Sustainability Report en 2017
Sustainability Report en 2017
Sustainability Report en 2017
2017 Sustainability Report
Content 007
003 CEO Message Highlights
Sustainability Performance
115 GRI Index
The Value of
118 Independent Assurance Statement
Created by IONIQ
121 About This Report
Reference Page
Related Link
Social Contribution
Activities as a
Life-time Partner
CEO Message
We continue to upgrade and popularize FCEVs, and these efforts will be 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of Hyundai. Over the past half-century,
recognized by a new FCEV-dedicated model, scheduled to be introduced we have become a truly global automaker in a country that had zero
in 2018. infrastructure for the automobile industry. We have striven to create
better economic, environmental and social value by being an automobile
We have strengthened long-term partnerships with our ‘suppliers’. Not company that looks to a sustainable future. We never cease to step up
only do we help them to improve their quality and technology, but we to challenge we have set ourselves of becoming a ‘Lifetime partner in
also support them with laying the foundations for their growth through automobiles and beyond’. We will do this by offering automobiles that
win-win systems. In 2016, we hosted an Employee Relations seminar for are not just a mere means of transportation, but vehicles with optimum
our suppliers, which have advanced into overseas jointly with Hyundai. mobility that make people’s lives more convenient and enjoyable.
In addition, the ‘Didimdol’ employment support program created jobs for
young people and helped our suppliers secure human resources. We will continue to communicate and collaborate with our stakeholders,
and share with them our creative thinking and pioneering action. Despite
For our ‘employees’, we have undertaken various WorkSMART initiatives the challenges expected in the automobile market in 2017, all of us at
which allow them to strike the right work and life balance, aimed at Hyundai will work together to create shared value and achieve win-win
improving work engagement and creating a proactive culture. In particular, growth, making 2017 a new beginning of the next 50 years. I look forward
the Leaders’ Morning Forums held in 2016 reinforced our commitment to your continuing interest and support for the sustainable future which
to change. We also improved ICT support for a more efficient work we are building for all our stakeholders.
environment. These efforts have helped our staff recognize the ever-
evolving business landscape, and to prepare for work appropriately. Thank you.
Hyundai is leading a new culture in the automobile industry, thus improves quality of life by embracing new
possibilities. Since our founding in 1967, we have pioneered the development of the automobile industry in
Korea, achieving many firsts and bests in the process, and have now grown into a global brand. We will continue
to think from new perspectives and take on new challenges, thus create a sustainable future for all.
Date of Establishment December 29, 1967
Total Assets KRW 178,835.9 billion
Sales Revenue KRW 93,649.0 billion
Production 4,865,500 units
Major Management Activities
Launched the New Grandeur, Launched the New i30,
Launched the IONIQ HEV and EV,
Launched the Genesis facelift model,
Headquarters Launched the Porter facelift model, Launched the Avante Sport,
Launched the G80 Sport, Launched the Maxcruz facelift model,
Launched the Tucson facelift model,
Launched the EQ900 Limousine Accent
Mass-produced the new Avante,
Mass-produced the new Sonata PHEV,
Mass-produced the new Verna,
Mass-produced the Santa Fe facelift model
HMMA Increased the production volume of the Santa Fe
Mass-produced the new Avante,
Mass-produced the new Tucson
Mass-produced the Creta
HMMC Mass-produced the new i30
HMB Mass-produced the HB facelift model
* As of the end of 2016
Global Network
32 35
26 27 19 28 34
30 20 24 33
25 21 9 42
29 14
31 22
3 4 41
10 37 40
11 16 46
1 Hyundai Motor Company 10 Sichuan Hyundai Motor Company 19 Hyundai Motor Europe Technical 28 Hyundai Motor Poland (HMP) 36 Hyundai Design Center America 42 Hyundai Auto Canada (HAC)
Headquarter (HMC) (CHMC) Center GmbH (HMETC) 29 Hyundai Motor Company Italy 37 Hyundai Translead (HT) 43 Hyundai Motor Brazil (HMB)
2 Namyang Technology Research 11 Hyundai Motor India (HMI) 20 Hyundai Motor Europe Design Center (HMCI) 38 Hyundai America Technical 44 Hyundai Motor de Mexico (HMM)
Center Hyundai Motor Japan (HMJ) 21 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech 30 Hyundai Motor France (HMF) Center Inc. (HATCI)
12 45 Central & South America Regional
3 Hyundai Motor China R&D Center 13 Hyundai Motor Company Australia (HMMC) 31 Hyundai Motor Espana, S.L. 39 California Proving Ground Headquarters
4 Hyundai Motor Japan R&D Center (HMCA) 22 Hyundai Assan Otomotiv Sanayi (HAOS) (HMES) 40 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing 46 CV Central & South America
5 Hyundai Motor India Engineering 14 Hyundai Motor Group China (HMGC) 23 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing 32 Hyundai Motor Commonwealth Alabama (HMMA) Regional Headquarters
Pvt. Ltd. (HMIE) 15 Asia & Pacific Regional Headquarter Russia (HMMR) Independent States (HMCIS) 41 Hyundai Motor America (HMA)
6 Hyundai Motor Ulsan Plant 16 CV Asia & Pacific Regional Headquarter 24 Hyundai Motor Europe GmbH (HME) 33 Hyundai Motor Czech s.r.o. (HMCZ)
7 Hyundai Motor Asan Plant 17 Africa & Middle East Regional 25 Hyundai Motor Deutschland GmbH 34 CIS & Eastern Europe Regional
8 Hyundai Motor Jeonju Plant Headquarter (HMD) Headquarter
9 Beijing Hyundai Motor Company 18 CV Africa & Middle East Regional 26 Hyundai Motor United Kingdom, Ltd. 35 CV CIS & Central Europe Regional
(BHMC) Headquarter (HMUK) Headquarter
27 Hyundai Motor Netherlands b.v (HMNL)
Business Highlights
● Social Interest ● Business Impact
One of the
best brands
Beyond automaker, in the world
loved brand.
Hyundai’s goal is not simply to become the world’s biggest car company,
but to become the brand that is most appreciated by customers.
To achieve this goal, we strive to offer our unique premium value at
all customer contact points, guided by our brand direction ‘Modern
Premium’. As a result, in 2016, our brand value grew by 11.1% year-on-
year to USD 12.5 billion, and we ranked 35th on the list of ‘Best Global
Brands 2016’ chosen by Interbrand, a global brand consulting group.
In 2005, Hyundai became the first Korean automotive company to
be chosen as one of the world’s top 100 brands, and it has sustained
this success for 12 consecutive years. Hyundai first achieved a top 40
position in 2015, proving that its value has been steadily rising.
In the 2016 Initial Quality Study (IQS) in the U.S., In February 2017, Hyundai completed the line-up
conducted by the renowned global market research firm, of its eco-friendly cars with the launch of the IONIQ
J.D. Power and Associates, Hyundai has ranked second Plug-in, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
among non-premium brands, and third among all brands The IONIQ first emerged as an important player
including luxury cars. In addition, the Accent and Azera of the eco-friendly car market when the IONIQ
won the ‘Segment Winner’ at their respective segments. hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) was released in Korea
Hyundai has also ranked second among non-premium in January 2016. The IONIQ EV was subsequently
brands in the 2016 China IQS, and earned fourth place in launched in March 2016, followed by the release of
the Vehicle Dependability Study (VDS), one place higher the PHEV, completing the line-up of Hyundai’s
than the previous year. The Sonata, Tucson and Santa eco-friendly cars. A total of 31,165 units1) of the
Fe were Segment Winners in the IQS, while the Verna, IONIQ have been sold world-wide as of the end of
Yuedong, Tucson, ix35 and Santa Fe were Segment January 2017, including 24,350 units of the HEV
Winners in the VDS, thereby earning further recognition model and 6,797 units of the EV model.
for the excellence of Hyundai products.
● 8th ● 4th P. 13-18, 47, 50
● 1st ● 1st P. 51, 55-56 1)
Based on shipments
ER seminar for suppliers
operating overseas
related regulations in the countries
where it operates, and where its overseas
subsidiaries are located. We also expect
Building a hydrogen society the suppliers of our overseas business to
do their best to promote stable Employee
Hyundai is an official member of the Hydrogen Relations (ER). In 2016, we hosted an ER
Council that was launched in January 2017, and is seminar for suppliers jointly advanced
cooperating with global companies to bring about into overseas, in order to emphasize the
a hydrogen society. The Council consists of 13 importance of global ER management,
companies from automobile and energy industries, where participants discussed major ER
and its members aim to work together to fulfill issues for each region, including the
the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. In Korea, Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific, and
Hyundai is a member of the Hydrogen Convergence suppliers also gave presentations on
Alliance, established by the government in August examples of outstanding ER.
2016, with an aim to promote FCEVs and expand
● 15th ● 3rd
charging infrastructure. As such, we are supporting
the government’s roadmap for increasing sales of
FCEVs and expanding the use of hydrogen energy.
CSR Highlights
● Social Interest ● Business Impact
Beyond philanthropy, system for the
decade ahead
world together.
In 2016, Hyundai set out its mid- to long-term vision of being a ‘Trustworthy
Partner for Today & Tomorrow’, and overhauled its corporate social
responsibility (CSR) structure. Two CSR pillars – ‘Dream Move’, to create jobs
to support self-reliance and ‘Next Move’, leveraging our business expertise
– were added to the existing ‘four moves’ – Easy Move, Safe Move, Green
Move and Happy Move. These six major program areas are now the pillars
of our full engagement in social contribution activities. Our efforts are being
recognized in local communities around the world and in 2016, Hyundai
Motor Group ranked first among car companies in the CSR development
index from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for the third consecutive
year, in recognition of its contributions to the practical resolution of social
issues facing the local community. The Group ranked third among all
companies, its highest ranking since entering the Chinese market.
Highest grade in the CDP
In 2016, Hyundai earned an A grade in the
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global
sustainability evaluation system related to
climate change. It was also the winner in
the ‘consumer discretionary’ category of Supporting the recruitment of
the Carbon Management Sector Honors. talent by suppliers
This success was the outcome of our
Hyundai helps its suppliers become global small
commitment to an eco-friendly business,
giants by recruiting outstanding talent, and also by
including building a full line-up of eco-
seeking to identify the drivers of future growth in
friendly cars and improving fuel efficiency
the automotive parts industry. In 2016, we hosted
by 25% over 2015 levels by 2020. Our
five job fairs in partnership with 349 suppliers,
eco-friendly activities include reducing
and operated a recruitment website dedicated to
greenhouse gas emissions and energy
helping suppliers recruit outstanding talent. We
usage at our business sites, building high
also implemented the employment ‘Didimdol’1)
efficiency equipment, and maximizing the
program, which provides young job seekers
recovery of waste energy and heat.
with job training and internship opportunities. A
● 3rd ● 13th total 805 talents were chosen, and 578 persons
completed the program, which has so far enabled
313 young people to find employment.
114 Appendices
Going beyond corporate social responsibility (CSR), and creating shared value
(CSV) through our expertise as a global automaker is the cornerstone of our
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram approach to business.
Build a leading position in the Create value for our customers and
automotive industry by providing wider society and fulfill our
services for customers’ responsibilities
everyday lives as their life-long
CSV Perspectives
We have set new standards for future mobility through our eco-friendly
IONIQ model. We are also opening up a new chapter in future mobility
and sharing our eco-friendly values through the Project IONIQ. The future
mobility we dream of will blur the boundaries between daily life and
mobility, overcoming all limitations and creating a new lifestyle.
that would bring freedom in mobility to the future of EV market. Exports continued to rise steadily, and totaled
humankind. In Korea, we launched the IONIQ Hybrid (HEV) 16,644 units as of the end of 2016, based on shipments.
in January 2016, setting new standards for eco-friendly
vehicles. This was followed by the release of the IONIQ One of the reasons the IONIQ was able to be so successful in The IONIQ Electric’s maximum driving distance on a single
charge has been certified by the Ministry of Environment
the EV market in Korea has been the construction of a large-
at 191 kilometers, which is outstanding fuel efficiency
scale infrastructure. We have installed around 200 high- compared to competitor models. However, our own tests
speed and regular battery chargers at our major branches indicated that the IONIQ Electric’s actual driving distance
The Beginning of Future Mobility and service centers across the nation, and now offer free
is 351.1 kilometers, around 1.8 times further than the
official distance. A video showing the IONIQ Electric
charging services. EV chargers were previously mostly driving more than 350 kilometers on a single charge was
posted on YouTube, attracting more than 3 million views in
installed at public organizations not frequently visited just six days and becoming a major issue.
by the public. In contrast, IONIQ chargers are installed
at facilities that are much more widely used in daily life, Video Clip of the IONIQ Electric
Project IONIQ
analysis of how the 2030 Future Mega Trends will influence
the automotive industry, and then will develop the ‘2030
Future Mobility Keywords’, ultimately presenting a complete
scenario for future mobility.
A world changed by
191,000 kilometers
Gyumin Lee,
The 26th Class of UNEP Angel
We first donated five baby carts to the largest maternity ward in Slovakia in
May 2014, and by the end of 2016 we had donated a total of 50 baby carts to
12 hospitals. We will donate approximately 20 more baby carts in 2017. The
Hyundai iX1 project has been very favorably received by hospitals, mothers
and citizens in Slovakia, and has inspired us to continue to implement the
project, so that newborns can grow up to be healthy children.
Imagination is a strength that will usher in a better future. Smart cars and
autonomous driving were nothing more than imagination a few years ago,
but are now becoming reality. Imagination leads to new ideas, encourages
people to take on challenges, and brings about rapid changes for the future
of humankind. Hyundai responds to the power of the infinite imagination of
children to build a society where the spirit of challenge and creativity comes
to life.
Signed an MOU to launch ‘Traffic Safety Stories with ‘Traffic Safety Stories with Robocar ‘Traffic Safety Stories with Robocar
an animated road safety Robocar Poli’ Season 2 was Poli’ was broadcasted in Taiwan Poli’ was broadcasted in Turkey
education campaign, using Poli produced and broadcasted
‘Robocar Poli Traffic Park’ was open ‘Visiting Road Safety Experimental
in Seoul, Korea Center’ program was run in Korea
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
‘Traffic Safety Stories with ‘Traffic Safety Stories with Robocar Poli’ was ‘Traffic Safety Stories with
Robocar Poli’ Season 1 was broadcasted in China, Russia and Israel Robocar Poli’ was broadcasted
produced and broadcasted in India
Traffic safety campaign with Robocar Poli –
signed an agreement on cultural exchanges
between Korea and China (CCTV of China)
‘Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli’ was
launched in Korea
About 4,900 students from 120 junior high schools took part in the program
in 2016. We gave priority to students from rural, mountain village and fishing
village schools, as part of our efforts to reduce inequality in educational
opportunities. As a result, the Future Automobile School won the Minister of
Education Award at a contest for outstanding free semester system support in
2016. After the positive response from the education sector for this program,
we will increase the number of schools taking part in the Future Automobile
School to about 200 in 2017. This will offer practical help to more students to
shape their plans for the future.
15,099 students from 375 schools in 15 European countries have participated Skills for the Future
in the program between 2012 and 2016, as Hyundai unstintingly provided its
Hyundai contributed to youth
resources to help the youth in Europe maximize their capabilities and become employment, a major global social
experts in technology. This will help to guide them along the path of the future issue, and to the sustainable growth
automotive market, and it also promotes positive change for the future of the of the automotive market, through the
car market. Skills for the Future program.
Free semester system: A system through which students can take
discussion or practical training classes or get career education, including job
experience activities, instead of taking mid-term and final exams
2015-2016 15,099
2017 Sustainability Report 023
Young Adults
‘H-Social Creator’ –
a creative idea bank to resolve social issues
‘H-Social Creator’ is a planning program through which college students
come up with creative ideas to resolve social issues, and then give shape to
their ideas. The students chosen for the first group in 2015 and the second
group in 2016 dealt with social issues, including environmental problems
caused by fine dust, safety issues arising from technological development,
and the effects of the aging population. Firstly, the students met with
people experiencing the issues concerned, and they selected key issues
based on design thinking methodology. They then came up with ideas that
could combine with Hyundai’s key skills and resources. An interim review
and feedback process enabled these ideas to be revised and improved to
create outcomes based on which Hyundai implemented new CSR and CSV
programs. For example, our distinctive social contribution activities in 2016,
such as the ‘Donation Driving Campaign’ and the ‘Health Care Project for
Taxi Drivers’, were inspired by the Green Ride1) and Support Bus2) programs
suggested by H-Social Creator.
We hope that all the college students who took part in H-Social Creator will
become creative, hands-on people who can resolve social issues based on
their experience with us. We believe in an open mindset, and taking action to
help the world.
H-Social Creator
Who can resolve social issues,
and how? Through ‘H-Social Creator’,
Hyundai is showing how everyone It was good to be a part of a team alongside people with
can help to resolve social issues, different university majors, personal perspectives, and experience.
and how individuals’ creative ideas
There was so much to learn, and it was a great experience for me to
can generate strong national,
expand the relatively narrow perspective that I had from only
social and company support.
studying engineering.
Hee Jo Gong
Member of the Crayon (Creative Young People) Team,
2nd Class of H-Social Creator
Green Ride: An eco-friendly mobility campaign to encourage behavioral changes such as using public
transport, and providing reward points to help reduce air pollution
Support Bus: An idea to provide time for rest to people with restricted access to transport, including
market merchants and daily workers, at dawn and in the middle of the night
On Senior Day on October 2, 2016, we delivered 51 folding electric scooters to community welfare centers
around the nation, and 70 high-performance electric scooters to individuals in need. The folding electric
scooter is lightweight, weighing just 30 kilograms, allowing it to be lifted into and transported in a car, and is
perfect for outdoor activities. The high-performance electric scooter is more for medical care. It can travel 35
kilometers on a single charge, and has a maximum speed of 10 km/h, allowing it to be driven even on certain
public roads.
The Easy Wheels program is a part of ‘Easy Move’, a social program aimed at improving convenience in
mobility for those in need. It has contributed to increased social participation and improved quality of life for
senior citizens.
Social Enterprise
The Easy Move Inc. turned a profit for the first time in 2015, and continues to take on challenges with support
from Hyundai. It fulfills its social responsibilities by giving more than two-thirds of its operating profits for
social purposes, and by hiring workers from underprivileged backgrounds. The Easy Move Inc.’s growth is
building a path towards a society in which people with mobility impairments are helped and respected. And
this is the outcome of our commitment to being a real partner.
We also use the 3D scanning technology of the new car development process
to produce a customized grip for each athlete. Athletes usually use a ready-
made grip that is placed at the center of the bow, and then alter the grip
so that it fits their hand. A grip can become damaged if a competition lasts
for several hours, and this can cause athletes to lose concentration. Grips
made to an individual’s own specifications enable archers to demonstrate
their optimal skills. Our technologies are embedded into arrows as well. We
have created a piece of equipment that fires an arrow over a distance of 50 Interview with Bonchan Ku, Rio de Janeiro Olympics Gold Medalist
In Korea, we hosted the ‘2016 Hyundai Motor Chung Mong Koo Korea Archery
Cup’, which brought together 152 Korean archers with the best skills in the
world to compete against each other. This archery festival was enjoyed by all,
befitting its concept as ‘The Greatest Shooting Show in Korea’, and all 1,000
audience seats were occupied throughout the competition. The Cup was
widely praised for helping to popularize Korean archery, and for expanding
archery’s base of competition and support. We are also establishing mid- to
long-term plans for the development of archery, including fostering talented
archers for the future, projects that will help to popularize archery, and trying
to widen the influence of archery. The presence of Hyundai’s brands and
products at global archery competitions, and the special, unchanging support
that Hyundai has shown for archery, will continue to highlight the importance
of archery in Korea and world-wide.
World Archery Federation Instagram
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2017 Sustainability Report 030
Sustainability Management System
Hyundai will build a sustainable future by striking the right Vision 2020
balance between economic, social and environmental The ‘Vision 2020’ represents the Hyundai Motor Group’s
value, thus grow together with our stakeholders. goals for sustainable growth and a future that Hyundai Motor
003 CEO Message Company pursues. Automobiles have gone beyond merely
005 Company Overview
being a means of transportation; they help people to have a
better quality of life. The philosophy and will of Hyundai are
007 2016 Highlights Management Philosophy and Vision reflected in the Vision 2020 which is designed to embrace
011 CSV Highlights
the changes in what an automobile means. By pursuing this
Management Philosophy vision, Hyundai has set out to become not just a carmaker,
030 Sustainability Performance
The spirit and values that have driven Hyundai Motor Group are but a company that creates more value and shares in the daily
Our System defined by three key phrases: ‘unlimited sense of responsibility’, lives of our customers as a lifetime partner. Hyundai sets a new
‘realization of possibilities’, and ‘respect for mankind’. Based on concept of an automobile as a ‘partner for lifetime’, tailored to
031 Sustainability the needs of customers from childhood to senior years. It is
Management System these, Hyundai Motor Company has established a management
philosophy to ‘realize the dreams of mankind by creating a new More information on our also a ‘partner for happiness’, a space for living, working, and
corporate philosophy
036 Corporate Governance future through ingenious thinking and continuously challenging resting that provides exceptional comfort and pleasure. As a
039 Creating and Sharing new frontiers’. ‘partner for everyday life’, we will ensure the best customer
Economic Value experience from the moment a customer chooses our brand
‘Unlimited sense of responsibility’ signifies the pursuit of by providing a complete range of the services associated with
042 Sustainability Management
Materiality Analysis sustainable growth while maintaining responsibility towards all automobiles, from finance to product experience, IT services,
of our stakeholders; the ‘realization of possibilities’ signifies the and used car sales.
Our Value
pioneering spirit that has motivated us to invest in new areas;
114 Appendices and the ‘respect for mankind’ represents our commitment to Partner for lifetime We provide brands, products, and
improve living conditions for everyone. With this philosophy in services that cater for our customers from childhood to senior
place, Hyundai will continue to grow as a respected company years. We envision our future being one in which we are the
which makes a positive contribution to humanity. automobile of choice for our customers at all stages of their
• DNA that strives for unlimited growth and advancement Partner for happiness Our automobiles have gone beyond a
Realization of • Entrepreneurship that enables us to break out of our comfort zone and to take risks
possibilities means of transportation, and are now a symbol of comfort and
• Creating real value by turning small possibilities into real achievements
pleasure. With Hyundai, cars will become more versatile and
provide innovative services to make driving faster, safer, more
comfortable and more enjoyable. We will stay close to our
• Improving living conditions by providing products and services of the highest quality to the greatest
number of people customers, and offer them more ecofriendly and advanced IT
Respect for
mankind • Being proactive in tackling environmental issues technologies.
• Contributing to the global community by sharing our success
for Gro
work win
to gt
any og
Core Values People omp eth
st c
Be Local
We have selected five core values to practice our management We believe that the future of our
007 2016 Highlights our employees. In 2016, in response to the rapidly-changing automobile industry, emerging trends such as autonomous
legal environment, we strengthened our compliance support in driving, mobility, electric vehicles and connectivity are bringing
011 CSV Highlights specific legal areas, including new and modified regulations. about abrupt changes. These challenges are driving us on
030 Sustainability Performance to make proactive investments in relevant fields, collaborate
We make sure that everyone at Hyundai clearly understands with other industries such as ICT, and focus on technological
Our System development through mergers & acquisitions. Europe and
our strong commitment to regulatory compliance as a
031 Sustainability response to the new Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, and India are implementing major restrictions on diesel vehicles
Management System we briefed all our employees on the Act prior to its enactment in the aftermath of ‘Diesel-gate’, which has clearly resulted
to help them better understand it. We also distributed a in reduced demand for diesel-powered cars and the rapid
036 Corporate Governance
leaflet entitled ‘All You Need to Know about the Anti-Graft growth of the green car market, mainly in China and Europe.
039 Creating and Sharing Act’, published compliance guidelines for our employees With the majority of automakers focusing on their EV business
Economic Value
to follow on the Anti-Graft Act, and undertook company- strategy, it is possible that the automobile industry will shift
042 Sustainability Management wide preliminary reviews to minimize the risk of regulatory from internal combustion engines to EVs faster than expected.
Materiality Analysis
violations. We also strengthened our compliance support Hyundai therefore launched the IONIQ, a range of eco-friendly
Our Value concerning data privacy, in line with increasing public interest car models, in response to the expanding eco-friendly car
in the protection of personal data and tougher regulations. market, and successfully demonstrated the autonomous
114 Appendices
Online training was given to all employees, in Korea and driving capability of the IONIQ EV at the CES 2017 as a way of
overseas, and training was also offered to suppliers who addressing the rapidly-changing automobile market.
process customers’ personal data.
Risk Structure
Macro environment
Business portfolio Partnership Business plan
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Our System
031 Sustainability
Management System Customers/Dealers Employees Suppliers Shareholders/ Society Government
036 Corporate Governance
Communication Channels
• Motor show and new car • Labor-Management Council • Win-win growth and fair trade • Annual general meeting • Communication with local • Participation in policy-making
launching ceremony • Occupational Safety and agreement • Corporate Governance & communities near worksite public hearings
• Test driving Health Committee • Foundation of Korea Communication Committee • Youth support program • Participation in policy
• Sports sponsorship • Internal publications Automotive Parts Industry • Company briefing • Website discussions and briefings
Promotion • Website
• Customer service • Newsletters • IR meetings • Stakeholder interview
• Seminar and training for • Stakeholder interview
• Customer satisfaction survey • Employee satisfaction surveys • Website • Reports
• Car club • WorkSMART assessments • Reports • Reports
• Stakeholder interview
• Before Service • Health & safety systems
• Energy-Saving Technology
• Website • Websites Exchange Meeting
• On-line communication • Stakeholder interviews • R&D Tech Day
• Dealer seminar/ • Sustainability reports • R&D symposium
conventions/events • Roundtable meetings • R&D Motor Show
• Agent conventions • Management workshops • Purchasing portal
• My Car Story 2.0 • Lunch meetings • Reports
• Stakeholder interviews • Grievance counseling
• Reports (financial reports, • Suggestion Box
sustainability reports, etc.)
• Home correspondence
• Events with employee families
• Sports events
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Reach the average payout ratio of Actively hold meetings Disclose the activities of Hold seminars with
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram global peers in the long-term with major shareholders the committee governance specialists
114 Appendices Explain the activities undertaken by the committee to of BOD members, their attendance and salaries, is available
improve governance, including the announcement of
Corporate Governance Charter and Governance Seminars with
in our business reports and on the company website. The
governance specialists AGM is notified three weeks in advance, earlier than the
standard two weeks stipulated in the commercial law, so that
Governance Improvements shareholders have sufficient time to examine the agenda in
Details detail. We also notify shareholders with holdings of less than
• Investor meetings with governance managers of major 1% about the AGM, so that all shareholders can benefit from
Major Summary financial institutions
Shareholder - NPS, APG, Finepoint, Hermes, etc. their rights and interests. The company discloses its audit
• Discussed current governance status and future plans for report two weeks rather than one week before the AGM as
the Committee
done in the previous years. In addition, we directly reported
• Meetings with proxy advisory and governance advisors
Summary - ISS (Proxy advisory), GES (European governance advisory), to shareholders on the appointment of an independent
Governance- ACGA (Asian Corporate Governance Association)
related Advisors auditor at the AGM, all in an effort to bolster the prompt and
• Discussed importance of improving ESG and discussed ways
to enhance professionalism and independence of BOD
transparent disclosure of information we pursue. Although
• Enhanced professionalism of outside directors
the BOD can approve financial statements and dividend
Governance Summary through governance seminar with governance specialists payments under the current law, Hyundai handles these
Seminars (Professor Kyungsuh Park and Sungmin Kim)
(Jun. 14, Oct. at the AGM, to promote a focus on the shareholder. More
26) • Corporate governance codes and the role of BOD, Hyundai Motor Company
dividend policy for enhancing corporate value
2016 Annual Report
information on the BOD and compensation of executives are
• Participated in the ACGA annual conference, providing available in our 2016 annual report.
Summary outside directors with an ideal opportunity to gain expertise
Governance in governance and interact with investors
• Corporate governance of Asia-Pacific companies including
adoption of stewardship code
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Our Value
Qualifications for Directors Shareholders
Directors of Hyundai are required to hold qualifications as (Unit: Share ‒ ordinary share)
114 Appendices
specified in relevant laws and regulations, possess exemplary
ethical and professional value sets, and diligently exercise the 20.8
duty of representing the rights and interests of shareholders
and other stakeholders in a balanced manner. They also
should be able to allocate sufficient time to the conduct of
57.6 7.5
their duties, and demonstrate strategic thinking, practical
knowledge, and the mature ability to make judgment as
well as a strong sense of responsibility. Outside directors
are required to have expertise and experience in finance, 8.1
economy, management, law, accounting, or relevant fields.
They are also required to have no major conflicts of interest Hyundai MOBIS 45,782,023
with the company and make independent decisions. Affiliated persons 16,416,486
Expertise of the BOD National Pension Services
2016, we responded to rising global demand for SUVs by
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram increasing the production of Santa Fe at our U.S. plants, Total
Reduced work hours from an 8-hour (day) and 9-hour (night) shift to an 8-hour (day) and
2017 Sustainability Report 8-hour (night) 039
increasing supply of Tucson from the Czech Republic and Global Sales
Search mass-producing the compact SUV Creta in Russia. Overseas (Unit: Vehicle)
plants are now responsible for 65% of our total production, 2014 2015 2016
003 CEO Message and with each plant also producing strategic local models, we Korea 685,191 714,121 658,642
now have a system in place that allows us to respond quickly Excluding Korea 4,278,344 4,250,710 4,201,407
005 Company Overview
and accurately to changing conditions across global markets. Global 4,963,535 4,964,831 4,860,049
007 2016 Highlights * Based on shipments
114 Appendices Sport and the G90 Limousine, which enabled our Genesis brand Operating profit 3,735 4,267 2,699
to position itself firmly in the premium segment in Korea. Net profit 4,914 5,435 4,102
EBITDA 5,349 6,047 4,913
Overseas, we set a new record in the Chinese market, with our 1)
Includes minority interest
sales rising 7% to 1,142,016 units after we timed the launch of 2)
Operating profit + depreciation of tangible assets + depreciation of real estate held for investment + depreciation of intangible assets
strategic local models and new models to coincide with cuts in
local purchase taxes. In the Middle East, Africa, Brazil, Russia
and other emerging markets, however, sales fell, and as a result,
our total overseas sales fell by 1% year-on-year to 4,201,407 Sales Revenue by Overseas Subsidiary
units. Overseas sales comprise 86% of our total sales. By region, (Unit: KRW billion)
our sales in Western Europe increased by 6% from the previous
2014 2015 2016
year to 503,048 units thanks to economic stimulus packages,
which in turn improved consumer sentiment. 2016 marked the HMMA 7,437 7,510 8,217
first time our sales exceeded half a million in India, as falling BHMC 19,756 19,203 20,129
interest rates and economic promotion initiatives of the Indian HMI 4,637 5,404 5,981
government boosted sales by 5% to 500,539 units. In the U.S., HAOS 2,744 3,186 3,320
sales were down by 3% to 771,772 units as a result of the global HMMC 5,398 5,794 6,787
economic downturn and the strong dollar causing sluggish
HMMR 2,384 1,930 2,041
exports and consumption. In the Middle East and Africa, sales
HMB 2,263 1,710 1,636
fell by 23% to 360,034 units as consumer sentiment deteriorated
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram because of continuing low oil prices and political instability. * Based on separate sales performance before adjustment for consolidation
Our System
Generated Shareholders and
economic value Employees Suppliers Government Local communities
031 Sustainability investors
Management System
Dividends and
Sales Salaries Raw materials costs Income tax Donation
036 Corporate Governance Interest expenses
Our Value
039 Creating and Sharing completeness of our materiality analyses. We also hosted then divided into positive and negative.
Step 5
Building reporting frame and Priority of each issue was identified through step 2 and 3, and we defined a
defining a disclosing scope
reporting scope by considering the impact of the priority issues on stakeholders.
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Business Impact
Change Analysis (Ranking Change)
Interest Impact Ranking
003 CEO Message 90 Product and
1 1 1 49-52 1 Maintained top ranking (–)
2 service quality
005 Company Overview Established a more definite measurement than the
Improving financial
80 2 12 2 39-41 3 previous year’s ‘economic performance’, and maintained
top ranking (1↑)
007 2016 Highlights
Won top ranking as social interest in this issue
70 Ethics/compliance
5 3 2 9 33-34 6 increased, driven by the enactment of the Improper
011 CSV Highlights management
Solicitation and Graft Act (Kim Young-ran law) (3↑)
030 Sustainability Performance Developing Unchanged from the previous year: this issue fell in
4 eco-friendly 8 4 60-62 4 business impact but rose in social interest due to the
6 products expansion of the IONIQ line-up (–)
Our System 50 15 10
3 Top ranking in business impact, but composite ranking
21 7 Labor-
031 Sustainability 17 fell compared to the previous year as media exposure
8 5 management 15 3 82 2
40 11 declined and it remained of middling interest to external
Management System 19 16 relations
experts (3↓)
23 14
18 9
25 22 13 Moved up in the ranking due to considerable external
036 Corporate Governance 30 24 20 Communications 35-36, interest in our communications activities, such as Corporate
6 with external 7 6 11
53-54 Governance & Communications Committee, and the high
039 Creating and Sharing stakeholders
scores in employee surveys and workshops (5↑)
Economic Value
Social Moved up in the ranking as its business impact
7 5 12 89-107 12
contributions increased while social interest fell slightly (6↑)
042 Sustainability Management 10
Materiality Analysis Down in the ranking compared to the previous year,
with the business impact relatively low even as social
Social Interest Reducing
interest rose significantly due to the implementation
Our Value 0 8 greenhouse gas 3 13 63-64 5
of emissions trading schemes and increasing trading
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 emissions
prices, and Korean ratification of the Paris Climate
114 Appendices By issue: Matching to stakeholders Change Agreement (3↓)
Growing the Moved up slightly in the ranking as social interest rose
Ranking Issue Directly-related Stakeholders 9 4 17 73 10
supply chain while the business impact fell significantly (1↑)
1 Product and service quality Customer, Supplier, Shareholder/Investor
2 Improving financial stability Shareholder/Investor, Employee Moved up by 11 positions during the year as its
Employee health
10 10 7 86 21 business impact increased significantly due to strong
3 Ethics/compliance management All and safety
engagement from top management (11↑)
4 Developing eco-friendly products Customer, Shareholder/Investor, Society
5 Labor-management relations Employee, Customer
Customer, Supplier, Shareholder/Investor,
6 Communications with external stakeholders
Government, Society By area: Top 3 issues moved up the most in the ranking and change analysis
7 Social contributions Society
8 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions Society, Employee, Government Area 1. Social Interest Area 2. Business Impact
9 Growing the supply chain Supplier, Customer, Employee
10 Employee health and safety Employee Ranking in Ranking in
Issue Change Analysis Issue Change Analysis
11 Sustainability management system All Social Interest Business Impact
* Boundary of stakeholders
– Employee: Inside the company
2017 Sustainability Report – Shareholder/Investor, Customer, Supplier, Government, Society: Outside the company 043
01. Product Responsibility
Management Approach
SDGs Target Related activities of Hyundai
• Development of autonomous driving technology;
3.6 and connected car technology
4,860,049 79.4
for Europe
92 (2nd)
and others, to seek ideas for
2015 2014
● Accomplished, ◐ Partially accomplished, ○ Not implemented 882 (28 countries) 841 (25 countries)
2015 2014
95 (2nd) 94 (1st) The HGSI in maintenance scores a satisfaction level of customers four
weeks after they use Hyundai maintenance services; 2016 HGSI went
up 11 scores from the previous year
The IQS scores a vehicle 90 days after its purchase based on the
number of complaints per 100 units; Hyundai has secured top
positions for three years in a row as a result of quality management Hyundai Customer Satisfaction Index in
maintenance – Korea
Unit: Score out of 100 (Ranking)
82.7 (2nd)
2015 2014
81.8 (1st) 82.0 (1st)
The HCSI in maintenance scores a satisfaction level of customers who
own a vehicle older than 3 years if they use a Hyundai service center or a
Blue Hands center; 2016 HCSI went up 0.9 score from the previous year
Autonomous Driving in
Downtown Las Vegas
A vehicle can upgrade itself to controller area network. With its 100Mbps ultra-high-speed communications capability, Ethernet enables
Technology of the network and switch technology that will rapid data collection, including videos, for the real-time sharing of vehicle maintenance information and
Future the latest version, and provides
ensure the uninterrupted exchange and customers with personalized
video data. It also provides external services related to connectivity.
190 Society
114 Appendices
055 Global Highlight its development stage. N’s successful completion of the race
demonstrated its technological prowess and potential. Quality Marketing Enhance perceived quality
057 Eco-friendliness
Ensure distance between battery cables and install 2014 Europe Hyundai’s quality has also been recognized in Europe,
In-depth solution
protective tubing Powertrain for the home of the automobile, where we ranked 1st in the 2016
the Tucson FCEV
Quality Report from the highly-regarded European automobile
trade magazine Auto Bild, which awarded us 1st place amongst
20 automakers.
070 Suppliers Improving Customer Communication • Korean Standard–Quality Excellence Index (KS-QEI) by Korean Standards
079 Employees H Ombudsman – First place at all segments – semi-medium, medium, SUV,
and after services
090 Society H Ombudsman is our communications program for gathering customer feedback and
– First place at the segment of semi-medium, medium, and SUV for
developing improvement plans in partnership with our customers on such topics as 7 consecutive years; and after services for 6 consecutive years
108 Facts & Figures
products, services and marketing. The program began in June 2016 when we invited
114 Appendices customers to participate, and we then added four mentors who are experts in their • Korean Customer Satisfaction Index (KCSI) by Korea Management
respective fields – Dennis Hong, Gilyoung Song, Sungtae Hong, and Dongchul Lee – to Association Consulting
explore ideas for improvements in new technology, product development, marketing – First place at all segments – passenger car and RV
& communications, and sales & services. This five month program generated multiple – First place at the segment of passenger car for 23 consecutive years;
and RV for 13 consecutive years
outstanding ideas: ‘Safety Car Door’, which will help to rescue passengers involved in
accidents, was chosen as the best idea in new technology & future mobility. ‘First-Time • Korean Service Quality Index (KSQI) by Korea Management Association
Buyer Marketing’, ‘Personalized Intelligent Navigation’, and ‘Emotion-driven Services Consulting
for Female Customers’ were also recognized as excellent ideas. 19 ideas suggested by – First place at all segments – sales and maintenance service –
for 6 consecutive years
customers were reviewed in-depth for the possible commercial application, and six of them
were put into practice, including ‘Expansion of New Blue Members Partners’ and ‘Driving
Academy for First-Time Car Buyers’.
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* Violation of product labeling regulations in 2016: A penalty of KRW 1.6 million was imposed due to the failure to label the fuel efficiency
rating of the Hyundai Porter special dump truck
Action Taken
– Revised the fuel efficiency information in the Porter special vehicle catalogue on our corporate website
– Revised the fuel efficiency information in the catalogue to be distributed when our vehicles are compliant with Euro 6
3 Years
consecutive years in the U.S.-IQS for
non-premium brands
Ranked 1st in the quality survey in
Germany by recording 2.14 scores Azera and Accent – Segment Winners in the 2016 IQS in the U.S.
We were 3rd among all brands, and 2nd among non-premium The 2017 Vehicle Dependability Study (VDS) placed us 6th
brands, in the 2016 Initial Quality Study (IQS) from the among 31 brands, including premium brands, 13 places higher
U.S. market research firm J.D. Power and Associates, thus than in 2016. We also came in 3rd among 19 non-premium
maintaining our leading position for three consecutive years. brands to join the league of top notch makers. By outperforming
Four models – Genesis, Tucson, Avante (Elantra in the local U.S. prestigious premium brands including the Lincoln and the
market) and Veloster – were in the top three in their respective Cadillac of the U.S. as well as the leading German brand BMW,
segments, and the Grandeur and Accent were Segment Winners we demonstrated the world-class dependability of our products.
in the Large Car and Small Car segments, respectively. This The Sonata was 2nd in the mid-size category and the Tucson
was the 3rd consecutive year that the Accent was a Segment was 3rd in the small SUV category.
Winner, and thus proved its outstanding competitiveness.
Why has Hyundai risen from 19th to 6th place in the VDS?
One of the main reasons for Hyundai’s remarkable improvement is
in the audio, communication, entertainment, and navigation (ACEN)
category. Hyundai was an early adopter of Bluetooth technology, and,
while there were problems with the technology early on, these have
now been addressed, particularly in the area of connectivity. Brands
that came late to Bluetooth are now going through the same growing
pains that Hyundai has already worked through. Acclaimed in the home of
Please give your advice on how Hyundai can improve product
the automobile industry
quality and customer satisfaction.
Customer-defined quality and expectations for performance Our quality competitiveness was once again recognized in
continue to change over time. In addition to satisfying basic Germany, the home of the automobile industry. We ranked
customer requirements on pricing, quality, safety and dependability, 1st among 20 brands competing in the 2016 Quality Report
companies need to consider product responsibility and environmental
from Auto Bild, one of the most prestigious automobile trade
sustainability. For Hyundai, a continued focus on all of these aspects of
the customer experience will be critical for success in the future. magazines in Europe. This study examines in detail customer
satisfaction with vehicle quality, 100,000 km durability, recall
issues, customer complaints, results of regular inspections,
maintenance and warranty policies. We scored 2.14 points to
top the list, and this achievement was even more significant
as we again able to surpass our European and Japanese
Geoffrey Mortimer-Lamb
Vice President, Global Automotive Consulting competitors to regain our top position, five years after we were
J.D. Power and Associates, U.S. No. 1 for two years in a row, in 2010 and 2011.
value while generating We are endeavoring to bring our economic and social responsibilities into
economic value?
Ever since we set out our global environmental Company, and vehicles at the ends of their lives
philosophy and guidelines, we have pursued eco- are converted into construction materials such as
friendly management that guarantees sustainable rebar and H-shaped steel products at Hyundai Steel
growth and environmental conservation while Company. To ensure sustainable growth through eco-
achieving economic growth. We fully recognize the conscious technology, we have gone beyond simply
environmental impact and consequent responsibility responding to global environmental regulations,
of the automobile industry, and we therefore aim to and instead we recognize climate change as one of
bring about a sustainable future through eco-friendly the fundamental challenges we need to tackle as
vehicles and green management. We have a resource an automaker. We therefore develop green vehicles
recycling system across Hyundai Motor Group, and technologies that improve fuel efficiency and
spanning across all areas of our business, from steel, reduce exhaust gas emissions. In addition, we are
components and automobiles to construction. Hot- striving to cut greenhouse gas emissions, recycle
rolled steel sheets from Hyundai Steel Company are resources and control the hazardous substances in
processed into cold-rolled steel sheets to be used the manufacturing processes at all our business sites.
in automobile manufacturing at Hyundai Motor
SDGs Target Related activities of Hyundai
• P ollutant control • G
HG emissions reduction at
6.3, 6.4 7.3 12.2, 12.4, 13.2, 13.3 • GHG emissions reduction at business sites
12.5, 12.6 business sites • p
ollutant control
• Improving fuel efficiency • GHG emissions reduction at
• reducing exhaust gas emissions business sites
• resource recycling of end-of-life • participating in the carbon
vehicles market
• handling of hazardous materials • Global Highlight
• Comply with the fuel • Satisfied the strengthened fuel 2016
efficiency regulations of the efficiency regulations across the
EU and Korea, and improve globe in 2016 by improving fuel ●
the average fuel efficiency by efficiency and CO2 emissions
4% over the 2015’s 2015 2014
• Institute the GHG Emission • Reached the target assigned 1.07 1.09 2015 2014
Production decreased but the company’s 4th plant in China began full
070 Suppliers
passenger diesel models are already available in our small, semi-
midsize, midsize and large segments, and we plan to adopt
SCR more electrification of vehicles from in-vehicle comfort
systems, Hyundai is exploring new high value-added materials.
Selective Catalytic
them across all segments, including our flagship models. Reduction For example, we are developing functional alloys for mass–
079 Employees production which improve the thermal conductivity and
090 Society Reducing Exhaust Emissions corrosion resistance of the aluminum alloy which is mainly
Korea We apply Euro 6 standards to all diesel models in Korea, used for the heat sink and housing of electronic components. In
108 Facts & Figures addition, we are extending the application of these materials to
just as we do in Europe. We are currently developing exhaust
114 Appendices gas reduction devices because new diesel cars will be subject include the electric water pumps and audio devices, as well as
to European standard real driving emissions (RDE) testing from in the high-voltage battery and power conversion units of green
September 2017 onwards. cars. A highly corrosion-resistant alloy has been developed to
address the issue of white rust corrosion in existing aluminum
Europe Europe is implementing the ‘Euro 6 (80mg/km)’ components, and this alloy is also now being used in the housing
standard, which lowers the NOx standards for diesel cars by 56% components within the engine room of EVs. We also developed
from the existing ‘Euro 5 (180mg/km)’ standard. Because of the a technology to replace part of the panoramic sunroof glass
increasing emphasis on reducing exhaust gas emissions in real panel with highly shock-resistant transparent plastics (PC) which
driving conditions, new vehicles will be subject to RDE testing are laminated to improve anti-scratch and weather-proofing
on NOx and particle number (PN) emissions from September performance.
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Our System Asan Plant The Asan Plant has put into place a wide range of
GHG Emission Reduction at Business Sites energy conservation programs, including introducing new high-
Our Value
efficiency equipment and optimizing its processing equipment
044 Product Responsibility The GHG Emission Management Council in order to maximize energy efficiency. It installed high-
efficiency air compressors in its utility room and introduced an
057 E
co-friendliness At the Paris Climate Conference in 2015, the world community
agreed to work on climate change issues to curb rises in global
KRW an air compressor load sharing system which has cut KRW 300
060 Developing
Eco-friendly temperatures. Hyundai also strives to minimize the GHG 300 million million in annual energy costs. The paint shop uses insulation
paint to reduce losses from radiation energy, thereby resulting
Vehicles emissions generated from our manufacturing processes, to Reduction in annual energy in KRW 60 million in annual cost savings. In 2017, the Plant will
063 Responding to develop fuel efficiency technology, and to conduct research in costs at the Asan Plant
switch to LED lighting for its street and office lights, to improve
Climate Change the mass–production of eco-friendly cars, in order to address
efficiency and reduce GHG emissions.
065 Minimizing the global issue of climate change. We review our business sites
every quarter for their GHG emission plans and achievements
as part of the Korean emissions trading scheme (ETS), and we
3.7% Ulsan Plant The Ulsan Plant’s commitment to reducing GHG
Year-on-year reduction emissions has brought about energy-saving initiatives such as
068 Global Highlight also analyze our GHG emissions reduction performance from a
in GHG emissions introducing high-efficiency equipment, optimizing processing
financial perspective. We use and share new energy technologies, at the Ulsan Plant
070 Suppliers equipment and adopting new sources of energy. In 2016, the
and operate energy review and promotion programs to improve
Plant invested KRW 1.35 billion in replacing its air compressor
079 Employees the efficiency of energy-intensive processes. We have increased
equipment with high-efficiency equipment, and invested
investment in energy saving, and all our overseas business sites
090 Society another KRW 2.82 billion in replacing 34,400 units of lighting in
undertake energy-saving initiatives to meet their country-specific
the assembly shop. It has also installed a 2MWh-capacity ESS
108 Facts & Figures regulations and business conditions.
to support the Korean government’s green policies. The Plant is
114 Appendices currently planning to install a co-generation system by early 2018,
Organization to Respond to GHG at Business Sites
following a review process. These efforts enabled the Plant to
GHG Emission Management Council reduce its GHG emissions by 3.7% in 2016, down to 931,000tCO2.
Assistant Administrator Technology
Technology Strategy
Planning Team
Planning Team Jeonju Plant The Jeonju Plant has reduced the energy
consumption of its production equipment and replaced low-
efficiency equipment to cut its GHG emissions. In 2016, it installed
Business Sites Buildings Technology better oven equipment in its paint shop, which has reduced
Ulsan: Facility
& Utility
General Affairs R&D General
Sales Support
Equipment the operating time for paint booths and thus led to a 1,391 tCO2
Production Administration Engineering
Support Group
Group Affairs Group
reduction in emissions. The Plant has also invested KRW 600
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram million to replace low-efficiency water heaters/coolers with high-
065 Minimizing
resulting in 720,000 kW or KRW 110 million in annual power cost Reinforced regulations on Regulations on new refrigerants to be
Develop refrigerant technology
refrigerants, tires and fuel implemented in Europe and the U.S.
Environmental savings. Older buildings within the Center are gradually switching
Impact to high-efficiency LED lighting, and an automatic lighting control Emissions reporting system
Greenhouse gas emissions regulations in most Ensure the reliability of greenhouse gas
worksites emissions across the globe
068 Global Highlight system has been introduced to reduce 3.83 million kW in energy
Enhance competitiveness in fuel efficiency
consumption and 17.83 million tons of CO2 in GHG emissions. Regulatory Regulation on product Increase in sales of eco-friendly cars due to
through consistent R&D efforts in
070 Suppliers opportunities efficiency reinforced GHG regulation
comparison with competitors
079 Employees Optimized Logistics Tropical low pressures Risk of tornadoes during summer in the U.S.
on the road is key to reducing our overall GHG emissions in Risk of tsunami in India
Other climate risks
logistics. As of 2016, we are operating vehicle processing centers Possibility of disruption in imports and others
due to abnormal climate change
in 13 areas around Korea, and optimize their routes to curb the
Physical Climate changes in countries
GHG emissions created through road transport. We also aim to opportunities where competitors are located
Opportunity for sales increases of the company
Our System technique that used hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and caustic The Ulsan Plant renewed
soda, and instead uses reverse osmosis (RO) method. In 2017, its Green Company status
in 2016
Our Value the Plant will expand the application of RO to reduce the use of
044 Product Responsibility
hydrochloric acid and caustic soda in its raw water treatment
facility, which will lower consumption of highly hazardous
057 E
co-friendliness chemicals by 450 tons per year. We will continue to cooperate
060 Developing closely with our chemical suppliers to minimize any leaks of Since 1998
Eco-friendly hazardous chemicals. The Asan Plant has
Vehicles maintained its
Green Company status
063 Responding to The Asan Plant uses fewer hazardous chemicals as a way to since 1998
Climate Change
reduce its environmental impact. It did not use 35% hydrochloric
065 Minimizing acid and 20% caustic soda by replacing the ion exchange
technique with RO method at pure water manufacturing facility.
In addition, while conventional water soluble paint contains
068 Global Highlight
5.5% N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), the Plant uses a new type of Integrated environmental
070 Suppliers paint that does not contain NMP for new models. In 2016, its facility control system at
the Ulsan Plant
consumption of hazardous chemicals decreased to 1,335 tons,
079 Employees down 8.1% year-on-year, and it will continue to seek to use more
090 Society eco-friendly chemicals.
world’s first mass-produced FCEV
in CO2 emissions and four tons in NOx emissions by the end of 2017.
The fleet, which started out with five ix35s, is currently serving the
Greater Paris Area with 12 vehicles.
Number of the Tucson xi35 FCEV sold What is your outlook for the FCEV industry? How satisfied are
as of 2016 year-end
customers with the overall quality of Hyundai products?
In line with the increasing need for the means of transportation that
neither emits air pollutants nor requires long charging times, mobility
providers are recognizing the potential of clean mobility. We believe
Plan to cut the price of FCEVs by 40% that one of the breakthrough solutions can be hydrogen fuel cell
in Korea by 2020 vehicles. Customers also highly appreciate traveling in zero-emission
cars that help keep our city clean while still providing the same level
of convenience. The drivers are astonished by the comfort driving
experience enabled our noise-free, vibration-free cars.
We believe that the competitiveness of our suppliers is the basis for our true
The automotive industry is a major assembly our suppliers, so that they are fully self-reliant
business, and suppliers provide an automaker with and competitive. Hyundai has a number of teams
95% of parts used in building finished cars. Hyundai dedicated to helping its suppliers, including Supplier
therefore strive to help its suppliers improve their Cooperation Team, R&D Technical Support Group,
competitiveness by providing education, system and Foundation of Korea Automotive Parts Industry
and human resource supports for their quality Promotion. Employing these and other organizations,
improvement, technology development and Hyundai seeks mutual growth in three strategies:
environmental protection endeavors. We also know cultivating global competitiveness; reinforcing the
the importance of collaboration and co-prosperity basis for sustainable growth; and establishing a joint
between large corporations and SMEs, which is why growth system.
we strive to improve trade practices and support
SDGs Target Related activities of Hyundai
• Sustainable management foundation • Management system for suppliers
8.3 • Expanding global sales channels • Global Highlight
• Infrastructure for growth
● 2016
efficient operation (create competency and contribute to
more synergy) securing the finished vehicle
50 298
2015 2014 2015 2014
46 43 298 293
2015 2014
32 26
Expand the win-win payment system to include tier 2 and 3 • Establishing a joint growth system
suppliers – Culture of joint growth, expanding supports for
tier 2 and 3 suppliers, and strengthening the
collaborative network
075 Establishing a Joint Hyundai employs various means aimed at supporting its
Growth System suppliers’ efforts to achieve business stability. We pay small and Infrastructure for Growth
077 Global Highlight medium suppliers by cash for goods delivered, and help them
to cut cost through joint purchasing; we also help small and In 2012, Hyundai hosted the first cooperative job fair for our
079 Employees medium suppliers with liquidity problem by providing loans to suppliers struggling to attract outstanding talent. In 2016, we
090 Society operate their business, improve quality and productivity, and launched job fairs by region together with 349 suppliers. 24 small
invest in facilities. In addition, we provide family network loans to giants – local SMEs with excellent capabilities recognized by the
108 Facts & Figures tier 1 suppliers, thus help them improve the payment condition for Small and Medium Business Administration and local governments
114 Appendices goods delivered by tier 2 suppliers. – also participated, and thus secured outstanding talents. We also
continue to promote our suppliers’ recruitment and PR efforts by
operating a website dedicated to employment of our suppliers.
Expanding Global Sales Channels
In 2016, we launched the ‘Didimdol’ – meaning a stepping-stone
Hyundai proactively supports the growth of approximately 700 in Korean – program and will run it through 2018 to provide 2,400
suppliers working with our 12 overseas subsidiaries through young job seekers with on-the-job training and an internship
consulting services, local license support and others, in order to opportunity at our suppliers. Under the program, participants
help them grow into small giants with global competitiveness. undergo an eight-week job training at Hyundai Motor Group,
We help our tier 1 and 2 suppliers establish local plants in the followed by a three-month internship at our tier 1 suppliers, thus
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram international market, which enables the suppliers to secure a stable gaining hands-on work experience with a full-time job opportunity.
005 Company Overview Expanding • Expanded the win-win payment system • Expand the win-win payment system to
supports for include tier 2 and 3 suppliers
007 2016 Highlights tier 2 and 3 Management System for Suppliers
011 CSV Highlights • Held the Energy-Saving Technology • Share knowledge on reducing greenhouse Management System Certifications
Exchange Meeting for suppliers gas emissions and energy usage, and widen
030 Sustainability Performance the sharing of relevant technology We recommend our suppliers to acquire the OHSAS (Occupational
Environmental – 33 companies participated
Our System safety system • P
rovided education programs in the area • Continue to provide education programs Health and Safety Management System) 18001 certification in
for suppliers of environment, safety and health on the environment, health, safety, and order to prevent or manage risks related to production operations
Our Value – Ulsan Plant: 46 companies participated firefighting for suppliers to meet their needs
and establish a voluntary safety and health management system.
– Asan Plant: 27 companies participated
044 Product Responsibility
Most of suppliers completed with the acquirement. We also
encouraged them to acquire ISO (International Organization
057 Eco-friendliness for Standardization) 22301 certification, with an aim to respond
070 Suppliers
to accidents and disasters in a systematic manner, and also
Strengthening the Collaborative Network encouraged them to nominate a disaster management officer. In
073 Cultivating 2017, we will share the best practices of our Korean suppliers in
Competitiveness Hyundai shares its procurement and quality policies with its acquiring these certifications, and we expect more suppliers to
suppliers. To help establish a rational and fair trade culture become certified.
074 Reinforcing
the Basis for between our tier 1 suppliers and tier 2 and 3 suppliers, we operate
Sustainable Growth a cooperation council for tier 1 suppliers. In addition to sharing
075 Establishing a Joint company policies and announcements, the council serves as a
Growth System
communication channel through which to receive suggestions
077 Global Highlight and complaints from tier 2 and 3 suppliers.
079 Employees
079 Employees
090 Society
114 Appendices
2016 Energy-Saving
Technology Exchange
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram Activities to support suppliers Meeting
313 persons
through the Didimdol program in 2016 learning and internship’, and ‘improving employability through
strengthening of the ability to adapt’.
289 companies
developed a curriculum that would foster essential basic
competencies and competence. By setting up training facilities
in major cities in each region, we sought to give local talents of
Promoting co-prosperity and different regions equal opportunity in applying for the program.
collaboration for all – job seekers, Once selected, young job seekers go through 45 courses – 17
suppliers and Hyundai
job competence, 15 basic automotive, 5 business skill, and 8
character development courses – as well as consulting sessions,
for a total of eight weeks. This is followed by a three-month
internship at our suppliers, which can lead to employment.
project-driven assignments. We have been taking part in Hyundai’s Young talents participating in the job competency
internship program from the very beginning. Currently 13 of the program course of Didimdol program
Business Character Employment
participants are in the hiring process, and 15 program participants are skill development consulting
working at our company as interns. We hope that we can continue to pursue
shared growth together with Hyundai through diverse support programs. Internship at Comprehensive
suppliers employment support
Put to work and use the knowledge Offer job information; and arrange
Yeonjung Kim and skills gained through job training employment if both the intern and
Staff in Charge of Human Resources (Practical training at automotive suppliers, supplier desire
DY AUTO, Korea Practical training evaluation)
Management Approach
We strive to hire and foster creative talents equipped with proper leadership.
We also respect diversity of hundreds of thousands international regulations on human right protection
of employees around the world, and provide equal as well as all labor-related laws and regulations of
opportunities and fair compensation. As part of these individual countries where we operate our business.
efforts, we declared the ‘Code of Ethics’ by which we We will continue our efforts in creating a safe work
pledge the respect for individual human rights of all environment, in order to assist our employees in
employees. Also, by including ‘People’ in our five core maximizing their potentials, and provide continued
values, we have pronounced our commitment to supports so that they can sustain a happier life.
human rights protection. In addition, we comply with
SDGs Target Related activities of Hyundai
118,320 0.33
develop their career and
43.5 2.79
for locally recruited new – Shared headquarters’ strategic
executives and candidates directions and discussed key business
performance and tasks
• Provided trainings to 16 outstanding ●
talents at overseas subsidiaries
– Helped them understand various 2015 2014 2015 2014
business value chains and offered
education on global management
41.5 40.8 2.84 2.72
Overseas workforce and the ratio have continued to increase due to
the new plants built at overseas business sites in North America and
• Overseas manufacturing • Overseas manufacturing plants: China, and growing production and sales volume
plants: aiming for zero fatal recorded 2 fatal accidents and
accident and lowering the accident rate of 0.1%
overall accident rate below 0.1% Number of female executives Training hours per employee (Korea)
Unit: Person Unit: Hour
● Accomplished, ◐ Partially accomplished, ○ Not implemented
2016 2016
22 56
2015 2014 2015 2014
23 10 71 62
Training hour per person fell by 21% due to improvement efforts to
increase qualitative effectiveness of trainings in the aspect of process
and curriculum
087 Global Highlight In 2016, we surveyed our employees on 73 items ‒ 81 items for
those in managerial positions and above ‒ across nine areas,
090 Society including job assignments, evaluations, promotion, remuneration, Recruiting Outstanding Talent
and welfare & benefits. The response rate was 55.7%, and the
108 Facts & Figures Widening Recruitment Channels
satisfaction levels recorded were the highest since this survey
114 Appendices began. Our employees were highly satisfied in categories such Hyundai has launched a new employment brand called
as team work, welfare & benefits and remuneration, suggesting ‘What makes you move? Moving the world with you’, and
that they have colleagues they can depend on, they have a good is promoting Hyundai as a place to work in alignment with
work-life balance, and are well compensated for their work. This this brand. We also have been increasing our early recruiting
is thanks to company-wide endeavors such as seminars and the channels, including through internships and ‘The H’ program.
WorkSMART campaign that have embedded our core values into We have also eliminated the dress code for first interviews, to
our daily operations, in our effort to improve competitiveness and help interviewees feel free to express themselves.
build efficient organizational culture.
Our Value • Completed the multifaceted evaluations • Secure objectivity and reliability by constantly Multifaceted Evaluation System
on around 1,800 employees in Korea and improving the multifaceted evaluation
working overseas system In our multifaceted evaluation system, employees above the
044 Product Responsibility Performance
evaluation and • Provided detailed feedback to everyone • Strengthen feedback and coaching programs position of team manager are evaluated by team members,
057 Eco-friendliness reward system evaluated through the multifaceted to help employees subject to multifaceted to motivate them to continue to improve and become better
evaluation, and the HR Division offered evaluations improve their leadership
individual coaching to improve their capabilities and pursue self-development leaders. People skills and business capabilities are measured,
070 Suppliers
leadership capabilities as well as how much the leaders embody Hyundai’s core
079 Employees • Increased employee satisfaction by • Expand welfare and benefits for employees’ values. Detailed feedback enables the employees being
082 Respecting benefits &
improving the quality of welfare and benefits work-life balance evaluated to continue to make improvements.
Human Rights and welfare • Diversified support for employees to enjoy • Expand healthcare programs to promote the
Communication healthy leisure activities health of our employees
HR Evaluation and Remuneration Systems
083 R
ecruiting and • Have posted a consistent decline in the • Reduce the accident rates at overseas
Safe work We undertake year-round assessments of the business
Fostering accident rates at overseas subsidiaries subsidiaries to the advanced level by 2020,
Outstanding Talent since 2012 with a target of 0.1% performance and individual skills of all our employees to gather
085 Creating Great 1)
basic evaluation data for the HR assessments that take place in
Leaders’ Morning Forum is to provide quality insights leader with the company’s general management policies and key issues, and to
Workplaces facilitate exchange among leaders the first and second half of each year. Employees in the position
087 Global Highlight
of manager and above have individual performance evaluations
measured against individual targets that are set in accordance
090 Society WorkSMART with the target management system, and capacity evaluations
based on the core values shared across Hyundai Motor Group.
108 Facts & Figures WorkSMART Index in 2016
Team managers and team manager candidates receive
114 Appendices Hyundai developed the WorkSMART Index (WSI) to encourage multifaceted leadership evaluation, and the outcomes are
our employees to engage fully with their work, so that they can be used to make or change job assignments. Executive evaluation
creative and promote sustainable growth. In 2016, 15,517 employees, results are used across our HR operations, from promotions
or 65.5% of the total, replied to the WSI survey. The composite WSI and compensation to selecting and training leaders, and the
score was 64.7 points, up by 0.4 points over the previous year. Of fairness of these evaluations is guaranteed through regular
particular note were the positive changes measured in promoting evaluation monitoring and performance management
change among team members and management’s commitment training offered to those subject to evaluations. Evaluation
to change; this shows the positive impact of our leadership systems at our overseas sites are set up in consideration of
improvement programs. There were also significant improvements the requirements and characteristics of each country, and are
in the scores relating to documents and meetings as a result of based on our Global HR Standards. There is no gender wage
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram adopting the SMART reporting and SMART meeting systems. gap at any site.
No. 1
‘Employer of the Year’ award for 2016
injuries, occupational health and safety (OHS) systems, work
environment, manufacturing equipment and lift equipment. The
award is official recognition from the Czech government of our
Became the first automobile company efforts to make work environment safe, including through on-
2 Years
in the Czech Republic to be honored
site safety patrols, safety analyses of employees’ actions and the
with the ‘Safe Enterprise’ award for
two years in a row causes of accidents by type, improving the safety mindset, and
initiatives to reduce the accident rate to zero.
HMMC recorded a zero accident rate in 2016
HMMC also won its local sector and was second in the national
Manager, Head of Health & Safety Section
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech, Czech Republic
Management Approach
SDGs Target
3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2 6.3, 6.4 8.3, 8.6, 9.1, 9.4 10.2 11.4 12.5 14.2 15.1, 15.2,
3.6 4.4 8.b 15.3
2016 Plans Achievements Evaluation Expenditures in social contributions (Korea) Traffic Accident Zero for Children campaign
• Reorganize mid-to long-term • Expanded into 6 Moves by adding Unit: KRW million Unit: Number of vehicles donated
strategy system for socially Dream Move and Next Move to the
2016 2016
responsible management existing 4 Moves
75,502 14
(vision announcement,
expansion of core CSR
• Host a conference on global • Changed into a mid-to long-
2015 2014 2015 2014
social contributions term project and thus was not ○
implemented in 2016 70,499 65,200 13 11
• Initiate the ‘Traffic Accident • Provided new school vehicles Investments in culture and sports have increased (support for ‘Dream
Stadium’ in Busan)
Zero for Children’ campaign and supported the installation of
Expenditures in emergency relief have increased (support for those affected Unit: Number of organizations supported
new safety technology equipment
● by the Typhoon Chaba)
(mandatory safety devices required
by regulations on the child safety of
school vehicles) Voluntary performance of employees (Korea)
Unit: Person
• Expand the ‘H-Social Creator’, • Improve participants’ understanding
a program to solve social of Hyundai and promote our brand 2016
issues in partnership with by expanding work site visits and 2015 2014
college students experience programs 27 37
• Run the ‘Health Care Project • 5 Energizing Stations: Joined and
for Taxi Drivers’: Energizing used by approximately 2,000 taxi 2014 and 2015 figures are the performance results of the ‘H-together’
Station, Energizing Bus drivers 2015 2014 projects
• Energizing Bus: Provided customized 24,499 23,480
exercise therapy to approximately
900 taxi drivers
Unit: Hour
• Maintain the mid-to • MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2016:
long-term partnership with Kimsooja – Archive of Mind
the three major art museums (Jul. 27, 2016-Feb. 5, 2017)
• Hyundai Commission 2016: ●
Philippe Parreno
(Oct. 14, 2016-Apr. 2, 2017)
* The 2015 program was extended to continue at
the LACMA 2015 2014
114 Appendices
2nd Dream Center (Indonesia)
– 391 trainees completed the course; and 237 trainees landed a job
* As of January 2017
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram Looking for Three-Leafed Clovers
090 Society
Support for the Play Hyundai Motor Brazil Dream Village Project –
092 K
ey CSR Activities ‘Monica and Cebolinha’ Cultivating Social Enterprises
096 C
SR Activities • Sponsor the production of the play, which adapts • Assist the establishment of social enterprises for the
of Overseas ‘Romeo and Juliet’ for family viewing as well as development of local communities and to help them
Subsidiaries its performance become economically independent
• 2016 Performance: Performed a total of 25 times, • 2016 Performance: Established four social enterprises,
105 Supporting the
and attended by approximately 26,000 people and benefited 84 families
Arts and Culture
② Educational Support
• Support public schools with aging facilities and/or a lack of
teachers due to insufficient government funding
• Donate benches, desks, and computers while assisting with
building construction
• 2016 Performance: Supported 15 schools in nearby areas,
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram and donated 50 computers
079 Employees
• Donate pre-production vehicles and Manufacturing Czech Spina Bifida Walk-N-Roll
components to schools so that students (HMMC) • Host a one-mile walkathon and an
090 Society can use them for educational purposes educational exhibition to publicize the rare
• 2016 Performance: Made donations to disease Spina Bifida and raise funds for the
092 K
ey CSR Activities eight schools Spina Bifida Association
• 2016 Performance: Raised funds totaling
096 C
SR Activities USD 25,000
of Overseas
⑥ ④
105 Supporting the
Jingle Bell Run
Arts and Culture • Host walkathon and race events to publicize
the Arthritis Foundation and raise funds
106 Global Highlight • 2016 Performance: Raised funds totaling
USD 107,000
108 Facts & Figures
114 Appendices Sisterhood Ties with Schools ⑤
Hope Elementary School ①
• Completed the construction of the 2nd BHMC Hope Hyundai Motor
Elementary School
Manufacturing Russia
• 2016 Performance: Donated 51 computers and
offered teaching support (HMMR)
092 K
ey CSR Activities
Employee Volunteering
096 C
SR Activities • Employees either make direct donations or engage in
of Overseas volunteer activities in their spare time
• Food donations, environmental clean-ups for parks
105 Supporting the on Earth Day, participation in the ‘Read Across
Arts and Culture America’ event, donation to the armed forces,
wetland protection activities, participation in the
106 Global Highlight
Career Day events, serving as a judge for science
fairs, participation in the Habitat for Humanity, blood
108 Facts & Figures
donations, and the celebration of cultural heritage
Hyundai Motor Espana, S.L.
114 Appendices (HMES)
Sponsorship for the
Cancer Research Foundation
• Sponsor the ‘Charity Dinner for Young Cancer
Researchers’ hosted by FERO1), a Spanish cancer
Hyundai Motor research foundation
America (HMA) • 2016 Performance: Participated by 490 people,
provided the IONIQ for shuttle service
FERO: A foundation which engages in a wide array of cancer
research initiatives, from developing cancer treatments and
nurturing young cancer researchers to supporting the early
approval of new cancer treatment and sponsoring young cancer
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram researchers
057 Eco-friendliness
070 Suppliers
079 Employees
090 Society
092 K
ey CSR Activities
Hyundai Motor United Kingdom (HMUK)
096 C
SR Activities Street League
of Overseas • Support ‘Street League1)’ with facility development since 2012
Subsidiaries • 2016 Performance: Donated GBP 25,000 and vehicles, and provided
105 Supporting the internship opportunities at Hyundai dealer shops
Arts and Culture
Street League: A program to assist young people aged between 16 and 25 in learning skills
106 Global Highlight for communication, teamwork, and writing cover letters, to help them find jobs
108 Facts & Figures RMHC Mission 2020
• AUD 500 is given in discounts to consumers
114 Appendices who purchase Hyundai cars through the Ronald
McDonald House Charities (RMHC) network, Hyundai Motor Poland (HMP)
and that amount is matched and forwarded as
donations by HMCA. ②
Internship Program
Hyundai Motor
• Provide internship opportunities to undergraduates in Warsaw
Company Australia • 2016 Performance: Hired 12 interns per year on average
096 C
SR Activities
of Overseas Happy Move
Subsidiaries Dream Move
Employee Volunteer Corps ①
105 Supporting the
Dream Class
• Developed to raise employees’ interest and importance of CSR
Arts and Culture • Provide educational supplies – books, computers, and sports goods
• Anti-desertification in Inner Mongolia, environmental protection, visit
– to elementary schools with old facilities in deprived areas in
106 Global Highlight to nursing homes, and emergency relief training for employees
collaboration with the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund
• 2016 Performance: One staff at each department participated in
• Raise funds with local Hyundai dealers, customers and media outlets
108 Facts & Figures volunteer programs
to donate educational equipment to elementary schools in deprived
114 Appendices
• 2016 Performance: Donations were made in a total of eight areas
Tong Xin Yi
• Designed to address the major social issue in China of protecting
children left behind when their parents moved to cities to work, and to
keep them away from juvenile delinquency
• Built extracurricular facilities for left-behind children in rural areas –
libraries, mental health counseling, arts and music activities, outdoor
sports, vegetable gardens, etc.
• 2016 Performance: Opened the first Tong Xin Yi1) in Cangzhou, Hebei
Province, and employee participated in volunteer activities
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram Tong Xin Yi: A Chinese word meaning hearts of children railway station
library, and research and survey support programs, joint R&D on green car
092 K
ey CSR Activities technology, etc.
096 C
SR Activities Vietnam – Medical Support for
of Overseas
Children with Facial Disfigurements Philippines – Village with a CIS & Eastern Europe
Subsidiaries Sustainable Water Circulation
105 Supporting the
• Support children with facial disfigurements
① Regional Headquarter
in Vietnam and Laos, so that they can receive
Arts and Culture
medical treatment, in alignment with Korea’s • A pilot project to address issues
106 Global Highlight medical volunteer corps on water contamination and the
• 2016 Performance: Around 10 Korean medical shortage of drinking water, and to
108 Facts & Figures professionals were sent to volunteer for one week raise awareness for hygiene and
per year health, in collaboration with the
114 Appendices Rainwater Research Center of the Seoul
National University and the non-profit
Vietnam organization Better World
• Provide ‘Dreams Come True’ and other programs • Install drinking water equipment
for underprivileged children and elementary and provide hygiene and healthcare
school students from low-income families, so that education
they can travel, have fun at amusement parks, and • Install drinking water equipment
be benefited from comprehensive educational that uses rain water at newly-built ②
support programs elementary schools
• Offer regular water quality monitoring
as well as hygiene and healthcare
• Expanded our support for drinking
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram water vehicles and beneficiary areas
070 Suppliers
079 Employees
090 Society
092 K
ey CSR Activities ①
096 C
SR Activities
of Overseas
Subsidiaries Central & South America
105 Supporting the Regional Headquarters
Arts and Culture
South Africa
• Build libraries at local elementary schools located in impoverished
areas to benefit both schools and their students
• 2016 Performance: Built libraries and donated books and equipment
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram • Donate educational equipment to schools in impoverished areas
‘Easy Life’
‘H-OnDream Audition’
Easy Move Inc.
‘Easy Life’ is Korea’s first social enterprise to serve the mobility The ‘H-OnDream Audition’ was initiated in 2012 by Hyundai
needs of seniors and people with physical or mental challenges. Motor Group and Hyundai Motor’s Chung Mong Koo
It provides vehicle transport, mobile nursing care and bathing, Foundation to support social enterprises which help young
nursing homes, and the sale and rental of welfare equipment. social entrepreneurs with creative and innovative ideas to
It also offers middle aged women with career discontinuation address social issues. Every year, teams compete in the sector-
the opportunity to find a stable job and realize their potential. specific preliminaries and nationwide finals, and 30 winning
There are 140,000 beneficiaries of Easy Life every year, and as of teams are awarded not just prize money but also financial and
2016, the company employs nearly 800 women whose careers management support, resource alignment and the mentoring
had previously come to an end. Hyundai has supported Easy that is critical to ensure their sustainable growth and business
Life since 2006, in particular by building ‘Easy Hub’, which offers success. In the fifth H-OnDream Audition held in 2016, the
nursing and leisure programs for seniors, and by developing Grand Prize went to the ‘Two-Together’ team, which had the
its mobile nursing care centers. We provide financial and idea of providing tour services for physically or mentally-
management support to boost the growth of the company, challenged people, and improving their tourism infrastructure.
and we also help to improve the quality of the welfare services From 2012 to 2016, we have supported 150 start-up teams
and create quality jobs, which ultimately contributes to the and created jobs for 1,439 people. We will continue to align
development of local communities. with innovative social enterprises in order to help resolve social
Easy Life – Korea’s first social enterprise to serve the mobility needs
of seniors and people with disabilities issues and create jobs.
What is the value of Easy Move Inc. as a social enterprise and what
is your business direction?
Our value lies in how we have remained consistently sustainable in the Electric Scooters manufactured by
seven years since our foundation as a social manufacturing enterprise, Easy Move Inc.
and how we have positioned ourselves as a viable member of the cor-
porate ecosystem. Just as with any other business, our success as a so-
cial enterprise depends on critical building blocks such as ensuring the
best quality and offering swift and reliable services. At Easy Move, we
aim to build on these fundamental endeavors, and also to give back to
society through our business.
How do you expect Hyundai to promote social contributions and Easy Move Inc. was founded in 2010, and was the first social sales service. In addition to our initial investments, Hyundai
the growth of social enterprises? enterprise in Korea in the mobility aid industry. Backed by has continued to provide additional support, and has used our
The investment and support that Hyundai provided to Easy Move was investments from Hyundai, ten non-profit foundations joined expertise in R&D and marketing to contribute to strengthening
not just about making philanthropic contributions, but instead repre- together to create Easy Move to provide safer and more its business. As a result, it turned a profit for the first time six
sented a sustainable model for creating shared value (CSV) that all of
convenient mobility assistance devices to people with mobility years after its establishment, and has been growing at an annual
us aspire to achieve. It is our profound hope that this example can ben-
efit other social enterprises as well. We hope that the model of having challenges, including senior citizens and people with physical/ rate of 25%. In 2016, Easy Move posted KRW 5.8 billion in sales,
a large business as an investor becomes deeply rooted, and is adopted mental disabilities. It manufactures and sells high-technology and also became the first social enterprise to receive impact
by other large businesses and institutions joining in with Hyundai’s and high value-added mobility aids – rehabilitation training investments from financial institutions, as well as being honored
CSV initiative to help our society change for the better. equipment, strollers, mobility aids, and welfare vehicles – for with the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in the
a range of age groups. While imported products are expensive social venture category at the fourth ‘Most Loved Companies’
Doyoung Oh
CEO and limited in after-sales service, Easy Move products are award in 2016. Easy Move has thus become widely recognized
Easy Move Inc., Korea recognized for their competitive pricing, quality and after- as a success story in social enterprise investment.
Compliance Sum of online trainings (two sessions since its launch in 2015),
Number of participants in Korea Person 2,900 57,100 27,470
management collective trainings, and others
003 CEO Message education Number of training sessions overseas Case 14 2 1
Number of participants overseas Person 765 1,940 610
005 Company Overview
Total number of security staff (Internal) Person 359 359 359
Scope : Personnel responsible for patrol and building security
007 2016 Highlights Security practices Total number of security staff (Outsourced) Person 614 614 614
No. of security personnel trained in the
Person 926 926 933 Training on manuals to respond to building tenants, work ethics, etc.
011 CSV Highlights organization’s human rights policies
Korea % 41.2 38.9 36.0
030 Sustainability Performance
Market share Excluding Korea % 5.1 4.9 4.8
Our System Global % 5.8 5.6 5.5
Korea Vehicle 1,876,428 1,858,395 1,679,905
Our Value
U.S. Vehicle 398,851 384,519 379,020
China Vehicle 1,120,000 1,052,000 1,142,000
044 Product Responsibility
India Vehicle 610,650 645,012 665,017
057 Eco-friendliness Czech Republic Vehicle 307,450 342,200 358,400
Global production Turkey Vehicle 203,157 226,500 230,010
070 Suppliers
Russia Vehicle 237,000 229,500 207,000
Joint recruitment with suppliers Number of people hired Person 17,510 18,600 13,000
Supply chain management Some 300 tier 1 suppliers; some 5, 000 tier 2 and 3 suppliers;
Number of supplies Company 8,800 8,800 8,800
(Korea) and some 3,000 raw material suppliers and others
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram
070 Suppliers Employee satisfaction Score Score out of 5 3.46 - 3.55 Survey was not conducted in 2015
No. of employees involved in occupational
Person 345 339 217
079 Employees accidents (Korea) Based on figures of Ulsan, Asan and Jeonju plants in Korea
Accident rate (Korea) % 0.90 0.87 0.55
090 Society No. of employees involved in occupational
Person 82 55 38
Occupational accidents accidents (Overseas) Based on figures of overseas manufacturing plants
108 Facts & Figures Accident rate (Overseas) % 0.22 0.15 0.10
No. of employees involved in occupational
114 Appendices accidents (Total)
Person 427 394 255 Based on figures of Ulsan, Asan and Jeonju plants in Korea and
overseas manufacturing plants
Accident rate (Total) % 0.56 0.52 0.33
Social welfare KRW million 24,058 26,109 22,252
Medical and healthcare KRW million 102 806 380
Education KRW million 15,236 15,431 10,369
Culture & Sports KRW million 9,722 21,341 27,004
Social contributions
Environmental protection KRW million 1,285 921 1,310
Emergency relief KRW million 4,662 368 5,508
International exchange KRW million 2,713 2,633 1,941
Othres KRW million 7,422 2,840 6,738
total KRW million 65,200 70,449 75,502
Number of volunteer activities Case 2,691 2,546 2,348
Voluntary performance of
employees Number of participants Person 23,480 24,499 28,462
Number of hours participated Hour 132,887 166,912 144,697
Traffic Accident Zero for Children Number of vehicles donated Vehicle 11 13 14 2014 and 2015 figures are the performance results of the
campaign Number of organizations supported Organization 37 27 115 ‘H-together’ projects
114 Appendices
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram
030 Sustainability Performance G4-LA9 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee category 80
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career
Training and education G4-LA10 84
114 Appendices
G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category 85
115 GRI Index Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group
Diversity and equal opportunity G4-LA12 112~113
membership, and other indicators of diversity
118 Independent Assurance Supplier assessment for labor
G4-LA15 Significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the supply chain and actions taken 8, 75~76
Human Rights
121 About this Report Investment G4-HR2
Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of
human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained
Freedom of association and Operations and suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant
G4-HR4 8, 82
collective bargaining risk, and measures taken to support these rights
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition
Child labor G4-HR5 75
of child labor
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the
Forced or compulsory labor G4-HR6 75
elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor
Local communities G4-SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 92~107
Anti-corruption G4-SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures 33~34, 108
Anti-competitive behavior G4-SO7 Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes 111
Compliance G4-SO8 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations 54
Product Responsibility
G4-PR1 Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement 47
Customer health and safety Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and
G4-PR2 54
services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes
Type of product and service information required by the organization’s procedures for product and service information and labeling, and percentage
G4-PR3 54
of significant product and service categories subject to such information requirements
Product and service labeling Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by
G4-PR4 54
type of outcomes
G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction 53, 109
G4-PR6 Sale of banned or disputed products N/A
Marketing communications Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising,
G4-PR7 54
promotion, and sponsorship, by type of outcomes
Customer privacy G4-PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 54
Compliance G4-PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services 54
EC7, EC8
Methodology Social Contribution Marketing Communications
The following method was used to provide the assurance about the Report:
Reduction in GHG Emissions Emissions EN15, EN16, EN17, EN18
1. Verified whether requirements from the Core Option of the GRI G4 Guidelines were Support for the Growth of the Supplier Environmental Assessment EN3
fulfilled. Supply Chain Supplier Assessment for Labor Practices LA15
2. Verified consistency with the principles dictating the content and quality of Employee Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety LA5, LA6, LA7
sustainability reports based on the GRI G4 Guidelines.
3. Verified the objectivity and appropriateness of the material issues selected and the
content of the Report by conducting media research and a benchmark analysis.
4. Verified the suitability of the information and expression errors through a comparison
analysis with other publications.
5. Verified the evidence of data and information, internal process, and system through
an on-site inspection of the Seoul headquarters, research centers (Namyang,
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram
Uiwang), and Ulsan plant.
Upon appraising Hyundai Motor’s various efforts and performance for enhancing its
sustainability, the Assurer makes the following proposals for future publications of the The Sustainability Management Center of the Korea Productivity Center is an assurance agency officially
certified by AccountAbility [the organization that established AA1000, the international standard for
Report and a higher standard of sustainability. stakeholder participation and verification] and is qualified to conduct independence assurance engagements.
Our Assurance Committee is comprised of competent experts who have in-depth experience in sustainability
● Measuring external social and environmental effects: There is a need to calculate management consulting and assurance and have completed the relevant training.
and manage the financial impact of the positive and negative social and environmental • AA1000AS (2008): The AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) is an international assurance standard, set by
AccountAbility, that provides the method of reporting sustainability management issues by evaluating the
effects occurring from business activities. Through this, stakeholders will be able organization management on performances, compliance with principles, and reliability of performance
to recognize Hyundai Motor’s CSR/CSV activities as financial information and information.
appropriately evaluate the company’s value. • AA1000APS (2008): The AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (2008) is an international assurance
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram standard set by AccountAbility that provides the principles of the AA1000 standards.
The opinion expressed in this Assurance Statement has been formed on the basis of a Because of the inherent limitations in any internal control it is possible that fraud, error, or non-compliance with laws and regulations
may occur and not be detected. Further, the verification was not designed to detect all weakness or errors in internal controls so far
reasonable level of assurance and at a 2.5% level of materiality. as they relate to the requirements set out above as the verification has not been performed continuously throughout the period and
the verification carried out on the relevant internal controls were on a test basis. Any projection of the evaluation of control to future
periods is subject to the risk that the processes may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of
compliance with them may deteriorate.
The Korean version of this statement is the only valid version. The Lloyd’s Register Group assumes no responsibility for versions
homepage blog facebook youtube instagram translated into other languages.
selected through the materiality analysis, and on new activities in creating shared value (CSV) over the Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the
030 Sustainability Performance effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
period covered by the report.
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; 75, 79
114 Appendices Labour Standards
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and 75, 79
Reporting Principle Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and
115 GRI Index Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Core guidelines occupation.
33, 85
121 About this Report Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally
Reporting Boundary 60~62
friendly technologies.
Dconomic (based on Korean International Financial Reporting Standards), social and environmental
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,
performance Anti-Corruption 33~34
including extortion and bribery.
Reporting Period
January 1st, 2016 - December 31st, 2016; also includes some data and information from 2014 - March 2017 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Reporting Cycle The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of agenda items that
Annual (last report was published in June 2016) aim to mitigate wide-ranging risk factors that pose threats to sustainable development
– economic and social polarization, aggravating social inequalities in their diverse
Assurance forms, and environmental destruction – during the period between 2016 and 2030.
Separate independent assurances are given by third-party assurance service providers concerning Hyundai’s The SDGs present 17 goals and 169 targets that all nations in the world are required to
sustainability management as a whole, and its greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption reach through joint endeavors. To share the spirit of the SDGs and to contribute to the
sustainable development of the global community, Hyundai defined five values through
Headquarters which our business conduct is aligned with the SDGs.
12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06797, Korea
Contact Information
CSV Strategy Team, Hyundai Motor Company Sustainability Report Publication History
(Phone: +82-2-3464-2025, E-mail: [email protected])