Fuzzy 20 Logic 20 Control 20 For 20 Parallel 20 Hybrid 20 Vehicles
Fuzzy 20 Logic 20 Control 20 For 20 Parallel 20 Hybrid 20 Vehicles
Fuzzy 20 Logic 20 Control 20 For 20 Parallel 20 Hybrid 20 Vehicles
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3 authors, including:
Mutasim Salman
General Motors Company
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Abstract—In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller is developed • Series-Parallel Combined System: Toyota Prius is an ex-
for hybrid vehicles with parallel configuration. Using the driver ample of this so-called dual system.
command, the state of charge of the energy storage, and the Because of the importance and potential benefits of the hy-
motor/generator speed, a set of rules have been developed, in
a fuzzy controller, to effectively determine the split between brid technology, many of the national laboratories, research in-
the two powerplants: electric motor and internal combustion stitutions, and universities are actively involved in this research
engine. The underlying theme of the fuzzy rules is to optimize the area. Hybrid technology is also one of the research topics for
operational efficiency of all components, considered as one system. a partnership between United States government and the auto-
Simulation results have been used to assess the performance of motive industry, i.e., Partnership for a New Generation of Ve-
the controller. A forward-looking hybrid vehicle model was used
for implementation and simulation of the controller. Potential hicles (PNGV). PNGV was established with the objective to
fuel economy improvement has been shown by using fuzzy logic, develop a new generation of vehicles. These future vehicles
relative to other controllers, which maximize only the efficiency should achieve up to three times todays average fuel economy
of the engine. (80 mi/gal 34 km/l), without compromising consumer expec-
Index Terms—Control strategies, emissions, fuel economy, fuzzy tations with respect to performance, comfort, safety, quality, and
logic, hybrid vehicles, optimization. cost of ownership.
In order to achieve these goals, it is very important to opti-
mize the architecture and components of the hybrid vehicle, but
as important is the energy management strategy that is used to
Manuscript received February 23, 2000; revised September 14, 2001. Man-
uscript received in final form January 28, 2002. Recommended by Associate II. BASICS OF PHVs
Editor M. Jankovic. This work was supported by Partnership for New Genera-
tion of Vehicles, under contract to Oakland University. Fig. 1 presents a block diagram of a PHV with an EM and an
N. J. Schouten and N. A. Kheir are with the Electrical and Systems Engi- ICE. For this particular configuration, the ICE and EM power
neering Department, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309 USA.
M. A. Salman is with General Motors Corporation, Warren, MI 48090 USA. are combined downstream of the transmission. Alternatively, the
Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6536(02)03420-6. power could also be combined upstream of the transmission.
1063-6536/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Fig. 4. Efficiency map of the battery. The arrows indicate increasing efficiency.
Fig. 2. Efficiency map and optimal curve of the ICE. The arrows indicate
increasing efficiency.
Fig. 5. Block diagram of the energy flow: (1) mechanical path and
(2) electrical path.
Fig. 10. Operating points, efficiency map, and optimal curve of the internal
combustion engine for the fuzzy logic controller.
Fig. 11. Operating points, efficiency map, continuous and peak power curves
of the electric motor (EM) for the fuzzy logic controller.
Fig. 13. Operating points, efficiency map, and optimal curve of the ICE for
the default PSAT controller.
Fig. 12. Operating points and efficiency map of the battery for the fuzzy logic
ICE has been operated close to optimal efficiency. The operating Fig. 14. Operating points, efficiency map, continuous and peak power curves
points of the EM (Fig. 11) are mainly in the optimal speed range of the EM for the default controller.
of 320–430 rad/s. The operating points of the battery (Fig. 12)
are at a relatively high SOC (between 0.77 and the maximum (FLC)]. Therefore, for the default controller the operating points
0.9), and the power level is relatively low, both resulting in high of the ICE (Fig. 13) are closer to the optimal curve than for the
efficiency. FLC (see Fig. 10).
These results have been compared with the results for the de- However, the efficiency of the other components is better for
fault controller in PSAT. This controller only optimizes the ICE the FLC than for the default controller, and therefore the overall
efficiency, and does not optimize EM, battery or transmission efficiency is better for the FLC. Figs. 14 and 15 present the op-
efficiency. It optimizes the ICE efficiency by adjusting both the erating points of the EM, and battery for the default controller.
ICE speed (using the transmission gear ratio) and torque to make The operating points of the EM are much more spread out over
the operating point as close as possible to the optimal curve. the map, and are not particularly in the optimal speed range of
For the default controller the efficiency of all components is 320–430 rad/s (compare to Fig. 11), which explains the lower
lower, except for the ICE efficiency. The default controller is EM efficiency compared to the FLC. The operating points of the
more effective in the optimization of the ICE, because there is battery are in the desired SOC range, but the average charging
no tradeoff between the ICE efficiency and the efficiency of the and discharging power is higher (compare to Fig. 12), thus de-
other components of the PHV [unlike the fuzzy logic controller creasing the battery efficiency.
in both tables). For the FLC the losses in the ICE, EM, battery,
and drivetrain are smaller for both the urban and highway cycles.
The vehicle losses, energy for accessories and friction braking
are approximately the same, because both controllers are simu-
lated with the same vehicle and the same driving cycles.
Although the ICE efficiency is higher for the default con-
troller, the ICE losses for the FLC are smaller. This is because
the ICE produces less energy for the FLC. Less energy is needed
to complete the cycle, since the efficiency of the other compo-
nents is higher than for the default controller.
The overall improvement of the FLC for an urban cycle equals
6.8% and for a highway cycle 9.6%.
In this paper, a fuzzy logic-based power controller for PHVs
has been presented. This power controller optimizes the energy
flow between the main components of the PHV and optimizes
Fig. 15. Operating points and efficiency map of the battery for the default the energy generation and conversion in the individual compo-
controller. nents (ICE, EM, transmission, and battery). The efficiency maps
of the components have been used to design the controller.
TABLE III The power controller first converts the accelerator and brake
NORMALIZED LOSSES FOR THE DEFAULT CONTROLLER pedal inputs of the driver to a driver power command. The driver
power command, state of charge of the battery, and electric
motor speed are then used by a fuzzy logic controller to com-
pute the optimal generator power and a scaling factor for the
electric motor. The driver power command, optimal generator
power, and scaling factor are used to compute the optimal ICE
and EM power. Furthermore, the efficiency of the ICE for a
given power level is optimized using an optimal speed-torque
curve, and using gear shifting to control the speed of the ICE.
The power controller ensures that the driver inputs (from
brake and accelerator pedals) are satisfied consistently, the
battery is sufficiently charged at all times, and the fuel economy
of the PHV is optimized.
TABLE IV Simulation results, using the driving cycles described in the
SAE J1711 standard, show potential improvement by using
fuzzy logic, over other strategies that optimize only the ICE
In future research, the robustness of the fuzzy logic controller
will be investigated in more detail. The control structure will be
used to design a controller that minimizes the emissions and
maximizes the fuel economy. Adaptive/learning elements will
be added to the controller, to enable on-line controller optimiza-
tion. Combined component size and controller optimization will
also be studied.
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