Pen Pal Letters Writing Assignment: Objectives

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Pen Pal Letters

Writing Assignment
Ms. Harris
10th Grade English

● Conduct research on Native American boarding schools
● Create pen pal letters

You will be writing pen pal letters back and forth between a Native American adolescent on a
reservation who is considering going to school off the reservation and a tribal leader who does
not believe that the student should go off the reservation. Letters will be written as if you are
personifying the characters. (Non-standard English may be used). The goal of this assignment
is to highlight the identity struggle many Native Americans face, between being an individual
and a member of the community. Letters should show a progression of thought or even a
regression of thought.

You must include 3 pen pal letters from the adolescent and 3 from the tribal letter, for a
total of 6 letters. Each letter must be 1.5- 2 pages double spaced. (Times New Roman,
double-spaced, 12 pt. font)

Content must include:

● Information you found from your research on Native American boarding schools
● Factual statements supporting claims in your research

Get creative! Feel free to make the letters look authentic!

Rubric: Pen Pal Letters

Components Weight 4 3 2 1
Voice & 25% Word choice Word choice Word choice Language is
Style and style is and style and style confusing to
fitting to each mostly fits inadequately the reader.
character. each fits each No
Style is character’s character’s understanding
appropriate voice. Style voice. Style of audience.
for the is appropriate may not be
purpose and for the appropriate
the audience. purpose and for the
audience. purpose and
Reasons & 25% Integrates Integrates Integrates Does not
Evidence research research research and integrate any
smoothly and mostly quotes research.
effectively. effectively. somewhat Statements
Statements Statements effectively. about history
about about Some are inaccurate
schooling are schooling are statements and cannot be
historically historically about history backed up.
accurate and accurate and are
can be can be inaccurate.
backed up. backed up.
Organization 25% Letters are Letters are Lapses in Lacks
& Flow sequenced sequenced flow and organization
and and mostly organization. and/or flow.
demonstrate demonstrate Letters are Letters are
a logical flow a logical flow mostly not
of ideas. of ideas. sequenced. sequenced.
Tone 12.5% The The The The tone used
appropriate appropriate appropriate in the writing
tone was tone was tone was was
used and is used and is used and is inappropriate
consistent mostly somewhat and/or
throughout consistent inconsistent inconsistent
and easily and is fairly and can be throughout
understood understood understood and is
by the reader. by the reader. by the reader. confusing to
the reader.
Language 12.5% No spelling Few spelling Multiple Numerous
Usage or grammar or grammar spelling or spelling or
mistakes can mistakes can grammar grammar
be found. be found. mistakes can mistakes can
be found. be found.
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