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Your Partner,

Hyundai Engineering
About this Report

Reporting Information
This is the second sustainability report published by Hyundai Engineering, which
includes its efforts for sustainable growth and performances in the economic, en-
vironmental and social areas. This report will serve as the momentum for the ex-
amination of the sustainable management, and Hyundai Engineering hopes this
second publication becomes a communication channel for co-development with

Reporting Scope and Period

This report covers activities and performances of Hyundai Engineerings sustain-
able management for two years from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2011.

Reporting and Assurance Standards

This report was prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
G3.1 Guidelines together with the guidance on ISO 26000 and UNGC.
The reliability of the contents was verified through the DNV Protocol for Verification
of Sustainability Reporting V.3.0 standard by DNV, a third-party assurance institute.
For more details about the result, please refer to the third-party verification report.

Detailed Information on the Report

This report in PDF version is available from the website. For more information or
inquiries on this report, please contact:

Team CSR Representative, Planning Team, Planning Office

E-mail [email protected]
Tel 82-2-2166-3824
Fax 82-2-2646-1503
Address Hyundai 41 Tower Bldg., 917-9, Mok 1-dong,
Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
A blueprint connecting the past, present and future of Hyundai Motor Group

Since its establishment Hyundai Motor Group has built a history of success based on challenge and passion. Such
entrepreneurship has been reestablished as a systematic management ideology made up of the management philoso-
phy, vision and core values. This will be maintained and developed even further in the future.

Core Values
To implement our
management philosophy and vi-
sion, all our members bear these
values in mind and consider them
standards for behavior and deci-
sion making.

Management Philosophy
This is the essential reason
A blueprint connecting why and the purpose for which
the past, present and future Hyundai Motor Group exists. It
is the spirit that serves as our

These are the business objec-
tives that Hyundai Motor Group
should accomplish over the next
decade. Our group will achieve
them through concrete business
strategies and action plans.

Hyundai Motor Group Structure

Automobiles Steel Construction

Core Concept of Management Philosophy 5 Core Values

We will realize the dream of mankind by creating a

Core Values
new future through ingenious thinking and continu-
ously challenging new frontiers.

Unlimited Sense of Responsibility We refuse to be complacent, embrace every opportu-

Hyundai Motor Group is striving to successfully operate busi- nity for greater challenge, and are confident in achiev-
nesses based on a sense of responsibility to all stakeholders. ing our goals with unwavering passion and ingenious
This responsibility drives us even further to provide superior challenge
quality to our customers.
We create synergy through a sense of togetherness
that is fostered by mutual communication and co-
Realization of Possibilities operation within the company and with our business
Hyundai Motor Group has a distinctive spirit of accepting partners.
challenge that rejects complacency and it is never held back
We promote customer-driven corporate culture by
by the fear of failure. This spirit has come to be written into
providing the best quality and impeccable service with
our DNA for success and it makes the impossible, possible.
all values centered on our customers.
Based on our pioneering spirit and responsible entrepreneur- customer
ship, which form the root of our groups splendid story of
expansion, Hyundai Engineering will work together with our We respect the diversity of cultures and customs, as-
employees, partner companies and local communities to pro- pire to be the worlds best at what we do, and strive to
mote harmonious development and growth. become a respected global corporate citizen.

Respect for Mankind We believe the future of our organization lies in the

The greatest objective and premier value for business Man- hearts and capabilities of individual members, and will

agement is to practice love for humanity. Hyundai Motor help them develop their potential by creating a corpo-
Group is striving to improve general living standards by pro- rate culture that respects talent.

viding top-quality products and services to more people. In

addition, we are working to become a company that contrib-
utes to the global community by responding proactively to
environmental issues.

Automobile Parts Service/Finance Logistics & IT

Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 1

2010~2011 highlights 2 Employees 48
Great Work Place
Introduction 4
A Sustainable Future for All Respect for Talents 50
Capability Enhancement 52
President Message 6 Welfare Benefits 54
Corporate Profile 8 Health and Safety 58
Sustainable Management of Hyundai Engineering 10 Labor-Management Communication 61
Business Portfolio 11 Special Communication & Collaboration 62
Hyundai Engineering in the World 12
Major Projects 14 Local Communities 64
Stakeholder Engagement 15 Co-prosperity
Materiality Assessment 16
Introduction to Hyundai Engineerings Social 66
Stakeholders of Hyundai Engineering 18 Contribution
Sustainable Growth for the Future Social Contribution Activities 67
Green Growth & Eco-friendly Engineering 72
Management 20 Eco-friendly Technology 76
Innovative Leadership Green Office 78
Green Management Performances 79
Corporate Governance 22 Special Performances in 82
Risk Management 24 Social Responsibility Activities
Ethical Management 26
Creation & Distribution of Economic Value 28 Appendix 84
Special New Growth Engines 30
Summarized Economic Performances 86
Customers 32 Awards and Memberships in Associations 87
Customer Satisfaction Third-party Assurance Statement 88
GRI G3.1 Guidelines & ISO 26000 Index 90
Customer Management 34 Glossary 94
Quality Management 36 Readers Opinion 95
New Technologies 38
Special Research & Business 40
Development (R&BD)

Vendors 42
Win-win Partnership

Co-prosperity with Vendors 44
Special Compliance Program 46
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 2

2010~2011 highlights

01 02 04



01 02 03

Joined the Hyundai Motor Group Won the USD 500 Million Export Tower Ranked 47th in the 2012 ENR rankings
2011. 04. 01 2010. 12. 01 2012. 07. 23
With the entry into the Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai Engineering won the USD 500 Million Hyundai Engineering ranked 47th in the top 200
Hyundai Engineering will focus on maximizing Export Tower at the 47th Trade Day, which International Design Firms by ENR (Engineering
synergy and diversifying its business portfolio. was held by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy News-Record, US) up 7 levels over the previous
and sponsored by the Korea International Trade year and currently top-ranking among the
Association. domestic firms.

04 05
Obtained the KEPIC Quality System Opened the Hope Creation Center for
certification Disabled People
2011. 02. 18 2010. 07. 26
Hyundai Engineering obtained the KEPIC (SN) To create jobs for severely disabled people,
Quality System certification for capability and Hyundai Engineering opened a work site for those
quality in the nuclear power plant business from individuals together with the Yangcheon Welfare
Korea Electric Association. Center for the Disabled.
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 3

06 08

07 09 10

06 07 08

Won an order for FEED of the Kandym Field Won an Order for the Kenyan Olkaria Won the Grand Prize at the 2011 Seoul
Gas Plant from Uzbekistan Geothermal Power Plant project amounting Service Award
2011. 08. 09 to USD 373 million worth 2011. 10. 31
Hyundai Engineering will implement the FEED 2011. 11. 08 Hyundai Engineering won the Grand Prize in the
(Front-End Engineering and Design) project for the Based on unique experience and performance in group sector at the 2011 Seoul Service Award
nations largest gas treatment facility in Bukhara, geothermal power plant project among Korean on the recommendation of the Sinmog Welfare
Uzbekistan. companies, Hyundai Engineering won an order Center and Yangcheon Welfare Center for the
for the Kenyan Olkaria geothermal power plant Disabled. (This award was established to cite
project. This project will allow Hyundai Engineering exemplary citizens and organizations for their
to further secure a competitive advantage in the
commitments to regional development by Seoul
power plant market in Kenya.
City and Hankook Ilbo in 1989.)

09 10
Joined the UN Global Compact Introduced the Compliance Program
2010. 06. 08 2011. 06. 23
Hyundai Engineering became a member of The Compliance Program (CP) was introduced to
UNGC (UN Global Compact), an international enhance the transparent and ethical management
organization, for the first time among the system in Hyundai Engineering.
domestic engineering companies.
A Sustainable
Future for All
Hyundai Engineering has been committed to creating a better world through continuous
changes and innovation for the past 38 years.
Based on such performances, Hyundai Engineering is laying the foundation for future growth.
Designing and building a world where all people can enjoy the happiness and sustainable
growth - this is Hyundai Engineerings promise to next generations.

With differentiated capabilities accumulated for the past 38 years, Hyundai Engineering
has made great strides. Hyundai Engineering achieved KRW 1.66 trillion in sales in 2011
and leaped up to 47th in the international design firms sector of engineering company
rankings released by ENR in 2012.
These remarkable performances resulted mainly from efforts and supports of all
stakeholders including shareholders, customers, vendors and employees, which
eventually proved that Hyundai Engineering has continued to deliver values to the society.
With a strong awareness of corporate citizenship, Hyundai Engineering has devoted
itself to the development of the society. Hyundai Engineering pursues becoming a future-
oriented company that grows together with all executives and employees, communicates
with each other on the basis of strong trust, practices sharing management and considers
the happiness of next generations as well as current generation.

Customers Management


Communities Employees
c o m m u ni c atio n




in a
b il
in e
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 6

President Message

Hyundai Engineering will

sustainably grow in harmony
with society and the environment
by proactively engaging in
communication with stakeholders
and fulfilling its corporate social
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 7

Our valued stakeholders, Hyundai Engineering will consistently build trust with customers by
focusing on developing design and engineering technologies that
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for your unwavering meet customer requirements.
support and affection.
Hyundai Engineering has been seizing new opportunities for value Hyundai Engineering will pursue win-win partnership with vendors. In
creation by leveraging consistent technological development based June 2011, the Compliance Program was introduced to ensure fair
on engineering expertise gained through 38 years of experience and competition and transactions. In addition, a variety of programs for
challenging spirit as a market pioneer. As a result, Hyundai Engineering co-prosperity and win-win management have been offering to our
posted record business performances in 2011 with KRW 1.66 trillion vendors. Hyundai Engineering will continue to maintain and develop
in sales and KRW 204.6 billion in ordinary profit. The performances win-win partnership with vendors.
were possible thanks to employees who had consistently led
changes and innovation with a positive attitude and our stakeholders Hyundai Engineering will provide employees with optimal
who had provided us with interest and support. working environment. Healthy corporate culture stems from free
communication and communal spirit of all members makes it
In 2011, Hyundai Engineering became part of the Hyundai Motor possible to create the best synergetic effect. Hyundai Engineering
Group. We are striving to achieve the Hyundai Motor Groups vision will establish a great workplace where employees are able to
of creating a new future to realize human societys dream by thinking strike a balance between work and personal life as well as freely
creatively and pursuing challenges consistently. Our capability, communicate with each other by developing and promoting various
combined with that of the Hyundai Motor Group, will maximize our communication programs.
synergistic effect, transforming Hyundai Engineering into a global
top-tier engineering company. At the same time, we aim to grow into Hyundai Engineering will strive to minimize environmental impact and
a sustainable enterprise that fulfills corporate social responsibility become a company with warm heart that shares performances with
as a member of society. To this end, we will proactively carry out local communities. Protecting the environment surrounding us and
communication with various stakeholders. We promise you the delivering environmental values to local communities are the reasons
following commitments to build a better future for all. why we are continuously focusing on developing eco-friendly
engineering technologies. In 2011, we received the grand prize in
Hyundai Engineering will evolve into a value-added engineering the group sector at the Seoul Service Award thanks to voluntary
company that leads the world. New orders received in 2011 works and donations that we had conducted. Hyundai Engineering
amounted to approximately KRW 4.3 trillion, the largest since the will become a company beloved by local communities for a long
foundation, of which 90.1% originated from overseas businesses. time.
Securing both growth potential and stability through strengthening
the business platform will enable Hyundai Engineering to grow into a With future-forward ideas and proactive challenging spirit, Hyundai
world-class engineering company. Engineering will continue to grow and develop to build a promising
future. We would like to ask for your keen interest and strong
Hyundai Engineering will become a trusted company that provides support.
the greatest value to customers. Our technological competitiveness Thank you.
accumulated for 38 years and customer-centered management
President of Hyundai Engineering Kim, Wee-chul
approach have served as the foundation for providing the best value
and quality to customers of more than 20 countries in the world.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 8

Corporate Profile

Since its foundation in 1974, Hyundai Engineering has implemented various projects in
approximately 50 countries, gaining 38 years of experience and developing advanced
technology. As attested by its 47th position in the list of Top 200 International Design Firms
chosen by Engineering-News Record (ENR) magazine of the United States (US) in 2012, the
company enjoys strong global recognition.

Sales (as of December 2011)

Process Plant Power & Energy Plant
Infrastructure & Environment
KRW trillion
Company Name Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.
Establishment February 11, 1974
KRW 1.66 trillion 6.3% Total Assets KRW 1.3 trillion Number of Employees (as of 2011)

Sales KRW 1.66 trillion (as of December 2011)
Employees 2,312 persons (as of December 2011)
76.5% persons
Business Process Plant, Power & Energy Plant,
Domain Infrastructure & Environment

Global Network
By providing excellent engineering services in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America,
Hyundai Engineerings reputation as a global company has been enhancing. Hyundai Engineering
will continue to expand its market share in the future by pioneering into new markets and
responding to local needs.
Headquarters Business & Marketing Project Office

Taking the First Step
1974 Establishment of
the company
bulgaria kazakhstan

vietnam #2

uae korea

algeria saudiarabia

tunisia oman sri lanka philippines

vietnam #1
equatorial guinea

Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 9

History of HEC
Established as a company specialized in
engineering business 38 years ago,
Hyundai Engineering has been growing into a
comprehensive engineering company and
now aims for a world-class player.

Aiming for a World Class Player
2001 Established the Technology
Research Center
2004 Received the IR52 Jang Young-Shil Award
2007 Received the Civil Structure Award of the Year
Received the National Environmental Management Award
1990s 2009 Obtained the OHSAS certification
Growing into a Comprehensive 2011 Joined the Hyundai Motor Group
Engineering Company 2012 R
 anked 47th in the top 200 International
1991 Received the Honor of a Steel Design Firms by ENR
Tower Industry at the 24th
Science Day
1994 Obtained the ISO 9001 certification
1980s 1996 Received the Minister Prize at the
Technological Self-sufficiency and 2nd Environmental Technology
Business Expansion at Award (HAF method) Public
Home and Abroad Obtained the ISO 14001 certification Interest
1985 Conducted overseas consulting
projects for the first time among
Koreas private enterprises (5th & 6th
electricity projects of Nepal, etc.) Organization
Infrastructure & Environment
Division / Plant Business
Organization Supporting Office
Finance & Economy Office
In consideration of its business characteristics, Hyundai Engineering has General Administration &
Management Office
been divided into three divisions and six offices. Close enterprise-wide Planning Office
cooperation is carried out to achieve the economic feasibility and stability
of projects, and to promote the public interest. Organization Role
Finance & Economy Office Development and application
General Administration & Management Office of eco-friendly technologies
Plant Business Supporting Office Tax payment and wage payment
Planning Office Win-win activities with vendors
Economic CM Planning Office Establishment of social responsible
Feasibility Business Sites activity plans and implementation
Role of PR activities
Management of budget and financial risks
Organization Personnel and general affairs, and
Each business division (Process Plant, Power & response to legal affairs
Energy Plant, Infrastructure & Environment) Process control and quality management,
Business & Marketing Office and HSE control
Planning Office / Finance & Economy Office Training and expansion of ethical management
CM Planning Office Non-financial risk management at
business sites

Business development and project
Market survey and marketing activity at home
and abroad and contracts
Establishment of mid to long term business
plans and goals
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 10

Sustainable Management of Hyundai Engineering

The VISION 2020 of Hyundai Engineering represents the commitment to completing a sustainability management system in cooperation with a
diverse range of stakeholders including employees, customers and vendors, and to practicing sustainability activities, beyond the accomplishment
of financial performances.

To be a global leading engineering company that creates higher value by implementing all processes including project planning to main-
tenance based on original intellectual properties

To be a company that contributes to the welfare of mankind and fulfills social responsibilities by practicing management activities for
transparency, ethics, environment, co-prosperity and sharing.

Global Premier Engineering Partner

Operating businesses on the world stage Providing high value-added engineering A reliable company that puts top priority on
services including FEED/PMC and basic creating customer value
design A company that grandly competes with com
petitors in technology and quality
A partner for green growth

Core Competency
Developer Competency PM/CM, RM Global Partnership Core Technology

Business planning and consulting Integrated project management Alliances with license owners and Original technologies (licenses and top-
capacity for developing business Advanced risk management to advanced engineering vendors tier engineering technologies such as
Global financing capacity preemptively perceive internal and Localization by cooperating with out- FEED/PMC and basic design)
external risk factors and respond standing construction companies and Core technologies for new businesses
to them outsourcing vendors in each region
Partnership with global vendors

Growth Strategy
Holding in respect by fulfilling social Establishing a horizontal
responsibilities organization with talents and a
Growth transparent and healthy corporate
Strategy of culture with autonomy and
Hyundai communication
Providing high value-added Pursuing the goal of becoming the
engineering services including worlds top engineering company
FEED and PMC, etc. that conducts EP & CM
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 11

Business Portfolio
Business Structure (in 2011) Sales Growth (in 2011)

4 27 Portfolio Categories 34.4 %


Hyundai Engineering has completed more than 400 process plant projects The EPC service of Hyundai Engineering encompasses the overall scope
in the domestic and overseas markets including the desulfurization plant in of power and energy plant projects including consultation, feasibility study,
Turkmenistan, polypropylene plant in Vietnam, gas processing plant of South basic and detailed design, procurement, construction, supervision, and test
Pars field development phase 2&3 and 4&5 in Iran, Hyundai Petrochemicals & commissioning. As a leader in combined cycle power plant sector, Hyundai
Complex No.1 and 2, and new construction and expansion of Hyundai Oil Engineering is expanding its reach to diesel power plant, nuclear power
Refinerys oil refinery. These remarkable performances were mainly attributable plant, geothermal power plant and new and renewable energy plant sectors.
to the commitment to providing quality engineering, procurement, and The advanced engineering technology will contribute to the development of
construction (EPC) services to customers around the world based on core the power generation and energy industries in the future.
design technology and high-caliber manpower. Hyundai Engineering will strive
to maximize customer value by offering efficiency and quality secured from the
environmental management system as well as cutting-edge technology.

Oil and Gas Fertilizer Petrochemicals Combined Cycle Thermal Cogeneration

Treatment Plants and General Power Power

Oil Terminal Oil Refinery Offshore LNG Transmission & Nuclear Geothermal Diesel
Plants Facilities Facilities Substation Power Power Power


With the mission of implementing human-oriented infrastructure and With comprehensive engineering capabilities encompassing feasibility
environmental plant projects, Hyundai Engineering has developed, study, design, procurement, construction to test & commissioning, Hyundai
commercialized, and applied a total solution including technologies on Engineering has implemented a variety of industrial plant projects related to
water purification, wastewater treatment and waste treatment to a variety of steel, metal, cement, shipyard, environment facilities, and food & beverage
projects in the water and environmental plant sectors. In addition, Hyundai since the establishment. Key projects include Hyundai Hyscos cold rolled
Engineering is taking part in eco-friendly water resource development carbon steel sheet plant in Dangjin, Cibinong cement plant in Indonesia,
projects to cope with deepening water shortage and climate change and Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Yeongam shipyard, BOSCHs technology
to restore the river ecosystem. Moreover, the cutting-edge technology and center in Yongin, Jang Bogo Station in the Antarctic, Hyundai Elevators
resource has allowed Hyundai Engineering to proactively join SOC projects high-speed test tower and the photovoltaic plant in Bulgaria.
for a range of infrastructure such as road and bridge construction. Among
new growth engines, Hyundai Engineering developed the technology for
the bi-modal tram, a new transportation mode, and is focusing on green
transportation including eco-friendly railway technology.

Road Structure New Water and Green Technology Steel and Non-ferrous Cement, Food &
(Port, Airport) Transportation Sewage Business Metal Beverage, Industrial
and Railway Plants

Urban Planning Geological Development Waste Treatment

and Complex Feature/ of Water and Water Quality Automobile Shipyard
Development Underground Resources Control Plants
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 12

Hyundai Engineering in the World

EuROPE KENYA qATAR Compressor Station

GREECE Olkaria I Additional (140MW) Geothermal Power Ras Laffan C Power & Water Meghnaghat 450MW Combined Cycle Power
Crude & Vacuum Distillation Unit Plant SAuDI ARAbIA Plant
bulGARIA Olkaria 4 (140MW) Geothermal Power Plant Jubail Polysilicon Plant Haripur 365MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
C herveniakovo 4MW & Palauzovo 5MW PV Plant AAC Ethyleneamine Plant INDIA
ROMANIA uAE Hiranandani LNG Terminal (FEED)
Petrobrazi Generation Power Plant Rolling Mill 1200MW Combined Cycle Power HPCL Hydrogen Generation Plant
Al-Mussaib Thermal Power Station
Plant Mangalore Barge Mounted 240MW Combined
ANTARCTIC Al-Qudus 4x125MW Gas Turbine Power Plant
Jebel Ali - L II Power Station Cycle Power Plant
ANTARCTIC Rumaila 5x292MW Gas Turbine Power Plant
Group Base Oil Production Facilities Pune 2500MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
Antarctic Sejong Science Station Taza 292MW Gas Turbine Power Plant
JORDAN GMR 200MW Diesel Power Plant
J ang Bogo Antarctic Research Station IRAN
Wastewater Treatment Plant At WADI ES SIR MONGOlIA
South Pars Field Development - Phase 2&3
AfRICA Dalanzadgad Cogeneration Plant
South Pars Field Development - Phase 4&5 CENTRAl ASIA
Ambatovy 120MW CFPP Cogeneration Sunsari Morang Irrigation
KNPC New Oil Pier Turkmenbashi Oil Refinery
AlGERIA Chameliya Hydropower Plant
Shuaiba North Combined Cycle Cogeneration Gas Desulfurization Plant
Bir-el-Msana (BMS) Field Development Kanti Rajapath Road Improvement
Power Plant uZbEKISTAN
Arzew Refinery Plant PAKISTAN
lIbYA UGCC Utility & Offsite
Misurata Thermal Power Plant Kandym Fields Gas Processing Plant (FEED)
W ater Supply and Sewage Treatment Plant UCH-II 400MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
Tripoli West 1400MW Thermal Power Plant AZERbAIJAN
in Evinayong, Ebibeyin and Mongomo Century Paper Mill 26MW Cogeneration Power
OMAN Water Supply & Sanitation System
Aseeb STP & Ancillary Work
Alaoji Add- on Combined Cycle Power Plant ASIA Pirkoh Gas Compression Facilities
Musandam Oil & Gas plant (MGP)
Phosphoric Acid Plant Ashuganj 225MW Combined Cycle Power Plant GEPCO 132kV Substation
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 13

Total New Orders (in 2011) Order Backlog (in 2011)

KRW 4.3 trillion KRW 6.8 trillion

Global Premier Engineering Partner

Hyundai Engineering achieved new orders of KRW 4.3 trillion in 2011, a record
high since the establishment. Order backlog as of the end of December 2011
amounted to KRW 6.8 trillion, which guarantees stable projects for the next
three years. Years of experience and technological capability solidifies the posi-
tion as a global engineering leader that is capable of delivering engineering,
procurement, and construction management (EP&CM) services.

Algeria, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Colombia, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran,
Korea, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
UAE, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam


Bangladesh, Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq,
Korea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Philippines, Romania, Thailand, UAE, Vietnam


Azerbaijan, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Jordan, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan,
Qatar, Sri Lanka

Antarctic, Bulgaria, Indonesia, UAE

KOREA THAIlAND OCEANIA New Orders (as of 2011)

HDO Lube Base Oil Plant SIPCO 160MW Combined Cycle Cogeneration fIJI
(KRW in billions)
HDO #2 HOU (EPC) Power Plant Fiji-Ba & Sigatoka Bridge
HDO #2 HOU (FEED / PMC / LLI Procurement Electrical Power and Steam (114MW)
Contract) MOC Aromatics Recovery Unit
4th Polyethylene Plant SRI lANKA
Sempra Baja LNG Terminal
MMA/PMMA Plant Expansion Polonarua Water Supply Plant
KCC Polysilicon Plant Lube Base Oil Plant bARbADOS Total
KCC Silicone Plant 1&2 vIETNAM Bardados 60MW Diesel Power Plant
Hyundai Petrochemical Complex 1&2 Ba Ria 60MW Add-on Combined bRAZIl
4,298.4 billion
Hyundai Oil Refinery Phase 1&2 Cycle Power Plant Porto Velho 340MW Combined Cycle Power Plant
Bosch Yongin Research Center PVTEX PET Plant CHIlE
HMC Aero-acoustic Wind Tunnel Bldg. Dung Quat Polypropylene Plant Nueva Ventanas 260MW Thermal Power Plant
Wartsila-Hyundai 50 DF-Ship Engine Factory MAlAYSIA COlOMbIA
Jeju Diesel Power Plant Unit 1&2 Melawa Diesel Power Plant Bello Sewage Treatment Plant
Yeoug Wol 900MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Plant Rejuvenation and Revamp 2 Colombia Diesel Unit (HDT) 426.5 (9.9%)
Yong Duk 40MW Wind Power Plant Gas Processing Plant 2&3 Termotasajero II 160MW CFPP
Yong Hung 1740MW No. 5 & 6 Thermal Power PHIlIPPINES HONDuRAS 3,871.9 (90.1%)
Plant Northern Panay 138kV Transmission & Substation Honduras 13.8kV & 34.5kV Distribution
Overseas Domestic
Pingdingshan / Shaanxi / Chisui Urea Plant Suban 1&2 Gas Processing Facilities Nicaragua 138kV Substation
Coloane B Combined Cycle Power Plant Sumpal Gas Processing Facilities
MEB / DEB Add-on Combined Cycle Power Plant
Cibinong Cement Mill Plant
Darajat Geothermal Power Plant Station 1,2
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 14

Major Projects

HECs Major Projects

Hyundai Engineering is not only focusing on achieving new orders in existing overseas markets including the Middle East, but continuously de-
veloping new profitable markets such as Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Gas Desulfurization Plant Project in Arzew Refinery Project in Algeria PVTEX PET Project in Vietnam
Ordered by
SONATRACH (National Oil Corporation Ordered by
 VTEX (National Fiber Corporation of
Ordered by
Turkmengas (National Oil Corporation) of Algeria) Vietnam)
Location Mari Yoloten in Turkmenistan Location Arzew in Algeria Location Hai Phong in Vietnam
Amount USD 1,290 MIL Amount U
 SD 402 MIL Amount U
 SD 251 MIL
(HECs share: USD 201 MIL) (HECs share: USD 187 MIL)
(HECs share: USD 1,160 MIL)
period F rom February 2009 to April 2012 period F rom July 2009 to August 2011
period From January 2010 to February 2012
(38 months) (25 months)
(37 months)
Project Construction of new polyester Project Construction of new polyester
Project Oil refinery expansion and construction
production facilities (500 tons/day) production facilities (500 tons/day)
of high-octane gasoline facilities
and UT/OS and UT/OS
(30 thousand barrels/day)

Ochang CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell Plant PTT Chem EPS 120MW Project in Thailand QUDUS Gas Turbine Power Plant Project in
Project in Korea Iraq
Ordered by
PTT Global Chemical Public Company
Ordered by
Hyundai Avancis Co., Ltd. Location Rayong in Thailand Ordered by
Ministry of Electricity, Republic of Iraq
Location Chungcheongbuk-do in Korea Amount USD 110 MIL (HECs share: USD 77 MIL) Location Al-Qudus (north of Baghdad) in Iraq
Amount K
 RW 33.6 BIL Period From August 2008 to October 2011 Amount U
 SD 219 MIL
(HECs share: KRW 33.6 BIL) (38 months) (HECs share: USD 219 MIL)
Period From May 2011 to June 2012 Project Construction of a power plant to supply Period From April 2011 to October 2012
(13 months) electricity and steam to existing chemical (18 months)
Project Construction of a power plant to supply plants Project Construction of a new gas turbine
electricity and steam to power plant with the production
existing chemical plants capacity of 500MW
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 15

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Communication Channel

The stakeholders of Hyundai Engineering are defined into six groups of employees, customers, vendors, local communities, shareholders and
investors, and the government, media and associations. Hyundai Engineering will continue to engage in diverse activities to facilitate communica-
tion and build positive synergistic relationship with stakeholders.

Management Customers

Vendors Definition Definition

Companies and individuals holding Project owners and partners
HECs shares
Communication Channel
Customers Communication Channel Customer satisfaction survey and
General shareholders meeting, customer center on the website
Employees disclosure, and analyst meetings
Major Issues
Local Major Issues Improvement of technical skills
Communities Maximization of shareholder value and quality
and enhancement of corporate
Management Commitments of Hyundai
(Shareholders competitiveness
& Investors) Commitments of Hyundai Reinforcement of competitiveness in
Engineering technology and quality, and
Media, Preparation of new growth engines and continuous customer satisfaction
Associations pursuit of growth and stability at the management
same time

Page 20p~31p Page 32p~41p

Vendors Employees Local Communities Government, Media, Associations

Definition Definition Definition Definition

Equipment suppliers and design/ Executives and employees of Local residents and governments Government, media, associations and
construction partners, etc. Hyundai Engineering around business sites subsidiary organizations

Communication Channel Communication Channel Communication Channel Communication Channel

E-Procurement, purchasing Junior Committee, communication with Company-wide social contribution Public hearing, press release, and
management system and the President (E-Mail To President within activities in which all employees response to survey
discussion meetings the intranet) participate, and environmental effects
Major Issues
Major Issues Major Issues Participation in policy-making and
Fair trade and synergy creation by Work environment improvement, fair Major Issues prevention of law violations and
mutual cooperation evaluation and reward Voluntary works, environmental corruption
protection activities, donations and
Commitments of Hyundai Commitments of Hyundai Commitments of Hyundai
sisterhood relationships
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Establishment of compliance Enhancement of global capabilities, Commitments of Hyundai Observance of the laws and regulations,
programs and enhancement of operation of various welfare programs, Engineering and establishment of anti-corruption
business partner support programs work-life balance, accident-free sites, Systematic social contribution activities, corporate cultures
establishment of a healthy labor- eco-friendly management, and
management culture minimization of environmental effects
Page 46p~47p
Page 42p~47p Page 48p~63p Page 64p~83p Page 79p~83p
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 16

Materiality Assessment

Materiality Assessment Process

The materiality assessment has been conducted to discover the major tasks for Hyundai Engineerings sustainability management and to set
up content that reflects stakeholders interests. The assessment included 3 steps of issue check, collection of stakeholders opinions and
determination of key issues. The results were as follows:

Step1.Issue Check Step2. Collection of

Stakeholders Opinions

1-1 R
 eview of global standards 2-1 Employee survey (Intranet)
(GRI G3.1 Guidelines, ISO 26000, etc.) 2-2 External stakeholder survey (E-mail)
1-2 Benchmarking (Engineering and 2-3 Interviews
construction industries, etc.) (Stakeholders representing each group)
1-3 Media research
(Search of various media articles)

Key Issues Selection Materiality Test

Step 1. Issue Check establishment of a healthy corporate culture and the formation of
consensus on sustainability were important for Hyundai Engineerings
1-1 Review of Global Standards
sustainability management.
Hyundai Engineering identified major issues based on international
sustainability standards such as the GRI G3.1 Guidelines and ISO
2-2 External Stakeholder Survey
26000, simultaneously classifying and analyzing Hyundai Engineerings
A survey targeting external stakeholders, excluding employees, was
activities and performances by each issue.
carried out through e-mail. The respondents thought that the market
dominance and growth potential would significantly affect sustainability
1-2 Benchmarking
management of Hyundai Engineering.
Hyundai Engineering discovered the major issues related to its
industry by benchmarking competitors in the engineering industry Employee survey External stakeholder survey
and advanced construction companies of excellent sustainability (Response rate: 44.6%) (Response rate: 15.1%)

management. Hyundai Engineerings activities and performances

were compared with and analyzed by each issue.
1-3 Media research
Media research has been conducted to analyze various articles related
to Hyundai Engineering, which were released through the media
between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011. Participants Sample size Participants Sample size

Step 2. Collection of Stakeholders Opinions

2-3 Interview
2-1 Employee Survey Hyundai Engineering classified all stakeholders into 6 groups and
A survey targeting employees, who are internal stakeholders, interviewed representative stakeholders from each group.
was carried out through the intranet. The survey showed that the * 6 Groups: shareholders and investors, customers, vendors, employees, local
communities, and the government/media/associations
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 17

Step3. Determination
Key Issues

3-1 Materiality assessment matrix

(Importance of internal and
external stakeholders) n
3-2 Determination of key l u sio
issues and setup on
w ,C Step 3. Determination of Key Issues
of contents iev
3-1 Materiality Assessment Matrix
The following materiality assessment matrix shows Hyundai Engineerings priorities during the
reporting period. The horizontal axis and vertical axis shows internal stakeholders interest and
external stakeholders interest, respectively. Major issues comprehended through step 1 and step
2 were arranged by the priorities and their interest, of which items with great interest were selected
as key issues.

Co-prosperity with vendors

Service quality improvement

and process innovation Win-win labor-
Eco-friendly design Safety management and management
technology accident-free sites relations

Technology and product development Project operation risk management

External stakeholders' interest

Financial risk management Development of core capabilities

Response to major
risks of each country
New businesses reflecting Employee welfare benefits
climate change creation of
Prevention of human
Global supply chain management rights abuses
Employee Grievance
Contribution to the regional economy Promotion of sustainability resolution
management by the top decision-
Eco-friendly business making body
Local engagement
Operation effects Diversification of businesses
and profit sources
Social contribution and
Protection of areas with investments at sites Analysis and
weak biological diversity diagnosis of
and recovery HSE policy and strategy/ corruption risks and Establishment of the incentive
Enhancement of the eco- actions system
Improvement of eco-efficiency friendly management system
Reduction of GHG emissions Response to climate change Improvement of the
transparency and
efficiency of corporate
Enhancement of compliance
Environmental education for
next generations

Internal stakeholders' interest

3-2 Determination of Key Issues and Setup of Contents

Key issues identified through the materiality assessment matrix should be appreciated and solved
for Hyundai Engineerings sustainability management. Thereby, activities and performances related
to key issues were disclosed through this sustainability report.

Classification Key Issues Page Contents

Management Risk control 24~25 Risk management
Customers Service quality improvement and process innovation 32~41 CRM and quality management
Win-win labor-management relations and employee Employee welfare benefits and labor-
Employees 61~63
welfare benefits management communication
Vendors Co-prosperity with vendors 42~47 Selection of and support for vendors
Contribution to regional economy 66~71 Social contribution activities
Local Eco-friendly business and enhancement ecofriendly Green engineering and eco-friendly
Communities management system 72~81 technologies
Growth for
the Future
Hyundai Engineering has put listening to stakeholders interest and opinions
at the top priority of its management activities. Stakeholders opinions will be
used as the most important compass for Hyundai Engineerings sustainability


Win-win Local Communities
Partnership Co-prosperity
42p 64p

Work Place
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 20


Corporate Governance 22
Risk Management 24
Ethical Management 26
Creation and Distribution of Economic Value 28
Special New Growth Engines 30
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 21

Disclosure on Management Approach

The business management of Hyundai Engineering is based on the principles of sound corporate governance,
strict risk management, and transparent ethical management. Hyundai Engineering aims to share value with
stakeholders by securing growth potential and stability, and maximizing economic value through the reinforcement
of the management platform. Moreover, Hyundai Engineering will consistently diversify businesses and overseas
markets by identifying new growth engines for the future. Instead of being complacent, Hyundai Engineering will
continuously pursue sustainable development.

Classification Unit 2010 2011
Corporate BOD meeting Number 5 8
Governance Attendance rate (Other non-standing directors) % 57.9 56.5
Identification of core risks - 10
Risk Management item
Identification of project risks - 51
Ethical Management Number of ethical management trainees person 1,364 1,700
Creation of Sales 1,237.2 1,662.9
KRW in billions
Economic Value Ordinary income 166.3 204.6
Distribution of R&D investments 2,271 2,264
KRW in millions
Economic Value Investments in local communities 475 667
Number of new orders from new growth engine
projects 42 65
New Growth businesses
Engines Proportion of new orders from new growth engine
% 1.2 22.8

The sustainability management strategy must be reflected in the business strategy in
order for Hyundai Engineering to maintain its business performance and achieve further
development. For instance, Hyundai Engineering needs to contribute to the local community,
in addition to entering into and reaping success in overseas markets. This will strengthen
the leadership in the global market.
Moreover, Hyundai Engineering should build trust with stakeholders such as project owners
and employees, and the government by disclosing information on pending issues in a
transparent manner. Lastly, stakeholders ideas on such issues should be reflected in an
integrated manner to come up with changes to make improvements.
Hye-jin Kim(Business Planning Group, Planning Division, Hyundai Engineering & Construction)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 22

Corporate Governance

Number of Board Attendance Rate of Other Non-standing
Meetings (in 2011) Directors (in 2011)

8 times 56.5 %

Board of Directors (BOD) Audit System

Hyundai Engineering promotes the One auditor is appointed in the general
transparency of the BOD in order to establish meeting to regularly monitor the financial and
sound corporate governance and deliver more accounting status of Hyundai Engineering in
values to stakeholders. order to improve the transparency of the BOD.
The auditor can present opinions at the BOD
Composition of the BOD meeting and make a request for reporting
The BOD consists of three inside directors on the overall management. The auditor also
including the president and two other non- has the supervision right on the execution of
standing directors. The chairmanship of the directors duties.
Board is assumed by the president, whose
appointment is voted upon by the BOD. As Operation of the BOD
competent persons who are able to make Hyundai Engineering currently does not have
decisions on whole range of management a subcommittee that deliberates and decides
activities, directors are elected by a majority on the mandates of the BOD. In principle, a
BOD Meetings and Attendance Rate vote of shareholders and more than a regular BOD meeting is held once a quarter.
quarter of total issued shares at the general However, in the case of a material issue, it
shareholders meeting. could be held through the notification of the
Year Number of Meetings
agenda and reason. A decision in the board
2010 5 (regular 4, extraordinary 1)
is made by majority participation and votes. In
2011 8 (regular 4, extraordinary 4)

Board of Directors
Attendance Rate of Other Non-standing Directors (as of March 14, 2012)

Classification Name Position

Kim, Wee-chul President
57.9% 56.5%
Inside Directors Kim, Ok-chul Head of the Power & Energy Plant Division
Choi, Min-tak Head of the Finance and Economy Office
Other Non-standing Chung, Soo-hyun President of Hyundai Engineering & Construction (HDEC)
Directors Kim, Jong-ho Head of the Plant Business Division of HDEC
Auditor Kang, Soon-moon Head of the Business Management Office of HDEC
2010 2011
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 23

the case of a tie vote, the chairman holds the The Key Agenda for Sustainability Share Ownership Structure
decision-making right. A director is also able to Management by the BOD As of December 2011, the number of issued
join a voting of the BOD via video conference. shares was 4.0 million, of which 72.5% is
Major Agenda for owned by Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Sustainability Management
BOD with Expertise and 7.4% by Employee Stock Ownership
Establishment of an internal
Other non-standing directors with experience 2010
job welfare fund Association. The executives and employees
and expertise on the construction industry Appointment of an executive are committed to making Hyundai Engineering
2011 regarding the adoption of the
are participating in the BOD of Hyundai a blue-chip company loved and trusted by
Compliance Program.
Engineering. Advisory committees can be customers and shareholders based on a solid
organized to deal with special issues of the Evaluation and Remuneration corporate governance system.
proposed agenda, but there is no advisory The remuneration limit of directors is
committee currently. determined by a majority vote of the Share Ownership Structure
(as of the end of December 2011)
shareholders at the general meeting.
Key Agenda of 2010 / 2011 Retirement pay is paid within the remuneration
In 2010 and 2011, the key agenda of the BOD limit and a total of KRW 4.0 billion was
were: 1) establishment of local subsidiaries determined at the general shareholders 7.4%
and branch offices to facilitate entry into meeting in 2011.The payment of remuneration 4,043,000
shares 6.3%
overseas markets, and 2) approval regarding is disclosed through Data Analysis, Retrieval
sustainable management. Meanwhile, in and Transfer System (DART) every quarter. 72.5%
regards to sustainability management issues,
the key agenda in 2010 and 2011 were the Remuneration of the BOD Members
(2011, KRW in millions)
establishment of an internal job welfare fund Hyundai Engineering & Korea Development Bank
Number of Total Average Payment Construction
and the appointment of an executive regarding Classification
Members Payment per Member Employee Stock Ownership Others
the adoption of the Compliance Program, Standing Association
7 2,874 411
respectively. Directors
Auditor 1 13 13
Sub Total 8 2,887 424

* The BOD members changed to 3 inside directors, 2 other

non-standing directors and an auditor as of July 12, 2011.

Synergy Effect from the Acquisition by

Hyundai Motor Group
With becoming part of Hyundai Motor Group as a
momentum, Hyundai Engineering expects to grow Steel
into a hub of new growth engines by harnessing
the synergy effect created with the group.
Hyundai Engineering will pursue new businesses Finance Logistics

and secure competitiveness and advanced

technology by cooperating with affiliates in the
construction, technology, and financial industries. Automobile
By doing so, Hyundai Engineering will serve as a Railroad/Heavy Automobile
Equipment Parts
beachhead of Hyundai Motor Group in emerging
markets in the new and renewable energy, water IT
and environment, and resource development
sectors. Construction
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 24

Risk Management

Identification of Core Risks (in 2011) Identification of Project Risks (in 2011)

10 Risks 6 52 Stages Risks

Risk Management System supporting groups manage and report on the

With an awareness of the importance of risk in their respective areas. Their risks are
risk management, Hyundai Engineering comprehensively managed by the Planning
established a company-wide risk management Office in turn.
system in link with the risk management
system of Hyundai Motor Group. Financial Risk
Considering numerous foreign currency
Integrated Risk Management System transactions arising from overseas projects,
To efficiently manage potential risks such Hyundai Engineering manages the fluctuation
as uncertain global economy, increased risks related to exchange rates and raw
and diversified demand of stakeholders materials prices.
Risk Management Organization and climate change, Hyundai Engineering
determines the priority of risk factors and Foreign Exchange Risk
President (as the CRO) operates comprehensive and integrated risk The foreign currency settlement of each
management system. project usually takes about two to three years.
In consequence, it is sometimes difficult to
Risk Management Organization define the point of settlement or expenditure
Planning Office
Hyundai Engineering operates an integrated of recurring transactions regarding project
risk management system to rapidly cope with progress after the conclusion of a contract.
Business Budget & Estimate risks. The president is also serving as the Focused on the unpredictability of the
Marketing Team
Division Team financial market, Hyundai Engineering strives
Chief Risk Management Officer (CRO), and
risk managers of each business division and to minimize foreign exchange risk to prevent
Overseas Quality Human
Business Management Resources
negative impact on the financial results.
Team Team Team
Integrated Risk Management System
Outsourcing & Legal &
Procurement Contract Strategic Risk Operational Risk
Affairs Team
Team Team Advance Follow-up
Preemptive management
Environmental detection management and
Financial Risk and preparation internalization of
Business Planning Risk of potential of a controlling capabilities
Analysis Team Team risks system
Legal Risk Ethical Risk
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 25

Information Disclosure Environmental Risk Operational Risk Management Process

Hyundai Engineering provides executives To respond to ever-intensifying environmental
and employees with information on internal issues, treatments of climate change, energy and Project
Development Business Stage Bidding Stage
and external circumstances and situations of water are reflected in Research and Business Stage
competitors every week. Development (R&BD). Hyundai Engineering will Business Preliminary Deliberation
Information Review Deliberation
continue to manage environmental risks and MeetingReview
Operation Risk utilize them as business opportunities. Meeting

Hyundai Engineering endeavors to Contract Stage& Initial Implementation

Contract Implementation
minimize risk that may occur during project Selection of Core Risks Stage Stage Stage
implementation processes by identifying and Potential risks that may emanate from Deliberation on the Deliberation on the Deliberation on the
deliberating potential risk for each project uncertain management conditions should Contract Budget Implementation

phase in advance. Moreover, the risk is be preemptively managed. To this end,

converted into monetary terms, of which Hyundai Engineering selected core risks and Liquidation
the cost for the risk deliberation process prepared manuals to cope with each risk. The
Deliberation on the
could be executed and managed. The strict selected core risks are regularly evaluated Liquidation
risk management results in flawless project and monitored by early warning system, thus
implementation as well as outstanding financial impacts from risks are efficiently managed and
performances. minimized at Hyundai Engineering.

Core Risks

Individual Accidents 1 Increase in Raw Material

Prices 3 Damage of Corporate Im-
age on Ethical Management 5 Risks from Entry into New
Businesses or Markets 7 Defect in the Construction
Quality 9
Expansion of Exchange
Fluctuations 2 Intensification of
Competition 4 Failure of the Optimization
of Business Plans 6 Failure of Securing
Manpower 8 Violation of Regulations
and Restriction 10

Project Risk Management

To systematically manage risks in each project, Hyundai Engineering strives to detect potential risks and conducts weekly risk assessment by
each project.

5 Risks 10 Risks 13 Risks 10 Risks 10 Risks 4 Risks

Test &
Project Management Engineering Procurement Transportation Construction Commissioning

Potential risk management in all processes by weekly risk check and assessment

Project quality improvement and meeting the construction period

* Kinds and the number of risks are different by each project.

HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 26

Ethical Management

Training Session for Ethical Number of Trainees (in 2011)
Management (in 2011) * excluded site staff

20 Hours per employee 1,700 Employees

Ethical Management System Ethical Management Guideline

Introduction of the Code of Ethics The Ethical Management Guideline helps
Since the stipulation of the internal Code of employees in correctly understanding and
Ethics in January 2009, Hyundai Engineering implementing ethical management. The
has been striving in cooperation with practical guideline provides assistance in
employees to settle ethical management as resolving ethical issues that arise during
part of the corporate culture. business operation and a base for decision-

Code of Ethics
Ethical Management Organization
We carry out business with honesty, integrity, and
responsibility, and establish a corporate culture of
The organization for ethical management
mutual respect and trust. was reformed to fully ingrain ethical
We strive to increase corporate value and maximize management to the company and establish
shareholder interests by promoting the transparency a system to monitor the implementation of
and efficiency of business management. ethical management programs. The ethical
We put top priority on customer satisfaction, and management secretariat was formed under
Ethical Management Organization Chart provide quality products and services that the the president to carry out the overall operation
customer demands. of ethical management. The corporate
President We make fair and transparent transactions with ethics committee was also built up to pursue
vendors, and strengthen relationships with them in collaboration with each business division.
pursuit of co-prosperity. It has five sub-divisions to encourage the
Corporate Ethics Ethical Management
Committee Secretariat We respect our competitors, relevant regulations implementation of ethical management
and business practices and pursue fair and free activities.
Fair Trade Subcommittee
We strive to achieve sustainable development as
Oath of Ethical Management
Customer Satisfaction an eco-friendly company, and contribute to the
Subcommittee Hyundai Engineering mandates employees
preservation of planet earth and the prosperity of
Environment & Safety to make an oath to comply with the Code of
Subcommittee Ethics in order to raise awareness of ethical
We fulfill corporate social responsibility by complying
Social Contribution management and facilitate its implementation.
Subcommittee with the law and contributing to the pubic interests of
HR & Education the nation and society.
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 27

Ethical Management Roadmap deliberated under a rigorous and fair procedure Especially, to establish and maintain a win-win
by the Ethics Committee to determine the relationship with vendors, any receipt of money
Establishing and practicing the
disciplinary measures. From the second half of or valuables and unnecessary entertainment is
ethical management system while
2016 meeting the global standard level 2012, the construction sector of Hyundai Motor prohibited. Meanwhile, transparent transaction
Global Standard Securing transparency and
Group including Hyundai Engineering plans to is being implemented by reflecting reasonable
Level independence in the process of
decision-making operate an integrated cyber audit system. procurement prices and open bidding.
Strategic implementation of ethical
management Cyber Audit Office
Incentive System
Inducing the voluntary participation To encourage voluntary compliance with
2014~2015 of individuals and units in ethical
Expansion & management activities Expansion of Ethical Management the Code of Ethics, Hyundai Engineering
Enhancement Establishing and enhancing
Stage Co-prosperity Activities provides incentives to selected employees
internal control systems
Hyundai Engineering strives to share the who exemplify ethical management every half
Reforming and activating ethical
ethical management system with investors, year. The incentive system inspires them to
management organization
Reinforcing 3C, basic guidelines to customers, and vendors in order to form implement the ethical management proactively
practice ethical management
2012~2013 Activating communication for a transparent, fair and ethical business and voluntarily.
ethical management relationship.
Improving and activating internal
Establishing and operating Ethical Management Training
evaluation and monitoring systems

Proclaiming ethical management Training Hours Number of

2009~2011 Program Year
Establishing a code of ethics per Employee Trainees
Introduction Introducing the infrastructure of
Stage ethical management Beyond Ethical Management, Practice of
2010 16 1,364
Sustainability Management
Sexual Harassment Prevention Education 2011 20 1,700
Excluded site staff

Ethical Management Activities

Ethical Management Training
Hyundai Engineering mandates ever y Improvement of the Ethical Management System
In 2012, Hyundai Engineering conducted an internal diagnosis of the level of company-wide
employee to receive ethics training to raise
ethical management, which represented that core platform (3C) of implementation and systematic
understanding on the Code of Ethics and
operation turned out to be insufficient. As a result, Hyundai Engineering is currently engaged in
establish a continuous ethical management
projects to reestablish the organization on ethical management and reinforce the implementation
system. The course strengthens compliance
platform. The efforts are expected to contribute to the development of a corporate culture that
with the code during work processes puts emphasis on ethical management.
and business operation. In addition, the
curriculum is consistently improved for higher Core Platform to Practice Ethical Tasks for the Improvement of the
effectiveness. Management (3C) Ethical Management System

Code of conduct (norms and guidelines) Constitution and operation of a re-

Cyber Audit (Hotline) System Compliance check organization sponsible organization
(check and monitoring) Amendment of the code of conduct,
A cyber audit (hotline) system is operated to
Consensus by education norms and guidelines
provide counseling and receive reports on (sympathy development) Establishment and implementation of
unfair implementation of tasks, unreasonable the ethical management system
Ethical management communication
requests, and illegal actions of employees.
Activation of monitoring
Personal information of the informant is strictly Establishment and operation of the
treated as confidential in an undisclosed evaluation and check system
manner. The reported complaints are internally
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 28

Creation & Distribution

of Economic Values
Ordinary Income Margin (in 2011) Credit Ratings (in 2011)

12.3 % A+
Continuous Growth and Profit achieves both qualitative and quantitative
Creation growth.
Sales and Profits
Hyundai Engineering has realized sustainable Stable Financial Structure
growth for the recent 2 years. Despite Current Ratio and Debt-to-Equity Ratio
tough economic conditions, The sales have Hyundai Engineering steadily maintains the
increased to KRW 1.2 trillion in 2010 and proportion of cash and cash equivalent assets
KRW 1.66 trillion in 2011 after surpassing by continuous sales growth and efficient financial
KRW 1.0 trillion in 2009. These remarkable management, and demonstrates the zero-
performances were mainly attributable to borrowing operation since 2008. Current ratio in
relentless efforts for developing overseas 2011 was 145.5%, an increase over the previous
markets and expanding business areas by all year, and debt-to-equity ratio was 152.9%, a
employees armed with a challenging spirit. decrease year-on-year. Hyundai Engineering
Ordinary income and net income have also has focused on maintaining sound cash flows in
grown stably. In particular, ordinary income each business sector and maximizing profitability
increased 23% over the previous year to KRW instead of pursuing impellent sizable growth,
204.6 billion in 2011, exceeding the industry which has contributed to securing stable financial
average. In this way, Hyundai Engineering structure.
is evolving as a sustainable company that

Sales Profits Current Ratio and Debt-to-Equity Ratio

(KRW in millions) (KRW in millions)
Domestic Overseas Ordinary income Net income Current ratio Debt-to-Equity ratio

1,662,886 204,589
p 158,221
1,237,178 4%u 0 %u 152.9%
34. 166,306 23.
1,329,576 140.0% 145.5%
131,294 p
925,293 %u

311,885 333,310
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 29

Credit Ratings Employees Distribution of Hyundai Engineerings

Economic Values in 2011
Hyundai Engineerings credit rating increased A variety of welfare benefit programs are being
to A+ in 2011 from A in 2010, thanks to operated to allow employees to harmonize
continuous growth and a stable financial their work and personal lives and to be
structure. filled with pride in the company. In addition,
systematic educational programs are provided
to improve their capabilities. Personnel
expenditures in 2011 were KRW 197.8 billion,
up 16.2% over the previous year, due to an
increase in the number of employees.

Local Communities
Hyundai Engineering is conducting various Shareholders & Investors (Dividends)
social contribution activities such as donations
Credit Rating Certification (left: Korea Investors Service,
right: Korea Ratings Corporation) to philanthropic organizations, investments in
regional infrastructure and cultural supports to KRW 2.0 billion

Distribution of Economic Values grow together with local communities. Total

Shareholders and Investors amounts to be invested in local communities Customers (R&D Investments)

Hyundai Engineering is continuously in 2011 increased 40% over the previous

developing new business opportunities and
focusing on efficient management activities to
year to KRW 670 million. Hyundai Engineering
aims to promote strategic social contribution
KRW 2.3 billion

maximize shareholder value. Total dividends activities that can highlight the characteristics
Vendors YOY
paid to shareholders in 2011 were KRW 2.0 of the engineering industry. (Operating Expenses) 32.5%

As a member of corporate citizens, Hyundai
KRW 1.1 trillion

*KRW 527.0 billion for raw materials and KRW 538.7

To provide customers with premier products Engineering is loyally conducting its obligation
billion for outsourcing
and services, Hyundai Engineering is always to the state through the earnest payment of
committed to investing in R&D activities. Total corporate tax. In 2011, the corporate tax was Employees (Personnel Expenditures) YOY
R&D investments in 2011 were KRW 2.3 KRW 46.4 billion, up 32.4% over the previous 16.2%
billion. year, due to profit increases and net gains on
financial income.
KRW 197.8 billion

Vendors *including wages, retirement benefits and welfare benefits

Win-win cooperation with vendors is being Indirect Economic Effect

Local Communities YOY
promoted through fair procurement and Hyundai Engineering contributes to the (Investments in Local Communities) 40%
outsourcing contracts. Hyundai Engineering creation of jobs indirectly through its business
complies with the system and policies to operations. According to the employment input
select vendors and the processes are regularly table by the Bank of Korea, the employment KRW 667.0 million

evaluated and monitored. Operating costs in inducement effects of Hyundai Engineering was *including Love Volunteer Group and personnel expenditures

2011 increased 32.8% over the previous year 4,733 persons in 2011.
to KRW 1.1 trillion, mainly due to sales growth. Government (Corporate Tax)
*Employment inducement coefficients: 1.42 people per YOY
KRW100millioninsales(ConstructionIndustry,2009 32.4%

KRW 46.4 billion

New Growth Engines

12 Key New Growth Engines

In 2011, Hyundai Engineering designated 12 new growth engine businesses and
Syngas Technology
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011

The Syngas technology sector is expected to continue to lead the increase of


strived to secure their global competitiveness by preemptively coming up with demand. Therefore, new orders will be continuously placed from the Middle
technologies and capabilities required in each business as well as identifying the East and Asian countries including China, and African and Central Asian nations
development trend of the engineering industry. The performances contributed with fluent gas resources are planning for new projects. Hyundai Engineering
to paving the way for the solidification of the position in existing markets and will proactively participate in such projects by signing a strategic alliance

development of new promising markets. with overseas firms equipped with track records in the sector and joining
investment projects of public corporations in cooperation with domestic
trading companies.

Coal Gasification
Steel & Demand for energy that utilizes coal as a source is expected to rise due to the
Technology Non-ferrous depletion and price hike of traditional resources. Therefore, Hyundai Engineering
Coal Offshore is pursuing the business of coal gasification through proactive sales activities
Gasification Wind Power
to project owners and licensors. The major markets for this sector are Asian
countries and Australia that are rich in coal reserves. It is forecasted to expand
Liquefaction New in the future to include African and Latin American nations.
12 New Growth
Engines LNG Liquefaction
Offshore Water &
New orders are predicted to be placed consistently in the LNG Liquefaction
Facilities Environment
sector given the increased consumption of natural gas that is recognized as
eco-friendly fuel. The exceptional benefit of the sector is that it overcomes the
Geothermal Small Modular
Power Reactor Design geopolitical limits posed by the pipeline supply. While the area is monopolized
Power Plant
by key players in overseas countries, Hyundai Engineering is striving to sign
Design strategic alliances with new licensors and joining mid-sized plant projects in
collaboration with domestic trading companies and energy companies to
enter the market.

Offshore Facilities
The offshore facilities sector is a core area of the engineering business that
accounts for 30% of the EPC plant business precluding oil exploration and
development. Hyundai Engineering is securing experience and a track record
through strategic alliances with existing players. Moreover, Hyundai Engineering
is fortifying internal capabilities by securing relevant technology and analyzing
related examples.

Geothermal Power
The geothermal power plant project received in Olkaria, Kenya in 2011 has
enabled Hyundai Engineering to secure global competitiveness and unleashed
the business expansion in this sector. The number of projects in the
geothermal power plant sector is on the rise centered on Europe and Africa,
and market volume is also expected to consistently grow as some countries
are planning to build new geothermal power plants.

Solar Power
Demand for solar power will be continuously grow, as it is predicted to
account for around 2,000GW of power generation around the world by
2020. Although Korean companies are latecomers compared to those from
advanced countries, Hyundai Engineering will secure the leading position by
identifying pending technology-related issues and its solutions, and nurturing
engineering experts in the sector.
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 31

Nuclear Power Plant Design Steel & Non-ferrous Metals

The market for nuclear power plant engineering is expected to be contracted Hyundai Engineering has been pursuing steel and non-ferrous metal plant
in the short-term due to concerns on the risk caused by the nuclear meltdown projects. This business is expected to create synergetic effects within Hyundai
in Japan. However, Hyundai Engineering will continue to focus on securing Motor Group by tapping into years of experience and technology from the
stability by technological agreements with leading overseas companies and construction business.
hiring engineering experts equipped with years of experience. By doing so,
Hyundai Engineering will lay the foundation for EPC services in the overseas
nuclear power plant market as well as prepare for potential demand in the

Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Design

Hyundai Engineering has been pursuing the SMR design business by
developing high-temperature gas related technology and acquiring the
standard engineering license.

Water & Environment

The water and environment business sector is predicted to enjoy consistent
demand due to water scarcity around the world. The sector includes water
supply and sewage projects, water treatment utilizing membranes, and
desalination utilizing reverse osmosis membrane. The area holds great
business potential with expectations on the surge in market size led by Africa
and the Middle East. Hyundai Engineering has been mobilizing all efforts to
win overseas water and environment plant projects by leveraging on HANT
and HSC, its proprietary technologies.

New Transportation
Hyundai Engineering is engaged in futuristic new transportation projects in
line with government-led projects. In particular, advanced countries have
been leading research and development on an eco-friendly surface-type
new transportation system, which is expected to experience gradual market

Offshore Wind Power

The offshore wind power market has been continuously growing thanks
to national policies related to new and renewable energy worldwide.
Hyundai Engineering plans to enter the EP/EPC market by taking the initiative
position in the basic design sector to gain external recognition. Collaboration
and technological alliance with companies equipped with advanced
technology will be concluded to improve the technological capability in this

Major New Orders in the New Growth Engine Business Sector in 2011
(as of 2011)
Business Division Project Name Date Amount (KRW in billions)
Kandym Fields Gas Processing Plant Project (FEED), Uzbekistan August 2011 252.2
Process Plant CIGS Solar Cell Plant of Hyundai Heavy Industries, Korea April 2011 33.6
(including Industrial Plant)
Photovoltaic Power Plant, Bulgaria November 2011 131.9
Power & Energy Plant Olkaria Units 1 & 4 Geothermal Power Plant, Kenya October 2011 428.8
Water Supply & Sewerage System Project, City Of Anisok, Equatorial Guinea January 2011 57.1
Infrastructure & Water Supply & Sewerage System Project, City Of Evinayong, Equatorial Guinea May 2011 36.9
Water Supply & Sewerage System Project, Kurdakhani, Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan December 2011 14.3
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 32


Customer Management 34
Quality Management 36
New Technologies 38
Special 40
Research & Business Development (R&BD)
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 33

Disclosure on Management Approach

The activities for customer satisfaction are based on the three pillars of quality management, new technology
development, and customer relationship management. Hyundai Engineering strives to maximize customer
value by providing world-class quality competitiveness achieved through continuous innovation. Also, new tech-
nology is developed to create new growth engines with high added value, offering services demanded by the
customer in a timely manner. Hyundai Engineering makes efforts to proactively achieve customer satisfaction,
going beyond resolving customer complaints. The internalization of customer satisfaction culture and the estab-
lishment of an integrated customer management system are also being promoted to improve customer value.

Performance Classification Unit 2010 2011

Quality ISO 9001/KS Q ISO 9001 Certification - Certified Certified

Management KEPIC Certification - - Certified
New KRW in
R&D investments 2.27 2.26
Technologies billions
Customer Customer Satisfaction Point 67.5 73.6
Management Awareness % 82.0 86.6

Hyundai Engineering should maximize the internal synergistic effect by trusting one
another through a high level of ethical management. Companies efforts to voluntarily
comply with ethics are no longer an option, but a must for survival. We hear many
examples where companies with solid business results collapse due to the loss of con-
fidence from the market and society caused by a weak sense of ethics and unethical
actions including book rigging. Hyundai Engineering needs to learn a lesson from such
cases to strengthen the platform for sustainable growth.
In addition, Hyundai Engineering should also base business operations on communi-
cation with and trust from the local community, due to the characteristics of the en-
gineering industry. Therefore, I believe a customer service representative should be
designated for each local project site to develop customer relationship management
programs, building trust with the local residents through volunteering activities that are
globalized and localized at the same time.
Han-bok Ju(Team Manager, Electric and Electronics System Team, Hyundai Corporation)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 34

Customer Management

Customer Satisfaction (in 2011) Awareness (in 2011)

73.6 points 86.6 %

Customer Satisfaction Management Customer Satisfaction Management Process

Customer Satisfaction Management System
Establishment of Customer
With the recognition that customer satisfaction Satisfaction Plans
is the foundation for sustainable management,
Hyundai Engineering is committed to resolving
complaints and satisfying customers. The
Occurrence of
culture of customer satisfaction has been Customer Request /
ingrained in the daily business operation
of employees, and customer value has
been improved through integrated customer
management. Communication with Customers

The customer satisfaction center plays a role

as a main channel to receive various opinions Website Customer
Official Private
from customers and respond to them. And Message Complaints
Receipt Receipt
Board Office
complaints received via the website and the
telephone services are designated with staff
members who take charge to identify the
cause and completely resolve them.

Establishment and Implementation

Writing Customer Requests
of Corrective Measures

Totaling and Analysis Response and Measure

Monitoring Reporting Results

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Review of Customer Satisfaction
Internal Quality Inspection
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction 32
32 Win-win
Win-win Partnership
Partnership 42
42 Great
Great Work
Work Place
Place 48
48 Co-prosperity
Co-prosperity 64
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 35

Protection of Customer Information provided through the internal web magazine or in the customer satisfaction survey in 2011,
Hyundai Engineering is committed to preventing intranet. Under the belief that small changes showing an improvement in all processes over
information leakage by strictly protecting make big strides, Hyundai Engineering is 2009. However, the level of satisfaction on
customer and project-related information raising awareness and changing actions sales operations and engineering quality was
through the security process including the related to customer satisfaction. weaker than the overall satisfaction, which was
Digital Rights Management (DRM). Under the in turn, lower than the level of expectation. To
general supervisor for information security, Customer Satisfaction Survey make enhancements, Hyundai Engineering
supervisors for the security of documents, Hyundai Engineering conducts an objective plans to strengthen the engineering quality
facilities, telecommunication, and computer survey on customer satisfaction annually through engineering standardization, increase
system are designated for a systematic through an external survey company. The the number of experts, and reinforce activities
prevention. During 2010 and 2011, there results are used to identify issues that need in sales operation.
has not been a single case of the leakage of improvement and follow up on the findings.
confidential customer or company information. In 2009, the results revealed that not only the
overall satisfaction but also the satisfaction for
Customer Satisfaction Activities each process decreased compared to the
A company-wide campaign focused on previous year. Therefore, a task force team
reforming the awareness on customer dedicated to improving customer satisfaction
satisfaction has been implemented to was established. It carried out activities such as
strengthen the involvement of every employee. inculcating the culture of customer-first in the
Information on various activities aimed organization, analyzing the cause of complaint
at satisfying customers including simple in depth, and developing resolutions.
procedures such as answering phone calls is As a result, Hyundai Engineering scored 73.6

Action Plans for Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction and Awareness

Awareness (%) Satisfaction (points)
Find the touch Provide what the customer wants,
point in terms of not what we could offer 87.0 86.6
customer viewpoint

81.0 81.0 82.0

Inspect current Investigate the gap between the 79.0
level of each customer expectation and the actual
touch point offering and consider the causes
74.8 73.6
73.9 71.4
Reorganize the Eliminate the unnecessary tasks
touch point / se- and actualize the requirements 70.1
lect action plans
61.1 67.5

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011

I am the one Myself, as a leader of customer
to do it. satisfaction * There was no customer satisfaction survey in 2010.

Increase of customer value

HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 36

Quality Management

Global Quality Management Standard Nuclear Quality
Certification Assurance Certification


For the Best Quality for each business including engineering,
Quality Management (QM) System procurement, and construction under the
Hyundai Engineering is committed to principles. In the case of nuclear projects, the
implementing quality management in order to relevant team, and employees are mandated
satisfy customers. The Quality Management to comply with nuclear project quality
Team under the Plant Business Supporting guarantee principle.
Office is dedicated to providing internal training
on quality assurance, certifying and managing Key Quality Management Activities
quality for EPC, and the quality control Operation of Quality Management System
system. Key principles of quality management Among quality management systems, the
are creation of customers future values by Project Quality Rating System enables
consistent quality improvement, maximization Hyundai Engineering to quantitatively measure
of the competitiveness in technology and the level of quality of every project. In addition,
quality, and maximization of business Hyundai Engineering undertakes regular
efficiency through intelligence management quality audit, quality trend analysis, and review
and process innovation. Hyundai Engineering by management to offer service with optimal
implements quality assurance activities quality.

Quality Management Principles

Hyundai Engineering has been striving to guarantee the reliability of projects that it implements based on years of experience and technological capability in
the engineering and construction businesses. It implements an efficient quality management system that puts priority on customer satisfaction. The company
will comply with the following principles to provide better products and services to customers.

1. Creation of customers future values by consistent quality improvement

2. Maximization of the competitiveness in EPCM technology and quality
3. Maximization of business efficiency through intelligence management and process innovation

Every organization under Hyundai Engineering shall establish a quantifiable quality goal based on the principles and spare no efforts to achieve it. The company
shall provide sufficient support for the accomplishment. Every employee shall understand the principles and carry out their daily tasks following the quality
management system. The principles and the Project Quality Rating System shall be regularly monitored and continuously improved.
President of Hyundai Engineering Kim, Wee-chul
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction 32
32 Win-win
Win-win Partnership
Partnership 42
42 Great
Great Work
Work Place
Place 48
48 Co-prosperity
Co-prosperity 64
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 37

Hyundai Engineerings Quality Management System Process in advance, strengthening quality-related

risk management, training workers and
Quality Management System (QMS) inspecting quality. Hyundai Engineering also
Documentation operates cutting-edge IT systems including a
Process Understanding/ Management construction and quality management system
QMS Documentation
Management Record HCQM and a pipe welding management
system WIT to increase transparency in data
Management Consistent
Responsibility Improvement management and efficiency in construction
Management Will Division of Works quality management.
Goal Management
QMS Planning
Quality Policy Establishment Communication Review

Resource Measurement, Analysis & Quality Certification

Management Improvement Communi- ISO 9001/ KS Q ISO 9001

Human Internal Customer A company-wide quality management system
Resources Inspection Management
that abides by the requirements of ISO
Base Structure
Monitoring &
Measurement Data Analysis
Improvement 9001/ KS Q ISO 9001 is implemented within
Hyundai Engineering. Also, all areas of the
Working Product
Rectification engineering business including construction
Environment Prevention
sites have acquired and currently maintain ISO
Product 9001 certification.
Since the obtainment of ISO 9001 certification
(when necessary)
from German TUV in 1994, the quality

Order Customer Construction Project management system of Hyundai Engineering

Engineering or
Management Planning (when necessary) Conduct
Process Results has been rebuilt twice according to the
(when necessary) amended international standards. In addition,
the annual ISO certification inspection
has been contributing to stronger quality
Knowledge Management (KM) interface management between areas, teams management.
The knowledge management system is and vendors. Moreover, the 3D Modeling Review
operated to maintain the excellence in quality and review and verification of expert groups also
and allow every employee to share knowledge. contribute to reinforcing quality in engineering.
Employees can share information on trial
and error and resolutions for improvement Quality Management in Procurement
gained through project implementation on Hyundai Engineering has adopted an
the Lessons Learned page of the intranet. advanced equipment and material inspection
This process contributes to strengthening the method. Low-quality equipment and materials
efficiency in execution of similar projects and are subject to a special management
their quality. system. By using the TOPICS, a system ISO 9001/KS Q ISO 9001 Certification & IQNet Certification

Furthermore, the overall information and for collaborated equipments and material
experience from project implementation is inspection, Hyundai Engineering establishes KEPIC Certification
compiled in the project report, which other quality information database, shares the In 2011, Hyundai Engineering acquired
employees can refer to as know-how. information with relevant teams and enhances QAP-1, a qualification for quality guarantee,
the efficiency in inspection. from KEPIC to secure the stability and reliability
Quality Management in Engineering of power generation facilities. The certification
Project Space, a project collaboration system Quality Management in Construction serves as a foundation for making inroads into
developed internally, helps increase the trans- At the initial stage of preparing a project site, new nuclear power markets where demand
parency of and standardization of engineering an on-site quality management system is has recently been surging.
works. It allows the real-time monitoring established to achieve zero flaws in quality.
of engineering results, raising the efficiency in This system contributes to securing quality
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 38

New Technologies

R&D Investments (in 2011) Registration of Intellectual
Property Rights (in 2011)

KRW 2.3 billion 333 items

Technology Development System

Technology Development Vision
Operation of a
real-time global Hyundai Engineering has been consistently
A real-time global management information
and knowledge system is being operated. developing applied technology to expand the
system EP&CM business and fortify technological
capability, contributing to improved customer
satisfaction and service quality.
Establishment of The intelligent integrated engineering
To achieve a virtuous circle among the
intelligent integrated business solutions are being established
Vision engineering to provide customer-oriented quality R&D visions of creation of high value-
business management. added businesses, operation of a real-time
global management information system,
and establishment of intelligent integrated
Creation of high High value-added new growth engine
value-added businesses are created by the development engineering business solutions, Hyundai
businesses Engineering established strategies to
of core technologies.
strengthen technological competitiveness and
the ensuing action plans.
R&D Vision & Technological Competitiveness Enhancement Strategy
1. Creation of high value-added businesses through the development of core technology
Technology Development System
Hyundai Engineering has been reinforcing R&BD management activities to identify areas to develop core technology
H y u n d a i E n g i n e e r i n g s a p p r o a c h t o
and build new business, maximizing corporate future value. By playing a central role in technological development
for government-led projects and leveraging on cooperation among the industry, academia, and research institutes,
technological development is divided into
Hyundai Engineering is contributing to the development of not only the company but also the national industry. in-company development, implementation
of national projects and industry-university
2. Establishment of intelligent integrated engineering business solutions to maximize customer
collaboration. Technology development
satisfaction in quality
projects are selected by first reviewing the
A technology roadmap for each business area congruous with the mid-term business strategy was established to
develop technology in a systematic manner, improving EP&CM capabilities. Hyundai Engineering has also been plan by each approach, and assessing the
continuously improving its standard, procedure, and system for the business process to execute projects and build feasibility and prospect of commercialization.
management system that meets the global standard. The convergence between commercial solutions required by ITB The chosen projects are systematically
and in-company solution has been fortified to enhance customer satisfaction in quality. managed through regular monitoring on
3. Operation of a real-time global management information system and knowledge-based
progress during development. Upon the
management system completion, the level of success is evaluated
The management information system of Hyundai Engineering provides information required in making strategic and through post-review and assessment of actual
tactical decisions on a real-time basis by function, organization, and level. It is also equipped with analysis management application. Moreover, database for the newly-
functions with strengthened predictability. All types of information relevant to technology, experience, and past projects developed technologies are built to encourage
are compiled and shared as assets, which allows consistent business innovation and technological improvement. the field application by employees.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction 32
32 Win-win
Win-win Partnership
Partnership 42
42 Great
Great Work
Work Place
Place 48
48 Co-prosperity
Co-prosperity 64
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 39

Technology Development Process Current Status of Intellectual Property

Considering the importance of knowledge in
In-company Implementation of Industry-University
Development National Projects Collaboration the engineering industry, Hyundai Engineering
has made utmost efforts to secure patents
Review of Technology Development Plans and intellectual properties. During the reporting
period, Hyundai Engineering has applied for
Selection of Technology Development Tasks a total of 34 patents. As of the end of 2011,
Hyundai Engineering holds 333 industrial
property and 106 patents including one patent
Inspection for Application
in the US.

Technology Development Activities Technology Development Performances

Technology development and market research Performances
have been consistently implemented for the Hyundai Engineering has attained success in
achievement of market dominance in the technological development in various areas.
future and the maximization of customer In particular, technologies that are eco-friendly
satisfaction. Hyundai Engineering is especially and beneficial for social development are
contributing to the development of the being materialized by Hyundai Engineering.
domestic engineering industry by cooperating Some examples include eco-friendly track-
with vendors under technology development type pavement for bimodal tram and 50kW
agreements and with the academic sectors. pure-oxygen combustion power system.

Government-led R&D Projects Possession of Intellectual Property Rights in 2011

By continuously participating in government-led (in 2011)

R&D projects, Hyundai Engineering has been Type Patent Utility Model Program Trade Mark Design Total
leading the development of technologies Application 34 - - - - 34
pivotal for the development of the Korean Registration 106 4 218 2 3 333
engineering industry and promoting Koreas
technological prowess to global customers.
Technology Development in Active

R&D Expenses Category Development Task Period

(Unit: KRW in millions, %) Non-power cooling system for photovoltaic module 2010.07~2011.08
R&D Expenses R&D Expenses to Sales 50kW power generation technologies to use pure oxygen combustion
Advanced river-road disaster prevention technologies 2008.06~2013.06
2,271 2,264
Technologies for the storage, transport and usage of natural gases by
0.18% 0.14% 2007.10~2010.09
Study of unit process improvement of HSC 2010.04~2011.12
Slab structure applied to bimodal tram track vehicles 2010.08~2011.08
Eco-friendly track-type pavement for bimodal tram 2010.02~2011.12
High-tech water purification system to lake or pond 2008.01~2010.06

2010 2011
* Sales were drawn up by K-IFRS.
Research & Business Development (R&BD)

R&BD of Hyundai Engineering

Special HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011

Recycle Chemical Cleaning

MDV2 Treated Water


Hyundai Engineering has developed human-oriented technologies through Line Mixer(Pre-

Raw Water Chlorination, Coagulant) IeveI S/W
R&BD in the fields of environment and process plant. In the environmental Suction Pump
sector, technologies such as the Hyundai Advanced Nutrients Treatment (HANT) MDV1

and a variety of eco-friendly technologies have been developed and applied to MDV3
environmental projects. In the process plant sector, Hyundai Engineering has Backwashing
developed Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) process which is to manufacture FT synthetic
petroleum out of natural gas. Other examples include Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG), a process to localize liquefied natural gas plants, and Methanol-To-Olefin Backwashing
Chemical Pump
(MTO) process that produces light olefin from methanol and DME. Chemical Tank

Hyundai Engineering has applied its own exclusively developed technologies

Drain Blower
and advanced engineering technologies. Through the technologies, Hyundai
Engineering is striving to go beyond customer satisfaction and make sure all of
global citizens live in a convenient and eco-friendly world. Hyundai Advanced Nutrients Treatment with Sulfur (HANS)
This progress is composed of Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) vessel and Sulfur
R&BD in the Environmental Business Denitrification Reactor (SDR) vessel. It adopts an advanced treatment technology
Hyundai Advanced Nutrients Treatment (HANT) that simultaneously eliminates 1) phosphorus through a filtration function of a
HANT is a high technology of biological nitrogen sewage and waste treatment, filtering material packed in the latter part of SDR progress as well as 2) nitrogen
which is composed of a submerged-type hollow fiber membrane inside the through a sulfur-based denitrification response by removing organic matters and
reactor and aerobic vessels made up of anoxia/anaerobic/aerobic/deaerobic SS from MBR vessel, improving nitrification and injecting a coagulation agent
vessel. This is also a state-of-the-art technology that guarantees excellent water into MBR dispose water.
treatment quality. HANS is excellent in removing organic matters and nitrogen by efficiently
This is a next generation high technology that can recycle the entire dispose arranging the bio reactor vessel in the order of MBR progress and SDR progress.
water into heavy water by eliminating solon bacillus as well as floating materials. Moreover, it eliminates nitrogen and phosphorus without settling pond and
There is no need to establish a separate facility such as sand filtration facility, internal and external return, which simplifies the treatment process.
active carbon absorption facility or disinfection facility.
Dispose Water Vessel

CLOSED Back Wash Pump Raw Water

Back Wash Filtration Cellar
OPEN Water
Fine Screen Dispose Water
Sulfur Denitrification
Vessel (SDR Vessel)
Suction Pump Screen
Back Wash
Chemical Tank Pump
Internal Return Pump
Raw Water Chemical Pump
Membrane Membrane Ventilator
Pump Line Mixer
Inflowing Pump Inhalation
Raw Water Deaerobic Surplus Sludge Pump
Anoxic Tank Anaerobic Tank Aerobic Tank Tank MBR Vessel
Filtration Tank Regulation

Hyundai Advanced Natural Drinking Water Treatment II (HANTII) Hyundai Sludge Composter (HSC)
HANTII is an advanced sewage and waste treatment technology using HANT HSC is a technology to compost and reduce an amount of sludge. HSC controls
submerged membrane bioreactor. This simple clean water treatment facility the percentage of water content in sludge. This technology also decomposes
controls the filtering function with membranes momentary and average fluctuation halogenated hydrocarbons under aerobic conditions after mixing the sludge
in differential pressure by installing a submerged hollow fiber membrane in the with returned refined products.
membrane filtering vessel. Also, the facility backwashes the pollutants attached Application of HSC makes it possible to bring about effects to suppress
to the membrane during inhalation and filtration into air water, and exchanges expansion of stench and hygienic insects, improve public hygiene and prevent
ion after carrying out pre-chlorine treatment, cohesion and filtration from the secondary pollution. In addition, the technology produces highly applicable
membrane filtering vessel. decomposed manure (compost) which can be used as a fertilizer and cover
HANTII restrains the increase of differential pressure and prolongs the life span of landfills, thereby reducing 80% of treated sewage sludge.
membrane by actively managing the external environmental change (materials
Return Hopper
influential to the differential pressure of membrane). In addition, the air (scrubbing Store the Raw
Material Storage
Hopper Post-Ripening Vessel
air) is used only in the back washing process, which reduces electrical power Dryer Decomposing Vessel Product Packaging

cost. It is easy to establish an unmanned automatic integrated management

system through remote control and supervision.
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 41

R&BD in the Process Plant Sector

Gas-To-Liquid (GTL)
Hyundai Engineering has been developing Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) process, which manufactures synthetic petroleum
out of natural gas. GTL converts natural gas into synthetic gas and mixes and improves light synthetic petroleum
and heavy synthetic petroleum created by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction ultimately in order to produce GTL
synthetic petroleum. Use of GTL process allows natural gas to be transportable and convertible into lucrative
liquid, which makes it easy to store natural gas and ensures safety.

GTL Process

Natural Gas Synthetic Gas (CO/H2) Synthetic Oil

Light Hydrocarbon Product

(Light Synthetic Oil)

Fischer- LPG
Natural Gas Tropsch Product GTL Naphtha
Natural Gas
Conversion Conversion Upgrading GTL Fuel
(reforming) (FT response) (GTL Synthetic Oil)

Synthesis Gas Heavy Hydrocarbon Product

(Heavy Synthetic Oil)

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) & Methanol-To-Olefin (MTO)

Hyundai Engineering has sought to localize liquefied natural gas plants and developed a technology to produce MTO Process
light olefin from methanol. In particular, the LNG process is recognized as a new growth engine business that MTO : Methanol / DME
any Korean engineering company or builder have not received orders until now. Hyundai Engineering is aiming to
successfully localize this process to maximize customer value and take a lead in the industry.
Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) is a technology to press out natural gas with high density, store and transport it and (Methanol) 2CH3OH
ensure safe use of the gas. To pursue business opportunities by making small and medium-sized gas fields more
lucrative, Hyundai Engineering has completed the construction of NGH manufacturing facilities and basic design
of a pilot plan for commercialization of NGH. H2O

LNG Process

Natural Gas Synthetic Gas (CO/H2) Synthetic Oil (DME) CH3OCH3

Light Hydrocarbon Product

(Light Synthetic Oil) DTO H2O

Acid Gas Dehydration & Heavies Liquefaction
Separation (n=2,3)
Removal Mercury Removal Plant

Sulphur Refrigeration C2H4 C3H6

Recovery LNG (There is no project (Ethylene) (Propylene)
Storage Storage conducted by Koreas
engineering and
construction companies.)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 42


Co-prosperity with Vendors 44
Special Compliance Program 46
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 43

Disclosure on Management Approach

Management Hyundai Engineering has set up and conducted a system and regulations in the selection of vendors, which ensures
Principle a relationship of trust from them. Moreover, to select vendors in an impartial manner, registration and procedures
are implemented transparently and the process of an open bid has consistently expanded. On top of that, Hyundai
Engineering operates a low-price deliberation system to prevent excessively low bidding for construction orders.
Through this system, Hyundai Engineering helps vendors deliver better operational performance, enhance
construction quality and keep the scheduled construction period and eventually pursues mutual success.
Hyundai Engineering will continue to nurture and support vendors as well as establish transparent relationships
with them. This effort will help Hyundai Engineering take the lead in fair trade and win-win cooperation with

Performance Classification Unit 2010 2011

Number of Outsourcing 742 940

Vendors Purchase 994 1,528
Premier Vendor Design 9 6
Certification Construction 6 4

Hyundai Engineerings strong effort for mutual success with its vendors is highly
commendable. Vendors will still need tangible support and cooperation from Hyundai
Engineering for their sustainable growth. In particular, they need optimized technologies
for each business sector provided from Hyundai Engineering through partnership and
consulting service.
I truly believe jointly obtaining patents and developing new technologies will greatly
contribute to growth of vendors as well as expansion of Hyundai Engineerings business
in the long term.
Woo-il Choi (CEO of Yuki Corporation)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 44

Co-prosperity with Vendors

Number of Vendors (in 2011) Premier Vendors (in 2011)

2,468 companies 10 companies

Co-prosperity with Vendors equipment suppliers, subcontractors

Selection and Registration of Vendors and other vendors at Outsourcing and
Hyundai Engineering has set up and Procurement Team or have these companies
conducted a system and regulations in register themselves.
the selection of vendors, which ensures a After the application and registration, Hyundai
relationship of trust from them. Engineering starts evaluating the potential
To select vendors in an impartial manner, vendors according to the evaluation form.
registration and procedures are implemented Companies that pass document screening are
transparently and the process of an open given due diligence and evaluated for quality
bid has consistently expanded. On top of and environment. This layered evaluation
that, a low-price deliberation system is being enables Hyundai Engineering to fairly select
operated to prevent extremely low bidding vendors that are competitive in quality and
for construction orders. Through this system, also eco-friendly.
Hyundai Engineering helps vendors deliver Hyundai Engineering implements an electronic
better operational performance, enhance procurement system when carrying out all
construction quality and keep the scheduled tasks ranging from bidding, contract, and
construction period and eventually pursues establishment to warranty. The system has
mutual success. enabled Hyundai Engineering to simplify the
Registration Process of Vendors Hyundai Engineering receives application and way the tasks are performed. Importantly, this
registration of companies including construction, procurement system reduces inconvenience

Step1. PQ of each business engineering outsourcing companies and tools

and equipment providers once a year on
in the process of bidding, contracting,
application for establishment and receipt
November. Such companies are prospective of warranty, and contract delay in case of

Step2.Bidding vendors for the domestic and overseas process

plants, power & energy plants, infrastructure &
companies located in local areas.

Participation in environmental plants in turnkey base projects. Evaluation and Monitoring of Vendors

Step3. estimates for actual

In addition, Hyundai Engineering posts Vendor
Registration at the homepage every March
Hyundai Engineering regularly evaluates and
monitors its vendors to constantly maintain top
to provide a recommendation template for quality and boost the competitiveness in terms
Step4.Vendor Registration registration.
Teams operating the business register
of eco-friendliness.
Vendors are required to be evaluated through
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
Satisfaction 32 32 Win-win
Satisfaction Win-winPartnership
Partnership 42
42 Great
Great Work
Work Place
Place 48
48 Co-prosperity
Co-prosperity 64
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 45

ERP system once every quarter to maintain a president of Hyundai Engineering attends previous three years, thereby maximizing
qualification of a supplier. This evaluation also this meeting in person and listens to voices its ties with the best performers and
puts vendors under obligations to consistently of vendors, thereby forming an enduring encouraging the other vendors to improve
control quality of their products and services, relationship. their competitiveness.
and environmental issues. Vendors can also use Hyundai Engineerings
Vendors in the construction sector are website to raise their complaints, of which Status of Premier Vendors
evaluated by construction site supervisors, helpful and useful opinions related to (Unit: Companies)
administrators, project control manager, procurement are appreciated and applied to Status of Premier Vendors 2009 2010 2011
mechanical managers, construction managers the business. Design 8 9 6
and HSE managers in the following fields:
Construction 2 6 4
resource management, quality control, Fostering and Supporting Vendors
effective communication, construction Vendor Training
site management and safety control. HSE A variety of training and educational opportunities
managers focus on whether preventive is provided to the vendors to enable them to
measures are in place to prevent safety strengthen capability and pursue the best quality.
incidents during their evaluation. They also In addition, the vendors receive training on quality
evaluate compliance with environmental issues on a regular basis to enhance quality of
laws and installation and maintenance of their products. Moreover, Hyundai Engineering
environmental protection facilities for the sake also collaborates with them to develop
of local residents healthy life. technologies in various fields including IT.
Win-win management through educational supports - 3D
CAD Modeler Training Course
Vendors in 2011 Recognition of Premier Vendors
(Unit: Companies) Hyundai Engineering annually evaluates
Classification Number of Vendors vendors and rewards the best performers with
Construction 359 benefits. Such benefits include certifications
Outsourcing and priorities in bidding participation. They
Design 581
also receive a priority in optional contracts. In
Machinery 491
addition, Hyundai Engineering allocates them
Electricity 282
a quota of contracts based on the average
Purchase Instrumentation 314
number of contracts with vendors for the
Plumbing 426
Transportation 15
Total 2,468

Communication with Vendors

Communication Channels
Hyundai Engineering has made a variety
of communication channels available to
encourage vendors to express their opinions.
The annual meeting is an opportunity to listen
to challenges of vendors and their proposals,
and build networks among them. The meeting
also gives vendors time to directly express
difficulties and inform Hyundai Engineering of
areas where improvement is needed, which
helps to mutually search for solutions. The 2012 Premier Vendors Awards
Compliance Program

Hyundai Engineerings Compliance Program (CP)

Changes in awareness of fair competition has moved up the introduction of
CP Organization
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 46

voluntary risk management system and increased tangible and intangible President
burdens such as fines, compensations and law suits resulted from violations as
well as loss of corporate image. Moreover, internal and external credibility is one CP Manager
of various stakeholders and customers concerns and minimizing legal penalties
levied by such violations is one of the engineering industrys biggest issues. Head of Finance & Economy Office

Hyundai Engineering introduced an internal compliance program called CP in

June, 2011. The program is intended to encourage Hyundai Engineering to
voluntarily comply with laws related to fair trade. Introduction of CP has allowed CP Executive Team CP Council
Hyundai Engineering to engage in a variety of activities such as declaration of
Director: Head of Finance Team CP Manager and Working Staff of
voluntary compliance and introduction of training programs in order to advocate
Staff: IR/Disclosure Manager Each Division/Office
fair and honest trade practices.

Code of Conduct for the Compliance Program

I thoroughly understand the rules of voluntary compliance with fair trade and
do my best not to violate fair trade laws.
Incentive to Early
Prevent Law Prevention I will strive to treat vendors in a fair and a more transparent manner with a
Violations of Law
Violations strong sense of vocation as a CP manager in doing my duties.

Necessity of I will impose restrictions on myself if I violate fair trade laws, thereby increasing
Compliance Program awareness of the laws, being alerted to and preventing recurrence of violation.

I contribute to the joint growth of Hyundai Engineering and vendors and to the
Law-abiding Presentation
creation of forward-looking values for happiness of humanity by strictly com-
Spirit of Clear
Behavior plying with fair trade laws.

Hyundai Engineering Personnel in July, 2011

Prevention of Law

CP Organization
Hyundai Engineering is implementing a supervisory system to effectively
operate the Compliance Program.
The supervisor is an elected position. He or she is first recommended by the
president and appointed as supervisor by the vote in the Board of Directors.
The supervisor is in charge of operating CP and setting up plans for the
program. Hyundai Engineering also established CP Council under direct
control of the supervisor. The council assists the supervisor to perform his
or her duties. The organization also ensures fair trade laws related to works
of each team, amends internal regulations in accordance with changes of
supervisory regulations and conducts a pre-screening process of daily works.
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 47

CP Activities Such training focuses on critical information about fair trade-related laws and
Declaration of Voluntary Compliance information that the employees should be aware of to do their jobs. These
To create an environment where all employees follow laws related to fair employees are also trained on major changes to voluntary compliance
trade and proactively engage in CP, Hyundai Engineering declared voluntary regulations and issues resulted from revisions of fair trade-related laws.
compliance under the name of the president in July, 2011. The intention for
voluntary compliance came in the form of a declaration which was distributed Status of Completion of CP Educations
to employees. It was also posted on the homepage for external stakeholders.
Please visit the website ( Number of
asp) for CP declaration. Name of Education Time Participants
Group education - subcontract transaction More than 2 hours 99 employees
Distribution of the CP Handbook systems

Hyundai Engineering published and distributed a handbook that details Online education - fair transaction systems More than 3 hours All employees
guidelines for laws related to fair trade. The handbook was written in light of
organizational and operational features of the company. And all revisions of Restriction on Fair Trade Law Violation and Document Control
related laws and regulations are rapidly included in the handbook. Hyundai Engineering has made it a rule to impose restriction against any
personnel who violate fair trade-related laws while conducting their duties.
Contents of the CP Handbook Penalty against a violator of fair trade laws by a compliance review is
commensurate with level of the violation and is based on personnel policy and
Classification Contents rule of employment.
Understanding the Compliance CP introduction, operation guidelines, There were no alleged fair trade-related violations or wrongdoing between
Program components, etc. 2010 and 2011.
Details of the fair trade system, unfair In addition, important documents concerning voluntary compliance are
Cautions by Each Business transactions with vendors and affiliates, classified and under the CP supervisors control. Such documents include the
matters to be attended for bidding, etc. presidents declaration of voluntary compliance, the appointment and dismissal
Checklist on fair trade laws, checklist on letter of the CP supervisor, the CP handbook and the confirmation letter of
cases related to violations of subcontract handbook distribution.
laws, regulations on legal terms by
subcontract laws

Please visit the website (

asp) for full text of the CP manual.
strong will to
introduce CP

Monitoring of CP Observation Establishment

Designation and
of the
CP supervisor reviews and confirms compliance with such laws, employees operation of the
CP manager
advice and issues from whistle blowing system. Results of the review and system
confirmation are reported to the Board of Directors more than once every
Hyundai Engineering also aims to effectively operate CP by implementing a HEC CP
Voluntary Publication and
whistle blowing system. This system prohibits disclosure or leakage of whistle
restraint on distribution of CP
blowers personal information to a third party. On top of that, whistle blowers violations handbook
are assured that they are not put at a HR-related disadvantage as a result of
their reports.

Training on CP Establishment Operation of

of the monitoring employee training
Hyundai Engineering provides training on laws related to fair trade for all system programs
employees with higher violation risks. If necessary, online training is offered
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 48


Work Place
Respect for Talents 50
Capability Enhancement 52
Welfare Benefits 54
Health and Safety 58
Labor-Management Communication 61
Special Communication & Collaboration 62

Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 49

Disclosure on Management Approach

Hyundai Engineerings management philosophy gives a priority to growing talents. To that end, a well-organized
HR system has been built based on H-Type Personnel. Under the banner of respect for the talent, Hyundai
Engineering is striving to create an organizational culture that goes beyond protection of basic rights and im-
proves quality of personnels life. Moreover, with the presence of reasonable HR criteria applied to all personnel,
Hyundai Engineering has evaluated personnels performance transparently, thereby seeking to generate talents.
A reasonable labor-management relationship has been built through the expansion of communication channels,
improvement of working condition and cooperation to resolve difficulties.

Performance Classification Unit 2010 2011
Regular employees 1,585 1,788
Respecting Talents Regular female employees 138 159
Average service years of regular employees years 10.4 8.9
Training hours per employee hours 89 147
Nurturing Talents KRW in
Training expenses per employee 1,268 1,221

Return-to-work rate Male 98.0 100.0

Maternity Protection
after maternity leave Female 83.3 85.7
LTIR (Lost Time Injury Rate) 0.03 0.03
Health & Safety
HECs Domestic Conversion Accident Rate 0.17 0.05

At Hyundai Engineering, management of talents should come before anything. Com-
munication and mutual understanding should be top priority for us to march with a
sense of unity toward the companys common goals. Moreover, continuous efforts to
expand the mutual understanding are a prerequisite to boost personnels pride and
loyalty to this organization.
I believe effective communication and opportunities for understanding dialogues for
better working relationships within the organization will increase unity, which is in the
best interest of the companys reputation.
Yoon-hwan Kim (General Manager, Process Plant Business Support Team, Process Plant Division)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 50

Respect for Talents

Number of Board Average Service Years of
Meetings (in 2011) Regular Employees (in 2011)

2,312 persons 8.9 years

Hyundai Engineerings HR System physical disability as well as complies with the

H-type Personnel Model forced work prohibition of International Labor
Hyundai Engineering recognizes employees as Organization (ILO) and the Labor Standard
its most valuable asset. The H-type personnel Act. Also, there is no discrimination in hiring
model of Hyundai Engineering refers to employees for reasons of disability, gender, and
employees who possess expertise and extensive cultural difference.
knowledge together with sensitivity, humanity, In addition, Hyundai Engineering strictly forbids
pride, challenging spirit and global mindset. All of child labor according to the labor principles of
employees at Hyundai Engineering make all-out the UN Global Compact (UNGC) when hiring
efforts to be H-type personnel who can create new and experienced employees. Hyundai
high performances by acquiring in-depth expertise Engineering prohibits child labor and forced labor
and global competencies. Hyundai Engineering in all business sites in compliance with Child
will do its best for its talents who have challenging Labor Prohibition Agreement and Agreement
spirit and creativity to excel and move the world. on Forced Work Abolishment of ILO.There has
been no violation at Hyundai Engineering until
HR Management Policy now.
Fair HR management system of Hyundai
H-type Personnel Model Engineering contributes to the activation of
organization and enhancement of transparency.
Personnel Management System
Performance Passion Hyundai Engineering prohibits discrimination
(Performance (Passion, Driving Force,
Creation) Responsibility) based on gender, age, religion, education and Cultivation of H-type Human Resources

Reasonable management setting value on individual

H Global Talent
refinement and desire

Rapid promotion of competent employees

(Integrated Ability, (Language, Presentation/
Various Knowledge) Writing, Communication)
Cultivation of experts by efficient career management

Professionalism Pride
Provision of opportunities for overseas service
(Expertise, Specialist) (Pride, Company Loyalty)
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 51

Respecting Diversity, Securing Talent

The number of Hyundai Engineerings employees stood at 2,312 as of the end of 2011. Regular
employees numbered 1,788, accounting for 77.3%.
Female regular employees numbered 159, representing 8.9% of the total regular personnel. Given
the characteristics of the engineering industry with lots of works done at overseas worksites, the
number of female employees is small compared to the general service industry. Nonetheless, more
female employees are expected to join Hyundai Engineering in the future, as the business boundary
between women and men disappears. Upon being hired by Hyundai Engineering, domestic
college graduates are paid 158% of the legal minimum wage. There is no difference in basic pay by
Hyundai Engineering has recruited interns annually since 2010, with bonus points awarded to those
who intend to apply for regular positions.

Human Resource Status

Category Unit 2009 2010 2011

Regular employees 1,473 1,585 1,788*
Total Irregular employees 315 410 524*
Interns persons 34 55
Social Minority Disabled regular employees 7 14 15
Foreigner Foreign employees in domestic workplaces 9 34 45
Starting wage for new employees compared to the 156 159 159
legal minimum %
Employee Transfer** 2.5 6.6 3.7
Average Service Year** years 11.5 10.4 8.9
* T he number of regular employees included 49 executives, and the number of irregular employees also included 192 local
employees. (The figures are not included in the disclosure information.)
** As of regular employees. The average service years decreased due to hiring of new employees on a large scale.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 52

Capability Enhancement

Training Session per Training Expenses per
Employee (in 2011) Employee (in 2011)

147 hours KRW 1.2 million

Employee Training common knowledge expansion program

Human Resources Development (HRD) for core value, leadership and newcomer
Strategies induction, specialty job training program
Hyundai Engineering has selected Creative for Project Manager (PM), Lead Engineer
Culture and Global Talent HRD Excellence as (LE) and Engineering Manager (EM), global
a policy to nurture talents under the strategic competitiveness program to support intensive
HRD to enhance global competitiveness. To English education and second foreign
achieve this, human resources development language education including Spanish, French
is being executed by three strategies: and Thai, and self-improvement program
establishment of organizational culture for supported by the Cyber Training Center.
creative learning, globality, and building of an Hyundai Engineering builds a customer-
HRD system that fortifies job expertise. friendly education/training system by checking
the parts requiring supplementation and
Employee training system areas to improve in education/training through
The employee training system of Hyundai quarterly training performance analysis and
Engineering consists of four programs: regular questionnaire survey.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 53

Employee training system

Global Self-
Common Knowledge Specialty Job Training
Program Competitiveness improvement
Expansion Program Program
Program Program

Core Value / Organization New In-company

Common Overseas Global
Contents Management Capability / Employee Domestic Training Specialty Self-instruction
Empowerment Training Competitiveness
Philosophy Leadership Training Job Training

Trainee All Executives and Employees All Employees Subjects of Each Program of Each Seekers / Subjects Seekers

Knowledge for Executives, New


Overseas Training to Acquire Specialty Engineering Technologies

HMG HMG HMG Internet Internet
VISION Customer Satisfaction Ethical Management(Sexual Harassment)

On-the-job Training for Construction Engineers

Manager General

In-company Education by Each Engineering Sector

On-the-job Training by Each Sector

Foreign Language
Leadership Pipeline Program

InnoBiz School

Deputy Qualification

EM Training for Process Plant Business

Employees with Careers

Acquisition of Specialty

General IT
Legal Educations

Maintenance of Architecture Qualification
Trainings for Promoted Staff

Value Build-up Program

Process Management

Quality Management

Spanish improvement at
Manager Vietnamese Weekend
Korea Power Learning Institute

Arabic Foreign
Assistant Languages
1:1 Native
Manager English Lecture Acquisition
of Specialty
HMG Basic TOEIC Qualifications

Staff New

HMG Integrated training program of Hyundai Motor Group

Employee Training Performances

Classification Unit 2009 2010 2011

In-company 13 21 34
Number of training courses courses
Outside 1,014 447 377
Training session per employee hours 40 89 147
Training expenses per employee KRW in thousands 913 1,268 1,221

Employee Performance Evaluation

Fair Employee Performance Evaluation
Hyundai Engineering has established reasonable HR standards for all employees. For fair Performance Evaluation Criteria
evaluation and suitable reward according to performance, Hyundai Engineering has developed
a performance evaluation system based on Management by Objectives (MBO). Evaluation Core Common Strategic
Capability Perspective
is divided into personal ability evaluation and performance evaluation, and according to the
evaluation results, promotion, pay raise, and year-end bonus levels are decided. Leadership
Capability Performance Job
Summary of Employee Performance Evaluation Diagnosis Evaluation Perspective
Job Capability

Classification Contents Specialty HRD

Capability Perspective
Target of regular
All employees except for non-standing employees
performance evaluation
MBO-type evaluation (individual target setup, intermediate inspection and year-
Evaluation method
end evaluation)
Fair Performance Evaluation and
Target setup (beginning of the year), intermediate inspection (July), evaluation Adequate Compensation
Evaluation period
Independent target setup and evaluatees participation in evaluation processes
Activities for fair Secrecy about previous evaluation results at each phase
evaluation Evaluators tendency adjustment
Monitoring of different evaluation results by evaluators
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 54

Welfare Benefits

Retirement Pension Number of Employees who Returned to
Reserve (in 2011) Work after Maternity Leave (in 2011)

KRW 91.7 billion 73 persons

Welfare Benefits for Employees accidents during business trips which are
Rich Life, Stable Life, Dynamic Life not covered by the legally required four major
Considering the characteristics of the social insurance policies.
engineering industry with lots of works done Welfare card system allows employees to
at overseas worksites, Hyundai Engineering enjoy leisure activities, and a variety of welfare
prioritizes the welfare benefits of employees benefit programs including school tuition
and their families. To guarantee a better quality assistance for employees children also help
of life of employees, Hyundai Engineering them lead a rich and varied life.
analyzes employee needs and actively collects Hyundai Engineering set up a physical fitness
their opinions to put various welfare policies center for employees health enhancement
into practice. and rest at its head office building. A cafeteria
For instance, Hyundai Engineering has and a service lounge were also installed to
subscribed to liability insurance to guarantee enhance employees job productivity and
compensation for employees in case of satisfaction.

Locker room

Shower room Physical fitness center

Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 55

Saxophone club Completion Ceremony of Korean School for Foreign Employees

Major Employee Welfare Programs

Classification Details
Operation of in-company clubs, biweekly Family Day (on-time leave),
Leisure activities
resort stay support, and payment of summer vacation bonus
Childbirth and maternity protection Maternity leave and supports for day-care expenses (0~16 years old)
Housing and life style Housing loan at low interest rate by raising social welfare funds
Supports for comprehensive medical testing and expenses for
Medical care and health
outpatient and hospital treatment
Supports for children's educational expenses, qualification benefits,
and tuition fees
Legal welfare benefits Maternity leave
Selective welfare benefits Welfare card, supports for personal pension
Operation of cafeteria and commuting buses, gifts at the foundation
day and traditional holidays

Support for Retirees Support for Foreign Workers in Korea

Hyundai Engineering operates a retirement Hyundai Engineering offers convenience in
pension program to make it easy for living and business environment for its foreign
employees to receive severance pay upon employees residing in Korea so that they can
retirement. The retirement pension is in a perform their duties in a stable manner.
form of Defined Benefit (DB) and KRW 91.7 Accommodations and various necessary
billion was accumulated at the end of 2011. conditions for everyday life are provided to
The retirement pension is managed by the foreign workers. And a guidebook Guide to
Group-affiliated company, HMC Investment Korea and HEC is offered to support them
Securities, and retirement pension asset to adapt to Korea and Hyundai Engineering.
management is carried out by Koreas ten Hyundai Engineering also helps foreign
leading financial institutions. workers adapt easily to workplace in Korea
by providing important in-company news in
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 56

Summer Vacation Camp for Children of Employees

On the homepage Window to Globe in two-week leave and round-trip tickets are
the Intranet, information can be exchanged provided to them after works at construction
between foreigners and Koreans. Other sites for 4 months.
supports include Korean language education Hyundai Engineering encourages all
twice a week and the operation of Korean employees to spend time with their family
Culture Club (KCC) for Korean culture- members by leaving the office on time every
experiencing activities.. second and fourth Wednesdays of the month
designated as Family Day. Likewise, with the
Work & Life Balance system of autonomous attire implemented
Harmony between Work and Life every Wednesday, employees can come to
The company-wide Work & Life Balance work in casual, comfortable clothes.
campaign pursues the unity of employee value In addition, Hyundai Engineering offers
and company value through harmonizing work programs wherein employees can participate
and life. together with their families such as vacation
Hyundai Engineering has various leave camp for employees children to help them
systems including commemorative holidays spend quality time with their families. Through
and leave based on the number of years of the Hyundai Motor Groups reservation
service so that employees and their families website for various performances dubbed Clip
can spend time together. Hyundai Engineering Service, Hyundai Engineering offers various
also takes into account employees who types of musicals, concerts, and exhibits at
are newly assigned, return or transfer to at low prices so that employees can go to those
construction sites so that they can spend events with their families.
more time with their families. For instance,
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 57

Idea Contest for Work & Life Balance improvement. Hyundai Engineering endeavors
Hyundai Engineering searches for realistic to improve female employees working
ideas for its employees work and life balance environment through the adoption of the
and reflects them on corporate management. spouses child birth leave system (paid two
The Junior Committee publicly invites novel days leave), etc. There are no disadvantages
ideas from employees themselves through the to employment, pay, and career path due to
W&LB Idea Contest. the use of leave of absence for child rearing
In the 2010 W&LB Idea Contest in particular, and maternity leave.
76 different ideas were generated including Among employees who applied for leave due
3 Section Expert & Total intensive consulting to child birth, 49 were male and 6 were female,
program for quality of life improvement, for a total of 55 in 2010. Among employees
together with the establishment of an expert returning to work and working for one year or
advisor system. more following maternity leave, 49 were male
Hyundai Engineering selected 7 excellent and 4 were female, for a total of 53.
ideas and awarded their proponents by In 2011, a total of 74 employees applied for
offering gift certificates. As for executing maternity leave, of which 67 were male and 7
excellent ideas, they are put into practice were female. Among them, 67 male employees
following sufficient review by the relevant team and 6 female employees returned to workplace
and management. after the leave and are currently working.
The ratio of returning to work after the use of
Maternity Protection Activities maternity leave is steadily rising. In the female
Hyundai Engineering carries out diverse employees lounge, Hyundai Engineering
maternity protection activities to implement have improved female employees welfare by
government policies on the low birth issue installing facilities for breastfeeding.
and for female employees working condition

Award Winner at 2010 Work & Life Balance Idea Contest

Award Contest Sector Title

Grand Prize Happy Working Life Establishment of the Advisory Committee System
Change of office chairs to care for employees' back
Improvement of Work
Proposal of chair change for correct sitting posture
Centralization Level
Package box for new superintendent at construction sites
Prize 3 Section Expert & Total intensive consulting program for quality
Happy Working Life
of life improvement
Cultural lecture together with family
Leisure with Family
No.1 refinement

Status of Use of Maternity Leave

Classification Unit 2010 2011

Number of employees who used maternity leave 55 74
Number of employees who returned to work after maternity leave persons 53 73
Number of employees who worked for 12 months and 53 N/A
more after the return
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 58

Health and Safety

LTIR (in 2011) HECs Domestic Conversion
Accident Rate (in 2011)

0.03 %
* LTIR(Lost Time Injury Rate)
0.05 %

HECs Health and Safety Consolidation offers data required for bid documents among
Hyundai Engineering established a policy the data at portal sites for easy reference as
for health and safety at the global level after well as monthly onsite reports of overseas EP/
declaring year 2012 as the first year for EPC sites. In addition, Hyundai Engineering
achieving zero accidents, specifying matters systematically manages health and safety
to be put into practice. and training-related statistics and activities
Under the management policy of Health, contents to draw up Pre-Qualification (PQ) bid
Safety, and Environment (HSE), the HSE documents so that Hyundai Engineering can
Innovation Team of the General Administration effectively assist in health and safety activity-
& Management Office establishes plans on related work. Likewise, Hyundai Engineering
health and safety and systematically reinforces has secured the required matters in drawing
inspection and preventive activities. up PQ bid data including English system
Efforts for HSE include the enhancement of document establishment and English teaching
health and safety competencies, onsite health plan production of HSE.
and safety activities, and company-wide health
and safety campaigns and training. To support Pursuit of Accident-Free Worksites
HSE Management Goals in 2011 major sites, Hyundai Engineering strategically Hyundai Engineering pursues accident-free
reinforces head office personnel. HSE system workplaces including the head office by instilling
at overseas sites is being managed to meet safety awareness among employees.
Zero Fatal
local needs. Risk evaluation data are collected through
Accidents the HSE Innovation Team regularly in relation
Safety Management Policy to activities that can lead to onsite accidents.
To e x p a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l r o l e a n d Hyundai Engineering actually takes actions to
Accident Rate HSE
Domestic: 0.20% accountability with regard to HSE system, prevent accident-causing factors in advance so
Overseas: 0.04% Goals in 2011 Hyundai Engineering has developed guidelines that accidents do not occur. Hyundai Engineering
including HSE assessment tool at domestic has established the response flow to cope with
and overseas sites and instructions on reward an emergency by situation and has defined the
PQ Point
+2 points and punishment regarding safety. appropriate action guide and reporting system on
On the company intranet, Hyundai Engineering various potential accident risks including political
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 59

upheaval, terrorism, fire, high-pressure gas, Multi-Safety Inspection New employees learn about basic health and
environmental pollution, damage from storm & Hyundai Engineering is committed to creating safety laws and regulations and wearing of
flood, etc. safe work environments for employees safety gears at construction sites. For site
and vendors through conducting strict in- managers and supervisors, leadership and
Compliance with International Standards company safety inspection and independent management related training programs are
The HSE Innovation Team checks the third-party assurance providers safety offered to encourage employees to comply
conformance and efficient implementation inspections. The safety inspection is being with safety regulations.
of the HSE management system. Based on regularly carried out every week and every In addition, Hyundai Engineering posts safety
OHSAS18001 certification on international month. In particular, the monthly safety environmental cases on the intranet to instill
health, safety, and management system, inspection is implemented jointly by labor and safety awareness among all employees.
Hyundai Engineering pursues not only management. During periods such as long
enhancing employee safety but also reflecting weekend due to holidays, or in case of weak
environmental, labor, and health & safety natural environment, Hyundai Engineering
standards as special contract clauses in an conducts special safety inspection and
agreement upon the selection of vendors. drastically prevents accidents that may occur
Hyundai Engineering is improving the internal through negligence. In addition, Hyundai
HSE system aimed at acquiring KOSHA18001 Engineering builds trust on onsite safety with
certification in 2013 and is currently building a the clients and the local residents through
computerized system including risk evaluation safety inspections by the Ministry of Labor, Onsite safety training

by onsite specialist work classification. local governments, and other agencies.

Installation of Safety Facilities and

Wearing of Safety Gears
To fundamentally prevent accidents in all
construction sites, Hyundai Engineering installs
safety facilities and encourages employees to
wear full personal safety gear. It is obligatory for
Onsite safety activities
all construction sites to install safety bars, safety
railings and fall prevention nets, which are regularly
OHSAS18001 Certification inspected. All sites also prevent unauthorized
personnel from approaching structures or
Fortification of Onsite Safety equipment having risk factors by posting or
Management attaching safety signs. Hyundai Engineering
Regular Safety Meetings makes it compulsory for all onsite workers to wear
By making regular onsite HSE meeting safety helmets and safety gears. If they do not
compulsory, Hyundai Engineering checks wear safety gears, Hyundai Engineering takes
potential accidents in advance, takes quick actions such as warning or disciplinary action or
action, and performs monitoring. If any prohibition on accessing the site.
urgent problem or issue occurs with regard
to employees health and safety, the site Onsite Safety Training
supervisor concerned and other relevant A variety of safety training programs are
personnel convene a meeting to take quick provided to employees at sites to help them
action. realize the importance of health and safety and
voluntarily put safety activities into practice.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 60

Safety Management Performance install onsite emergency spaces; thus, simple

Hyundai Engineerings various efforts for safety care can be taken when an employee figures
are evident in various and meaningful results. in an accident or has a disease. If diagnosis at
The Yeosu HDPE Production Facility project was a hospital is needed, the employee is quickly
awarded the certification of two-fold of accident- brought to the hospital and assisted not to
free man hours (910,000 hours as of January experience any inconvenience due to the
2, 2012) by KOSHA on January 12, 2012. The language barrier.
certification of two-fold of accident-free man
Certification of two-fold of accident-free man hours - HDPE
Plant in Yeosu hours is meaningful since Hyundai Engineering Improvement of Head Office Employees
has realized such accomplishment in line with Sanitation
KOSHAs certification criteria for the first time, Various sanitation improvement activities are
and because it is difficult to realize accident-free carried out by Hyundai Engineering including
sites on a long-term basis in the plant industry, cyclical environment measurement so that its
considering the shorter construction period employees can concentrate on their work in
compared to general building construction sites. a pleasant office, the space where they stay
In 2010, the SIPCO Combined Cycle Power the longest in a day. Hyundai Engineering
Plant project in Thailand received the certification measures the office environment such as fine
Achievement of two million accident-free man hours SIPCO
of two million accident-free man hours from the dust, carbon monoxide, noise, and brightness
Site in Thailand client. under the relevant laws and immediately
executes improvement for parts requiring
Safety Data at Sites improvement as a result of the environment
(Unit: %) measurement. Through cyclical sanitation
Classification 2009 2010 2011 inspection at the head office cafeteria and
LTIR (Lost Time Injury Rate) 0.01 0.03 0.03 vending machines, Hyundai Engineering
HECs Domestic Conversion 0.23 0.17 0.05 prevents diseases that may occur such as
Accident Rate food poisoning and other sanitary issues
Conversion Accident Rate beforehand. With the establishment of the
HSE of employees
( Av e r a g e i n t h e d o m e s t i c 0.50 0.41 0.40 Hyundai Engineering Health Protection corner
construction industry)
equipped with tonometry and CPR gadget as
well as basic health devices such as first aid
Enhancement of Employees Health kits and thermometers at the service lounge
Physical Checkup for Employees on the second floor of the head office building,
Hyundai Engineering offers general physical employees can easily use the corner for health
checkups to its employees and their spouses checkup or in emergency.
each year.
When an epidemic hits, Hyundai Engineering Employee Health Education and
strives to minimize the possibility of infection of Anti-Smoking Program
Anti-Smoking Program together with Hospitals other employees through immediate diagnosis Hyundai Engineering enhances the health and
and isolation action if there is an employee safety awareness of employees by providing health
Nicotine dependence survey (Survey of
showing symptoms of the disease in question. and safety education regarding CPR, emergency
necessity of using pharmacotherapy)
For an employee on a long-term overseas treatment, and emergency evacuation. For active
business trip, Hyundai Engineering supports no-smoking treatment for those who want to
Consultation with doctors and receipt of medicine
(Check and consultation of smoking conditions
him/her with physical checkup and vaccination quit smoking, Hyundai Engineering helps them
and withdrawal symptoms) before leaving for a foreign country. Through succeed by offering professional counseling from
Total 5 visits for 12 weeks (once every two weeks) pre-education on various diseases that a linked hospital near the head office and medicinal
may develop in the business trip destination therapy.
including malaria, employees are fully preparing
Smoking cessation (Identification by urine test)
for infectious diseases. The construction sites
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
Partnership 42 42 Great
Partnership Work
Great WorkPlace
48 Co-prosperity
64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 61

Number of Labor-Management Employee Satisfaction Level
Council Members (in 2011)

6 persons 73.6 points

for the improvement of working conditions and in-company labor welfare fund, installation of
grievance handling. These processes contributed physical fitness center and introduction of new
to establishing a reasonable labor-management systems to support employees leisure and
relationship at Hyundai Engineering. cultural activities such as welfare card and in-
company club memberships.
Key Win-win Growth Activities of Concerning employees grievances,
the Labor-Management Council Hyundai Engineering handles them through
The main duties of labor-management council negotiations and consultations. As for major
encompasses many matters and issues issues that may affect the company and
ranging from productivity improvement, employees, Hyundai Engineering handles
performance results distribution, and them by collecting employees opinions or
employee grievance handling to various requirements in advance and proposing
systems improvement related to HR, labor them during the preliminary or regular
and health & safety, and working conditions meeting. In addition, Hyundai Engineering has
Win-win Growth between Labor and such as wage and safety instructions. promoted a variety of events to strengthen
Management In particular, the labor-management council the unity among employees and business
Expansion of Labor-Management is focusing on improving employees quality teams and their loyalty to the company. The
Communication of life by cooperating with the management events included team-based rallies, sharing
The labor-management council was established in for pay negotiation, performance distribution, and communication campaign and social
2001 for the protection of interests of employees, system improvement consultation of HR/ contribution activities.
handling of their grievances and enhancement labor management, welfare enhancement
of their welfare. The council elected 5 members and grievance handling. Pay negotiation and
from 3 business divisions and 1 support office, performance distribution are decided at the
with one chairperson internally and externally regular meeting attended by the same number
representing all employees elected. Therefore, of members from labor and management
total 6 members make up the labor-management after analyzing operating performances and
council. collecting employees opinions.
Hyundai Engineering has been expanding the HR/Labor management is discussed to
labor-management communication channels improve major issues by organically combining
to instill awareness of companionship and the institutional and personal systems for
enhance mutual understanding. At the same common goal achievement between labor and
time, they have cooperated with each other management. Major issues included raising Presentation meeting for the introduction of annual wage system
Communication & Collaboration

Communicative Organizational Culture

Special HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011

Hyundai Engineering makes immense efforts to create good ideas and foster a dynamic communication culture within the company by

vitalizing communications between the management and employees.

Junior Committee
The Junior Committee was founded to collect creative ideas of junior managers and plain employees and reflect them on business
management as well as foster vertical and horizontal communication between management and employees. The Junior Committee
carries out various activities including campaigns and seminars to identify and share ideas for company development for a term of two

Hope Day of the Junior Committee

The 22nd Junior Committee distributed beverages and vitamin supplements on November 24, 2011 to help ensure an exciting, joyful
company life for employees. Employees said, Although it was a cold morning since a cold wave watch was issued, we felt good to start
the day in a good mood thanks to a sweet gift. We want to cheer the newly launched Junior Committee members. The touching gesture
of Junior Committee members in the winter with its persistently severe cold has helped employees regain vitality.

Communication Channel
Hyundai Engineering shares its vision, mission and strategies through various communication channels including webzine, company
newsletter, Message from the President and regular morning meeting. The communication channels contribute to smoothly connecting
the management and employees.

Lunch Box Day with President

Launched on September 7, 2011, Lunch Box Day with the president is a venue for social gathering wherein Hyundai Engineerings
president has lunch and communicates with employees during lunch break. The president Wee-chul Kim talks with representatives by
randomly selected position about various topics every second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Various topics such as personal
matters of the president as well as questions about works are discussed in a familiar way.
Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 63

The president Wee-chul Kim, who has been stressing communication between seniors and subordinates within the organization,
emphasizes that free and active communication is the base for making Great Work Place (GWP). As such, Hyundai Engineering strives to
establish a dynamic communication culture in various aspects.
Moreover, Hyundai Engineering has held a monthly event sponsored by the president since last July, which contributes to stirring up
the morale of employees. Other events including Throwing a Red Bean Sherbet Party, Presenting Books to Bookworm Employees, and
Having Lunch with Married Female Employees just before the traditional holidays have been held.

Harmony between Employees

Club Membership
Employees of Hyundai Engineering are involved in various in-company clubs for marathon, tennis, football, mountain climbing, ski,
saxophone playing and yoga as well as baseball. A total of 14 in-company clubs are being operated as of June 2011, in which 1,404
employees are actively participating.
In particular, the in-company baseball team Hyundai Griffins which was founded in 2010 by employees who like baseball contributes to
solidify their amicability and colleagueship. Team members receive lessons regularly from a coach of Mr. Kims Baseball Class in a simple
playing field next to the Mok-dong Stadium twice a month.
Hyundai Engineering makes all-out efforts so that employees clubs can be registered as regular ones and be eligible to receive subsidies,
etc. Employees take a rest amid their busy work schedules to share friendship and enhance work efficiency through a variety of club

Hyun-En Club
Hyundai Engineering regards retired employees as its family members. By organizing an OB meeting of Hyundai Engineering, dubbed
Hyun-En Club, Hyundai Engineering provides a venue where seniors and juniors can share friendship and cooperate with one another
by keeping the retirees up to date with recent corporate news and trends. By inviting Hyun-En Club members to various cultural activities
and events, members get to strengthen their commitment to Hyundai Engineering by mingling and getting to know past and current
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 64

Local Communities

Introduction to Hyundai Engineerings Social 66
Social Contribution Activities 67
Green Growth & Eco-friendly Engineering 72
Eco-friendly Technology 76
Green Office 78
Green Management Performances 79
Special 82
Performances in Social Responsibility Activities

Innovative Leadership 20 Customer Satisfaction 32 Win-win Partnership 42 Great Work Place 48 Co-prosperity 64 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 65

Disclosure on Management Approach

Hyundai Engineering is committed to fulfilling its obligations and responsibilities as a corporate citizen to build
a bigger future together with local communities neighboring business sites. To this end, Hyundai Engineering
endeavors to share the vision and corporate value with local communities and promotes eco-friendly management
to minimize environmental impacts with the awareness of corporate role for green growth. Hyundai Engineering
will continue to search for social contribution areas reflecting the industrys features and linking them with its
growth strategies. Hyundai Engineering will do utmost efforts to grow into a green company through eco-friendly
engineering performance and green technology development for the materialization of a low carbon society.

Performance Classification Unit 2010 2011

Social Investments in social contribution activities KRW in millions 475 667

Contribution Participants in social contribution activities persons 583 2,164
Recycling of IT equipment units 200 280
Green Growth Violation of environmental law at home and abroad cases 0 0
GHG emissions* tCO2 eq 6,041.5 635,333.3
* Use of resources and emissions of wastes and greenhouse gases in 2011 sharply increased compared to the previous year, which was mainly
attributable to the expansion of the business and sales growth.

Hyundai Engineering carries out a variety of activities across the local welfare and culture
& arts sectors. I admire the consolidation of Hyundai Engineerings competencies through
continual social contribution activities for various underprivileged people beyond tentative
year-end sharing events or typical social contribution. I wish Hyundai Engineering will
engage in more professional, systematic social contribution activities by deducing
the growth results and performing evaluation in line with continual assistance. At the
same time, I expect your social contribution activities to be objectively evaluated by
thoroughly reviewing the practices and results.
Ji-young Kim (Director of Global Vision)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 66

Introduction to Hyundai Engineerings Social Contribution

Social Contribution System
Hyundai Engineerings Social Contribution System
Guided by its social responsibility mission of We grow together with our customers, employees, and vendors and strive
to enhance mankinds happiness and fulfill our social responsibilities by practicing management activities for transparency,
ethics, environment, co-prosperity and sharing., Hyundai Engineering stresses its role in mankinds happiness
enhancement and social responsibility.
With Happy Energy Contributor as the social contribution vision, Hyundai Engineering makes a comfortable environment
with technology and a happy world with sharing and contribution. All members of Hyundai Engineering fulfill its social
responsibility based on three action principles: Sustainable Sharing, Happy Mutual Cooperation, and Practical

HECs Social Contribution System

We grow together with our cus-
tomers, employees, and vendors
and strive to enhance mankinds
Practice Principles happiness and fulfill our social
responsibilities by
Sustainable Shar- Happy Mutual practicing management activities
ing Cooperation for transparency, ethics, environ-
We will stand closely We will build happy ment, co-prosperity and sharing.,
to our neighbors for local community
a long time. with our neighbors.

Practical Participation
All of our employees Happy Energy
will participate and Contributor
sweat along with our Making a comfortable world with
neighbors. technology and a happy world with
sharing and contribution

Social Contribution Organization

Hyundai Engineering launched the group Volunteers of Love through employees voluntary participation in 2003 and
began volunteer service. In 2009, the Social Contribution Team was newly set up to fulfill its social responsibility. Social
contribution will become a core function of Hyundai Engineerings business operation in the future.

HECs Social Contribution Team

Director Social Contribution Team Volunteers of Love

Planning Branch Voluntary Work Branch Global/Environmental Branch Culture/PR Branch

Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 67

Social Contribution Activities

Job Creation for the Joint Establishment of
Disabled through Workplace a Childrens Center in Cambodia
of Hope (in 2011)

24 persons
New Hope School

Hyundai Engineerings Five Key Social Contribution Projects

Hyundai Engineering has been proactively engaged in activities for sharing
and fulfilling corporate social responsibility to build a tomorrow where
everyones dream can be realized.

Cultural Events for Children from Low-income

and Multicultural Families
On the foundation day of February 11 every year, Hyundai Engineering
holds a culture-sharing event including watching movies and having dinner
for children of low-income and multicultural families and the disabled who
are living in Yancheon-gu where the headquarters is located.
Hyundai Engineering has also been providing various supports such as
sponsoring the Charity Fundraiser for Children from Low-income and
Multicultural Families.

Workplace of Hope to Create Jobs for the Disabled

Hyundai Engineering established a corporate-associated job rehabilitation
facility Workplace of Hope through an agreement with the Yangcheon-
gu District Office to create jobs for the disabled. The Workplace of Hope
provides disabled youth with job training as well as manufactures home

Status of Workplace of Hope

Classification Unit 2010 2011

Support Fund KRW in millions 26 30
Number of Workers persons 18 24
* T he Workplace of Hope opened in July 2010, and plans to expand the number of workers up to
40. The number of disabled technical trainee reaches 20~30 persons.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 68

Number of Social Contribution Participants in Social

Programs (in 2011) Contribution Activities (in 2011)

35 programs 2,164 employees

Delivering Briquette of Love

Hyundai Engineering annually delivers briquettes to the underprivileged such
as those from low-income families and the solitary elderly suffering from the
so-called briquette shortage, spreading warmth and compassion in the

Sharing Love and Compassion through Songpyeon of Love and

Hyundai Engineering delivers songpyeon (traditional Korean rice cake)
made by employees and holiday gifts to the marginalized people including
the solitary elderly who stay alone during the Korean full moon festival.
Employees also make and provide them with Kimchi to take in winter

Establishment of the New Hope School, a Childrens Center, in

Changeuri, a village in Cambodia, is afflicted with extremely poor sanitary
and living conditions. Most of the children are deprived of the opportunity
to go to school. Instead, they are victimized from drug addiction or human-
trafficking. Hyundai Engineering and Global Vision, the global volunteering
organization, have collaborated to build a school that consists of two
wooden buildings and one additional building for restrooms which was
named the New Hope School. Children learn mathematics and language,
and are provided with meals. The interest and participation in charity work
have brought significant changes to the children and their families for whom
having dreams and wishing for a better future used to be a luxury.

Culture- and Art-Sharing Activities

Hyundai Engineering delivers warmth and love to the world by joining
activities for sharing in the fields of culture and art.

Sharing Happiness with the Disabled

Executives and employees of Hyundai Engineering go on a spring picnic,
experience farming and run a marathon together with the physically-
challenged and financially-stricken individuals on the Day for the Disabled
every year, thereby spreading warm compassion and happiness to them.

Sharing Compassion with the Lonely Elderly

Hyundai Engineering serves lunch to around 100 elderly with low income or
who live in solitude in Yangcheon-gu on every second Thursday of the month.
Particularly in May, the month of family in Korea, a party is thrown under the
theme filial duty for the seniors. The event allows Hyundai Engineering to
share compassion and care.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 69

Sharing Joy with Children

Hyundai Engineering has been running the Home Camp for children from
low-income and single-parent families. For the two days in the camp, the
participants are given the chance to contemplate their future career and
how to shape their own future. Furthermore, Hyundai Engineering invites
children from low-income families and mentally-challenged children living in
Yangcheon-gu to the Flying with Dreams event on every Childrens Day.
They are able to enjoy cultural activities together and share happiness.

Sharing in Education and Scholarship

Voluntary activities to build a better educational environment include book
donation, provision of scholarship, operation of after-school programs and
training on Korean language for foreign employees.

Private Education and After-School Tutoring

Teenagers from families with financial hardship who cannot afford private
education or tutors are selected and tutored by employees. When such
students are admitted to college, Hyundai Engineering grants them
scholarship including admission fee. In addition, employees teach seniors
in middle schools English once a week and seek to help them nourish
emotional health through the Tailored Education and Education Mentoring
for Emotional Health project which are offered by the Guro Complex Social
Welfare Hall.

Book Donation
Hyundai Engineering donates books taken from executives and employees
to Seongbuk Welfare Center for the Blind, Mokdong Welfare Centers Book
Caf and Beautiful Store, which is Koreas philanthropic institution, with
the purpose of donating revenues and contributions earned by reuse and
recycling of products to underprivileged people. Importantly, books donated
to Seongbuk Welfare Center are converted by volunteers to braille books,
recording tapes and Digital Accessible Information System(DAISY) books
before being available to such readers.

Global Social Contribution Activities

Hyundai Engineering carries out various volunteer service activities and
cultural exchange activities, centered on local communities where medical
and environmental improvement is required.

Volunteer Service Activities at Overseas Sites

More than 80 projects in 26 countries other than Korea are implemented by
Hyundai Engineering, with overseas sales revenue for more than 80% of its
total sales.
Hyundai Engineering is systematically doing its very best to achieve
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) centered on construction sites
abroad under the supervision of the head offices Social Contribution Team.
Onsite employees search for means to contribute to local communities
voluntarily, with the active support of the head office. What each site of
Hyundai Engineering focuses on is fostering children including support for
elementary education, which is in line with what the engineering industry
does - Making future dreams come true.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 70

Cap-Knitting Campaign to Save Newborn Babies

Supports for Overseas Sites
For infants and toddlers in underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asia
and who suffer from hypothermia, Hyundai Engineering donates woolen
Country Details
caps made through its Cap-Knitting Campaign to Save Newborn
Providing desks, chairs, stationery, sporting goods and
Babies. As of January 2011, 754 employees of Hyundai Engineering
sponsorships to schools and orphanages in Momongo
every year since 2009 (KRW 28 million in 2009 and KRW have delivered 4,101 caps.
Equatorial Guinea
58 million in 2010)
Donated Friendship Park to Momongo City in December
13, 2010, which became a national tourist attraction Sharing Activities to Improve the Residential Environment
Hyundai Engineering carries out sharing activities such as residential
Donated KRW 7 million to a welfare center for disabled
Turkmenistan improvement activities in surrounding areas of workplaces and building
children in Yoloten and held a charity bazaar
Supported orphanages in Kuala Lumpur since the start of Homes of Love to make a more beautiful, comfortable world.
construction in cooperation with local project owner
Evacuated 70 victims around the site to safe zone and Habitat for Love
Vietnam provided relief when the typhoon Ketsana came, providing By signing an agreement with Habitat Korea to provide people living in a
damage repair equipments and donated USD 6 thousand
poor residential environment with decent houses, Hyundai Engineering
continues to offer the Building Homes of Love volunteer service each
Participation in Happy Move of the Hyundai Motor Group
The Happy Move is a global youth volunteer service group of Hyundai Happy House
Motor Group that is engaging in social contribution activities. They are Hyundai Engineering is operating Happy House, an activity designed
very active in conducting social contribution activities at every corner to give hope to disabled people and social subsidy beneficiaries by
of the world with challenging spirit and passion. Hyundai Engineerings improving their living environment.
employees put social responsibility into practice as global citizens in
many places in the world together with their colleagues at the Hyundai
Motor Group members with open mind and broad vision.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 71

Quantitative Performances of Social Contribution Investment

Investments in Social Contribution
Hyundai Engineering made social contribution worth KRW 1.1 billion
including activities of the Volunteers of Love and labor costs during the
sustainability reporting period.

Social Contribution Engagement

All employees of Hyundai Engineering participate in social contribution.
Through the mileage system of social contribution activities, all
employees must accumulate 12 mileage points annually from January
2011. The social contribution results can be registered on the social
contribution management system, which can be accessed on the
company intranet; thus showing the individual social contribution activity
mileage in each field. As of the end of 2011, Hyundai Engineering
operated 35 programs, representing a 40% increase compared to
2010. Actually, 2,164 employees were involved in social contribution
activities at the end of 2011.

Status of
Social Contribution Activities
Social Contribution Programs (units) Participants in Social Contribution
Activities (persons)
35 2,164
Senior Citizen Center Environment Improvement Activities 10
Hyundai Engineering provides pleasant resting spaces to the elderly 255
who may be alienated from society through the remodeling of 7 old
2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011
and worn-out senior citizen centers in Yangcheon-gu particularly
* Individual activities were counted as one unit, and the number of duplicated participants
wallpapering and laying of linoleum on the floor. was excluded.

Investments in Social
Donation Activities
Contribution Activities
Hyundai Engineering is fostering a dynamic voluntary donation culture
Total investments (KRW in millions) Investments by Sector (2010-2011)
by donating items such as old clothes, luncheon boxes, and books and
delivering warm heart and love to the underprivileged. 667

Main Donation Activities
Old clothes donated by employees are delivered to facilities for people 223

with severe disabilities and to the Beautiful Store.

In November 2011, Hyundai Engineering made a KRW 16.5 million
donation to the Korean Organ Donor Program for chronic kidney failure
patients. With the donation, one unit of hemodialyzer was bought and
2009 2010 2011
installed in Rapas Home in Jeju to help the treatment of chronic kidney
failure patients who are not financially well-off. Social Welfare (63.1%)

In addition to monetary donation, Hyundai Engineering participates Others (Blood Donation, Pledge of
Organ Donation, etc.) (13.9%)
in the Dining Table of Love, a meal distribution volunteer service for
Global Society (10.3%)
patients from 9:00 to 14:00. The volunteer service has been provided
Local Community (6.6%)
by some 10 employee volunteers every third Saturday of the month
Culture & Art (2.6%)
since November 2011.
Education (2.6%)
Book Donation (0.4%)
Environment (0.2%)
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 72

Green Growth &

Eco-friendly Engineering
Certification of Environmental Minimization of Ecosystem
Management System Impacts

ISO 14001 Environmental Impacts

Green Growth System
HSE Management System
Hyundai Engineering has set the HSE
(Health, Safety, and Environment) policy to
cherish human lives and bequeath clean
environment to descendants. Under the
policy, Hyundai Engineering manages HSE
activities systematically and efficiently at the
company-wide level. Based on efficient HSE
Environmental Management
management system, Hyundai Engineering System Certification
is emerging as a leading global green growth
company, and institutionalizing the HSE
system by applying the PDCA (Plan Do Pre-Environmental Assessment to
Check Act) process to all businesses. Minimize Ecosystem Impacts
Hyundai Engineering complies with the Environmental Impact Assessment
ISO14001 international standard for By performing comprehensive environmental
environmental management system, having impact assessment prior to implementing
acquired the relevant certification. a project, Hyundai Engineering minimizes
impacts on the ecosystem during the
HSE Organization System construction process. The environmental
Hyundai Engineering has an organic impact assessment covers the natural, living,
organization system for HSE management in and social & economic environment fields.
which all business teams allocate roles and Concerning endangered species found
exchange effects. HSE Innovation Team at the through research, Hyundai Engineering
Plant Business Supporting Office takes the protects trees by transplanting them
lead in establishing company-wide HSE goals and prepares alternative habitats in case
and managing onsite HSE activities. Each of animals. Considering the ecological
business division such as the Infrastructure environment of the fauna and flora identified
& Environmental Division takes charge of by research, Hyundai Engineering minimizes
implementing and monitoring HSE activities the impacts of construction on the ecosystem
at each site and supporting development and through design change and protective device
HSE Policy and System adoption of new technologies. preparation.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 73

Environmental Effect Evaluation Process HSE Management System

Category Evaluation Factors

1. HSE Policy Establishment 2. Environment & Risk Evaluation
Natural Weather, Geography & Geological 3. Target & Plan Setup
Environment Feature, Fauna and Flora
Land Use, Air Quality, Water Quality, Plan
Living HSE policy setup Identification of stakeholders needs
Soil, Waste, Noise, Vibration,
Environment Identification of environmental Target and promotion plan setup
Recreation, Landscape
aspect and setup of risk evaluation Identification of legal requirements
Social and
Population, Housing, Transportation,
Cultural Property
4. Practice & Operation

Deduction of Environmental Effect Reduction Plans

Resources (human, infrastructure) Communication, documentation,

Continuous Improvement
Environmental technology development document management
Organization, responsibility, authorization Policy, process, operation by plans
Selection of Alternatives and Evaluation
Training, awareness on environmental Preparation for and response to
management emergency

Selection of Optimal Plans

5. Inspection

Management of Designated Endangered

Monitoring and measurement Evaluation on observance of
Species Check Inspection of affairs requirements
Hyundai Engineering discovered that Internal deliberation, performance
endangered species live within some evaluation
domestic construction sites including Ansan
River, Shingil River, and Anyang Cheon Water
System. To minimize impacts on the ecological 6. Review & Action
environment, Hyundai Engineering took proper
measures for the protection of ecological Action Rectification & Prevention Report on HSE management
system. Meanwhile, a lot of overseas sites do performances and review by the
not exert significant influences on ecological
system as those are mainly located in desert
where protected species are uninhabitable.
Still, Hyundai Engineering identifies and
manages protected animals and plants under
the laws of the countries concerned.

Status of Legally Protected Species Slogan

in Sites of Korea
HSE Globalization enhancement
Project Major Appearance Species
Revision of Basic 113 species including mole,
Plan for River raccoon, water deer, weasel,
Maintenance of cat, large egret, little egret,
Ansan-si (Ansan heron, spot bill duck and
River, Singil River) teal, etc.
Basic Plan for
3 species including cat and
Water System of
striped field mouse, etc.
Anyang River
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 74

Solar Power Plant in Bulgaria

Hyundai Engineering won the 48.9MW
Photovoltaic Power Plant Construction project
in Bulgaria implemented by the China Groups
subsidiary Astronergy Solar Korea. This project
paved the way for the entry into the market in
Bulgaria for the first time.
Based on this, Hyundai Engineering is seeking
opportunities to jointly participate in more solar
power plant projects with overseas companies
having track record in this business and plans
to nurture engineers with high capability in the
solar power generation field.
Hyundai Engineering is committed to growing
as a global advanced new and renewable
Expansion of New and Renewable Energy Business Solar Power Plant energy player by proactively developing more
opportunities in that field.

Olkaria Geothermal Power Plant Units 1

and 4 in Kenya
Hyundai Engineering signed a turnkey base
contract including engineering, procurement,
construction, and test & commissioning for
Olkaria Geothermal Power Plant Units 1 and
4 facilities in Kenya worth USD 373 million in
November 2011.
This project is implemented by KENGEN (Kenya
Electricity Generating Company Limited), which
is in charge of power supply in Kenya, Africa, to
solve the serious local power shortage problem.
Hyundai Engineering has simultaneously won
Development of a Park in Equatorial Guinea two projects of Olkaria I Additional Units 4 & 5
(Two 70MW units) and Olkaria IV Units 1 & 2 (Two
Green Engineering Project 70MW units). These projects will be completed
Eco-friendly EPC projects begin from efficient in 2014.
resources use at the construction stage. As the only company in Korea with a track
Hyundai Engineering strives to protect record in geothermal power plant project
ecosystem diversity and minimizes impacts including Darajat Geothermal Power Plant in
on the environment in all EPC sectors of Indonesia, Hyundai Engineering is known for its
the construction stage for energy efficiency technology and competencies in the geothermal
improvement and environmental pollution power generation field dominated by advanced
reduction. countries including Japan, US, and Europe.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 75

Water and Sewerage Facilities and Park to its outstanding technological prowess. The continually makes all-out efforts to minimize civil
Construction Projects in Equatorial Guinea construction of Daesan Plant of Hyundai Oilbank petitions through the installation of appropriate
There has been an urgent need for clean had been conducted by Hyundai Engineering in preventive facilities, low-noise equipment, and
drinking water in Equatorial Guinea, as 2005. construction methods.
most people in that country suffered from
disadvantage in water quality and thousands of Winning Facilities Installation Projects for Environmental Monitoring for the Vietnam
people once had died of waterborne diseases. Domestic Marine Wind Power and Sewer Hai Phong PVTEX Site
Hyundai Engineering entered that country to Sludge Recycling System The PVTEX site located in Hai Phong,
supply them clean drinking water and create Marine wind power EPC business is expected Vietnam uses lots of emulsion in view of the
new business opportunities. to be vitalized in the future. Hyundai Engineering plants features. Concerning all processes of
Hyundai Engineering won the water and laid the foundation for this business by winning discharging wastewater at the site, wastewater
sewerage connecting pipes installation project the marine wind power authorization and is collected into a wastewater treatment plant
including a sewerage project in Mongomo in permission and basic design project in the through underground facilities. Pollution arising
2008. Hyundai Engineering is expanding the eastern part of Jeju Island. Hyundai Engineering from pollutants discharge is prevented through
business areas to Anisok, Evinayong, and also won a facilities installation project for the water treatment system of the plant within
Ebibeyin, etc. At the end of 2011, Hyundai recycling sewer sludge in Pohang City, thanks to the industrial complex after primary treatment.
Engineering won the park construction order the excellent sewer sludge utilization technology. During the project period, Hyundai Engineering
based on EPC turnkey project mode in performed onsite measurement of water
Mikomesseng, and is now implementing the Management of Environmental Impacts quality, air quality, and noise/vibration level three
construction of floor fountain, picnic garden, at the Sites times. As a result of environmental monitoring,
futsal area and playground on an approximately Hyundai Engineering carefully identifies the legal satisfactory results were obtained within
12,800 square meters site to enhance the local standards and strictly complies with them, such standard value levels in all measurement items;
residents health and welfare. as operation of scattering dust control facilities therefore minimizing the negative impacts on the
and observance of noise level in everyday life, environment.
Polluted Soil and Underground Water when carrying out construction in response to
Purification Project for Hyundai OilBanks the Environmental Act consolidation and to deal Yeosu P2 Project Site Water Pollution
Daesan Plant in advance with the increase in environmental Prevention
Hyundai Engineering took its first step into the civil petitions. In addition to the legal standards, Yeosu P2 Project site of Hyundai Engineering
soil purification EPC field by winning the soil Hyundai Engineering identifies the local has been discharging water with lowered pH
pollution and underground water purification residents demands by holding meetings with level since the installation of devices to control
project ordered by Hyundai Oilbank, due largely them before commencing construction and the water pH level.

PVTEX Site in Vietnam

HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 76

Eco-friendly Technology

Generation of Electricity by Reduction of Dust Scattering by
Using Waste Heat Green Pavement System Technology
for Eco-Friendly Track

more than %

Cutting-edge Eco-Friendly Technology applied to some 40 projects. In particular,

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) the Add-on CCPP project increases power
Hyundai Engineering applies the HRSG output by about 50% in the existing power
method that drives steam turbines with steam plant without the additional injection of fuel
produced by using the remaining heat in by additionally installing HRSG and steam
the gas discharged from gas turbines in the turbines in a currently operated gas turbine
construction of steam power plant. Through power plant.
HRSG application, Hyundai Engineering
maximizes energy use efficiency by using Membrane-Coupled Bio Gas Technology
waste heat. The water recycling technology is a series of
The Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP), water treatment processes of drawing high-
Gas Turbine (GT) Cogeneration, and Add-on purity everyday life water and industrial water
CCPP projects have used the HRSG method. by removing the solid matters and dissolved
In fact, HRSG has been applied or is being materials of sewage or wastewater.

L-II Combined Cycle Power Plant with HRSG in Jebel Ali, UAE
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 77

Hyundai Engineering has acquired

environmental new technology certification
by developing membrane-coupled bio gas
technology, which treats wastewater to
discharged water quality level in the residential
area while producing bio gas using wastewater
coming out of leftover food, together with
Hyundai E&C and Environmental Corporation
of Incheon.

Photovoltaic Module Cooling System

Without Power
Hyundai Engineering has developed a no-
power, air-cooling mode for photovoltaic
module cooling technology, which addresses
the drawbacks of the existing water-cooling
technology and improves power generation
efficiency by up to 15% (temperature: 10%,
deterioration: 5%). The developed system has Membrane-coupled Bio Gas Production System
neither restriction in use area nor cooling water
leak because it does not use water. Moreover,
there is no reduction of incremental portion
of efficiency due to facilities maintenance
expense, since the system does not need
power and it applies a heat pipe principle.
In addition, the system can minimize failures
during the life cycle of the system (more than
20 years) because there is no part operated
by power in its purely mechanical structure.

Acquisition of Green Technology Certification Green Pavement System 2010 to activate private sector investment and develop green technology. Firms
Technology for Eco-Friendly Track acquiring green technology certification receive benefits such as preferential
Hyundai Engineering acquired green technology certification for its pavement treatment in government goods procurement qualification screening, additional
system technology for eco-friendly track at the end of 2011. points in bids, prepayment increase, preferential screening of patent application,
The technology involves installing green space in the central part of the and preferential handling in terms of participation in national R&D projects.
track with which the wheels on both sides of the bimodal tram do not come As a kind of new transport system, the bimodal tram system consists of green
into contact. The technology is a cutting-edge eco-friendly technology with pavement track, bimodal tram car, operation & management system, and stations.
outstanding environmental improvement effect including more than 5% reduction Hyundai Engineering currently has 7 related intellectual property rights in Korea
of temperature and more than 10% of scattering dust reduction compared to and abroad.
the existing asphalt pavement. The green technology certification verifies that the
government officially acknowledges the technology that minimizes greenhouse
gas emission and pollutants discharge. The certification has been introduced in
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 78

Green Office

Carbon Reduction Campaign of Recycling of IT Devices (in 2011)
Hyundai Engineering

Green HEC 280 units

Making an Eco-Friendly Office Campaign to make it a habit to use mugs and

Hyundai Engineering implements various turn off multi-outlet power switch.
energy saving policies and campaigns to
realize a green office. These efforts will help Recycling of IT Devices upon Their
employees cultivate green awareness and Replacement
make a habit of saving energy, and finally allow Hyundai Engineering recycles worn-out IT
Hyundai Engineering to evolve as a leading devices that cannot be repaired through IT
company in green growth. device recycling companies. In addition,
Hyundai Engineering donates worn-out PCs
Green HEC (Hyundai Engineering that can still be used to people who are
Company) Campaign alienated from information and communication
Hyundai Engineerings Junior Committee services.
(JC) wages a Green HEC campaign and
endeavors to instill eco-friendliness awareness IT Equipment Recycling Status
among employees through various activities. (Unit)

Green HEC is a new motto selected by the Year Donation Recycling Total
21st-term JC to lead the initiative in reducing 2009 100 200 300
carbon emissions in everyday life by saving 2010 - 200 200
energy and efficiently using it as members of a 2011 - 280 280
company that puts green energy into practice.
In 2011, the 21st JC started the Green HEC

Green Office Activity

Activity Details
Free and simple business dress code in summer season for energy saving
More relax and casual business dress code without tie and suit jacket
Video Video conference with overseas business sites
Conference Active communication and reduction of GHG emissions caused by business trips
Commuter Operation of commuter buses
Bus Operation Provision of convenience to employees and decrease of vehicle use
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 79

Green Management
Direct GHG Emissions at Sites (in 2011) Number of Environmental Law Violations at
Home and Abroad (in 2011)

18,376.2 tCO2eq None

Status of Green Management situation. The data collected from each site
Scope of Data Gathering and business division are converted for the
Hyundai Engineering has collected purpose of comparison with annual sales
environmental data related to the main EPC revenue when necessary.
projects that it has implemented. Engineering
projects are mostly implemented over Use of Raw Materials and Energy
several years, and there are differences in Major raw materials used by Hyundai
construction modes depending on the local Engineering are ready-mixed concretes,

Collected Data by Business Division

Classification Country Year

TONE Turkmenistan 2010~2011
PVTEX Vietnam 2009~2011
Process Plant*
MGP Oman
Yeosu P2 MMA**
Ochang Thin-film Solar Cell Plant
SIPCO 2009~2010
Power & Energy TEPS 2009~2011
Plant*** UCH-II Pakistan
Infrastructure & MOHC Equatorial Guinea
Environment ENAS-2
Ulsan Gangdong Sanha District Korea
* In the case of ARZEW and MONE sites, data are not available because the consortium partner is in charge of local
construction progress and data control.
** Electricity and water at the Yeosu P2 MMA site cannot be measured because the project client supplies electricity and water.
*** In the case of AMBATOBY, MBTL, and NPTL sites, data are not available because the consortium partner is in charge of
local construction progress and data control.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 80

aggregates and moulds. To minimize site, through which wastewater is discharged

environmental destruction in accordance with after pH is adjusted.
the development of replacement moulds and
recycled aggregates, Hyundai Engineering is Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
steadily increasing the use of replacement raw The sources of GHG emissions of Hyundai
materials. Engineering are divided into direct fuel consumption
Gasoline and diesel are used as main energy to operate construction sites equipment and
sources and electricity is used as indirect generators and indirect fuel consumption by
energy at the construction sites. As for head receiving power generated from power plants
office buildings, electric energy use ratio is using fossil fuels. Hyundai Engineering continuously
higher than other energy sources. Therefore, focuses on reducing GHG emissions in the
Hyundai Engineering consistently carries out operation stage through applying GHG emissions
electric energy saving campaigns. reduction technology.

Water Use and Wastewater Discharge Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions

The construction sites of Hyundai Engineering Hyundai Engineering does not discharge
use water at the construction stage and the ozone layer destroying materials including
test & commissioning of completed process CFC and HCFC due to the characteristics of
plants and power plants. The wastewater the engineering industry. As for atmospheric
is legally treated according to standards. pollutants, Hyundai Engineering does not
In particular, devices to reduce pH upon wield significant impacts on the atmospheric
discharged water were installed at Yeosu P2 environment, although a minimal amount of

Collected Environmental Data by Business Division

Classification Unit 2010 2011 2011

Steel bar Ton 4,673 13,956
Ready-mixed concrete 38,491 119,282
Cement Ton 29,692 62,331
Sand 20,054 47,311

Raw Material Aggregate 55,847 150,219
Ascon - 10,029
Wood 3,862 65,699
Concrete 26,377 11,738
Others (mould) 16,575 49,768
Gasoline 1,800,009 25,848,732
Diesel 19,406,904 233,550,220
Energy Kerosene MJ - 4,489,600
LPG 417,746 7,393,570
Electricity 82,609,200 11,801,517,336
Surface water - wetland, river,
105,123 20,709
lake, sea
Water supply 11,998 45,954
Water Ton
Underground water 3,000 4,766,793
Directly collected rainwater 236 158
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 81

Nox is discharged in the test & commissioning Transport of Products and Raw Materials Environmental Investment Expenses
process. At Hyundai Engineering, there was no Environmental investment expenses include
discharge of harmful materials that seriously environmental management costs for
Waste Discharge affect the environment in relation to the waste processing and cleaning as well as
Hyundai Engineering strives to control waste transport of manpower and raw materials. corrective expense and penalties according to
volume by establishing a waste recycling Furthermore, there was no civil petition on environmental pollutants and harmful materials
policy overseas as well according to the waste noise related to transport during the reporting discharge or leak. Concerning the projects
processing policy implemented in Korea. period. Meanwhile, there were 18 cases of implemented by Hyundai Engineering, there
During the sustainability report period, the transport accidents during the reporting period are neither overseas leaks pursuant to the
wastes defined in I, II, III, and VIII of the Annex at the process plant division. To prevent such Basel Convention nor violation of domestic
to the Basel Convention were not generated; accident from recurring, Hyundai Engineering and international laws and regulations.
neither was there significant hazardous is focusing on further enhancing HSE Therefore, the environmental investment
materials discharge. management. expenses were entirely used for environmental
Environmental Data
Transportation Status of Process Plant Division Environmental Investments at Sites in 2011
In 2011, overall resources consumption,
(KRW in billions)
waste discharge and GHG emissions sharply
increased compared to the previous year Classification 2009 2010 2011 Environmental
mainly due to the expansion of project volume. Total 28,347Ton 97,112Ton 129,763Ton
transportation /131 cases /526 cases /156 cases Power &
TEPS, Thailand 1.99
Energy Plant
Accidents in
- 3 cases 15 cases
transportation PVTEX, Vietnam 0.09
UONE, UAE 0.19

Process Plant P2, MMA, Korea 0.96

Ochang Thin-film
Solar Cell Plant, 0.11
Classification Unit 2010 2011
Ulsan Gangdong
Outflow Infrastructure
Sanha District, 4.75
& Environment
Scope 1 tCOeq 1,468.8 18,376.2 Korea
Scope 2 4,572.7 616,957.1
Waste water Discharge 3,500 2,886,611
Entrusted treatment 1,855 39,151
Wastes Self-treatment - 138
Recycling 432 37,671
* Although Hyundai Engineering consumed 1,400N of gas for welding at the UAE UONE site, it was not included in the GHG
emissions since calculation was impossible.
* Data gathering scope: Based on the sites, where data gathering is possible (see page 79)
Performances in Social Responsibility Activities

Awarded the 2011 Seoul City Volunteer Service Prize

Hyundai Engineering received the Grand Prize at the 2011 Seoul City Volunteer
Membership to UNGC
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011

Hyundai Engineering became the first Korean engineering company to be a


Awards from Seoul City in October 2011. All executives and employees of member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), an international agreement body,
Hyundai Engineering have been committed to conducting social contribution in June 2011.
activities such as delivery of goods and donations to the disabled and low- UNGC is an international agreement made by former UN Secretary-General Kofi
income families and afterschool classes for underprivileged children and Annan to support corporate social responsibility and promote the fulfillment of
adolescents. Their sincere efforts and activities were highly recognized by Seoul such responsibility. UNGC consists of 10 principles in 4 sectors: human rights,
City, which resulted in receiving the best volunteer service prize. labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
This award has been given by Seoul City and Hankook Ilbo since 1989 to model Hyundai Engineering strives to comply with UNGC throughout management
citizens and organizations who have voluntarily contributed to the development activities and reports the status of compliance with the 10 top principles
of local society. Seoul City selected the prize winners through strict screening by through the sustainability report. The company has secured public confidence
the Voluntary Service Deliberation Committee targeting citizens and organizations for sustainability management activities internally and externally through
recommended by autonomous counties since July. Hyundai Engineering was membership to UNGC. Hyundai Engineering will do its best to establish the
recommended both by the Shinmok General Welfare Center and Yangcheon systematic foundation of CSR activities.
General Welfare Center for Disabled People.

UNGCs 10 Principles

Category Principle GRI Page

1. W
 e support and respect the protection internationally HR1 HR2 HR3 HR4 HR5 26~27, 44~49,
Human Rights proclaimed human rights. HR6 HR7 HR8 HR9 51, 61
2. We make sure that we are not complicit rights abuses. HR1 HR2 HR8 44~47
3. W
 e uphold the freedom of association and to
HR5 LA4 LA5 61
collective bargaining.
4. We eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor. HR7 51
5. We effectively abolish child labor. HR6 51
6. We eliminate discrimination in respect
HR4 LA2 LA10 LA13 LA14 22~23, 51, 53
employment and occupation.
7. We support a precautionary approach to
4.11 24~25
environmental challenges.
EN2 EN5 EN6 EN7 EN10
8. We undertake initiatives to promote greater
Environment EN13 EN14 EN18 EN21 72~81
environmental responsibility.
EN22 EN26 EN27 EN30
9. We encourage the development and EN2 EN5 EN6 EN7 EN10
diffusion environmentally friendly technologies. EN18 EN26 EN27
10. We work against corruption in all its forms,
Anti-corruption SO2 SO3 SO4 26~27, 47
including extortion and bribery.
Innovative Leadership20 20 Customer
32 32Win-win
42 42 Great
Place 48 48 Co-prosperity
Place Co-prosperity6464 Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 83

Contained in the Performance Casebook of Awarded Employees of Merit for the Four-River
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Restoration Project
UNGC Korea Network has published the casebook containing each companys With regard to government-led Four-River Restoration Project, employees of
performances of MDGs since 2011. MDGs are goals that all mankind have hyundai Engineering were awarded a prize by the Busan Regional Construction
agreed to achieve by the year 2012 in order to eradicate extreme poverty and Management Administration in November 2011.
hunger and secure sustainable development in the international community. Employees of the Infrastructure & Environmental Division actively participated in
The casebook contains global social contribution activities of 22 Korean com- the Nakdong River Restoration Project (Zones 21 and 26) and newly devised
panies including hyundai Motor Company and it was promoted at Rio +20 UN the Riverbed Cleaning Work (Dredging Work) design book. Their efforts and
Conference on Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability Forum. It performances laid the foundation for working designs of the Four-River Restora-
also contains hyundai Engineerings voluntary supports for the improvement of tion Project, and they were recognized for the contribution to the restoration of
living environment and education services at its overseas business sites. Nakdong River.
hyundai Engineering is striving to preserve the beautiful national territory by ac-
tively engaging in making ecological rivers through the design and environmental
impact evaluation of the Four-River Restoration Project.
Nothing is more important than a passion to make the future dream into a reality.
With great passion for the future, Hyundai Engineering will continue to advance
toward the world and stand tall.

Awards and Economic
Memberships Performances
in Associations 86p

Third-party 95p

GRI G3.1 Glossary

Guidelines & 94p
ISO 26000 Index
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 86

Summarized Economic Performances

Summarized Financial Position

(Unit: KRW, Consolidated)

Classification 2010 2011

Current assets 1,036,441,924,884 1,157,364,414,577

Non-current assets 106,670,920,509 174,972,496,463

Total assets 1,143,112,845,393 1,332,336,911,040

Current liabilities 740,316,621,791 795,318,606,066

Non-current liabilities 24,948,411,048 10,215,330,507

Total liabilities 765,265,032,839 805,533,936,573

Capital stock 20,215,000,000 20,215,000,000

Other paid-in capital 2,227,597,908 2,227,597,908

Other equities 1,071,436,571 1,155,317,169

Retained earnings 354,236,861,856 503,108,082,819

Non-controlling interest 96,916,219 96,976,571

Total equity 377,847,812,554 526,802,974,467

Total liabilities and equity 1,143,112,845,393 1,332,336,911,040

Summarized Income Statements

(Unit: KRW, Consolidated)

Classification 2010 2011

Sales 1,237,177,835,897 1,662,886,050,958

Cost of sales 991,394,325,903 1,409,942,516,688

Gross income 245,783,509,994 252,943,534,270

Selling and administrative expenses 59,395,212,342 59,977,592,450

Other operating income 33,520,333,301 52,030,665,337

Other operating expenses 60,738,146,073 52,536,098,703

Operating income 159,170,484,880 192,460,508,454

Gain (loss) on equity method investment (431,816,332) -

Finance income 14,416,058,937 15,015,082,585

Finance costs 6,848,603,139 2,886,217,623

Net income before income tax 166,306,124,346 204,589,373,416

Income tax expenses 35,012,224,268 46,368,569,197

Net income 131,293,900,078 158,220,804,219

Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 87

Awards and Memberships in Associations


Category Awards Date Institution

1 Grand Prize at 2011 Seoul Volunteer Service Award (Group Sector) 2011.10.28 Government

Public Design Support

2 Grand Prix at 2010/2011 International Public Design Award (Traffic Safety Sector) 2011.10.25
3 Employment & Labor Minister Prize at 2010 Korea Communication Award 2010.12.09 Corporate Magazine Association

Korea International Trade

4 USD 500 Million Export Tower at 47th Trade Day 2010.11.30
Korea Standards Association
5 No.1 in Korean Sustainability Index (Engineering Sector) 2010.11.16 KDI School of Public Policy &
6 Platinum Pipe Awards at Intergraph 2010 User Conference 2010.09.04 Intergraph

Achievement Plaque for the completion of Dung Quat polypropylene production

7 2010.08.25 Vietnam Government
facilities, Vietnamese first petrochemical plant
8 Tin Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit at 44th Taxpayers Day 2010.03.03 Government

Association Membership

Korea Atomic Industrial Forum Korea Project Management Association Korea River Association

Environmental Affairs Evaluation Conference Korea Water & Wastewater Association The Korea Railway Association

Korea Disaster Prevention Association Korea Desalination Association Korea International Trade Association

Korea Association of Surveying & Mapping Korea Facilities Maintenance Association Korea Fire Safety Association

Korea International Communication

Korea Fire Facility Association Construction Association of Korea
Contractors Association

Korea Construction Consulting

Korea Electrical Construction Association Korea Engineering & Consulting Association
Engineers Association

International Construction Association of Korea Korea Radioactive Waste Society Korea Wind Energy Industry Conference

Korea Industrial Technology Association Korean Foundation for Quality Seoul Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Korea Association of Traffic Impact Assessment Korea Gas Union The Federation of Korean Industries

Korea Electric Engineers Association Korea Construction Engineers Association

HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 88

Third-party Assurance Statement

Det Norske Veritas Certification Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as DNV) has been commissioned to carry out assurance engagement on Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as Hyundai Engineering) 2010, 2011 Sustainability Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report). This engagement focused on the information
provided in the Report and the underlying management and reporting processes.
This Assurance Statement is intended for the readers of the Hyundai Engineerings Sustainability Report. Hyundai Engineering is responsible for the collection, analysis,
aggregation and presentation of all information within the Report. DNVs responsibility regarding this Assurance engagement is to the management of Hyundai Engineering
only, in accordance with terms of reference and scope of work agreed. DNV disclaims any liability or responsibility to a third-party for any decisions, whether investment or
otherwise, based upon this Assurance Statement.

This Assurance Engagement covered data from calendar year 2010~2011. The scope of DNVs Assurance Engagement, as agreed with Hyundai Engineering
included the verification of:
Sustainability policy, goals, initiatives, practices and performance for calendar year 2010~2011, as described in the Report. These were verified at company level.
Health & Safety, Social and Environmental data management systems, and associated processes and tools for collecting, analysing, aggregating and reporting
quantitative and qualitative information provided in the Report.
Processes for defining the boundaries, focus and content of the Report. (Limited to Head office and project sites)
Review of the extent to which the principles and requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting (GRI G3.1) and
Construction and Real Estate Sector Supplement are reflected in the Report.
The extent to which the principles of Materiality, Inclusivity and Responsiveness are adopted, and the reliability of the information within the Report for calendar year
2010~2011 was verified to a moderate level assurance.

Hyundai Engineerings reporting boundaries include all operations over which HYUNDAI ENGINEERINGs management exercises significant control.

The engagement excluded the sustainability management, performance and reporting practices of HYUNDAI ENGINEERING suppliers, contractors and any third-
parties mentioned in the Report. DNV did not interview external stakeholders as part of this Assurance Engagement. Economic performances including financial data
were cross-checked at head-office with internal documents and the financial statements audited by another 3rd party. The assurance statement on the financial
statements issued by another 3rd Party is also provided in the Report.


DNV provides sustainability risk management services through specialists worldwide. This engagement was undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of suitably qualified
and experienced sustainability professionals. DNV was not involved in the preparation of any information presented in the Report. DNV did not provide any services to
HYUNDAI ENGINEERING in2010~2012 that could compromise the independence or impartiality of our work.

This Assurance Engagement was carried out from June 2012, and in accordance with the DNV Protocol for Verification of Sustainability Reporting.
In reaching our conclusion, we have undertaken the following work;
Visited Hyundai Engineerings Head office in Seoul of Korea;
Examined relevant documents, data and other information requested by DNV and made available by Hyundai Engineering
Reviewed the mechanisms implemented by Hyundai Engineering to promote and oversee its sustainability-related policies as described in the Report;
Reviewed a selection of internal communication and external media reports relating to Hyundai Engineerings sustainability management approach, performance
and adherence to its policies;
Analysed sustainability data management systems, assessing specific data and information reported: The assessment of reliability of data and information was
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 89

based on explicit assertions regarding sustainability performance on material issues and included a review of their completeness and accuracy. It included a
review of the methods, practices and tools used in the collection, aggregation, analysis, internal quality control and reporting of the data and information. DNVs
assessment also included; high-level trend analysis; the identification and significant changes in performance from the previous reporting; a review of data
traceability; and record checks at different stages in the data flows.

In DNVs opinion, and based on the scope of this Assurance Engagement, the Report provides a reliable and fair representation of Hyundai Engineering s sustainability
strategy, policy, practices and performance in 2010, 2011.

Regarding the level of adherence to reporting principles, we conclude the following:

Inclusivity and Responsiveness: HYUNDAI ENGINEERING has engaged with a wide range of stakeholders regarding sustainability issues via survey. 6 main
stakeholder groups (employees, customers, partners, community, shareholders/investors, government/media/association) are identified with the reason of being
selected and the communication processes for respective groups in the Report. Stakeholders views, interests and expectations sought from the survey are
considered in the preparation of the Report and in the formulation of HYUNDAI ENGINEERING sustainability management approach. The Report provides insight into
the organizations relationships with its key stakeholders and how and to what extent the organization understands, takes into account and responds to their needs.

Materiality: The Report generally provides an account of performance on the issues that are most significant to HYUNDAI ENGINEERINGs activities and which are most
relevant to its stakeholders. The material issues were identified and prioritised based upon the stakeholders opinion sought by survey. However HYUNDAI ENGINEERING
needs to make full use of identified engagement measures with the stakeholders in order to reflect their concerns and expectations into the sustainable management.

Reliability: No material errors have been detected for data and information verified. Information in the Report is presented so as to allow comparison of year-on-year

Completeness: Within the reporting boundary and scope defined by HYUNDAI ENGINEERING, we conclude that the Report does not omit information that would
significantly influence stakeholders decisions. More efforts to improve reporting on the performance from overseas project need to be made.

Neutrality: In general the Report provides a fair and balanced representation of HYUNDAI ENGINEERINGs approach and performance in 2010~2011.


The following is an excerpt from the observations and opportunities reported to HYUNDAI ENGINEERING management. However, these do not affect our conclusions
on the Report and are provided to encourage continual improvement.
To establish key processes for issuing the sustainability report, and documented procedures specifying R&R for KPI of sustainability.
To establish data management system linked with Intranet and/or ERP system for the Report to ensure its accuracy and reliability.
To actively reflect stakeholders opinions collected from the engagement activities as defined in the report
To actively collect and reflect outside stakeholders opinions with the regularly meeting or forum.
To expand sustainability management to subcontractors.
To consider developing consistent data collection process from overseas project.

Young Keun Kim

Lead Verifier

Seoul, Korea In Kyoon Ahn

29 June 2012 Country Manager
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 90

GRI G3.1 Guideline & ISO 26000 Index

Reported artially Reported Not Reported N/A Not Applicable
Indicator Description ISO 26000 Page Status Remarks
Strategy and Analysis
1.1 Statement from most senior decision-maker in organization 6.2 6-7
1.2 Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities 6.2 15, 24-25
Organizational Profile
2.1 Name of organization 6.2 8-9
2.2 Primary brands, products, and/or services 12-4
2.3 Operational structure 9
2.4 Location of organizations headquarters About this Report
2.5 Location of overseas branch offices and sites 8-9
2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form 23
2.7 Markets served 12-13
2.8 Scale of the reporting organization 8-9
2.9 Significant changes during reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership 2-3, 23
2.1 0 Awards received in reporting period 87
Report Parameters
3.1 Reporting period About this Report
3.2 Date of most recent previous report (if any) About this Report
3.3 Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.) About this Report
3.4 Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents About this Report
3.5 Process for defining report content 16-17
3.6 Boundaries of report About this Report
3.7 State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of report About this Report
3.8 Basis for reporting on comparability from period to period and/or between organizations - N/A
Data measurement techniques and bases of calculations for data, including
3.9 - N/A
performance index
Explanation of the effects of & reasons for any re-statements of information
3.10 provided in earlier reports
- N/A
3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods applied in the report - N/A
3.12 Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report 90-93
3.13 Policy and current practices with regard to seeking external assurances for the report 7.5.3 88-89
Governance, Commitments, and Engagement
4.1 Governance of organization 6.2 22-23
4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer 22-23
Number of members of highest governance body that are independent and/or non-
4.3 executive members
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or directions
4.4 to highest governance body
22-23, 61-63
Compensation for members of highest governance body, senior managers, and
4.5 executives
Processes in place for highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are
4.6 avoided
Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest
4.7 governance body
4.8 Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles 10
Procedures of highest governance body for management of economic,
4.9 environmental, and social performances
4.10 Processes for evaluating highest governance bodys own performance 22-23
Whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the
4.11 organization
Externally developed economic, environmental, and social charters, principles, or other
4.12 initiatives
4.13 Membership in associations and/or national/international advocacy organizations 87
4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization 15
4.15 Bases for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage 15
Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type
4.16 and stakeholder group
4.17 Key topics and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement, and responses to them 15-17
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 91

Indicator Description ISO 26000 Page Status Remarks

Economic Disclosure on Management Approach 21
EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 6.8,, 6.8.9 28-29
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for organizations activities due to
EC2 6.5.5 25, 38-41, 72-81
climate change
EC3 Coverage of organizations defined benefit plan obligations 55
EC4 Significant financial assistance received from governments - N/A
Range of ratios of standard entry-level wages compared to local minimum wage at
EC5 6.4.4, 6.8 51
significant locations of operation
Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant
EC6 6.6.6,, 6.8.7 42-47
locations of operation
Process of hiring local workers preferably and percentages of locally-hired high-ranking
EC7 6.8, 6.8, 56.8.7 51, 55-56
Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for 6.3.9, 6.8, 6.8.3, 6.8.4,
EC8 29, 71
public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement 6.8.5, 6.8.6, 6.8.7, 6.8.9
6.3.9, 6.6.6, 6.6.7, 6.7.8,
EC9 Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts 29
6.8, 6.8.5, 6.8.6, 6.8.7, 6.8.9
Environmental Disclosure on Management Approach 65, 72-73
EN1 Materials used by weight or volume 6.5, 6.5.4 72-81
EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials 72-81

EN3 Direct energy consumption by primary energy source 72-81

EN4 Indirect energy consumption by primary source 72-81
EN5 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements 72-81

Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services,

EN6 and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiatives or services more 72-81
widely used
EN7 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved 72-81

EN8 Total water withdrawal by source 72-81

EN9 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water - N/A
EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused 72-81
Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to protected areas and
EN11 6.5, 6.5.6 - N/A
areas of high biodiversity managed by us
Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity
EN12 - N/A
biological diversity
EN13 Habitats protected or restored - N/A
EN14 Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity 73
Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in
EN15 areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk and the government and living in 73
the areas affected by our business activities
EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight 6.5, 6.5.5 72-81
EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight 72-81
EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved 72-81

EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight 6.5, 6.5.3 - N/A

EN20 NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type and weight - N/A
EN21 Total water discharge by quality and destination 72-81

EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method 72-81

EN23 Total number and volume of significant spills - N/A
Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated wastes deemed hazardous under
EN24 - N/A
the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII Annex of Basel Convention
Name of water bodies significantly affected by the reporting organizations discharges of
EN25 water and runoff protection states, protection levels and biological diversity value of related 6.5, 6.5.4, 6.5.6 - N/A
Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of
EN26 6.5, 6.5.4, 6.6.6, 6.7.5 72-81
impact mitigation
EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category 6.5, 6.5.4, 6.7.5 - N/A
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for
EN28 6.5 72-81
noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations
Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials
EN29 6.5, 6.5.4, 6.6.6 72-81
used for the organizations operations and transporting members of the workforce
EN30 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type 6.5 72-81
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 92

GRI G3.1 Guideline & ISO 26000 Index

Reported artially Reported Not Reported N/A Not Applicable
Indicator Description ISO 26000 Page Status Remarks
Labor Disclosure on Management Approach 6.2, 6.4, 6.3.10 49
LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region 6.4, 6.4.3 51

LA2 Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender, and region 51

Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-
LA3 time employees
6.4, 6.4.3, 6.4.4 52-61

6.4, 6.4.3, 6.4.4

LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 61
6.4.5, 6.3.10
LA5 Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes 6.4, 6.4.3, 6.4.4, 6.4.5 61

Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health

LA6 and safety committees
6.4, 6.4.6 58-61
Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of
LA7 work-related fatalities
Education, training, prevention, and risk-control programs to assist workforce
6.4, 6.4.6, 6.8, 6.8.3
LA8 members, their families, or community members family members and local residents 58-60, 67-70
deal with serious diseases 6.8.4, 6.8.8
LA9 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with labor unions 6.4, 6.4.6 61
LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee 6.4, 6.4.7 53
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning for continued employability and
LA11 managing career endings
6.4, 6.4.7, 6.8.5 53
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development
LA12 reviews
6.4, 6.4.7 53

Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category by 6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4,
LA13 indicators of diversity
6.3.7, 6.3.10, 6.4,
LA14 Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category 51
6.4.3, 6.4.4
LA15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave 57

Human Rights Disclosure on Management Approach 6.2, 6.3 43, 49

Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements that include human
HR1 rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening
6.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.5, 6.6.6 44-47

Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening on 6.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.5,
HR2 human rights
6.4.3, 6.6.6
Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects
HR3 of human rights that are relevant to operations, including percentage of employees 6.3, 6.3.5 27
6.3, 6.3.6, 6.3.7,
HR4 Total number of incidents of discrimination, and actions taken 51
6.3.10, 6.4.3
6.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.4,
Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and
HR5 collective bargaining may be at significant risk
6.3.5, 6.3.8, 6.3.10, 61
6.4.3, 6.4.5
Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and 6.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.4,
HR6 measures taken
6.3.5, 6.3.7, 6.3.10
Operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced labor, and 6.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.4,
HR7 measures taken
6.3.5, 6.3.7, 6.3.10
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organizations policies or procedures
HR8 concerning human rights relevant to operations
6.3, 6.3.5, 6.4.3, 6.6.6 - N/A

Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples, and 6.3, 6.3.6, 6.3.7,
HR9 actions taken
6.3.8, 6.6.7
Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights
HR10 reviews and/or impact assessments
Number of complaints related human rights that are filed, dealt with, and resolved
HR11 through the official complaint registration channel
26-27, 44-47
Your Partner, Hyundai Engineering 93

Indicator Description ISO 26000 Page Status Remarks

Society Disclosure on Management Approach 6.2, 6.6, 6.8 65
Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact 6.3.9, 6.8, 6.8.5,
SO1 assessments, and development programs
6.8.7, 6.6.7
SO2 Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption 6.6, 6.6.3 26-27
Percentage of employees trained in organizations anti-corruption policies and
SO3 procedures
27, 47

SO4 Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption - N/A

SO5 Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying 6.6, 6.6.4 - N/A
Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and
SO6 related institutions, by country
6.8.3 - N/A
Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior and monopoly practices,
SO7 and outcomes
6.6, 6.6.5, 6.6.7 46-47
Monetary value of significant fines, and total number of non-monetary sanctions for
SO8 non-compliance with laws and regulations
6.6, 6.6.7, 6.8.7 46-47

6.3.9, 6.8, 6.8.5,

SO9 Operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communities 66-81
6.8.7, 6.6.7
Prevention and mitigation measures implemented in operations with significant 6.3.9, 6.8, 6.8.5,
SO10 potential or actual negative impacts on local communities
6.8.7, 6.6.7
Product Responsibility Disclosure on Management Approach 6.2, 6.6, 6.7 33
Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are
PR1 assessed, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such 6.3.9, 6.6.6, 6.7, 6.7.4 - N/A
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
PR2 concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, 6.7.5 58-60
by type of outcomes
Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of
PR3 products and services subject to such information requirements
6.7, 6.7.3, 6.7.4, 6.7.5 - N/A
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
PR4 concerning product and service information and labeling
6.7.6, 6.7.9 34-39

Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring 6.7, 6.7.4, 6.7.5, 6.7.6,
PR5 customer satisfaction
6.7.8, 6.7.9
Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing
PR6 communications
6.7, 6.7.3, 6.7.6, 6.7.9 34-39
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
PR7 concerning marketing communications
Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy
PR8 and losses of customer data
6.7, 6.7.7 34-39

Monetary value of significant fines for noncompliance with laws and regulations 28-29, 34-39,
PR9 concerning provision of products and services
6.7, 6.7.6
Construction and Real Estate Sector Supplement (CRESS)
CRE1 Building energy intensity 28, 51, 80-81

CRE2 Building water intensity 28, 51, 80-81

CRE3 Greenhouse gas intensity from buildings 28, 51, 80-81

Greenhouse gas emissions intensity from new construction and redevelopment

CRE4 activity
28, 51, 80-81

Land and other assets remediated and in need of remediation for the existing or
CRE5 intended land use according to applicable legal designations

Percentage of the organization operating in verified compliance with an internationally

CRE6 recognized health and safety management system
Number of persons voluntarily and involuntarily displaced and/or resettled by
CRE7 development, broken down by project
Type and number of sustainability certification, rating and labelling schemes for new
CRE8 construction, management, occupation, and redevelopment

 yundai Engineerings sustainability report meets all requirements of Level A+ at the level of reporting indicators in the GRI G3.1 guidelines.
Also, a third-party verifier and the application level checking of GRI have confirmed that this report is appropriate for A+ in the application levels of the G3.1 guidelines.
HEC Sustainability Report 2010~2011 94


Sustainability Management

A verification standard that enhances the reliability of sustainability reports developed by

AA1000 (Assurance Standard)
AccountAbility, an English non-profit organization related to sustainability management
A comprehensive analysis of major issues deduced through stakeholder communication and internal
Materiality Test issues relevant to sustainability management according to importance priorities of internal/external
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) An organization established by UNEP in 1997 to develop the guideline of Sustainability Report
A voluntary UN affiliated organization which the former secretary of UN, Kofi Annan, used to induce
the world economic leaders to participate. The agreement is consisted of total 10 principles which
UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)
regulates organizational responsibilities on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption
A policy to primarily evaluate the environmental impacts of various development businesses. Includes
Environmental Impact Assessment review, analysis, and evaluation procedures to minimize environmental destruction and maximize the
potential of environmentally healthy and sustainable development

SOx : Sulphur Oxides Sulfur or the sulfuric compounds emitted into the air produced in the process of combustion,
production and treatment
NOx : Nitrogen Oxides Nitrogen Oxides emitted into the air during combustion, production and treatment processes
A type of gas causing greenhouse effect. The 6 greenhouse gases assigned by the WRI/WBCSD
GHG (Greenhouse Gases) are carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs),
Hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs), Sulfur hexa-fluoride(SF6)
A concept including new energy sources like hydrogen, fuel cells, coal liquefaction gas, solar heat,
New renewable Energy
sunlight, bio-energy, wind power, hydropower, geothermy and bio gas

Engineering Business

EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) Turnkey base project encompassing all processes including design, purchase and construction
A byproduct produced in the refining process to treat impurities in metals of minerals, or other metal
working and burning process. Prevents oxidation of the metal surface by floating up to the surface of
molten metal. The produced slag is divided as blast furnace slag and steel slag. It is used as cement
raw materials, concrete, pavement materials, sources of phosphate fertilizer
An Abbreviation of Asphalt Concrete, a mixture of asphalt and aggregates (sand and pebbles) or
pavement filler (mineral filler) heated or mixed at room temperature
HSE An abbreviation of Environment, Safety and Environment
Refers to Environmental Management System, requirements for consistent environmental
ISO 14001
improvements set by International Organization of Standardization(ISO)
A minimum requirement standard to liberally prevent industrial accidents for an organization through
OHSAS 18001
health and safety management system by finding out the risk factors and consistently managing them
Perforated Line

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