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Keywords: Fuel cell (FC) is an ideal power source for electric vehicles with high efficiency and little pollution. However,
Hierarchical control with its weak dynamic reaction, it needs to be used in combination with other energy storage devices, and the
Fuel cell vehicle coupling of multiple energy sources makes it difficult to fully utilize the system performance. Meanwhile, the cost
Composite energy storage
and durability of FC hinder its commercialization. This paper takes the composite energy storage system
Energy management
Life balance
composed of FC, battery (BAT) and ultracapacitor (UC) as the research object. In order to improve the system
Hardware-in-the-loop performance, a hierarchical energy management strategy is proposed based on the analysis of the relationship
between UC output power and vehicle demand power under dynamic programming (DP) strategy, taking into
account the vehicle energy consumption and energy source lifetime. A fuzzy control based on speed prediction
and a dynamic state-of-charge (SOC) threshold control optimization algorithm of UC based on working condition
recognition are designed to optimize the hierarchical control strategy. In the upper layer strategy, for realizing
the online real-time distribution of UC output power, the generalized regression neural network is used to learn
the relationship between UC output power and demand power under DP strategy; in the lower layer strategy, the
power of the FC and BAT is distributed using an equivalent energy minimization strategy. Based on above
strategy, this paper proposes a life balance control strategy for energy sources to maximize the lifetime of the
composite energy storage system. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed strategy has a
comparable life-cycle average operating cost to the DP strategy with better life mileage.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hujianjun@cqu.edu.cn (J. Hu).
Received 12 July 2022; Received in revised form 18 October 2022; Accepted 19 October 2022
Available online 29 October 2022
0196-8904/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
hybrid vehicle. Kaya and Hames [21] proposed a hydrogen fuel saving frequency power, enhancing the lifespan of fuel cell and the dynamic
control strategy and a life cycle saving control strategy. The strategies performance of electric vehicles.
were applied to different road models, including the stop–go road model In the above literature, when considering the FC life, instead of
and the uphill-downhill model. Both strategies improved the vehicle fuel directly taking into account the FC life degradation in the control
economy and life cycle of the system components compared with the strategy objective function, most of them extend the service life by
state machine control strategy. limiting its working state, such as limiting FC power fluctuation, setting
Optimization-based strategies can be further classified into global power upper and lower limits, or reducing the start/stop times of FC,
optimization strategies and local optimization strategies. The dynamic etc., which could not obtain the best optimization effect. Additionally, in
programming algorithm (DP) is a classical global optimization algo current studies, UC is mostly used as an auxiliary energy source to fill in
rithm that can obtain an ideal result [22–25]. Li [26] designed a the power gaps left by FC and BAT. However, since UC has a high power
multidimensional DP algorithm to solve an optimization problem that density, instantaneous high power charge and discharge capabilities,
takes into account both fuel economy and FC performance degradation and a long cycle life, it has the potential to significantly reduce the strain
rate. Although the control approach based on the global optimization on FC and BAT and enhance the dynamic performance of the vehicle if
algorithm can effectively increase the energy efficiency of the composite its utilization rate can be increased.
energy storage system, its drawback of requiring advanced knowledge of In this paper, for the three-energy source composite energy storage
future working conditions makes it challenging to implement in system, based on the analysis of the relationship between UC power and
practice. demand power under the DP strategy, a hierarchical energy manage
Considering the real-time application of control strategies, local ment strategy with life balance control is proposed for composite energy
optimization strategies are developed, such as Model Predictive Control storage fuel cell vehicles, taking into account the vehicle energy con
(MPC) [27–28] and Equivalent Consumption Minimum Strategy (ECMS) sumption, energy source life, and the balance of energy source life. This
[29–32]. Sellali et al. [27] designed a MPC framework for FC/BAT/UC strategy effectively increases the anticipated vehicle life mileage and
vehicle, which minimized battery degradation, prolonged the service lowers the comprehensive operating cost.
life and reduced economic cost. Although the MPC technique helps the The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the
car get greater fuel economy, it still has heavy computational load and model of powertrain, including FC, BAT and UC, is described. In Section
lengthy computation time that make real-time control difficult. The 3, the hierarchical energy management strategy is proposed and opti
ECMS does not need to anticipate future working conditions, and the mized. In Section 4, the hierarchical strategy is further improved by
computational effort is much smaller than that of the global optimiza adding a life balance control of energy sources; simulation and
tion strategy, but its optimization result is significantly affected by the hardware-in-the-loop testing are performed to verify its effectiveness.
equivalence factor. Li et al. [30] used an ECMS for power allocation of Finally, conclusions are drawn.
FC/BAT/UC trams to improve the system economy, but the equivalent
hydrogen consumption of UC was neglected in their ECMS objective 2. Power system modeling
function. Subsequently, Li et al. [31] proposed an online adaptive
equivalent consumption minimization strategy for composite energy The powertrain structure of the fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle
storage fuel cell vehicles, which adjusts the equivalence factor and the (FCHEV) in this study is shown in Fig. 1. An electric motor drives the bus
dynamic current change rate of FC according to the state of health of FC with a hybrid power source composed of a proton-exchange-membrane
and BAT to extend the service life of FC and BAT. Jiang et al. [33] fuel cell (PEMFC) system, a lithium-ion battery system and an ultra
proposed a real-time energy management strategy based on a two- capacitor system. A unidirectional DC/DC converter has been used with
dimensional Pontryagin’s Minimal Principle, which can approximate the fuel cell system to enhance its voltage level towards the desired level
the optimal strategy of DP. Tao et al. [34] used the wavelet transform to and sustain this at the outputs. A bidirectional DC/DC converter has
separate the high-frequency power and used ECMS to distribute the low- been adopted at the side of the ultracapacitor system, where it works as a
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
{ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ( ) }0.55
∑ 0.55 dt
− 31329.7
Qloss = N⋅ (1.169e − 0.3375n + 0.146e 0.1271n )⋅e (− 0.1494+0.1494n) ⋅ nI1 ⋅B1 e RT , n⩽10
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Fig. 2. The power distribution curve of the three energy sources and the relationship between UC output power and motor demand power.
2.3. Ultracapacitor modeling voltage of UC and Uuc_min is the minimum voltage of UC.
Uoc − Uuc min
The equivalent circuit model of capacitor and resistor in series is SOCuc = (10)
Uuc max − Uuc min
adopted for UC, and the UC current Iuc is calculated according to the
capacitor demand power Puc as shown in Eq. (9), where Uoc is the UC
3. Hierarchical energy management strategy and optimization
terminal voltage and Ruc is the UC internal resistance.
Taking into account the power coupling effect of the composite en
Uoc − U 2oc − 4Ruc Puc
Iuc = (9) ergy storage system, a hierarchical energy management strategy is
2Ruc proposed in this section. A fuzzy control based on vehicle speed pre
The SOCuc is calculated from Eq. (10), where Uuc_max is the maximum diction and a dynamic threshold control of ultracapacitor SOC based on
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Fig. 2. (continued).
working condition recognition are developed to optimize the strategy. source life economy includes the life degradation cost of FC and BAT.
k=k max
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Fig. 2. (continued).
⎪ JH2 (k) = ΔmH2 × priceH2 battery price; Qbat is the battery pack capacity; Ubat is the battery pack
⎪ voltage.
⎪ J (k) = (Pbat (k) + Puc (k) ) × dt × priceele
⎪ ele
⎨ Based on the DP strategy, the power distribution of the three energy
Jfc (k) =
× pricefc × Pfc (12) sources and the relationship between the UC output power and the
⎪ 10% motor demand power under nine typical cycle conditions are simulated
Ah on the Matlab/Simulink platform, as shown in Fig. 2. Among the nice
⎩ Jbat (k) = × pricebat × Qbat × Ubat
Ah (20%) typical conditions, MANHATTAN, NYCC and INDIA_URBAN are urban
conditions; UDDS, NEDC and IM240 are suburban conditions; HWFET,
where, ΔmH2 is FC hydrogen consumption; priceH2 is the hydrogen price; WVUINTER, and US06_HWY are highway conditions.
Pbat (k), Puc (k) is the BAT and UC output power at moment k; priceele is By analyzing Fig. 2, it can be found that there is a certain relationship
the residential electricity price; ΔPfcloss is the FC life degradation per between the UC output power and the motor demand power: 1) the UC
centage; pricefc is the FC price; Pfc is the FC system power; Ah is the BAT output power varies approximately linearly with the demand power. 2)
cumulative ampere-hours; Ah (20%) is the cumulative ampere-hours The scatter plots for all nine drive cycles have similar region 1, where the
when the battery capacity degradation up to 20 %; pricebat is the demand power at these moments is mainly provided by UC. 3) The
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Table 4 Table 5
Equivalent factors of typical cycles for DP optimization. Comparison of simulation results of each strategy.
Driving Drive cycle name Battery charge/ Average value Parameter DP Rule-based Hierarchical
condition discharge strategy strategy strategy
equivalence factor
Hydrogen consumption (g) 71.37 111.5 124.4
Urban INDIA_URBAN 0.9698/1.0211 0.9689/ Electricity consumption 2.995 2.27 2.425
MANHATTAN 0.9694/1.0206 1.0229 (kWh)
NYCC 0.9693/1.0206 Fuel cell life degradation (%) 2.4 × 10-3 4.04 × 10-3 2.909 × 10-3
Suburban UDDS 0.9696/1.0218 Battery capacity degradation 5.2 × 10-2 2.85 × 10-3 5.643 × 10-2
NEDC 0.9686/1.0227 (%)
IM240 0.9673/1.0237 Comprehensive operating 15.58 22.21 19.53
Highway HWFET 0.9676/1.0269 cost (yuan)
US06_HWY 0.9648/1.0317
WVUINTER 0.9696/1.0254
each condition is taken as the charge/discharge equivalent factor of the
battery in the ECMS.
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Fig. 7. The prediction results of LSTM network speed predictor under WLTC cycle.
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
of ultracapacitor SOC under different driving conditions is analyzed, and selected as the input of the fuzzy controller, and the UC power modifi
a dynamic threshold control algorithm of ultracapacitor SOC based on cation coefficient k is obtained by the logic operation of the fuzzy
working condition recognition is proposed, which further strengthens controller. The modified UC output power Puc is shown in Eq. (17).
the adaptability of the hierarchical control strategy to different driving {
PGRNN ⋅(k + 1), k > 0
conditions. Puc = (17)
PGRNN ⋅(k − 1), k < 0
Fig. 6 shows the structure schematic of the optimized hierarchical
energy management strategy. Based on the future working condition
information provided by the vehicle speed prediction and the current 3.3.2. Dynamic threshold control of ultracapacitor SOC based on working
ultracapacitor SOC, the UC output power is corrected by fuzzy control condition recognition
and dynamic threshold control. Due to its low energy density, the UC’s SOC changes quickly, and
thus the threshold value of SOC has an impact on its utilization. In
3.3.1. Vehicle speed prediction and fuzzy control different driving conditions, the operation status and output ratio of UC
In this study, Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) is used for will also be different. In this section, by analyzing the characteristics of
speed prediction, and the training data consists of the nine standard different driving conditions, a SOC dynamic threshold control algorithm
working conditions used in Section 3.1. The prediction results of the of UC based on working condition recognition is proposed, and the UC’s
trained speed predictor under WLTC conditions are shown in Fig. 7, SOC threshold value is dynamically adjusted according to the results of
from which it can be seen that the predicted speed can follow the actual working condition recognition to further optimize its utilization rate.
speed and can provide proper information about the future speed for the The clustering algorithm used in [42] classifies the vehicle driving
hierarchical energy management strategy. conditions into urban congestion, suburban and highway conditions and
Since the pre-charge and pre-discharge of UC is mainly related to its constructs a condition recognizer based on GRNN to identify the vehicle
current SOC and future power demand Pnext, these two variables are driving conditions.
The dynamic threshold control strategy of ultracapacitor SOC is to
Fig. 9. Simulation results of hierarchical energy management strategy before and after optimization.
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
Table 6 Table 7
Comparison of before and after optimization of hierarchical energy management Parameter setting of genetic algorithm.
strategy. Parameter Value
Parameter DP strategy Hierarchical Hierarchical
Population size 20
strategy strategy
Target parameters [μ, kbat_min, kbat_max]
before after
Initial population generation interval [0.4 0.65 1; 0.7 0.9 1.35]
optimization optimization
Crossover rate 0.7
Hydrogen consumption 71.37 124.4 120.6 Mutation rate 0.01
(g) Number of iterations 40
Electricity consumption 2.995 2.425 2.62
Fuel cell life degradation 2.4 × 10 -3
2.909 × 10 -3
2.375 × 10-3 4. Hierarchical energy management strategy with life balance
(%) control and its verification
Battery capacity 5.2 × 10-2 5.643 × 10-2 4.647 × 10-2
degradation (%)
Comprehensive operating 15.58 19.53 17.15 The service life of the composite energy storage system depends on
cost (yuan) the power source with the shortest life span, and the different expected
Energy cost (yuan) 4.80 6.55 6.53 lifetimes of the power sources will inevitably have a negative impact on
the lifetime of the composite energy storage system. Therefore, a hier
archical energy management strategy with life balance control for FC
optimize the adaptability of hierarchical control strategy to different
and BAT is proposed in this section, aiming at a better life mileage and
working conditions and to better exploit the characteristics of UC. 1) In
economy of the studied fuel cell composite energy storage system
urban congestion conditions, since the vehicle speed is low and accel
without replacing the energy source.
eration and deceleration are frequent, the UC needs to switch modes
frequently. Therefore, the upper limit of SOC should be larger to avoid
the shock of high current to the power battery due to insufficient
4.1. Life balance control of energy sources
available capacity of UC. 2) In suburban conditions, the time of vehicle
acceleration and deceleration is reduced compared to urban conditions,
In the composite energy storage system studied in this paper, the
but the vehicle speed increases and the instantaneous power required for
main power sources are FC and BAT, and UC is responsible for providing
acceleration and deceleration increases. Thus, the upper limit of the
instantaneous peak power or performing braking energy recovery. Since
ultracapacitor SOC should be moderate at this point so that it has
UC has excellent cycle life, only the life balance of FC and BAT is
enough charge to provide peak acceleration power and enough available
considered in this paper. To evaluate the comprehensive economy of the
capacity to recover the braking energy. 3) In the high-speed condition,
power system over its life cycle, this paper introduces the concept of the
the vehicle speed is high and the driving condition is stable. There are
life-cycle average operating cost, which is the ratio of the sum of the life-
few accelerations and decelerations. The UC works with a lower per
cycle total energy cost and the power source configuration cost to the life
centage. Thus, its SOC upper limit value should be set low to avoid too
mileage of the composite energy storage system.
much charging that causes energy loss. The constructed condition
recognizer was used to recognize the speed prediction results of WLTC
4.1.1. Control parameter selection
conditions in Fig. 7, and the recognition results are shown in Fig. 8.
The life balance control strategy is proposed on the basis of the above
hierarchical energy management strategy, which still adopts an upper
3.3.3. Optimization effect of hierarchical energy management strategy
and lower hierarchical structure. The upper layer is responsible for the
The WLTC driving condition is selected for simulation. From Fig. 9
power distribution of the UC. Since the effect of the lifetime of UC is not
(b), it can be seen that the optimized composite energy storage system
considered in this study, the upper layer is kept consistent with the
can charge and discharge the UC in advance according to the future
optimized hierarchical strategy. In the lower level strategy, the ECMS is
demand, and the utilization rate of the UC has been significantly
used to allocate power between FC and BAT, and the allocation directly
improved compared with that before optimization. Table 6 shows that
affects the lifetime of both. Therefore, it is feasible to balance the service
the FC power fluctuation has been reduced as a result of improved UC
life of FC and BAT by selecting appropriate control parameters.
utilization. Compared with pre-optimization, the fuel cell life degrada
Among the parameters of the lower control strategy, kbat is used as
tion has been reduced by 18.36 %, the battery capacity degradation has
the compensation coefficient of battery SOC, which can limit the SOC to
been reduced by 17.65 %, and the comprehensive operating cost of
a certain range. From Eq. (14), it can be seen that the parameter μ is used
WLTC conditions has been reduced by 12.19 %, narrowing the gap be
to balance the battery SOC during the operation of the composite energy
tween the hierarchical energy management strategy and the DP strategy.
storage system and can indirectly affect the power distribution of the
This indicates that the optimization algorithm proposed in this section is
BAT. The output power of the BAT is limited by its charge state SOCbat.
able to reduce the lifetime degradation of FC and BAT by improving the
When SOCbat is higher, the BAT can output higher power and can reduce
utilization of UC, which results in a significant reduction of the
the fuel cell load; on the contrary, when the SOCbat is lower, it will limit
comprehensive operating cost.
its power output, and accordingly the FC load and life degradation will
From the results in Table 6, it can be found that the degradation rates
of FC and BAT are not the same, and the power source with a higher
In summary, the parameters μ and kbat can influence the life degra
degradation rate will inevitably fail first and adversely affect the service
dation of FC and BAT by affecting the power distribution. Since there is a
life of the composite energy storage system. Therefore, in order to
correlation between μ and kbat, the maximum value and the minimum
extend the service life of the composite energy storage system and
value of kbat, kbat_max and kbat_max respectively, together with the
reduce the vehicle cost, it is necessary to optimize the power allocation
parameter μ are chosen as the control parameters of the life balance
of the composite system by taking the power source life balance into
control strategy.
account in the energy management strategy.
4.1.2. Genetic algorithm-based solution for control parameters
Since the energy management strategy proposed in this paper is a
complex nonlinear system, in which there are many parameters to be
optimized and certain correlations between them, GA is used to find the
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
on D2P and Speedgoat real-time simulator. The structure schematic is is used for closed-loop testing of the control strategy. The variation
shown in Fig. 11. curves or values of key parameters are derived for comparison with the
The hardware device is shown in Fig. 12. The Simulink Real-Time offline simulation results, as shown in Fig. 13,14 and Table 9.
Explorer is used to control the simulation model and make it run in As can be seen from Figs. 13 and 14, the SOC and power curves of the
the Speedgoat real-time simulator. Two upper computers monitor the BAT and UC in the hardware-in-the-loop real-time environment are
parameters in the real-time simulator and the controller respectively. basically consistent with the offline simulation results. The maximum
The Speedgoat can be connected to an external monitor for real-time difference between the hardware-in-the-loop and offline simulation re
simulation data monitoring. sults of the power battery SOC is only 1.28 %, which indicates that the
The hardware-in-the-loop test uses the same operating conditions as expected control requirement is achieved in general.
the offline simulation, and the built hardware-in-the-loop test platform From the comparison results in Table 9, it can be seen that the
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
5. Conclusion
Table 9
Hardware-in-the-loop and offline simulation results. In this paper, a hierarchical energy management strategy is proposed
Parameter Offline Hardware-in-the- based on the analysis of the relationship between the UC output power
simulation loop and the motor demand power of nine typical driving conditions con
Hydrogen consumption (g) 122.7 122.7 taining urban, suburban and high-speed driving conditions under the DP
Electricity consumption (kWh) 2.632 2.727 strategy, with the energy source life taken into account in the objective
Fuel cell life degradation (%) 2.19 × 10-3 2.23 × 10-3 function. In the upper layer strategy, the GRNN is used to learn the
Battery capacity degradation (%) 4.38 × 10-3 4.51 × 10-3 relationship between the UC power and the motor demand power under
Comprehensive operating cost (yuan) 16.47 16.67
Life mileage expectancy (km) 106,180 103,080
the DP strategy to obtain the optimal output power of UC offline and
Life-cycle average operating cost 0.683 0.702 apply it in real time. In the lower level strategy, the optimal equivalent
(yuan) factors for battery charging and discharging are obtained based on
typical driving conditions, which are used as the basis for power allo
cation between the FC and BAT using the ECMS. In order to extend the
hardware-in-the-loop test shows a decrease in the optimization effect of
service life of the composite energy storage system and get better
the energy management strategy compared to the ideal environment
economy, fuzzy control based on vehicle speed prediction and dynamic
offline simulation test. The degradation rates of FC and BAT increased by
threshold control of ultracapacitor SOC based on working condition
1.83 % and 2.97 %, respectively. The life-cycle average operating cost
recognition are designed to optimize the hierarchical control strategy.
increased by 2.78 % and the life mileage expectancy decreased by
Based on the hierarchical energy management strategy, taking into
2.92 %. The overall error was less than 3 %, which is within the
account the life balance of energy sources, the hierarchical energy
acceptable range. The main reason for the error between hardware-in-
management strategy with life balance control is proposed. The upper
the-loop test and offline simulation results is that in the real-time
and lower limits of the battery SOC compensation coefficient kbat and the
environment, there is a certain delay and error in the signal interac
coefficient μ for balancing the battery SOC are selected as the control
tion between the controller and the real-time simulator, resulting in lag
parameters, and GA is used to find the optimal control parameters. The
and distortion in the control effect, especially at the peak operating
simulation results show that the life-cycle average operating cost is
reduced by 3.39 % under the proposed strategy compared to the hier
In summary, the hierarchical energy management strategy with life
archical strategy without life balance control. The proposed strategy has
balance control proposed in this section can effectively increase the
a comparable life-cycle average operating cost to the DP strategy with
expected lifetime driving range of the vehicle with better economy by
better life mileage.
balancing the service life of the FC and the BAT.
J. Hu et al. Energy Conversion and Management 272 (2022) 116383
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