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me_C11ST_A3.fm Seite 1 Dienstag, 2.

November 1999 3:28 15

Solutions for Drives Solutions for Drives

European headquarter:

Fuji Electric GmbH

Lyoner Str. 26

D-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-66 90 29-0
Fax: +49-69-66 90 29-58
e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.fujielectric.de


Fuji Electric GmbH

Head of sales
Fuji Electric GmbH
Sales area Südwest
Fuji Electric GmbH
Sales area West
Fuji Electric GmbH
Sales area Mitte/Nord
Lyoner Str. 26 Drosselweg 3 Dolmanstr. 46 Lyoner Str. 26
60528 Frankfurt am Main 72666 Neckartailfingen 51427 Bergisch Gladbach 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-66 90 29-47 Tel.: +49-71 27-92 28 00 Tel.: +49-22 04-96 03 88 Tel.: +49-69-66 90 29-47
Fax: +49-69-66 90 29-58 Fax: +49-71 27-92 28 01 Fax: +49-22 04-96 03 89 Fax: +49-69-66 90 29-58
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fuji Electric-General-Purpose Inverter FVR-C11S-7EN Series

Switzerland Italy Spain France Single-phase 230V 0.1 - 2.2kW

Fuji Electric GmbH Fuji Electric GmbH Fuji Electric GmbH Fuji Electric GmbH
Zweigniederlassung Centro Direzionale Parc Technòlògic del PERIPARC
Altenrhein Viale Colleoni 3, Taurus Vallés-Nr. 023 Immeuble "les NARCISSES"
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Tel.: +41-71-8 58 29 49 Tel.: +39-0 39-6 89 03 23 Tel.: +34-93-58 24-3 33/5 Tel.: +33-1-55 66 04-90
Fax: +41-71-8 58 29 40 Fax: +39-0 39-6 89 04 46 Fax: +34-93-58 24-3 44 Fax: +33-1-55 66 04-99
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Subject to technical changes


Safety Instructions ................................... 1 8 Maintenance and Inspection .......... 8-1
8-1 Daily Inspection ............................. 8-1
1 Before Using This Product ........... 1-1 8-2 Periodic Inspection ........................ 8-1
1-1 Receiving Inspections ................... 1-1 8-3 Electrical measurements
1-2 Appearance .................................. 1-2 in the Main Circuit ......................... 8-5
1-3 Handling the Product .................... 1-3 8-4 Insulation Test ............................... 8-6
1-4 Carrying ........................................ 1-4 8-5 Parts Replacement ....................... 8-7
1-5 Storage and transportation ........... 1-4 8-6 Inquiries about the Product and
Guarantee of the product .............. 8-7
2 Installation and Connection ........... 2-1
2-1 Operating Environment ................. 2-1 9 Specifications .................................... 9-1
2-2 Installation Method ........................ 2-2 9-1 Standard Specifications ................ 9-1
2-3 Connection .................................... 2-3 9-2 Common Specifications ................ 9-2
2-3-1 Basic connection .................... 2-3 9-3 Dimensions ................................... 9-8
2-3-2 Connecting the main circuit 9-4 Selection of Peripheral Device .... 9-11
and ground terminals ............. 2-4
2-3-3 Connecting the 10 Options ............................................ 10-1
control terminals ..................... 2-6 10-1 Built-in Options ............................ 10-1
2-3-4 Connection examples ........... 2-12 10-2 External Options ......................... 10-1
2-4 Others ......................................... 2-21
2-4-1 Harmonic component ........... 2-21 11 Applicable reactors ....................... 11-1
2-4-2 Noise .................................... 2-21
2-4-3 Leakage current ................... 2-21 12 Compliance with standards ........ 12-1
12-1 UL/cUL standards [Applicable to
3 Operation ............................................ 3-1 products with UL/cUL mark] ......... 12-1
3-1 Inspection and Preparation 12-1-1 General ................................. 12-1
before Operation ........................... 3-1 12-1-2 Precautions ........................... 12-1
3-2 Operation Method ......................... 3-1 12-2 Compliance with EMC directive
3-3 Trial Run ....................................... 3-2 in EU [Applicable to products
with CE mark] .............................. 12-2
4 Keypad Panel .................................... 4-1 12-2-1 General ................................ 12-2
4-1 Names and Functions ................... 4-1 12-3 Compliance with low voltage directive
4-2 Operating Keypad Panel ............... 4-1 in EU [Applicable to products
with TÜV or CE mark] .................. 12-2
5 Selecting Function ........................... 5-1 12-3-1 General ................................. 12-2
5-1 Function Selection List .................. 5-1 12-3-2 Precautions ........................... 12-2
5-2 Details of Each Function ............... 5-7
13 Electromagnetic
6 Protective Function ......................... 6-1 Compatibility (EMC) ....................... 13-1
6-1 List of protective functions ............ 6-1 13-1 General ....................................... 13-1
6-2 Alarm Reset .................................. 6-3 13-2 RFI Filters ................................... 13-1
13-3 Recommended Installation
7 Troubleshooting ............................... 7-1 Instructions .................................. 13-3
7-1 In case of tripping ......................... 7-1
7-2 Other trouble ................................. 7-7

Safety Instructions
Read this operation manual carefully and famil- WARNING
iarize yourself with the operation of the inverter Improper operation may result in death
before installation, connection (wiring), opera- or serious injury.
tion or maintenance and inspection of the de-
vice. Be familiar with the inverter, safety
information, and safety signs before using the in-
In this instruction manual, safety signs are clas- CAUTION
sified into the following categories.
Improper operation may result in slight
to medium injury or property damage.

Note: More serious situations than those cov-

ered by the CAUTION sign can result
depending on the circumstances. It is
important that you always follow the in-

Safety Instructions 1

Compliance with UL/cUL standards [Applicable to products with UL/cUL mark]

1. [WARNING] Take care of electric shock. Be sure to turn the

CAUTION inverter off before starting work.
2. [CAUTION] When the charge lamp is lit, the inverter is still charged
at a dangerous voltage.
3. [WARNING] There are two or more live parts inside the inverter.
4. The inverter is approved as a part used inside a panel. Install it in-
side a panel.
5. Perform wiring to the input, output and control terminals of the in-
verter, referring to the table below. Use UL certified round crimp
terminal to the input and output terminals with insulation cover or
covered with reduced tube to obtain the insulation distance. Use a
crimping tool recommended by the terminal manufacturer when
fabricating crimp terminals.
6. Install a fuse in the power supply to the inverter, referring to the ta-
ble below.

Tightening torque Applicable wire diameter

Recommended fuse
[Nm] [AWG] (mm2)1) Fuse
Voltage Inverter type
L1/L, L2/N Control L1/L, L2/N Control [A] 2) Gould Bussmann
U, V, W section U, V, W section Company Company
FVR0. 1C11S-7EN 6 A4J6 JKS6
FVR0. 2C11S-7EN 6 A4J6 JKS6
Single- 14 (2.1)
phase FVR0. 4C11S-7EN 1.2 10 A4J10 JKS10
0.4 20 (0.5)
200V FVR0. 75C11S-7EN 15 A4J15 JKS15
FVR1. 5C11S-7EN 12 (3.3) 30 A4J30 JKS30
FVR2. 2C11S-7EN 1.8 10 (5.3) 40 A4J40 JKS40

1) Use copper wires of allowable maximum temperature 60 or75 °C.

2) Use UL certified "quick breaking fuse".

7. Connect the power supply satisfying the characteristics shown in

the table below as an input power supply of the inverter. (Short
circuit rating)

Inverter type Input max. voltage Input current

FVR0. 1-2. 2C11S-7EN AC240V 5,000 A or less

2 Safety Instructions

Compliance with low voltage directive in

6. The inverter has to be installed in environ-
EU [Applicable to products with TÜV ment of pollution degree 2. If the environ-
mark] ment is pollution degree 3 or 4, the
inverter has to be installed in a cabinet of
IP54 or higher.

CAUTION 7. Use a prescribed wire according to the

EN60204 Appendix C.
1. Safe separation for control interface of this 8. Install the inverter, AC or DC reactor, out-
inverter is provided when this inverter is in- put filter in an enclosure that meets the
stalled in overvoltage category II. PELV following requirement, to prevent a hu-
(Protective Extra Low Voltage) circuit or man body from touching directly to these
SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) circuit equipment.
from external controller is connected to the
interface directly. 1) When a person can touch easily on each
connecting terminal or live parts, install
2. Basic insulation for control interface of this the inverter, AC or DC reactor, output fil-
inverter is provided when this inverter is in- ter in an enclosure with minimum de-
stalled in overvoltage category III. An insu- gree of protection of IP4X.
lation transformer has to be installed 2) When a person can not touch easily on
between power supply mains and this in- each connecting terminal or live parts,
verter when SELV circuit from external install the inverter, AC or DC reactor,
controller is connected to this inverter di- output filter in an enclosure with a mini-
rectly. Otherwise supplementary insulation mum degree of protection of IP2X.
between control interface of this inverter
and environment must be provided. 9. It is necessary to install the inverter in ap-
propriate method using an appropriate
3. The ground terminal G should always be RFI filter to conform to the EMC directive.
connected to the ground. Don’t use only It is customer’s responsibility to check
RCD as the sole method of electric shock whether the equipment, the inverter is in-
protection. Dimensions of external PE con- stalled in, conforms to EMC directive.
ductor should be same as dimensions of
input phase conductor and capable for
possible fault.
4. Use MCCB or MC that conforms to EN or
IEC standard.
5. Where RCD (Residual-current-operated
protective device) is used for protection in
case of direct or indirect contact, only RCD
of type B is allowed on the supply side of
this EE (Electric equipment). Otherwise an-
other protective measure shall be applied
such as separation of the EE from the en-
vironment by double or reinforced insula-
tion or isolation of EE and supply system
by the transformer.

Safety Instructions 3

Compliance with low voltage directive in EU [Continued]

CAUTION Use of wires specified in Appendix C of EN 60204 is recommended.

Molded case circuit Recommended wire size [mm2]

breaker (MCCB) or
Nominal earth leakage Input circuit 2)
Power circuit breaker DCR 2)
applied single phase Output
supply Inverter type (ELCB)1)
motor 200V [L1/L, L2/N] circuit 2) circuit Control
voltage Rated current [A] [P1] wiring
[kW] [U, V, W]
With Without With Without
DCR reactor 3) DCR reactor 3)
0.1 FVR0. 1C11S-7EN
0.2 FVR0. 2C11S-7EN 6
2.5 4)
Single 0.4 FVR0. 4C11S-7EN 10 2.5 4) 2.5 4) 2.5 4)
phase 0.5
200V 0.75 FVR0. 75C11S-7EN 10 16
1.5 FVR1. 5C11S-7EN 16 20 4.0 4)

2.2 FVR2. 2C11S-7EN 20 32 4.0 5) 6.0 5) 2.5 5) 4.0 5)

1) The applicable frame and series of the molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) and
earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) vary according to the capacity of the
transformer of the equipment. For details of selection, refer to the concerning
technical documents.
2) The recommended wire size for the main circuit is the case for the low voltage
directive at ambient temperature 40 °C.
3) The power supply impedance without a reactor is considered to be the
equivalent of 0.1% of the inverter capacity, with 10% current imbalance
accompanied by the voltage imbalance.
4) Crimp terminals up to 7.4 mm in width (including tolerance) can be used.
5) Crimp terminals up to 9.5 mm in width (including tolerance) can be used.
6) Use the grounding cable of a size equal to or larger than that of the input power
supply cable.

4 Safety Instructions

Instructions on use

WARNING 1. Do not carry the device by holding just the

surface cover.
1. This inverter is designed to drive a three- Inverter may be dropped causing injury.
phase induction motor and is not usable for
2. Do not allow foreign matter such as lint, pa-
a single-phase motor or any other pur-
per dust, small chips of wood or metal, and
dust to enter the inverter or adhere to the
There is a risk of fire.
heat sink.
2. This inverter may not be used as is for an Otherwise, a disaster such as burning
elevator, life-support system, or other pur- could occur.
pose directly affecting the safety of hu-
3. Do not install or operate damaged inverter
or an inverter with a missing part.
Safety precautions should be established
Otherwise injury could occur.
and practiced in terms of the entire system,
rather than the independent device. 4. Do not step on the product.
Otherwise, an accident could occur. Otherwise injury could occur.
5. When stacking up in tiers, do not exceed
the number of tiers indicated on the pack-
ing carton.
Instructions on transport/installation Otherwise injury could occur.


1. Attach the device to an incombustible ma-

terial such as metal.
Otherwise fire could occur.
2. Do not place the device near inflammables.
Otherwise fire could occur.

Safety Instructions 5

Instructions on wiring

WARNING 1. Check that the number of phases and the

rated voltage of this product correspond to
1. When the inverter is connected to power, the number of phases and voltage of the
connect it via a line-protection molded case AC power supply.
circuit breaker or an earth-leakage circuit Otherwise fire could occur.
breaker (Residual current operated protec-
2. Do not connect the AC power supply to the
tive device).
output terminals (U, V, W).
Otherwise fire could occur.
Otherwise injury could occur.
2. Be sure to connect the ground wire.
3. Check the output terminals (U,V,W) for the
Otherwise electric shock or fire could
phase order and connect them to the motor
3. Ensure that a licensed specialist Otherwise fire could occur.
performs the wiring work.
4. Do not connect a braking resistor directly to
4. Check before starting the wiring that the the DC terminals [P(+), N(-)].
power is off (OPEN). Otherwise fire could occur.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
5. Noise is generated from the inverter, mo-
5. Do not wire up the inverter until it has been tor, and wiring. Take care that this noise
installed securely. does not cause malfunctions in peripheral
Otherwise electric shock or injury could sensors and equipment.
occur. Otherwise accidents could occur.

6. The inverter has to be grounded in accord-

ance with the national and local safety
Otherwise electric shock could occur.

6 Safety Instructions

Instructions on operation

5. Never touch the inverter terminals when

energized even if it has stopped.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
WARNING 6. Never touch the keys on the keypad panel
with a pointed object such as a needle.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
1. Be sure to put on the surface cover before
turning the power ON (CLOSE).
Never remove the cover while the power is
applied to the inverter.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
2. Never operate switches with wet fingers. CAUTION
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
3. The interior of the inverter may remain 1. Never touch the heat sink because they
charged after turning off the power. become very hot.
Therefore, never attempt to remove the Otherwise burns could occur.
surface cover except for wiring service and 2. The inverter can set high-speed operation
periodic maintenance. easily. Carefully check the limit of the mo-
Otherwise electric shock could occur. tor and machine before changing the set-
Otherwise injuries could occur.
3. Do not use the inverter brake function for
mechanical holding.
WARNING Otherwise injuries could occur.

1. When the retry function is selected, the in-

verter may automatically restart after trip-
ping, depending on the cause of the trip.
(Design the machine to secure personal
safety in the event of restart.)
Otherwise accident could occur.
2. Operating conditions may occasionally be
different from the preset acceleration/de-
celeration time or speed because of activa-
tion of the stall prevention function.
In such a case, personal safety must be se-
cured through adequate machine design.
Otherwise accident could occur.
3. The stop key is effective only when a func-
tion setting has been established.
Therefore install an emergency switch in-
dependently. When operation via the ex-
ternal signal terminal is selected, the STOP
key on the keypad panel will be disabled.
There is a risk of accidents.
4. Operation starts suddenly if alarm reset is
done with an running signal input. Check
that no running signal is input before alarm
Otherwise accidents could occur.

Safety Instructions 7

Instruction on maintenance/inspection, Instruction on disposal

and replacement

WARNING Since this product contains lead solder,
it must be treated as industrial waste
1. Do not commence inspection work until at when it is disposed of. Entrust it to a
least five minutes after the power has been waste processing company when dis-
turned off (OPEN). posing it.
(In addition, make sure that the charge
lamp has gone off and check that the DC
voltage between terminals P(+) and N(-)
does not exceed 25V DC.)
Otherwise electric shock could occur.
General instructions

2. Only qualified personnel should perform

maintenance and inspection or replace- The figures in this operation manual may
ment operations. show the inverter with covers and safety
(Take off all metal objects (watch, ring, screens removed to explain the structure in
etc.) before starting.) details. Therefore, be sure to replace the cov-
(Use well-insulated tools.) ers and screens to their original positions and
Otherwise electric shock or injury could operate the inverter according to the instruc-
occur. tion manual.
3. Never modify the product.
Otherwise electric shock or injury could

8 Safety Instructions

1 Before Using This Product

1-1 Receiving Unpack and check the product as explained below.
If you have any questions or problems with this product, please contact
Inspections FUJI ELECTRIC Co., Ltd., or your local FUJI inverter distributor.

1) Check the ratings name plate to confirm that the delivered product is
the ordered one.

Figure 1-1-1 Ratings nameplate

 TYPE: Inverter Type

FVR 0.75 C11S - 7 EN
Series Extension (EN series)
Power voltage series:

7 Single-phase 200V input series
Series name

Nominal applied motor: 0.75 0.75kW
Product type

 SOURCE: Number of input phases, rated input voltage, rated in-

put frequency, rated input current
 OUTPUT: Number of output phases, rated output capacity, rat-
ed output voltage, output frequency range, rated out-
put current, overload capacity
 SER. No.: Product number
9 1 1725R0001
Production lot serial number
Production month:
1 to 9: January to September,
X: October, Y: November, Z: December
Production year:
Last digit of year (9: 1999)

2) Check for damaged parts, missing parts, and dents or other damage
on the covers or the main unit upon delivery.

1 Before Using This Product 1-1


1-2 Appearance  Surface cover

 Keypad panel

 Frequency setting POT (VR) (built-in POT)

 Ratings nameplate
 Heat sink
 Cooling fan (1.5 kW or more)
 Charge lamp CRG
 Control terminal block
Main circuit terminal block
Single-phase 200V[ G,L1/L,L2/N,P1,P(+)]

Main circuit terminal block
[P(+),N(-),U,V,W, G]

1-2 1 Before Using This Product


1-3 Handling the Product

Remove the surface cover as explained below.

1) For FVR0.1 to 0.75C11S-7EN 2) For FVR1.5 to 2.2C11S-7EN

Grasp the upper and lower parts of the cover Expand the lower part of the cover horizontal-
with both hands and pull it to the front of the ly, lift the cover to the front, and then remove
inverter. it.

1 Before Using This Product 1-3


1-4 Carrying Always hold the main unit while carrying this product.
If it is carried by the cover or parts and not the main unit, the product

may be damaged or dropped.

Force must not be applied to the inverter cover during carrying because
it is made of plastic.

1-5 Storage and Store and transportation this product under the conditions listed in
Table 1-5-1.

Item Specifications

Storage tempera- -25 to +65 °C Condensation or formation of ice must not be

ture Transportation caused by sudden temperature changes.

Relative humidity 5 to 95% 1)

Atmosphere The product must not be exposed to dust, direct sunlight, corrosive gas, in-
flammable gas, oil mist, vapor, water drops, or vibration. There must be no
salt in the atmosphere.

Air pressure 86 to 106kPa (During storage)

70 to 106kPa (During transportation)

Table 1-5-1 Storage and transportation environment

1) A large change in temperature within this humidity range may cause condensation
or formation of ice. Do not store this product at a place where such changes occur.

[Storage precautions]
1. Do not locate this product directly on a floor; place it on a rack or
2. To store the product in a severe atmosphere, pack it in vinyl sheet.
3. If the product must be stored at a place where it may be affected by
humidity, insert a drying agent such as silica gel and pack it in vinyl

1-4 1 Before Using This Product


2 Installation and Connection

2-1 Operating Install this product at a place satisfying the conditions listed in
Table 2-1-1.

Item Specifications

Place Indoor

Ambient temperature -10 to +50 °C

Ambient relative humidity 5 to 95%RH (No condensation allowed)

Atmosphere The product must not be exposed to dust, direct sunlight, corrosive
gas, inflammable gas, oil mist, vapor, or water drops.
There must be no salt in the atmosphere. Condensation must not
be caused by sudden changes in temperature.

Altitude 1000 m or less (Air pressure : 86kPa to 106kPa)

Vibration 3mm: 2 ~ 9 Hz or less

9.8 m/s2: 9 ~ 20 Hz or less
2 m/s2: 20 ~ 55 Hz or less
1 m/s2: 55 ~ 200 Hz or less

Table 2-1-1 Operating environment

2 Installation and Connection 2-1


2-2 Installation Method 5. If two or more inverters need to be installed in

the same device or control panel, they should
1. Tightly fasten the product in the upright posi- be arranged horizontally to minimize the influ-
tion on a strong structure using four bolts ence of heat between them. If two or more in-
(M4) with the characters FVR-C11 facing the verters must be installed vertically, place a
front. Be sure not to turn the product upside plate between them to prevent the upper in-
down, and install it on a horizontal surface. verter from being affected by heat from the

lower inverter.
2. Heat is generated while the inverter is operat-
ing, so the gaps shown in Figure 2-2-1 are
necessary for the passage of cooling air. The
generated heat is radiated upward by the
built-in cooling fan, so do not install this prod-
uct below a device that is sensitive to heat.

Inverter Inverter

Air supply Air supply

1cm FVR-C11 1cm

a) Horizontal arrangement


Figure 2-2-1 Installation direction and surrounding space


3. The temperature of the heat sink increases to Plate

about 90 °C while the inverter is operating.
Therefore, the surface behind where the Air Inverter
product is located must be able to withstand supply
this temperature increase.

b) Vertical arrangement
Figure 2-2-2 How to install two or more inverters
Install this product on a nonflammable
material such as metal.
Otherwise fire could occur.

4. When installing this product in a control pan-

el, carefully consider the ventilation to pre-
vent the ambient temperature of the inverter
from exceeding the specified value. Do not
install it in a hermetically sealed box from
which heat is not radiated fully.

2-2 2 Installation and Connection


Do not allow foreign matter such as
lint, paper dust, small chips of wood or 1. Always connect the ground wire.
metal, and dust to enter the inverter or Otherwise electric shock and fire could

adhere to the heat sink.
Otherwise, a disaster such as burning 2. Ensure that a licensed specialist performs
could occur. the wiring work.
3. Check before starting the wiring that the
power is off.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.

2-3 Connection
Remove the surface cover to connect the termi-
nal blocks. Correctly connect them according to
the following procedures.

2-3-1 Basic connection

1. Always connect the power to the main power
supply input terminal of the inverter. If it is
connected to another terminal, the inverter
will be damaged (see Figure 2-3-1).
2. Always ground the ground terminal to prevent
disasters such as fire and electric shock and
to minimize noise.
3. Use a reliable crimp terminal for connection
between a terminal and wire.
4. After terminating the connection (wiring),
check the following items:
a. Whether the connection is correct
b. Whether all necessary connections have
been made
c. Whether there is a short-circuit or ground
fault between terminals and wires
5. Connection modification after power-on
The smoothing capacitor in the direct current
part of the main circuit cannot be discharged
quickly after the power is turned off. Use a
multimeter to check that the voltage of the di-
rect current (DC) is reduced to the safety
range (25V DC or less) after the charge lamp
goes off to avoid danger. Check that the volt-
age is zero before short-circuiting a circuit be-
cause the residual voltage (electric charge)
may cause sparks.

2 Installation and Connection 2-3


2-3-2 Connecting the main circuit and ground terminals

Symbol Name Explanation

L1/L,L2/N Main power supply input Connects single-phase power

(Single-phase 200V input).

U, V, W Inverter output Connects 3-phase motor.

P1, P(+) For connection of DC Connects input power- factor correcting DC reactor
reactor (optional).

P(+), N(-) For DC intermediate Connected to DC link circuit terminal

circuit (for DC bus connection).

G For inverter grounding Ground terminal for inverter chassis (case).

Table 2-3-1 Functions of main circuit and ground terminals

1) Main power supply input terminal 2) Inverter output terminal [U, V, W]

Single-phase 200V [L1/L,L2/N]
1. Connect these terminals to the 3-phase
motor with the correct phase-sequence. If
G L1/L L2/N P1 P(+) a motor rotation direction does not corre-
spond to the correct rotation direction, ex-
For single-phase 200V input change any two of the U, V, and W phases.
2. Do not connect a phase-advance capaci-
FVR-C11S-7EN tor or surge absorber to the inverter output.
3. A very long wiring length between the in-
P(+) N(-) U V W G verter and the motor causes a high fre-
quency current to flow due to floating
capacity between cables, making the in-
Figure 2-3-1 Arrangement of main circuit and ground verter trip, increasing the leakage current
terminals and deteriorating the accuracy in the cur-
rent display. To prevent such trouble, the
wiring length to the motor should not ex-
1. Connect the main power supply input ter- ceed 50 meters.
minals to the power supply via a molded When the inverter is operated in the low
case circuit breaker for circuit protection or noise mode (carrier frequency: 8 to 15
earth leakage circuit breaker. An earth- kHz) and the wiring length is long, add an
leakage circuit breaker which can also de- optional output circuit filter (OFL filter).
tect DC current is recommended. Phase-
sequence matching is unnecessary.
2. It is recommended that a magnetic contac-
tor is connected to prevent any failure or
accident from becoming serious by discon-
necting the inverter from the power supply
when the inverter protective function oper-
3. Do not turn on or off the main power supply
to start or stop the inverter; instead, use the
control circuit terminal FWD/REV or the
RUN/STOP key on the keypad panel. If it
is unavoidable to turn the main power sup-
ply on or off to start or stop the inverter, it
must not exceed once per hour.

2-4 2 Installation and Connection


3) DC reactor connecting terminal [P1, P(+)] 4) Inverter grounding terminal [ G]

Always ground the inverter grounding termi-
1. Use this terminal to connect a input power- nal [ G] for safety and noise reduction.
factor correcting DC reactor (optional). Grounding of the metal frames of electric
Remove the jumper connected in the fac- equipment has to be done in accordance with
tory before connecting the DC reactor (see the national and local safety specifications in
Figure 2-3-2). force.

1. In Japan, the 200V system must be con-
nected to a ground electrode provided with
class D grounding, according to the electri-
P1 P(+) cal equipment technical standard.

Voltage Type of ground- Grounding
system ing work resistance
a) Connection diagram
Class D 100 Ω
Top of inverter grounding maximum

Table 2-3-2 Grounding of device according to

Barrier electrical equipment technical standard
2. Connect a thick and short wire to the
grounding terminal of the inverter for con-
nection with a ground electrode prepared
exclusively for the inverter system.

b) Cutting of barrier
Figure 2-3-2 Connection of DC reactor
1. Check that the number of phases and the
2. Use diagonal cutting pliers to cut the sur- rated voltage of this product correspond
face cover barriers from P1, P(+) terminals to the number of phases and voltage of the
before connection. AC power supply.
3. If no DC reactor is used, do not remove the Otherwise fire could occur.
2. Do not connect the AC power supply to the
output terminals (U, V, W).
Otherwise injury could occur.
3. Do not connect a braking resistor directly to
the DC terminals P(+), N(-).
Otherwise fire could occur.

2 Installation and Connection 2-5


2-3-3 Connecting the control terminals 2) Run/stop command terminal [FWD, REV]
These terminals are left open in the factory.
Table 2-3-4 lists the functions of the control cir-
Pressing the key on the keypad panel
cuit terminals.
starts forward operation. When function F02
The method of connecting a control circuit termi- is set at 0 or 1, the terminal functions are as
nal depends on how its function is set. shown in Table 2-3-3.
Connect the control circuit terminals according

to the set functions.

1) Digital input terminal

Figure 2-3-3 shows the circuit configuration.
Use a reliable contact without poor contact for
Example: FUJI control relay HH54PW

FWD or others 4.7k

+24 to

P24/CM +24 to

a) When SW7 is set to CM (factory setting)

FWD or others 4.7k

SW7 F1
P24/CM +24 to
40mA max.

b) When SW7 is set at P24

Figure 2-3-3 Digital input terminal

2-6 2 Installation and Connection


F02 When SW7 is set at CM When SW7 is set at P24

When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to When FWD is short-circuited to P24/CM and the
FWD - P24/CM, pressing the key on the key on the keypad panel is pressed, for-
keypad panel starts forward operation. ward operation starts.
When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to When REV is short-circuited to P24/CM and the

0 REV - P24/CM, pressing the key on the key on the keypad panel is pressed, re-
keypad panel starts reverse operation. verse operation starts.
When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to both When both FWD - P24/CM and REV - P24/CM
FWD - P24/CM and REV - P24/CM, the inverter are short-circuited, the inverter decelerates to
decelerates to stop. stop.

When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to

FWD - P24/CM, forward operation starts. Short-circuit FWD to P24/CM for forward opera-
When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to tion, or REV to P24/CM for reverse operation.
1 REV - P24/CM, reverse operation starts. Short-circuiting both FWD - P24/CM and REV -
When +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to both P24/CM brings the inverter to deceleration and
FWD - P24/CM and REV - P24/CM, the inverter stop.
decelerates to stop.

Table 2-3-3 Description of function F02

In case P24 is short-circuited with 0V The STOP key is valid only when the
by outer circuit when SW7 is set to P24 function has been set. Prepare
side, poly switch (F1) turns the power another switch for emergency stop.
off. To recover the power, open the When operation using an external si-
short circuit and turn the inverter off to gnal terminal is selected, the operation
allow the temperature to lower. cannot be stopped using the STOP
key on the keypad panel.
Otherwise accidents could occur.
3) Analog input terminal (13, 12, 11, C1)
Use these terminals to connect external input
analog voltage and analog current and fre-
quency setting device (POT). For connecting
a contact to this circuit, use a twin contact for
fine current signal.
Do not use a contact for terminal 11.

2 Installation and Connection 2-7


*Note the following when wiring: 3) Shielding sheath connection

Connect one end of the shielding sheath of a
1) Surge absorber connection shielded or twisted-pair shielded wire to the
When the exciting coil of the magnetic con- ground terminal as shown in Figure 2-3-6. Do
tactor or relay in the control circuit or inverter not connect the other end.
peripheral circuit is opened or closed, a surge
voltage (noise) is generated with a sudden

current change. Due to this surge voltage, Contact

the inverter control circuit or peripheral equip- FWD
ment may malfunction. If so, directly connect
a surge absorber to both ends of the coil. P24/CM
(See Figure 2-3-4).
To ground terminal
AC relay DC relay
setting POT
SK Shield
+ 13
MC Ry D 12

SK: Surge absorber D: Diode To ground terminal

Figure 2-3-4 Surge absorber connection diagram Figure 2-3-6 Connection of sheath of shielded wire

2) Control circuit wiring

1. Wires connected to control circuit termi- CAUTION
nals must be 0.5mm2 shielded wire or Noise is generated from the inverter,
twisted vinyl wire. Remove the sheath as
motor, and wiring. Take care that this
shown in Figure 2-3-5 and then connect it.
noise does not cause malfunctions in
peripheral sensors and equipment.
Otherwise accidents could occur.
6 ±1mm

Figure 2-3-5 End treatment

2. Keep the wiring of the main circuit, exter-

nal relay sequence circuit and control cir-
cuit as far away from each other as
possible. If they must be adjacent, cross
them at right angles.

3. Use a twisted-pair shielded wire for long

wiring distances.

2-8 2 Installation and Connection


4) Control terminal arrangement, screw size, Screw size: M2.5

and tightening torque. Tightening torque: 0.4 Nm

Figure 2-3-7 shows the control terminal block



30A 30B 30C FM X1 X2 X3 FWD REV 11 12 13 C1

Figure 2-3-7 Control terminal block arrangement

5) Remove the plate at the bottom of the surface

cover before performing inverter control wir-
ing and reinstall it after the wiring as shown in
Figure 2-3-8.

Control wiring

Figure 2-3-8 How to pull out the control wiring

2 Installation and Connection 2-9


Classifi- Terminal
Terminal name Detailed specifications Remarks
cation symbol
z Used as power supply for frequency
Power supply for setting device
variable resistor (POT: 1 to 5 kΩ).
(+10VDC 10mADC max.)

Analog Frequency setting z 0 to +10VDC/0 to 100%,0 to +5VDC/0

input voltage input to 100% (Input impedance : 22 kΩ)
Frequency setting z 4 to 20mADC/0 to 100%
current input (Input impedance : 250 Ω)
z Common terminal for analog input
11 Analog common
z Forward operation with
FWD-P24/CM ON and
Forward operation Decelera-
FWD deceleration-stop with
/Stop command tion-stop
(Switch SW7 to P24) with
z Reverse operation with CM and
Reverse REV-P24/CM ON and REV-P24/
REV operation deceleration-stop with CM ON
/Stop command REV-P24/CM OFF
(Switch SW7 to P24)
X1 Digital input 1 z The functions listed below can be set
by the X1 to X3 terminal functions. Set with
X2 Digital input 2 functions
E01 to E03
X3 Digital input 3
Digital Multistep z Up to four steps speed operation can
input frequency be selected with SS1 and SS2
selection ON/OFF signals.
z Inverter output is cut immediately and
Coast to stop
(BX) the motor coasts to a stop (no alarm
output) if BX goes on.
z The inverter releases the status held
(RST) Alarm reset after stop with an alarm when RST
changes from ON to OFF.
External alarm z The inverter stops with an alarm if
input THR is set to OFF.
z Data rewriting for each function with
Write-enable com-
the keypad panel is rejected if WE-KP
mand for keypad
(WE-KP) is OFF.
(data change al-
z Rewriting with keypad panel is
allowed if WE-KP is ON.

2-10 2 Installation and Connection


Classifi- Terminal
Terminal name Detailed specifications Remarks
cation symbol
z PID control cancel with Hz/PID ON
(Hz/PID) PID control cancel
z PID control with Hz/PID OFF
input z Operation based on command from
Link operation

(LE) RS485 with LE ON
z Inverter single operation with LE OFF
z DC Power supply (SW7 set to P24)
Switching of
(+24 to +27 VDC, 40mA max.)
Output/ Power Supply/ P24/CM ter-
P24/CM z Common terminal for digital input
Input Digital Common minal with
signal (SW7 set to CM) (factory set-
switch SW7
Data selected between the following
items is output with DC voltage:
z Output frequency
z PID feedback value
z Output current
z DC link circuit voltage
* Up to two analog voltmeters (input
FM, 11 Analog monitor impedance : 10 kΩ) can be connected.
Note: Output waveform: An AC pulse
is output with consistent frequen-
cy and variable duty.
The average DC voltage is pro-
portional to output frequency and
output current
(frequency : 121.6 Hz).
If the inverter is stopped with an alarm,
the non-voltage contact signal (1SPDT)
is output
30A (Contact rating: 250V AC, 0.3 A, Power
Contact Alarm output for factor = 0.3)
output any fault (48V DC, 0.5A for Low-voltage Directive
30C or 42V DC, 0.5A for UL/cUL)
* Whether an alarm is generated with an
exciting operation or non-exciting opera-
tion can be switched.
z Terminal for RS485 communication
DX+ RS485 communi- (when option board is installed)
Optional on optional
DX- cation input/output z DX+ : Non-inverted signal,
z DX- : Inverted signal

Table 2-3-4 Functions of control circuit terminals

2 Installation and Connection 2-11


2-3-4 Connection examples

1) Keypad panel operation

When power-factor

DC reactor is used

P1 P(+) 2)

MCCB P1 P(+) P(+) N(-)

Single-phase L1/L U
200V input
series V M
200 to 240V W 3



Frequency setting POT (VR)

12 22k
Pulse output Analog monitor

4.7k 30A
30B Alarm output for
REV any fault
X2 P24
P24/ SW7
P24 +24 to +27 VDC

Figure 2-3-9 Wiring diagram of keypad panel operation

2-12 2 Installation and Connection


1) The RUN and STOP keys on the keypad pan-

el can be used to start and stop the operation
and the frequency setting POT (VR) can be
used to set a frequency only by connecting
the power supply and motor with functions set
in the factory. Forward rotation is set in the

2) Remove the jumper between the P1 and P(+)
terminals before connecting the optional pow-
er-factor correcting DC reactor.

3) Connect the surge absorber in parallel to coils

(such as coils of the magnetic contactor and
solenoid) near the inverter.

2 Installation and Connection 2-13


2) External operation
(When external power supply is used)

When power-factor E
DC reactor is used


P1 P(+)

MCCB P1 P(+) P(+) N(-)

200V input L1/L U
series V M
200 to 240V L2/N W 3



Frequency setting POT (VR)

13 Analog meter
Frequency setting
voltage input 12
(0 to +10VDC) 22k
Pulse output
11 0V
Frequency setting C1 To ground terminal
current input
(4 to +20mADC) 30A To 11 terminal
Forward 4.7kΩ
FWD 0V 30B Alarm output for
any fault
operation REV
X1 SW7
X2 P24

P24/ SW7
P24 +24 to +27 VDC
To ground terminal

Figure 2-3-10 Wiring diagram of external operation (When external power supply is used)

2-14 2 Installation and Connection


1) Use this connection to start, stop the opera-

tion and set the frequency with external sig-
nals. 0 to 10V DC can be set while function
F01 is set to 1 and +4 to +20mA DC can be
set while function F01 is set to 2. Set function
F02 to 1.

2) Set SW7 at CM
3) Remove the jumper between the P1 and P(+)
terminals before connecting the optional pow-
er-factor correcting DC reactor.
4) Connect the surge absorber in parallel to coils
(such as coils of the magnetic contactor and
solenoid) near the inverter.
5) Use twisted or shielded wire as control signal
wire. Connect the shield to the ground termi-

2 Installation and Connection 2-15


3) External operation
(When internal power supply is used)

When power-factor
correcting E
DC reactor is used


P1 P(+)

Single-phase P1 P(+) P(+) N(-)

200V input L1/L U
series V M
200 to 240V
L2/N W 3



Frequency setting POT (VR)

Frequency setting 13 Analog meter
voltage input monitor
(0 to +10VDC) 12
22k Pulse output
Frequency setting 250
current input C1 To ground terminal
(4 to +20mADC) To 11 terminal
Forward 4.7k
operation Alarm output for
command FWD 0V 30B
any fault
operation REV 30C

X1 SW7
X2 P24

P24 +24 to +27 VDC
To ground terminal

Figure 2-3-11 Wiring diagram of external operation (When internal power supply is used)

2-16 2 Installation and Connection


1) Use this connection to start, stop the opera-

tion and set the frequency with external sig-
nals. 0 to 10V DC can be set while function
F01 is set to 1 and +4 to +20mA DC can be
set while function F01 is set to 2. Set function
F02 to 1.

2) Set SW7 at P24.
3) Remove the jumper between the P1 and P(+)
terminals before connecting the optional pow-
er-factor correcting DC reactor.
4) Connect the surge absorber in parallel to coils
(such as coils of the magnetic contactor and
solenoid) near the inverter.
5) Use twisted or shielded wire as control signal
wire. Connect the shield to the ground termi-

2 Installation and Connection 2-17


4) Connection to PLC
(When external thermal O/L relay is used)

External thermal O/L


Single-phase MCCB P1 P(+) P(+) N(-)

200V input L1/L U
series V M
200 to 240V L2/N W 3
G G To X3 To
terminal output
of PLC



Frequency setting POT (VR)

13 +10VDC Analog
22k Pulse output FM
11 0V

C1 250
To ground
4.7k To 11 terminal
FWD 0V 30B Alarm output for
REV 30C any fault


P24/ SW7 CM
P24 +24 to +27 VDC
External thermal
O/L relay To ground terminal
DC24V :
PLC power supply

Figure 2-3-12 Connection example of PLC terminal (using THR function terminal)

2-18 2 Installation and Connection


1) Set SW7 at CM.

2) In the figure above, the power is supplied to
the external thermal relay from the power
supply of the PLC. If the power supply of the
PLC is turned off while the inverter remains
turned on, OH2 trips.

3) To prevent OH2 from tripping upon shutdown
of the PLC, deselect the THR terminal func-
tion and use the electronic relay of the invert-

When SW7 is set at P24, possibly
causing inner parts to damage.

2 Installation and Connection 2-19


5) Connection to PLC (When analog signal is input from PLC)

P1 P(+) P(+) N(-) External thermal relay

Single-phase MCCB
L1/L U
200V input

L2/N W 3
200 to 240V
G G To X3 To
terminal output
of PLC



Frequency setting POT (VR)

13 +10VDC
Analog meter
22k Pulse output FM
11 0V
C1 To ground
30A terminal
4.7k To 11 terminal
FWD 0V 30B
Alarm output for
REV 30C any fault


P24 +24 to +27 VDC
DC24V : thermal To ground terminal
PLC power supply O/L relay

Figure 2-3-13 Connection example of PLC terminal (when analog signal is input from PLC)

1) Set SW7 at CM.

2) With this connection, the power is supplied from the PLC power supply to the external thermal O/L relay.
So, OH2 trip is activated by PLC power-off with the inverter turned on.
3) To prevent inverter trip with OH2 when the PLC power being turned off, do not select the THR terminal function and
use the inverter electronic thermal O/L relay.

When SW7 is set at P24, poly switch (F1) activates a current limit to
CAUTION turn the power off.

2-20 2 Installation and Connection


2-4 Others 2-4-3 Leakage current

Leakage current flows through the inverter I-O
2-4-1 Harmonic component wiring and motor stray capacitance when the in-
A harmonic component which may influence the verter transistor is turned on and off.
phase-advance capacitor and generator is in- Table 2-3-3 lists the countermeasures for the
cluded in the inverter input current. If necessary, problems caused by the leakage current.

connect a power-factor correcting DC reactor
(DCR) (option) for the inverter.
Problem Countermeasures
2-4-2 Noise 1. Set the carrier
When noise generated from the inverter may af- frequency lower.
fect peripheral equipment, and noise generated
from peripheral equipment may malfunction the 2. Shorten the wiring
inverter, the following basic countermeasures Trip of earth between the inverter
should be taken. leakage and motor.
circuit 3. Increase the
1) When noise affects other devices via power 1 breaker ELCB/RCD sensitivity
and ground wires on main current.
z Separate the ground of the inverter and supply side 4. Replace the
that of the affected device. ELCB/RCD with an
z Connect a noise filter to the inverter power ELCB/RCD that is de-
wire. signed for high frequen-
z Use an isolation transformer to separate cies.
the power supply of the inverter and that of
the affected device. 1. Set the carrier frequen-
cy lower.
2) When another device is affected by induction Trip of exter- 2. Increase the thermal
or radiation 2 nal thermal O/L relay set value.
z Separate the main circuit wiring of the in- O/L relay
3. Use the inverter elec-
verter from the control wiring and wiring of tronic thermal O/L
the affected device. relay.
z Encase the inverter main circuit wiring in a
metal tube and ground the metal tube near
the inverter. Table 2-3-3 Countermeasures for leakage current
z Encase the inverter in a metal rack and
ground the rack.
z Connect a noise filter to the inverter power

3) When noise generated from peripheral equip-

ment affects the inverter
z Use twisted or twisted-pair shielded wires
for the inverter control wiring. Ground the
z Connect a surge absorber in parallel to the
coil of the magnetic contactor and sole-
z If the power supply includes much distor-
tion of the waveform or surge, connect an
impedance matching AC reactor for coor-
dination of power supply.

2 Installation and Connection 2-21


3 Operation
3-1 Inspection Check the following before operation:
1) Check whether the connection is correct.
and Prepara- For single-phase 200V series, check whether the power supply is
tion before connected correctly to the L1/L and L2/N terminals. Also check
Operation whether the inverter grounding terminal G is securely connected.
2) Check for short-circuits and ground faults between terminals and be-
tween live parts.
3) Check for loose terminals, connectors, and screws.

4) Check whether the motor is separated from mechanical equipment.

5) Set switches to OFF before turning on the power so that the inverter
will not start or operate abnormally at power-on.
6) Check the following after power-on:
a) Check for alarms displayed on the keypad panel.

1. Always install the surface cover before turning on the power.

Do not remove the surface cover during conduction.
WARNING Otherwise electric shock could occur.
2. Do not operate a switch with wet hands.
Otherwise electric shock could occur.

3-2 Operation There are various operation methods. Select a method depending on
the purpose and operation specifications with reference to Chapters 4
Method and 5. Table 3-2-1 lists operation methods used generally.

Operation method Frequency setting Running command

Operation by Built-in frequency setting RUN/STOP key

using keypad POT (VR) or UP/DOWN
panel key

Operation by Setting by using analog Contact input (switch)

using external voltage, analog current, z When SW7 is set at CM
signal terminal and external POT (VR) Connect external power supply and connect
terminal FWD with the (+) terminal of the
external power supply,
or connect terminal REV with the (+)
terminal of the external power supply.
z When SW7 is set at P24
Connect terminal FWD with P24/CM or
connect terminal REV with P24/CM.
Refer to section 2-3-3.

Table 3-2-1 General operation method

3-1 3 Operation

3-3 Trial Run The motor rotates when a frequency value and running command are
input from the keypad panel or external signal terminal.
Refer to Table 3-3-1.
Use a low frequency (about 5Hz) for trial runs.
A frequency can be set using the built-in frequency setting POT (VR) ,
and forward/stop can be performed using the keypad panel with the
functions set in the factory.

Operation method Frequency setting Running command

Operation by (When built-in POT (VR) is used) Operation starts when the RUN key is

using keypad The frequency increases when pressed.
panel the variable resistor is turned The motor decelerates and stops when
clockwise and reduces when it is the STOP key is pressed.
turned counterclockwise.
The motor accelerates when the
variable resistor is turned clock-
wise during operation and decel-
erates when it is turned

Operation by (When the UP/DOWN key is z When SW7 is set at CM

using external used) Connect external power supply and
signal terminal Frequency increases when the turn FWD (REV) on to start. Turn it off
UP key is pressed. to bring the inverter to deceleration
It reduces when the DOWN key
and stop.
is pressed.
z When SW7 is set at P24
Turn FWD (REV) on to start. Turn it off
to bring the inverter to deceleration
and stop.
Operation is not stopped although the
STOP key is pressed.
Refer to section 2-3-3.

Table 3-3-1 Running command

3 Operation 3-2

Check the following items:

a) Rotation direction
b) Whether rotation is smooth (whether there
is a motor buzzing noise or abnormal vi-
c) Whether acceleration and deceleration are
d) Whether the inverter cooling fan is rotating
(1.5kW or more)

If no abnormality is detected, check the item


again by increasing the frequency.

Even if the output from the inverter is stopped,
you will be get an electric shock when you touch
the main circuit terminals such as inverter output
terminals U, V and W if the voltage is supplied to
the main power supply input terminal.
The smoothing capacitor in the inverter has
been charged when the power is turned off and
it is not discharged immediately. Before touch-
ing the electric circuit, wait until at least five min-
utes have elapsed after power-off and the
charge lamp is off, indicating the voltage is al-
ready low.
After checking normality in the above trial run,
start operation.


1. The STOP key is valid only when the func-

tion has been set.
Assign another switch to emergency stops.
Otherwise accidents could occur.
2. Operation starts suddenly if alarm reset is
done with an running signal input. Check
that no running signal is input before alarm
Otherwise accidents could occur.


Do not touch the heat sink.

Otherwise burns could occur.

3-3 3 Operation

4 Keypad Panel 4-2 Operating Keypad Panel

1) Switching monitor
4-1 Names and Functions The display can be switched between fre-
quency display and output current display by
pressing the in Operation mode.

6 0. 0 1. 2 A

Frequency 1) Current 2)

1) Frequency is displayed as a percentage with the least
  significant digit in PID control operation (function H20
is set to 1 or 2):
1 0. 0. for 10%
 Digital display 1 0 0. for 100%
In program mode: Shows function codes and data 2) The reference frequency is displayed when the
codes. key is pressed in current indication.
In Operation mode: Shows the output frequency
and output current, etc. 2) Stopping operation
In Trip mode: Shows a code indicating the causes
of the trip. Operation is started when the is
 Program (Reset) key pressed, and is stopped when the is
Switches between Operation mode and Program
mode. pressed while function F 0 2 is set to a val-
In Trip mode: Resets the trip status and change ue other than 1.
to Operation mode.
 Function/Data key The rotation direction is:
In Operation mode: Switches between frequency
display and output current display during stopped
and running. In Program mode: Used to read and
F 0 2 = 0 : Forward rotation with
write various function codes and function data
FWD-P24/CM ON, and
reverse rotation with
 Up/down keys
In Operation mode: Used to increase and reduce F 0 2 = 2 : Forward rotation
the frequency (motor speed).In Program mode: (FWD/REV input is ig-
Used to change a function code and data value. nored.)
 RUN key F 0 2 = 3 : Reverse rotation
This key is used to start operation. (FWD/REV input is ig-
The LED is on during operation. nored.)
This key does not function when the data code
from the external signal (digital input) is selected
(F02 = 1).
 STOP key
This key is used to stop operation.
This key does not function when the data code
from the external signal (digital input) is selected
(F02 = 1).

4 Keypad Panel 4-1


3) Changing frequency
The frequency increases when the is pressed and decreases
when the is pressed while function F 0 1 is set to 0.
The change speed is increased when the is pressed at the
same time as the or .

Note: Do not turn the power off for five seconds after monitor switch-
ing or function setting, to prevent Er1 occurrence.

4) Setting function

Procedure Display

6 0. 0
Press the key to set the program
F 0 0

2 Press the key to select a function. 1)

F 0 1

3 Press the key to display data. 1

4 Press the key to change the data. 2

5 Press the to save the data. F 0 2

Changing another function

6 Press the to cancel the program 6 0. 0

1) The function code display changes as shown below.

The o 0 1 to o 1 1 are displayed only with o 0 0 set to 1.

F 0 0 F 0 1 F 3 6 E 0 1 E 0 3 C 0 1

o 1 1 o 0 0 H 2 5 H 0 1 P 0 0 C 0 7

4-2 4 Keypad Panel


5 Selecting Function
5-1 Function Selection List

F: Fundamental functions

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
0: Data change enabled,
F00 Data protection - - 0 X
1: Data protected
0: Key operation ( , key)
1: Voltage input (terminal [12])
(0 to +10VDC)
Frequency 2: Current input (terminal[C1])
F01 - - 4 X
command (4 to 20mADC)

3: Voltage input + current input
4: Analog (VR built in inverter)
0: Key operation
(rotation direction: By terminal block)
1: External signal (digital input)
F02 2: Key operation - - 2 X
(forward rotation)
3: Key operation
(reverse rotation)
Maximum out-
F03 50 to 120Hz Hz 1 50 X
put frequency
F04 Base frequency 25 to 120Hz Hz 1 50 X
F05 0
- Data cannot be changed. - - -
F06 0
Acceleration 0.0 to 60.0s
F07 s 0.1 6.0
time 0.01 second is set when 0.0 is specified.
F08 0.1 to 60.0s s 0.1 6.0
0,1 : Variable torque characteristic
F09 Torque boost - 1 13
2 to 31: Constant torque characteristic

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-1


Function Min. Factory during User
Name Setting range Unit
code No. unit setting opera- setting
0: Inactive
thermal overload
F10 1: Active (for 4-pole standard motor) - - 1
relay for motor
2: Active (for 4-pole FUJI inverter motor)
value of
F11 (Level) 20 to 135% of inverter rated current A 0.01 FUJI
F12 time 0.5 to 10.0min min 0.1 5.0
0: Inactive (Trip and alarm when power fail-
ure occurs)
1: Inactive (Trip and alarm when power re-
Restart after mo-
F14 mentary power - - 0 X

2: Active (Momentarily stops and restarts at

failure (Select)
setting frequency of before power failure)
3: Active (Momentarily stops and restarts at
starting frequency)
F15 limiter 0 to 120Hz 70
(High) Hz 1

F16 (Low) 0 to 120Hz 0

0: For 0 to 10VDC (4 to 20 mA DC)
F17 (for frequency - - 0 X
1: For 0 to 5VDC (4 to 12 mA DC)
setting signal)
F18 Bias frequency -120 to 120Hz Hz 1 0
DC injection brake
F20 (Starting Fixed to 3Hz Hz - 3.0 -
F21 (Level) 0 to 100% % 1 50
F22 0.0 s (Inactive), 0.1 to 30.0 s s 0.1 0.0
F23 1 to 6Hz Hz 1 1 X
F24 - Data cannot be changed. - - 0.0 -
F25 Stop frequency 1 to 6Hz Hz 1 1 X

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-2 5 Selecting Function


Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
Motor sound 0 to 15kHz
F26 kHz 1 15
(carrier freq.) 0.75kHz is set when 0 is specified
0: Level 0 1: Level 1
F27 (sound tone ) - - 0
2: Level 2 3: Level 3
FM terminal
F30 (Voltage 0 to 200% % 1 100
0: Output frequency
1: Output current
F31 (Function) - - 0
2: PID feedback amount
3: DC link circuit voltage
30Ry operation 0: Excited when tripped
F36 - - 0 X
mode 1: Normally excited

E: Extension Terminal Functions

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
E01 X1 terminal - - 0 X
E02 (function - - 2 X
X2 terminal
Use the code values listed below to select
[X1], [X2] and [X3] terminal functions.
E03 selection) - - 3 X
X3 terminal
0: Multistep frequency 1 (SS1)
1: Multistep frequency 2 (SS2)
2: Coast-to-stop command (BX)
3: Alarm reset (RST)
4: External alarm (THR)
5: Write enable command for keypad
6: PID control cancel (Hz/PID)
7: Link operation selection (LE)

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-3


C: Control Functions of Frequency

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
C01 Jump frequency1 1 0
C02 2 0 to 120Hz Hz 1 0
C03 3 1 0
C04 (Hysteresis) 0 to 30Hz Hz 1 3
C05 0.1 0.0
frequency 1
0.0 to 120Hz Hz
C06 2 0.1 0.0
C07 3 0.1 0.0

P: Motor Parameters

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
P00 0 to 10 - - 2

H: High Performance Functions

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
H01 Operation time Operation time accumulation 1 0 -
The contents of the last four alarms are
H02 Trip history - - --- -
displayed sequentially.
Data 1: Initialized
H03 - - 0 X
initialization (return to factory setting value)

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-4 5 Selecting Function


Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
0: No retry
H04 Retry (count) - - 0
1: Retry (Count is fixed to 5.)
Cooling fan on/ 0: Inactive
H06 - - 0
off control 1: Active
0: Inactive
PID control
H20 1: Active (forward operation) - - 0 X
(Mode select)
2: Active (reverse operation)
0: Terminal [12]
(0 to +10VDC) Input
(Feedback 1: Terminal [C1]
H21 - - 1 X
signal select) (4 to 20mADC)Input
2: Terminal [12]
(+1 to +5VDC) Input
H22 (P-gain) 0.01 to 10.0 times (1to1000%) - 0.01 0.01

0.0s : Inactive
H23 (I-gain) s 0.1 0.0
0.1 to 999s
0.00s : Inactive
H24 (D-gain) s 0.01 0.00
0.01 to 10.0s
H25 0.0 to 60.0s s 0.1 0.5

O: Optional Functions

Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
0: Option inactive
Option selection
1: Option active
o00 (RS485 - - 0
Set 0 when the optional RS485
communication unit is not used.
o01 Station address 1 to 31 - - 1

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-5


Func- Change
tion Min. Factory during
Name Setting range Unit set-
code unit setting opera-
No. tion
0: Er8 trip with eight continuous commu-
nication errors or check sum errors
1: Er8 trip after the time (o03) set in the
timer elapses with eight continuous
Selection of communication errors or check sum
o02 operation in error errors - - 0
occurrence 2: Er8 trip if communication does not re-
cover until the time (o03) set in the tim-
er elapses
3: Retry and operation continuation with
communication or check sum error
Selection of time
o03 1 to 60s s 1 2
set in timer
0: 19200bps 1: 9600bps
o04 2: 4800bps 3: 2400bps - - 1

4: 1200bps
Data length
o05 0:8bits 1:7bits - - 0
Parity bit 0: No parity 1: Even parity
o06 - - 0
selection 2: Odd parity
o07 Stop bit selection 0:2bits 1:1bit - - 0
o08 discontinuation 0: No detection,1 to 60s s 1 0
detection time
o09 0.00 to 1.00 s 0.01 0.01 v
RS485 0: Selection of frequency setting
command selec- selected with F01
o10 - - 0 X
tion (frequency 1: Selection of frequency setting
setting) from RS485
RS485 0: Selection of operation command
command selec- selected with F02
o11 - - 0 X
tion (operation 1: Selection of operation command from
command) RS485

Table 5-1-1 Table of Function Selection List

Note: For details on "o01" to "o11", refer to the instruction manual that came with the optional
RS485 serial communication unit.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-6 5 Selecting Function


5-2 Details of Each Function F02 Operation method

F00 Data protection Change during

Factory setting
Change during
Factory setting 2 X

0 X
The following four values can be selected: refer
to Table 2-3-3.
Set data can be locked to prevent it from being
changed by mistake when using the keypad 0 Key operation [ key]
The motor runs when the key is
0 Data can be changed. pressed and decelerates to stop when
the key is pressed. The direction
1 Data is protected. of rotation depends on the FWD and
REV terminals as follows.
Data is changed when the + or key
are pressed simultaneously.
When the external power supply is

used (Set SW7 at CM.)
F01 Frequency command +24 to +27 VDC
supplied to FWD - P24/CM: Forward
+24 to +27 VDC
Change during supplied to REV - P24/CM: Reverse
Factory setting
Operation is impossible when
4 X +24 to +27 VDC is supplied to both or
none of FWD - P24/CM and
REV - P24/CM.
The following five values can be selected:
When the internal power supply is used
0 Key operation [ key] (Set SW7 at P24.)
1 Voltage input FWD - P24/CM short-circuited: Forward
(terminal 12) (0 to + 10VDC) REV - P24/CM short-circuited: Reverse
Operation is impossible when both the
2 Current input FWD and REV terminals or none of
(terminal C1) (4 to 20mADC) them are short-circuited with the
3 Voltage input (terminal 12) P24/CM terminal.
+ current input (terminal C1)
4 Analog setting (POT built in inverter)

High-speed operation can be set by
the inverter easily. Carefully check the
limit of the motor and machine before
changing the setting.
Otherwise injuries could occur.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-7


1 External signal operation (Digital input) F03 Maximum output frequency

When the external power supply is Change during
used (Set SW7 at CM): Factory setting
Forward operation with +24 to +27 VDC
supplied to FWD - P24/CM and decel- 50Hz X
eration to stop with them open.
Reverse operation with +24 to +27 VDC This function sets the maximum output frequen-
supplied to REV - P24/CM and deceler- cy.
ation to stop with them open.
No operation with +24 to +27 VDC
supplied to both FWD - P24/CM and 5 0
REV - P24/CM. The maximum output frequency
to can be set with a resolution of 1 Hz
When the internal power supply is used in a range between 50 and 120 Hz.
(Set SW7 at P24): 1 2 0
Forward operation with FWD - P24/CM
short-circuited and deceleration to stop
with them open. Maximum voltage

Reverse operation with REV - P24/CM

short-circuited and deceleration to stop V
with them open.
No operation with both FWD - CM and Maximum
REV - CM short-circuited. f
output frequency

2 Keypad operation
(forward rotation) [ key]
The motor runs forward when the CAUTION
key is pressed and decelerates-
to-stop when the key is pressed. High-speed operation can be set by
FWD and REV terminal input is ig- the inverter easily. Carefully check the
nored. limit of the motor and machine before
changing the setting.
3 Keypad operation Otherwise injuries could occur.
(reverse rotation) [ key]
The motor runs in reverse when the
key is pressed and decelerates-
to-stop when the key is pressed.
FWD and REV terminal input is ig-

Note: This function can be changed only

while the FWD and REV terminals
are open.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-8 5 Selecting Function


F04 Base frequency F07 Acceleration time

Change during Change during

Factory setting Factory setting
operation operation

50Hz X 6. 0s

This function sets a base frequency (branch 0. 0 The time taken to increase from
point between constant torque characteristic 0.0 Hz to the maximum output fre-
and constant output characteristic). to quency can be set in an increment
of 0.1 s step in a range between
2 5 6 0. 0 0.0 and 60.0 s.
The base frequency can be set
to with a resolution of 1 Hz in a range 0.01 is set when 0.0 is specified.
between 25 and 120 Hz..
1 2 0
F08 Deceleration time
Set a frequency matching the motor characteris-
Change during

A value exceeding the maximum frequency can Factory setting
be set but the output voltage is reduced.
6. 0s

Maximum voltage
0. 1 The time taken to increase from
the maximum output frequency to
V to 0.0 Hz can be set in a range be-
tween 0.1 and 60.0 s. (In an incre-
6 0. 0 ment of 0.1 s step)
f Base

Change during
Factory setting

0 X

Data cannot be changed.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-9


F09 Torque boost F10 Electronic thermal O/L relay

Change during
Factory setting
operation Change during
Factory setting
This function can choose between 32 types of
boost according to the load type and motor char- This function is used to select between the fol-
acteristics. lowing three values:

0 0 Inactive
For square law torque loads 1 Active .........
4-pole standard motor
(fan, pump)
1 2 Operation (inverter motor)
4-pole FUJI inverter motor
2 Lower

to F11 Electronic thermal O/L relay

3 1 Higher (Level)

Change during
Factory setting
Higher Motor rated current
voltage This function sets the operation
level of an electronic thermal O/L
Lower Square law torque
0. 1 4 relay by using an ampere value ac-
cording to the motor rated current.
to 20 to 135% of the inverter rated
current can be set.
2 2. 3 Values less than 9.99A can be set
Output frequency f
in 0.01A step and values more
than 10.0A can be set in 0.1A step.
Set 8 when using a FUJI inverter motor
Set the value obtained by multiplying the motor
(FV motor). rated current by coefficient K in the table below
according to the wiring length between the in-
verter and motor.

Wiring length
Inverter capacity
0m40m 50m 100m 200m
External thermal is
0.1C11S-7EN K=1.2
0.2C11S-7EN K=1 K=1.1 K=1.2
0.4C11S-7EN K=1 K=1.1
to K=1

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-10 5 Selecting Function


F12 Electronic thermal O/L relay The graph below shows the electronic thermal
(thermal time constant) O/L relay operating characteristics. Output cur-
rent values for the electronic thermal operating
levels (values set with function F11) are plotted
Change during horizontally and operating times for output cur-
Factory setting
operation rent are plotted vertically.
5. 0min This graph is for F10 = 1 with the base frequency
of 50Hz. The characteristics for output frequen-
cies exceeding the base frequency are the same
0. 5 This function sets the operating as the characteristics for the base frequency.
time of the electronic thermal O/L When function F10 is set to 2, the characteristics
relay when the current that is are always the same as those for the base fre-
150% of the operation level flows. quency. The operating time with output current
0.5 to 10.0 min. can be set of 150% can be adjusted by using function F12
1 0. 0 (in 0.1 min. step). (electronic thermal O/L relay (thermal time con-
The figure below shows the continuous permis-
sible current with F10 (electronic thermal O/L re- Operating time characteristics
lay [Select]) = 1.
1Hz 5Hz 20Hz 30Hz

50Hz (Base frequency)
Continuous permissible current (F10=1)


80 15
Operating time (minute)

current (%)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Output frequency/base frequency

The figure below shows the continuous permis-

sible current with F10 (electronic thermal O/L re-
lay [Select]) = 2. 100% of the continuous 0
permissible current is the current value set with 0 50 100 150 200
function F11 (electronic thermal O/L relay [Lev- Output current/set operating level (%)
el]). Set
with F12
Continuous permissible current (F10=2)



current (%)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Output frequency/base frequency

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-11


F14 Restart after momentary F15 Frequency limiter (High)

power failure (Select)
Change during
Factory setting
Change during operation
Factory setting
0 X

This function determines whether operation is F16 Frequency limiter (Low)

restarted upon recovery from momentary power
failure: Change during
Factory setting
0 Inactive
Failure while inverter is stopped:
The stop status is continued after
recovery from the failure. This function sets the upper and lower limits of
Failure during operation: output frequencies.
LU indication is held immediately

due to undervoltage and the inverter 0

trips with alarm output. 0 to 120Hz can be set with a reso-
lution of 1Hz.
1 Inactive
1 2 0
Failure while inverter is stopped:
The stop status is continued after If the upper limit and lower limit settings are re-
recovery from the failure. versed, the upper limit is valid and the lower limit
Failure during operation: is ignored.
LU indication is held upon recovery Hence, the operation is always performed with
from the failure and the inverter trips the upper limit regardless of the frequency set-
with alarm output. ting.

2 Active
The inverter restarts with the frequency
at the momentary power failure when
0.5s elapses after recovery from the fail

3 Active
The inverter restarts with the starting
frequency when 0.5s elapses after re-
covery from the failure.
3 = valid upon recovery from the failure
with LU being on.
The table below lists approximate LU indication
times for a momentary power failure during op-

Inverter Type (kW) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2

Time (s) 0.6 1.2 2.6 4.8 3.0 5.0

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-12 5 Selecting Function


F17 Gain F18 Bias frequency

(for frequency setting signal)
Change during
Factory setting
Change during operation
Factory setting
0 X
This function outputs a frequency biased for the
This function outputs the frequency obtained by analog frequency setting.
multiplying the reference frequency by a ratio.
-1 2 0
This function selects an analog input signal level -120 to 120Hz can be set with
with a value from 1 to 4 that is set by a resolution of 1Hz.
function F 0 1 . 1 2 0

0 The maximum frequency is output at

+10VDC (20mA DC).

1 The maximum frequency is output at
+5VDC (12mADC). setting

When this function is used with function F 1 8

(bias frequency ), the gain set with this function
Bias (positive)
is valid and the gained frequency is biased.
0 +10VDC
1 0 Bias
4 20mADC
F20 DC injection brake
(starting frequency)

Change during
0 +5 +10Vdc Factory setting
4 12 20mAdc
3.0Hz X

This function sets 3.0Hz (fixed) as the starting

frequency of DC injection brake.

F21 DC injection brake (Level)

Change during
Factory setting


This function sets a DC brake current level.

Levels can be set in 1% unit by assuming the
level of the inverter rated current to be 100%.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-13


F22 DC injection brake (Braking time) These functions set a starting or stop frequency
in a range from 1 to 6Hz in 1Hz step.
Change during
Factory setting 1 1Hz

0.0s to

6 6Hz
This function sets the DC injection braking time.
0.0 : No DC injection braking Output frequency in forward/reverse operation
0.1 to 30.0 : DC injection braking time 0.1 to 30s
(in 0.1s step)
Starting frequency setting
Output Freq. Stop frequency setting
Stop frequency setting
Starting frequency setting

Time FWD

Output voltage

Starting frequency < stop frequency

DC injection brake Stop frequency setting

Starting frequency setting

Do not use the inverter brake function If the set frequency is lower than the stop fre-
for mechanical holding. quency, the inverter output is 0Hz.
Otherwise injuries could occur.

F23 Starting frequency

F25 Stop frequency

Factory Change during

setting operation
F23 1Hz X
F25 1Hz X

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-14 5 Selecting Function


F24 F30 FM terminal (voltage adjust)

Change during
Factory setting
operation Change during
Factory setting
0. 0 -
Data cannot be changed.
This function regulates the frequency meter volt-
age level output to the FM terminal in the range
F26 Motor sound (carrier freq.) from 0 to 200% (in 1% step).

Change during 0 (Full scale about 0VDC)

Factory setting
2 0 0 (Full scale about 11VDC)
This function changes the motor tone quality by
changing the carrier frequency. 200%

11V 100%
0 Output 10V
Choose among 16 types according 5V 50%
to the usage conditions.
1 5
50% 100%
Output/full scale
Data code 0 : 0.75kHz (Low carrier)
1 : 1kHz Note: Output to the FM terminal is pulse out-
2 : 2kHz put with constant frequency and varia-
15 : 15kHz (High carrier, low noise) ble duty.

Note: When the inverter is operating at 9kHz

or higher carrier frequency, the carrier Variable
frequency for may be reduced to 8kHz
automatically to protect the inverter. Approx. 13V

Fixed to 121.6Hz
F27 Motor sound (sound tone)

Change during
Factory setting

This function adjusts the motor operation sound

when a value of 7 or less is set with function F26.

0 Level 0
3 Level 3

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-15


F31 FM terminal (Function) E01 X1 terminal (function selection)

E02 X2 terminal
Change during
Factory setting
E03 X3 terminal

0 Factory Change during

setting operation
This function selects the contents of output to E01 0 X
the FM terminal. E02 2 X
0 Output frequency E03 3 X
(maximum output frequency = 100%)
1 Output current
0 Multistep frequency selection 1 (SS1)
(inverter rated current x 2 = 100%)
1 Multistep frequency selection 2 (SS2)
2 PID feedback value (full scale = 100%)
3 DC link circuit voltage f3
(500VDC = 100%)

Output f2
frequency f1 f4

F36 30Ry operation mode

Change during ON
Factory setting
operation (SS1)-P24/CM
0 X (SS2)-P24/CM

This function sets the operation mode of alarm f1: Frequency selected with F01
output for any fault (30Ry). (keypad panel/analog/freq. setting POT )
f2: Frequency selected with C05
F36 Normal operation Tripped f3: Frequency selected with C06
f4: Frequency selected with C07

0 30A 30A OFF input is assumed if SS1 or SS2 is not se-

30B 30B lected.
tripped) 30C 30C

1 30A 1) 30A
(Normally 30B 30B
excited) 30C 30C

1) The status without inverter power supply is the same as

the status when inverter is tripped.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-16 5 Selecting Function


2 Coast-to-stop command (BX) 7 Link operation selection (LE)

Inverter output is cut when the BX ter- Operation setting can be done by com-
minal is connected to the P24/CM ter- mands from RS485 when the LE termi-
minal. nal is connected to the P24/CM
OFF input is assumed when BX is not terminal.
selected. A command from RS485 is ignored
when the LE terminal is disconnected
3 Alarm reset (RST)
from the P24/CM terminal.
The alarm output is released between
ON input is assumed when LE is not se-
the RST and P24/CM terminals when
power is turned on.
The trip status is released between the LE is valid only when function o 0 0 is
RST and P24/CM terminals when pow-
set to 1 (option operation).
er is turned off.
(Refer to 6-2 Alarm Reset on page 6-3)
4 External alarm (THR)
Inverter trips with OH2 when the THR
terminal is disconnected from the P24/
CM terminal.

ON input is assumed when THR is not
5 Write enable command for keypad
Function change from the keypad panel
is disabled when the WE-KP terminal is
disconnected from the P24/CM termi-
Function change from the keypad panel
is enabled when the WE-KP terminal is
connected to the P24/CM terminal.
ON input is assumed when WE-KP is
not selected.
6 PID control cancel (Hz/PID)
PID control operates when the Hz/PID
terminal is disconnected from the P24/
CM terminal and does not operate
when they are connected.
OFF is assumed when the Hz/PID is
not selected.
Hz/PID is valid only when function
H 2 0 is set to 1 or 2.
(PID control operation).

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-17


C01 C05 Multistep frequency 1

C02 Jump frequency 1, 2, 3 C06 Multistep frequency 2
C03 C07 Multistep frequency 3

Factory Change during Factory Change during

setting operation setting operation
C01 0.0Hz C05 0.0Hz
C02 0.0Hz C06 0.0Hz
C03 0.0Hz C07 0.0Hz

These functions jump frequencies to prevent These functions set a multistep frequency from 0
overlap between the load mechanical resonance to 120Hz in 0.1Hz step (for 99.9 Hz or less) or
point and inverter output frequency. 1Hz step (for 100Hz or more) by switching the
Up to three jump points can be set. external contact signal.
These function do not operate when 0Hz is set. The ON and OFF of terminal function SS1/SS2
(see explanation of E01, E02, and E03) switches
No frequency is jumped during acceleration and
between the frequencies set by these functions

C05, C06, and C07.

If three continuous frequencies are set, the total
of the three jump widths is set as the jump width.

Output frequency
P00 Motor characteristics

Jump frequency Jump width Change during

Factory setting
Jump frequency Jump width
Jump frequency Jump width
This function removes abnormalities in the out-
put current such as current vibration.
Jump frequency
0 Current vibration is not suppressed.
C04 Jump frequency (Hysteresis) to
1 0 Current vibration is minimized.
Change during
Factory setting


This function sets a jump width in a range from 0

to 30Hz in 1Hz step.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-18 5 Selecting Function


H01 Operation time H02 Trip history

This function displays the integration time of This function memorizes the history of the last
power supply applied to the inverter. four protection operations.
0 to 655 are displayed to indicate 0 to 65500 Each data item can be called using the key.
hours. The calling procedure is shown below:
If the integration time exceeds 65500 hours,
65500 is displayed continuously. While the total The contents of a new alarm is stored in the data
of power supply times is less than one hour, the area for the history of the latest alarm. At this
times are not integrated. time, the history of the latest alarm is stored in
the data area for the second latest alarm. The
histories of the second and third latest alarms are
moved in this way and the history of the fourth
latest alarm is deleted.
Stored trip histories are not deleted although
data initialization is executed with H03.

No. Procedure Remarks

1 Call H 0 2 H 0 2

The contents (history) of the

2 Press the key Press the key OU 2
latest alarm are displayed.

The contents of the second lat-

3 Press the key Press the key OH 2
est alarm are displayed.

The contents of the third latest

4 Press the key Press the key OC 1
alarm are displayed.

The contents of the fourth lat-

5 Press the key Press the key - - - est alarm are displayed. (This
example is for no history.)

6 Press the key E n d

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-19


H03 Data initialization H06 Cooling fan on/off control

Change during Change during

Factory setting Factory setting
operation operation

0 X 0

This function initializes data items set with all 0 : ON-OFF No control (always on)
functions to values set in the factory.
0 Manually set value 1 : ON-OFF Control
to (The fan is turned off when the inverter
temperature becomes low after opera-
1 Initialized (factory set value) tion is stopped.)

The display is changed from 0 to 1

when the and keys are pressed simul- H20 PID control (Mode select)

Change during
Factory setting
When the key is pressed under this
condition, initial data is written and a frequency 0 X
set by the built-in POT (VR) is displayed auto-
matically. 0 : Inactive
Select a PID
1 : Active (forward)
control operation.
H04 Retry
2 : Active (reverse)
Change during
Factory setting The feedback signal value (%) is displayed by
assuming the full scale to be 100% when a PID
0 control operation is selected.

This function selects a retry operation if the in-

verter is tripped.

0 : No retry
1 : The retry count is fixed to 5 and retry
starts when 0.5s elapses after tripping.
Retry is attempted only for an overcurrent/over-
voltage trip that occurs during operation.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-20 5 Selecting Function


H21 PID control H24 PID control (D-gain)

(Feedback signal select)
Change during
Factory setting
Change during operation
Factory setting
1 X
This function sets a derivative time.
This function selects a PID control feedback sig-
nal. 0. 0 0 : No derivative

0 Terminal 12 (0 to +10VDC) 0. 0 1 to 1 0. 0 : Derivative time 0.01 to

10.0s (in 0.01s step)
1 Terminal C1 (4 to 20mADC)
2 Terminal 12 (+1 to +5VDC)
H25 PID control (Feedback filter)

H22 PID control (P-gain) Change during

Factory setting

Change during 0.5s
Factory setting

0.01 This function sets a filter time constant of PID

This function sets a P-gain.
0. 0 to 6 0. 0 : Time constants 0.0 to 60.0s
(in 0.1s step)
0. 0 1 to 1 0. 0 P-gain from 0.01 to 10.0
times (1 to 1000%)
(in increment of 0.01 step)

H23 PID control (I-gain)

Change during
Factory setting


This function sets an integral time.

0. 0 : No integration
0. 1 to 9 9 9 : Integral time 0.1 to 999s
(in 0.1s step for 99.9s or less, 1s step for 100s or

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5 Selecting Function 5-21


PID control
In PID control, an output frequency is adjusted to
a feedback value.

Use F 0 1 to set a frequency and H 2 1 to

make the feedback value and the reference value

PID arithmetic unit

Deviation 1 Inverter
Reference between FWD
frequency + Kp ⋅ (1 + + s ⋅ Td) and REV output M P
s ⋅ Ti
- operation

Feedback value

Kp : P-gain
Td : Derivative time
Ti : Integral time
Forward Reverse
operation operation

Deviation Deviation

Deviation is positive and

Output Output frequency decreases.
frequency frequency
Deviation is positive and
frequency increases.

o00 Option selection For explanations of "o01" to "o11", refer to

(RS485 communication) the instruction manual that comes with the
optional RS485 serial communication unit.

Change during
Factory setting

0 : Option inactive
1 : Option active

Always set 0 when the optional RS485 se-

rial communication unit is not used. If 1 is
set, Er 8 occurs.

Change during operation: X = impossible, = possible (enabled by using ), = possible (enabled by using )

5-22 5 Selecting Function


6 Protective Function
6-1 List of protec- When the protective function is activated, inverter output is instantly cut
off (while the motor coasts until it is stopped), and an alarm is issued,
tive functions and the details of the alarm are displayed on the keypad panel.

Alarm Name panel Contents of operation
acceleration If the inverter output current momentarily ex-
ceeds the overcurrent detection level because of
Overcurrent OC2 an overcurrent in the motor or the short-circuit in
the output circuit, the output is shut down, an
While running at alarm is issued, and the inverter is tripped.
constant speed
During If the DC voltage of the main circuit exceeds the
acceleration overvoltage detection level because of an in-
crease in the regenerating current from the mo-
Overvoltage OU2 tor, etc., output is shut down, an alarm is issued,
and the inverter is tripped. However, protection

While running at against inadvertent overvoltage loading (e.g.
OU3 high-voltage line) might not be provided.
constant speed
If the DC voltage of the main circuit falls below the undervoltage de-
tection level because of a lowered power supply, output is shut down
to protect the inverter. If the restart function after momentary power
failure is not activated, an alarm is issued and the inverter is tripped.
Undervoltage LU
If the restart function is activated, the inverter restarts automatically
with no alarm.
For further details of the protective function, refer to the descriptions
of Function F14.
If the temperature of the heat sink used for cooling the rectifier diodes
Overheating of and IGBTs rises because of cooling fan failure, etc., protective func-
heat sink tion is activated to stop operation, an alarm is issued, and the inverter
is tripped.

6 Protective Function 6-1


Alarm Name panel Contents of operation
If the control circuit terminal THR (functional change of X1 to X3 ter-
External Alarm OH2
minals) is set to OFF, an alarm is issued and the inverter is tripped.
If the motor current exceeds the operating level set by the electronic
OL thermal O/L relay, output is shut down to protect the motor, an alarm
is issued, and the inverter is tripped.
Inverter If the output current exceeds the inverter rated overload current, out-
overload put is shut down, an alarm is issued, and the inverter is tripped.
If memory error occurs, such as a missing or invalid data, output is
Memory Error Er1
shut down, an alarm is issued , and the inverter is tripped.
If CPU error occurs because of noise, etc., output is shut down, an
CPU Error Er3
alarm is issued , and the inverter is tripped.
RS485 If an error occurs in serial communication via the RS485, output is
Communica- shut down, an alarm is issued , and the inverter is tripped. For further
tion details, refer to the instruction manual for RS485 communication
Error cards.

Table 6-1-1 List of Protective Functions

6-2 6 Protective Function


6-2 Alarm Reset To release the trip status, enter the reset command by pressing the re-
set key or from terminal (RST) after removing the cause of the trip.
Since the reset command is an edge operation, be sure to input a com-
mand string such as OFF 씯 ON 씯 OFF as shown in Figure 6-2-1.
When releasing the trip status, set the operation command to OFF.
When the operation command is set to ON, check that operation starts
after resetting.
If the cause of tripping is Er1, reset the error and initialize data. If the
inverter is not reset, contact Fuji Electric.

10ms or more

Reset command

Keypad panel Normal display Alarm display Normal display

Alarm output


Figure. 6-2-1 How to input the reset command

If alarm reset is activated with operation signal ON, the inverter sud-
denly restarts which may be hazardous. Be sure to disable the oper-
WARNING ating signal when releasing the trip status:
Otherwise fire could occur.

6 Protective Function 6-3


7 Troubleshooting
7-1 In case of In the event the inverter tripping, diagnose by the help of the alarm dis-
play as shown below.
1) Overcurrent (OC)

Overcurrent Overcurrent Overcurrent

during during while running at
acceleration deceleration constant speed

Yes Remove
Are the motor connecting terminal (U,V,W)
short-circuited or grounded? short-circuit
or ground.
No No No

Reduce load
Load excessive?
Yes or expand
No No No

Can torque No
Torque time setting No
No boost amount be boost amount too short com-
reduced? correct? pared Faulty invert-
with load? er or error

Yes Yes Yes Has load changed No ’because of

Acceleration Yes Fuji Electric.
torque boost time setting too No
amount. short compared
with load?

Can the Can the

Prolong Yes acceleration deceleration Yes Prolong
time setting. time setting be time setting be time setting.
prolonged? prolonged?
No No

Reduce load or Braking method Suppress load

needs investiga- fluctuation or
expand inverter tion. Consult with
capacity. expand inverter
Fuji Electric. capacity.

7-1 7 Troubleshooting

2) Overvoltage(OU)

z Fix supply volt-

Overvoltage Overvoltage Overvoltage while age to within up-
during accelera- during decelera- running at constant per limit of
tion OU1 tion OU2 speed OU3 specifications.
z If caused by mo-
mentary voltage
surge from pow-
er supply, con-
sider installing a
No power-factor
Power supply voltage within specified value? correcting DC
Yes Yes Yes

z Eliminate sud-
den change of
Yes load.
Does OU activate when load is removed suddenly.
z Consider in-
creasing inverter
No No No

Faulty inverter or
error because of No
noise. Contact Fuji Main circuit DC voltage exceeds protection level?
Yes Yes Yes

No Occurs on
Can decelerating Yes Prolong decelerat-
completion of steep time be prolonged? ing time.

Yes No

Prolong accelerat- Yes Can accelerating

ing time. time be prolonged?

Can the moment of inertia of load be Yes Reduce moment

reduced? of inertia.
No No

Can regenerating load be reduced?

Yes Reduce regenerat-
ing load.
No No No

DC injection brake No Consider using DC

used? injection brake.

Review braking method. Contact Fuji Electric.

7 Troubleshooting 7-2

3) Undervoltage(LU) 4) Overheating of heat sink (OH1)

LU Heat sink overheating


Reset and restart

Has (momentary) Yes
power failure occurred? operation. Load excessive?
Reduce load.
(If F14 is 0,1)
No No

Faulty parts or loose No

Yes Replace faulty parts Cooling fan rotating? Replace cooling fan.
connection in power and fix connection.
control circuit? Yes
Cooling air passage Yes
Remove obstacles.
Power supply voltage No blocked up?
within specified value? No
Yes Modify power
distribution Arrange peripheral
system to satisfy Ambient temperature No
Any load requiring large within specified value? conditions to secure
specified value. specified value.
starting current within Yes
the same power distri- Yes
bution group?
No Probably faulty inverter
or error because of
Does LU activate when noise, etc.
circuit breaker or mag- Yes Power transformer Contact Fuji Electric.
netic contractor capacity adequate?
switched to ON?
No Yes

Probably faulty control

circuit of inverter or Probably faulty
error because of noise, inverter.
etc. Contact Fuji Electric.
Contact Fuji Electric.

7-3 7 Troubleshooting

5) External alarm input (OH2) 6) Inverter overload (OLU) or motor overload



Signal from external Connect alarm signal

device connected No
contact. Short-circuit
between control circuit between terminals Do characteris-
terminals THR - P24/CM if no tics of electronic
Connect thermal
THR - P24/CM? signal is input. thermal O/L relay No
and those of mo- O/L relay
Yes externally.
tor overload
Is the alarm function of No Probably faulty Yes
the external device inverter or error be-
cause of noise.
operating correctly?
Contact Fuji Electric. Is electronic ther- No Set to correct
mal O/L relay set-
Yes ting correct? level.

Remove the cause of
alarm function
activation. Probably faulty
inverter or error
Load excessive?
No because of
noise, etc.
Fuji Electric.

Reduce load or
increase inverter

7 Troubleshooting 7-4

7) Memory error (Er1) CPU error (Er3)

Abnormal Analog frequen-

display or indi- Memory error Er 1 CPU error Er 3 cy set to negative
cation goes out value?
No Yes

Reset analog fre-

quency to positive
Turn power OFF then ON again after CHARGE lamp has gone out.

Is data displayed No Noise source Yes Remedy faulty

on LED? nearby? parts.
Yes No

Inverter is normal. Probably faulty

Continue inverter. Contact
operation. Fuji Electric.

7-5 7 Troubleshooting

8) RS485 Communication Error (Er8)

[In case RS485 communication is not used*]

Error Er8

Probably faulty
o00 is set to 1? inverter.
Contact Fuji Electric.

Set o00 to 0.

* For Er8 measures when using RS485,

refer to the instruction manual for optional RS485 communication card.

7 Troubleshooting 7-6

7-2 Other trouble 1) When motor does not rotate.

Note: Verify the function settings for the operation commands and
frequency setting values on the keypad panel.

Motor does not start.

Are circuit breaker and Investigate cause of

No magnetic contactor on No failed switching, and
Does charge lamp light? power supply side turn them ON if there is
switched ON? no problem.
Yes Yes

Check for failures such

Remedy failed function Voltage of main power as low voltage,
and start after resetting
Yes Alarm displayed on supply input terminals
No phase failure, loose
keypad panel? connection, and poor
alarm. normal? contact, and remedy
No Yes

If no error is detected, Is the operation method Possibly of faulty

continue operation. the keypad panel or inverter.
input signal? Contact Fuji Electric.
Keypad Input
panel signal

Forward or reverse External wiring between

Does motor run if RUN No No control circuit terminals Yes Replace faulty switch or
operation command
key is pressed? given? FWD, REV - P24/CM relay.
connected correctly?

No Yes Yes

Press UP key and set Remedy wiring error.

Setting of built-in
Replace faulty
POT (VR) and frequency setting
Does frequency setting No connections of external Yes
Does inverter start when No
exceed starting and POT (VR), signal
UP key pressed? circuit wiring between converter, switch,
stop frequency. control circuit terminals
13,12,11,C1 or X1, X2, or relay contacts as
X2 - P24/CM correct?
Yes Yes


7-7 7 Troubleshooting

Yes Yes

Are the frequency

Execute correct Yes limiter (High) and the
frequency setting. frequency setting lower
than starting frequency?

Inverter output terminals No

Defective motor. (U,V,W) supplied with Probably faulty inverter.
proper voltage? Contact Fuji Electric.

No Yes

Yes No
Load excessive? Motor wiring correct? Remedy wiring error.


Load is excessive, re-

sulting in motor lock.
Lighten load. Also,
Setting of torque boost Yes
amount correct? check that the brake is
adequately released if
mechanical brake is

Raise torque boost


The motor does not rotate if the following com-
mands are given.
1. An operation command is given while
coast-to-stop command is output to the
control terminals.
2. Both operation command FWD and REV
are input.

7 Troubleshooting 7-8

2) When motor rotates but the speed does not change.

Motor rotates but speed

does not change.

Yes Maximum frequency set-

ting too low?
Change the No
Yes Upper/lower frequency
limiter activating?

Does speed change when Yes

Built-in POT (VR)
freq. setting POT(VR)
clockwise or counter No
Which frequency
setting method Yes
is in use:
Does the speed change
built-in POT (VR), Keypad panel operation
when UP or DOWN key
keypad panel, No
analog signal,
or multistep No
Can the frequency
Analog signal setting signal Yes
(0 to +10V, 4 to 20mA)
be changed?
Multistep No

External wiring External wiring
connections between
control terminals
Remedy wiring error.
No connections between
control terminals
X1,X2,X3 - P24/CM
connected correctly? 13,12,C1 - 11 correct?

Yes Yes

Frequencies for each No Change the setting

multistep selecting
frequency different? frequency.


Replace faulty
Setting of Probably faulty frequency setting
acceleration/ No inverter or error POT(VR) or signal
deceleration time because of noise, etc. converter as
excessively long? Contact Fuji Electric. appropriate.

Change setting to
correct acceleration/
deceleration time for load.

7-9 7 Troubleshooting

In the following cases, change of motor speed is

also restricted.

1. Bias frequency (F18) setting value is large.

2. Signals are input from both control termi-
nals 12 and C1 and there is no significant
change in the added value.
(When F01 is 3)
3. Load is excessive and stall prevention
function is activated.

3) When motor stalls during acceleration

Motor stalls during


Acceleration time Yes Prolong time

setting too short? setting.

Moment of inertia Yes

of motor or load
Yes Consult with
Fuji Electric.
in use? Reduce moment
No of inertia of load

or increase
inverter capacity.

Use thicker cable

Motor for wiring
Yes between inverter
terminal voltage and motor, or
shorten wiring

Torque of load No
Setting of torque No Increase torque
excessive? boost amount boost amount.
Yes Yes

Probably faulty
Reduce torque of inverter or error
load or increase because of noise,
inverter capacity. etc. Contact
Fuji Electric.

7 Troubleshooting 7-10

4) When motor generates abnormal heat

Motor generates abnor-

mal heat

V/f pattern fitted to mo- No

Change the setting.

Motor been
continuously operated Yes Use motor exclusive to
at extremely low inverter.

Yes Lighten load or in-

Load excessive? crease motor capacity.

Is the output voltage Yes

(at terminals U,V,W) Faulty motor.

Probably faulty inverter.

Contact Fuji Electric.

7-11 7 Troubleshooting

5) When function change disabled

Function change is

Short-circuit between
Any of E01, E02, E03 Yes
terminals X1,X2,X3
corresponding to
set to 5? function set to 5 and
P24/CM terminal.

F00 set to 0? Set F00 to 0.


Attempt made to
change an Yes Change function after
unchangeable function stopping inverter.
during operation?

Press STOP key and

Function to be changed Yes UP or DOWN key
F00 or H03?

Function to be changed

F02? Yes Open FWD and REV
terminal connected to
P24/CM terminal?

Function to be changed Yes Change other

F05, F06, F24, H01 or functions.

Contact Fuji Electric.

7 Troubleshooting 7-12

8 Maintenance
and Inspection WARNING
Execute the daily inspection and periodic in-
1. Start inspection five minutes or more after
spection for preventing a fault and ensuring
turning off the power supply. (Check that
long-term reliability.
the charge lamp (CRG) goes off, and
Note the following regarding the work. check the voltage is 25V DC or below be-
tween terminals P(+) and N(-).
There is danger of electric shock.
8-1 Daily Inspection
2. Only the designated person can perform
During the operation and conduction, the visual the maintenance and replace components.
inspection for abnormal operation is executed (Take off any metal objects such as a
from the outside without removing the covers. watch or ring.)
Inspections are usually done to check the follow- (Use insulated tools.)
ing: 3. Never modify the inverter.
1. The expected performance (satisfying the There is danger of electric shock or in-
standard specification) is obtained. jury.
2. The environment satisfies the standard spec-
3. The keypad panel display is normal.
4. There are no abnormal sound, vibrations or
unpleasant odors.
5. There are no overheating marks or discolora-

8-2 Periodic Inspection


The periodic inspection must be executed after

stopping the operation and cutting off the power
source and removing the surface cover.
After power-off, time is needed for the smoothing
capacitors in the DC section in the main circuit to
discharge. To prevent electric shock, make sure
that the voltage falls down to the safety value
(25VDC and below) using a multimeter after the
charge lamp (CRG) goes off.

8-1 8 Maintenance and Inspection


Check part Check item How to inspect Evaluation criteria

1. Check the ambient air tem- 1. Measure by visu- 1. The specified stand-
perature, humidity, vibra- al inspection and ard value must be
tion, atmosphere (dust, gas the meter. satisfied.
oil mist, waterdrops)
Environment 2. With visual in- 2. No foreign matter or
2. Are foreign matter or dan- spection dangerous objects
gerous objects such as left near the inverter?
tools not left around the
Are the voltages in the main Measure with the The specified standard
Voltage circuit and the control circuit multimeter. value must be satisfied.
1. Is the display hard to read? 1., 2. Visual 1., 2. The display can
Keypad panel inspection be read and is not
2. Are the characters com- abnormal.
1. Abnormal sound or vibra- 1. With Visual in- 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.
tion? spection and Not abnormal.
2. Loose bolts (part to be
Structure such tightened) ? 2. Tighten more
as a frame or
3. Deformation or damage? 3., 4., 5.
With visual
4. Discoloration by inspection
5. Stains and dust?
1. Loose and missing bolts? 1. Tighten more 1., 2., 3.
Not abnormal.
2. Deformation, cracks, dam- 2., 3. Visual
Main circuit

age, and discoloration by inspection
Note: A discolored
Comon overheating and deteriora-
tion in the equipment and
bar does not
the insulation?
indicate a
3. Stains and dust? problem.

8 Maintenance and Inspection 8-2


Check part Check item How to inspect Evaluation criteria

1. Discoloration and distortion 1., 2. Visual 1., 2. Not abnormal.
of a conductor by overheat- inspection
Conductor ing?
and wire
2. Cracks, crazing, and discol-
oration of the wire sheath?
Terminal Not damaged? Visual inspection Not abnormal.
Main circuit

1. Electrolyte leakage, discol- 1., 2. Visual 1., 2. Not abnormal.
oration, crazing, and swell- inspection
ing of a case? 3. The capacitance is
Smooth- 3. Measure using initial value x 0.85 or
2. Is a safety valve not out,
ing the capacitance more.
and are any valves protrud-
capacitor measuring
ing excessively?
instrument (Note)
3. Measure the capacitance if
1. Unpleasant smell and craz- 1. Olfactory and vis- 1. Not abnormal.
ing of the insulation by over- ual inspection
heating 2. Less than about
2. Visual inspection ±10% of the indicat-
Resistor 2. No open circuit? or use a multime- ed resistance value
ter by removing a
connection on
Main circuit

one side.
Trans- Abnormal buzzing or Aural, olfactory, and Not abnormal.
former unpleasant smell? visual inspection

Magnetic 1. Rattling when operating? 1. Aural 1., 2. Not abnormal.

and relay 2. Roughness of contact? 2. Visual inspection

8-3 8 Maintenance and Inspection


Check part Check item How to inspect Evaluation criteria

1. Loose screws or connec- 1. Tighten more. 1., 2., 3., 4.
tors? Not abnormal.
2. Olfactory and
Control circuit

2. Unpleasant smell or visual inspection

Control discoloration?
PC board 3., 4. Visual
and 3. Cracks, damage, deforma- inspection
connector tion, or excessive rust?
4. Electrolyte leakage or a
deformed mark on the
1. Abnormal sound or 1. Aural and visual 1. The fan must rotate
vibration? inspection. Turn smoothly.
Cooling with hand. (Make
Cooling system

fan 2. Loose of bolts? sure power is off) 2., 3. Not abnormal

(1.5 kW
minimum) 3. Discoloration 2. Tighten more
by overheating?
3. Visual inspection
Clogging-up or foreign sub- Visual inspection Not abnormal
stance on heat sink or intake/
tion way
exhaust ports?

Table 8-2-1 Periodic inspection list

Note: Use a capacitance measuring instru- Remark: If the equipment is stained, wipe it with
ment available on the market which is a cleaning cloth, which is chemically
easy to use. neutral.
Vacuum-clean the dust.

8 Maintenance and Inspection 8-4


8-3 Electrical The indicated values depend on the meter types because of harmonic
components included in the voltage and current of the main power sup-
measure- ply (input) and the output (motor) side of the inverter. Therefore, when
ments in the measuring with a meter for the commercial power frequency, use the
Main Circuit meters shown in Table 8-3-1.

The power-factor cannot be measured using the power-factor meter

available on the market which measures the phase difference between
voltage and current. When the power-factor must be measured, meas-
ure the power, voltage, and current on the input side and output side.
Then, calculate the power-factor using the following formulas:


Electric power [W]

Power factor = x 100 [%]
Voltage [V] x Current [A]

Input (power supply) side Output (motor) side DC circuit

Voltage Current Voltage Current P(+), N(-)
waveform waveform waveform waveform FM, 11
Item Terminal

Meter Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter

Meter Moving- or Power Moving- Rectifier Power Moving-

type iron type moving- meter iron type type 1) meter coil type
iron type

Symbol - -

Table 8-3-1 Meter for measuring the main circuit

1) When measuring the output voltage by rectifier type meter, an error may occur.
Use a digital AC power meter for good accuracy.

8-5 8 Maintenance and Inspection


[In the case of single-phase input series]

+ V —

Power supply
P(+) N(-)

Inverter VV

FM 11 VW

V —

Figure 8-3-1 Diagram for connections of meters

8-4 Insulation As much as possible, do not test the inverter with a megger because an
insulation test was done at shipping from the factory. If a megger test
Test must be done, test as described below. If the test method is incorrect,
there is a possibility of damaging the product. Incorrect use of test spec-
ifications for the dielectric strength test may damage products like meg-
ger test. If the dielectric strength test must be conducted, contact your
local distributor or nearest Fuji’s sales office.

1) Megger test for the main circuit

1. Test with a 500V DC megger.
2. If the test voltage is connected to the control circuit, remove all
connection wires to the control circuit.
3. Connect the main circuit terminals using common wires as shown

in Figure 8-4-1
4. Execute a megger test only between the common wire connected
to the main circuit and the ground (terminal G).
5. If the megger indicates 5MΩ or more, it is normal.
(This is the value measured with an inverter only.)

G Inverter
L1/L L2/N P1 P(+) P(+) N(-) U V W


Figure 8-4-1 Megger Test

8 Maintenance and Inspection 8-6


2) Insulation test in the control circuit 8-6 Inquiries about the Product
The megger test and the dielectric strength test and Guarantee of the product
must not be executed in the control circuit be-
cause those parts will be damaged and cannot 1) For inquiries
be repaired. If there is damage, a fault in the product, or a
Use a high-resistance multimeter for the control question about the product, provide the following
circuit. information to your local distributor or nearest
1. Remove all external wiring from the control Fuji’s sales office:
circuit terminals. a) Inverter type
2. Execute a continuity test between b) SER. No. (equipment serial number)
grounds. If the result is 1MΩ or more, it is c) Purchasing date
d) Inquiry contents (e.g., damaged part and
the extent of damage, questions, phenom-
3) External main circuit and sequence control enon, and status of a fault)
Remove wiring from all the terminals of the in- 2) Guarantee of the product
verter in order not to apply the test voltage to
The product guarantee term is one year after
the inverter.
purchase or 18 months from the year and month
of manufacture on the nameplate, whichever ex-
pires first.
8-5 Parts Replacement However, the product will not be repaired free of
charge in the following cases, even if the guar-
The life expectancy of a part depends on the antee term has not expired:
type of the part and the environment and the us- 1. The cause is incorrect use or inappropriate
age conditions. Parts should be replaced as repairing and modification.
shown in Table 8-5-1. 2. The product is used outside the standard
For spare parts, please contact Fuji distributor. specified range.
3. The cause is dropping after purchasing or
damage during transport.
4. The cause is earthquake, fire, storm or
Part name term for Comments
flood damage, lightening, abnormal volt-

age, or other natural calamities and sec-
Exchange for a new ondary disasters.
Cooling fan 3 years
Exchange for a new
Smoothing part
5 years
capacitor (Decide after a
Exchange for a new
capacitor 7 years
(Decide after a
on the PC
Other parts - Decide after a check

Table 8-5-1 Parts replacement

8-7 8 Maintenance and Inspection


9 Specifications
9-1 Standard Specifications

Item Specifications
Inverter type FV R 0.1C 11S -7 FV R 0.2C 11S -7 FV R 0.4C 11S -7 FV R 0.75C 11S -7 FV R 1.5C 11S -7 FV R 2.2C 11S -7

Nominal applied
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2
motor 1) [kW]
Rated output
0.26 0.53 0.95 1.5 2.6 3.8
capacity 2) [kVA]
Output ratings

z 3-phase, 200V/50Hz, 200, 220, 230V/60Hz

Voltage [V]
(Proportional to input voltage)
Rated current [A] 0.7 1.4 2.5 4.0 7.0 10.0
z 150% of rated current for 1 min.
Rated frequency z 50, 60Hz
Phases, Voltage,
z Single-phase 200 to 240V 50/60Hz
frequency z Voltage: +10% to -10%, Frequency: +5% to -5%
Input power supply

z When the input voltage drops 165V or more, the inverter can be operated
Capability for
continuously. When the input voltage drops below 165V from rated volt-
voltage dip 3)
age, the inverter can be operated for 15ms.
Rated input
current 6) [A] 1.2 2.0 3.5 6.5 11.8 17.7
(with DCR)
(without DCR) 2.3 3.9 6.4 11.4 19.8 28.5

Required power
supply capacity 4) 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.3 2.4 3.6

9 Specifications 9-1

Item Specifications
Braking torque 5)
150 100 50 30

DC injection z Starting frequency: 3Hz (fixed), Braking current (0 to 100%),
braking Braking time ( 0.0 to 30.0s)
Protective structure
z Closed type IP20
Cooling method z Self-cooling z Fan cooling
Mass [kg] 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.6 2.2

1) A 4-pole standard motor is assumed as a nominal
applied motor.
2) Inverter output capacity (kVA) at 220V.
3) When a momentary power failure occurs, while rated
voltage is applied 85% of load of nominal motor is
4) When an optional power-factor correcting DC reactor is
5) Average braking torque where an unloaded motor
decelerates and stops from 60Hz operation. (Varies
according to the motor efficiency)
6) The specification is calculated on assumption that the
inverter is connected to a 500 kVA-equivalent power

9-2 Common Specifications

Item Specifications Remarks
z 50 to 120Hz (in 1Hz steps)
output frequency

z 50 to 120Hz (in 1Hz steps)

Output frequency


z 1 to 6Hz (in 1Hz steps)

z 0.75 to 15kHz
(Vector-distribution PWM control selectable at
Carrier 7kHz or less)
frequency When operating at a carrier frequency of 9kHz or
above, the frequency may automatically drop to
8kHz to protect the inverter.

9-2 9 Specifications

Item Specifications Remarks

z Analog setting: 1.0% of maximum frequency
(at 25 10°C)
Output frequency

z Keypad panel setting: 0.01% of maximum
frequency (at -10 to +50°C)
z Analog setting: 1/256 of Maximum frequency
Setting resolution z Keypad panel setting: 0.1Hz (99.9Hz or less),
1Hz (100Hz or more)
Voltage/freq. z Output voltage proportional to input voltage.
Characteristic Base frequency adjustable from 50 to 120Hz.
z Manual setting by code 0 to 31.
Torque boost
(setting for variable torque load available)
Starting torque z 150% or more (at 6Hz)
z Sinusoidal PWM control
Control method
(with simplified current-vibration suppression)

z Keypad operation: or key:

Operation method Input signal: Forward/Reverse/Stop command,

Coast-to-stop command,

Trip command (External alarm),

Alarm reset
z Keypad operation: Digital setting by or key
Frequency setting
z Built-in potentiometer
z Analog input: 0 to +5VDC, 0 to +10VDC,
4 to 20mADC
(Multistep) z Up to 4 multistep frequencies can be set in 2-bit

external signal by terminal function selection
(Linked operation)
z Setting by RS485 serial communication (Option)
z 0.01 to 60.0s
(Independently adjustable acceleration and
deceleration time

9 Specifications 9-3

Item Specifications Remarks

z High and low limits can be set for output frequency
Frequency limiter
between 0 to 100% in Hz
z The bias frequency can be set from -100 to +100%
Bias frequency
in Hz.
Gain (frequency

z 5VDC or 10VDC gain can be selected.

setting signal)
Frequency jump z Jump frequency (3 points) and jump hysteresis
control width (1 point) can be preset.
Restart after momen- z Inverter restarts without causing inverter-trip when
tary power failure power supply recovers.
PID control z PID control function is provided standard.
z IP20
(JEM 1030)
z Natural cooling for 0.75kW or less.
Cooling method
Fan cooling for 1.5kW or more.
z Output frequency, output current, and PID

reference value/feedback value.

Running, stopped
The CRG lamp is on when the capacitor is
Program mode z Function code and data code

9-4 9 Specifications

Item Specifications Remarks

[Cause of trip by code]
z OC1 (Overcurrent: during acceleration)
z OC2 (Overcurrent: during deceleration)
z OC3
(Overcurrent: while running at constant speed)
z OU1 (Overvoltage: during acceleration)
z OU2 (Overvoltage: during deceleration)
z OU3
(Overvoltage: while running at constant speed)

z LU (Undervoltage)
z OH1 (Overheating: Heat sink)
z OH2 (Overheating: External alarm)
z OL (Overload: Motor)
z OLU (Overload: Inverter)
z Er1 (Memory error)
z Er3 (CPU error)
z Er8 (RS485 communication error)
z Lin (Input phase failure)

z Fault history data is stored and indicated for the

Running, Tripped
past four trips. Data is retained while power is off.
z Internal electronic thermal overload relay protects
inverter overload.
z Detect the excessive DC link circuit voltage to stop
z Detect overcurrent due to overload on inverter out-
put side to protect inverter

z Detect incoming surge voltage between AC power

Incoming surge
and the earth to protect inverter.

z Detect the DC link circuit undervoltage to stop in-
z Detects the cooling fan fault or abnormal tempera-
ture rise of inverter to protect inverter.
z Detect overcurrent due to short-circuit on inverter
output side to protect inverter.

9 Specifications 9-5

Item Specifications Remarks

z Detects overcorrect due to ground fault on inverter
Ground fault
output side to protect inverter. (Detect at starting)
z Protect general-purpose motor or FUJI inverter
Motor protection
motor with electronic thermal overload.

Input phase failure z The inverter is protected against phase failure on

protection (only for the input side or over-current due to inter-phase
3-phase 200V series) imbalance.
z Controls frequency to prevent OC trip in case of
the output current exceeds the limit value during

z Lowers the frequency to hold almost constant

Stall prevention torque in case of the output current exceeds the
limit value during constant speed running.
z Controls frequency to prevent OU trip in case of
the DC link circuit voltage exceeds the limit value
during deceleration.
z "Retry" function can be set for the protective func-
Retry tions OC1 to OC3 and OU1 to OU3.
(No. of times of retry: 5, waiting time: 0.5s fixed.)
Dielectric z At 2000Vac for 1 min. between any main circuit
strength test terminals and ground. (10mA or less)
z At 500VDC megger test between any main circuit
Megger test
terminals and ground (5MΩ or more)
z Indoor use only. Do not install a dusty location
Installation location (Degree of pollution: 2) or expose to direct
sunlight, corrosive gases, flammable gases.


z -10 to +50°C
z 5 to 95% RH (No condensation)
Altitude z 1000 m or less

9-6 9 Specifications

Item Specifications Remarks

z 3 mm: 2 to less than 9 Hz
z 9.8m/s2: 9 to less than 20 Hz

z 2m/s2: 20 to less than 55 Hz
z 1m/s2: 55 to less than 200 Hz
Storage temperature z -25 to +65°C
Storage humidity z 5 to 95% RH (No condensation)
Higher harmonics z Terminal for connecting power-factor correcting P1, P(+)
current suppression DC reactor (DCR) is provided as standard. terminal

Charging z Charging suppression resistor is built-in for all in-

suppression resistor verter unit.
Cooling fan ON/OFF z Cooling fan can be automatically stopped when in-
control verter is stopped.

9 Specifications 9-7

9-3 Dimensions

Terminal 2
4 - 5 x 6 holes

Terminal 3

Terminal 1

4 - 5 x 6 holes

Detailed diagram for 5 x 6 hole

Up/down or right/left symmetry

TERMINAL 1 30A 30B 30C FM X1 X2 X3 FWD REV 11 12 13 C1

TERMINAL 2 G L1/L L2/N P1 P(+)

Single phase 200V series

TERMINAL 3 P(+) N(-) U V W G

Nominal applied motor Dimensions (mm)

Series Type
(kW) D D1 D2 D3 D4
FVR0.1C11S-7EN 0.1 80 68.5 27.2 10 43.2
Single FVR0.2C11S-7EN 0.2 85 73.5 32.2 15 48.2
200V FVR0.4C11S-7EN 0.4 115 103.5 42.2 25 58.2
FVR0.75C11S-7EN 0.75 140 128.5 67.2 50 83.2

9-8 9 Specifications

Terminal 2

Terminal 1
Terminal 3

Layout of mounting hole


TERMINAL 1 30A 30B 30C FM X1 X2 X3 FWD REV 11 12 13 C1

TERMINAL 2 G L1/L L2/N P1 P(+)

Single phase 200V series

TERMINAL 3 P(+) N(-) U V W G

Nominal applied motor Dimensions (mm)

Series Type
(kW) D D1 D2 D3
Single phase 200V FVR1.5C11S-7EN 1.5 149 137.5 81.2 64

9 Specifications 9-9

Terminal 2

Terminal 1
Terminal 3

Layout of mounting hole

TERMINAL 1 30A 30B 30C FM X1 X2 X3 FWD REV 11 12 13 C1

TERMINAL 2 G L1/L L2/N P1 P(+)

Single phase 200V series

TERMINAL 3 P(+) N(-) U V W G

Nominal applied motor Dimensions (mm)

Series Type
(kW) D D1 D2 D3
Single phase 200V FVR2.2C11S-7EN 2.2 137 125.5 89.2 72

9-10 9 Specifications

9-4 Selection of It is recommended to use a prescribed wire according to the EN60204

Appendix C.

Molded case cir- Magnetic

Recommended wire size (mm2)
cuit breaker 1)
Nominal applied motor (kW)

contactor (MC)
Power supply voltage

Earth-leakage Input circuit Input circuit

circuit breaker Single-phase Single-phase

Output circuit 2)

Control wiring
200V 200V

DCR circuit 2)
(ELCB or RCD) [U,V,W]
Inverter type [L1/L, L2/N] [L1/L, L2/N]

rated current (A)
Not Not Not
Using using Using using Using using
with with with with with with
DCR. reactor. DCR. reactor. DCR. reactor.
3) 3) 3)

0.1 FVR0.1C11S-7EN
0.2 FVR0.2C11S-7EN 6 4)
Single-phase 200V

0.4 FVR0.4C11S-7EN 10 4) 2.5 4) 4)

0.75 FVR0.75C11S-7EN 10 16 2.5 2.5 2.5
1.5 FVR1.5C11S-7EN 16 20
5) 5) 5) 5)
2.2 FVR2.2C11S-7EN 20 32 SC-5-1
4.0 6.0 2.5 4.0

Table 9-4-1 Peripheral device selection

1) The frame size and the series for the applicable molded-case circuit breaker
(MCCB) and earth-leakage circuit breaker (ELCB or RCD) differ according to the
capacity of transformer in the facility. Refer to each technical document for details.
2) The recommended wire size in the main circuit is for when the ambient
temperature is 40°C and conforming to LVD requirements. The wire size in ( ) is
minimum size for IV wire when no necessary of conforming to LVD.
3) Power supply impedance without a reactor must be 0.1% or equivalent by

converting to the inverter capacity. Based on the voltage imbalance, a current
imbalance of 10% is expected.
4) Crimp terminals up to 7.4mm in width (including tolerance) can be used.
5) Crimp terminals up to 9.5mm in width (including tolerance) can be used.

9 Specifications 9-11

10 Options
10-1 Built-in There is an optional built-in card for RS485 serial communication.
Ask at the inverter distributor for details.

10-2 External Options

Molded case circuit The molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) is connected for protecting the
breaker main circuit wiring to the inverter and for turning power on and off.
The rated current or the rated interrupting capacity varies according to the
power supply specifications.
For input power-factor This is connected in the following cases.
correcting 1. When the power transformer capacity is more than 500 kVA
AC reactor (ACR)
DC reactor (DCR) 2. To reduce input harmonic current
The input power factor is improved to 0.75 to 0.85 (ACR).
The input power factor is improved to 0.9 to 0.95 (DCR).
3. If there is a thyristor load in the same power supply, if the capacitor for
power-factor correcting is turned on or off, or if the surge voltage in the
power supply is large (ACR only)
* The DC reactor is unnecessary when the AC reactor is used.
Magnetic contactor The inverter can be operated without connecting the magnetic contactor.
(MC) When the inverter protective function is activated, this should be connect-
ed to turn off the power for safety.
Surge absorber This is connected to suppress the surge generated by the exciting coil
when switching on or off the magnetic contactor and the control relay.
S2-A-0 (for magnetic contactor), S1-B-0 (for mini control relay)
Frequency This is connected when the frequency is set from the control circuit termi-
setting POT nal using inverter power.

Table 10-2-1 External Options


10-1 10 Options

11 Applicable reactors
Applicable inverter type Input power-factor correcting DC reactor (DCR)
FVR0.1C11S-7EN DCR2-0.2
FVR0.2C11S-7EN DCR2-0.4
FVR0.4C11S-7EN DCR2-0.75
FVR0.75C11S-7EN DCR2-1.5
FVR1.5C11S-7EN DCR2-2.2
FVR2.2C11S-7EN DCR2-3.7

Table 11-1-1 List of applicable reactors

Connection method

supply Motor
L1/L U
V 3
L2/N W

Input power-
factor correct- P1 P1
ing DC reactor
G P(+) P(+)

Fig. 11-1-1 Connection method of Input power-factor correcting DC reactor (DCR)


11 Applicable reactors 11-1


12 Compliance with standards

(See instruction
12-1 UL/cUL standards manual for rating.)
[Applicable to products with
UL/cUL mark]
G L1/L L2/N P1 P(+)

12-1-1 General
The UL standards stand for Underwriters Labo-
ratories Inc. and they are safety standards aim-
ing at prevention of fire and other accidents in
the United States, thereby providing protection
[THR] [CM]
for operators, service personnel and other per-
sons. P(+) N(-) U V W G
The cUL standards are established by UL in the
view of compliance with the CSA standards. The
effect of products certified for the cUL standards
is equal to that of products certified for the CSA
standards. THRMAL

12-1-2 Precautions Fig. 12-1-1 Recommended wiring

When using the UL/cUL certified product, refer

to "Compliance with UL/cUL standards" on page
For connection, refer to Fig. 12-1-1.

z Open Type Equipment "indoor use only"

z Suitable for use on a circuit capable or deliv-
ering not more than 5,000 rms symmetrical
amperes, 240V maximum.
z When Protected by Class J Fuses.
z Use 60/75 C CU wire only.
z A Class 2 circuit wired with Class 1 wire.
z Field wiring connection must be made by a
UL Listed and CSA Certified closed-loop ter-
minal connector sized for the wire gauge in-
volved. Connector must be fixed using the
crimp tool specified by the connector manu-
z Solid state motor overload protection is pro-
vided in each model.

12-1 12 Compliance with standards


12-2 Compliance with EMC 12-3 Compliance with low voltage

directive in EU [Applicable to directive in EU [Applicable to
products with CE mark] products with TÜV or CE
12-2-1 General
The CE mark indicated on the FVR-C11S series 12-3-1 General
concerns with European minister directorate di- The general purpose inverter is applicable for
rective 89/336/EEC concerning the environmen- the low voltage directive in EU. Compliance of
tal electromagnetic compatibility EMC, and other the FVR-C11S series with EN 50178/1997 has
directives are not included. been obtained from a testing organization in EU
and compliance with the low voltage directive is
The CE mark does not prove that the entire ma- asserted.
chine or system housing our product complies
with the EMC directive. Therefore indication of
the CE mark to the entire machine or system will
be done at the responsibility of the manufacturer 12-3-2 Precautions
or the machine. This is because:
1. The CE mark attached on our product sup- Refer to "Compliance with low voltage directive
poses operation of the product under certain in EU" on pages 2 and 3 when using our product
conditions. Satisfaction of the conditions is up as one complying with the low voltage directive
to the manufacturer of the machine. in EU.

2. Generally speaking, various devices are used

in a machine or system as well as our prod-
uct. Therefore consideration for the entire
machine or system must be paid by the man-
ufacturer of the machine.
The EMC directive includes immunity to the in-
coming noise and emission of outgoing noise.
The general purpose inverter houses an internal
element switching at a high speed which gener-
ates electric noise.

Applicable standards
Immunity: EN 61800-3
Emission: EN 61800-3

Above-mentioned "certain conditions" include

installation of a dedicated RFI filter in a metallic
control panel.
Refer to in exclusive Instruction Manual for RFI
Filter for details.

12 Compliance with standards 12-2


13 Electromagnetic 13-2 RFI Filters

Compatibility (EMC) It is strongly recommended that the appropriate
FVR input filter is used, as shown in the follow-
13-1 General ings, to limit RF current flowing into the main
supply circuit.
In accordance with the provisions described in Without an input filter a FVR installation may not
the European Commission Guidelines Docu- meet statutory requirement. FVR Inverters con-
ment on Council Directive 89/336/EEC, tain high-power semi-conductor devices which
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. has chosen to classify the are switched at high speeds to synthesize a
FVR-C11S range of Inverters as "Complex near-sinusoidal current wave form across the
Components". frequency range of output.
Rapidly-changing voltages and currents will
Classification as a "Complex Components" al- generate some degree of electromagnetic emis-
lows a product to be treated as an "apparatus", sion. Emissions will be predominantly conducted
and thus permits compliance with the essential through the motor and the mains supply cables,
requirements of the EMC Directive to be demon- although some radiated emissions will be detect-
strated to both an integrator of FVR Inverters ed in close proximity to the drive system.
and to his customer or the installer and the user. It is essential that precautions are taken both at
the design stage and at the time of installation to
FVR Inverters is supplied ‘CE-marked’, signify- prevent radio frequency interference (RFI) from
ing compliance with EC Directive 89/336/EEC the drive system affecting sensitive equipment in
when fitted with specified filter units installed close proximity.
and earthed in accordance with this sheet.
This Specification requires the following per- The RFI filters range are designed especially for
formance criteria to be met. the FVR Inverter and help to ensure EMC com-
pliance of machinery and installations using the
EMC product standard EN61800-3/1996 Inverters.
The Inverters may be mounted on top of the filter
using the integral fixing positions, the intention
Immunity: being that valuable space inside wiring cabinets
Second environment may be saved. (Refer to Table 13-2-1)
(Industrial environment )
First environment
(Domestic environment )

Finally, it is customer’s responsibility to

check whether the equipment conforms to
EMC directive.

13-1 13 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


Max. Mount
Applied Rated Dimensions Wiring Total1) Inverter
Filter Type Rated Dims Y x X Fig.
Inverter Current LxWxH [mm] L’ [mm] Weight [kg] Fixings
Voltage [mm]
FVR0.1C11S-7EN M4 x 12 Fig.
EFL-0.2C11-7 4A 180x86x38 155.5x60 125 Approx. 0.7
FVR0.2C11S-7EN (4) 13-2-1
FVR0.4C11S-7EN M4 x 12 Fig.
EFL-0.75C11-7 12A 180x86x38 155.5x60 125 Approx. 0.7
FVR0.75C11S-7EN 1ph (4) 13-2-1
240Vac M4 x 16 Fig.
FVR1.5C11S-7EN EFL-1.5C11-7 20A 190x117x46 165x89 140 Approx. 1.2
(4) 13-2-2
M4 x 16 Fig.
FVR2.2C11S-7EN EFL-2.2C11-7 29A 240x148x46 216x118 150 Approx. 1.5
(4) 13-2-2

Table 13-2-1 RFI filters Dimensions

Note: For detail, refer to the instruction manual Remark: To minimize the conducted radio dis-
that came with the RFI filters. turbance in the power distribution sys-
tem, the length of motor cable should
Remark: The EMC compliance tests have been be as short as possible. And it is user’s
carried out on the basis of the responsibility to confirm that the appa-
EN61800-3. Measurements were ratus, which the inverters installed in,
done with 50m motor cable (EN55011/ conforms to EMC directive when long-
class A) and 10m motor cable er motor cable is used or other installa-
(EN55011/ class B). tion conditions are different from those
described in this manual.

Load wiring to
Load wiring to
inverter input
inverter input


Inverter positions
positions LINE LINE

Earth Earth
Mains Stud
Stud Mains

Fig. 13-2-1 RFI Filters Fig. 13-2-2 RFI Filters


13 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 13-2


13-3 Recommended Installation 1. Use the correct filter according to

Table 13-2-1.
2. Install the Inverter and filter in the electrically
It is necessary that these instructions must be shielded metal wiring cabinet.
followed to conformed to EMC Directive.
Follow the usual safety procedures when work- 3. The back panel of the wiring cabinet of board
ing with electrical equipment. All electrical con- should be prepared for the mounting dimen-
nections to the filter, Inverter and motor must be sions of the filter. Care should be taken to re-
made by a qualified electrical technician. move any paint etc. from the mounting holes
(Refer to Fig. 13-3-1 and Fig. 13-3-2) and face area of the panel. This will ensure
the best possible earthing of the filter.
4. Use the screened cable for the control , motor
and other main wiring which are connected to
the Inverter, and these screens should be se-
curely earthed.
5. It is important that all wire lengths are kept as
short as possible and that incoming mains
and outgoing motor cables are kept well sep-

Metal Wiring Cabinet

RCD or filter Inverter
Screened Motor Cable Motor
L L L1/L U
N N L2/N W 3

Screening must be electrically

1ph continuous and earthed at the
Power supply cabinet and the motor.

Fig. 13-3-1 Recommended Installation


13-3 13 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


When power-factor correcting

Metal Wiring
DC reactor is used.

Power supply
200 to 240V P1 P(+) P(+) N(-)
RFI Filter
50/60Hz Motor
L L L1/L U
N N L2/N W


Frequency setting voltage input

(0 to +10VDC) 13 In case of motor power
cable, fix a part of shield by
12 a cramp.

11 Analog
Frequency setting current
input (+4 to +20mADC)

Forward operation Analog meter

command FWD To 11 terminal
REV Alarm output
operation 30B
for any fault
X1 30C




In case of speed control cable,

fix a part of shield by a cramp
as well motor power cable.

Fig. 13-3-2 Recommended installation detail inside the enclosure (SW7 set to P24)

13 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 13-4

Solutions for Drives

European headquarter
Fuji Electric FA Europe GmbH
Goethering 58
D-63067 Offenbach/Main
Tel.: +49-69-66 90 29-0
Fax: +49-69-66 90 29-58
[email protected]

Fuji Electric FA Europe GmbH Fuji Electric FA Europe GmbH
Vertriebsgebiet South Vertriebsgebiet North
Drosselweg 3 Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 19
72666 Neckartailfingen 35325 Muecke
Tel.: +49-71 27-92 28 00 Tel.: +49-64 00-95 18 14
Fax: +49-71 27-92 28 01 Fax: +49-64 00-95 18-22
[email protected] [email protected]

Schwitzerland Spain
Fuji Electric FA Europe GmbH Fuji Electric FA Espana
Zweigniederlassung Ronda Can Fatjó 5, Edifici D, Local B
Altenrhein Parc Tecnològic del Vallès
IG-Park 08290 Cerdanyola,
9423 Altenrhein Barcelona
Tel.: +41-71-8 58 29 49 Tel.: +34-93-58 24-3 33/5
Fax: +41-71-8 58 29 40 Fax: +34-93-58 24-3 44
[email protected] droyfujielectric.de



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