attire
in Judaism
LESSON 3 -name the symbols critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION used in judaism conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT Religion and show *Demonstrations
Symbol management page 14-23
their significance *Group work
SUB CONCEPT -identify and name problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Question and Answer
Judaism Religion the attire in decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of the holy
-Symbol Judaism Religion book of Christianity
-Attire communication
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the religious
-Holy book social -ICT tool
attire of judaism
confidence -potrait of founder Step 2 -learners identify the holy book read by the
leadership -pictures of jews judaism
-newspaper cuttings Step 3 Learners identify and name the symbol that
describe the judaism
Step 3-learners name and describe the attire worn by
step 4 -In groups learners draw and explain the
significance of the symbol
Step 5-Groups feed back and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -state names of critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral
RELIGION supreme being . conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Question and Answer
KEY CONCEPT Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
Revision exercise management page 14-23
- find meanings of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
the names Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Judaism Religion decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70
*Founder Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
communication Step 5.Revising the test
*Names of supreme being
*Symbol and attire social -ICT tool Conclusion
*Holy book and place of confidence -potrait of founder Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
worship leadership -pictures of jews class
-newspaper cuttings
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M/ Media Activities
5 LESSON 1 By the end of the critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION lesson learners conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT should be able to *Demonstrations
Founder management page 14-23
-state names of *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Islam Religion supreme Assumed knowledge Learners have seen moslems
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 before
-Founder being . communication Introduction -Teacher asks learners whether they
-Names and tittles of
supreme being social -ICT tool heard about prophet Muhammed
- find meanings confidence -potrait of founder Step 2 -learners name the founder of Islam religion
of the names leadership -pictures of islams Step 3 Learners explain the meanings of tittles of
-newspaper cuttings supreme being with the help of the Tr.
Step 4 -In pairs learners discuss the significance of the
Step 5-learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -state sacred critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral Cultural transmission
RELIGION conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
management page 14-23 *Demonstrations
Sacred days Indigenous *Group work
SUB CONCEPT Religion problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Islam Religion
*Question and Answer
decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners have seen Islamic
-Sacred days -name and
communication followers
-Places of worship draw place of
social -ICT tool Introduction-Teacher asks learners about the founder
Islamic confidence -potrait of founder of islam
religion leadership -pictures of islams Step 2 -learners identify holy days in islam
-newspaper cuttings Step 3 Learners name the places of worship in islam
Step 4 -In groups learners visit places of worship within
in their community
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write individual
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
home work to research about the holy books and attire
LESSON 3 -name the critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
RELIGION symbols used in conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
KEY CONCEPT *Demonstrations
Symbol Islamic Religion management page 14-23
*Group work
SUB CONCEPT and show their problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Islam Religion
*Question and Answer
significance decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of the holy
-identify the communication book of Christianity
-Holy book symbol for Islam social -ICT tool Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the attire of
-identify the confidence -potrait of founder christianity
attire in Islam leadership -pictures of islams Step 2 -learners identify the holy book read by the islam
-state the holy -newspaper cuttings Step 3 Learners identify and name the symbol that
describe the islam.
book of Islam
Step 3-learners name and describe the attire worn by
step 4 -In groups learners draw and explain the
significance of the symbol
Step 5-Groups feed back and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -state names of critical thinking Family,Religion and Moral *Question and Answer
RELIGION conflict Education grade 3) Syllabus Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
management page 14-23 Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
being . Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Revision exercise problem solving Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
- find meanings decision making Book Grade 3 page 37-70 Step 5.Revising the test
Islam Religion
of the names communication Conclusion
*Names of supreme being social -ICT tool Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
*Symbol and attire confidence -potrait of founder class
*Holy book and place of leadership -pictures of islams
-newspaper cuttings
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M/ Media Activities
6 LESSON 1 By the end of the confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND lesson learners leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
VALUES should be able to *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT respectful page 14-23
-state what is *Group work
Right and Wrong conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
SUB CONCEPT right or wrong at *Question and Answer
management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Assumed knowledge Learners know their rights
Concept of moral and home and at problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners about children
school decision making -ICT tools righr at school and at home
-Right and Wrong - leadership -zimbabwe constitution Step 2 -learners explain what is right and wrong at
communication -pictures home
social -religious books Step 3 Learners explain what is right and wrong at
confidence -newspaper cuttings
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss their right at home
and at school
Step 5-Groups feed back
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -describe attributes confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND of good morals leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
VALUES *Role playing
KEY CONCEPT respectful page 14-23
*Group work
Attributes of good conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
morals management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT problem solving Assumed knowledge Learners know their behaviours
Concept of moral and Introduction -Teacher asks learners to tell about their
values decision making -ICT tools
strength and weaknesses
-Attributes leadership -zimbabwe constitution
Step 2 -learners mention their attributes of good morals
communication -pictures Step 3 Learners.
social -religious books Step 4 -In groups learners role play stories of good
confidence -newspaper cuttings morals
Step 5-Groups feed back and the best group present in
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 -state the confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND importance of leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Role playing
VALUES belonging to a *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT respectful page 14-23
religion *Group work
Right to belong to a conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
religion - *Question and Answer
management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Assumed knowledge Learners know
problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners about
Concept of moral and
values decision making -ICT tools Step 2 -learners explain the importance of belonging to
-Religious rights and leadership -zimbabwe constitution a religion
responsibilities communication -pictures Step 3 Learners.identify the responsibilities associated
social -religious books with a particular religion
Step 4 -In groups learners role play responsibilities
confidence -newspaper cuttings
associated with diffirenr religions
Step 5-Groups feed back the best group to present in
step 6-individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -demonstrate ways confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND of showing leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Role playing
VALUES respect to afellow *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT respectful page 14-23
human beings *Group work
Respect for other conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
human beings -state benefits of *Question and Answer
management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Assumed knowledge Learners do respect their elders
SUB CONCEPT showing respect to
fellow human problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the benefits
Concept of moral and
values beings decision making -ICT tools of being respectful
-Respect leadership -zimbabwe constitution Step 2 –the facilitator tell learners a story on respect
-Benefits of being communication -pictures Step 3 Learners.explain benefits of respecting others
social -religious books Step 4 -In groups role play short stories on benefits of
confidence -newspaper cuttings respect
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Evaluation
Skills S.O.M/ Media Activities
7 LESSON 1 By the end of the confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND lesson learners leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
VALUES should be able to *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT respectful page 14-23
-state the *Group work
Rights and conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
responsibilities in positive ways of *Question and Answer
management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Assumed knowledge Learners know their rights
fairness treating each
other fairly problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners about how they
Concept of moral and decision making -ICT tools treat each other at home or school
values leadership -zimbabwe constitution Step 2 -learners describe positive ways of treating each
-Positive ways of treating communication -pictures other at school
each other Step 3 Learners.state ways of treating others
social -religious books
Step 4 -In groups learners role play stories with positive
confidence -newspaper cuttings
ways of treating each other
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write individual
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -explain benefits confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND attached to good leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
VALUES *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT behaviour respectful page 14-23
*Group work
Rights and conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners
responsibilities in
*Question and Answer
management Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Assumed knowledge Learners have their rights
problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners about good
Concept of moral and decision making -ICT tools behaviour
values leadership -zimbabwe constitution Step 2 -learners discuss about being fairness
-Benefits of good communication -pictures Step 3 Learners.state the benefits of good behaviour.
behaviour Step 4 -In groups learners explain the benefits of good
social -religious books
confidence -newspaper cuttings
Step 5-Groups feed back and learners write individual
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 State the rights confidence Family,Religion and Moral *Cultural transmission 1
MORAL AND and leadership Education grade 3) Syllabus *Discovery
VALUES responsibilities respectful page 14-23 *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT conflict Ventures F.R.ME Learners *Group work
of citizens *Question and Answer
Rights and management Book Grade 3 page 81-102
responsibilities in Assumed knowledge Learners know their rights
problem solving Introduction -Teacher asks learners their rights
fairness decision making -ICT tools Step 2 –learners as a class read the comprehension
SUB CONCEPT leadership -zimbabwe constitution passage about Mtizwa
Concept of moral Step 3 Learners. draw Mutizwa driving the cattle.
communication -pictures
and values Step 4 -In groups learners discuss how their community
social -religious books
-Rights and has been responsible
confidence -newspaper cuttings
responsibilities of Step 5-Groups feed back and learners answer questions
families as citizens individually
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 Family,Religion and Moral *Question and Answer
MORAL AND Education grade 3) Syllabus Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
VALUES page 14-23 Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
KEY CONCEPT Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Revision exercise Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Book Grade 3 page 81-102 Step 5.Revising the test
-ICT tools Conclusion
Concept of moral
-zimbabwe constitution Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
and values
-pictures class
-religious books
-newspaper cuttings
management - confidence -pictures at home
-Causes of conflict at leadership -ICT tools Step 2 -learners list down conflicts that occurred at home
home(disagrements,disho Step 3 Learners.explain causes of conflicts at home
nest,stealing,jealous) communication -textbooks
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss how you can manage
social -magazines
conflicts at home
confidence -chart with class rules Step 5-Groups feed back and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -identify causes respectful Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND conflict Moral Education grade *Discovery
VALUES of conflicts
management 3) Syllabus page 14-23 *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT with friends *Group work
Conflict with friends problem solving Ventures F.R.ME
*Question and Answer
decision making Learners Book Grade 3 Assumed knowledge Learners have friends
Conflits and Conflict
leadership page 81-102 Introduction -Teacher asks learners if they have conflicts
-Causes of conflict with confidence -pictures with friends
friends(disagrements,dis leadership -ICT tools Step 2 -learners state causes of conflits with friends
honest,stealing,jealous) communication -textbooks Step 3 Learners.describe personal qualities that destroy
social -magazines relationships
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss how friendship is broken
confidence -chart with class rules
at school
Step 5-Groups feed back and individually learners make a
poem to a friend
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 -suggest and respectful Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND explain ways of conflict Moral Education grade *Discovery
VALUES *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT managing management 3) Syllabus page 14-23
*Group work
Conflict management at conflicts at home problem solving Ventures F.R.ME
home and with friends
*Question and Answer
decision making Learners Book Grade 3 Assumed knowledge Learners have conflicts before
leadership page 81-102 Introduction -Teacher asks learners about how to handle
Conflits and Conflict
management confidence -pictures conflicts
-Ways of managing leadership -ICT tools Step 2 -learners discuss ways of managing conflicts at
conflicts(communication, communication -textbooks home or school
trusting,counselling) Step 3 Learners.list down ways of managing conflict
social -magazines
Step 4 -In groups learners role play conflict management
confidence -chart with class rules
Step 5-Groups feed back and the best group to present in
Conclusion -oral discussions -
9 LESSON1 By the end of the respectful Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND lesson learners communication Moral Education grade *Discovery
VALUES should be able to *Role playing
KEY CONCEPT tolerance 3) Syllabus page 14-23
-explain why it *Group work
Respect leadership Ventures F.R.ME
SUB CONCEPT is important to *Question and Answer
confidence Learners Book Grade 3 Assumed knowledge Learners do respect others
National Value System respect self and page 81-102 Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the goodness of
*Respect - tolerance
others ICT Tools being showing respect
-talking book Step 2 -learners state the importance of respect
-pictures from Step 3 Learners.practice being tolerance to others
newspaper cuttings Step 4 -In groups learners role play acts that show respect
Step 5-Groups feed back and
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 2 -Identify drawing Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND *Discovery
VALUES characteristics respectful Moral Education
communication *Role playing
KEY CONCEPT associated with grade 3) Syllabus page *Group work
Respect respect tolerance 14-23
*Question and Answer
leadership Ventures F.R.ME Assumed knowledge Learners can respect elders
National Value System
*Respect - patriotism confidence Learners Book Grade 3 Introduction -Teacher asks learners about being patriotism
page 81-102 Step 2 -learners in pairs role play being patriotism
Step 3 Learners.discuss about being patriotism
ICT Tools
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss other groups that protect
-talking book the country besides solders
-pictures from Step 5-Groups feed back and learners in their books draw a
newspaper cuttings soldier and a policeman in uniform.
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 -Identify respectful Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND characteristics communication Moral Education grade *Discovery
VALUES tolerance 3) Syllabus page 14-23 *Demonstrations
associated with *Group work
KEY CONCEPT leadership Ventures F.R.ME
Respect respect *Question and Answer
confidence Learners Book Grade 3 Assumed knowledge Learners know their races
page 81-102 Introduction -Teacher asks learners about which race they
National Value
-ICT Tools belongs
-talking book Step 2 -learners collect pictures of different races
*Respect-empathy/ Step 3 learners name their races and discuss what shows
-pictures from
self respect that you belong to that race
newspaper cuttings
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from the work
Step 5-Groups feed back
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -able to answer at respectful Family,Religion and *Question and Answer
MORAL AND least 20 questions communication Moral Education grade Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
VALUES from the covered tolerance 3) Syllabus page 14-23 Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
KEY CONCEPT Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
concepts leadership Ventures F.R.ME
Respect Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
confidence Learners Book Grade 3 Step 5.Revising the test
page 81-102 Conclusion
National Value
- ICT Tools Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
*Revision exercise
VALUES know confidence 3) Syllabus page 14-23 *Demonstrations
KEY CONCEPT critical thinking -pictures *Group work
Religious artefacts -textbooks *Question and Answer
SUB CONCEPT -tablets Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of the religious
Religion on -phone artefacts
Technology and -magazines Introduction -Teacher demonstrate drawing artefacts on
-bible the chalkboard
Step 2 -learners practise drawing religious artefacts on
*Drawing Artefacts papers
(Eg religions Step 3 Learners.discuss about religious artefacts
symbols) Step 4 -In groups learners learners draw artefacts used in
their religion
Step 5-Groups feed back and written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 3 -identify the displaying Family,Religion and *Cultural transmission
MORAL AND technology used reading Moral Education grade *Discovery
VALUES 3) Syllabus page 14-23 *Demonstrations
in religion confidence *Group work
Religious -explain the critical thinking *Question and Answer
Learners Book Grade 3 Assumed knowledge Learners have used a computer
Technology impact of
page 81-102 before
SUB CONCEPT technology on -pictures Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the use of
Religion on religion -textbooks technology at home and in churches
Technology and -tablets Step 2 -learners practise reading a bible verse from the
Enterprise -phone phone
*Technology in -magazines Step 3 Learners.discuss about how they can use technology
religion -bible in religion
Step 4 -In groups learners explain how technology is used
in religion
Step 5-Groups feed back, learners draw one form of
technology in their books
Conclusion -oral discussions
LESSON 4 -answer at least displaying Family,Religion and *Critical thinking
MORAL AND 20 questions reading Moral Education grade *Question and Answer
VALUES 3) Syllabus page 14-23 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
from the confidence Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
KEY CONCEPT Ventures F.R.ME Learners
Revision exercise covered topics critical thinking Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Book Grade 3 page 81-102
SUB CONCEPT correctly -pictures
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Religion on Step 5.Revising the test
Technology and -tablets
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Enterprise -phone
*Artefacts -magazines
*Religion and -bible
KEY CONCEPT perpetrators of problem solving 23 *Group work
Religion ,forms of child abuse Ventures F.R.ME *Question and Answer
sexual abuse and Learners Book Grade Assumed knowledge Learners have seen pupils being abused
perpetrators Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson
3 page 108-109
SUB CONCEPT Step 2 -learners state pontential perpetrators of child sexual
-talking book abuse
Religion and Abuse -text books Step 3 Learners.discuss the dangers of being abused
*Potential -ICT tools Step 4 -In groups learners discuss and identify how children
perpetrators of child can be abused
-pictures of children
abuse Conclusion -oral discussions
being abused
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
covered during Step 5.Revising the test
the term Conclusion
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
LESSON 4 By the end of the critical thinking Family,Religion and *Question and answer
REVISION lesson learners confidence Moral Education *Discussions
should be able to decision making *Problem solving
grade 3) Syllabus Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
-answer at least problem solving page 14-23 Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
25 questions
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
from the topics Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
covered during Step 5.Revising the test
the term Conclusion
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
improve enterprise and psycho-motor skills through visual and performing arts
demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in music, visual arts theatre and dance.
take pride in the history and influence of arts throughout history from pre-colonial, colonial, Chimurenga/Umvukela and postcolonial eras across
appreciate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment and analysis to works of art in music, visual arts theatre and dance.
incorporate the use of information communication technology tools in visual and performing arts
use visual and performing arts as a vehicle for the enhancement of creativity, selfidentity, and community consciousness use technology and
innovation in music, visual arts theatre and dance.
display works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art as a reflection of societal values and beliefs Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu in the past and present
describe significant contributions of individual artists in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts from diverse cultures throughout history
map historical innovations in music, visual arts theatre and dance that were caused by the creation of new technologies
History and culture
The creative process and performance
Aesthetic values and appreciation
Arts technology
Enterprise skills
1 ARTS By the end of the singing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC should be able to playing Arts grade *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
-identify music listening 3 Syllabus smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners are able to sing
Music Technology software used to speaking page 20-21 tablets
Introduction -Facilittor asks learners about music
compose music hand and eye audio visual
softwares they know
-Music softwares such store composed manipulative devices
Step 2 -learners discuss about music softwares
as finale and sibelius music safely psychomotor lights
Step 3 Learners listen toi the facilitator while composing
using audio confidence internet
his /her own music
visual devices. dancing slides
Step 4 -In groups learners compose music pieces using
finale and sibelius
Step 5 Groups feedback
Conclusion –best group to present their music to the class
ARTS - compose music singing *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY and store drawing Visual and *Problem solving computer
MUSIC composed music playing Performing *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Composition of two safely using listening Arts Gr 3 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen composed music
bar rhythms audio visual speaking Page 20-21 tablets
-storage of music devices hand and eye audio visual
Step 2 -learners practise imitating composed music
compositions manipulative devices
Step 3 Learners store music in the computer
psychomotor lights
Step 4 -In groups learners store composed music in
confidence internet
flash,CD,and other devices
dancing slides
Step5.Individually learners practice storing composed
music in flash discs
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -discuss singing Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY acceptable and drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC unacceptable playing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics ,Music and the music from the listening Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used a computer
Internet internet speaking tablets
-Ethics and Internet hand and eye audio visual
Introduction -Facilitator asks learners about the uses of
manipulative devices
psychomotor Step 2 -learners practise searching music from the internet lights
confidence Step 3 Learners link music and the internet internet
dancing Step 4 -In groups learners talk about ethics in music and slides
the internet
Step 5 learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -play a variety of singing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY musical drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC instruments playing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Playing Instruments -draw the musical listening Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of musical
-Playing instruments speaking tablets
hosho,drum,guitar,pi hand and eye audio visual
Introduction -Facilitator sing a song and play the drum
ano etc manipulative devices
Step 2 -learners list down musical instruments they know
psychomotor lights
Step 3 Learners identify playing instruments from the
confidence internet
dancing slides
Step 4 -In groups learners practice play the musical
Step 5 Groups feedback and individual written work
Step 6 learners draw the musical instruments
Conclusion -oral discussions
Step 5 feedback and learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learnerswere given home
work on storage devices
ARTS -use technology manipulation Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY to store their technological Performing *Problem solving computer
VISUAL ARTS artworks concentration Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Visual Arts Softwares observation Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used smartphones and
-Storage devices such communicatio tablets
tablets before
as computers, n audio visual
Introduction –facilitator shows learners some music stored in
smartphones,tablets creativity devices
the smartphone or computer
hand and eye lights
Step 2 -learners search music in phones and the computer
coordination internet
Step 3 Learners practice storing music in the phone or
Step 4 -In pairs learners store music in the computer
Step 5 feedback and learnerswrite work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -explain ethics manipulation Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY and the use of technological Performing *Problem solving computer
VISUAL ARTS internet concentration Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics,Visual arts and observation Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used internet before
the Internet communicatio tablets
Introduction –Recap of the previous work
-Ethics and the n audio visual
Step 2 -learners discuss on ethics ,visual arts and the internet
Internet creativity devices
Step 3 Learners practice linking ethics and the internet
hand and eye lights
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss ethics in visual arts and the
coordination internet
Step 5 Groups feedback and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given home
work on video filming
ARTS -apply available manipulation Visual and Assumed knowledge Learners have photos at home ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY technology to technological Performing Introduction –facilitator practice taking photos to learners computer
VISUAL ARTS learn filming concentration Arts Gr 3 using his/her smartphone cameras
Photography,Video skills observation Page 20-21 Step 2 -learners discuss about photoghying and filming smartphones
and Filming communicatio Step 3 Learners list down ICT tools used when filming and tablets
-Filming and n photographing audio visual
Photographing events creativity Step 4 -In pairs learners practice filming ,photographing devices
or scenery hand and eye skills such ashandling a camera,filming etc lights
coordination Step 5 best group to report back in front internet
Conclusion -oral discussions slides
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
3 ARTS By the end of the imitating Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE should be able to dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Theatre Arts -design lightining designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen artist performing on
Production Technology plans and effects creativity tablets
-Lighting plans design for their psychomotor audio visual
Introduction –facilitator asks learners about the stage layout
such as spot performances confidence devices
they have come across
light,general lighting lights
Step 2 -learners discuss on lighting plans design of lights
Step 3 Learners do scatch design on pieces of papers
Step 4 -In groups learners practice designing lighting plans
for their performances
Step 5 Groups feedback
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -use technology imitating Visual and *Discussion ICT Tools
TECHNOLOGY to design performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE appropriate sound dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Sound Effects effects that designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners can sing louder
--Sound effects design accompany live creativity tablets
Introduction –Recap of theprevious lesson
such as natural performance psychomotor audio visual
Step 2 -learners take turns to screem louder after one another
sounds confidence devices
Step 3 Learners record sound effects for their voices
Step 4 -In groups learners design sound effects for their
Step 5 Groups feedback learners take turns to sing their
favourite songs on stage
Step 6 Facilitator comments on the sound effects produced
Conclusion -oral discussions,learners were given home work
on puppetry and shadow
ARTS apply appropriate imitating Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY technology to performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE design visual dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Sound Effects effects that designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners know animal sounds
-Visual effects design accompany live creativity tablets
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about
such as shadow performance psychomotor audio visual
Step 2 -learners discuss on visual effects design such as
puppetry,back drop confidence devices
shadow puppetry,back dropslides
slides lights
Step 3 Learners practice designing shadow puppetry
Step 4 -In groups learners design visual effects for their
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
remedial work and extension work
ARTS -explain ethics imitating Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY and the use of performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE internet dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics in Theatre and designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners know animal sounds
Internet creativity tablets
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about
-Ethics and the psychomotor audio visual
Step 2 -learners dicuss the importance of internet in theatre
Internet confidence devices
Step 3 Facilitator explain the use of internet in theatre
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss ethics in theatre and
Step 5 Groups feedback and the facilitator comments
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
4 ARTS By the end of the dancing Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners creativity Performing *Problem solving computer
DANCE should be able to psychomotor Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Dance Technology -use appropriate imitating Page 20-21 Assumed knowledge Learners can sing smartphones
-Musical beats and technology to left to right Introduction -Teacher demonstrate using the beats of time tablets
design such as produce rhythmic coordination signature audio visual
3 6 9 12 sounds to cognitive Step 2 -learners imitate playing the beats devices
8888 accompany dance manipulative Step 3 Learners discuss about musical beats and designs lights
movements confidence Step 4 -In pairs learners practice using different time internet
-usedifferent time signatures such as 3 6 9 12 slides
signatures such 888 8
as 3 6 9 12,8 8 8 Step 5 Groups to perform beats of time signature
8. Step 6 Groups report back
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -apply dancing Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY appropriate creativity Performing *Problem solving computer
DANCE technology to psychomotor Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Dance Technology design visual imitating Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of the time
-Visual effects and effects that left to right tablets
Dance design such as accompany dance coordination audio visual
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson
shadow puppetry,back cognitive devices
Step 2 -learners discuss dance design such as shadow
drop and slides manipulative lights
puppetry,back drop and slides
confidence internet
Step 3 Learners practice shadow puppetry
Step 4 -In groups learners design visual effects using shadows
and lighting
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -identify ethics in dancing Visual and *Discussion computer
TECHNOLOGY dance and the creativity Performing *Problem solving cameras
DANCE internet psychomotor Arts Gr 3 *Group work smartphones
*Question and answer
Ethics in Dance and imitating Page 20-21 tablets
Assumed knowledge Learners have used internet before
the Internet left to right audio visual
Introduction –Recap of the previous work
-Ethics and the coordination devices
Step 2 -learners identify ICT tools used in dance
internet cognitive lights
Step 3 Facilitator talks about ethics in dance and internet
manipulative internet
Step 4 -In groups learners identify ethics in dance and internet
confidence slides
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6 learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -answer at least dancing Visual and *Critical thinking
TECHNOLOGY 15 questions on creativity Performing *Discussions
DANCE the concept psychomotor Arts Gr 3 *Question and answer
covered imitating Page 20-21 *Problem solving
REVISION left to right Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
EXERCISE coordination Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
cognitive Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
manipulative Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
5 ENTERPRISE By the end of the construction Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE lesson learners listening Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP) should be able to creativity Arts Gr 3 *Group work materials to
*Question and answer
MUSIC -identify different scientific Page 22-23 make
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diff careers
Careers in Music career paths in technological musical
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about their future careers
-Careers in music music concentration instruments
Step 2 -learners take turns to tell their future careers
such as aesthetic internet
Step 3 Learners identify and select preferred musical careers
musicians,promoters, resource
Step 4 -In groups learners write work done by
managers and centre
musicians ,promoters,managers and music teachers
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given home
work to bring musical instruments
ENTERPRISE -construct construction Visual and *Discussion ICT tool
SKILLS(ENTREPRE musical listening Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP` instruments for creativity Arts Gr 3 *Group work materials to
*Question and answer
MUSIC enterprise scientific Page 22-23 make
Assumed knowledge Learners have used musical instruments
Musical Instruments technological musical
-Musical Instruments concentration instruments
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson
such as aesthetic Step 2 –Facilitator displays a chart with musical instruments internet
mbira,marimba,ngom Step 3 Learners name the musical instruments from the chart resource
a and guitar Step 4 -In pairs learners construct musical instruments centre
Step 5 Learners display their instruments in the music corner
Step 6 learners price their art works
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
homework on musical business
ENTERPRISE -compose nd construction Visual and *Discussion Computer
SKILLS(ENTREPRE performe a listening Performing *Miming materials to
NURESHIP musial piece for creativity Arts Gr 3 *Group work make
*Question and answer
MUSIC business scientific Page 22-23 musical
Assumed knowledge Learners know animal sounds
Perfomance for paying functions technological instruments
Introduction -Teacher asks learners if they have done any
audience or concentration internet
work and being payed
commissioned work aesthetic resource
Step 2 -learners discuss about music as business
-Music as business centre
Step 3 Learners
Step 4 -In groups learners practice music performance for
paying audiences
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6
Conclusion -oral discussions
ENTERPRISE -observe construction Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE business ethics listening Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP and soft creativity Arts Gr 3 *Group work materials to
*Question and answer
MUSIC skills,unhu/ubunt scientific Page 22-23 make
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of music bussiness
Business Ethics,Soft u/vumunhu and technological musical
Introduction –Recape of the previous lesson
skills,Unhu/Ubuntu/vu copyright concentration instruments
Step 2 –Class discuss about business ethics,soft
munhu/copyright protection aesthetic internet
skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection in
protection resource
music business
-Business Ethics and centre
Step 3 Learners
Step 4 -In groups learners observing business ethics and soft
u/vumunhu and
skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection
copyright protection
Step 5 Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
6 ENTERPRISE By the end of the creativity Visual and **Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE lesson learners scientific Performing *Problem solving art tool kit
NURESHIP should be able to visual Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
VISUAL ARTS -identify different technological Page 22-23 material to
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diff careers
Carrer in Visual Arts career paths in confidence construct
Introduction -Facilitator asks learners name careers in visual
-Careers in visual arts visual arts manipulative media and
such as cognitive tools eg
Step 2 -learners take turns to tell their future careers
Curators,Sculptors,Pai brushes etc
Step 3 Learners identify and select preferred musical careers
nters,Illustrators and resource
Step 4 -In groups learners write work done by
Teachers centre
curators,sculptors,painters,illustrators and teachers
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given home
work to bring media and tools in visual arts business
ENTERPRISE -construct various constructing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE media and tools creativity Performing *Problem solving art tool kit
NURESHIP scientific Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
VISUAL ARTS visual Page 22-23 material to
Assumed knowledge Learners have used media and tools in
Media and tools technological visual arts before construct
-Media and tools in confidence Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson media and
visual arts as business manipulative Step 2 –Facilitator displays a chart with visual and arts tools tools eg
such as cognitive Step 3 Learners name the visual and arts tools from the chart brushes etc
brushes,paints,chisels, Step 4 -In pairs learners construct visual and arts tools resource
pencils,pastels and Step 5 Learners display their media and tools in the art corner centre
Step 6 learners price their art works
soapstones computer
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
homework on exhibitions in visual arts
ENTERPRISE -curate a mini creativity Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE exhibition as scientific Performing *Problem solving art tool kit
NURESHIP business visual Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
VISUAL ARTS technological Page 22-23 material to
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of the exhibitions
Exhibitions and confidence parks construct
Commussioned work manipulative Introduction -Facilitator asks learners if they have visited the media and
-Exhibitions as cognitive Harare Agricultural show tools eg
business such as Step 2 -learners dicuss about the purpose of having brushes etc
school exhibitions resource
exhibitions,agricultur Step 3 Learners engages to ana educational tours to the centre
al shows,gallery community exhibition park,gallery or agricultural shows computer
exhibitions Step 4 -In pairs learners write notes on what they have seen
Step 5 Facilitator pose some questions to the learners on what
they have learnt from the educational tour
Step 6 Learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ENTERPRISE -observe creativity Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE demonstration of scientific Performing *Problem solving art tool kit
NURESHIP business visual Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
VISUAL ARTS ethics ,soft technological Page 22-23 material to
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of visual arts
Business Ethics skills,unhu/ubunt confidence construct
Soft skills u/vumunhu and manipulative media and
Introduction –Recape of the previous lesson
unhu/Ubuntu copyright cognitive tools eg
Step 2 –Class discuss about business ethics,soft
/vumunhu protection brushes etc
skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection in
-Business Ethics computer
visual arts
Step 3 Facilitator and learners discuss about business ethics
Step 4 -In groups learners observing business ethics and soft
Step 5 Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
7 ENTERPRISE By the end of the acting Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE lesson learners designing Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP should be able to confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
THEATRE -identify different manipulative Page 22-23 resource
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diff careers
Carrer in Theatre carees in theatre technological Introduction -facilitator asks learners about their future centre
-Careers in theatre arts creativity careers materials to
arts such as script listening Step 2 -learners take turns to tell their future careers make theatre
writers,actors,editors,d communicatio Step 3 Learners identify and select preferred careers in costumes
irectors and n theatre arts art tool kit
production team Step 4 -In groups learners write work done by script
writers,actors,editors,directors and production team
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ENTERPRISE -make an age acting Visual and **Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE appropriate designing Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP theatrical confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
THEATRE performance for manipulative Page 22-23 resource
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen actorswearing
Props and Costumes business technological different costumes centre
-Theatre arts as creativity Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson materials to
business such as listening Step 2 –Facilitator role plays a short theatrical production make theatre
financial literacy communicatio while learners listen costumes
n Step 3 Learners discuss on how to make a theatrical art tool kit
Step 4 -In groups learners role play some short theatrical
Step 5 Groups feedback anf the facilitator comments
Step 6 learners price their theatrical production
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
homework theatre costumes
ENTERPRISE -design and make acting Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE costumes for designing Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP business confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
THEATRE manipulative Page 22-23 resource
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware costumes for actors
Performance for technological Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson centre
paying audience or creativity Step 2 –Facilitator displays a chart with different costumes materials to
commissioned work listening Step 3 Learners describe the costumes worn by popular actors make theatre
-Design and make communicatio in theatre costumes
costumes for business n Step 4 -In pairs learners design and make costumes for art tool kit
Step 5 Learners display their artworksin the art corner
Step 6 learners price their art works
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
homework on business ethics
ENTERPRISE observe business acting Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE ethics ,soft skills designing Performing *Problem solving computer
NURESHIP unhu/Ubuntu/vu confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work internet
*Question and answer
THEATRE munhu and manipulative Page 22-23 resource
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of theatre bussiness
Business ethics copyright technological Introduction –Recape of the previous lesson centre
soft protection creativity Step 2 –Class discuss about business ethics,soft materials to
skills,unhu/Ubuntu/vu listening skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection in make theatre
munhu/Copyright communicatio theatre business costumes
protection n Step 3 Learners practice role play short stories for payment art tool kit
-Business Ethics Step 4 -In groups learners observing business ethics and soft
skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection
Step 5 Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
8 ENTERPRISE By the end of the dancing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE lesson learners creativity Performing *Problem solving resource
NURESHIP should be able to confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work centre
*Question and answer
DANCE -identify careers cognitive Page 22-23 art tools
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diffirent careeres
Careers in Dance in dance foot and eye Introduction -Facilitators asks learners about their future computer
-Careers in dance coordination careers internet
such as tactile Step 2 -learners take turns to tell their future careers materials to
dancers,choreographe psychomotor Step 3 Learners identify and select desired careers in dance make
rs, managers and Step 4 -In groups learners write work done by costumes
teachers dancers,choreographers,managers and danceteachers
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given home
work to bring dance instrumentsand costumes
ENTERPRISE -construct dancing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE Zimbabwean creativity Performing *Problem solving resource
NURESHIP costumes for confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work centre
DANCE business cognitive Page 22-23 *Question and answer art tools
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of dancing
Instruments and foot and eye computer
Costumes coordination Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson internet
-Zimbabwean tactile Step 2 –Facilitator displays a chart with dancing l materials to
costumes and psychomotor instruments and costumes make
instruments such as Step 3 Learners identify instruments and dancing costumes costumes
nhembe/amabhetshu from the chart
Step 4 -In pairs learners construct dancing instruments and
Step 5 Learners display their instruments and dancing
costumes in the classroom
Step 6 learners price their art works
Conclusion -oral discussions
ENTERPRISE -create dance dancing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE pieces for creativity Performing *Role play resource
NURESHIP business confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work centre
*Question and answer
DANCE cognitive Page 22-23 art tools
Assumed knowledge Learners can dance
Performances for foot and eye computer
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson
paying audience or coordination internet
Step 2 -learners role play some dances they see on TV
commissioned work tactile materials to
Step 3 Learners discuss on Zimbabwe and foreign business
-Zimbabwe and psychomotor make
dance groups
foreign business costumes
Step 4 -In groups learners practice formulating dance pieces
dance groups
for business
Step 5 Groups feedback and the facilitator comments
Conclusion -oral discussions
ENTERPRISE -observe business dancing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
SKILLS(ENTREPRE ethics,soft creativity Performing *Problem solving resource
NURESHIP skills,unhu/ubunt confidence Arts Gr 3 *Group work centre
*Question and answer
DANCE u/vumunhu and cognitive Page 22-23 art tools
Assumed knowledge Learners performing dances for
Business ethics copyright foot and eye business computer
soft protection coordination Introduction –Recape of the previous lesson internet
skills,unhu/Ubuntu/vu tactile Step 2 –Class discuss about business ethics,soft materials to
munhu/Copyright psychomotor skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection in make
protection dancing business costumes
-Business Ethics Step 3 Learners practice role playing dances for business
Step 4 -In groups learners observing business ethics and soft
skills,unhu,Ubuntu,vumunhu and copyright protection
Step 5 Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
9 ARTS By the end of the singing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC should be able to playing Arts grade 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
-identify music listening Syllabus page smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners are able to sing
Music Technology software used to speaking 20-21 tablets
Introduction -Facilittor asks learners about music
compose music hand and eye audio visual
softwares they know
-Music softwares such store composed manipulative devices
Step 2 -learners discuss about music softwares
as finale and sibelius music safely psychomotor lights
Step 3 Learners listen toi the facilitator while composing
using audio confidence internet
his /her own music
visual devices. dancing slides
Step 4 -In groups learners compose music pieces using
finale and sibelius
Step 5 Groups feedback
Conclusion –best group to present their music to the class
ARTS - compose music singing *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY and store drawing Visual and *Problem solving computer
MUSIC composed music playing Performing *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Composition of two safely using listening Arts Gr 3 Page smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen composed music
bar rhythms audio visual speaking 20-21 tablets
-storage of music devices hand and eye audio visual
Step 2 -learners practise imitating composed music
compositions manipulative devices
Step 3 Learners store music in the computer
psychomotor lights
Step 4 -In groups learners store composed music in
confidence internet
dancing flash,CD,and other devices slides
Step5.Individually learners practice storing composed
music in flash discs
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -discuss singing Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY acceptable and drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC unacceptable playing Arts Gr 3 Page *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics ,Music and the music from the listening 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used a computer
Internet internet speaking tablets
-Ethics and Internet hand and eye audio visual
Introduction -Facilitator asks learners about the uses of
manipulative devices
psychomotor lights
Step 2 -learners practise searching music from the internet
confidence internet
Step 3 Learners link music and the internet
dancing slides
Step 4 -In groups learners talk about ethics in music and
the internet
Step 5 learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -play a variety of singing Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY musical drawing Performing *Problem solving computer
MUSIC instruments playing Arts Gr 3 Page *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Playing Instruments -draw the musical listening 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of musical
-Playing instruments speaking tablets
hosho,drum,guitar,pi hand and eye audio visual
Introduction -Facilitator sing a song and play the drum
ano etc manipulative devices
Step 2 -learners list down musical instruments they know
psychomotor lights
Step 3 Learners identify playing instruments from the
confidence internet
dancing slides
Step 4 -In groups learners practice play the musical
Step 5 Groups feedback and individual written work
Step 6 learners draw the musical instruments
Conclusion -oral discussions
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
10 ARTS By the end of the manipulation Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners technological Performing *Problem solving computer
VISUAL ARTS should be able to concentration Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Visual Arts -identify relevant observation Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners can operate a computer
Technology technology to communicatio tablets
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about the computer
-Design softawares design artworks n audio visual
software they know
such as Core draw and graphics creativity devices
Step 2 -learners practise designing artworks using coredraw
-use technology hand and eye lights
Step 3 Learners use technology to store their artworks
to store their coordination internet
Step 4 -In pairs learners design artworks and graphics using
artworks slides
Step 5 feedback and learners write individual work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learnerswere given home
work on storage devices
ARTS -use technology manipulation Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY to store their technological Performing *Problem solving computer
VISUAL ARTS artworks concentration Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Visual Arts Softwares observation Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used smartphones and
-Storage devices such communicatio tablets
tablets before
as computers, n audio visual
Introduction –facilitator shows learners some music stored in
smartphones,tablets creativity devices
the smartphone or computer
hand and eye lights
Step 2 -learners search music in phones and the computer
coordination internet
Step 3 Learners practice storing music in the phone or
Step 4 -In pairs learners store music in the computer
Step 5 feedback and learnerswrite work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -explain ethics manipulation Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY and the use of technological Performing *Problem solving computer
VISUAL ARTS internet concentration Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics,Visual arts and observation Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have used internet before
the Internet communicatio tablets
-Ethics and the n Introduction –Recap of the previous work audio visual
Internet creativity Step 2 -learners discuss on ethics ,visual arts and the internet devices
hand and eye Step 3 Learners practice linking ethics and the internet lights
coordination Step 4 -In groups learners discuss ethics in visual arts and the internet
internet slides
Step 5 Groups feedback and individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given home
work on video filming
ARTS -apply available manipulation Visual and Assumed knowledge Learners have photos at home ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY technology to technological Performing Introduction –facilitator practice taking photos to learners computer
VISUAL ARTS learn filming concentration Arts Gr 3 using his/her smartphone cameras
Photography,Video skills observation Page 20-21 Step 2 -learners discuss about photoghying and filming smartphones
and Filming communicatio Step 3 Learners list down ICT tools used when filming and tablets
-Filming and n photographing audio visual
Photographing events creativity Step 4 -In pairs learners practice filming ,photographing devices
or scenery hand and eye skills such ashandling a camera,filming etc lights
coordination Step 5 best group to report back in front internet
Conclusion -oral discussions slides
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Reference Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
11 ARTS By the end of the imitating Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY lesson learners performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE should be able to dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Theatre Arts -design lightining designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen artist performing on
Production Technology plans and effects creativity tablets
-Lighting plans design for their psychomotor audio visual
Introduction –facilitator asks learners about the stage layout
such as spot performances confidence devices
they have come across
light,general lighting lights
Step 2 -learners discuss on lighting plans design of lights
Step 3 Learners do scatch design on pieces of papers
Step 4 -In groups learners practice designing lighting plans
for their performances
Step 5 Groups feedback
Step 6 individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
ARTS -use technology imitating Visual and *Discussion ICT Tools
TECHNOLOGY to design performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE appropriate sound dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Sound Effects effects that designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners can sing louder
--Sound effects design accompany live creativity tablets
Introduction –Recap of theprevious lesson
such as natural performance psychomotor audio visual
Step 2 -learners take turns to screem louder after one another
sounds confidence devices
Step 3 Learners record sound effects for their voices
Step 4 -In groups learners design sound effects for their
Step 5 Groups feedback learners take turns to sing their
favourite songs on stage
Step 6 Facilitator comments on the sound effects produced
Conclusion -oral discussions,learners were given home work
on puppetry and shadow
ARTS apply appropriate imitating Visual and *Discussion ICT tools
TECHNOLOGY technology to performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE design visual dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Sound Effects effects that designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners know animal sounds
-Visual effects design accompany live creativity tablets
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about
such as shadow performance psychomotor audio visual
Step 2 -learners discuss on visual effects design such as
puppetry,back drop confidence devices
shadow puppetry,back dropslides
slides lights
Step 3 Learners practice designing shadow puppetry
Step 4 -In groups learners design visual effects for their
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator comments
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were given
remedial work and extension work
ARTS -explain ethics imitating Visual and *Discussion ICTtools
TECHNOLOGY and the use of performing Performing *Problem solving computer
THEATRE internet dancing Arts Gr 3 *Group work cameras
*Question and answer
Ethics in Theatre and designing Page 20-21 smartphones
Assumed knowledge Learners know animal sounds
Internet creativity tablets
Introduction -Teacher asks learners about
-Ethics and the psychomotor Step 2 -learners dicuss the importance of internet in theatre audio visual
Internet confidence Step 3 Facilitator explain the use of internet in theatre devices
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss ethics in theatre and lights
internet internet
Step 5 Groups feedback and the facilitator comments slides
Conclusion -oral discussions
REVISION OF END By the end of the Visual and *Critical thinking
OF TERM TESTS lesson learners Performing *Discussions
should be able to Arts Gr 3 *Question and answer
Page *Problem solving
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
REVISION OF END By the end of the Visual and *Critical thinking
OF TERM TESTS lesson learners Performing *Discussions
should be able to Arts Gr 3 *Question and answer
Page *Problem solving
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Referenc Methodology/Assumed knowledge Media Evaluation
Skills S.O.M Activities
13 END OF TERM By the end of the Visual and
CLUSTER lesson learners Performing *Problem solving
EXAMINATIOS should be able to Arts Gr 3 *Question and answer
develop an understanding of Zimbabwean cultural institutions and practices such as marriages, inheritance systems, spiritual values and usage of
develop a spirit of national consciousness, identity and patriotism through involvement in national functions
appreciate and sustain Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu through interaction with family, community and society at large
appreciate the value and dignity of work, recreation and the need for participation in national development
appreciate the need for equal opportunities for all and sensitivity to the needs of the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups
Rights Step 2 -learners state their rights at school and at -ICT tools
home -constitution of
Step 3 Learners discuss their rights at home and zimbabwe
Step 4 -In groups learners role play their rights
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 - state children’s *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
responsibilities *Discovery social Studies grade 3
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
*Question and Answer confidence
Entitlements /Rights and Assumed knowledge Learners know their emotional Heritage-Social
Responsibilities responsibilities observation Studies Learners
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
*Children Responsibilities Step 1-Facilitator explains the children’s communication
responsibilities of children -ICT tools
Step 2 -learners state their responsibilities at school -constitution of
and at home zimbabwe
Step 3 Learners discuss their responsibilities at home
and school
Step 4 -In groups learners answer question on work
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -describe gender *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS equity in the *Discovery social Studies grade 3
community *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
*Group work 14-16
Gender Equity in the *Question and Answer confidence
community Assumed knowledge Learners work together as boys emotional Heritage-Social
and girls observation Studies Learners
*Gender equity in the Introduction –Facilitator explains key words cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1-Facilitator explains the gender equity in the communication
community -ICT tools
Step 2 -learners state take turns to state their sex -Resource person
roles -Pictures of boys
Step 3 Learners demonstrate equity in treating boys and girls
and girls
Step 4 -In groups learners role play equitable duties
of girls and boys
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -to answer at least *Problem solving critical thinking Heritage-Social
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS 15 questions *Critical thinking writing Studies grade 3
AND RESPONSIBILITIES correctly from the *Question and Answer observations syllabus page
covered concepts Assumed knowledge Learners have written the confidence 14-16
REVISION revision exercises before. visual Ventures
Introduction. Heritage-Social
- Entitlements /Rights and Studies Learners
Teacher explains key words
Responsibilities Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the
covered topics -ICT tools
-Gender equity in the community Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on -Resource person
how they are going to write the test -Pictures of boys
-Division of Labour at Home and Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils and girls
School Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work to
those who mastered
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
2 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
week learners *Discovery social Studies grade 3
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS should be able *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND RESPONSIBILITIES to: *Group work 14-16
-state the duties *Question and Answer confidence
Division of Labour at Home of different Assumed knowledge Learners work at home and at emotional Heritage-Social
and School people at home school observation Studies Learners
-explain the Introduction –Facilitator explains key words cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
*Division of labour at home importance of Step 1-Facilitator explains the division of labour at communication
division of labour home
Step 2 -learners describe division of labour at home -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners role play the duties they perform at -Pictures of
home people working
Step 4 -In groups learners write the advantages and
disadvantages of division of labour at home
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 state the duties of *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS different people *Discovery social Studies grade 3
at school *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
-explain the *Group work 14-16
Division of Labour at Home importance of *Question and Answer confidence
and School division of labour Assumed knowledge Learners work at home and at emotional Heritage-Social
school observation Studies Learners
*Division of labour at School Introduction –Facilitator explains key words cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1-Facilitator explains the division of labour at communication
Step 2 -learners describe division of labour at school -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners role play the duties they perform at -Pictures of
school people working
Step 4 -In groups learners write the advantages and
disadvantages of division of labour at school
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -outline *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
advantages and *Discovery social Studies grade 3
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS disadvantages of *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND RESPONSIBILITIES division of *Group work 14-16
labour *Question and Answer confidence
Division of Labour at Home Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people at emotional Heritage-Social
and School work observation Studies Learners
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
*Advantages and Disadvantages Step1-Facilitator explains the importance of division communication
of labour
of division of labour
Step 2 -learners state what they thing on division of -ICT tools
labour -Pictures of
Step 3 Learners role play the duties they perform at people working
Step 4 -In groups learners write the advantages and
disadvantages of division of labour at home
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -answer at least *Problem solving critical thinking Heritage-Social
15 questions *Critical thinking writing Studies grade 3
REVISION correctly from the *Question and Answer observations syllabus page
covered concepts Assumed knowledge Learners have written the confidence 14-16
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS revision exercises before. visual Ventures
AND RESPONSIBILITIES Introduction. Heritage-Social
Studies Learners
Teacher explains key words
Division of Labour at Home Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the
and School covered topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on
*Division of labour at school how they are going to write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
*Division of labour at home Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
*Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work to
of division of labour those who mastered
responsibilities Step 3 Learners talk about their taboos -Resource person
of children Step 4 -In groups learners classify some cultural
beliefs and taboos
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify various *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
forms of abuse *Discovery social Studies grade 3
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS - *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
*Question and Answer confidence
Reporting Abuse Assumed knowledge Learners can report to their emotional Heritage-Social
parents observation Studies Learners
*Reporting procedures such as Introduction –Recap of the previous work cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
childline and child protection Step 1-Facilitator explains some reporting communication
procedures at school -ICT tools
Step 2 -learners list down some reporting procedures -pictures of
followed in their homes people abused
Step 3 Learners list down reporting procedures at
Step 4 -In groups learners role play a drama while
reporting an accident
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -describe various *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
ways of reporting *Discovery social Studies grade 3
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS abuse *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
*Question and Answer confidence
Reporting Abuse Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people emotional Heritage-Social
campaigning observation Studies Learners
*Reporting through campaigns Introduction –Facilitator explains key words cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1-Facilitator explains the importance of communication
Step 2 -learners tell the campaigns they have noticed -ICT tools
before -pictures of
Step 3 Learners role play campaigning for child people abused
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -answer at least *Problem solving critical thinking Heritage-Social
ENTITLEMENTS/RIGHTS 20 questions from *Critical thinking writing Studies grade 3
AND RESPONSIBILITIES the covered *Question and Answer observations syllabus page
concepts Assumed knowledge Learners have written the confidence 14-16
REVISION revision exercises before. visual Ventures
Introduction. Heritage-Social
Reporting Abuse Studies Learners
Teacher explains key words
Bk Gr 3 page
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the
*Reporting procedures such as covered topics
childline and child protection Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on
commitee -ICT tools
how they are going to write the test -pictures of
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils people abused
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work to
those who mastered
Buildings and Assumed knowledge Learners live in emotional Heritage-Social
houses observation Studies Learners
other types of cognitive
Introduction –Facilitator explains key Bk Gr 3 page
Shelter words communication
Step 1-Facilitator explains the functions -ICT tools
*Functions of of buildings and other types of shelters
buildings and other -pictures of
Step 2 -learners describe the types of shelters
types of shelter shelter they live in -buildings and
Step 3 Learners name diff types of other structures
shelter they know
Step 4 –Learners draw and name some
different types of shelters
Step 5-Learners state the functions of
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify heritage sites in *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
Zimbabwe *Discovery social Studies grade 3
SHELTER tactile
-describe heritage sites in *Demonstrations syllabus page
Shelter and Zimbabwe *Group work 14-16
*Question and Answer confidence
Ventures Heritage-
Heritage sites Assumed knowledge Learners have Social Studies
heard about Great Zimbabwe observation Learners Bk Gr 3
*Shelter and Introduction –Facilitator explains key cognitive page
Heritage sites words communication
-Great Zimbabwe Step 1-Facilitator explains about the -ICT tools
heritage sites-Great Zimbabwe -pictures of
Step 2 -learners identifys the view of shelters
Great Zimbabwe from the pictures -buildings and
Step 3 Learners name some other other structures
heritage sites they know
Step 4 -In groups learners tour some
local heritage sites in their community
Step 5-Groups report back
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -identify Great Zimbabwe *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
on pictures *Discovery social Studies grade 3
SHELTER -describe Great Zimbabwe *Demonstrations technological syllabus page
*Group work listening 14-16
*Question and Answer confidence Ventures Heritage-
Shelter and emotional
Assumed knowledge Learners are Social Studies
Heritage sites aware of heritage sites
Learners Bk Gr 3
Introduction –Facilitator explains key communication page
*Shelter and words
Heritage sites Step 1-Facilitator explains about the -ICT tools
-Drawing Great building of Great Zimbabwe -pictures of
Zimbabwe Step 2 -learners describe the features at shelters
Great Zuimbabwe -buildings and
Step 3 Learners draw Great Zimbabwe other structures
Step 4 Learners display their artworks in
art corner
Step 5-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -identify Matopo hills from *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
pictures *Discovery social Studies grade 3
*Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
SHELTER -describe Matopo hills that technological
is found in Zimbabwe *Group work 14-16
*Question and Answer Ventures Heritage-
Shelter and confidence
Assumed knowledge Learners are emotional Social Studies
Heritage sites aware of heritage sites observation Learners Bk Gr 3
Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive page
*Shelter and lesson communication
Heritage sites Step 1-Facilitator explains on the -ICT tools
-Matopo Hills features at Matopo hills -pictures of
Step 2 -learners describe the features at shelters
Matopo hills -buildings and
Step 3 Learners in groups answer other structures
questions from the work cards
Step 4 Groups report back
Step 5-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
5 Lesson 1 By the end of the week learners *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
should be able to: *Discovery social Studies grade 3
SHELTER -identify heritage sites in *Demonstrations tactile
technological syllabus page
Zimbabwe(Gonakudzingwa) *Group work
-describe heritage sites in listening 14-16
Shelter and *Question and Answer confidence
Heritage sites Zimbabwe Assumed knowledge Learners are emotional
- aware of heritage sites observation -ICT tools
*Shelter and Heritage Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive
lesson communication
-pictures of
sites shelters
-Gonakudzingwa Step 1-Facilitator explains about the
Gonakudzingwa heritage site -buildings and
Step 2 -learners describe the features at other structures
Step 3 Learners list down the
importance of heritages sites in
Step 4 Learners name the features found
at Gonakudzingwa
Step 5-Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -answer at least 15 *Problem solving critical thinking Heritage-Social
questions from the covered *Critical thinking writing Studies grade 3
REVISION concepts *Question and Answer observations syllabus page
Assumed knowledge Learners have confidence 14-16
SHELTER written the revision exercises before. visual
*Functions of Teacher explains key words
buildings and other Step 1The class revises the concepts
types of building learnt on the covered topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the
*Shelter and Heritage chalkboard on how they are going to
sites write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or
remedial work to those who mastered
Lesson 3 -describe social services *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
SOCIAL provided by the government. *Discovery social Studies grade 3
-state the government *Demonstrations tactile
SERVICES AND syllabus page
VOLUNTEERISM institutions from which social *Group work 14-16
services can be obtained *Question and Answer confidence
Government as a Assumed knowledge Learners are emotional
aware of Govt social services observation
social service -ICT tools
Introduction –Facilitator explains key cognitive
provider words communication
Step 1-Facilitator state the social
*Government social services provided by the Government in
services education
-Education Step 2 Learners name some government
institutions where social services are
Step 3-learners describe the importance
of education in zimbabwe
Step 4 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -describe social services *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
provided by the government. *Discovery social Studies grade 3
SOCIAL -state the government *Demonstrations tactile
technological syllabus page
SERVICES AND institutions from which social *Group work 14-16
VOLUNTEERISM services can be obtained *Question and Answer confidence Ventures
Assumed knowledge Learners have emotional
visited Hospitals before
Government as a observation
Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive
Studies Learners
social service Bk Gr 3 page
lesson communication
provider Step 1-Facilitator state the social
services provided by the Government in ICT tools
*Government social health
services Step 2 Learners name some government
-Health institutions where social services are
Step 3-learners describe the importance
of social services like health in
Step 4 Learners in groups answer
questions from the work cards
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Government as a which social of forms of transport emotional Learners Bk Gr 3
social service services can be Introduction –Recap of the previous observation page
obtained lesson cognitive
provider communication
Step 1-Facilitator state the social services
*Government social provided by the Government in transport ICT tools
services Step 2 Learners name some diff forms of
-Transport transport
Step 3-learners describe the importance of
social services like transport in zimbabwe
Step 4 Learners in groups answer
questions from the work cards
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -answer at least 15 *Problem solving imaginative Heritage-Social
REVISION questions correctly *Critical thinking social Studies grade 3
from the covered *Question and Answer tactile
SOCIAL technological syllabus page
topics Assumed knowledge Learners have written the
SERVICES AND listening 14-16
revision exercises before.
Introduction. emotional
Teacher explains key words observation
Government as a ICT tools
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on cognitive
social service the covered topics communication
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the
provider chalkboard on how they are going to write the
*Government social Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
services Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial
RECREATION work to those who mastered
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
7 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
week learners *Discovery social Studies grade 3
should be able *Demonstrations tactile
SOCIAL SERVICES AND technological syllabus page
to: *Group work 14-16
-identify the *Question and Answer confidence
needy in the Assumed knowledge Learners are aware emotional
The needy in the society ICT tools
society of diff orphans observation
and access to information -help the needy in Introduction –Facilitator explains key cognitive
the society words communication
*The needy in the society Step 1-Facilitator discuss the challenges
-Orphans faced by orphans in the society
Step 2 Learners name some examples of
needy in the society
Step 3-learners classify the needy in the
Step 4 Learners in groups explain how the
orphans can access information to get help
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify people *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
SOCIAL SERVICES AND who are *Discovery social Studies grade 3
economically *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
VOLUNTEERISM technological
disadvantaged in *Group work 14-16
the society *Question and Answer Ventures Heritage-
The needy in the society -help the Assumed knowledge Learners have seen
Social Studies
and access to information economically the needy before observation Learners Bk Gr 3
disadvantaged in Introduction –Facilitator explains key cognitive page
*The needy in the society the society words communication
-Economically Step 1-Facilitator discuss the challenges
disadvantaged faced by economically disadvantaged in
the society ICT tools
Step 2 Learners name some examples of
needy in the society
Step 3-learners classify the needy in the
Step 4 Learners in groups explain how the
economically disadvantaged can access
information to get help
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 identify the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
Elderly in the *Discovery social Studies grade 3
society *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
*Group work 14-16
-help the Elderly *Question and Answer confidence
Ventures Heritage-
in the society Assumed knowledge Learners live with emotional Social Studies
The needy in the society elders Learners Bk Gr 3
and access to information Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive page
lesson communication
*The needy in the society Step 1-Facilitator discuss the challenges
-Elderly faced by elderly in the society ICT tools
Step 2 Learners explain how they assist
the needy in their community
Step 3-learners classify the needy in the
Step 4 Learners in groups explain how the
elderly can access information to get help
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -explain how the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
SOCIAL SERVICES AND needy can *Discovery social Studies grade 3
*Demonstrations tactile
VOLUNTEERISM access technological syllabus page
information to *Group work 14-16
*Question and Answer
Access to information get help confidence
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware emotional
of the needy people observation ICT tools
Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive
lesson communication
Step 1-Facilitator discuss information
dissemination for the needy
Step 2 Learners explain how they intertain
the needy at their homes
Step 3-learners name some ICT tools that
can be used to access to information
Step 4 Learners in groups answer
questions from work cards
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
8 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: week learners *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION should be able to: *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
-identify the natural technological
AND CONSUMPTION OF *Group work 14-16
resources in listening
*Question and Answer confidence
-state the benefits Assumed knowledge Learners are aware emotional
Natural Resources of land and soil in diff resources observation -ICT tools
the locality Introduction –Facilitator explains key cognitive -the local
*Natural Resources words communication environment
-Land and Soil Step 1-Facilitator discuss the diff natural -pictures of land
resources that are found in Zimbabwe and soil
Step 2 Learners name the natural
resources in zimbabwe
Step 3-learners discuss the importance of
land and soil in the community
Step 4 Learners in groups discuss the uses
of land and soil
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify the trees *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
and vegetation in *Discovery social Studies grade 3
NATURAL HERITAGE: Zimbabwe *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION -state the benefits *Group work technological 14-16
AND CONSUMPTION OF of trees and *Question and Answer listening
GOODS AND SERVICES vegetation in the Assumed knowledge Learners are aware -ICT tools
local environment of diff trees observation
-the local
Natural Resources Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive environment
lesson communication -pictures of
*Natural Resources Step 1-Facilitator discuss the diff natural vegetation and
-Trees and Vegetation resources that are found in Zimbabwe trees
Step 2 Learners name the trees they know
Step 3-learners discuss the importance of
trees and vegetation in the community
Step 4-Learners conduct a field trip in the
local environment to view the types of
trees and vegetation
Step 4 Learners in groups discuss the uses
of trees and vegetation
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -identify the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: minerals in *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION Zimbabwe *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF -state the benefits *Group work 14-16
GOODS AND SERVICES of minerals in the *Question and Answer confidence
local environment Assumed knowledge Learners are aware emotional -ICT tools
Natural Resources diff minerals observation -the local
Introduction –Recap of the previous cognitive environment
*Natural Resources lesson communication -pictures of
-Minerals Step 1-Facilitator discuss the diff natural minerals
resources that are found in Zimbabwe
Step 2 Learners name the types of
minerals that are found in zimbabwe
Step 3-learners discuss the importance of
minerals in the country
Step 4 Learners in groups discuss the uses
minerals in the country
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -answer at least *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
REVISION 15 questions *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
correctlf from *Question and Answer writing syllabus page
NATURAL HERITAGE: the covered Assumed knowledge Learners have observations 14-16
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION topics written the revision exercises before. confidence
AND CONSUMPTION OF Introduction. visual
-ICT tools
GOODS AND SERVICES Teacher explains key words -the local
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt environment
Natural Resources on the covered topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the
*Natural Resources chalkboard on how they are going to write
-Land and Soil the test
-Trees and Vegetation Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
-Minerals Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or
remedial work to those who mastered
Natural Resources the local Step 2 Learners identify diff types of animals from the -ICT tools
environment pictures -the local
*Natural Resources Step 3-learners discuss the importance of animals in the environment
-Animals country -pictures of
Step 4 Learners in groups discuss the uses of animals in animals
the community
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
natural resources *Discovery social Studies grade 3
in Zimbabwe *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION -state the benefits *Group work 14-16
AND CONSUMPTION OF of water in the *Question and Answer confidence
GOODS AND SERVICES local environment Assumed knowledge Learners uses water everyday emotional Heritage-Social
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson observation Studies Learners
Natural Resources Step 1-Facilitator discuss the diff natural resources that cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
are found in Zimbabwe communication
*Natural Resources Step 2 Learners conduct a field trip to observe water in -ICT tools
dams ,rivers,borehole asnatural resources -the local
Step 3-learners discuss the importance of water in the environment
community -pictures of
Step 4 Learners in groups answer questions from the work dams,wells ,bore
cards holes
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -identify the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: natural resources *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION in Zimbabwe *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF -state the benefits *Group work 14-16
GOODS AND SERVICES of air and sunlight *Question and Answer confidence
in the local Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diff natural emotional
Natural Resources environment resources observation
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson cognitive
*Natural Resources Step 1-Facilitator discuss the importance of air and communication
-Air and Sunlight sunlight in our lives
Step 2-Learners observe the availability of air and
sunlight outside the classroom
Step 3 Learners in groups discuss the uses of air and
sunlight in our lives
Step 4-Groups feedback
Step 5--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 4 -answer at least *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
REVISION 15 questions *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
correctlf from *Question and Answer writing syllabus page
NATURAL HERITAGE: the covered Assumed knowledge Learners have written the revision observations 14-16
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION topics exercises before. confidence
AND CONSUMPTION OF Introduction. visual
GOODS AND SERVICES Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the covered
Natural Resources topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on how
*Natural Resources they are going to write the test
-Animals Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
-Water Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
-Air Step 5The class revises the written test
-Sunlight Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work to those
who mastered
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
10 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
week learners *Discovery social Studies grade 3
should be able *Demonstrations tactile
NATURAL HERITAGE: syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF -list food crops *Question and Answer confidence
GOODS AND SERVICES from they know Assumed knowledge Learners are aware diff crops emotional -ICT tools
-distinguish Introduction –Fcilitator explains the key words observation -the local
Food and cash crops between food Step 1-Facilitator discuss about the food crops that are cognitive environment
crops and cash found in Zimbabwe communication
-pictures of food
*Food Crops crops Step 2 Learners name the types of food crops that are
found in zimbabwe
Step 3-learners name cash crops in the country
Step 4 Learners in groups discuss the importance of cash
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -list cash crops *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
from they know *Discovery social Studies grade 3
-distinguish *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION between food *Group work 14-16
AND CONSUMPTION OF crops and cash *Question and Answer confidence
GOODS AND SERVICES crops Assumed knowledge Learners are aware diff crops emotional -ICT tools
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson observation -the local
Food and cash crops Step 1-Facilitator discuss about the cash crops that are cognitive environment
found in Zimbabwe communication -pictures of cash
*Cash Crops Step 2 Learners name the types of cash crops that are crops
found in zimbabwe
Step 4 Learners in groups distinguish between food and
cash crops
Step 5-Groups feedback
Step 6--Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -identify various *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
forms of wealth *Discovery social Studies grade 3
*Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF *Question and Answer confidence
GOODS AND SERVICES Assumed knowledge Learners have parents who owns emotional
land observation -ICT tools
Forms of Wealth Introduction Facilitator explains key words cognitive -the local
Step 2 Facilitator discuss forms of wealth communication environment
*Forms of wealth Step 3 -learners discuss diff forms of wealth -pictures of land
Step 3 Learners list down the importance of land in the
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from the
work cards
Lesson 4 *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
REVISION *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
*Question and Answer writing syllabus page
NATURAL HERITAGE: Assumed knowledge Learners have written the revision observations 14-16
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION exercises before. confidence
AND CONSUMPTION OF Introduction. visual
GOODS AND SERVICES Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the covered
-Food and cash crops topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on how
-Forms of Wealth they are going to write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work to those
who mastered
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
11 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: week learners *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION should be able *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF to: *Group work 14-16
GOODS AND SERVICES -identify various *Question and Answer confidence
forms of wealth Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of diff minerals emotional Heritage-Social
Form of Wealth Introduction Recap of the previous lesson observation Studies Learners
Step 2-Facilitator discuss some forms of wealth in the cognitive Bk Gr 3 page
*Forms of wealth community communication
-Minerals Step 3 -learners name some forms of wealth in the -ICT tools
country -the local
Step 3 Learners discuss the importance of minerals in the environment
country -pictures of
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from the minerals
work cards
Lesson 2 identify various *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: forms of wealth *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION *Demonstrations tactile
technological syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF *Group work 14-16
GOODS AND SERVICES *Question and Answer confidence
Assumed knowledge Learners herd cattle at their homes emotional
Form of Wealth Introduction Recap of the previous lesson observation
Step 2-Facilitator discuss the importance of livestocks in -ICT tools
the community communication
-the local
*Forms of wealth environment
-Livestock Step 3 -learners name some types of livestock they know
Step 3 Learners discuss the importance of livestocks in -pictures of
the country livestock
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from the
work cards
Lesson 4 identify various *Discussions imaginative Heritage-Social
NATURAL HERITAGE: forms of wealth *Discovery social Studies grade 3
PRODUCTION,DISTRIBUTION *Demonstrations tactile syllabus page
AND CONSUMPTION OF *Group work technological 14-16
GOODS AND SERVICES *Question and Answer listening Ventures
Assumed knowledge Learners bring money at school confidence Heritage-Social
Form of Wealth Introduction Recap of the previous lesson emotional Studies Learners
Step 2-Facilitator discuss the importance of having money observation Bk Gr 3 page
*Forms of wealth in our day lives cognitive
-Money Step 3 -learners discuss the uses of money communication -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners discuss the importance of having money -the local
in our lives environment
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from the -pictures of coins
work cards and notes
REVISION -identify heritage *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
sites in Zimbabwe *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
Shelter *Question and Answer writing syllabus page
Assumed knowledge Learners have written the revision observations 14-16
exercises before. confidence
Introduction. visual
Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the covered
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on how
they are going to write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Oral discussions
REVISION -answer at least *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
Social services and 50 examination *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
Volunteerism questions from the *Question and Answer writing syllabus page
covered topics Assumed knowledge Learners have written the revision observations 14-16
exercises before. confidence
Introduction. visual
Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the covered
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on how
they are going to write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Oral discussions
REVISION -answer at least *Problem solving critical Heritage-Social
Natural Heritage ,Production 50 examination *Critical thinking thinking Studies grade 3
,Distribution and questions from the *Question and Answer writing syllabus page
Consumption of goods and covered topics Assumed knowledge Learners have written the revision observations 14-16
exercises before. confidence
Introduction. visual
Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on the covered
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard on how
they are going to write the test
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Oral discussions
English language
develop the four basic skills namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing in the English Language with emphasis on visual, manual and tactile
express themselves freely in a variety of situations that involve the use of functional English
cultivate an appreciation of the use of English Language as a tool for cultural, political, religious, social and environmental development
prepare for present and future studies in the English Language and other learning areas
develop an appreciation of the English Language as a means of wider communication
promote a reading and creative writing culture using the English Language
promote the use of ICTs in the learning of the English Language develop basic skills of analysing literary works
develop communicative competence in the English Language listen to/observe and understand texts or any form of communication in English
use writing conventions correctly
use the English language for communication in different situations
express themselves in a correct and appropriate manner
utilise ICTs in aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing
use non-verbal cues to express themselves
write a variety of creative texts
comment meaningfully on texts read to develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, team building and tolerance
use appropriate language in both written and spoken discourse in line with our cultural values
1 LESSON 1 By the end of the lesson *Discussions Speaking English Language
LISTENING/ Learners should be able to; *Demonstrations Listening Syllabus Gr 3page
OBSERVING -recite a poem “The hawk *Group work Describing
and the rat *Question and Answer Sensory motor Ventures Primary
Poem -describe the hawk and the Assumed knowledge observing English Grade
L1 The hawk and the rat rat Learners already knows rats 3page 51
Tr ask pupils to name types of birds they know flash cards
Step 1Pupils identify a hawk and a rat on new words
Step 2.class discussion on the poem
Step 3Pupils practice recite the poem the hawk
and the rat
Step 4in groups ppls recite the poem
step 5.Groups report back and Tr comments
step 6.Ppls imitate sounds produced by rats and
Tr ask any volunteer to recite the poem
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/ Assumed knowledge/ Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M
explore mathematical and scientific ideas and come up with innovations and conclusions and
demonstrate how people are influenced by mathematics.
develop holistically and show a positive attitude towards Mathematics;
acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology;
think and express themselves clearly and logically;
develop an inquiring mind through child centred approaches;
prepare for vocation and further studies in Mathematics and other learning areas
develop an awareness of the importance of
culture in the learning of Mathematics
-Addition of -read numbers Assumed Knowledge -Learners are able to count numbers arranging Mathematics Grade
Whole numbers from the number Intro -Learners read the numbers from the number line calculating 3page 13-17
(1 to 1 line Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating arranging writing
000) numbers on the abacus Abacuses
-arrange numbers Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on addition of whole numbers work cards
Step 3.class discussion on addition of numbers number line
vertically on the
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard counters
abacus Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice adding numbers phone
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments calculators
-add whole Step 7.Learners write individual work
numbers without Conclusion.
carrying Facilitator ask one pupil to add one sum on the chalkboard
Home work -Tr gives homework to the learners
OPERATIONS *Demonstration Identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 2 *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 9
-calculate addition *Individual counting
Addition of whole numbers *Group presentation adding Ventures Primary
-Addition of two *Discovery Mathematics Grade
or three whole Assumed Knowledge-Learners are able to add whole numbers
calculating 3page 13-17
numbers without Intro –Recap of the previous lesson
carrying Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating addition of two writing
(0 to 1 000 whole numbers
work cards
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on addition of two whole
number line
Step 3.class discussion on addition of two whole numbers
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice adding of two numbers
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion.-Oral discussions as a class
Home work -Tr gives homework on addition of three whole numbers
OPERATIONS *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 3 *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 9
*Individual counting
Addition *Group presentation adding Ventures Primary
-Addition of two *Discovery Mathematics Grade
or three whole Assumed Knowledge -Learners are able to group numbers on the
calculating 3page 13-17
numbers with abacus
carrying Intro- Recap of the previous lesson writing Abacuses
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating on the work cards
(0 to 1 000) chalkboard number line
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on addition of three numbers counters
Step 3.class discussion on addition up to 1000 phone
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard calculators
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. -Facilitator ask one pupil to add a sum with three digits
Home work -Oral discussions of the written work
Time Intro –Recap of the previous lesson calculating 3page13-17
(1hr 20min Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating adding time writing
+57mins) Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on addition of time Abacuses
Step 3.class discussion on addition of time work cards
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard number line
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work counters
cards phone
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments calculators
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. -Oral discussions as a class
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on addition of mass in calculators
grammes and kilogrammes computer
Step 3.class discussion on addition of mass phone
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from work cards
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to calculate the mass of two packects of
Home work
Tr gives homework to the learners on addition of length
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on writing Abacuses
Step 3.class discussion on counters
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice flash cards
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments calculators
Step 7.Learners write individual work computer
Conclusion. -Facilitator ask one pupil to phone
Home work
Tr gives homework to the learners on subtraction of whole numbers
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice calculators
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments computer
Step 7.Learners write individual work phone
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
Home work - Tr gives homework to the learners
OPERATIONS -give mental Intro identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 6 answers to Step 1Recap of the covered concepts reading Syllabus Gr 3page 10
multiplication of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics subtraction
Subtraction Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise arranging Ventures Primary
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners Mathematics Grade
-Subtraction of calculating
Step 5.Revising the test
whole numbers -calculate writing 3page 18-22
(0 to 1 000) subtraction of Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
whole numbers
one or two *Individual subtraction Syllabus Gr 3page 10
Subtraction digits *Group presentation arranging
-Subtraction of subtract mass *Discovery calculating Ventures Primary
Mass Assumed Knowledge writing Mathematics Grade
(0 to 1 000) read and Learners are able to measure the mass of objects
write 3page 18-22
quantities of Recap of the previous lesson Abacuses
items Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating on chalkboard counters
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on subtraction of mass work cards
Step 3.class discussion on subtraction of mass flash cards
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard calculators
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice computer
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments phone
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to subtract a given some infront
Home work - Tr gives homework on subtraction of length
OPERATIONS *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 3 *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 10
calculate *Individual subtraction
Subtraction subtraction of *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Subtraction of whole Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
Length Learners are able to measure the length of items writing
numbers in 3page 18-22
(0 to 1 000) Intro- Recap of the previous lesson
measures Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating
read and write Abacuses
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on
length of items Step 3.class discussion on
work cards
measure and Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
flash cards
subtract length Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
of objects computer
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. --Oral discussions
Home work - learners were given homework on subtraction of time
OPERATIONS calculate *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 4 subtraction of *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page
whole *Individual subtraction
Subtraction *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
numbers in
-Subtraction of Assumed Knowledge - Learners are able to read the time calculating Mathematics Grade
Time time Intro – Recap of the previous lesson writing 3page 18-22
(0 to 1 000) read and write Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating
the time Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on subtraction of time Abacuses
Step 3.class discussion on subtraction of time counters
subtract time
Step 4.Two volunteers practice on the chalkboard work cards
taken Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions on the work calculators
cards computer
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments phone
Step 7.Learners write individual work clock faces
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
Home work -learners were given work on subtraction of volume
OPERATIONS calculate *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson 5 subtraction of *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 10
Subtraction whole *Individual subtraction
-Subtraction of *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
numbers in
Volume Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
(0 to 1 000) volume Learners are able to measure the volume of water writing
read and write 3page 18-22
Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
the quantities Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating on the
of given chalkboard
objects Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on subtraction of volume
work cards
Step 3.class discussion on subtraction of volume
flash cards
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions on the work
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
OPERATIONS -give mental Intro identifying Pry Sch Maths
Lesson6 answers to Step 1Recap of the covered concepts reading Syllabus Gr 3page 10
Subtraction multiplication of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics subtraction
-Subtraction length Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise arranging Ventures Primary
(0 to 1 000) Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners calculating Mathematics Grade
REVISION -calculate Step 5.Revising the test writing
subtraction of 3page 18-22
whole numbers in Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
Home work
Oral discussions of the written work
Home work
learners were given homework on missing values on fractions
proper fractions subtract proper Assumed Knowledge calculating Bk 3page
with the fractions with Learners are aware of subtraction facts writing
denominator 2 the denominator Intro Ventures Primary
2 Facilitator explans on sizes of fraction sfrom the fraction chart Mathematics Grade
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating 3page 171-173
2/2 -1/2 calculate Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on subtraction of 2 proper
subtraction of fractios with the denominator 2 fraction strips
proper Step 3.class discussion on subtraction of fractions fraction chart
fractions Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions on the work counters
cards ICT tools
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
Home work
learners were given homework on subtraction of 2 proper fractions
with denominator 4
learners were given homework on subtraction of 2 proper fractions
with denominator 5
Lesson 5 find missing *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
numbers in *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Subtraction of open *Individual subtraction
proper fraction sentences *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Missing values Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
read and Learners are able to identify numbers on the number line
in fractions writing 3page 171-173
write missing Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
fraction in a Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating fraction strips
sentence strip Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on missing values fraction chart
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice putting missing values in work cards
sentences involving fractions counters
Step 4.Learners in groups of four answer questions from work cards ICT tools
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. -Oral discussion
-arrange numbers Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating repeated multiplication table
correctly on the addition work cards
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on repeated addition flash cards
abacus Step 3.class discussion on multiplication on repeated addition smart phone
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice adding on the chalkboard calculators
-multiply whole Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice on the work cards ICT tools
numbers without Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
carrying Step 7.Learners write I ndividual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to add numbers using repeated addition in
Home work
Tr gives homework on multiplication to the learners
Lesson 2 -multiply any *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
given number by *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page
Multiplication one digit multiplier *Individual multiplying
without carrying *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of -read and write Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
whole numbers by whole numbers Learners are able to multiply two digit numbers
writing 3page 31-37
one digit correctly Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
multiplier without -arrange numbers Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplying number line
carrying correctly on the numbers without carrying multiplication table
314 abacus Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of numbers work cards
x2 by one digit multiplier flash cards
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication without carrying smart phone
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard calculators
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice on the work cards ICT tools
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to
Home /extension & remedial work
Tr gives remedial work to the learners
Lesson 3 -multiply any *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
given number by *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication one digit multiplier *Individual multiplying
with carrying *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
whole numbers by Learners are able to multiply numbers using repeated addition writing 3page 31-37
one digit Intro
multiplier with Recap of the previous lesson number line
one carry Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplying multiplication table
328 numbers with carrying work cards
x2 Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplying one digit flash cards
multiplier with one carry smart phone
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication of whole numbers with one calculators
carry ICT tools
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to multiply a sum on the chalkboard
Home work
Tr gives homework to the learners
Lesson 4 -recall *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
multiplication facts *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication mentally *Individual multiplying
-multiply any *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of given number by Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
whole numbers one digit multiplier Learners are able to count in twos.three and fives writing 3page 31-37
recall with carrying Intro
multiplication Recap of the previous lesson number line
facts Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplication multiplication table
facts work cards
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on recalling multiplication flash cards
facts smart phone
Step 3.class discussion on calculators
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard ICT tools
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Lesson 5 -find prime factors *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
of whole numbers *Discussion reading
Multiplication -give mental *Individual multiplying Syllabus Gr 3page 11
answers to *Group presentation arranging
-Factors of multiplication of Assumed Knowledge - Learners are aware of LCM and LCF calculating Ventures Primary
numbers basic facts Intro - Recap of the previous lesson writing Mathematics Grade
(0-1000) Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating 3page 31-37
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on factors of numbers
Step 3.class discussion on multiples and factors of numbers number line
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard multiplication table
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from work cards work cards
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments flash cards
Step 7.Learners write individual work smart phone
Conclusion. calculators
Oral discussion ICT tools
7 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
week learners *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication should be able to: *Individual multiplying
*Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication -recall Assumed Knowledge- Learners are able to read the multiplication Mathematics Grade
facts(mentally) table
multiplication facts writing 3page 31-37
Intro -Recap of the previous lesson
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating on number line
multiplication facts multiplication table
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on mental multiplication work cards
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication tables flash cards
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard smart phone
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice multiplication facts calculators
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments ICT tools
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Lesson 2 -give mental *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
answers to *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication multiplication of *Individual multiplying
mass *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of -multiply the mass Assumed Knowledge- Learners are able to weigh things Mathematics Grade
Mass of objects Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
writing 3page 31-37
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on number line
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication table
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice flash cards
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments smart phone
Step 7.Learners write individual work calculators
Conclusion.- Oral discussions ICT tools
Home work
Tr gives homework to the learners on multiplication of length
Lesson 3 -give mental *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
answers to *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication multiplication of *Individual multiplying
length *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of -multiply the Assumed Knowledge
Length length of objects Learners are able to measure length calculating Mathematics Grade
Intro - Recap of the previous lesson writing 3page 31-37
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator explaining about length
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of length number line
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication of length multiplication table
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions on work cards flash cards
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments smart phone
Step 7.Learners write individual work calculators
Conclusion. ICT tools
oral discussions
Lesson 4 -give mental *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
answers to *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication multiplication of *Individual multiplying
time *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of -multiply time Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
Time taken on a journey Learners are able to calculate time taken
writing 3page 31-37
Facilitator shows learners a clock face ans ask what time was shown
number line
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator explaining on multiplication
multiplication table
of time
work cards
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of time
flash cards
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
smart phone
Step 4.Learners in groups of four answer questions from work cards
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
ICT tools
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Home work
Tr gives homework on multiplication of volume
Lesson 5 -read and write *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
volumes of solid *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication objects *Individual multiplying
-give mental *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication of answers to Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
Volume multiplication of Learners are able to measure volume of items
writing 3page 31-37
volume Intro
-multiply given Facilitator ask learners the measurements used whem measuring
number line
measures volume multiplication table
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator explaining on multiplication work cards
of volume flash cards
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of volume smart phone
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard calculators
Step 4.Learners in groups of four answer questions fro work cards ICT tools
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Conclusion. - Oral discussions
Lesson 6 -give mental Intro identifying Pry Sch Maths
answers to Step 1Recap of the covered concepts reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Multiplication multiplication in Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics multiplying
measures Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise arranging Ventures Primary
-Multiplication in -calculate measures Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners Mathematics Grade
measures of items Step 5.Revising the test
writing 3page 31-37
REVISION Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 2 -divide numbers *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
equally without a *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Division of whole remainder *Individual dividing
numbers -to use the division *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
sign correctly Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
-Dividing equally -answer at least 10 Learners are able to share resources equally
writing 3page 43-47
without a questions correctly Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
remainder Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator reinforcing basic division
number line
facts mentally counters
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on dividing equally without a pencils
remainder books
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 4.Learners in groups of four practice calculators
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments smartphones
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussion on work done
Lesson 3 -divide numbers *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
equally with a *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Division of whole remainder *Individual dividing
numbers -to use the division *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
sign correctly Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
-Dividing equally -to arrange the Learners are able to share resources equally
writing 3page 43-47
with a remainder numbers and put Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
13 = 2r1 the division sign Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator reinforcing basic division number line
6 correctly facts mentally counters
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on dividing equally with a pencils
remainder books
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 4.Learners in groups of four practice dividing sums with a calculators
remainder smartphones
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussion on written work
Lesson 4 -divide whole *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
numbers by one *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 11
Division of whole digit divisors *Individual dividing
numbers using repeated *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
subtraction Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
-Dividing by one -recall basic Learners are able to divide numbers with remainders writing 3page 43-47
digit divisors division facts Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
using repeated Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating on the number line
subtraction chalkboard counters
22 Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on dividing by one digit pencils
6 using repeated subtraction books
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard work cards
Step 4.Learners in groups of four answer question from work cards calculators
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments smartphones
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to divide the sum on the chalkboard
-Dividing Step 5.Revising the test writing 3page 43-47
numbers Conclusion
REVISION Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
-Multiplication Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplication ICTtool
of fractions with of fractions with denominator 4 counters
denominator 4 Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of fractions fraction chart
with the denominator 4 calculators
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard smartphones
Step 4.Learners in groups of four practice answering questions on
the work cards
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Home work
Tr gives homework on multiplication of fractions with denominator
Lesson 3 -multiply proper *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
fractions by whole *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 12
Multiplication numbers or vice *Individual multiplying
of whole versa *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
numbers by Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
Learners are able to add fractions
fractions writing 3page 174-177
Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplication
-Multiplication ICTtool
of fractions with denominator 5
of fractions with counters
Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of fractions
denominator 5 fraction chart
with the denominator 5
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 4.Learners in groups of four practice answering questions on
the work cards
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Home work
Tr gives homework on multiplication of fractions with denominator
Lesson 4 *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
*Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 12
Multiplication *Individual multiplying
of whole *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
numbers by Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
fractions Learners can multiply fractions with denominator 2 writing 3page 174-177
Intro - Recap of the previous lesson
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating multiplication ICTtool
of fractions with denominator 10 counters
of fractions with Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplication of fractions
denominator 10 fraction chart
with the denominator 10 calculators
Step 3.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard smartphones
Step 4.Learners in groups of four practice answering questions on
the work cards
Step 5.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 6.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions
Lesson 5 -multiply proper *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
fractions by whole *Discussion reading Syllabus Gr 3page 12
Multiplication numbers or vice *Individual multiplying
of whole versa *Group presentation arranging Ventures Primary
numbers by Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
fractions Learners are able to count in twos or fives
writing 3page 174-177
-Multiplication of Recap of the previous lesson ICTtool
fractions using the Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating arranging counters
word “of” fractions properly fraction chart
1 of 12 Step 2.Demonstration by the facilitator on multiplying fractions calculators
2 using the word of insteady of using the sign smartphones
Step 3.class discussion on multiplication of fractions
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four practice
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Facilitator ask one pupil to multiply a fraction on the chalkboard
Home work/extension work
Tr gives homework and extension work to the learners who have
mastered the concept
Lesson 6 -give mental Intro identifying Pry Sch Maths
answers to Step 1Recap of the covered concepts reading Syllabus Gr 3page 12
Multiplication multiplication of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics multiplying
of whole fractions Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise arranging Ventures Primary
numbers by Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners Mathematics Grade
fractions -multiply proper Step 5.Revising the test
writing 3page 174-177
fractions by whole Conclusion
-Multiplication of numbers or vice Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
fractions versa
Cents to Dollars Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating converting 3page38-42
Dollars to cents cents to dollars and dollars to cents
Step 2.class discussion on converting money real coins
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard real notes
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work paper money
cards shop items
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments adverts of prices in
Step 7.Learners write individual work newspapers
Conclusion. calculators
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work smart phones
classroom shop Step 2.class discussion on buying and selling real notes
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice buying and selling on the shop paper money
corner shop items
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work corner shop
cards adverts of prices in
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments newspapers
Step 7.Learners write individual work calculators
Conclusion. smart phones
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Lesson 5 -apply the concept *Demonstration identifying Pry Sch Maths
of buying and *Discussion selling Syllabus Gr 3page
MEASURES selling *Individual buying
*Group presentation calculating Ventures Primary
MONEY -calculate Assumed Knowledge writing Mathematics Grade
composition of Learners are aware of buying and selling 3page 38-42
Intro Recap of the previous lesson
Money stories amounts in terms of
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating calculating
smaller notes and real coins
sums from money stories real notes
coins Step 2.class discussion on money stories paper money
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice calculating on the chalkboard shop items
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work adverts of prices in
cards newspapers
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments calculators
Step 7.Learners write individual work smart phones
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Lesson 6 -apply the concept Intro reading Pry Sch Maths
of buying and Step 1Recap of the covered concepts identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
MEASURES selling Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics calculating
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise writing Ventures Primary
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners Mathematics Grade
Step 5.Revising the test
3page 38-42
REVISION Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
11 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Demonstration reading Pry Sch Maths
week learners *Discussion identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
MEASURES should be able to: *Individual calculating
*Group presentation writing Ventures Primary
TIME -tell time up to half Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
hour Learners have watches in their hands 3page 23-30
Telling time up to Intro Facilitator displays a clock face in front and ask learners what
half hour time is shown clock faces
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator explaining on half past and calendars
1 past oclock time scissors
2 Step 2.class discussion on half past and oclock time
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Home work-learners were given home on quarter past and quarter to
Lesson 2 -tell time up to *Demonstration reading Pry Sch Maths
quarter hour *Discussion identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
MEASURES *Individual calculating
*Group presentation writing Ventures Primary
TIME Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
Learners are able to tell time 3page 23-30
Telling time up to Intro Recap of the previous lesson
quarter hour Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator telling time up to quarter to
clock faces
Step 2.class discussion on quarter past and quarter to
Step 4.Two volunteers to practice on the chalkboard
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work scissors
cards manila
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Lesson 3 -recognise days of *Demonstration reading Pry Sch Maths Syllabus
the week *Discussion identifying Gr 3page
MEASURES *Individual calculating
*Group presentation Ventures Primary
Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
Learners are aware of the days of the weeks 3page23-30
Intro Learners sing a song of days of the week
Days of the clock faces
Step 1.Learners name the days of the weeks
week Step 2.class discussion on days of the weeks calendars
Step 3.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work scissors
cards manila
Step 4.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 5.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Home work-learners were given home on month/season of the year
Lesson 4 -name and *Demonstration reading Pry Sch Maths Syllabus
identify months *Discussion identifying Gr 3page
MEASURES of the year *Individual calculating
*Group presentation Ventures Primary
Assumed Knowledge Mathematics Grade
Learners are able to measure a given length 3page23-30
Intro Recap of the previous lesson
Months/Season clock faces
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator explaining on months/season
of the year of the year calendars
Step 2.class discussion on months and season of the year in relation scissors
to national events such asindependence,heroes andsacreddays manila
Step 3.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work
Step 4.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 5.Learners write individual work
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Lesson 5 -convert units of *Demonstration reading Pry Sch Maths Syllabus
time eg days to *Discussion weighing Gr 3page
MEASURES weeks *Individual comparing
*Group presentation identifying Ventures Primary
TIME Assumed Knowledge calculating Mathematics Grade
Learners are aware of hours,weeks,months and days of the weeks writing 3page23-30
Conversions Intro Recap of the previous lesson
Step 1.Learners listen to the facilitator demonstrating converting clock faces
hours to days hours to days,days to weeks,weeks to months and months to year calendars
Step 2.class discussion conversions scissors
days to weeks Step 4.Two volunteers to practice converting on the chalkboard manila
Step 5.Learners in groups of four answer questions from the work
weeks to months
Step 6.Groups report back and teacher comments
Step 7.Learners write individual work
months to years Conclusion.
Oral discussions as a class and revision of written work
Lesson 6 answer at least 20 *Question and answer reading Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
MEASURES from the covered *Individual calculating
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts writing Ventures Primary
TIME Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics Mathematics Grade
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 23-30
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test clock faces
REVISION Conclusion calendars
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class scissors
12 Lesson 1 By the end of the week *Question and answer addition Pry Sch Maths
learners should be *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
able to: *Individual identifying
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
REVISION answer at least 20 Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
questions correctly Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 13-17
Addition of from the covered Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
whole numbers Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 2 answer at least 20 *Question and answer subtraction Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Individual identifying
concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
Subtraction of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
whole numbers Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 18-22
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 3 answer at least 20 *Question and answer addition Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Individual identifying
concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
Addition of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
proper fractions Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 171-173
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 4 answer at least 20 *Question and answer subtraction Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Individual identifying
concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
Subtraction of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
proper fractions Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 171-173
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 5 answer at least 20 *Question and answer multiplying Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Individual identifying
concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
Multiplication Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
of whole Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 31-37
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 6 answer at least 20 *Question and answer division Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Problem solving reading Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Individual identifying
concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts calculating Ventures Primary
Division of Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics writing Mathematics Grade
whole numbers Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 43-47
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 2 -answer at least 20 reading Pry Sch Maths
questions correctly *Question and answer identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION from the covered *Problem solving calculating
concepts *Individual writing Ventures Primary
Money Intro Mathematics Grade
-calculate 3page 38-42
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts
composition of
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics
amounts in terms of
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
smaller notes and Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
coins Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
Lesson 3 -tell time up to *Discussion reading Pry Sch Maths
hour, quarter hour *Individual identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
REVISION Intro calculating
-answer at least 20 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts writing Ventures Primary
Time questions correctly Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics Mathematics Grade
from the covered Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise 3page 23-30
concepts Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a class
END OF TERM By the end of the *Question and answer reading Pry Sch Maths
week learners *Problem solving identifying Syllabus Gr 3page
CLUSTER should be able to:
EXAMINATIONS *Individual calculating
answer at least 50 Step1.Individually learners write revision exercise writing
questions correctly Step 2.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 3.Revising the test
from the covered
REVISION OF By the end of the *Question and answer reading Pry Sch Maths
week learners *Problem solving identifying
END OF TERM should be able to: Syllabus Gr 3page
EXAMINATION *Individual calculating
answer at least 50 Step1.Individually learners write revision exercise writing
questions correctly Step 2.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 3.Revising the test
from the covered
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/Media
1 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL week learners *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
should be able to: *Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Types -define soil tactile
*Question and Answer
-state the coordination Ventures in Agriculture
Importance of Soil importance of soil Assumed knowledge Learners play with soil collaborative Grade 3
everyday observation page
Introduction Facilitator explains key words creativity
Step 2 -learners name the types of soils they hand and eye -soil samples
know -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners listen to the facilitator -local environment
-pictures of soil
explaining how soil is formed
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss the
importance of soil in our lives
Step 5 Groups report back
Step 6 –Individual written work
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 2&3 - *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
PRACTICAL *Educational tours manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
*Group work psychomotor page 13-16
SOIL tactile
coordination Ventures in Agriculture
Soil Types Assumed knowledge Learners play with soil collaborative Grade 3
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson observation page
Importance of Soil Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct a field creativity
hand and eye -soil samples
trip in the local environment to identify and
-ICT tools
view different types of soils -local environment
Step 3 Learners identify local soils from the -pictures of soil
local environment
Step 3 Learners pose some questions on how
the soil is formed and the facilitator answers
Step 4 -In groups learners collect samples of
Step 5 Learners identify soils which are good
for farming and the one which are not fertile
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 4 -identify local soils *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL from the local *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
environment *Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Types tactile
*Question and Answer
coordination Ventures in Agriculture
Local Soils Assumed knowledge Learners interact with collaborative Grade 3
diff types of soils observation page
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
Step 2 -learners identify local soils from the hand and eye -soil samples
local environment -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners listen to the facilitator -local environment
-pictures of soil
explaining about the local soils
Step 4 -In groups learners discuss the
importance of local soil in farming
Step 5 Groups report back
Step 6 –Individual written work
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 5&6 -identify local soils *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL *Educational tours manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
*Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Types tactile
coordination Ventures in Agriculture
Assumed knowledge Learners play with soil
Local Soils Introduction Recap of the previous lesson collaborative Grade 3
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct a field observation page
trip in the local environment to identify and creativity
hand and eye -soil samples
view different types of local soils
-ICT tools
Step 3 Learners identify local soils from the -local environment
local environment -pictures of soil
Step 4 Learners discuss about fertile soils
Step 5 -In groups learners collect samples of
soil and identify fertile soils
Step 6 Learners identify soils which are fertile
and the one which are not fertile
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 7 *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
*Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Types tactile
*Question and Answer
coordination Ventures in Agriculture
Local Soils Assumed knowledge Learners mould with soil collaborative Grade 3
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson observation page
Step 1 -learners list down types of soil they creativity
know hand and eye -soil samples
Step 2 learners record soil colour.soil particles -ICT tools
in their exercise books -local environment
-pictures of soil
Step 3 Learners describe the types of soils that
are suitable for farming activities
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions
from work cards
Step 5 Groups report back
Conclusion –oral discussions
Teacher explains key words -soil samples
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on -ICT tools
the covered topics -local environment
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the -pictures of soil
chalkboard on how they are going to write the
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial
work to those who mastered
heap *Discovery coordination Ventures in
Compost making Assumed knowledge Learners have seen the collaborative Agriculture Grade 3
compost before observation page 35-37
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct a field hand and eye -protective clothing
trip in the local environment to to collect -vegetable and animal
material for making a compost matter
Step 3 Learners identify materials used to make -water
a compost from the local environment -soil samples
Step 3 Learners discuss about the advantages of -ICT tools
having a compost -local environment
Step 4 -In groups learners collect materials used -pictures of soil
to make a compost
Step 5 Learners measure the place and make a
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 4 -define soil erosion *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL -state the causes of *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
soil erosion *Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Erosion tactile
*Question and Answer
coordination Ventures in
Causes of Soil Assumed knowledge Learners have seen some collaborative Agriculture Grade 3
erosion rivers flooded with soil observation page 35-37
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
Step 2 –Facilitator explain on the causes of soil hand and eye -protective clothing
erosion -vegetable and animal
Step 3 Learners state the causes of soil erosion matter
in the community
-soil samples
Step 4 -In groups learners answer question s -ICT tools
from the work cards -local environment
Step 5-Groups report back -pictures of soil
Step 6-Individual written work
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 5&6 -identify signs of *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
SOIL soil erosion *Educational tours manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
*Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Soil Erosion tactile
coordination Ventures in
Signs of Soil erosion Assumed knowledge Learners have seen collaborative Agriculture Grade 3
uncovered roots of trees observation page 35-37
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
hand and eye -protective clothing
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct a field
-vegetable and animal
trip in the local environment to identify the signs matter
of soil erosion -water
Step 3 Learners identify signs of soil erosion -soil samples
from the local environment -ICT tools
Step 3 Learners discuss about the effects of soil -local environment
erosion on land -pictures of soil
Step 4 -In groups learners write notes about soil
Step 5 Learners identify heaped soils on the
river banks
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 7 -sing and dance the *Discussions cognitive Agriculture Jnr
Soil Fertility song *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
*Group work psychomotor page 13-16
Compost making *Question and Answer tactile
Music and Dance Assumed knowledge Learners can sing and coordination Ventures in
dance collaborative Agriculture Grade 3
Introduction Facilitator demonstrate singing the observation page 35-37
song of compost making
hand and eye -protective clothing
Step 2 -learners imitate the song after the teacher -vegetable and animal
Step 3 learners sin a song with material used to matter
make compost on page 37 -water
Step 4-Learners draw the compost individually -soil samples
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs -ICT tools
-local environment
-pictures of soil
Lesson 8 -answer at least 20 *Discussions critical thinking Agriculture Jnr
REVISION questions from the *Problem solving manipulative Gr(3-7) Syllb
covered concept *Individual work scientific page 13-16
*Question and Answer visual
Assumed knowledge Learners have written the creativity Ventures in
revision exercises before. Agriculture Grade 3
Introduction. page 35-37
Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on -protective clothing
the covered topics -vegetable and animal
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the chalkboard matter
on how they are going to write the test -water
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils -soil samples
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually -ICT tools
Step 5The class revises the written test -local environment
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work -pictures of soil
to those who mastered
Uses of Water garden at home observation safe water
cleaning tools Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity garden tools
watering beds Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct an hand and eye tins
educational tour in the school garden
school garden
Step 3 Learners name the tools used for watering
the garden
Step 3 Learners demonstrate using water in
agriculture such as irrigating,cleaning tools
Step 4 - learners state the importance of
watering the beds in agriculture
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 4 -identify plants *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
within the local *Problem solving collaborative syllabus page 14
PLANTS environment *Group work observation Ventures Primary
-draw and label a *Question and Answer cognitive Agriculture Learners
Introduction to the plant Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of manipulative Book Grade 3 page 49-
study of plants - different plants psychomotor 55
Introduction teacher explains key words tactile local environment
Plants within the creativity ICT tools
Step 2 –learners name the types of plants they
local environment hand and eye
Step 3 Learners identify parts of plant from the
Step 4 –Learners draw a plant and label
Step 5-Individual written work
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
Step 3 Learners identify diff types of plants in
the local environment
Step 3 Learners collect diff plants samples
Step 4 - learners plant some fruit plants
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 7 -state local organic *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
sources of plant *Problem solving collaborative syllabus page 14
PLANTS nutrients *Group work observation Ventures Primary
*Question and Answer cognitive Agriculture Learners
Plant nutrition Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of manipulative Book Grade 3 page 59
manure psychomotor compost
Local organic sources Introduction teacher explains key words tactile animal manure
of plant nutrients creativity decayed plant matter
Step 2 –Facilitator explains the local organic
hand and eye ICT tools
sources of plant nutrients
Step 3 Learners state the locally available
organic sources
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions
from the work cards
Step 5-Groups report back
Conclusion –oral discusions on organic sources
of plant nutrients
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work
to those who mastered
vegetables in the school garden
Step 4 Learners classify and distinguish the
difference between exotic and indigenous
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Lesson 4 -identify exotic *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
PLANTS vegetables *Problem solving collaborative syllabus page 13
*Group work observation Ventures Primary
Vegetable crops *Question and Answer cognitive Agriculture Learners
Assumed knowledge Learners grow vegetable manipulative Book Grade 3 page 50
Exotic Vegetables at home psychomotor
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson tactile
Step 2 –Learners identify diff types of exotic
hand and eye
vegetables from the chart
-Step 3-learners name any exotic vegetable they
Step 4 Learners draw and name exotic
Step 5 –Individual written work
Step 6-Learners classify local vegetables as
indigenous and exotic
Conclusion –Oral discussions
difference between exotic and indigenous
Step 4-Learners grow exotic vegetables in the
school garden
Conclusion –Oral discussion
Lesson 7 -collect local small *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
Research branch of a plant *Educational tours collaborative syllabus page 13
PLANTS *Group work observation Ventures Primary
cognitive Agriculture Learners
Vegetable crops manipulative Book Grade 3 page 50
Assumed knowledge Learners haveseen diff psychomotor
vegetables tactile
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct an hand and eye
educational tour in the local environment
Step 3 Learners identify vegetable crops from
the local environment
Step 4 Go around the school and take a small
branch from any plant and say the name of the
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial work
to those who mastered
Lesson 2&3 -collect local field *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
PLANTS crops *Educational tours collaborative syllabus page 13
*Group work observation Ventures Primary
Field crops cognitive Agriculture Learners
manipulative Book Grade 3 page 50
Local field crops Assumed knowledge Learners are able to work psychomotor
in the fields tactile -local field crops
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity -ICT tools
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct an hand and eye
educational tour to the school garden
Step 3 Learners identify field crops from the
Step 4 Learners name the local field crops
Step 5.Learners draw and name the local field
Conclusion –singing and dancing to the song
pakurima musana unorwadza
Lesson 5&6 -collect local fruits *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
PLANTS in the environment *Educational tours collaborative syllabus page 13
*Group work observation Ventures Primary
Orchard/Fruit trees cognitive Agriculture Learners
manipulative Book Grade 3 page 50
Local fruit trees Assumed knowledge Learners have seen psychomotor
people planting trees tactile
Introduction Recap of the previous lesson creativity
Step 2 -learners and facilitator conduct an hand and eye
educational tour to the school garden
Step 3 Learners dig holes for planting trees
Step 3 Learners plant fruits trees in the school
Step 4.Learners water the plant using the garden
Conclusion –singing and dancing to the song
pakurima musana unorwadza
Lesson 7 -answer at least 20 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts critical thinking Agriculture grade 3-7
REVISION questions from the Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging manipulative syllabus page 13
PLANTS covered concept topics scientific Ventures Primary
Step3.Individually learners write revision visual Agriculture Learners
Orchard/Fruit trees exercise creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
- Local fruit trees Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
- Local field crops Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it
as a class
Lesson 8 -define ornamental *Discussions coordination Agriculture grade 3-7
PLANTS horticulture *Problem solving collaborative syllabus page 13
*Group work observation Ventures Primary
Ornamental *Question and Answer cognitive Agriculture Learners
Horticulture Assumed knowledge Learners can plant trees manipulative Book Grade 3 page 50
Introduction teacher explains key words psychomotor
Onarmental Step 2 Facilitator describe the onarmental tactile -local fruit trees
Horticulture creativity -ICTtools
hand and eye -watering can
Step 3 Learners list down onarmental -onarmental plants
Step 4 –Learners identifying ornamental
horticulture from pictures
Step5 In groups learners answer questions from
the work cards
Conclusion –Oral discussions
Step 3 Learners identify ornamental plants
Step 4 Learners in groups list down ornamental
Step 5 Groups report back
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
Step 3 Learners describe forestry on their own
Step 4 -In groups learners list down uses of
trees at home and at school
Step 5 Groups report back and lfacilitator
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
game hand and eye -
Step 2 -learners imitate the game after the
Step 3 Learners make a list of all the plants they
know ,.share the list with friends and see if they
have listed plants you have not listed
Step 4 –Groups report back and the facilitator
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
-draw domestic animals at home coordination
--Uses of domestic animals Introduction Facilitator explain about collaborative ICT tools
animals domestic animals observation Local environment
cognitive pictures of
Step 1 Learners identify pictures of domestic
animals from the chart cow
Step 2 -learners name domestic animals they oxen
keep at home dog
Step 3 Learners discuss the uses of domestic donkey
animals milk
Step 4 - learners name and draw domestic wool
Step 5 Individual written work
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
Lesson 2&3 -name and identify *Discussions manipulative Agriculture grade 3-7
ANIMALS domestic animals *Educational tours psychomotor syllabus page 13
in the community *Group work tactile Ventures Primary
Introduction to -list uses of *Question and Answer creativity Agriculture Learners
animal study domestic animals Assumed knowledge Learners have seen hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
people milking cows coordination ICT tools
--Uses of domestic Introduction Recap of the previous lesson collaborative Local environment
animals observation pictures of
Step 1 Facilitator and learners went to a field
cognitive goat/sheep
trip in the local environment to identify the uses cow
domestic animals oxen
Step 2 -learners state the uses of domestic dog
animals donkey
Step 3 Learners observe and role play milk
situations where domestic animals are used wool
Step 4 Learners model their favourite domestic
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
Assumed knowledge Learners feed animals at hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
-Animal feeds home coordination
Introduction Facilitator explains key words collaborative ICT tool
observation -samples of feeds
Step 1 learners identify types of animal feeds
cognitive -local environment
from pictures -domestic animals
Step 2 -learners list down animals feeds they
Step 3 Learners discuss how they feed the
animals at home
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions
from work cards
Step 5 Groups report back and the facilitator
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
and commercial *Group work tactile Ventures Primary
Animal Nutrition *Question and Answer creativity Agriculture Learners
Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
- animal animal feeds coordination
feeds(Natural and Introduction Recap of the previous lesson collaborative -ICT tool
Commercial) observation -samples of feeds
Step 1 Learners explain about natural and
cognitive -local environment
commercial feeds -domestic animals
Step 2 -learners identify natural and
commercial feeds
Step 3 Learners group natural and commercial
Step 4 –individual written work
Conclusion –Oral discussions on commercial
and natural feeds
8 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Discussions manipulative Agriculture grade 3-7
ANIMALS week learners *Problem solving psychomotor syllabus page 13
should be able to: *Group work tactile Ventures Primary
Small livestock -name types of *Question and Answer creativity Agriculture Learners
production livestock Assumed knowledge Learners have poultry at hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
-draw a chicken home coordination ict tools
-Poultry Introduction Facilitator explains key words collaborative pictures of poultry
observation local environment
Step1 Learners identify types of poultry from
the pictures
Step 2 -learners list examples of poultry
Step 3 Learners name the types of feeds they
Step 4 -In groups learners draw and name the
types of poultry
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator
Conclusion –Singing and dancing songs
Lesson 4 -identify a rabbit *Discussions manipulative Agriculture grade 3-7
ANIMALS -draw a rabbit *Problem solving psychomotor syllabus page 13
*Group work tactile Ventures Primary
Small livestock *Question and Answer creativity Agriculture Learners
production Assumed knowledge Learners have rabbits at hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
home coordination ict tools
-Rabbits Introduction Facilitator explains key words collaborative pictures of rabit
observation local environment
Step1 Learners identify types of rabbits from
the pictures
Step 2 -learners list down types of rabbits
Step 3 Learners name the types of feeds they
Step 4 -In groups learners draw and name the
types of rabbits
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator
Conclusion –Oral discussions on rabbits
types of rabbits
of bees
Step 4 Learners discuss on food we get from
Step 5 –individual written work
Conclusion –oral discussions on the work
Step 4 –Learners in groups draw bees and
anwer questions
Step 5 groups report back
Conclusion –oral discussions
Lesson 5&6 -list down food we *Discussions manipulative Agriculture grade 3-7
ANIMALS get from bees *Problem solving psychomotor syllabus page 13
*Group work tactile Ventures Primary
Apiculture *Question and Answer creativity Agriculture Learners
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen bees hand and eye Book Grade 3 page 50
-Benefits of bees before coordination
Introduction Facilitator explains key words collaborative
Step 1 Facilitator describe the differences
between beesand other insects
Step 2 Learners identify pictures of bees from
the textbook
Step 3 -learners write down the characteristics
of bees
Step 4 Learners discuss on food we get from
Step 5 –individual written work
Conclusion –oral discussions on the work
Lesson 8 *Discussions critical thinking Agriculture grade 3-7
REVISION -answer at least 20 *Problem solving manipulative syllabus page 13
ANIMALS questions from the *Individual work scientific Ventures Primary
covered concept *Question and Answer visual Agriculture Learners
Apiculture Assumed knowledge Learners have written the creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
revision exercises before.
-Benefits of bees Introduction.
- Characteristics of
Teacher explains key words
Step 1The class revises the concepts learnt on
the covered topics
Step 2.Tr read the instructions on the
chalkboard on how they are going to write the
Step 3Tr distributes papers to the pupils
Step 4 Pupils write the test individually
Step 5The class revises the written test
Conclusion Tr gives extension or remedial
work to those who mastered
exercise creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve
it as a class
REVISION OF -answer at least 30 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts critical thinking Agriculture grade 3-7
END OF TERM questions from the Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging manipulative syllabus page 13
TESTS covered topics topics scientific Ventures Primary
Step3.Individually learners write revision visual Agriculture Learners
exercise creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve
it as a class
REVISION OF -answer at least 30 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts critical thinking Agriculture grade 3-7
END OF TERM questions from the Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging manipulative syllabus page 13
TESTS covered topics topics scientific Ventures Primary
Step3.Individually learners write revision visual Agriculture Learners
exercise creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve
it as a class
REVISION OF -answer at least 30 Step 1Recap of the covered concepts critical thinking Agriculture grade 3-7
END OF TERM questions from the Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging manipulative syllabus page 13
TESTS covered topics topics scientific Ventures Primary
Step3.Individually learners write revision visual Agriculture Learners
exercise creativity Book Grade 3 page 50
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve
it as a class
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
13 END OF TERM By the end of the Step1.Individually learners write revision critical thinking
CLUSTER week learners exercise manipulative
EXAMINATIONS should be able to: Step 2.Collecting answer sheet from scientific
-answer at least 50 learners visual
questions from the Step 3.Revising the test creativity
covered topics
select and use a wide range of materials and components in the environment
develop the creative, technical and practical expertise to participate in a scientific and technological world
demonstrate innate talent that lead to originality and innovativeness
enhance scientific and technological designs, through the use of Information and Communication Technology
manipulate materials and equipment to enhance creativity
develop critical evaluation skills in technical, aesthetic, economic, environmental, social and cultural contexts
explore opportunities that promote a sense of self-reliance, enterprising and community explore scientific and technological ideas to develop
innovations through ICT
apply indigenous knowledge systems and understand Scientific and Technological concepts.
debate consequences of the outcomes of scientific and technological processes
collect and record relevant data and information through scientific research
demonstrate enterprise skills that are relevant to the market, recognizing constraints of time, cost and accessibility of resources
demonstrate an appreciation of the role of designers, craftsmen, scientists and technologists in industry and society
Sustainable Resource Management
Health and Safety
Materials and Structures
Energy and Fuels
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -classify man made *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology Syllabus
SUSTAINABLE resources *Discussions hand and eye coordination Gr3
RESOURCE *Collection communication page 12
MANAGEMENT *Experimentation creativity Ventures Primary Science and
*Group work observation Technology Learners Book Grade
Sustainable Resource *Question and answer cognitive 3 page 145-155
Management Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of locally problem solving
available resources scientific -local environment
Man made Resources Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson confidence -pictures of dams
Step 2 resources found in the local -roads,rubber
environment ,plastic
Step 3 Facilitator describe the man-made resources
Step 4 -In groups learners identify and name man-made
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussionsLearners name
Lesson 4 -identify and name *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology Syllabus
SUSTAINABLE natural resources *Discussions hand and eye coordination Gr3
RESOURCE *Collection communication page 12
MANAGEMENT *Group work creativity Ventures Primary Science and
*Question and answer observation Technology Learners Book Grade
Sustainable Resource Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of locally cognitive 3 page 145-155
Management available resources problem solving
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson scientific -local environment
Natural Resources Step 2 resources found in the local confidence -pictures of dams
environment -roads,rubber
Step 3 Facilitator describe the natural resources ,plastic
Step 4 -In groups learners identify and name natural
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 5 -list down the sources of *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology Syllabus
SUSTAINABLE waste *Discussions hand and eye coordination Gr3
RESOURCE *Collection communication page 12
MANAGEMENT *Experimentation creativity Ventures Primary Science and
*Group work observation Technology Learners Book Grade
Sustainable Resource *Question and answer cognitive 3 page 145-155
Management Assumed knowledge Learners have seen trucks problem solving
collecting waste scientific -local environment
Sources of waste Introduction –Facilitator discuss about sources of waste confidence -pictures of dams
Step 2 -learners.discuss about how they keep waste at -roads,rubber
home ,plastic
Step 3 Learners list down sources of waste they know
Step 4 - learners identify examples of waste from the
text book
Step 5 in groups learners answer questions from work
Step 6Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 7 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
SAFETY should be able to: *Collection coordination page 13
-List down human *Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Human body body parts *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
Personal Hygiene -Describe how to *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
take care of the Assumed knowledge Learners brush teeth everyday cognitive
Care for teeth teeth Introduction –Facilitator bring teeth brush,teeth problem solving -chart with body parts
paste and water and ask learners the use of it scientific cloth
Step 2 –learners name the body parts they know confidence cleaning equipment such as
Step 3 Learners identify materials used to clean teeth soap, comb, towel
Step 4 –Facilitator demonstrate how to take care for water
the teeth teeth brush
Step 5 two volunteers practise brushing teeth in front toothpaste
and the facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion –Learners sing the sond chidokohori
mushonga wemawende
Human body hands *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
Personal Hygiene *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
Assumed knowledge Learners wash hands before cognitive
Care for hands having a meal problem solving -chart with body parts
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson scientific cloth
Step 2 –Facilitator ask learners what they do before confidence cleaning equipment such as
having a meal soap, comb, towel
Step 3 Learners identify materials used to care for water
Step 4 –Facilitator demonstrate how to wash hands
using running water
Step 5 two volunteers practise washing hands in
front and the facilitator comments
Step 6-learners discuss the dangers of not washing
hands aftervisiting the toilet
Step 7 Individual written work
Conclusion –oral discussions on the importance of
washig hands everytime
Lesson 4 -be able to clean their *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology
HEALTH AND eyes and ears *Discussions hand and eye Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY -Describe how to *Collection coordination page 13
take care of the ears *Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Human body and eyes *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
Personal Hygiene *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
Assumed knowledge Learners wash their body cognitive
Care for Ears and everyday problem solving -chart with body parts
eyes,nose Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson scientific cloth
Step 2 –Facilitator ask learners why they wash their confidence cleaning equipment such as
bodies soap, comb, towel
Step 3 Learners identify materials used to care for water
ears,nose and eyes handkerchief
Step 4 –Facilitator demonstrate how to clean the ears earbuds
and nose carrots
Step 5 two volunteers practise cleaning ears ,eyes
and nose in front and the facilitator comments mucus(madzihwa)
Step 6-learners discuss the dangers of not cleaning mufunzu
ears ,nose and eyes mabori
Step 7 Individual written work
Conclusion –oral discussions on the importance of
cleaning eyes,ears and nose everytime
Lesson 5 -Describe how to *Problem solving Science and Technology
HEALTH AND take care of the body *Critical thinking Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY parts *Question and answer page 13
INTRO Ventures Primary Science and
Human body Step 1Recap of the covered concepts Technology Learners Book
Personal Hygiene Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics Grade 3 page 1-29
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
REVISION EXERCISE Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners -chart with body parts
Step 5.Revising the test cloth
Conclusion cleaning equipment such as
Recap by the teacher on covered work during the soap, comb, towel
whole week water
body *Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Human body -identify pictures of *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
toiletries and *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
Personal Hygiene cosmetics Assumed knowledge Learners have seen their cognitive
parents cleaning the sink or the toilet problem solving -chart with body parts
Toiletries and cosmetics Introduction –Facilitator explain the key words scientific cloth
Step 2 –learners identify toiletries and cosmetics confidence cleaning equipment such as
used to take care of the body from the book soap, comb, towel
Step 3 Learners list down toiletries and cosmetics water
Step 3 Learners collect pictures and empty bottles of jik
toiletries and cosmetics that are locally available and handandy
display them domestos
Step 4 -In groups learners draw and name toiletries protex soap
and cosmetics harpik
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments surf
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion –Discussion on toiletries and cosmetics
Lesson 3&4 -name and draw *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology
HEALTH AND cleaning equipment *Discussions hand and eye Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY *Collection coordination page 13
*Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Human body *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
*Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
Personal Hygiene *Song and dance cognitive
Assumed knowledge Learners have used different problem solving -chart with body parts
Cleaning equipment cleaning equipment before scientific cloth
Introduction –Facilitator bring some confidence cleaning equipment such as
brooms,harpic,jik,mop,domestos,mutton cloth and soap, comb, towel
brushes in the class and ask learners what they are water
used for jik
Step 2 –learners identify cleaning equipment from handandy
the chart domestos
Step 4 –leaners name the cleaning equipment protex soap
Step 5 In groups learners practice cleaning the harpik
floors,windows,tables and walls using the cleaning surf
equipments mop
Step 5 Learners draw and name the cleaning brushes
equipments broom
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion –Learners recite poems of personal
Lesson 5 *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
HEALTH AND *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY *Question and answer hand and eye page 13
INTRO coordination Ventures Primary Science and
Human body Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Technology Learners Book
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Grade 3 page 1-29
Personal Hygiene Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners -chart with body parts
Revision Exercise Step 5.Revising the test cloth
Conclusion cleaning equipment such as
Recap by the teacher on covered work during the soap, comb, towel
whole week water
Sources of food Assumed knowledge Learners eat food from cognitive
Animals animals problem solving chart with pictures of food
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson scientific milk
Step 1 Learners state the two sources of food confidence chicken
Step 2 –learners name food they get from animals fish
Step 3 Learners identify food we get from animals eggs
shown on the chart cheese
Step 4 -In groups learners answer question from yorghurt
work cards meat
Step 5 Learner draw and name food from plants potatoes
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions on food from plants
5 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology
HEALTH AND week learners *Discussions hand and eye Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY should be able to: *Collection identifying page 14-15
-state the importance *Group work observing Ventures Primary Science and
Nutrition of food to the body *Question and answer coordination Technology Learners Book
Importance of food to -list down at least Assumed knowledge Learners eat food everyday communication Grade 3 page 1-29
the body five examples of Introduction –Facilitator displays pictures of energy creativity
Energy giving energy giving food -giving foodsand ask learners which group of food observation chart with pictures of food
foods do they belongs cognitive sadza
Step 1 Learners collect pictures of energy- giving problem solving bread
food scientific mealies
Step 2 -learners.identify energy giving food from confidence potatoes
Step 3 Learners discuss the importance of having
energy -giving food in our bodies
Step 4 -In groups learners draw and name energy-
giving foods
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were
given home work to bring pictures of body- building
Lesson 2 -name examples of *Demonstration Science and Technology
body building food *Discussions Syllabus Gr3
HEALTH AND -draw pictures of *Collection page 14-15
SAFETY body building food *Experimentation Ventures Primary Science and
*Group work Technology Learners Book
Nutrition *Question and answer Grade 3 page 1-29
Importance of food to Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of energy-
the body giving foods chart with pictures of food
Body building Introduction –Facilitator displays pictures of body - chicken
foods building foodsand ask learners which group of food meat
do they belongs fish
Step 1 Learners collect pictures of body building nuts
foods groundnuts
Step 2 -learners.identify body building food from eggs
Step 3 Learners discuss the importance of having
body building food in our bodies
Step 4 -In groups learners draw and name energy-
giving foods
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and learners were
given home work to bring pictures of protective
Diseases and sickness *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
prevention -describe germs *Question and answer identifying Grade 3 page 1-29
Assumed knowledge Learners have heard of germs observation
Disease causing Introduction –Facilitator explains and describe a drawing chart with pictures of germs
organisms germ while learners listen cognitive
Germs Step 1 Learners describe germs on their own words problem solving
Step 2-learners.discuss on disease causing organisms scientific
Step 3 Learners anwer questions from work cards confidence
Step 4 –Facilitator comments
Step 5 learnersdraw and name a germs
Step 6 Learners discuss how germs spread
Conclusion -oral discussions
Step 4 –Learners state the causes of diarrhoea
Step 5 In Groups leaners discuss ways of preventing
Step 5 individual written work
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 5 -list organisms that *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
HEALTH AND cause sickness *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
SAFETY -answer at least 20 *Question and answer hand and eye page 14-15
questions from the INTRO coordination Ventures Primary Science and
Diseases and covered concepts Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Technology Learners Book
prevention Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Grade 3 page 1-29
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Disease causing Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
organisms Step 5.Revising the test
REVISION Recap by the teacher on covered work during the
EXERCISE whole week
SAFETY should be able to: *Collection coordination page 14-15
-state accidents that *Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Safety occur in the *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
Laboratory accidents laboratory *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 1-29
-practice safety Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of a cognitive
precautions in the laboratory problem solving chart with safety rules
laboratory Introduction –Facilitator explain the key words scientific pictures of fire extinguishers
Step 1 Facilitator define a laboratory confidence a bucket of sand
Step 2 –learners name tools and machines that are wet cloth
found in a laboratory
Step 3 Learners describe some accidents thay may
occur in the laboratory
Step 4 -In groups learners write down their own
laboratory rules
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Laboratory laboratory safety rules
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson chart with safety rules
Step 2 -learners.describe some laboratory accidents pictures of fire extinguishers
they have noticed a bucket of sand
Step 3 Learners view videos on preventing wet cloth
laboratory accidents from the computer -ICT tools
Step 4 -In groups learners suggest ways of -Computers
preventing accidents in the laboratory
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Step 3 Learners and facilitator conduct a fild trip
outside the local environment and collect the natural
Step 4 –learners display natural materials in the
science corner
Step 5 In Groups learnersanswer questions from
work cards
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
made materials
Step 4 –learners display man-made materials in the
science corner
Step 5 In Groups learnersanswer questions from
work cards
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 5 -complete the table *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND of natural and man- *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES made materials *Question and answer hand and eye page 16
INTRO coordination Ventures Primary Science and
Natural materials and Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Technology Learners Book
man-made materials Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Grade 3 page 34-47
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
REVISION Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
EXERCISE Step 5.Revising the test
Recap by the teacher on covered work during the
whole week
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
9 Lesson 1 By the end of the *Demonstration identifying Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND week learners *Discussions comparing Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES should be able to: *Collection manipulative page 16
-list down and *Experimentation hand and eye Ventures Primary Science and
Elements, Mixtures describe pure *Group work coordination Technology Learners Book
and Compounds materials *Question and answer communication Grade 3 page 34-47
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen different creativity
Pure materials types of materials observation water
Introduction –Facilitator brought water in the cognitive glass tube
classroom and describe how pure it is problem solving rubber tubing
Step 2 –learners identify pure materials from scientific solvents
pictures. confidence
Step 3 Learners name pure materials
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions and
draw pure materials
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 2 -identify impure *Demonstration manipulative Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND materials *Discussions hand and eye Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES -differentiate pure *Collection coordination page 16
and impure materials *Experimentation communication Ventures Primary Science and
Elements, Mixtures *Group work creativity Technology Learners Book
and Compounds *Question and answer observation Grade 3 page 34-47
Assumed knowledge Learners play with impure cognitive
Impure materials materials at home problem solving water
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson scientific glass tube
Step 1-Facilitator display glass tube,rubber tube in confidence rubber tubing
front of the class and explain why it is called impure identifying solvents
materials observing
Step 2 –learners identify impure materials comparing
Step 3 Learners collect impure materials that are
locally available
Step 4 -In groups learners differentiate pure and
impure materials
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work and drawing
Conclusion -oral discussions
Lesson 3 -demonstrate how to *Demonstration constructing Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND purify water *Discussions cutting Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES - making a filter *Collection identify page 16
paper *Experimentation observing Ventures Primary Science and
Elements, Mixtures -demonstrate how to *Group work manipulative Technology Learners Book
and Compounds purify water *Question and answer hand and eye Grade 3 page 34-47
Assumed knowledge Learners have seen dirty water coordination
Purifying water Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson communication containers
Step 1-Facilitator demonstrate cutting a piece of creativity heat source
paper and make a filter observation filter paper
Step 2 –learners identify a filter paper cognitive sample of pure material
Step 3 Learners cut papers of their own sizes problem solving
Step 4 –Learners practice making a filter scientific
Step 5 Learners purify water by filtration confidence
Step 6 Learners observe and explain how they purify
the water
Conclusion –Learners now compare the pureness of
Lesson 4 -draw and label the *Demonstration manipurative Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND water filter diagram *Discussions drawing Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES *Collection identifying page 16
*Experimentation manipulative Ventures Primary Science and
Elements, Mixtures *Question and answer hand and eye Technology Learners Book
and Compounds Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of a water coordination Grade 3 page 34-47
filter communication
Purifying water Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson creativity containers
Step 2 the materials used to make a observation heat source
water filter cognitive filter paper
Step 3 Learners explain the method used to purify problem solving sample of pure material
water scientific
Step 4 –Learners draw and label water filter diagram confidence
Step 5 Individual written work
Conclusion -oral discussions and revision of work
Recap by the teacher on covered work during the
whole week
Lesson 3 -design tools of own *Demonstration moulding Science and Technology
MATERIALS AND choice *Discussions identifying Syllabus Gr3
STRUCTURES *Collection observing page 16
-group tools *Experimentation Ventures Primary Science and
TOOLS according to their *Group work Technology Learners Book
design *Question and answer Grade 3 page 34-47
Tool design and models Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of different
tools pictures of garden tools
Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson kitchen tools
Step 1-Facilitator demonstrate modelling his/her building tools
own tool bond paper
Step 2 –learners name the tools of their choice pencils
Step 3 Learners sketching the tools of their choice rubber
Step 4 - learners select suitable materials to make a rulers
Step 5 learners model their favourite tool
Step 6 Learners display the artefact on the art corner
Conclusion –singing and dancing
TOOLS Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Technology Learners Book
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Grade 3 page 34-47
REVISION EXERCISE Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Recap by the teacher on covered work during the
whole week
gas Step 2 –learners name the forms of energy cognitive paraffin
Step 3 Learners identify forms of energy from the problem solving diesel
book scientific firewood
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from confidence
the work cards
Step 5 Learners Experiment with teacher objects
which can catch fire.
Step 6 Learners illustrate than fuel can be
solid,liquid or gas
Step 7 –Individuall written work
Conclusion -oral discussions
Step 2 –learners identify renewable fuels from the cognitive paraffin
chart problem solving diesel
Step 3 Learners collect and name renewable fuels scientific
that are locally available confidence
Step 4 -In groups learners answer questions from
work cards
Step 5 Groups report back and facilitator comments
Step 6 Individual written work and drawing
Conclusion -oral discussions
MANAGEMENT Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
Lesson 2 -answer at least 20 *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
questions from the *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
REVISION covered concepts *Question and answer hand and eye Ventures Primary Science and
INTRO coordination Technology Learners Book
HEALTHY AND Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Grade 3 page
SAFETY Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
Lesson 3 *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
-answer at least 20 *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
REVISION questions from the *Question and answer hand and eye page 13-17
covered concepts INTRO coordination
MATERIALS AND Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Ventures Primary Science and
STRUCTURES Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Technology Learners Book
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving Grade 3 page
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
Lesson 4 -answer at least 20 *Problem solving writing Science and Technology
REVISION questions from the *Critical thinking oral Syllabus Gr3
covered concepts *Question and answer hand and eye page 13-17
ENERGY AND FUELS INTRO coordination Ventures Primary Science and
Step 1Recap of the covered concepts scientific Technology Learners Book
Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics concentration Grade 3 page
Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise problem solving
Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test
Facilitator ask challenging questions and solve it as a
Wk Topic /Content Objectives Methodology/Assumed knowledge Competence Reference Evaluation
End Activities Skills S.O.M/ Media
13 By the end of the INTRO writing Science and Technology
END OF TERM week learners Step 1Recap of the covered concepts oral Syllabus Gr3
CLUSTER should be able to: Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics hand and eye page 13-17
EXAMINATION -answer at least 50 Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise coordination
questions from the Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners scientific
covered concepts Step 5.Revising the test concentration
problem solving
REVISION OF END -answer at least 50 Science and Technology
OF TERM questions from the Syllabus Gr3
EXAMINATION covered concepts page 13-17
appreciate the role and impact of ICTs as they apply to self, work and society
develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
be creative and innovative in solving problems through ICTs
infuse ICTs in other learning areas across the curriculum apply moral and ethical approaches to the use of technology and create cultural heritage
awareness, its preservation and development using ICTs.
manipulate data using ICTs
apply the elements and principles of design
present information in a variety of forms
archive cultural information using ICTs
infuse ICT into other learning areas
demonstrate the effectiveness of computer use, safety and security.
demonstrate enterprise skills
Computer Software
Safety and Security
The World Wide Web and Online Collaboration
Uses of software functions of Step 4 Learners discuss the functions of computer software at -I.CT tools
computer school - Intercom,
*Software in the software at Step5-In groups learners practice using intercom,e-learning -computers,
school elearning
school software,remote controls and life support systems software,
Conclusion -oral discussions on the uses of software at school -DSTV
3 COMPUTER -identify the ICT Assumed knowledge Learners are aware computer softwares Information and
SOFTWARE appliances that Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson Communication
use software at Step 2 -learners name ICT appliances that use software in the work Technology
workplace Syllabus Gr 3
Uses of software -describe the page 6-7
Step 3-Learners state the uses of intercom,e-learning software,remote
functions of -I.CT tools
*Software in the controls and life support systems in the work place - Intercom,
workplace Step 4 Learners discuss the functions of computer software in the -computers,
work place elearning
workplace software,
Step5-In groups learners practice using intercom,e-learning
software,remote controls and life support systems
Conclusion -oral discussions on the uses of software in the work
Week Topic/Content Objectives Competence/ Methodology/Assumed knowledge Reference/ Evaluation
Skills Activities S.O.M /Media
4 COMPUTER By the end of the Problem solving Assumed knowledge Learners are able to take photos using their Information and
SOFTWARE lesson learners Critical thinking smartphones Communication
should be able to confidence Introduction –Facilitator explain the key words Technology
-create a word- manipulative Step 1-Facilitator demonstrate inserting images to create a printable Syllabus Gr 3
Text input processing hand and eye document page 6-7
document coordination Step 2-Learners name the ICT tools used to take images or photographs -I.CT tools
*Adding images -insert word art in a Communication Step 3 -learners practise inserting images with thehelp of the facilitator -computers
document Self management -typing tutor
-edit document Step 4 Learners individually insert images
-Ms word
using word Conclusion -oral discussions
-Word pad
processing tools -printers
5 COMPUTER -design a document Critical thinking Assumed knowledge Learners are able to type some words Information and
SOFTWARE with word art Decision making Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson Communication
Leadership Step 1-Facilitator demonstrate typing a text and insert text boxes Technology
-edit document Communication Step 2-Learners use a mouse and a keyboard to insert text boxes Syllabus Gr 3
Text input using word Self management Step 3 -learners practise designing a document with word art page 6-7
processing tools confidence
Step 4 Learners individually insert text boxes -I.CT tools
*Text boxes hand and eye Conclusion -oral discussions on designing text boxes -computers
coordination -typing tutor
-Ms word
-Word pad
6 COMPUTER -design a document confidence Assumed knowledge Learners have types short sentences before Information and
SOFTWARE with word art manipulative Introduction –recap of previous lesson Communication
hand and eye Step 1 Learners demonstrate designing a document with word art Technology
-insert word art in a coordination Step 2 Learners name and identify font types they know Syllabus Gr 3
Text input document Communication Step 3 –learners in pairs practise designing a document with word art page 6-7
Self management
Step 4 Learners individually practice -I.CT tools
*Word art
Conclusion -oral discussions on designing using the word art -computers
-typing tutor
-Ms word
-Word pad
*Font size processing Leadership Step 3 -In pairs learners practice typing a short paragraph putting font -typing tutor
Communication size,font type and font colour -Ms word
*Font type Self management -Word pad
Step 4 –learners individually apply font type,font size and font colour -printers
on their short paragraph
*Font colour
Conclusion -oral discussions
9 COMPUTER -identify given manipulation Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of a memory card,CD and Information and
SOFTWARE storage devices hand and eye DVD Communication
coordination Introduction –Facilitator shows learners a flash disk ,CD and DVD Technology
-insert a storage Syllabus Gr 3
File Management Critical thinking Step 2 -learners identify and name the ICTtools shown on pictures
device page 6-7
*Memory cards Decision making Step 3 Facilitator demonstrate saving documents on the flash disk
-I.CT tools
Leadership while learners watch -CD/DVDs
-retrieve Communication
*CD/DVDs Step 3 -In pairs learners practice saving their documents of a memory -flash disk
information from
card,CD orDVDs -computers
*Flash disk storage device
Step 4 –learners individually retrieve information from storage
Conclusion -oral discussions
*Relevance -delete a Self management Step 2 -learners practise creating their own passwords --I.CT tools
password confidence Step 3 Learners change the existing passwords -smart phones
*Creation Step 3 - learners practice removing a password from their computers -computers
Step 4 -Individually learners create password and remove it in their
Conclusion -oral discussions on creating and removing of password
13 END OF TERM By the end of the Problem solving INTRO Information and
CLUSTER lesson learners
Critical thinking Step 1Recap of the covered concepts Communication
should be able to Step 2.Learners pose questions on challenging topics Technology
EXAMINATIONS Decision making Step3.Individually learners write revision exercise
-answer at least Syllabus Gr 3
20 questions Step 4.Collecting answer sheet from learners
Step 5.Revising the test page 6-7
from all the -I.CT tools
covered topics
Guidance and counselling
1 Topic -identify themselves in -Guidance Photos Assumed knowledge Learners area able to describe
terms of self and themselves
-identity introduction. Councelling Chart of Introduction Facilitator describe her/himself to the class
Junior boys and Dvlpt - Facilitator introduces her/his name singing the song
Content -describe themselves girls “do you know my name”
in terms of sex. page - Learners identify themselves by the song.
-individual self -the game goes until every pupil in the class participation.
-talk about themselves Guidance - Facilitator and learners talk about their different sex.
Concept -Learners stand up infront of others.
in front of others. and
- Learners describe themselves.
A) Myself councelling - Learners recite the rhyme “my self”
B) Sex manual page Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
2 Topic -identify and name Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners belongs to a family
-identity their family members. and family Introduction teacher explains key words
Content -describe their Councelling members Dvlpt - Facilitator and learners recite the rhyme “five in the
-Family families. Junior Pencils family”.
Concept -name and identify syllabus Colours -Class discussion on a family .
a)A family is made up of roles done by their page Crayons - Learners ls identify and name their family members.
different members family members. - Facilitator describe her/his family and pupils describe their
a)Roles of family -draw and colour their Guidance families.
members. family members . and - Learners do role play on works done by their family
-draw and colour their councelling members.
family members. manual page - Learners draw and colour their family members.
11 Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the songs
3 Topic -identify and name Guidance Newprint Assumed knowledge Learners have friends at school or
-identity their friends at home. and Pencils home
Content -identify and name Counselling Crayons Introduction teacher explains key words
-Community and wider their friends at home Junior Dvlpt - Facilitator and learners discuss on people who live
society -draw their own syllabus around them at home.
Concept friends. page - Learners identify their friends at home.
a) Friends at -teacher and people talk about good friends.
home. Guidance -talk about friends at school by teacher and Learners.
b) Friends at and - Learners identify and name their friends at school.
school counselling - Learners identify games they play with their friends at
manual page school.
11 Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the songs
4 Topic -state their rights and Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of children rights
Rights and responsibilities. and different Introduction teacher explains key words
Responsibilities Counselling activities Dvlpt - Facilitator and learner recite the rhyme ‘ini ndiri
Content -recite poems on Junior mwana”
-Children’s rights and children’s rights syllabus -class discussion on children’s rights
- Facilitator state their rights responsibilities.
responsibilities. page
- Facilitator and learners discuss on children’s
Concept responsibilities.
a)Children’s rights. Guidance -Class discussion on problem encounted if the rights are not
b)Children’s and followed or catered.
responsibilities counselling Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
-poem of children’s manual page
rights 12
5 Topic -identify types of Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people being
Rights and abuse and different abused
Responsibilities Counselling cases of Introduction teacher explains key words
Content -describe ways of Junior abuse Dvlpt - Facilitator and learners sing a song ‘zvekubatwa-
-Child abuse reporting child abuse syllabus batwa’
Concept page - Facilitator and learners discuss on different types of abuse .
a)Types of abuse - Facilitator and Learners reate the rhyme ‘ini ndiri
b)Ways of reporting Guidance mwana………’
child Abuse. and -Class discussion on different types of abuse,.
counselling - Facilitator demonstrates some of the abuse case.
manual page - Facilitator and learners describe ways of reporting child
12 abuse.
Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
6 Topic -have full shared Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners know their rights
Rights and confidentially interms and different Introduction teacher explains key words
Responsibilities of describing abuses counselling cases of Dvlpt - Facilitator and pupils discuss on ways of reporting
Content cases or in doing Junior abuse child abuse.
-Share confidentiality different activities. syllabus - Facilitator assure the pupils that it is safe to share their
Concept page confidentiality in terms of describing abuse cases to someone
a)Who should I talk to -acquire knowledge on they trust.
when reporting on abuse. puple who can protect Guidance - Learners reate the rhyme ‘ini ndiri mwana’
b)Who can protect a them reporting an and -Class discussion and describing pictures
child at home,school or abuse case. counselling - Learners tell stories they know
community manual page - Facilitator talk about people who are there to protect pupils
12 at home,school,and the community.
Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
7 Topic -State forms of good Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners behaves well at school
Unhu/Ubuntu behaviour at home and different Introduction teacher explains key words
Content school and in the counselling people Dvlpt -Sing a song ’Mangwanani -mangwanani’
-Respect and tolerance community. Junior - Facilitator and pupils discuss forms of good behaviours at
Concept syllabus home ,school and the community at large.
a)Respect for others -enable learners to page - Learners state forms of good behaviour.
b)Attitudes towards exhibit demonstrate - Learners dramatize respectful behaviour when meeting
vulnerable members of actions of Guidance elders.
society. unhu/Ubuntu values. and -Class discussion on vulnerable members of society.
counselling - Learners identify groups of vulnerable members of the
manual page society.
-identify vulnerable 14 - Facilitator and leaners identify good attitudes towards
members of the vulnerable members of society.
society and creation of Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the songs
inclusive approaches.
8 Topic -identify good moral Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners hve got good manners
Unhu/Ubuntu values which are and different Introduction teacher explains key words
Content acceptable in a counselling people Dvlpt - Facilitator and leaners discuss on social etiquette and
-Social etiquette and society. Junior manners.
manners syllabus - Learners identify good moral values which are acceptable
Concept page in society.
a)Good manners - Facilitator tells a story and pupils identity good moral
b)Drama on good Guidance values in the story.
manners -dramatise good moral and - Learners retell the story told by the teacher.
values. counselling - Facilitator and leaners talk about good moral values.
manual page - Facilitator and leaners talk about good moral values.
14 - Facilitator demonstrate some of good manners in a society.
- Learners dramatise.
Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
9 Topic -distinguish between Guidance Pictures of Assumed knowledge Learners know
Relationships good and bad and family Introduction learners have friends at school
Content relationships. counselling Dvlpt - Facilitator and leaners discuss on families’.
Relating to Junior - Learners describe their families.
self,family ,friends,peers syllabus -Class discussion on good and bad relationships.
and the community. page - Learners distinguish between good and bad relationships
Concept -identify good and bad among family members.
a)Relating to family friends. Guidance -Recap of previous lesson .
members. and - Learners identify their best friends.
b)Relating to counselling - Learners distinguish between good and bad friends.
friends/peers and manual page Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the song paushamwari
community as a whole. 15 hwedu
10 Topic -act out a play on Guidance Chart with Assumed knowledge Learners have friends
Relationships friends agreeing to and different Introduction Recap of the previous lesson
Content something good. counselling people Dvlpt -learners sing a song “paushamwari hwedu tega tega
Junior hedu”
Concept - act out a play on syllabus - Learners take turns telling their friends.
a) Good friends friends agreeing to page - Learners identify good things they do to friends.
b) Bad friends something good. Guidance - Learners discuss importance of having friends.
and -in groups they act a story about agreeing something.
counselling -in groups they act a story about agreeing something.
manual page
15 -discuss as a class good behaviour.
-discuss as a class bad behaviour.
Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the song shamwari
neshamwari dzisinganamate…….
11 Topic -identify different Guidance Assumed knowledge Learners belongs to a family
Family life education family members and Introduction teacher explains key words
Content -describe their families counselling Dvlpt - Facilitator and leaners sing a song ‘five in the
Family tree Junior family’
Concept syllabus - Facilitator describes her family pupils describes their
a)A family is made up page family members which make a family.
of family members -match pictures of -drawing their own families
b)Picture matching different families Guidance - Facilitator and learners discuss on members which make a
and family.
counselling - Facilitator and leaners talk about pictures on the book.
manual page - Learners play a matching game on family members.
16 Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
12 Topic -compare different Guidance Chart with a Assumed knowledge Learners are aware of a family tree
Family life characters of family and family tree Introduction Recap of the previous lesson
Content members. counselling Dvlpt - Learners identify and people they live with and those
Family tree -appreciate their Junior they associate with.
Concept differences syllabus -Class discussion and explanation on why everyone is
a)Parents are very page important
important Guidance - Learners describe and identify characters in the class.
b)everyone is important and - Learners list down the importance of having parents.
counselling - Learners discuss their importance in the family.
manual page Conclusion-Oral discussions on the concept covered
Topic -identify the reasons Guidance Pictures of Assumed knowledge Learners wash hands before having a
13 Health why they wash their and people meal
Content bodies. counselling washing Introduction Facilitator explains key words
Washing our bodies -list points on good Junior hands Dvlpt\
Concept health eg clean syllabus -Class discussion on why having good health.
a)why wash our bodies food ,exercises and page -Facilitator ask pupils why they wash their bodies everyday.
b)why brush our enough sleep. - Learners and teacher discussed o having good diet and
teeth,wash hands etc Guidance enough sleep.
and - Learners demonstrate brushing teeth ,hair in front of the
counselling class.
manual page - Learners take a few exercise inorder to streathen their
14 bodies.
Conclusion-Singing and dancing to the songs