Analytics Rubrics (Macroskills)
Analytics Rubrics (Macroskills)
Analytics Rubrics (Macroskills)
The essay is clearly The essay is The essay is only The essay lacks of
stated, arguable and clear and somewhat central idea. It
original. The essay arguable but argumentative and doesn’t involve
maintains the focus could use a little could be more originality and
Focus solidly throughout originality. The clearly stated. The focus
and clearly essay generally essay lacks of
articulated points in maintains the originality and the
support. focus and have points and focus
points in the are somehow
support. lacking of clarity.
There are no There are no There are no more There are more
grammatical errors. more than three than four than five
Grammar and The spelling is misspelling misspellings and/or misspellings and/or
Spelling correct. The and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
readability is clearly grammatical The readability is The readability is
present. errors. The somehow lacking. not present.
readability is
Uses appropriate Uses varied Uses only basics Uses only few
expressions and a vocabulary and simple vocabulary words and
wide range of expressions and expressions. expressions or
vocabulary learned learned in class, Sometimes uses inadequate
Vocabulary in and out of the and makes only a inadequate vocabulary
class. few errors in word vocabulary, which
choice. hinders the
student from
Uses many different Uses a variety of Uses only basic Can't use
structures sentence structure and appropriate
Grammar depending on structures but makes frequent sentence structures.
contexts with only a makes some errors errors Can't put words in
few grammatical proper word order
Gives clear ideas to Give ideas to the The purpose and The giving of ideas
the audience and audience and giving ideas are is somehow
Interaction can communicate focus on the not clear. Cannot lacking. Can
effectively with the conversation most communicate hardly
right emotion. of the time. properly which communicate the
Trying to develop results it need a audience. There is
the interaction. lot of time to no emotion at all.
develop in
the audience.
Analytic Rubric - Visual/Photo Analysis /20 points VIEWING SKILLS
The student The students The student shows The student shows
Demonstrates Shows some limited critical little to no critical
critical thinking critical thinking thinking evident. thinking evident;
skills by evaluating skills, making Fails to make analysis is
Critical the significance of connections meaningful superficial or
Thinking the image in a between the connections or absent
broader context. image and broader consider broader
Draws connections concepts. May implications.
between the image lack depth or
and relevant overlook certain
concepts or aspects.
The students Offers The student shows The student shows Lacks creativity
creative insights creativity and limited creativity and originality.
Creativity & and original originality in the or originality. Analysis is
Originality perspectives on the analysis, but it Analysis may be predictable and
image. may not formulaic or lack conventional.
Demonstrates a consistently stand fresh perspectives.
unique approach to out. Some insights
the analysis. are conventional.
Analytic Rubric - Paper Reading /20 points READING SKILLS
The students The student shows The student The student fails
demonstrate an a solid demonstrates basic to demonstrate
exceptional understanding of comprehension, adequate
understanding of the text, capturing identifying main comprehension.
the text, grasping main ideas and ideas and some Struggles to
complex ideas and key details. details. Inferences identify main
Makes reasonable
nuances. Draws and interpretations ideas and details,
Comprehension inferences and
insightful may be limited or and inferences
inferences and somewhat may be incorrect
accurately interprets inaccurate. or absent.
The students clearly The students The students not The students did
utilize context clues utilize context fully capture the not capture the
Vocabulary to read the clues and able to context clues and context clues and
unfamiliar words read the not able to read the skip the
fluently. unfamiliar words. unfamiliar words. unfamiliar words.
The students listen The students The student llistens The student
attentively and listen well and and comprehends Struggles to
comprehends all comprehends the basic instructions comprehend verbal
verbal instructions majority of but may miss some instructions,
accurately. verbal details or leading to
Listening Demonstrates a instructions misinterpret certain significant
Comprehension better understanding accurately. May aspects. inaccuracies in the
of details and have some minor drawn
follows instructions inaccuracies. representation.