Optimal Energy Trading
Optimal Energy Trading
Optimal Energy Trading
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
dedicated parking lots or underground parking garages at large The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
shopping malls or office buildings, along with other vehicles in II introduces the related work. The system architecture and
urgent need of charging [10]. This motivates the need for a interactive process are elaborated in Section III. Section IV
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) model to realize real-time and presents the supply-demand formulation for charging and
low-loss energy trading. If there is no profit to be made, a discharging a PHEV. The optimization-problem models and
PHEV will not automatically provide the grid with services solution algorithms for non-profit-driven and profit-driven
such as recycling distributed excess energy or replenishing FCECs are explained in Sections V and VI, respectively.
supply when needed due to its rationality and self-interest. This Finally, Section VII concludes the paper.
fact further motivates a need to propose an incentive
mechanism that can comprehensively consider the interests of II. RELATED WORK
multiple entities, including the PHEVs and intermediaries
participating in energy trading. Specifically, the purpose of an A. Fog Computing based IoV
energy supplier is to adjust its energy availability based on
market requirements and the physical constraints of the energy It is estimated that approximately 50 billion ‘things’ will be
system [11], while an energy consumer modifies its demand in connected to the Internet by 2020 [12]. Transferring all data
response to the energy supply conditions. Due to the complex from all connected devices for processing in cloud data centers
space-time dimensions and balanced management requirements will require massive amounts of bandwidth and storage. Not all
of energy distribution, the question of how to handle energy things are connected to the controller via IP; instead, other IoT
pricing and charging and discharging allocation so as to industrial protocols [13] are also used, which necessitate a
optimize the profit of multiple entities poses another key translation process for processing or storing information from
challenge. IoT devices. The term ‘fog computing’, proposed in 2012 by
For a real-time perception and geographic distribution Cisco, is defined as a distributed computing paradigm that
architecture, cloud computing is obviously not the most extends computing power and data analysis applications to the
appropriate choice for providing communication and “edge” of the network [14]. The devices within the fog
environment are known as fog devices and can be deployed at
computation resources. A more advantageous alternative is
any location with connectivity to the network: on a power pole,
fog computing, which technically resides between the cloud on a factory floor, at the side of the road, in a vehicle, inside a
and Internet of Things (IoT) devices and handles processing shopping mall, etc. Fog computing relies on one or more
and storage tasks in close proximity to the user. Thus, we collaborative end users or near-user edge devices for
propose a novel system architecture based on fog computing performing storage, communication, control, configuration,
to support local V2V energy trading for PHEVs and reduce measurement and management functions [15] and offers the
the time cost and energy loss of detour charging in the V2G advantages of shorter delays, location-sensitive responses, and
scenario. To cope with multientity energy transactions under the ability to adapt to applications characterized by extensive
the new heterogeneous framework, we establish two geographic distribution and high mobility. Overall, fog
optimization models for different situations and propose computing contributes to solving various security, cognition,
corresponding algorithms. The main contributions of this paper agility, efficiency and delay problems.
are summarized as follows. An IoV environment requires big data processing, including
In contrast to a remote cloud center, we propose a novel data acquisition, transmission, storage and computation [16].
system architecture based on fog computing for The IoV is a typical application scenario for fog computing, and
many researches have been conducted on this topic. The
real-time energy trading in the IoV and introduce a local
authors of [17] proposed a data analytics framework for fog
market manager, named the fog computing energy center
infrastructures in the fog layer of a traditional IoV architecture
(FCEC), to control energy trading. that offers context-aware real-time batch services at the edge of
Considering typical real scenarios, we establish two the network. A feasible solution that enables offloading for
different optimization models, one for non-profit-driven real-time traffic management in fog-based IoV systems, aiming
FCEC and one for profit-driven FCEC, to maximize the to minimize the average response time for events reported by
interests of the two multilateral trading entities. vehicles, was put forward in [18]. To address location privacy
For these two established models, we design a issues in the IoV, a privacy-preserved pseudonym (P3) scheme
single-objective optimization algorithm based on one- has been proposed in a new paradigm called the
dimensional search combined with the interior point fog-computing-supported IoV (F-IoV) [19]. Considering the
method (ODS-IPM) and a multiobjective optimization constraints on service latency, quality loss, and fog capacity,
algorithm (DP-NSGA-DLS) that is an improved version the process of task allocation across stationary and mobile fog
nodes in vehicular fog computing (VFC) has been formulated
of a well-known nondominated sorting genetic algorithm
into a joint optimization problem [20]. Furthermore, several
papers (e.g., [21-24]) have studied the related energy saving
We conduct extensive simulations and define several and security issues.
performance metrics to validate our scheme. The In summary, the distributed deployment of fog computing
numerical results verify the optimal pricing and energy nodes provides local computing power at the network edge,
allocation for PHEVs as well as the superiority of the enabling abundant IoV services for highly mobile vehicles,
proposed algorithms. including entertainment, safety alerts, traffic safety, analysis of
2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
geographic information, and so on, while also achieving low decision-making has been confined by the grid environment
latency and context awareness. and has not yet been extended to IoV application scenarios in
urban areas. However, beyond charging stations, there are
B. Charging and Discharging Management many public locations with naturally high vehicle densities that
Charging and discharging management for energy trading offer considerable room for optimization to achieve distributed
with PHEVs are important concepts for the smart grid. They are energy management and balanced allocation, such as large
also a hot topic of research for future energy systems for the shopping mall parking lots and office building parking garages.
IoV. Researchers have performed a large amount of work in Therefore, this paper makes the essential contribution of
this area. Previous researches can be divided into three main introducing an FCEC to enable real-time V2V energy trading
categories: (1) charging station deployment strategies for for PHEVs at such social hotspots.
PHEVs [25-28], (2) ordered charging strategies and load
scheduling for multiple PHEVs [29,30], and (3) the joint III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
optimization of the energy pricing strategy and distributed
scheduling for a V2G system [31-33]. A. Motivation
Considering comprehensive factors, the author of [25] At many social hotspots, such as dedicated parking lots,
focused on optimizing the power cost and energy management underground parking garages at large shopping malls or office
strategy for PHEVs. In [26], an optimal plan for distributing buildings and charging stations, many vehicles remain idle for
PHEV charging stations was proposed that considered both long periods of time. The authors of [34] classified these parked
demand-response programs and uncertainties. To reduce the vehicles into three types based on their energy states and travel
significant fluctuations in electricity consumption between plans, namely, vehicles that can complete their travel plans with
peak and off-peak periods in a given community, the author of surplus battery energy, vehicles that have insufficient energy
[27] proposed a novel software-defined network based but sufficient time to charge their batteries to complete their
approach for charging station allocation. The author of [28] trips, and vehicles that are underpowered but do not have time
introduced a type of heterogeneous IoV organized on the basis to charge their batteries. Obviously, the distribution of energy
of a wireless cellular network to collect charging station demand is extremely unbalanced at social hotspots with high
information and used oligopolistic game theory to seek a vehicle densities. Surplus energy exists that cannot be fully
balance between energy utility and owner preference factors. utilized. During the peak charging period, a large number of
For coordinated charging strategies, weight-aggregation PHEVs must wait in line for charging, and this scenario
multiobjective evolutionary algorithms were designed to presents the energy system with great challenges in terms of
optimize PHEV load scheduling in [29]. An autonomous power load and dispatch efficiency. Instead, most PHEVs
real-time charging strategy based on quadratic-constrained should have the option to adopt a more intelligent charging and
mixed integer linear programming for PHEVs was proposed in discharging mode—one that fully considers energy pricing and
[30]. A further consideration was to decentralize the grid mobility constraints to optimize energy transactions in both
infrastructure by using distributed EVs to support the grid, i.e., space and time.
a V2G scheme. This concept was originally presented in [31], Some scholars have considered the V2G model for balancing
in which the energy stored in the batteries of EVs was primarily energy distribution. However, the main grid is typically distant
used to reduce the peak electricity demand. A multilevel system from most social hotspots with high vehicle densities;
was established in [32] to capture charging and discharging consequently, transactions for repurchasing, centralizing and
behavior as well as energy trading between PHEVs and other reselling energy entail considerable energy loss. Meanwhile,
elements of the smart grid. This study utilized a double auction the PHEVs with surplus energy at these locations are not
mechanism to solve the problem of competition among large generally willing to contribute energy to other PHEVs in urgent
numbers of PHEVs. need of charging, which results in further mismatch of the
Even more applications for PHEVs are expected to emerge in energy supply and demand. Considering a time-sensitive and
the future. The V2G, vehicle-to-building (V2B) and V2V low-loss system, we propose a local V2V energy trading
models are all attracting considerable attentions from academia architecture for PHEVs based on fog computing that extends
and industry [33]. For these application scenarios, previous communication and computation resources to the proximity of
researchers have not clearly solved the problems of charge and end users. The proposed architecture enables a PHEV to
discharge decision-making and energy efficiency optimization connect to not only the EPEC but also the local energy network
for PHEVs. More specifically, many studies have merely maintained by the FCEC, thereby allowing PHEVs with surplus
proposed charge and discharge scheduling algorithms without energy to trade energy with other nearby PHEVs that require
seeking to optimize the overall performance of energy trading energy. The need to balance the interests of multiparty trading
at the system architecture level. In our work, we propose a new entities incents us to model and optimize the trading process for
architecture based on fog computing to close the distance the hybrid energy market.
between the control center and a terminal. Second, most
researches have focused merely on optimizing charging station
B. Fog Architecture Entities
deployment, while work focusing on actively attracting PHEVs
to participate in energy market balancing is lacking. Our As shown in Fig. 1, fog computing nodes are deployed at
models fully consider marginal effects and differential benefits social hotspots with high vehicle densities to provide wireless
to encourage more PHEVs to contribute surplus energy. In Internet services and V2V energy trading services for users
addition, research on PHEV charge and discharge within their coverage areas. For convenience, Table 1 defines
2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
the abbreviations that are frequently used throughout this paper. wireless connections. Then, the FCEC sends messages to the
The proposed architecture mainly includes the following charging or discharging PHEVs based on the received
entities. certification messages (indicating whether the authentication
1) CDC: The cloud data center (CDC) is operated by an succeeded or failed) and classifies all PHEVs authenticated
authoritative organization that manages all system and entity within a given time slice into a group. If the prespecified time
registration and publishes the key materials used for system slice has not yet elapsed but the number of certified PHEVs has
initialization. reached a certain threshold, these certified vehicles will be
2) VEF: The vehicle-mounted energy fog (VEF) is an immediately divided into a group. On the other hand, when a
integrated entity abstracted from the distributed computing prespecified time slice has been completed but no PHEV has
infrastructure of the IoV to support energy trading. A VEF node authenticated as a buyer or seller, the time slice is doubled, and
is a fog node deployed at a social hotspot that provides so on. After certification, the PHEVs send information
communication and computation resources for the FCEC and concerning their energy demands or surpluses to the FCEC via
controls the normal operation and maintenance of the FCEC. wireless connections. After collecting all the information, the
3) PHEV: A PHEV is a new type of pollution-free, low-noise FCEC runs the energy trading scheduling algorithm to obtain
electric vehicle that is designed in accordance with green the optimal pricing and scheduling strategy. Finally, the FCEC
concepts of energy conservation and environmental protection. executes the transactions in accordance with the optimal
Equipped with a pluggable two-way charging-and-discharging decision.
interface, a PHEV is more efficient and more suitable for
EPEC Discharging PHEV FCEC Charging PHEV EPEC
operating in a city than a traditional gasoline-powered car.
Moreover, PHEVs play various roles in local V2V energy Register as an Register as an
energy supplier energy consumer
trading at social hotspots: a charging PHEV is an energy
consumer, while a discharging PHEV is an energy supplier. Note the energy surplus and the
EPEC’s energy prices
Each PHEV chooses its own role based on its current energy
state and travel plan when deciding whether to participate in Submit the Submit the
energy supply energy demand
energy trading.
Data flow
Energy flow Implement the optimal
Wireless Network pricing mechanism and
Charging PHEV scheduling algorithm
Discharging PHEV
2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
During the process of energy trading, the charging and PHEV j∈DV, the amounts of energy contributed to the EPEC
discharging PHEVs are interlinked through the FCEC. Each
charging PHEV can buy energy not only from the EPEC, whose and the FCEC are denoted by aj and bj , respectively. The total
unit energy selling price is denoted by mout, but also from the amount of contributed energy cannot exceed the amount of
FCEC, whose unit energy selling price is denoted by nout. surplus energy dj available to be sold. This constraint can be
Similarly, each discharging PHEV can contribute its surplus formulated as shown in Equation (5):
energy to either the EPEC or the FCEC, whose unit energy
repurchasing prices are denoted by min and nin, respectively. a j (bj l j (bj )) d j , j DV , (5)
Thus, at a social hotspot with a high density of vehicles and a where l j (b j ) j (b j )2 j b j is the transmission loss when
VEF node, the FCEC serves as an energy aggregator and
exchanging station, to help PHEVs to stagger their charging discharging PHEV j sells energy to the EPEC; j and j are
during peak charging periods of the EPEC as well as to reduce two constants that represent loss factors. As mentioned before,
their long-distance energy consumption. It should be the unit energy repurchasing prices of the EPEC and FCEC
emphasized that the PHEVs accept the energy losses produced when buying energy from each discharging PHEV are min and
by local transactions, whereas the EPEC bears the energy losses nin, respectively. Thus, the income of discharging PHEV j can
produced by external trading. be expressed as shown in Equation (6):
This section describes the process of energy trading from the In a simple case, the discharging PHEVs can contribute
perspective of the energy consumers. For each charging PHEV energy only to the EPEC, and the net margin is I j (d j ,0) d j min .
i∈CV, the amounts of energy bought from the EPEC and Then, the net margin of each discharging PHEV when selling
FCEC are denoted by ai and bi, respectively. The total amount energy to the FCEC can be expressed in Equation (7):
of purchased energy minus the local energy loss is equal to the
total energy demand. The formula is as follows: M j (a j , bj ) I j (a j , bj ) I j (d j ,0)
2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
benefits from the local market. Instead, a non-profit-driven Ui(·) and Uj(·) are both increasing and concave, and their initial
FCEC adjusts the energy prices (nin, nout) solely to benefit the values are Ui(0)=0 and Uj (0)=0. The increasing assumption is
PHEVs. However, it is important to ensure that the FCEC does based on the rationale that each PHEV will be more satisfied
not suffer economic losses; this constraint can be formulated as when it achieves a greater net margin during energy trading.
shown in Equation (9): The assumed concavity means that the marginal utility of each
PHEV decreases as the net income increases during energy
nout iCV bi nin jDV bj . (9) trading. A similar utility function, featuring both an increasing
Equation (9) means that the FCEC will not sell repurchased trend and concavity, has been applied in [35] and [36]. In this
energy at a loss. Once informed of the FCEC’s energy prices work, the utility functions for the charging and discharging
(nin, nout), each charging PHEV i must determine its energy PHEVs are U(x)=ln(1+x) and U ( x) ln(1 x) , respectively. It is
demand allocations {ai, bi}, and each discharging PHEV j must worth noting that the non-profit-driven FCEC is the optimal
choose its energy supply allocations {aj, bj} to maximize the net case in which PHEVs can achieve the highest net gain from
benefit of both sides. The FCEC should maintain a local energy trading.
supply-demand balance when making scheduling decisions, as
B. Algorithm
shown in Equations (10):
In this section, first, two significant properties of Problem
iCV bi jDV bj . (10)
(OP) are identified. Then, an efficient algorithm is proposed to
By combining Equations (9) and (10) with the constraints solve Problem (OP) based on these properties.
mentioned in Section IV, the optimization problem for the Property 1: When the optimal solution of Problem (OP) is
non-profit-driven FCEC, which seeks the maximum total utility obtained, Constraint (5) is strictly fulfilled, namely,
for the charging and discharging PHEVs, is formulated as
follows, where the capital letters “OP” stand for “optimization a j (bj l j (bj )) d j , j DV . (13)
Property 2: When the optimal solution to Problem (OP) is
(OP): max iCV Ui (M i (ai , bi )) jDV U j (M j (a j , b j )) *
obtained, nout =nin* always holds.
s.t. (1), (4), (5), (8), (9), (10) The two properties above are proven in Appendix I. Property
mout nout (11) 2 indicates that the FCEC does not benefit from local energy
trading, which is consistent with the goal of benefiting only the
nin min (12) PHEVs. Based on Property 1, for each discharging PHEV j, a j
can be replaced with b j to update the net margin (Equation (3))
var. (nin , nout ),{ai , bi }iCV ,{a j , bj } jDV of that PHEV, as shown in Equation (14):
In Problem (OP), the goal is to maximize the sum of the M j (bj )=(nin min )bj minl j (b j ) . (14)
transaction cost reductions for the charging PHEVs and the
increased incomes of the discharging PHEVs. Both Ui(·) and Similarly, for each charging PHEV i, ai can be replaced with
Uj(·) are logarithmic utility functions whose properties will be bi to update the net margin (Equation (7)) of that charging
explained later. Ui(·) represents the utility of charging PHEV i, PHEV, as shown in Equation (15):
which is related to the net margin Mi(ai, bi), while Uj (·)
M i (bi )=(mout nout )bi mout li (bi ) . (15)
represents the utility of discharging PHEV j, which is related to
the net margin Mj(aj, bj). Constraint (11) restricts the selling By combining Equations (14) and (15) and Property 2, Problem
price of the FCEC to be no higher than that of the EPEC (OP) can be converted to the following equivalent optimization
(otherwise, the charging PHEVs would be reluctant to problem (the capital “E” stands for “equivalent”).
participate in local energy trading). Similarly, Constraint (12)
restricts the FCEC’s repurchasing price to be no lower than that (OP-E): max iCV Ui (ci ) jDV U j (c j )
of the EPEC to induce discharging PHEVs to participate in s.t. (mout n)bi mout li (bi ) ci 0, i CV (16)
local energy trading. Problem (OP) has three group decision
variables: 1) the FCEC’s energy prices (nin, nout), 2) each (n min )b j minl j (b j ) c j 0, j DV (17)
charging PHEV’s energy demand allocations {bi, ci}i∈CV, and 3)
each discharging PHEV’s energy supply allocations {bj, cj}j∈DV.
di bi li (bi ) 0, i CV (18)
We use the notations (nin* , nout
) , {ai* , bi* }iCV , and {a*j , b*j } jDV d j bj l j (bj ) 0, j DV (19)
to represent the optimal solution of Problem (OP), where the
superscript “*” indicates optimality. Notably, Problem (OP) is a iCV bi jDV bj (20)
typical nonconvex optimization problem; therefore, finding its
globally optimal solution is extremely difficult. Nonetheless, mout n min (21)
Problem (OP) is always feasible because all constraints are true var. n,{bi ,ci }iCV ,{bj ,c j } jDV
when bi = 0 and bj = 0, without introducing the FCEC.
Considering the rational constraints for consumers and In Problem (OP-E), the goal is to maximize the total utility of
suppliers, we assume that for each PHEV, its utility functions the charging and discharging PHEVs. Based on the properties
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
of the optimal solution, the equivalent transformation reduces Proof: Given n, all constraints of Problem (OP-EE-Sub)
the dimensionality of the decision variables. ci and cj represent form a convex feasible set. According to [37], Problem
the net margins of charging PHEV i and discharging PHEV j, (OP-EE-Sub), along with the convex feasible set and convex
respectively, and they are less than or equal to the net gain for objective function, is a convex optimization problem. ■
the optimal solution. Based on Property 2, the optimal energy In summary, Problem (OP-EE-Sub) is a convex optimization
price n is equal to both nout and nin. Constraints (18) and (19) problem with equality constraints and inequality constraints
ensure that the value of ai for each charging PHEV i and the that can be solved using the interior point method [35].
value of aj for each discharging PHEV j are both nonnegative. Therefore, for each n[min, mout], we propose an algorithm
Constraint (21) is deduced from Constraints (11) and (12). based on a one-dimensional search combined with the interior
The FCEC’s energy price n is a key factor in local energy point method, named ODS-IPM, for solving Problem (OP-EE)
trading. A smaller n means that the selling price is lower; and Problem (OP-E).
consequently, energy consumers gain a larger net margin,
which motivates charging PHEVs to buy more energy from the ODS-IPM algorithm: for solving Problem (OP-EE) and (OP-E)
FCEC. Conversely, a smaller n discourages discharging Input: [min , mout ] , optimization model.
PHEVs from contributing energy to the FCEC because an *
excessively low repurchasing price affects their net margin. Output: n , {bi* , ci* }iCV , {b*j , c*j } jDV .
Thus, the FCEC will have insufficient energy to sell to the 1: Initialization: set an appropriate step size 1 , let n min , and
charging PHEVs. Such an imbalance of supply and demand
will make Constraint (20) invalid, which will eventually set a utility threshold 1 ;
adversely affect the interests of the charging PHEVs. 2: while n<mout do
Consequently, either an excessively small or an excessively 3: Use the interior point method to solve Problem
large n runs counter to the interests of both the charging and (OP-EE-Sub) based on the input and record the optimal
discharging PHEVs. Hence, the FCEC needs to properly solution as {bi , ci }iCV and {b j , c j } jDV ;
regulate the local energy price.
However, it is difficult for the FCEC to find the optimal 4: if V (n) 1 , then
Let n n , 1 V (n) , {b*j , c*j } jDV {b j , c j } jDV ;
energy price because Problem (OP-E) is a nonconvex *
optimization problem [37] associated with three sets of decision
6: end if
variables: n, {bi , ci }iCV , and {b j , c j } jDV . To solve Problem
7: Let n n 1 ;
(OP-E), we present the following proposition.
8: end while
Proposition 1: For each charging PHEV i CV , if di bi
9: return n , {bi* , ci* }iCV , {b*j , c*j } jDV
always holds, then Problem (OP-E) has the same optimal
solution set as the following problem: As shown above, the main idea of the ODS-IPM algorithm is
(OP-EE): max iCV Ui (ci ) jDV U j (c j ) to perform a one-dimensional search with a step size of 1 over
a given interval [min, mout] for n (the WHILE loop from Line 2
s.t. (16), (17), (19), (20), (21) to Line 8). For each n, the ODS-IPM algorithm obtains the
di bi 0, i CV (22) utility value V(n) by solving Problem (OP-EE-Sub) using the
interior point method (line 3). In Line 4, the ODS-IPM
var. n,{bi , ci }iCV ,{bj ,c j } jDV
algorithm obtains the optimal solution, denoted by {bi* , ci* }iCV
The above proposition is proven in Appendix II. Here, bi is and {b*j , c*j } jDV , based on the output of Line 3. Once bi and
* *
the optimal amount of energy for charging PHEV i to buy from b j have been obtained, a for charging PHEV i and a j for
the FCEC. Proposition 1 indicates that Problem (OP-E) can be discharging PHEV j can be derived according to Property 1 and
solved by solving Problem (OP-EE), in which each charging Constraints (1) and (5). Meanwhile, the FCEC’s energy prices
PHEV’s energy demand is sufficiently large that it needs to buy satisfy nin nout n . Thus, Problem (OP) can be solved.
* * *
energy from both the FCEC and the EPEC. This is a common The computational complexity of the ODS-IPM algorithm
case in reality. mainly depends on the efficiency of the one-dimensional search
Given that the FCEC’s energy prices satisfy n[min, mout], and the interior point method. The time complexity of the
indicating that the decision variable n has a fixed value, one-dimensional search is O(logn), and the search space for n,
Problem (OP-EE) can be solved by solving the following which is the non-profit FCEC’s energy price within an interval
subproblem: [min, mout], is small in Problem (OP-EE-Sub). The interior point
method used in the ODS-IPM algorithm mainly relies on a
(OP-EE-Sub): V(n)= max iCV Ui(ci )+ jDV U j(c j ) penalty function (obstacle function) to impose a high “obstacle”
s.t. (16), (17), (19), (20), (22) at the boundary of the feasible domain. When the iteration point
is close to the boundary, the objective function increases to
var. {bi , ci }iCV ,{b j ,c j } jDV prevent the iteration point from crossing the boundary and
To solve Problem (OP-EE-Sub), we present the following ensure that the solution remains within the feasible domain. The
proposition. interior point method has polynomial time complexity and
Proposition 2: Given the FCEC’s energy prices n[min, mout], possesses advantages in terms of convergence and complexity.
Problem (OP-EE-Sub) with the decision variables {bi , ci }iCV
and {b j , c j } jDV is a convex optimization problem. C. Simulation Results and Analysis
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
In this section, we test the fairness index, average energy loss decreases, thus confirming the previous findings. Moreover, the
ratio and time cost to verify the low computation complexity, differences among the utilities of each PHEV are small,
strong fairness and energy savings of the designed architecture indicating that the transactions are relatively fair.
and approach. Furthermore, we present numerical results to
validate the influence of the number of vehicles, the market charging PHEV
1.0 discharging PHEV
price and the demand on the optimal charging and discharging
equal to the EPEC’s prices, are detrimental to the total utility of 0.98
Moreover, the larger the difference is between the EPEC’s min=0.6, mout=1.0
0.96 min=0.7, mout=1.0
selling and repurchasing prices, the greater the utility that the min=0.8, mout=1.0
PHEVs can obtain. One reason may be that a greater EPEC
price variance allows the FCEC more freedom to choose the 0.94
9 min=0.8, mout=1.0
7 15
2 5
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
The FCEC's energy price n 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fig. 3. The PHEVs’ total utility vs. the FCEC’s energy price. The number of charging (discharging) PHEVs
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
A comparison of the three curves for (min, mout) values of reason is that the wider price range of the EPEC makes the
(0.6,1.0), (0.7,1.0) and (0.8,1.0) reveals that they tend to search space for the optimal local pricing larger, and thus, the
stabilize at approximately 0.988, 0.976, and 0.931, respectively, search takes more time.
indicating that when the EPEC’s price variance (i.e., mout-min) is Fig. 9 depicts how the total utility of the PHEVs varies with
larger, the fairness of local trading becomes much better. the energy demand (supply) of the charging (discharging)
Fig. 6 depicts how the PHEVs’ total utility changes with the PHEVs. With an increase in the demand di (or supply dj), the
number of PHEVs under three different energy pricing schemes. total utility of the PHEVs also increases because more energy is
As shown in the figure, the total utility of the PHEVs increases exchanged in the local trading process. A comparison of the
as the number of PHEVs increases because when more energy
three curves reveals that the larger the EPEC’s energy price
can be traded, the net gain of the PHEVs increases. Moreover,
variance is, the more utility the PHEVs can obtain, and the rate
the larger the EPEC’s energy price variance is, the more utility
of increase is also much larger. The primary reason for these
the PHEVs can obtain.
findings is that an excessively small price variance (i.e.,
mout-min) results in a small profit space; therefore, the cost of
min=0.6, mout=1.0
0.07 compensating for the local energy loss when a large amount of
min=0.7, mout=1.0
energy is exchanged through local transactions is high.
The average energy loss ratio
0.02 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5
The number of charging (discharging) PHEVs
Fig. 7. Average energy loss ratio of PHEVs vs. the number of PHEVs. 3
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The energy demand (supply) of each PHEV
To analyze the average energy loss ratio of the PHEVs in Fig. 9. Total utility of PHEVs vs. the energy demand (supply) of each
local energy trading, the following metric, denoted by AL, is PHEV.
iCV fi (bi ) jCV fi (bi )
* *
1 16
AL . (24)
| CV | | DV | iCV (bi* )2 jCV (bi* )2 14
The total utility of the PHEVs
average loss ratio fluctuates within only a small range, and the 8
between the three sets of EPEC prices show that they have an 4
80 min=0.7, mout=1.0
min=0.8, mout=1.0
The total utility of the PHEVs
50 10
20 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2
The number of charging (discharging) PHEVs
Fig. 8. Time cost of ODS-IPM algorithm vs. the number of PHEVs. 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
The EPEC's energy selling price mout
As shown in Fig. 8, the time cost for determining the solution
in which the participating PHEVs gain the maximal utility is Fig. 10. Total utility of PHEVs vs. the EPEC’s energy prices.
roughly linear in the number of PHEVs, demonstrating that the
time complexity of the proposed algorithm is polynomial and Fig. 10 depicts the relationship between the total utility of the
acceptable. In addition, the larger the EPEC’s price variance is, PHEVs and the energy prices of the EPEC. As shown in Fig. 10
the higher the time cost of the ODS-IPM algorithm is; the (a), when the energy selling price mout of the EPEC is fixed, the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
total utility of the PHEVs decreases as the EPEC’s energy (OP-MOS): min f1 (B) (nout iCV bi nin jDV b j )
repurchasing price min increases. This is because that the valid
range for the FCEC’s energy price n is smaller, and the net gain min f 2 ( B) (iCV Ui (M i (bi )) jDV U j (M j (b j )))
from local trading decreases as the price variance (i.e., n-min) (mout nout )bi m out li (bi ) 0, i CV , p 1, 2,..., C
decreases. Similarly, in Fig. 10 (b), when the energy (n m )b m l (b ) 0, j DV , p C 1,..., C D
repurchasing price min of the EPEC is constant, the total utility in in j in j j
bi di 0, i CV , p C D 1,..., 2C D
of the PHEVs increases as the EPEC’s energy selling price mout
increases. This behavior occurs because the valid range for the bi li (b i ) 0, i CV , p 2C D 1,...,3C D (31)
FCEC’s energy price n becomes larger and the net gain of local g p ( B)= d j b j l j (b j ) 0, j DV , p 3C D 1,...,3C 2 D
b 0, j DV , p 3C 2 D 1,...,3C 3D
trading increases as the price variance (i.e., mout-n) increases. j
nout mout 0, p 3C 3D 1
nin nout 0, p 3C 3D 3
A. Problem Modeling
This section mainly considers the trading problem managed h( B) iCV bi jDV b j 0 (32)
by a profit-driven FCEC, which must control the local energy T
Here, B={nin, nout, {bi}i∈CV, {bj}j∈DV} is a (D+C+2)-dimensional
pricing to balance the interests of the charging and discharging decision variable, and gp(B) is the standardized constraint set,
PHEVs while optimizing its own profits. This issue is a typical with p being the index of the constraints. Constraint (32) is the
multiobjective optimization problem in which the first standardized version of Constraint (28), which ensures the
optimization goal is to maximize the net income of the EPEC supply-demand balance.
and the second one is to maximize the total utility of the PHEVs
B. Algorithm Design
during local trading. Because the FCEC also seeks to maximize
its own economic benefits, Property 2, presented in Section V, In profit-driven local energy trading, conflicts of interest
is no longer true; however, the remaining constraints must still exist between the FCEC and the PHEVs. Hence, there is no
be satisfied. Thus, the optimization problem for a profit-driven optimal solution that can achieve both maximization goals of
FCEC is modeled as follows, where “OP” stands for Problem (OP-MOS); however, the solution approach can seek a
“optimization problem” and “MO” stands for “multiobjective”. set of noninferior solutions (also known as nondominated
solutions or Pareto solutions) [37]. To obtain the Pareto
(OP-MO): max nout iCV bi -nin jDV b j solutions for Problem (OP-MOS), we improve the Nondomin-
max iCV Ui(M i(bi ))+ jDV U j(M j(b j )) ated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) [40], a fast
algorithm with an elitist strategy, which is one of the most
s.t. (mout -nout)bi mout(
li bi) 0, i CV (25) popular multiobjective genetic algorithms. The improved
version of this algorithm is called DP-NSGA-DLS, an
(nin min)b j min(
l b j) 0, j DV (26) abbreviation for dual population - NSGA - density local search.
d j bj l(
j b j) 0, j DV (27) Compared with the original NSGA-II algorithm, the
improvements are as follows: 1) We introduce a normal-
iCV bi jDV bj (28) distribution crossover operator (NDX) in place of the original
simulated binary crossover operator (SBX); 2) We add a
d i bi 0, i CV (29) population of infeasible solutions, resulting in dual populations;
mout nout nin min (30) 3) We add a local search of the sparse solutions in each iteration.
The details of the improvements are described below.
var. nin , nout ,{bi }iCV ,{bj }jDV Normal-Distribution Crossover Operator
In Problem (OP-MO), the first objective function seeks to To enhance the spatial search capability of the NSGA-II
maximize the net gain of the FCEC, which is obtained by algorithm, we replace SBX with NDX. In [41], in a
subtracting its costs from its revenues; the second objective one-dimensional search, NDX generated a better exploration
function seeks the maximum total utility of the charging and space than SBX did, enabling it to escape local optima and
discharging PHEVs. Based on Property 1, Constraints (25) and obtain Pareto solutions faster. Based on the chromosome vector
(26) guarantee that the net gains of the charging and B={nin, nout, {bi}i∈CV, {bj}j∈DV}T, which consists of several
discharging PHEVs are nonnegative. Constraint (27) indicates variables (called genes), we first select two parent
that the amount of energy sold to charging PHEVs from chromosomes B1 and B2 that have different genes, such as
discharging PHEV j can be no greater than the amount of different nin or nout values. Then, we cross them to form
available energy of this discharging PHEV. Constraint (28) daughter chromosomes. The computational procedure of NDX
represents the law of supply and demand equilibrium. As in for gene i is described as follows.
Proposition 1, Constraint (29) represents the common case in 1) Generate a random number u ∈ U(0,1), where U(0,1)
which each charging PHEV’s energy demand is sufficiently represents the uniform distribution on the interval [0,1].
large that it needs to buy energy from both the FCEC and the 2) If u 0.5 , then the daughter chromosomes are:
EPEC. To match the standard form of a convex optimization
B +B 1.481( B1,i B2,i ) | i |
problem [38], the original maximization-based optimization Bˆ1,i = 1,i 2,i
goals are reformulated as minimization-based goals. Thus, 2 2 . (33)
B + B 1.481( B B2,i ) | i |
Problem (OP-MO) is converted into the following Problem Bˆ 2,i = 1, i 2 , i
1, i
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
3) If u 0.5 , then the two daughter chromosomes are: Let us assume that the sum of the population is T, meaning that
B +B 1.481( B1,i B2,i ) | i | there are T solutions, and let the objective vector for the ith
Bˆ1,i = 1,i 2,i solution Bi to be denoted by (f1(Bi), f2(Bi)). Then, the normalized
2 2 . (34) formula for the target function is as follows:
ˆB = B + B 1.481( B B2,i ) | i |
1, i 2 , i
1, i
f j ( Bi ) f j min
, j 1,2 ,
2, i
2 2 f j ( Bi ) (36)
In the above NDX formulas, i N (0,1) is a random variable f j max f j min
that follows a normal distribution, the index i indicates different
where fjmin and fjmax are the maximum and minimum values,
genes, and B̂1 and B̂2 are the two new individuals that result respectively, of the jth objective function. After normalization,
from applying the NDX crossover operation on parent chrom- the degree of sparsity of Bi can be calculated as
osomes B1 and B2.
Infeasible Solution Population SP( Bi ) , (37)
Constraint-processing technology plays an important role in T
multiobjective optimization algorithms. Currently, the main where T is the number of solutions and ti is the number of target
constraint-processing method is the penalty function method vectors whose Euclidean distances from the objective function
[37]. However, the basic penalty function method is not f(Bi) are less than r (0 < r <1). Similar to [42], we set r = 0.1.
particularly effective for multiple optimization targets. SP(Bi) represents the degree of sparsity of solution Bi and can
Therefore, some scholars have proposed the idea of using a dual help to determine a better solution search direction.
population structure [41] that includes an infeasible solution A search algorithm based on sparse solutions has two
population. The dual population storage mechanism avoids advantages. One is that it effectively enhances the search
direct comparisons between feasible and infeasible solutions, process in the space near sparse solutions when the solutions
and it retains a certain number of infeasible solutions to are unevenly distributed. The other is that the minimum density
promote better population diversity. We introduce an infeasible corresponds to the solutions at both ends of the distribution, and
solution population into NSGA-II to obtain the improved thus, focusing on sparse solutions allows the algorithm to
DP-NSGA algorithm, which searches a wider space. For the explore beyond the edges of the current solution region, thus
evaluation of the infeasible solutions, we propose the following increasing the solution space.
two definitions. To further improve the DP-NSGA algorithm, a mutation
Definition 1: A violating function measures the degree to strategy based on extremal optimization [42] is used to produce
which an infeasible solution violates the constraints of the a new population around each sparse solution to enhance the
problem. Such a function can be formulated as shown in solution accuracy. To obtain each local solution, it is necessary
Equation (35): to change only one decision variable in the sparse solution
3C 3 D 3 when using the extremal-optimization-based mutation
G ( B) (max(0, g p ( B))2 (max(0,| h( B) |))2 (35) algorithm. We denote the current sparse solution by
p 1
where gp(B) is the standardized constraint set, with p being the B=(b1,b2,,bk), where k is the number of decision variables.
index of the constraints, and h(B) is the supply-demand balance Then, the number of new solutions generated by the
constraint. We use the value of the above expression to evaluate extremal-optimization-based mutation strategy is k, and the
the degree of violation of an infeasible solution, i.e., the degree variation formula is as follows:
to which gp(B) and h(B) are not met. For a feasible solution, Bi (b1 ,..., bi,..., bk ), 0<i k
G(B) is equal to 0.
bi bi max (bi ), 0<i k
Definition 2: An excellent infeasible solution is an infeasible
solution BIF with the following properties: i) ∃B∈P such that 1
(2 ) 1, if 0.5
q 1
BIF < B or B P such that B < BIF; and ii) G ( B ) . Here, (38)
P is a Pareto-optimal solution set, B is a Pareto-optimal solution,
and is a small constant that represents the acceptable degree 1 [2(1 )] q 1
, otherwise
of violation. In this paper, we set ε = 0.5. max (bi ) max(bi llimit , ulimit bi ), 0<i k
Based on the above two definitions, several excellent
infeasible solutions are chosen and stored as an additional Here, bi is the ith decision variable, which is changed to generate
population; then, these solutions are used in combination with solution Bi, and bi is its optimal mutation; λ∈U(0,1) is a
the feasible solution population in the next iteration to produce random number that follows a uniform distribution; q is a
individuals with better traits. positive real number called the shape parameter, which is set to
Local Search of Sparse Solutions 11, in accordance with [42]; and βmax(bi) is the maximal
A multiobjective problem has more than one optimal perturbation allowed between the original and mutated values
solution; thus, it is necessary to guarantee the distribution of the decision variable bi.
properties of its solutions. Here, we evaluate a solution based In the extremal optimization variation method, only one
on its density. A solution with a low density in the Pareto set is decision variable is changed at any time. This approach endows
defined as a sparse solution. Before defining a formula for the the method with a strong fine-tuning ability but a small search
degree of sparsity, we need to normalize the objective functions scope. To increase the algorithm’s convergence rate, a local
to obtain their standard Euclidean distance, which can be used random search strategy is used to generate a new population.
to determine the degree of similarity between two target values. We denote the current sparse solution by B=(b1, b2,, bk) and
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Things Journal
Fq SortPopulation popc ; 6
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Things Journal
Fig. 11 compares Pareto solution sets obtained by the obtained by DP-NSGA-DLS is larger than that obtained by
DP-NSGA-DLS and NSGA-II algorithms after 1000 iterations. NSGA-II.
As seen from the figure, the Pareto plane of DP-NSGA-DLS As shown in Fig. 13 (b), the FCEC’s average total profit in
lies significantly closer to the outside of the diagram than the the Pareto solution set obtained by DP-NSGA-DLS always
Pareto plane of NSGA-II does, meaning that the values exceeds that in the Pareto solution set of NSGA-II. As in the
obtained by DP-NSGA-DLS for both objectives are case of the average total utility of the PHEVs, DP-NSGA-DLS
substantially larger. Moreover, the relationship between the has converged after approximately 600 iterations, whereas
profit-driven FCEC’s total profit and the total utility of the NSGA-II has not yet converged. At 1000 iterations, the value
PHEVs is negatively correlated, indicating that the FCEC’s achieved by DP-NSGA-DLS is better than that achieved by
total profit decreases as the PHEVs’ total utility increases. This NSGA-II, demonstrating the superiority of the improved
is consistent with common sense. In summary, the results of the algorithm.
improved DP-NSGA-DLS algorithm are better than those of DP-NSGA-DLS
NSGA-II. This finding can be attributed to the introduction of a 12 NSGA-II
where P is the achieved Pareto solution set and d is the
average of all di values. If the spacing metric is equal to 0, the 6
For the Pareto solution sets generated by the NSGA-II and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The total utility of the PHEVs
DP-NSGA-DLS algorithms after 1000 iterations, the values of (b) The 250th iteration
the spacing metric are 0.0674 and 0.0516, respectively, 14
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
two groups of variables show significant differences. These
tests further demonstrate the superiority of the improved
The PHEVs' average total utility
6 algorithm.
and a profit-driven FCEC were both considered. For each type
of FCEC, the corresponding trading optimization problem was
modeled, and a relevant algorithm was proposed to efficiently
solve for the optimal solution. The numerical results reveal that
2 PHEVs benefit more from local trading managed by an FCEC
1 than they do from trading directly with the EPEC. In addition,
the larger the EPEC’s energy price variance is, the greater the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 net gain the PHEVs can obtain. For a profit-driven FCEC, the
The number of iterations
(b) proposed DP-NSGA-DLS algorithm is superior to the existing
Fig. 13. Pareto solution sets vs. number of iterations. NSGA-II algorithm in terms of the convergence rate, the final
objective value and the evenness of the Pareto solution set. In
14 particular, the evenness of the Pareto solution set obtained by
DP-NSGA-DLS DP-NSGA-DLS is 23% better than that of the Pareto solution
13 NSGA-II set obtained by NSGA-II. Compared with a pure V2G scheme,
The maximum social welfare
12 our scheme can allocate energy more evenly and greatly reduce
energy losses while optimizing the overall welfare of multiple
11 trading entities.
In future work, we will fully consider the privacy of users
and design a secure energy trading mechanism that can resist
9 single-point attack resulting in a compromised FCEC. Further-
more, a combined management approach in which the FCEC
and EPEC competitively (or cooperatively) adjust their own
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 energy prices to benefit both themselves and the PHEVs will be
The time cost
Fig. 14. Maximum social welfare vs. the time cost.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2906186, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
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