International Journal of Chemtech Research: Pravin Pawar, Raj Ballav, Amaresh Kumar
International Journal of Chemtech Research: Pravin Pawar, Raj Ballav, Amaresh Kumar
International Journal of Chemtech Research: Pravin Pawar, Raj Ballav, Amaresh Kumar
Abstract : The drilling is an important process for the manufacturing of any products. In the
present work the drilling process is carried out by finite element modeling and simulated with
the help of DEFORM-3D software. The diamond drill bit tool is used for drilling of Ti-6Al-4V
and Al6061 alloy material. The titanium alloy which is widely used in the field of biomedical
applications, whereas the Al6061 aluminum alloy is mostly applicable in automotive and
aerospace industries. The geometrical shape and input process conditions are same for both
materials. According to the simulated results, it is observed that the Ti-6Al-4V material shows
the maximum effective stress and temperature during the drilling process than Al6061
material, which may possibly be an effect of physical properties of Ti-6Al-4V material.
Keywords: Drilling Process, Ti-6Al-4V, Al6061 Deform-3D Software.
1. Introduction
Titanium alloy has biocompatibility properties due to which it is used in biomedical applications such
as artificial hip joints, cardiac valve prostheses, artificial knee joints, bone plates, screws for fracture fixation,
dental implants, dental crowns, dental bridges 1. The aluminum alloy also has a variety of applications i.e. the
pressure vessels, cooking utensils, construction of machines, structures and appliances, automotive industry and
aerospace industry2. The titanium alloy and aluminum alloy, both materials have the wide range of applications,
hence there is the requirement of different machining process which can be applied to these materials for the
production of various products. The drilling process is mostly used for making a hole in the materials. It is one
of the important and the final step in the manufacturing of mechanical components. In advancement, the drilling
process has a touch of different simulated software which will help to predict the various parameters related to
this process. The AdvantEdge software is used to predict the thrust force, torque, deformation, drills
temperatures and stresses of Ti-6Al-4V using a spiral point drill3. Similarly, the effect of high ultra cutting
speeds on the residual stress in the drilling of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy also obtained by using numerical
methodology4. For the drilling of the aluminum, the workpiece is analyzed by diamond coated carbide drills,
whereas uncoated carbide tools were used for drilling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy, which is resulted into the
influence of cutting speed and feed rate on burr size, hole diameter 5. The investigated force and deformation of
structural steel broach tool was applied to titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy, magnesium alloy by
using ANSYS software. According to them, maximum stress was occurred on the titanium alloy 6.
Pravin Pawar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3):137-142. 138
In the present study the drilling process is analyzed by using DEFORM-3D Software which is an
extremely effective in a wide range of research institutes and industrial applications 7. The diamond drill is used
as a tool to drill the titanium alloy and aluminum alloy in cylindrical shape.
____________ (1)
P= interface pressure, V= sliding velocity
Pravin Pawar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3):137-142. 139
Figure 2 shows Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy load prediction of the drilling process at 1000 simulation step
interval. The maximum load occurred was 2.72e+3 and maximum effective stress obtained 1500 at 1000
simulation steps interval. There is no any deformation between drill tip point and Workpiece surface during
drilling operation because of materials physical properties. The figure 3 shows that the total displacement
obtained during drilling operation which is maximum up to 8.91mm and temperature occurred during drilling of
Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy material is about 618˚C and it shows very less deformation which indicates that the
temperature generates between tool and workpiece deformed area.
Figure 4 shows a load prediction of the Al6061 aluminum alloy during the drilling process at 1000
simulation step interval. The maximum load occurred was 1.83e+3 and maximum effective stress obtained 739
at 1000 simulation steps interval. The deformation was observed between drill tip point and Workpiece surface
during drilling operation because of physical properties material. The figure 5 show, the total displacement
obtained during a drilling operation and it is maximum up to 8.91mm and temperature occurred during drilling
of Al6061 aluminum alloy material is about 260 C and its shows very less deformation which indicate that the
temperature generates between tool and workpiece deformed area.
Figure 6 shows effective stress versus materials and temperature versus materials. The effective stress, as well
as temperature, is occurred maximum in Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy material in a drilling process as compared to
Al6061 aluminum alloy material due to its physical and mechanical properties of materials.
5. Conclusion
This paper proposed finite element method analysis of diamond tool drilling process applied on Ti-6Al-
4V titanium alloy and Al6061 aluminum alloy material. The DEFORM-3D software is used for modeling and
simulation of the drilling process to estimate stress and temperature occurred during this process.
From this analysis, it is concluded that maximum effective stress of 1500 Mpa and maximum
temperature of 618˚C occurred in Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy than that of Al6061 aluminum alloy material
because of its physical and mechanical properties.
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