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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In order to enhance the fuel economy of hybrid vehicle and increase the mileage of continuation of jour-
Received 31 August 2010 ney, a fuzzy logic control is utilized to design energy management strategies for fuel cell/battery (FC + B)
Received in revised form 20 May 2012 hybrid vehicle and fuel cell/battery/ultra-capacitor (FC + B + UC) hybrid vehicle. The models of hybrid
Accepted 2 June 2012
vehicle for FC + B and FC + B+UC structure are developed by electric vehicle simulation software ADVISOR
Available online 7 July 2012
which uses a hybrid backward/forward approach. The results demonstrate that the proposed control
strategy can satisfy the power requirement for four standard driving cycles and achieve the power dis-
tribution among various power sources. The comprehensive comparisons with the power tracking con-
Hybrid vehicle
Energy management
trol strategy which is wide adopted in ADVISOR verify that the proposed control strategy has better
Fuzzy logic rationality and validity in terms of fuel economy and dynamic property in four standard driving cycles.
Fuel cell Therefore, the proposed strategy will provide a novel approach for the advanced energy management sys-
Battery tem of hybrid vehicle.
Ultra-capacitor Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0142-0615/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 515
(2) Fuel cell driving and battery charging mode < PB ¼ ðSOCSOC Þ Pc
h l
In this mode, the fuel cell system individually drives the vehicle. Pfc gDC1 ¼ P m PB
If the SOC value is lower than the expected SOC value and the de-
Furthermore, if the demand power is greater than the maxi-
mand power of working condition locates in the range of maxi-
mum power of fuel cell system, the battery must discharge no mat-
mum and minimum out power of the fuel cell system, the out
ter SOC is or is not higher than SOC⁄. The fuel cell system provides
power of fuel cell system must satisfy the demand power and
the demand power with maximum power and the surplus demand
charge the battery. The charging power of battery depends on
power is provided by the battery. The balance relation is shown as
the difference of the present SOC and the expected SOC. The bal-
ance relation of the gross power is shown as follows:
< PB ¼ 0:5ðSOC h SOC l Þ Pc
> Pfc ¼ Pfc;max
ð2Þ ð4Þ
> Pfc gDC1 ¼ Pm þ PB PB ¼ Pm Pfc gDC1
SOC ¼ 0:5ðSOC h þ SOC l Þ
where SOC⁄ is the expected SOC value, SOCh and SOCl are the set va- (4) Regenerative braking mode
lue of maximum and minimum, Pc is the regulation power of SOC,
and gDC1 is the efficiency of unidirectional DC/DC converter. In this mode, the motor turns into power generation mode as
the vehicle decelerates or brakes. The battery recovers energy
(3) Fuel cell and battery combined driving mode and the fuel cell system shuts down.
The FLC for FC + B has two input variables and one output var-
In this mode, if SOC is higher than SOC⁄, the battery must dis- iable. The fuzzy field scope of the motor demand power Pm is set as
charge and the surplus demand power is provided by the fuel cell [1, 1], the fuzzy field scope of SOC is set as [0, 1], and the fuzzy
system. The discharging power of battery depends on the differ- field scope of output power of fuel cell Pfc is set as [0, 1]. The fuzzy
ence of the present SOC and SOC⁄. The balance relation of the gross subset of Pm is divided into {NH, NM, NL, PL, PM, PH}, the fuzzy
power is expressed as follows: subset of SOC is divided into {L, M, H}, the fuzzy subset of Pfc is di-
vided into {L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5}. In this paper, the membership
functions are achieved by inhomogeneous distribution to avoid
over charging and discharging of battery as Fig. 3 shown. In
Fig. 3, the Trapezoid Membership Function is employed for Pm,
the S-type Membership Function, the Z-type Membership Function
and the Triangle Membership Function are employed together for
SOC, the Trapezoid Membership Function is also employed for Pfc.
Fig. 4 is the surface chart of output characteristic.
The fuzzy reasoning rules with 18 items are established for
manipulated variables as Table 1 shown. The form of fuzzy reason-
ing is ‘‘IF Pm is Ai AND SOC is Bi, Then Pfc is Ci’’. All rules are on the
Table 1
Fuzzy reasoning rules.
L L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
M L0 L0 L1 L2 L3 L5
H L0 L0 L0 L1 L3 L4
Fig. 4. Surface chart of output characteristic.
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 517
Fig. 5. Membership functions of input and output variables for No. 1 FLC.
Fig. 6. Membership functions of input and output variables for No. 2 FLC.
basis of practical experience. Mamdani Inference Method is uti- (1) Starting mode
lized to carry out the fuzzy reasoning.
The method of weighted mean (centroid method) is used to In this mode, the battery and ultra-capacitor combined drive
convert the vector into a single value and then the defuzzification the vehicle. The fuel cell system should be activated according to
is achieved. the demand power and SOC of battery and ultra-capacitor after
R preheating. The balance relation of the gross power is expressed
xi lðxi Þdxi as follows:
u0 ¼ R ð5Þ
lðxi Þdxi
Pfc ¼ 0
where xi is the element of a set in the field, l(xi) is the membership PB þ P UC gDC2 ¼ Pm
degree, u0 is the judgment result of fuzzy output.
where PUC is the ultra-capacitor power, and gm is the efficiency of
bidirectional DC/DC converter.
3.2. Fuzzy logic control for FC + B + UC
Table 3
Table 2
Part fuzzy reasoning rules of No. 2 FLC.
Part fuzzy reasoning rules of No. 1 FLC.
1. If (Ps is NH) and (SOC is H) and (CSOC is H) then (PB is Z)
1. If (Pm is NH) and (SOC is H) and (CSOC is H) then (Pfc is L0)
2. If (Ps is NM) and (SOC is M) and (CSOC is M) then (PB is NL)
2. If (Pm is NM) and (SOC is M) and (CSOC is M) then (Pfc is L1)
3. If (Ps is NL) and (SOC is L) and (CSOC is L) then (PB is Z)
3. If (Pm is NL) and (SOC is L) and (CSOC is L) then (Pfc is L2)
4. If (Ps is PL) and (SOC is L) and (CSOC is L) then (PB is PL)
4. If (Pm is PL) and (SOC is L) and (CSOC is L) then (Pfc is L2)
5. If (Ps is PM) and (SOC is M) and (CSOC is M) then (PB is PM)
5. If (Pm is PM) and (SOC is M) and (CSOC is M) then (Pfc is L3)
6. If (Ps is PH) and (SOC is H) and (CSOC is H) then (PB is PM)
6. If (Pm is PH) and (SOC is H) and (CSOC is H) then (Pfc is L3)
518 Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525
are lower than SOC⁄ value and the demand power of working con- satisfy the demand power and charge the battery and ultra-capac-
dition locates in the range of maximum and minimum out power itor. The prior charging power must deliver to ultra-capacitor so
of the fuel cell system, the out power of fuel cell system must that the demand peak power of electrical motor could be provided
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 519
quickly. And then the battery can be charged while CSOC reachs to (4) Fuel cell, battery and ultra-capacitor combined driving mode
SOC⁄. The balance relation of the gross power is shown as follows:
In this mode, if the demand power is greater than the maximum
Pfc gDC1 ¼ Pm þ PB þ PUC gDC2 ð7Þ
power of fuel cell system, the fuel cell system provides the demand
power with maximum power and the surplus demand power is
provided by the ultra-capacitor. If the demand power still cannot
(3) Fuel cell and battery combined driving mode
be satisfied, the battery must discharge whether SOC is or is not
higher than SOC⁄. The balance relation is shown as follows:
In this mode, if SOC of battery is higher than SOC⁄, the battery
must discharge and the surplus demand power is provided by
Pfc ¼ Pfc;max
the fuel cell system. If CSOC of ultra-capacitor is lower than SOC⁄, ð9Þ
Pfc gDC1 þ PB þ PUC gDC2 ¼ Pm
the ultra-capacitor must charge by the fuel cell system. The bal-
ance relation is expressed as follows:
Pfc gDC1 þ PB ¼ Pm þ PUC gDC2 ð8Þ (4) Regenerative braking mode
520 Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525
In this mode, the motor turns into power generation mode as fuzzy field scope of CSOC is set as [0, 1], and the fuzzy field scope of
the vehicle decelerates or brakes. The ultra-capacitor recovers en- output power of fuel cell Pfc is set as [0, 1]. The fuzzy subset of Pm is
ergy firstly. The battery recovers energy as the ultra-capacitor is divided into {NH, NM, NL, PL, PM, PH}, the fuzzy subsets of SOC and
full of energy and the fuel cell system shuts down. CSOC are divided into {L, M, H}, the fuzzy subset of Pfc is divided
The No.1 FLC for FC + B + UC has three input variables and one into {L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5}. For No.2 FLC, the fuzzy field scope of
output variable. The input variables include the demand power surplus demand power Ps is set as [1, 1], the fuzzy field scope
of electrical motor, SOC of battery and CSOC of ultra-capacitor. of SOC is set as [0, 1], the fuzzy field scope of CSOC is set as [0,
The output variable is the required power of fuel cell system. This 1], and the fuzzy field scope of output power of battery PB is set
FLC can rationally assign the demand power of motor to fuel cell as [1, 1]. The fuzzy subset of Ps is divided into {NH, NM, NL, PL,
system and other supplementary power sources according to cur- PM, PH}, the fuzzy subsets of SOC and CSOC are divided into {L,
rent demand power of motor, SOC and CSOC. The No. 2 FLC for M, H}, the fuzzy subset of PB is divided into {NH, NM, NL, Z, PL,
FC + B + UC has three input variables and one output variable. PM, PH}. The membership functions are achieved by inhomoge-
The input variables include surplus demand power of motor neous distribution as Figs. 5 and 6 shown. In Figs. 5 and 6, the Trap-
(Ps = Pm Pfc), SOC and CSOC. The output variable is the output ezoid Membership Functions are employed for Pm and Ps, the S-
power of battery. This FLC can rationally assign surplus demand type Membership Function, the Z-type Membership Function and
power of motor to battery and ultra-capacitor according to current the Triangle Membership Function are employed together for
surplus demand power of motor, SOC and CSOC. The control objec-
tive with the two FLC would be achieved by reducing hydrogen
Table 5
consumption on condition that dynamic property of vehicle is Main hybrid vehicle parameters.
For No. 1 FLC, the fuzzy field scope of the motor demand power
Mass (kg) 1191 Coefficient of rolling drag 0.009
Pm is set as [1, 1], the fuzzy field scope of SOC is set as [0, 1], the Frontal area (m2) 2.0 Coefficient of aerodynamic 0.335
Wheel rolling radius (m) 0.282 Wheelbase (m) 2.6
Table 4 Motor
Parameters of driving cycle condition. Maximum power (kW) 75 Maximum speed (rpm) 6283
Rated voltage (V) 320 Average efficiency (%) 90
Fuel cell system
Time (s) 1369 765 600 1225 Type PEM fuel cell
Distance (km) 11.99 16.51 12.89 10.93 Maximum net power (kW) 50 Average efficiency (%) 56
Average apeed (km/h) 31.51 77.57 77.20 32.11
Maximum speed (km/h) 91.25 96.40 129.23 120.00
Maximum discharging 5C Rated voltage (V) 12
Average acceleration (m/s2) 0.51 0.20 0.67 0.54
Average deceleration (m/s2) 0.58 0.22 0.73 0.79
Capacity 25Ah Number 25
Maximum acceleration (m/s) 1.48 1.43 3.76 1.05
Maximum deceleration (m/s2) 1.48 1.48 3.08 1.39 Ultra-capacitor
Idle time (s) 259 6 45 339 Type PC2500
Number of stop 17 1 5 13 Capacity 2500F
Grade (%) 0 0 0 0 Maximum voltage (V) 2.5 Number 155
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 521
Table 6
Test results of fuel economy.
SOC and CSOC, the Trapezoid Membership Functions are also em- 4. Modeling of hybrid vehicle
ployed for Pfc and PB.
In order to achieve the control objective, alleviate the burden of 4.1. Principle of ADVISOR
fuel cell system and prolong working life of battery, the fuzzy rea-
soning rules with 54 items are respectively established for two FLC. The simulation package Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR)
The part rules are listed in Tables 2 and 3. Similarly, Mamdani was originally developed by the National Renewable Energy Labo-
Inference Method is also utilized to carry out the fuzzy reasoning ratory (NREL) in 1994 to meet the growing need of the transporta-
and then the method of weighted mean (centroid method) is used tion industry for powertrain simulation [22]. ADVISOR is a Matlab/
to implement the defuzzification. Simulink program that relies on a central Simulink model for ac-
522 Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525
(a) UDDS
Fig. 13. Power curves of FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle.
tual simulation calculations. ADVISOR uses a hybrid backward/for- circuit model based on PC2500 model of Maxwell Company is uti-
ward approach that is closely related to the strictly backward-fac- lized to develop the ultra-capacitor model as Fig. 11 shown. The
ing approach. The collections of ancillary Matlab scripts load all the validity of these models was verified by plentiful experiments [22].
necessary data and setup all of the inputs for the Simulink model.
Fig. 7 shows the vehicle input screen from ADVISOR. This screen is
used to load all of the configuration data and start the simulation in 4.2. Simulation parameters
the background.
In this paper, a secondary development for ADVISOR is imple- In this paper, Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS),
mented based on the system architecture of FC + B hybrid vehicle. Highway Fuel Economy Test (HWFET), Urban Schedule 06 (US06),
The loading files are reconfiguration and then a model of Economic Commission for Europe and Extra Urban Driving Cycle
FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle is developed as Fig. 8 shown. A fuel cell (ECE + EUDC) are selected as four standard cycle conditions for
system model based on 50 kW power-efficiency model of Interna- testing vehicle performance. The cycle parameters are shown in
tional Fuel Cell Company is adopted as Fig. 9 shown. A resistance– Table 4. According to the suggestions of Refs. [5,7], the default va-
capacitance (RC) equivalent circuit model is used to develop the lue by ADVISOR is utilized to determine the vehicle parameters.
battery model as Fig. 10 shown. An internal resistance equivalent Therefore, the degree of hybridization is 51.6%, initial values of
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 523
(c) US06
Fig. 13 (continued)
Table 7
Test results of dynamic property.
SOC and CSOC are 0.7, SOCh and SOCl are 0.8 and 0.4. The main hy- Dynamic property FC + B FC + B FC + B + UC
brid vehicle parameters are shown in Table 5. (PTC) (FLC) (FLC)
0–100 km/h Acceleration time 10.4 9.8 9.9
5. Results and discussion 60–100 km/h Acceleration time 5.3 5.2 5.9
0–140 km/h Acceleration time 20.5 22.5 17.3
In order to compare the indexes of fuel economy and dynamic (s)
property of hybrid vehicle, the FLCs are designed for FC + B hybrid Maximum speed (km/h) 156.9 157.4 155.5
vehicle and FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle. In addition, according to Maximum acceleration (m/s2) 4.9 4.9 4.9
Distance in 5 s (m) 52.9 55.2 58.7
four standard cycle conditions, the proposed control strategies
400 m Acceleration time (s) 17.6 17.4 16.9
are contrasted with the power following control strategy which Gradeability (%) 50.1 50.1 50.1
is wide adopted in ADVISOR for FC + B. The speed curves of FLC
524 Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525
for FC + B, FLC for FC + B + UC, and power tracking controller (PTC) are alleviated. In regenerative braking condition, the ultra-capaci-
for FC + B can match with the required speed curves in four cycle tor recovers energy firstly and the battery recovers energy while
conditions. Therefore, three controllers designed can satisfy the the ultra-capacitor is full of energy. Therefore, the ultra-capacitor
speed requirements for four standard cycle conditions. The speed in FC + B + UC structure can give full play to the characteristic of
curves are shown in Fig. 12. fast charging and discharging and prolong the working life of bat-
In Table 6, the boldtypes in the columns represent the optimal tery by less charging and discharging. Comparisons of hydrogen
value of fuel economy. In different cycle conditions, the FLC for consumption in four cycle conditions are shown in Fig. 14. The
FC + B has smaller consumption (L/100 km) than the PTC for FLC for FC + B + UC has the smallest hydrogen consumption under
FC + B. The FLC for FC + B + UC has the smallest consumption (L/ all driving cycles. Therefore, this method can achieve better fuel
100 km) than other methods. Therefore, the conclusion can be economy.
drawn that the FLC for FC + B + UC has better performance in terms
of fuel economy. In Table 7, the boldtypes represent the optimal 6. Conclusions
value of dynamic property. The FLC for FC + B + UC has better per-
formance than other methods in 0–140 km/h acceleration time, In this paper, a fuzzy logic control method which is imple-
distance in 5 s, and 400 m acceleration time. However, the FLC mented in ADVISOR environment is utilized to design relevant en-
for FC + B has better performance than other methods in 0– ergy management strategies for FC + B hybrid vehicle and
100 km/h acceleration time, 60–100 km/h acceleration time, and FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle for the improvement of fuel economy
maximum speed. Furthermore, the maximum acceleration and and mileage of continuation of journey. A secondary development
gradeability are same for three methods. for ADVISOR is implemented based on the system architecture of
Fig. 13 shows power curves of FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle. In FC + B hybrid vehicle. The loading files are reconfiguration and
Fig. 13, the ultra-capacitor can provide the peak power for acceler- then a model of FC + B + UC hybrid vehicle is developed. The results
ation condition so that the burden of fuel cell system and battery indicate that the proposed control strategy can satisfy the power
Q. Li et al. / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 43 (2012) 514–525 525
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