Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education (ADDOE) Synopsis Approval Proforma

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Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education (ADDOE) SYNOPSIS APPROVAL PRO OR!

Name Registration. No. Course Institution "tu#y Center A##ress & %e!e&'one No.

: : : : : :

Neera" #umar $%&'&()&))' MBA (3 Years) Amity Directorate of Distance & n!ine
Education (ADDOE)

$urgaon ()*+ DDA+ ,!ats+ "ector ))+ D-ar.a Ne- De!'i //0012. **%')($$(+

Name an# Designation of 3ro4ect $ui#e %it!e of t'e 3ro4ect Name of t'e organi9ation an# &!ace -'ere &ro4ect is to :e con#ucte#

: :

Mr. Biren#ra 5umar ("r. Accountants) 6Merger an# Ac7uisition8

3aisa 3oint %ec'no!ogies 3;t.<t#.($urgaon)

3!ace : ========== Date : ========= ("ignature of t'e stu#ent) A33R >A< R?C RD (%o :e com&!ete# at AsoD<)

A&&ro;e#@not a&&ro;e#

("ignature of t'e a&&ro;ing aut'ority ) stam&


S/A/E!EN/ O /3E PRO4LE!: Airce! grou& is an In#ian mo:i!e net-or. o&erator 'ea#7uartere# in C'ennai+ t'at &ro;i#es -ire!ess ;oice+ messaging an# #ata ser;ices in In#ia. It is a 4oint ;enture :et-een MaAis Communications Ber'a# of Ma!aysia an# "in#ya "ecurities & In;estments 3ri;ate <imite#+ -'ose current s'are'o!#ers are t'e Re##y fami!y of A&o!!o Bos&ita!s $rou& of In#ia+ -it' MaAis Communications 'o!#ing a ma4ority sta.e of 1CD. Airce! commence# o&erations in /*** an# to#ay t'e !ea#ing mo:i!e o&erator in %ami! Na#u+ Assam+ Nort'E ?ast an# C'ennai. "ome of t'e c'a!!enges face# :y airce! to sur;i;e are as fo!!o-s:Ea) Current Mar.eting %ec'no!ogy is too s!o- 5) "u:scri:er >a!ue MaAimi9ation not &ossi:!e -it' 3us' an# ,orget %actics c) %rue R I Measurement is im&ractica! an# too s!o- #) Fnsca!a:!e Mar.eting a&&roac' for >A" Re;enues e) <ac. of Rea!E%ime #ata for 3ersona!i9ation an# #ynamic ffers f) Mar.eters are consume# -it' Manua! Data 3rocessing g) <imite# Reac' to Rura! 3o&u!ations ') ?nforcing "u:scri:er 3ri;acy an# "&am Contro! i) Mar.eting In;entory cannot :e fu!!y eA&!oite# 63Y IS /3E /OPI1 13OOSEN7 %ig't &rofit margins 'a;e !e# to Airce! &runing o&erations in fi;e circ!es. GIt is &!anning to c!ose #o-n o&erations in Ma#'ya 3ra#es' fo!!o-e# :y Ra4ast'an+ 3un4a:+ $u4arat an# Baryana. A fe- senior com&any eAecuti;es !i.e $ur#ee& "ing'+ "u#'ir Mat'ur 'a;e a!so :een as.e# to !ea;e an# t'e com&any &!ans to su:stantia!!y re#uce t'e -or.force Airce! <t#. is in t'e &rocess of cutting #o-n its o&erations in fi;e circ!es starting -it' Ma#'ya 3ra#es'+ accor#ing to me#ia re&orts. Interesting!y+ eAce&t for 3un4a:+ t'ese are a!so t'e circ!es -'ere t'e com&any #oes not 'a;e 3$ s&ectrum. 3runing of o&erations in t'e circ!es -'ere it #oes not 'a;e 3$ s&ectrum mig't &oint to-ar#s t'e com&anyHs strategy of a rene-e# focus on 3$ ser;ices.

63A/ 1ON/RI4./ION 6O.LD /3E PRO8E1/ !A#E AND /O 63O!7 %'is -i!! :e 'e!&fu! fo Airce! to fu!fi!! its o:4ecti;e to &osition itse!f as a nationa!
:ran# -it' a strong regiona! connect. f course+ t'e o&erator rea!ise#+ from #ay one+ t'at t'e o##s -ere against it. In t'e De!'i circ!e+ for instance+ -'ic' :oasts of t'e 'ig'est te!e#ensity !e;e!s+ it -as &itte# against siA te!ecom o&erators at t'e time of ser;ice !aunc'. Bo-e;er+ -it' more t'an I) :i!!ion in re;enues in Ma!aysia+ In#onesia an# In#ia+ MaAis is no no;ice in t'e sector. Airce! set itse!f an am:itious target of sca!ing u& its user :ase. It &!anne# to #o t'is :y targeting users in a!! segments J cor&orate+ :usiness an# yout'@stu#ents as -e!! as

migrant &o&u!ation from t'e Nort'east+ Kest Benga!+ Bi'ar an# rissa. Inno;ation in tariffs an# ser;ices -as anot'er strategy+ as -as a mar.e# em&'asis on >A". As $ur#ee& "ing'+ c'ief o&erating officer of Airce!+ note#+ 6Affor#a:i!ity is not t'e on!y issue. 3ricing -i!! :e com&etiti;e+ :ut ours -i!! 'a;e to :e a tota! ;a!ue offering.8 In#ian %e!ecom is fast going into a s!um:er J t'an.s to t'e #e!ay tactics+ !ac. of any c!ear cutregu!ations+ %'at is t'e reason %e!cos are getting s7uee9e# & t'e &ressures mounting. It is time t'at t'e %arrifs get :ac. to 6Rea!istic8 !e;e!s so as to a;oiu# suc' instances of o&erations :eing cut #o-n. A!so at t'e same time is a nee# for :etter synergies :et-een %e!cos to attain &tima! &eA Costs foe en'ancing &rofita:i!ties. O48E1/IVE AND S1OPE7

O5"ecti9e 7
%'e o:4ecti;e of t'e stu#y on t'e to&ic 6Sur9i9al Strate:y of Aircel in Indian /elecom L is -'at are t'e &arameters on :asis of -'ic' Airce! is going to #o a goo# :usiness in te!ecom sector+ -'i!e t'ere are num:er of &!ayers in t'e same fie!# i.e. B'arti Airte!+ I#ea+ >o#afone+ B3<+ Re!iance+ Fninar+%ata %e!eser;ices <t# etc.

%'e sco&e of t'e stu#y of t'e &ro4ect 6Sur9i9al Study of Aircel in Indian /elecom8L is to entertain -it' t'e ana!y9ing &arameters -'ic' can affect t'e gro-t' an# accessi:i!ity of Airce! in In#ian %e!ecom among t'e most com&etiti;e an# recessionary en;ironment. By t'is stu#y -e can a;ai! t'e #ata :y -'ic' Airce! can ma.e its &!an to im&!ement its efforts+ so t'at it can :e a &art of 3anEIn#ia %e!ecom.

Researc' met'o#o!ogy is a systematic an# scientific -ay to fin# out t'e ne- conce&ts an# inno;ati;e i#eas to &ro;i#e an out!ine & a frame-or. of any Business Management. Met'o#o!ogy is a &roce#ure or tec'ni7ue a#o&te# in a researc' -or. #e&en#s u&on t'e nature of t'e &ro:!em an# .in# of #ata necessary for t'e so!ution of t'e &ro:!em.

Primary Data7 In t'is met'o# of #ata co!!ection+ one is in;o!;e# -it' t'e strategic
im&!ication of oneHs time+ money an# min#. Be interacts faceEtoEface -it' t'e sourceL so t'at 'e can get an a&&ro&riate in&ut form t'e stu#y.

Secondary Data 7 In t'is #ata co!!ection t'e ana!y9er uses t'ose #ata -'ic' -as
&re;ious!y co!!ecte# :y t'e &ro&ose# com&anies. ,or t'is stu#yL Internet+ 3re;ious researc' -or. an# researc' a:stract an# !iterature can a!so :e u

13AP/ER S13E!E

%'is C'a&ter "c'eme in t'e &ro4ect re&ort is &!anne# to :e as un#er :

1;a,ter ) 1;a,ter $ 1;a,ter < 1;a,ter + 1;a,ter % 1;a,ter = 1;a,ter ( 1;a,ter ' A,,endices and Anne>ures 4i5lio:ra,;y

Intro#uction :4ecti;e an# "co&e Met'o#o!ogy Data Co!!ection Data Ana!ysis ,in#ing Recommen#ations Conc!usion

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