Audi Report 2020 - Desktop

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The key takeaways are that Audi published its first combined annual and sustainability report in 2020 to provide more transparency on its financial, environmental and social performance. The report discusses Audi's strategy, operations, products/services, value creation processes and impact on employees and society.

The purpose of the report is to provide transparency on Audi's financial results and performance, as well as explain how it is integrating environmental, social and governance factors into its business strategy and reporting.

The report covers Audi's strategy, operations, products/services, methods of value creation and production, as well as its impact on employees and society. It discusses topics like Audi's vision for electric vehicles, its sustainability initiatives, financial results and corporate culture.

Audi Report 2020 Foreword 2 Audi Report 2020 Foreword 3

The Audi e-tron GT quattro1 is one example of this. As the brand’s

progressive new spearhead, it is our first all-electric model
manufactured in Germany. The e-tron GT1 stands for emotional
electric mobility and sustainability.

Now more than ever, our future success requires that we have a
holistic understanding of sustainability, comprising the economy,
environment and society. That is why we are also integrating the

Photo: AUDI AG
financial perspectives and issues related to ESG – Environment,
Social and Governance – into our reporting and are publishing a
combined annual and sustainability report this year for the first
time. Even following last year’s acquisition of all Audi shares by
Dear Markus Duesmann
Chairman of the Board of Management Volkswagen AG, this approach will allow us to uphold transpar-
and Member of the Board of Manage- ency as well as explain and classify correlations.
Readers, ment for Product Lines of AUDI AG

As a year, 2020 was defined by uncertainty and radical change.

Stand together, but keep your distance – an idea that became last Our employees’ great flexibility and willingness to adapt during
year’s watchword. The coronavirus pandemic significantly these challenging times made a lasting impression on all of us as
impacted day-to-day business in markets throughout the world, the Board of Management team. We are therefore convinced that
presenting great economic as well as emotional challenges. despite – or perhaps due to – the current challenges, we will still
be able to make a substantial difference. This conviction gives us
Thanks to our strong crisis management team, we have managed the energy we need to continue to work strongly on the future of
to navigate stably through the pandemic thus far. Ensuring the Audi in 2021.
protection of everyone at Audi has always been our top priority.
At the same time, we have examined our costs and secured our
liquidity – without compromising on product substance or Sincerely,

Audi 2020 Audi has the potential and is committed to taking a leading role
in shaping the transformation of the automotive industry.
“Vorsprung” is in our DNA. For us, “Vorsprung” means combining
Markus Duesmann

unique technological innovations with a clear mindset: We want

to set an example as a modern, transparent and value-based
company. We want to sustainably shape individual mobility, while

annual and protecting the environment and conserving resources.

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:

19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Content 4 Audi Report 2020 Content 5 Audi Report 2020 Content 6

2. Operations & Integrity 4. Value Creation & Production 5. Employees & Society

How is Audi acting How does Audi How does

profitably and achieve sustainable Audi make a

with integrity?
Page 63
value creation?
Page 212
social impact?
Page 251

A winning quartet –
A win-win-win situation Audi’s path to ASI-certified aluminum: Standing strong during
for humankind, society the electric age Audi leads the way the coronavirus pandemic –
and the environment Page 152 Page 214 the significance
Page 65 of corporate culture
Page 253
Bright & audible –
Financial position for more comfort
Page 81 One goal – one team
The topics of the combined Report 2020 Page 168
Page 266
are based on the materiality analysis Speed date

Photo: Amos Fricke

( page 10). The content is divided into Page 183
worldwide: Engage,
five chapters, each of which answers a Educate, Empower
strategic key question. Page 276

Good chain reaction –

Illustration: Eva Revolver

greater sustainability
together with suppliers

Photo: graupause
About the Report 3. Products & Services Page 222
Page 7
How will Audi
Milestones continue delighting
Page 11 its customers
in the future?
Page 134
1. Strategy
The masterpiece
How is Audi shaping
Page 136
the future?

Photo: graupause
Page 31
Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

Brief portrait
Page 32
Synergies in software Appendix
High-level meeting – how development. Page 288
Audi is shaping the future Creating hard facts for The goal is zero –
Photo: Robert Fischer

Sustainability program
Page 40 software environmental Sustainability key figures
Page 203 management in Consumption and emission figures
Audi production Content Wheel
Page 230 Auditor’s report
GRI content index
Audi Report 2020 About the Report 7 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 8 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 9

(stakeholder relevance). This enabled the company to identify all Furthermore, PDF is a modern format that has been optimized for
Welcome to the Audi Report the topics that are highly relevant for Audi and its stakeholders use on mobile devices and that allows quick keyword searches.
2020, the first combined annual and that have a substantial impact on the environment and soci-
and sustainability report from ety.2 The findings of this materiality analysis provide a structure The Audi Report is part of comprehensive, regular financial and
for this report. sustainability communication. Find more information online
Audi. about these topics at
Topic matrix
We hope you enjoy reading it.
This report combines financial perspectives as well as Environ- The topic matrix featured in the Sustainability Report 2019 serves
ment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in a unique and trans- as the basis for the combined annual and sustainability report and
parent manner and provides comprehensive information about was further developed by incorporating content from corporate
the company. In the process, it addresses aspects generated on and financial reporting. This process resulted in an extension,
the one hand by stakeholders’1 demands and on the other, by the what is known as the Content Wheel see page 315, which Markus Duesmann Dr. Arno Antlitz Dirk Grosse-Loheide
Chairman of the Board of Member of the Board of Member of the Board of
company’s strategic focal points. In terms of time, the report highlights the material topics in five chapters – “Strategy,” Management and Member of Management of AUDI AG Management of AUDI AG
reviews 2020, takes a look at the Audi situation today and consid- “Operations & Integrity,” “Products & Services,” “Value Creation & the Board of Management for Finance and Legal Affairs Procurement and IT
Product Lines of AUDI AG
ers what to expect in the near future from Audi. Production” and “Employees & Society.” In addition, as was the
case with the Sustainability Report 2019, the Content Wheel
Stakeholder management ensures that all those involved constantly have their sights set on
corporate strategies, reporting standards of the Global Reporting
How does Audi know what people expect from the Four Rings? Initiative (GRI) and the United Nations Sustainable Development
The company actively involves its stakeholders in its core issues Goals (SDGs) when it comes to the topic of sustainability. Peter Kössler Dr. Sabine Maassen Hildegard Wortmann
Member of the Board of Member of the Board of Member of the Board of
and wants to know their interests and expectations so that it can Management of AUDI AG Management of AUDI AG Management of AUDI AG
consider them in its business decisions. To this end, Audi uses Standards and auditing Production and Logistics Human Resources and Marketing and Sales
different digital formats and individual one-on-one discussions,
The report was prepared in accordance with the “core” option of
is involved in various initiatives and is a member of numerous
the GRI standards and confirmed by the organization with the
committees ( see page 331). Reporting period Reporting cycle so far
GRI Materiality Disclosures Service. An independent auditing firm Fiscal year 2020 Annual Report yearly;
performed a limited assurance engagement on selected sustain- January 1 to Sustainability Report
The materiality analysis represents one of the most central ele- December 31, 2020 biyearly
ability key figures for 2020 in the overview “Audi Sustainability
ments of stakeholder management. The company has been con-
Key Figures” see page 323. Editorial deadline Reporting cycle beginning
ducting it about every two years since 2012. In 2019, Audi used an
February 24, 2021 March 18, 2021
online survey to ask 3,206 internal and external stakeholders for Combined annual and
The Audi Report is only available to readers online. In this way the
their assessment of relevant sustainability issues of the company Publication sustainability report yearly
Four Rings are making an important contribution to the conser- March 18, 2021
1 Audi regards material stakeholder groups as internal and external groups of individuals that are affected directly
or indirectly by the company’s business activities. The identification of the respective stakeholders is fundamen-
vation of resources, ecologically as well as economically.
tally based on their expertise and their ability to influence Audi. Audi differentiates the stakeholders according
to different groups: Customers, analysts and investors, press and media, business partners of AUDI AG, employ-
ees, neighbors and local residents, politics and associations as well as employees’ organizations, science and The information in the report refers to the Audi Group. If the report refers to individual compa-
sustainability experts as well as non-governmental organizations (NGO) and other groups. The basis for deter- nies, sites or brands only, this is noted accordingly. Unless indicated otherwise, key figures for
2 More detailed information about the methodology behind the materiality analysis performed in 2019 can be
mining and selecting stakeholders is the Stakeholder Engagement Standard AccountAbility 1000 (AA1000SES) employees are as of the end of the respective year. All EUR figures are rounded off, which may
found in the Audi Sustainability Report 2019.
and its associated principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness.
lead to minor deviations when added up.
GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44, 102-45, 102-46, 102-47, 102-48, 102–49 GRI 102-44, 102-46, 102-47
GRI 102–49
Audi Report 2020 About the Report 10

Materiality matrix
Stakeholder relevance: Bar height Impact: high medium low

Operations & Integrity Products & Services

1 Ethical operations 1 Vehicle safety
2 Long-term customer relationships 2 Alternative drive technologies
3 Data protection and data security 3 Transparency of resource conservation and
4 Economic stability life cycle assessment of various types of
5 Corporate governance and compliance drive systems
6 Corporate culture and participation 4 Sustainable combustion engines
5 Sustainable system offer
6 Digital connectivity and services
7 Autonomous driving
8 New mobility concepts





4.0 4.0

3.0 4.0 3.0



Value Creation & Production

2,0 3,0 Employees & Society

1 Circular economy 1 Fair working conditions and modern working


2 Emissions and energy management forms

at the plant 2 Occupational health and safety
3 Sustainability
1,0 standards in 2the
supply 3 Equal
1,0 opportunities, integration and
chain diversity

4 Nature conservation and biodiversity 4 Training and development of employees

5 Innovative capacity and management 5 Promotion of education and science
1,0 6 Corporate
0,0 citizenship at Audi locations




GRI 102-44, 102-46, 102-47






102-29, 102-31, 102-44, 102-46, 102-47, 103-1
3.0 3.0 4.0
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 11 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 12 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 13

2020 was an Mobility goes smart and individual:

Audi at the 2020 CES

extraordinary year
Milestones Audi demonstrates the path to a digital future
at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020.
The exhibits range from production-ready tech-

for the Jan

nologies to futuristic visionary vehicles. With
the Audi Intelligence Experience project, Audi is
providing an outlook on how its customers will
Mar be able to experience and interact with the
For society and the global economy. automobile in the future. One of the technology
project’s applications, self-learning navigation,
It was dominated by the coronavirus pan-
May is already being integrated into the MMI sys-
demic. At the same time, the new Audi tems of current Audi models.
Board of Management team led by CEO
Markus Duesmann focused intensively on
the strategic orientation of the Four Rings
Photo: AUDI AG

Audi provides a glimpse into future mobility at the

and the product portfolio. This is because Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020.
Audi wants to play a leading role in the
Audi e-tron S: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
28.8–27.1 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 transformation of the automotive indus-
try, offer customers highly attractive vehi-
cles and, in the process, protect the envi-
ronment and conserve resources to the
greatest possible extent.


Photo: AUDI AG
FUTURE An overview of key milestones in 2020:
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 14 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 15 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 16

Audi e-tron Charging Service: more convenient Audi and the coronavirus Audi e-tron Sportback2 takes the virtual
charging for Audi customers world by storm
The coronavirus pandemic has a substantial
Audi is making charging even more convenient impact on the global automotive industry. To Audi launches the second model of its e-tron
and increasing price transparency. The Audi protect employees and for reasons associated product line in a first-ever purely virtual format.
e-tron Charging Service has been operating for with demand and the supply chain, Audi par- The Audi e-tron Sportback 2 is a dynamic SUV
Jan a year. In February, it already provides access to Jan tially suspends production worldwide. Short- Jan coupé offering up to 300 kW (407 PS) of power
a public charging infrastructure for electric vehi- time work is also put into effect at the German and a range of up to 452 kilometers (WLTP)
Feb Feb Feb
cles in 24 European countries.1 Customers can sites. In view of the negative financial impact, from a single battery charge. With the two
Mar currently use more than 135,000 charging Mar Audi reacts early on with measures aimed at Mar body variants – SUV and Sportback – and two
points1 from over 400 different international securing liquidity and, at the same time, ensures different performance levels, Audi is appealing
Apr Apr Apr
providers with just one card. In the future, they the stability of core processes. to a broad range of customers with the e-tron
May will be able to charge vehicles at the high-power May May family and continuing to promote its electrifi-
charging terminals of the IONITY network at cation initiative. Next milestone in September:
Jun Jun Jun
new rates using the City or Transit tariff. Here, the Audi e-tron S3 and its Sportback version.4
Jul e-tron customers benefit from heavily dis- Jul Jul
counted Transit rates of 31 euro cents per kilo-
Aug Aug Aug
watt hour used. At the same time, the energy
Sep comes from renewable sources, which is a key Sep Operations are also reduced to a minimum at the
As the first car manufacturer, Audi uses “Virtual Market 4,”
component of sustainable mobility. Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt. one of the biggest virtual reality events in the world,
Oct Oct Oct as the presentation and experience platform for the new
For more details about the Audi e-tron Charging Service and Audi e-tron Sportback.2
Nov Nov Nov

Photo: AUDI AG
rates click here.

Dec Dec Dec

Photo: AUDI AG
Photo: AUDI AG

Audi e-tron 2 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
Charging Service 28.3–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
3 Audi e-tron S: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
28.8–27.1 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
1 Data as of February 1, 2020: At the editorial deadline, the figure had increased to 26 European countries and over 4 Audi e-tron S Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
203,600 charging points. 28.3–26.4 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 17 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 18 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 19

Audi production gradually starts up again Launching of Artemis – fast and agile Markus Duesmann assumes responsibility for
in Europe more divisions
The Audi Group launches the Artemis project,
Audi gradually ramps up production again at its which is tasked with designing competi- In addition to his role as CEO, Markus Duesmann
European sites. In close consultation with tion-beating technologies for the mobility of takes over the position of Board Member for
suppliers and service providers, Audi puts the future. The team consisting of automotive Technical Development5 and Product Lines as
Jan together the necessary measures to comply Jan and technology experts now has, among other Jan well as responsibility for business in China, which
with health and safety rules aimed at protect- things, four years to achieve its goal of putting is the most important single market for the Four
Feb Feb Feb
ing all employees, and arranges a gradual a pioneering electric car capable of driving long Rings. The company already currently delivers
Mar return to daily production at the plants. Mar distances onto the road. Artemis is intended Mar every third car to a Chinese customer.
to serve as a blueprint for the future agile
Apr Apr Apr
development of cars throughout the entire
May May Volkswagen Group. May
Jun Jun Jun

Jul Jul Jul

Audi expands e-commerce offer worldwide
Aug Aug Aug
Audi focuses even more on digital offers for its
Sep Health comes first: plexiglass dividers protect employees Sep customers. For instance, the company and its Sep
working close together in assembly.
dealerships are integrating e-commerce solu-
Oct Oct Oct
tions for purchasing new and used cars in more
Nov Nov and more markets. The online sale of new cars Nov
in stock at dealerships has started in Germany;
Dec Dec Dec
however, virtual consulting and service offers
are also gaining in importance.

Markus Duesmann
will now be responsi-
ble for business in

Photo: AUDI AG
Photo: AUDI AG

China, Technical
Development and the
Audi product lines.5

5 CEO Markus Duesmann was responsible for Technical Development from June 2020 to February 2021. Since
March 1, 2021, Oliver Hoffmann has been Board Member for Technical Development at Audi.
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 20 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 21 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 22

#AudiTogether: 100 years of Occupational Car.Software organization launches as inde- Markets see recovery: historically strongest
Health at Audi pendent unit within the Volkswagen Group August for Audi in China

The coronavirus pandemic once again highlights To achieve efficient and competitive cost struc- In global terms, the automotive industry was
the importance of health for society overall – tures, the Volkswagen Group is successively con- particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pan-
and the topic is a top priority at Audi, too. For solidating all software development activities demic. China, a key market for Audi, is already
Jan 100 years, Audi Occupational Health has offered Jan pertaining to the vehicle in the newly created Jan reporting a marked recovery: With 70,6166
employees help and advice. Never before has Group unit Car.Software organization. As a vehicles delivered to customers, Audi enjoyed
Feb Feb Feb
demand been so high for these services: In addi- strong partner, Audi is incorporating its digital the best-ever August in its over 30-year history
Mar tion to acute and emergency medical care for Mar expertise and enlisting top-level support: In Mar in China.
employees, the Occupational Health team has addition to his Group-wide responsibility for
Apr Apr Apr
been implementing preventive measures to Research and Development, Audi Group CEO
May combat the coronavirus and providing testing May Markus Duesmann takes over as Chairman of the May
options. In collaboration with Occupational Supervisory Board of the Car.Software organi-
Jun Jun Jun
Safety and other departments, new measures zation. The main goals of the Car.Software orga-
Jul were also implemented at all workstations. Jul nization are achieving an operating system for Jul
Examples include social distancing, installation all Volkswagen Group models, a new electronic
Aug Aug Aug
of partition walls and mandatory mask-wearing architecture and an automotive data cloud.
Sep to ensure conformity with coronavirus regula- Sep Sep
Oct Oct Oct

Nov Nov Nov

Dec Dec 131st Annual General Meeting of Audi votes Dec By 2025, Audi wants
to achieve around
on squeeze-out
one-third of sales in
China6 with electri-
On July 31, the Audi Annual General Meeting fied cars. Together
votes on the squeeze-out according to stock with his team,
Giorgio Delucchi,
corporation law. This resolution results in the Head of the China
transfer of all the Audi shares of the remaining and Hong Kong sales
region, wants to
shareholders to Volkswagen AG, which already make Audi the
Protecting the health
Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
“most progressive
of its employees is a holds 99.64 percent of the share capital of
premium brand”
top priority at Audi. AUDI AG. in this market.

6 China including Hong Kong

Audi Report 2020 Milestones 23 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 24 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 25

Successful conclusion of Monitorship Audi Hungaria is the second net carbon- 40 years of quattro drive
neutral7 Audi site
Audi successfully concludes the Monitorship in The quattro drive system is Audi’s technical core
September following a more than three-year Following Audi Brussels, whose production has competence and has developed into one of the
collaboration with the US Monitor Larry D. been carbon-neutral7 since 2018, the second company’s main pillars over the last 40 years.
Thompson. A lawyer, Mr. Thompson and his Audi site has now achieved the goal of net Since 1980, Audi has produced nearly 11 million
Jan team helped the Group fulfill the conditions of Jan carbon neutrality.7 Since the beginning of the Jan cars with quattro drive, while continually
the settlement agreement reached with the year, the site in Győr, Hungary, has used only advancing all-wheel-drive technology through-
Feb Feb Feb
U.S. Department of Justice at the start of 2017 green power, and Europe’s largest photovoltaic out the entire process. The most recent devel-
Mar as a result of the diesel issue. Over the course Mar roof installation went into operation here in Mar opment is the electric quattro with electric
of the Monitorship, Audi revised its structures, October. The Hungarian Audi plant has been torque vectoring. This allows quattro drive to
Apr Apr Apr
processes and systems in many areas, while using a geothermal system since 2012 to cover continue its history of success – including in the
May committing to continuously improving the com- May the majority of its heating requirements. Biogas May era of electric vehicles.
pany and its culture. certificates compensate for the remainder. All
Jun Jun Jun
the production and logistics measures aimed at
Jul Jul reducing the environmental footprint at the Jul
sites are part of the Mission:Zero environmen-
Aug Aug Aug In 2019, circuit and rallycross champion Mattias Ekström climbed
tal program. the “Mousetrap” on the legendary “Streif” downhill ski slope in
Sep Sep Sep Kitzbühel in an Audi e-tron quattro.8
Audi welcomes young apprentices
Oct Oct Oct
In September, 650 apprentices and 38 students
Nov pursuing a dual course of study embark on their Nov Nov
professional careers at Audi at the German sites
Dec Dec Dec
in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. With these pro-
grams, the company offers practice-oriented
qualification in future-oriented fields and is
already training today’s talented young people
Audi Hungaria:
to face tomorrow’s challenges. After successful

Photo: AUDI AG
photovoltaic system
completion, the automotive company guaran- on the roofs of the
two logistics halls.
tees students and apprentices a permanent

Photo: AUDI AG
7 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
at reducing the still remaining CO ₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently
unavoidable CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles,
at least quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects.
Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emis- 8 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4 (NEDC);
sions produced are not taken into account. combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 26 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 27 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 28

Audi starts new brand campaign Rollout of functions on demand in Europe MQ! Innovation Summit

Audi will now bring together its global market- Audi is now offering customers functions on Audi hosts the first digital MQ! Innovation Sum-
ing measures under the slogan “Future is an demand, the option of booking selected func- mit. At the conference, international thought
attitude.” “Vorsprung durch Technik” will tions to meet their specific requirements. This leaders discuss the mobility of the future. The
remain the brand claim, but Audi is redefining opens up completely new possibilities for cus- focal points: sustainability, electric mobility,
Jan the term “Vorsprung” or progress. The com- Jan tomizing their own car. This digital service is Jan smart cities and the ethics of technology. This
pany is now placing the focus on people with currently available for the all-electric e-tron format provides Audi with impetus for future
Feb Feb Feb
their values and needs. Sustainability, digitali- family and for the current A4, A5, A6, A7, Q5, Q7 mobility and prepares it for challenges posed
Mar zation and design continue to be the central Mar and Q8 models. The functions vary depending Mar by the transformation.
issues. Audi pursues the goal of shaping the on vehicle model and market: In the case of the
Apr Apr Apr
future of premium mobility and creating fasci- Audi e-tron9 and e-tron Sportback,2 for example,
May nating experiences for customers. May customers can upgrade the LED headlights to May
matrix LED headlights with automatic high
Jun Jun Jun
beam in the matrix LED package. Booking takes
Jul Jul place online via myAudi. With functions on Jul
demand, Audi is taking another consistent step
Aug Aug Aug
A new direction for the brand for a new automotive era and
toward a seamless digital customer journey. First digital MQ! Innovation Summit 2020: digital exchange with
Sep Audi customers. Sep Sep experts on the mobility of the future.

Oct Oct Oct

Nov Nov Nov

Dec Dec Dec

Together with her

team, Christiane
Zorn, Head of Prod-
uct Marketing, makes
functions on demand
available in numer-

Photo: AUDI AG
ous other markets
besides Germany and
Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
2 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
23.8–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 23.8–20.9 9 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4 (NEDC);
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Milestones 29 Audi Report 2020 Milestones 30

Motorsport is and will remain an established Audi increases budget for electric mobility
part of the Audi strategy through 2025

Audi resolves to enter the Dakar Rally for the With its investment planning for the next five
first time ever in 2022 with a prototype. The years, the company is accelerating the transfor-
vehicle’s drive concept combines an electric mation to becoming a provider of connected
Jan drivetrain with a high-voltage battery, which Jan and sustainable premium mobility: A total
can be charged as needed via an energy con- amount of around EUR 35 billion will ensure
Feb Feb
verter in the form of a highly efficient TFSI that despite the difficult economic environ-
Mar engine. In the future, marathon rally races will Mar ment, upfront expenditures will remain at a
spearhead our Audi works team’s motorsport high level particularly with respect to future
Apr Apr
activities. vehicle projects. Around EUR 17 billion of the
May May investments are allocated to electric mobility,
hybridization and digitalization.
Jun Jun
Jul Jul

Aug Aug

Sep Sep
Oct Oct
Nov Nov Audi is pursuing a product initiative with the clear focus on
electric mobility.
Dec Dec
Audi is taking on one of the biggest challenges there is in
motorsport: Dakar Rally 2022.

Photo: AUDI AG
Photo: AUDI AG

Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 19.6–18.8
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 31 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 32 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 33

2 1

How is Sites in Europe

Audi shaping Brief portrait

the 1 Ingolstadt, Germany
At a quick glance: AUDI AG

Group performance in 2020. With 338,095 (441,608) cars

built in 2020, the headquarters 2 Neckarsulm, Germany
in Ingolstadt is the second larg- AUDI AG, Audi Sport GmbH
The Audi Group, with its brands Audi, Lamborghini and Ducati, est production site in the Audi The Audi Neckarsulm site is the
Group. This plant in the heart site with the most extensive
is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and
of Bavaria is not only a produc- range of products. In 2020,
motorcycles in the premium and supercar segment.
tion facility, but is also home to 157,230 (177,209) cars rolled
the Audi Group head office and off the production lines here.
Audi has been a fully owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group
since November 16, 2020. Until this time, the latter held around
Technical Development. Audi Audi Sport GmbH (formerly

has 43,142 (44,458) employees quattro GmbH) has had its head-
99.64 percent of the share capital of AUDI AG. here, making it the region’s quarters here since 1983. Various
largest employer. Measures measures in place at the site cur-
In 2020, the Audi Group delivered 1,692,773 (1,845,573)1, 2 cars have already been implemented rently prevent around 70 percent
of the Audi brand, 7,430 (8,205) sports cars of the Lamborghini at the Ingolstadt site to pre- of all CO₂ emissions otherwise
vent 70 percent of the CO₂ produced here. The company pro-
brand and 48,042 (53,183) motorcycles of the Ducati brand to
emissions that would other wise duces the fully electric-powered
have been produced. Audi e-tron GT quattro, the R8
? 86,860 (90,640) people were working for the company all over Audi models produced at the
and Audi Sport models at Böllinger
Höfe at the Neckarsulm site.
the world as of December 31, 2020, 59,817 (62,377) of them in site:
Germany. > Q2, Audi models produced at the
SQ2, A3 Sedan, site:
Audi (headquarters: Ingolstadt) is present in more than 100 A3 Sportback, S3 Sedan, > A4 Sedan,
markets worldwide and produced at 18 sites3 in 12 countries S3 Sportback, A5 Cabriolet, S5 Cabriolet,
RS 3 Sportback, A6 Avant, A6 Sedan,
in 2020.
RS 3 Sedan, A4 Avant, S6 Avant, S6 Sedan,
A4 Sedan, S4 Sedan, RS 6 Avant, A7 Sportback,
The current overview of sites for 2021 can be found here.
S4 Avant, RS 4 Avant, S7 Sportback, RS7 Sportback,
A5 Coupé, A5 Sportback, A8, A8 L, S8, S8 L,
S5 Coupé, S5 Sportback, R8 Coupé, R8 Spyder,
1 The figures in brackets represent the respective prior-year figures. RS 5 Coupé, RS 5 Sportback e-tron GT, RS e-tron GT
2 T he figures for fuel/electric power consumption and CO ₂ emissions → see page 312 ff. The allroad, PHEV and
CNG (g-tron) models are not declared specifically.
3 Sites as of December 31, 2020.
GRI 102-45
Audi Report 2020 About the Report 34 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 35 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 36

3 Martorell, Spain 6 Brussels, Belgium 7 Bologna, Italy 8 Bratislava, Slovakia

SEAT, S.A. 3 AUDI BRUSSELS S.A./N.V. Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. VOLKSWAGEN
SEAT S.A. has been producing The Belgian site is a key plant Ducati produces motorcycles SLOVAKIA, a.s.
for Audi in Martorell (Catalo- for electric mobility within the inspired by racing. The compa- This plant, which is located in
nia) since spring 2011. 62,108 Audi Group. Audi has been ny headquarters and its larg- Slovakia’s capital, has manu-
(81,309) Audi models came producing the brand’s first est plant are located in Bolo- factured the Audi Q7 since the
off the production line there electric car, the Audi e-tron, gna. 36,185 (42,759) units end of 2005 and built the
in 2020. here since 2018. 42,188 left the plant, which is located Audi Q8 since 2018 as well.
(43,376) vehicles were manu- in the Borgo Panigale district. In 2020, 103,932 (108,198)
Audi models produced at the factured there in 2020. The vehicles left the plant.
site: 5 Győr, Hungary plant in Brussels is one of the Models produced at the site:
> A1 citycarver, Audi Hungaria Zrt. brand’s two sites that already > Diavel, Audi models produced at the
A1 Sportback, Audi Hungaria is the world’s have net carbon-neutral4 oper- Monster, Hypermotard, site:
RS 3 Sedan largest plant for the production ations. Multistrada, Panigale, > Q7, SQ7, Q8, SQ8, RS Q8
of powertrains. The company has Scrambler, Streetfighter,
also been producing electric Audi models produced at the SuperSport
4 Sant’Agata Bolognese, motors for the Audi e-tron since site:
Italy 2018. In Győr, 155,157 (164,817) > e -tron, e-tron Sportback,
Automobili vehicles came off the production e-tron S, e-tron S Sportback
Site in Russia
Lamborghini S.p.A. line and 1,661,599 (1,968,742)
This Italian brand is a fully engines and electric powertrains
owned subsidiary of AUDI AG. were manufactured in 2020.
9 Kaluga, Russia
Sant’Agata Bolognese is home Furthermore, Audi Hungaria
6 Volkswagen Group RUS
to its headquarters and main joins Brussels as the second net
Audi manufactured a total of
plant. A total of 1,779 (1,787) carbon-neutral Audi site.4
2,477 (2,556) vehicles using
employees work here. In 2020, Read more see page 233
7 the semi-knocked-down proce-
the company produced 7,250 dure5 in Kaluga in 2020. Kits
(8,664) cars. Audi models produced at the
of the preassembled models
are transported in a container
Models produced at the site: > A3 Cabriolet, S3 Cabriolet,
by rail to Kaluga. Assembly is
> Aventador Coupé, TT Coupé, TT Roadster,
carried out by the Volkswagen
Aventador Roadster, TTS Coupé, TTS Roadster,
Group RUS.
Huracán Coupé, TT RS Coupé, TT RS Roadster,
Huracán Spyder, Urus Q3, Q3 Sportback, RS Q3,
Audi models produced at the
RS Q3 Sportback
> Q7, SQ7, Q8, SQ8
4 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed 4 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
at reducing the still remaining CO ₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently unavoid- at reducing the still remaining CO ₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently unavoid-
able CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles, at least able CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles, at least
quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects. Through- quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects. Through- 5 I n the SKD procedure (semi knocked down), cars are completely assembled to start with and then partially
out the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emissions pro- out the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emissions pro- dismantled and transported as kits. Assembly is carried out in accordance with the technical and quality specifi-
duced are not taken into account. duced are not taken into account. cations of AUDI AG.
Audi Report 2020 About the Report 37 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 38 Audi Report 2020 About the Report 39

tradition. In 2020, 469,070

(443,905) cars were manufac-
tured here for the Chinese Sites in the Americas
11 Foshan, China
14 market, making Changchun
FAW-Volkswagen Automotive 13
Company, Ltd. the largest production site.
11 Since late 2013, Audi has op-
10 San José Chiapa,
erated this production site in urthermore, Changchun will
F 16
China as part of a collabora- 15 be the future headquarters of Mexico
tion with Volkswagen and Audi FAW NEV Company Ltd., Audi México
12 First Automotive Works which will be newly estab- S.A. de C.V.
(FAW). In 2020, 121,321 lished. Local production of the Audi opened a plant at San
(126,818) models were manu- first model to be built jointly José Chiapa (Mexico) in 2016.
factured here for the local with FAW on the Premium 5,241 (5,299) employees
market. Platform Electric (PPE) is work here. In 2020, this Audi
scheduled to start by 2024. production site manufactured
Audi models produced at the a total of 124,298 (156,995)
site: Audi models produced at the vehicles.
> Q2 L, Q2 L e-tron, site:
A3 Sedan, > A4 L Sedan, Audi models produced at the
A3 Sportback A6 L Sedan, Q5 L, e-tron site:
> Q5, SQ5
13 Tianjin, China
FAW-Volkswagen Automotive
12 Amphur Pluakdaeng, 15 Qingdao, China 18 Curitiba / São José dos
Company, Ltd.
Thailand Ducati Motor FAW-Volkswagen 17 Manaus, Brazil Pinhais, Brazil
Sites in Asia Audi has produced the Audi Q3
(Thailand) Co., Ltd. Automotive DUCATI Audi do Brasil Indústria e
in Tianjin since 2019, and the
In 2020, Ducati manufactured Company, Ltd. DAFRA da Amazônia Comércio de Veículos Ltda.
Audi Q3 Sportback was added
Aurangabad, India a total of 7,534 (8,038) Audi models have been rolling Indústria e Comércio de In 2020, 1,361 (2,346) vehi-
10 in 2020. A total of 77,774
ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen motorcycles at its assembly off the production line in the Motocicletas Ltda. cles left the production lines
(44,113) models rolled off the
India Private Limited plant in Rayong Province, port city of Qingdao since Ducati has operated a CKD6 here. The plant in Brazil is the
production lines here in 2020.
Since September 2007, the Thailand. Ducati has been 2020. The first models pro- plant in Manaus, Brazil, since only one at which an ethanol
company has been producing present in the Kingdom of duced at the manufacturing 2012. 1,108 (926) motorcycles version of Audi models was
Audi models produced at the
cars for AUDI AG at the Thailand since 2011. site in 2020 were the A3 were manufactured here in manufactured.
Aurangabad site in the Indian > Q3, Q3 Sportback Sportback and the A3 Sedan, 2020.
state of Maharashtra. 676 Models produced at the site: of which 3,805 vehicles were Audi models produced at the
(2,715) Audi models left the > Diavel, produced. Models produced at the site: site:
plant in 2020. Hypermotard, Monster, 14 Changchun, China > Diavel, > A3 Sedan
Multistrada, Panigale, FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Audi models produced at the Monster, Multistrada,
Audi models produced at the Scrambler, Streetfighter, Company, Ltd. site: Panigale, Scrambler
site: SuperSport Founded in 1988, the site in > A3 Sportback,
> A4 Sedan, A6 Sedan Changchun has a long- standing A3 L Sedan
6 C
KD manufacturing (completely knocked down): This means that parts sets of a vehicle are packaged, shipped
and then assembled on site, in part by adding locally manufactured parts.
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 40 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 41 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 42

meeting –

how Audi
Markus Duesmann
Chairman of the Board of Management
and Member of the Board of Management
for Product Lines of AUDI AG

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

shaping the
We launched a number of
key projects at full throttle over

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

An interview with the Board of Manage-
the past year.
ment about the transformation of the
Four Rings and important strategic
cornerstones for the sustained success
of the company. Now we need to turn
them into results!
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 43 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 44 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 45

A look back at the first almost 365 days: What conclusions How do you intend to bridge the gap with new competitors begin local production of electric vehicles on the Premium Plat-
would you draw after a year on the Board of Management? in relation to the software? form Electric (PPE) in Changchun. China is a central pillar for the
sustained success of Audi in general and a top priority for me. The
Markus Duesmann The past year has shown me one thing above M. D. We definitely need to step up the pace. Digital features strong sales figures there despite the coronavirus pandemic bol-
all: Audi has enormous potential. The flexibility and adaptability and automated driving functions are increasingly becoming a ster our result in 2020. At the same time, we are concentrating not
of people at Audi over the course of the pandemic has genuinely crucial factor in competition. I see enormous potential here. We just on one market, but on three pillars: Europe, USA and China.
impressed me. The coronavirus has not kept us from getting have absolutely taken the right path by pooling the software
things done. We have continued to drive the key topics of the competences of all brands in the Volkswagen Group. The What are you planning for the next 12 months?
future so that we can deliver innovations faster to our custom- Car.Software organization combines the best experts under one
ers. This spirit is the best tool for overcoming the challenges roof so that it can bring digitalization and the future operating M. D. We launched a number of key projects at full throttle
that lie ahead of us. system, among other topics, into vehicles across the Volkswagen last year and have set ourselves ambitious goals. I want to main-
Group. This is an ambitious plan, but it’s also unique in the tain this drive. Now we just need to turn them into results! It is
What do you see as the major challenges for the sector and industry. The Car.Software organization thus enables enormous important that all the cogs fit together and that we exploit the
how can Audi respond? economies of scale and, at the same time, gives us as a brand synergies fully – both at Audi and in the Volkswagen Group. I am
the opportunity to focus on what makes the difference for our absolutely convinced that we will be even more efficient and
M. D. Digitalization, electric mobility and regulation – all the customers: intuitive interaction with the car. faster next year, bring more character and innovations to our
established car manufacturers are currently facing the same chal- cars and actively drive the transformation of the automotive
lenges. There are no major differences here. Rather, what is cru- China is the largest single market for Audi. Where do you see industry forward.
cial is that the sector will not master the transformation by cling- its focal points?
ing to old structures. The focus on software, for example, is a
paradigm shift and must also change the way we develop our M. D. China is key for us, not just as a sales market, but also as
models in the future. Audi is adopting some smart approaches in a technological pacesetter. This market drives many innovations
this respect: We are no longer categorizing our model lines based and is evolving rapidly. We want to use this momentum. We are
on appearance, but instead based on the degree of digitalization, therefore repositioning our business in China and developing
in other words the vehicle electrical system. That alone is a revo- more resources, expertise and decision-making power locally.
Especially when it comes to dig-
At the same time, the synergies that we are now leveraging even Starting in italization and electrification,

more intensively within the Group offer a decisive competitive China’s pace is tremendous. We
edge – for example, in terms of collaboration on the development want to achieve one-third of our
of electric platforms. sales locally with electrified
models as early as 2025. The
new cooperation company is

Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
Audi together with FAW will begin
making an important contribu-
local production of electric vehicles
on the Premium Platform Electric tion to this. Starting in 2024,
(PPE) in Changchun. Audi together with FAW will
Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 19.6–18.8
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 46 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 47 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 48

Ms. Wortmann, what was the greatest challenge for Marketing Even at this stage, customer demand shows that we have the
and Sales in 2020? right offer. We were able to practically double sales of our elec-
tric models in 2020 compared with the previous year. Audi was
We will generate enthusiasm Hildegard Wortmann The coronavirus pandemic was certainly our by far the strongest-selling manufacturer of battery electric
for electric mobility greatest challenge. However, we used the crisis as an opportunity vehicles among the three German premium brands. Further
to blaze new trails: We successfully expanded the digital busi- highly attractive electric models will be introduced onto the
ness in a short period of time. We stayed in contact with our market this year with the Audi e-tron GT quattro,1 the Audi Q4
with emotional experiences partners, customers and fans worldwide the entire time with e-tron and the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron. In addition to the
great flexibility and new ideas. Despite social distancing rules, product, however, we are continuing to focus on the ecosystem
for our customers
we have moved closer together in the process. surrounding the car, for instance with the Audi e-tron Charging
Together we responded quickly to the restrictions and develop-
ments in the markets. Thanks to our strong crisis management, We intend to go on generating enthusiasm for electric mobility
we delivered more than 1.69 million cars to our customers, by creating unique moments and emotional experiences for our
shored up liquidity in the retail trade and reduced inventories. customers.
The fourth quarter of 2020 was even the most successful quarter
in our history, with more than 500,000 deliveries. These chal- What goals are you setting for the next 12 months?
lenging times have shown: We at Audi are a strong team – across
Hildegard Wortmann the world! H. W. We are setting ourselves ambitious goals for 2021 and
Member of the Board of Management
want to keep on growing. As a strong marketing and sales team,
Marketing and Sales How will you bring electric mobility closer to your customers? we’ll be successful at this next stage, too. We will focus our
actions even more closely on our customers.
H. W. Despite the pan-
Roadmap E
demic, we are sticking reso- We’ll also continue to consistently drive the transformation of
lutely to our Roadmap E: We our products and our mobility services forward – with an empha-
plan to introduce more than By 2025 more than sis on electrification, sustainability and digitalization. In terms

30 electrified models onto of sales, online and offline offers will merge increasingly to cre-
the market by 2025, of ate an integrated experience.
which around 20 will be
all-electric. We are thus tak- electrified models With the realignment of the brand and sales strategy, we have
ing the lead in the transition made the Four Rings fit for the future. Not only will we “be”

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

to electric mobility. It’s clear progress, we will also reinterpret it. It is also important to me
to us: The future of mobility that we approach things with courage, passion, perfection and
is electric! fascination. This is how we will go on shaping the premium
fully electric mobility of the future together.

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:

19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 49 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 50 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 51

What impact did the coronavirus pandemic have on the

company’s situation?
of which around €17 billion
The coronavirus is an unprecedented stress test:
Dr. Arno Antlitz
billion of the Audi investment budget up to
During the first half of the year, Audi delivered 22 percent fewer 2025 for future technologies
vehicles to customers. That had a massive impact. However, we
responded quickly to the coronavirus pandemic and optimized
our short-term expenditure, without compromising our long-
term product plans or the future viability of Audi. We are strengthening our brand to promote growth in the
high-margin segments and improve our price position. In addi-
After what can only be described as challenging months, we tion, the profitability of electric models will improve signifi-
were able to offset the pandemic-related losses of the first six cantly with new model generations: Battery costs are falling
months and return to profitability again cumulatively in the and, at the same time, we are benefiting from rising economies
third quarter. In the fourth quarter, we were even able to sur- of scale in hardware and software. Volume plays a key role in our
pass the previous year’s level significantly. The result for 2020 industry. As part of the Volkswagen Group, we are the only pre-
as a whole is therefore clearly positive – even if it is significantly mium manufacturer to be able to benefit to this extent from
below the previous year. One thing is certain: The crisis will con- economies of scale.

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

tinue to require great efforts on the part of the entire team. But
it also signals to us that Audi is robustly positioned and econom- Which financial goals has Audi set for itself in the medium
ically weatherproof. term?

Dr. Arno Antlitz How do you intend to finance “Vorsprung durch Technik”? A. A. Audi has set itself the ambitious target return of nine to
Member of the Board of Management
of AUDI AG Which role will profitable electric mobility play in this? eleven percent over the next few years. We are continuing to
Finance and Legal Affairs stick to this strategic target corridor despite an economically
A. A. Reducing carbon emissions and protecting the climate challenging environment and the transformation of our indus-
are the most urgent tasks for our society in the long term. We try. The systematic implementation of the Audi.Zukunft pro-
want to play our part in this. At Audi, we will spend around grams and the Audi Transformation Plan enables us to invest in
EUR 17 billion of our EUR 35 billion investment budget up to future technologies such as electrification and digitalization.
2025 on future technologies. Almost EUR 15 billion will be allo-
2020 shows: cated to electric mobility and hybridization alone. This leaves us An important key to our success is an emotional product port-
well positioned financially for the key challenges ahead. Electric folio. Positive signals are coming from the market, as well, and
mobility is by far the most efficient way to achieve decarboniza- that gives me confidence. The automotive industry is expected
Audi is robustly
tion and to meet our CO₂ fleet targets. It is thus a key element to start growing again as of 2021, especially the premium seg-
positioned and economi- of the strategy at Audi. ment. We want to benefit from this and at the same time fur-
ther increase our market share. This will also be reflected in our
cally weatherproof
financial figures. We want to return to pre-coronavirus levels
again in 2022.
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 52 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 53 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 54

You started working at Audi in April 2020. Your first months Audi wants to manufacture incrasingly more electric cars.
were no doubt completely different from what you expected ... What does the procurement strategy for raw materials and
components look like for Roadmap E?
Dirk Grosse-LoheideI certainly didn’t expect things to start as
they did. Overnight a majority of the team had to work remotely D. G.-L. Two things are becoming more important with the
owing to the pandemic. Expanding the IT infrastructure on this increasing share of electrified vehicles in the portfolio. First, in
scale was a challenge for our Audi IT. Yet we extended our digital the case of many parts, we have to reassess which competences
collaboration culture massively within the shortest imaginable we will develop in-house and which we will buy in. This will allow
time. We digitalized further important workflows, thus safe- us to benefit from synergies across the Group, especially in rela-
guarding core processes. This important step helps us make pro- tion to components for electric mobility. Second, a large propor-
cesses efficient and sustainable – and not just within the Audi tion of emissions generated by a car throughout its life cycle is
family, but also in our everyday work with our business partners. shifting to upstream production processes. As a manufacturer,
this gives us decisive leverage.
Procurement is a good example of the importance of this tran-
sition: In the first lockdown phase in spring, in particular, pro- Sustainability requirements are an established part of our prod-
curement, production and logistics collaborated closely to main- uct specifications – if suppliers fail to observe these requirements,
tain the supply chains. And we succeeded in doing that. Until the they will get no orders from Audi. This means we can ensure that
lockdown in production, we didn’t lose a single car owing to a we only work with partners who share our values. Because the
Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

lack of parts. Achieving this became increasingly more difficult manufacture of electric cars is more energy-intensive than with
owing to the closure of logistics routes in Europe as well as comparable combustion models, we consistently demand that
stricter national regulations. However, we were able to success- green electricity be used in cell production, for instance. As early
fully counter the crisis, primarily thanks to our highly motivated as 2019, we established the Sustainability Rating (S-Rating) as a
Dirk Grosse-Loheide
Member of the Board of Management and flexible teams at Audi. And we’re going to keep this team binding criterion for awarding contracts. In addition to environ-
of AUDI AG spirit; it will help us to set course correctly for the future. mental aspects, it also considers social criteria.
Procurement and IT

Together for
greater sustainability
Software will be a central topic We interact with more than

Digital meetings
at Audi

both in the car

and in our
2019 2020 60 14,000
collaboration 1,259,713 4,976,801 countries suppliers
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 55 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 56 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 57

We bear large responsibility, not just for our employees, but also You are in charge of the Audi crisis team. What characterizes
for our suppliers as well as everyone involved in our supply chain, Our collective the Audi strategy during the coronavirus pandemic?
and we take this responsibility seriously. It’s not just a case of
looking at what our direct suppliers are doing; instead, we focus
task is Peter KösslerThe virus pays no attention to borders or plant
on cross-industry and cross-sector standards. Because at the end boundaries. This is why it is important to us that our actions as
of the day, all the stakeholders benefit from greater transparency a company do not additionally endanger either employees or
to get sites ready
in the supply chain. other partners, service providers and ultimately everyone at the
for electric mobility Audi sites. Health comes first.
A look into the future: On which items will you spend the most
money in the coming year? And why? We responded very quickly and developed what is now a well-
established framework for collaboration in the crisis team. That
D. G.-L.We want to help shape the transformation of the sec- enabled us to make all the relevant decisions quickly and on a
tor and are investing in two principal future-oriented fields. Group-wide basis. We deployed expert teams for every site and
Software will be a key topic – both in the car and also for us for each new coronavirus-related issue. These teams acted in
within the company and in our collaboration. We have discov- close consultation with the departments and Works Council.
ered just how important this is in recent months. Together we shut down production in March 2020 under con-
trolled conditions and started it up again a short while later.
In addition, a majority of our funds is being invested in electri- That was a collective effort across the Audi production network
fying our powertrains. Our first all-electric models in the com- globally, and I am especially proud of that. As a result, we
pact class will be rolled out in 2021 with the Audi Q4 e-tron and managed to hit the ground running again with the usual quality
the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron, and they will secure volumes. In standards and planned quantities. We quickly reached pre-
addition, we’re starting with preparations for the first models coronavirus levels again in terms of production figures.
based on the PPE. We are continuing to invest in future technol-
ogies for our electric vehicles. We have the core competence in As the coronavirus continues to persist, the task of supplying
the Volkswagen Group to produce complete battery systems semiconductor components poses a serious challenge in the first
in-house. I also see the trend that we’ll become involved with quarter of 2021. However, our experienced crisis teams across
battery modules too in the future, once quantities justify this. the Group constantly review appropriate countermeasures to
limit the effects of such a delivery bottleneck for our production
and for our customers globally.

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

Peter Kössler
Member of the Board of Management
Production and Logistics
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 58 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 59

What is your strategy for achieving sustainable and competi-


tive production?

P. K. There is a clear message in our portfolio planning: We plants – Brussels

want to introduce around 30 electrified models onto the market and Győr – already
operate success-
by 2025 and produce them predominantly in German plants. It the goal is for all Audi production
fully with net
is therefore clear that Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm will remain sites to be net carbon-neutral 3
the backbone of our worldwide production network. emissions 3

Nonetheless, the electric initiative requires a readjustment in

production. We are focusing on flexible production operations, In addition to efficient structures and intelligent processes, sus-
which will reduce complexity in the production line as well as tainable production assumes in particular the responsible use of
factory costs in the long term. Adopting a platform-driven resources. This is a very important topic, and one that is close to
approach in the plants gives us major cost advantages in the my heart personally. We want all of our production facilities to
Volkswagen Group. One example is the multi-brand site in be net carbon-neutral3 by 2025. Brussels and Győr have already
Zwickau, where the Audi Q4 e-tron and its coupé-style Sportback made a start.
version are manufactured on the same production line as the
Volkswagen ID.4.2 Seat models will follow in the future. This What are the challenges and difficulties that you and your
reduces the required investment and helps ensure the capacity team will have to overcome in the next year or two?
utilization of the plants.
P. K. It is our collective duty to make sure that the plants are
Our German plants will remain pure Audi sites in the future, ready for electric mobility. We are already preparing intensively
however, according to current planning. We will focus primarily for the production of electric models at the Ingolstadt site: We
on plug-in hybrids in Neckarsulm based on the MLB platform. already have the first PPE-based vehicles in pre-series produc-
In addition to the Audi e-tron GT,1 our first all-electric vehicle at tion, and in-house battery assembly will also take place at a Ger-
a German site, we will produce other electric vehicles there. The man Audi site for the first time. We want to add additional
Ingolstadt site will focus on producing all-electric vehicles capacities in Ingolstadt for this future technology because that
( PPE) and the MQB platform. will create space for the supply of high-voltage battery systems
in preparation for starting PPE production. At the same time, we
are working relentlessly on making all sites future-proof in the
medium to long term.

3 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures
aimed at reducing the still remaining CO₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently
1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: unavoidable CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles,
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 at least quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects.
2 Volkswagen ID.4: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 16.9–16.2 Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO₂ emis-
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 sions produced are not taken into account.
Audi Report 2020 Strategy 60 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 61 Audi Report 2020 Strategy 62

You came to Audi in April 2020. What are the major projects of the company and that pulls together in challenging times –
and topics you are working on? because we share common values with openness, responsibility,
appreciation and integrity.
Dr. Sabine MaassenThe transformation of Audi to a digital car
company is a top priority. We have to position ourselves well for We have taken concrete measures to enhance this culture even
this and develop the required expertise. The framework for this further, for instance through the mandatory Role Model Pro-
is provided by the general agreement Audi.Zukunft, which was gram. Board members and managers with leadership responsi-
concluded by the Board of Management and the employees’ rep- bility carry out measures each year in order to act as role models
resentative body of AUDI AG back in fall 2019. This is a long- in the face of cultural change. We want to rethink leadership and
term roadmap enabling us to achieve efficient, future-proof cor- channel our focus more strongly in the future in the direction of
porate governance – and it focuses firmly on one thing: secure work organization. With the work@Audi initiative, we are mov-
jobs for all Audi employees up to 2029. ing away from traditional structures and rigid hierarchies. We
need openness, honesty and respect in our exchanges and dis-
We have also been working intensively over the past nine months cussions. Not only is this the basis for a good feedback culture,
on strategic HR planning. The question we ask ourselves at Audi but also for a new and agile form of collaboration at Audi. Our
is: What professional skills do we need in the future? To answer transformation needs openness if it is to succeed.
this, we compare current and future job clusters in every area,

Rendering: Hannes Weikert / Photo: AUDI AG

develop specific development programs and ensure that the What are you planning for the next 12 months?
employees acquire these qualifications in the appropriate time-
frame. S. M. What we have ahead of us is not a sprint, but a mara-
Dr. Sabine Maassen thon! The plan for the future is in place. We will focus primarily
Member of the Board of Management
How do you succeed in promoting topics such as integrity or on restructuring and all the other challenges posed by the trans-
Human Resources and Organization culture change at Audi under today’s high economic pressure? formation.

S. M. Culture and mindset are I see it as my task to provide guidance and to steer the transfor-
not trivial matters that are Job
mation in a targeted and purposeful way. We want to show that
merely “nice to have.” The cul- guarantee Audi offers perspectives. Ultimately, it is our ambition to be the
Culture and mindset ture has to be right if business is employer of choice, both internally and externally.
to be both sustainable and suc-
are cessful. This is the only way that until

our teams can fully contribute Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs of
their knowledge and potential,
not just
the United Nations

and ultimately make progress

“nice to have”
Audi is working re- Audi is committed to
for employees
tangible. Every day at Audi, I lentlessly as a team protecting the health
experience a team that works to shape the future of its stakeholders,
and pulls together in especially during the
relentlessly to shape the future challenging times. coronavirus pandemic.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 63 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 64

Talking Sustainable Business –

Key Facts

Making business decisions based on economic,

ecological and societal aspects

Monitorship both as an important element in

working through the diesel issue and as a fore-
runner to the transformation

How is Audi Government restrictions and interruptions in the

supply chain led to production stops and short-time
acting work at Audi sites, especially in the first six months,
which resulted in a global drop in sales volume

profitably Market recovery starting with China and solid oper-

ating performance in the second half of the year as
and with well as record figures in the fourth quarter

Full-year key performance indicators mostly

significantly lower than the prior-year ones despite
positive trend at the end of the year

Audi is cautiously optimistic about 2021, but

forecasting is hampered by the ongoing coronavirus

INTEGRITY Page 65 Page 81

INTEGRITY A win-win-win situation –

for humankind, society and
Financial position

the environment

Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 65 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 66 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 67

Actively shaping the


“In our view, sustainability

requires us to take radical and
far-reaching action to conserve
natural resources so that they
Text: Janina Weigel
can still be used by future gen-

Photo: AUDI AG
erations,” explains Silja Pieh,
For Audi, responsible and value-
Head of Corporate Strategy.
oriented corporate governance “There are various examples of
Silja Pieh,
this at Audi. These include the
means approaching every decision Head of Corporate Strategy
billions we’ve invested in the

A win-win-win holistically, transparently and with

integrity. After all, companies that
electrification of our fleet, the
use of state-of-the-art processes for carbon-reduced aluminum
production or particularly energy-efficient welding and joining

situation – for operate sustainably will have a com-

petitive advantage in the long term.
technology, the construction of solar systems to meet the energy
requirements of our plants and the use of recycled materials in
our product development. In the long run, Audi will only be suc-

humankind, Audi believes that operating with

integrity means taking its responsi-
cessful if the company succeeds in bringing integrity and results,
conscience and profit, the environment and sales into sustainable
alignment. We consider ecological, economic and social aspects

society and the bility to society seriously. What fol-

lows is value-oriented action geared
in all our decisions to ensure our long-term competitiveness and
thus fulfill our responsibility as a forward-looking employer. Eco-
nomic efficiency and job protection are equal-ranking goals for

environment to sustainability, focusing on human-

kind, society and the environment.
us.” Achieving these goals requires compliance, integrity and an
open corporate culture. “We take the issue of climate protection
seriously and are therefore in the midst of a transformation that
The aim is to achieve a win-win-win spans the entire industry. We want to play an active role in shap-
ing this transformation – together with our employees and for our
situation for all participants. After
customers – so that we can continue to offer highly attractive
Illustration: Aleksandar Savić

all, business and integrity are not products and services in the future, while protecting the environ-
ment and conserving resources,” says Silja Pieh.
contradictions in terms – they are
two sides of the same coin.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 68 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 69 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 70

Systems and processes strengthened Forerunner to the transformation

US Monitorship
Audi reached an important milestone in terms of compliance, “Mr. Thompson and his team have helped us make Volkswagen
successfully completed
integrity and corporate values in 2020: the successful conclusion a stronger company, thus contributing significantly to the
of the Monitorship. Volkswagen AG committed itself to the Group’s transformation,” said Dr. Herbert Diess, Volkswagen
Monitorship under a settlement reached with the U.S. Depart- CEO and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AUDI AG, after
Independent Compliance Monitor Larry D. Thompson has con-
ment of Justice in connection with the diesel issue. AUDI AG was the Monitorship was completed.
firmed that AUDI AG, as part of the Volkswagen Group, has met
also included within the scope of the Monitorship. Over a period
its obligations under the diesel issue settlement with the U.S.
of three years, the company worked together with Independent But the journey is not over yet: The Audi Board of Management
Department of Justice to extensively revise and further develop
Compliance Monitor Larry D. Thompson on strengthening its has placed the topics of integrity and corporate culture on its
its compliance program. The program is designed to prevent and
compliance and integrity. “The diesel affair was a watershed for agenda as a central task. The six board members have made
detect violations of anti-fraud and environmental laws. The suc-
the entire Volkswagen Group on the one hand, but also trig- plans to this end, which were then submitted to the Audi Super-
cessful completion of the Monitorship was certified by Larry D.
gered a transformation that will strengthen the company and visory Board and the US Monitor in the form of personal dec-
Thompson in September 2020 and applies to Volkswagen AG
make it fit for the future,” emphasizes Holger Schmid, Head of larations of commitment that they will pursue on a long-term
and its subsidiaries and affiliates – with the exception of
Integrity, Compliance and Risk Management as well as Chief basis.
Porsche AG and Porsche Cars North America, which were not
Compliance Officer (CCO) of AUDI AG.
part of the Monitorship.
But what are the distinguishing features of this “new Audi”?
Over the course of the Monitorship, Volkswagen AG and its sub- What factors does the transformation entail? Four Audi employ-
The cooperation with Larry D. Thompson, who was appointed
sidiaries and affiliates modernized and enhanced structures, pro- ees share their insights.
Independent Compliance Monitor by the US authorities in June
cesses and systems in many divisions, including Technical Devel-
2017, was coordinated by the Audi Monitor Project Management
opment, HR, Risk Management, Compliance and various legal
Office. Larry D. Thompson and his team assessed and oversaw
functions. The Volkswagen Group implemented and expanded its

Illustration: Aleksandar Savić

the fulfillment of the conditions from the agreements with the
whistleblower system,1 strengthened processes to prevent cor- Holger Schmid,
US agencies on the diesel issue.
ruption and antitrust violations and created a due diligence pro- Head of Integrity, Compliance and Risk
Management as well as Chief Compliance
cess2 for business partners. Moreover, the company flattened Officer (CCO) of AUDI AG
The Monitor regularly made recommendations for action, which
hierarchies, decentralized decision-making and introduced new
were adopted and implemented in a timely manner. Some
leadership and collaboration models.
requirements and suggestions, such as Together4Integrity or
the Board of Management’s declarations of commitment, extend “An active speak-up culture
far beyond the end of the Monitorship. and an active network
of integrity ambassadors
characterize the ‘new Audi,’
as do our sustainable risk
management and genuine
commitment to compliance
1 Within the context of a fair and transparent procedure, the whistleblower system protects the company, the and integrity.”
persons affected and the whistleblowers. Uniform and rapid processes coupled with the confidential and profes-
sional processing of hints by internal experts form the foundation. Further information can be found → here.
2 Audi carries out integrity checks of its business partners (Business Partner Due Diligence, BPDD) to ensure they
apply the same standard of integrity in business practices. These checks are conducted in accordance with a risk-
based, transparent and properly documented process.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 71 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 72 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 73

Holger Schmid “We want to set an example in the future – as a

Illustration: Aleksandar Savić

modern, transparent and value-based company. Especially now Together4Integrity (T4I) JASMIN LOTZE,
Compliance Specialist for the topic of
that we’ve successfully completed the Monitorship, we’ll make Business and Human Rights
sure that we don’t lose momentum in rolling out the Group-
wide Together4Integrity (T4I) measures and achieving a change
of culture in our company. An active speak-up culture and an “Together4Integrity” ( T4I) is the integrity and compliance pro- “We must consistently ensure
active network of integrity ambassadors characterize the ‘new gram of the Volkswagen Group and was introduced at AUDI AG that we take respect for
Audi,’ as do our sustainable risk management and genuine com- back in 2018. The program is based on the principles of the human rights into account
mitment to compliance and integrity. None of these things are Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), a globally recognized stan- in all corporate processes.
projects that will someday be completed and superseded by oth- dard for ethical corporate principles.
ers. For me personally, they’re constant themes in my work and Ultimately, it’s always a
permanent fixtures in the company. And we use effective tools T4I will be rolled out across the entire Volkswagen Group by matter of putting the focus
and targeted measures to ensure that they’re implemented. 2025. The ECI principles feed into the “T4I Toolbox” together on the human being and
with the recommendations of the US Monitor3 and other mea- on respecting their rights.”
Specifically, my team and I are concentrating on four priorities: sures. This toolbox contains around 130 division-specific and
general initiatives that reinforce integrity and compliance and
1. We’ll continue to implement the Group-wide compliance and promote cultural change. These include the Code of Conduct
integrity program Together4Integrity until 2025. ( CoC) and the associated training measures, as well as the
2. We’ll advise and support the members of our Board of whistleblower system. The Code of Conduct gives employees
Jasmin Lotze “Audi has more than 40 entities worldwide with
Management in fulfilling their personal declarations of com- a firm handle on how to operate with integrity, thus also further
almost 87,000 employees and tens of thousands of business
mitment. implementing the change of culture at Audi.
partners – this means the company has an extremely high level
3. We’ll continue to comply with our obligations under the
of responsibility.
EPA Administrative Agreement. A large number of the T4I measures have already been imple-
4. Our Corporate Risk Management along with the Risk Manage- mented at the German sites of AUDI AG. At the same time,
Consistent respect for human rights is essential for Audi. That
ment System (RMS), our corporate policies, the Internal Con- AUDI AG is responsible for rolling out the T4I program at its
is why they are firmly enshrined in the Audi Code of Conduct.4
trol System (ICS) and the Compliance Management System subsidiaries and participations.
The term ‘human rights’ covers a wide range of issues, including
(CMS) will continue to be supporting pillars of our work in the
the right to health and safety at work, the right not to be dis-
future. All of this is designed to sustainably safeguard the
criminated against and, naturally, the prohibition of child and
company’s goals, create transparency and reinforce awareness
forced labor as well.
of risks, compliance and integrity.”

4 Ensuring that all decisions are in harmony with legislation as well as with internal rules and values represents a
key factor in the success of Audi. The Code of Conduct, which is valid throughout the Group, serves as the basis
here. It defines the essential principles that apply to daily work routines in the company. We therefore express
3 The US Independent Compliance Monitor Larry D. Thompson was referred to as the Monitor. He was appointed how Audi perceives itself and the fundamental rules that govern its actions. Above all we provide guidance, advice
in this capacity by the U.S. Department of Justice in spring 2017. Mr. Thompson and his team ensured for approx- and support on ethical behavior at the workplace, as a business partner and as a member of society. The Code of
imately three years that Volkswagen and Audi fulfilled the conditions associated with the criminal plea agreement Conduct is aligned with that of the Volkswagen Group and applies Group-wide to Audi, as well as being mandatory
and consent decrees in the USA. for all employees, regardless of their position in the hierarchy. More information can be found → here.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 74 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 75 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 76

We must consistently ensure that we take respect for human

Illustration: Aleksandar Savić

rights into account in all corporate processes. Our Compliance The Compliance Management CARSTEN VORTANZ,
Business Process Management,
Management System (CMS) helps us do this, since we use it to System in the Audi Group Quality Management/Risk Management and
record, assess and manage compliance risks, among other Head of the Product Integrity Committee

things. We’re fulfilling our duty of care by continually adapting

processes, training our employees and partners and having set As part of its organizational duty, the Audi Board of Management
up a whistleblower system for instance. has established a Compliance Management System and a Compli- “The key to success here lies
ance Organization. not only in the innovative
The globally operating automotive industry with its distributed strength of our products and
supply networks is considered a high-risk industry with respect A Compliance Management System (CMS) refers to the princi- services, but also in their
to human rights. That’s why Audi is also actively involved in the ples, measures, processes and structures of an enterprise to reliability during everyday use.”
‘Automotive Industry Dialogue’ as part of the German govern- assure permanent compliance with the laws and internal regu-
ment’s National Action Plan (NAP) for Business and Human lations by corporate bodies, employees and third parties acting
Rights – together with representatives from academia, politics on behalf of an enterprise. In addition to AUDI AG, the CMS also
and civil society. covered 44 subsidiaries and participations worldwide in the year
under review, with predominantly local compliance officers act-
The ‘new Audi’ therefore not only sets high standards internally, ing as multipliers. The AUDI AG CMS consists of the following
Carsten Vortanz“We find ourselves in times of rapidly increas-
but also endeavors to uphold our values and principles along the seven core elements:
ing complexity, both regarding regulations in the global markets
entire value chain as well, for example within the scope of its
as well as our products and their technical interdependencies.
supplier management. Ultimately, it’s always a matter of put-
Added to this is our customers’ increased need for mobility. The
ting the focus on the human being and on respecting their Audi Compliance Management System
(CMS) key to success here lies not only in the innovative strength of our
products and services, but also in their reliability during every-
day use.
Monitoring/ Against this background, the integrity of our products is a top
improvement Goals priority.

Product integrity is a legal obligation, and we are committed to

Communication complying with the applicable legal and official provisions of the
and training Compliance
respective countries of export and import. The same applies to
Risks specifications resulting from internal and external standards.
Our products and product-related services meet the customer
requirements that have been contractually agreed – taking into
account the voluntary commitments5 by Audi.
Program and
5 Commitments made by a company to third parties, the content of which does not arise from legal provisions or
official actions. An example of this at Audi is “Vision Zero”: worldwide implementation of UNECE R 14, 16, 95
(independent of geographical scope) within the context of the “UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020.”
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 77 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 78 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 79

For the implementation of the ‘new Audi,’ product integrity

Illustration: Aleksandar Savić

compels every employee to comply with two major issues in R ALF TUR ANLI, Effective
Head of Quality Management, Product
their daily work: product safety and product conformity. Integrity Requirements and Chief anti-corruption
Executive of the Product Integrity
Product safety dictates that a product that is already available
on the market must not endanger the safety or health of indi-
viduals under proper or foreseeable conditions of use. “It’s important to note The Audi Group places a high priority on preventing corruption,
that achieving product with the Integrity, Compliance and Risk Management depart-
Product conformity means that the Four Rings adhere to all integrity is an overall ment contributing to sustainable anti-corruption efforts.
legal and official regulations of the respective countries of corporate responsibility.”
export and import and meet all specifications resulting from In the year under review, the compliance organization of AUDI AG
internal and external standards. These include work and process supported 44 national and international participations in the
instructions or general standards relating to rules of technology6 compliance focal area of anti-corruption in the course of consul-
as well as contractually agreed customer requirements.” tancy inquiries, the implementation of policies and the execu-
tion of training programs.
“First and foremost, it’s important to note that
Ralf Turanli

achieving product integrity is an overall corporate responsibility. Fundamentally, all those entities where AUDI AG holds a major-
It concerns all divisions of the company. Only then can AUDI AG ity interest or management responsibility or that are of partic-
be effectively protected against legal and financial risks. ular importance are included in the process.

To this end, we’ve created a regulatory framework that describes To ensure sustainable prevention of corruption and effective and
the processes, principles and measures for ensuring product efficient risk management, Audi offers its employees Web-based
integrity: the Product Compliance Management System (PCMS). training (WBT) courses on “Anti-Corruption” and “Dealing with
The PCMS is integrated into the organization as a dual function Public Officials,” in addition to the “Policy on Gratuities for the
shared by Technical Development and Corporate Quality. In Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest and Corruption.” These train-
terms of setup, it’s based on a compliance management system ing measures serve to protect all employees as well as the com-
in accordance with the requirements of the auditing standard pany.
IDW PS 980. The introduction and sustainable integration of the
PCMS at Audi was a requirement within the scope of the
6 One practical example of this is DIN ISO26262: Road vehicles – Functional safety.
US Monitorship.
Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs
of the United Nations Like the whistleblower system and the Audi Code of Conduct,
the PCMS is a key pillar of our ‘new Audi’ corporate culture.
Audi promotes long- The Audi Group
term, inclusive and places a high
It will help us bring products with integrity to markets around
sustainable economic priority on preventing the world.”
growth. corruption.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 80

EPA auditorship

On August 13, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) entered into an administrative agreement with VW AG,
AUDI AG, VW Group of America and VW Group of America
Chattanooga Operations. This also extends to MAN Energy solu-
tions, which is among the subjects of the auditorship due to its
business dealings with the US government. The term of the
agreement is set to end on August 15, 2022.

This agreement recognizes the extensive measures Volkswagen

and Audi have taken since the end of 2015 to strengthen the
compliance and risk management system and allows all Group
companies to continue pursuing business relations with the US

Above all, the agreement requires further compliance with exist-

ing diesel settlements and to keep the whistleblower system and
the Audi Code of Conduct in place. John Hanson has been
appointed as an independent auditor to verify compliance with
this agreement and submit an annual audit report to the EPA.

All employees are required to comply with the administrative

agreement along with all other legal provisions, directives, cor-
porate policies and work instructions.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 81


Illustration: Eva Revolver

GRI 102-45
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 82 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 83 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 84

Deliveries of cars of the Audi brand Net cash flow

Financial highlights to customers

High net cash flow due to:

Recovery in the → cost discipline
m 2nd half-year → prioritization of investments
→ Volkswagen intra-Group sales of
Deliveries even above prior year participations totaling EUR 1.5 billion

Audi: –8 percent thanks to active crisis
1,692,773 (1,845,573) EUR still high net liquidity:
The coronavirus pandemic Car market worldwide:
management and stronger
demand in all markets bn EUR 22.4 (21.8) billion
as much as –15 percent
has a significant impact in the
fiscal year – strong second half China Record quarter

Market recovery from March > 0.5 million deliveries in the Outlook:
Full year 2020: +5 percent 4th quarter due to catch-up 2021 fiscal year
Government restrictions and interruptions in the supply chain for Audi, although overall effects, among other things
led to production stops and short-time work at Audi sites, espe- market declined
cially in the first six months, which resulted in a global drop in
sales volume
Revenue Operating return on sales DEL REV ROS ROI

50.0 5.1 %
Market recovery starting with China and solid operating perfor-
mance in the second half of the year as well as record figures in
the fourth quarter
year-on-year 7– 12–
9% 15 %
Full year below prior year (EUR 55.7 before special items:
expected for
5.5 %
billion) with strong 4th quarter totaling
Full-year key performance indicators mostly significantly lower EUR 16.7 (14.3) billion
deliveries and
expected operating anticipated return
than the prior-year ones despite positive trend at the end of the revenue return on sales on investment (ROI)
(8.1 %)

Audi is cautiously optimistic about 2021, but forecasting is Operating result

hampered by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

Special items of –0.2 (–) billion in R&D capex NCF
EUR connection with the diesel issue
Details on the financial situation of Audi and the quarters can be bn
found during the year here. 6– 4– 3.5–
The figures in brackets refer to the previous year. The changes to the IFRS in the 2020 year under review had no
material impact on the Audi Group’s net worth. financial position and financial performance. Internet sources refer
before special items:
2nd half-year: coronavirus-induced
losses more than offset 7% 5% 4.5 EUR
to the status as of February 24, 2021. The following section on the financial position contains statements on
expected developments. These statements are based upon current assessments and are by their very nature subject
EUR expected research and anticipated forecast
bn 4th quarter: particularly strong at
to risks and uncertainties. Actual outcomes may differ from those predicted in these statements. AUDI AG has made development ratio ratio of capex net cash flow
use of the option under Section 289b. Para. 2 and Section 315b. Para. 2 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) EUR 2.5 (1.3) billion, although also
(EUR 4.5 billion)
exempting it from submission of a non-financial declaration and non-financial Group declaration and refers readers
to the combined separate non-financial report of Volkswagen AG for the 2020 fiscal year, which will be available on one-time effects
the Internet → in German and English by no later than April 30, 2021. Additional information
on our production, delivery and financial figures can be found in an Excel sheet available for download on our web-
site →
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 85 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 86 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 87

eased the restrictions for a time, which led to a gradual eco-

nomic recovery. Later in the year, with cases increasing again,
The world economy recorded some of these measures were tightened up again or at least kept
in place. The uncertain outcome of the negotiations concerning
negative growth in the 2020 fiscal
the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU)
year as a result of the global impacts also continued to generate uncertainty in the 2020 fiscal year,
as did the related question of what form the economic relation-
of the coronavirus pandemic. Total

ship would take in the future.
global demand for vehicles was
At –5.3 (0.6) percent, Germany’s economic growth in the year
markedly lower than in the previous
under review was well into negative territory. US economic out-

year. put fell by –3.6 (2.2) percent in the year under review due to high
infection rates. The US government agreed extensive support
packages to bolster the economy. Meanwhile, in addition to

Development of the global economy in 2020 further action to support the economy, the Federal Reserve cut
interest rates twice.
The world economy recorded negative growth in gross domestic
product (GDP) of –4.0 (2.6) percent in 2020 as a result of the The Chinese economy was hit by the negative effects of the corona-
global spread of the coronavirus and the associated restrictions, virus pandemic earlier than others. China’s central government
which hit both the demand and supply side. Broken down by responded immediately with tough restrictions on public life,
country, the picture was very uneven depending on the respec- including banning entry to the country and widespread mass
tive infection rates. Governments and central banks in numerous testing. This quickly brought the infection rate under control. In
countries responded with monetary and fiscal policy measures, addition, it supported the economy, for example, by tax relief
sometimes on a vast scale, such as dramatic cuts in interest and interest rate cuts. That paved the way for the Chinese econ-
rates, the suspension of social security contributions, short-time omy to recover relatively quickly and record positive growth of
work and direct financial support payments. 2.1 (6.1) percent overall.

Economic development in core markets:

Europe – USA – China

The economy in Europe recorded a sharp contraction of –6.7

(1.5) percent overall in 2020. This was due, among other things,
to national measures to contain the pandemic. The severe
restrictions on public life had a serious impact on the service
sector, for example, which was the bedrock of the economy
before the pandemic. Governments in many European countries
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 88 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 89

Development of global car and motorcycle markets in 2020 At 2.9 million units, the total number of new passenger car reg-
istrations in Germany in the 2020 fiscal year fell significantly
At 67.7 million units, the global market volume for passenger short of the high prior-year level (–19.1 percent). The coronavirus
cars in the 2020 fiscal year fell significantly short of the prior- pandemic meant that overall demand for passenger cars was at
year level (–15.2 percent) due to the coronavirus pandemic. This its lowest level since German reunification, despite a temporary
was the third year-on-year decline in a row. All regions were reduction in value-added tax and increased buyer incentives for
affected by this downturn. electric vehicles.
The international motorcycle market in the displacement seg-
ment above 500 cc also declined. At 14.6 million vehicles, sales of passenger cars and light com-
mercial vehicles (including SUVs) in the USA in the 2020 fiscal
Sector-specific environment year were also down markedly on the prior-year figure (–14.5
The sector-specific environment was influenced significantly by
fiscal policy measures, which contributed considerably to the At 19.9 million units, the Chinese car market was noticeably
mixed trends in sales volumes in the markets last year. This down on the previous year’s level in 2020 (–6.5 percent). After
included tax policies, subsidy programs, buyer incentives and dramatic losses in the first quarter of 2020, the Chinese car mar-
import duties. In addition, non-tariff trade barriers to protect ket rebounded rapidly starting in the second quarter of 2020,
the respective domestic automotive industry made the move- contributing to the global stabilization of the economy, espe-
ment of vehicles, parts and components more difficult. cially in export-oriented Europe.

Development of the global car markets in the core markets:

Europe – USA – China

In Europe, the number of new passenger car registrations in the

Growth in the gross domestic product (GDP), car markets and deliveries to
year under review fell well short of the prior-year level (–22.9 customers of the Audi brand in selected countries/regions
percent) at 13.7 million. The negative impacts of the spread of
the coronavirus were already being felt by around the end of the Growth in the gross Car markets Deliveries to customers of the
domestic product Audi brand¹
first quarter in all countries in the region. After a dramatic decline in % in vehicles in vehicles
at the beginning of the second quarter, a recovery occurred in the
2020 2019 2020 2019 ∆ in % 2020 2019 ∆ in %
subsequent months. By the end of the third quarter, the market Europe – 6.7 1.5 13,723,284 17,793,924 –22.9 619,723 769,585 –19.5
reached the previous year’s figure. The fourth quarter of 2020
of which – 5.3 0.6 2,917,907 3,607,258 –19.1 214,427 271,613 –21.1
saw the market move sideways. Germany
USA – 3.6 2.2 14,574,868 17,047,497 –14.5 186,620 224,111 –16.7
China2 2.1 6.1 19,928,449 21,305,450 –6.5 727,358 690,083 5.4
Worldwide –4.0 2.6 67,729,526 79,852,032 –15.2 1,692,773 1,845,573 –8.3

For further information on how macroeconomic conditions affected Audi sales figures see page 95.

1 The prior-year figures may have changed as a result of updated data; provisional figures for 2020.
2 Chinese car market including Hong Kong.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 90 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 91 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 92

Car production by model 3. 4

2020 2019 Δ in %

Audi A1 Sportback 62,099 81,287 –23.6

Audi Q25 124,403 130,207 –4.5

Audi A3 Sportback 118,981 128,788 –7.6

Audi A3 Sedan 83,276 104,719 –20.5

Audi A3 Cabriolet 4,620 7,302 –36.7
The Audi Group produced a total of 1,664,265 (1,802,073) vehi-
Audi Q3 161,151 180,247 –10.6
cles in the year under review. The premium Audi brand accounted Audi Q3 Sportback 58,514 15,392 X
for 1,657,015 (1,793,409) of the cars produced in 2020. This Audi TT Coupé 6,793 11,791 –42.4

figure includes 671,970 (614,836) Audi vehicles built locally by Audi TT Roadster 1,853 3,208 –42.2

the associate FAW-Volkswagen in China. The Lamborghini brand Audi A4 Sedan 184,791 228,113 –19.0

Audi A4 Avant 52,092 85,790 –39.3

manufactured 7,250 (8,664) vehicles in the reporting period. In
Audi A4 allroad quattro 6,695 9,484 –29.4
addition, 44,827 (51,723) motorcycles of the Ducati brand were

Audi A5 Sportback 43,996 71,128 –38.1
produced. Audi A5 Coupé 6,475 12,093 –46.5

Audi A5 Cabriolet 6,315 9,856 –35.9

The –7.6 percent reduction in the Audi brand compared with the Audi Q5 276,015 286,365 –3.6

previous year is principally due to the worldwide drop in demand Audi A6 Sedan 221,950 176,362 25.8

Audi A6 Avant 41,452 50,677 –18.2

for cars in the context of the coronavirus. During the first quar-
Audi A6 allroad quattro 8,276 5,566 48.7
ter of 2020, Audi adjusted production, not simply because of
Audi A7 Sportback 18,083 17,068 5.9
the significant reduction in demand, but also in response to sup- Audi e-tron 28,301 43,185 –34.5
ply chain difficulties and factory shutdowns ordered by the Audi e-tron Sportback 14,600 191 X

authorities in some countries. Audi Q7 65,806 63,753 3.2

Audi Q8 38,126 44,890 –15.1

Audi e-tron GT quattro 244 – –

Stepwise production restart and stabilization during the year
Audi A8 20,591 23,826 –13.6

Audi R8 Coupé 956 1,439 –33.6

The production stops at the Chinese facilities mainly had an Audi R8 Spyder 561 682 –17.7
impact in February 2020. The production volume in China stabi- Audi brand 1,657,015 1,793,409 –7.6

lized gratifyingly as early as March, and by the end of 2020 there Lamborghini Urus 4,364 5,233 –16.6

was actually a cumulative year-on-year rise of 9.3 percent. Lamborghini Huracán 2,010 2,426 –17.1

Lamborghini Aventador 876 1,005 –12.8

Page 91 Production Lamborghini brand 7,250 8,664 –16.3
Page 95 Deliveries From mid-March 2020, there was a controlled production shut- Automotive segment 1,664,265 1,802,073 –7.6
down at the European sites owing to the coronavirus pandemic.
Production was restarted stepwise from the end of April 2020.

3 The table includes 671,970 (614,836) Audi models manufactured by the associate FAW-Volkswagen Automotive
Company, Ltd., Changchun (China).
4 Figures for fuel/electric power consumption and CO ₂ emissions → see page 312 ff.
5 This includes 3,768 (2,867) fully electric Audi Q2 L e-tron models produced by the associate FAW-Volkswagen Automotive
Company, Ltd., Changchun (China), for the Chinese market.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 93 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 94 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 95

(China) in the third quarter of 2020. This is the second fully

electric vehicle to be produced locally, the first being the
Production of electrified vehicles, Audi brand4 9
Audi Q2 L e-tron8 (production start 2019). Following expansion
2020 2019 Δ in %
of the factory in Qingdao (China), production of the Audi A3
Audi e-tron 28,301 43,185 –34.5
Sportback and the Audi A3 Sedan in the fourth generation of
Audi e-tron Sportback 14,600 191 X
the Audi A3 family commenced there as well.
Audi e-tron GT quattro 244 – –

Audi Q2 L e-tron 3,768 2,867 31.4

Total fully electric vehicles (BEV) 46,913 46,243 1.4 For information on the Italian subsidiaries Ducati and
The Audi Group delivered a total of 1,700,258 (1,853,833) vehi-
Plug-in hybrid models (PHEV) 65,106 16,054 X Lamborghini see page 131 f.
Total electrified vehicles (BEV + PHEV) 112,019 62,297 79.8
cles in the 2020 fiscal year. A total of 1,692,773 (1,845,573)
cars of the Audi brand were delivered to customers. The pan-
demic-induced decline of –8.3 percent was significantly less
pronounced than the drop of –15.2 percent in overall market
The Mexican plant in San José Chiapa was only able to restart
demand. While the Lamborghini brand delivered 7,430 (8,205)
production in June 2020 as the pandemic spread later in Mexico.
vehicles, the Ducati brand handed 48,042 (53,183) motorcycles
over to customers.
The situation in the Audi production network continued to sta-
bilize in the second half of 2020, and output increased by 12.2
percent year-on-year between July and December 2020. The New
Energy Vehicle (NEV) share – in other words, fully electric and
plug-in hybrid vehicles as a proportion of total production of NEV share Production in China China: deliveries to customers For the first time, over
Audi brand vehicles – increased by 6.8 (3.5) percent in 2020. New Energy Vehicle Share Vehicles produced locally at new record level 500,000 vehicles delivered in
in China the 4th quarter 2020

Start of production of new Audi models

6.8 %

Production of the Audi A3 Sportback started in Ingolstadt in the

first quarter of 2020, ushering in the new generation of the A3 727,358 2020

family. Following the start of production of the Audi e-tron GT vehicles

quattro6 in Neckarsulm, the Four Rings have been producing the vehicles
first fully electric Audi in Germany since December 2020. 2020

In the reporting period, FAW-Volkswagen produced the Audi Q3 2019

Sportback locally in Tianjin (China) for the first time. In addition,
local production of the Audi e-tron7 started in Changchun 2019
3.5 % 2019
690,083 2020

4 Figures for fuel/electric power consumption and CO₂ emissions → see page 312 ff. delivered
6 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
20.2–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
7 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4 (NEDC); 8 Audi Q2 L e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 13.9 (NEDC); 9 Detailed information on the delivery figures in the core regions can be found in the section
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 “Economic environment” → see page 89.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 96 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 97 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 98

Deliveries in China higher than in the previous year Brief look at the product lines
Car deliveries to customers by model 4. 10

While the Chinese market was most negatively affected by the One particularly successful aspect in 2020 was the year-on-year
2020 2019 Δ in %
impact of the coronavirus in February 2020, the pandemic increase in deliveries to customers in certain product lines, with
Audi A1 Sportback 63,468 80,942 –21.6
spread to other major markets in March. In particular, statutory rises of 79.5 percent for the Audi e-tron7, 12 product line,
Audi Q211 124,392 132,844 –6.4
measures such as the closure of dealerships and lockdowns led 18.1 percent for the Audi Q3 product line and 11.8 percent for
Audi A3 Sportback 119,122 144,388 –17.5

Audi A3 Sedan 93,516 109,251 –14.4

to a significant drop in deliveries worldwide. In China, however, the Audi A6 product line. In addition, Audi Sport posted a new
Audi A3 Cabriolet 5,388 8,107 –33.5 there was a clear recovery from March 2020, and from April record with more than 29,300 deliveries – that is 16.1 percent
Audi Q3 162,528 177,666 –8.5 2020, monthly deliveries were above the prior-year level. Cumu- more than in the previous year.
Audi Q3 Sportback 54,488 6,157 X latively, deliveries in China increased by 5.4 percent year-on-year
Audi TT Coupé 7,515 11,283 –33.4
to a new record. The Chinese market as a whole contracted by
Audi TT Roadster 2,317 3,662 –36.7
–6.5 percent in this period.
Audi A4 Sedan 183,632 234,387 –21.7

Audi A4 Avant 59,053 84,579 –30.2

Audi A4 allroad quattro 7,477 8,502 –12.1 Strong final sprint in the fourth quarter Significant rise in deliveries of the Audi e-tron7, 12 family

Audi A5 Sportback 50,663 72,002 –29.6

Audi A5 Coupé 7,755 13,072 –40.7

In Europe, dealerships gradually reopened from April 2020 as the

+79.5 %
Audi A5 Cabriolet 7,442 10,602 –29.8
coronavirus restrictions were eased in stages. Dealerships also
Audi Q5 278,161 305,235 –8.9

Audi A6 Sedan 225,424 182,005 23.9

opened up again in the USA from April 2020, depending on the
Audi A6 Avant 39,588 58,579 –32.4 regulations in force in the various states. From then onward,
Audi A6 allroad quattro 8,738 4,216 107.3 there was an upturn in demand and thus in order intake in Europe
Audi A7 Sportback 17,546 17,387 0.9 and North America, although with considerable regional differ-
Audi e-tron 37,366 26,155 42.9
ences. Despite further lockdowns and the associated closure of 26,367
Audi e-tron Sportback 9,958 212 X
dealerships in parts of Europe and the USA in the fourth quarter, vehicles
Audi Q7 64,038 86,028 –25.6 delivered
Audi Q8 38,699 44,054 –12.2
the Four Rings experienced a strong final sprint at the end of the
Audi A8

Audi R8 Coupé



year. Audi recorded 505,583 (488,471) deliveries in the fourth
quarter, making it the most successful quarter in the company’s
Audi R8 Spyder 644 594 8.4 history. By extending digital sales and service offers, such as the delivered
Internal vehicles before market introduction 558 – –
Audi live advice service, and using alternative distribution meth-
Audi brand 1,692,773 1,845,573 –8.3
ods such as “home delivery” and “click and collect,” the Four Rings
Lamborghini Urus 4,391 4,962 –11.5

Lamborghini Huracán 2,193 2,139 2.5

responded flexibly and successfully to the challenges of the
Lamborghini Aventador 846 1,104 –23.4 coronavirus pandemic.
Lamborghini brand 7,430 8,205 –9.4

Other Volkswagen Group brands 55 55 0.0

Automotive segment 1,700,258 1,853,833 –8.3

7 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4

4 Figures for fuel/electric power consumption and CO ₂ emissions → see page 312 ff. (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
10 The table includes deliveries of 674,700 (630,800) vehicles produced locally by the associate FAW-Volkswagen 12 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
Automotive Company, Ltd., Changchun (China). 28.3–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
11 This includes 4,240 (201) fully electric Audi Q2 L e-tron models for the Chinese market.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 99 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 100 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 101

Condensed income statement, Audi Group

EUR million 2020 2019 ∆ in %

Revenue 49,973 55,680 –10.2

Cost of goods sold –44,178 –47,597 –7.2

Gross profit from sales 5,795 8,082 –28.3

Distribution expenses –3,158 –3,418 –7.6

Administrative expenses –598 –687 –13.0

Other operating result 530 533 –0.5

Operating result 2,569 4,509 –43.0

The Audi Group generated revenue of EUR 49,973 (55,680) mil- Financial result 1,618 713 126.8

per for-
lion in the 2020 fiscal year. The year-on-year decline of –10.2 Profit before tax 4,187 5,223 –19.8

percent was mainly due to a reduction in the number of vehicles Income tax expense –413 –1,279 –67.7

sold as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. Profit after tax 3,774 3,943 –4.3

Revenue from the sale of cars of the Audi brand fell to
Revenue from engines, powertrains and parts deliveries was
EUR 33,382 (39,467) million. This was also due to the market
EUR 9,136 (8,102) million and thus above the previous year’s
situation. Higher revenue than in the previous year was reported,
level. The main positive effect here came from revenue from

among others, by the fully electric Audi e-tron7, 12 family and the
parts deliveries for local production in China. Due to strong mar-
Audi Q3 product line. The Lamborghini brand generated revenue
ket demand for Audi vehicles, revenue here rose by almost 30
from automotive business of EUR 1,569 (1,743) million in the
percent, contrary to the general market trend in China.
reporting period, while the Ducati brand reported revenue of
EUR 676 (716) million.
The cost of goods sold decreased, mainly due to lower expenses
for production materials and freights as a result of the pandemic-
induced reduction in sales. The decline was less than the drop in
revenue, as some costs continued to be incurred during produc-
tion stops lasting several weeks, but also partly because of the
higher proportion of electric vehicles, where material costs are
Page 100 Financial performance
Page 109 Net worth
Page 111 Financial position
Page 114 Employees
Page 116 Report on expected developments
Page 118 Cost and investment discipline

7 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4

(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
12 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
28.3–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 102 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 103 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 104

Year-on-year, positive factors affecting other operating result the company on July 1, 2020. As of December 31, 2020, the Audi
Key figures for research and development
included income of EUR 495 million from the sale of Autonomous Group’s workforce decreased by –3,780 to 86,860 (90,640)
EUR million 2020 2019 ∆ in %
Intelligent Driving GmbH, Munich, within the Volkswagen Group. employees, partly due to the sale of participations.
Research and development activities 3,662 4,426 –17.3
Higher residual value risks and one-time reversals of impairment
– Capitalized development costs 1,365 1,146 19.1 losses of EUR 243 million in the previous year in connection with Audi Transformation Plan sees continued success
+ Amortization of and impairment losses the change in the cash-generating unit, had a negative effect on
(reversals) on capitalized development 1,257 1,087 15.6
costs the other operating result. The implementation of the Audi Transformation Plan (ATP) also
= Research and development expenditure 3,553 4,368 –18.6 made a positive contribution to financial performance. For exam-
Lower personnel costs ple, measures totaling EUR 2.6 (2.5) billion were realized, with a
significant portion benefiting the operating result as well as con-
Increased Group-wide cost discipline also had a positive impact tributing sustainably to subsequent years. Since its introduction
A look at research and development in the Audi Group on the operating result of the Audi Group. Indirect (non- in 2018, the impact of the ATP has already been EUR 7 billion and
production) personnel costs, as a component of fixed costs, fell is therefore making good progress. The aim is to leverage EUR 15
The research and development ratio13 was 7.3 (7.9) percent in the by around 4 percent, for example. In the context of the billion through the ATP by 2022 with the help of measures affect-
year under review. The reduction in research and development Audi.Zukunft fundamental agreement, which was concluded in ing costs and revenue. The pandemic-induced drop in volumes
activities was attributable to improved efficiency and to pooling 2019, more than 1,300 direct (production) and indirect (non- may, however, result in a slight delay.
software development in the Car.Software organization within production) employees took up the early-retirement offer and left
the Volkswagen Group. The capitalization ratio14 was 37.3 (25.9) Currency and raw material effects reduced the operating result by
percent. The increase is attributable partly to the change in the EUR –333 million compared with the previous year.
cash-generating unit15 in the fourth quarter of 2019 and partly Key earning figures, Audi Group

to greater focusing of project funds, coupled with the consider- The operating activities of the Audi Group are reflected in the
able reduction in the research and development activities. EUR million 2020 2019 ∆ in %
operating result of EUR 2,569 (4,509) million. This represents an
Operating result before special items 2,739 4,509 –39.3
operating return on sales of 5.1 (8.1) percent.
Special items16 –170 − –
Other factors affecting the results
Operating result 2,569 4,509 –43.0

of which Automotive segment 2,558 4,481 –42.9

Before special items of EUR –170 (−) million in connection with the
Distribution expenses were lower than in the previous year, of which Motorcycles segment 12 29 –59.8 diesel issue, the operating result was EUR 2,739 (4,509) million
mainly as a consequence of the pandemic which led to a drop in adjusted for effects of PPA17 24 52 –53.2 and the operating return on sales was 5.5 (8.1) percent.
sales of vehicles and lower expenditures for events, trade shows Profit before tax 4,187 5,223 –19.8

and sponsorship activities.

in % 2020 2019 ∆ in ppt

Operating return on sales before special items 5.5 8.1 –2.6

Operating return on sales 5.1 8.1 –3.0

of which Automotive segment 5.2 8.2 –3.0

13 This ratio shows research and development activities relative to revenue. of which Motorcycles segment 1.7 4.0 –2.3
14 This ratio expresses capitalized development costs in relation to total research and development activities.
15 In the case of self-generated intangible assets and the associated property, plant and equipment, previously the
adjusted for effects of PPA17 3.6 7.2 –3.6
individual product or individual product family normally constituted the cash-generating unit. In the 2019 fiscal Return on sales before tax 8.4 9.4 –1.0
year, this unit had to be redefined for the Automotive segment because it is no longer the case that cash inflows
generated by individual products are largely independent of those generated by other products. In particular,
tighter emissions regulations worldwide mean that cash inflows from individual products increasingly influence
each other. As a consequence of the altered framework conditions, since October 1, 2019, the brands have gen-
16 Special items in connection with the diesel issue; in the previous year, the special items were negligible.
erally constituted the cash-generating units in the Automotive segment.
17 Adjusted for effects of subsequent measurement in connection with the purchase price allocation (PPA) amounting to
EUR 12 (23) million.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 105 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 106 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 107

In addition, the year-on-year increase in the brand settlement to the pandemic-related reduction in the operating result after
Financial result, Audi Group
from Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, for the China business due to tax.21 The average capital invested in the year under review was
EUR million 2020 2019 ∆ in %
the Audi brand’s good performance in China had a positive impact EUR 24,312 (24,930) million.
Result from investments accounted for using on the development of the other financial result. Overall, the Audi
496 274 80.7
the equity method Group’s China business contributed EUR 1,009 (688) million to On the asset side, property, plant and equipment in particular
of which FAW-Volkswagen Automotive
Company, Ltd.
107 180 –40.5 the financial result. fell to EUR 13,037 (14,618) million due to our prioritization of
of which Volkswagen Automatic Transmission
244 185 31.5
investment. Inventories declined to EUR 7,095 (7,819) million
(Tianjin) Company Ltd.
Profit after tax at prior-year level due to destocking, while trade receivables – particularly within
of which SAIC Volkswagen Automotive
17 27 –36.6
Company Ltd. the Volkswagen Group – increased to EUR 5,998 (5,011) million.
of which There Holding B.V. 61 –117 X In the 2020 fiscal year, the Audi Group posted a profit before tax On the non-interest-bearing liabilities side, trade payables
of which other 67 –1 X
of EUR 4,187 (5,223) million. The return on sales before tax was increased to EUR 7,533 (7,106) million at year-end, driven by
Net interest result 52 2 X
8.4 (9.4) percent. Income tax expense was EUR 866 million lower increased production in December.
Other financial result 1,070 436 145.2

of which brand settlement, China business18 641 295 117.0

than in the previous year. Alongside the lower operating result,
Financial result 1,618 713 126.8 this was mainly due to tax-free divestment of the participations Strong performance and one-off effects in the fourth quarter
of which China business 19
1,009 688 46.7 in Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH, Munich, and Audi
Electronics Venture GmbH, Gaimersheim. This resulted in a profit While the coronavirus pandemic had a very negative impact on
after tax of EUR 3,774 (3,943) million. the business performance of the Audi Group in the first half of
2020 in particular, the operating result picked up considerably
Financial result of the Audi Group Development of return on investment in the Audi Group due to a pleasing performance in the second half of the year and,
above all, the best fourth quarter in the company’s history.
The financial result of the Audi Group increased to EUR 1,618 The Audi Group’s return on investment (ROI)20 was 7.4 (12.7)
(713) million in the past fiscal year. This included an increase in percent in the 2020 fiscal year and thus below our minimum The Audi Group posted revenue of EUR 16,710 (14,348) million
the result from investments accounted for using the equity required rate of return of 9 percent. Year-on-year, the negative in the fourth quarter of 2020. The operating result was
method, partly due to an increased profit from the participation development of the return on investment is largely attributable EUR 2,456 (1,271) million in this period, while the operating
in THERE Holding B.V., Rijswijk (Netherlands), which in turn has return on sales was 14.7 (8.9) percent. The principal factors
a participation in HERE International B.V., Eindhoven (Nether- here, apart from a substantial rise in the number of vehicles sold
lands). The net interest result improved due to lower expenses due to pent-up market demand – especially a higher proportion
for the compounding of interest on liabilities. The increase in the Development of return on investment in the Audi Group of full-size cars – were increased parts deliveries for the strong
other financial result is mainly due to the selling profit of China business and a reduction in fixed costs as a result of
EUR million 2020 2019 ∆ in %
EUR 589 million resulting from the deconsolidation of Audi improved cost discipline. In addition, other positive effects com-
Operating result after tax 1,799 3,157 –43.0
Electronics Venture GmbH, Gaimersheim. Invested assets (average) 24,312 24,930 –2.5
pared with the prior-year period included effects from the mea-
Return on investment (ROI) in % 7.4 12.7 –5.3 ppt surement of commodity hedges.

18 Financial brand settlement agreed between AUDI AG and Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, and performance-
related income for China business in connection with associates. 20 The return on investment (ROI) expresses the return achieved on the capital employed. We obtain this indicator by
determining the ratio of operating result after tax to average invested assets. Average invested assets are calculated
19 Includes the result from investments accounted for using the equity method: FAW-Volkswagen Automotive
from the asset items on the balance sheet that serve the core business purpose (intangible assets, property, plant and
Company, Ltd., Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Tianjin) Company Ltd., SAIC Volkswagen Automotive
equipment, leasing and rental assets, investment property, inventories and receivables) less non-interest-bearing lia-
Company Ltd. and brand settlement/performance-related income for China business. 21 A standardized average tax rate for the Volkswagen Group of 30 percent is assumed for operating result after tax.
bilities (trade payables and advance payments). The average of the value of invested assets at the start and the value of
the invested assets at the end of the fiscal year is then calculated.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 108 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 109 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 110

after tax in the AUDI AG single-entity financial statements –

4th quarter in figures
prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code
Net worth (HGB) – due to a higher dividend distribution to AUDI AG from
an Audi subsidiary.
+93 %
+16 % Non-current liabilities were higher as of December 31, 2020,
revenue in the partly owing to a rise in provisions for pensions as a result of a
4th quarter
Q4 reduction in the interest rate applied for discounting. The rise in
at record level Total assets of the Audi Group as of December 31, 2020, rose to
2020 the current liabilities of the Audi Group was mainly caused by
EUR 67,229 (66,878) million.
higher financial liabilities in connection with the higher profit
transfer to Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg.
+25 % The Audi Group’s non-current assets declined, mainly due to the
reduction in property, plant and equipment resulting from
increase in Focus on the Audi Group’s capital investment
revenue in the greater prioritization of investments to enhance active liquidity
full-size segment
return on sales: management, including as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Total capital investments declined to EUR 3,654 (4,223) million
14.7 % As of December 31, 2020, the equity of the Audi Group decreased
in the 2020 fiscal year as a result of the Audi Group’s investment
discipline, including in areas that are not product-relevant.
to EUR 24,253 (28,395) million, giving an equity ratio of 36.1
(42.5) percent. The decline in equity was primarily due to lower
The reduction was particularly attributable to a year-on-year fall
reserves, together with a year-on-year increase in the profit trans-
in capex, while capitalized development costs increased slightly
The financial result of the Audi Group was above the prior-year fer to Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg. This was based on higher profit
due to the focus on product-related investments.
level at EUR 529 (284) million in the fourth quarter of 2020. As
a result, the Audi Group reported a profit before tax of EUR 2,985
(1,555) million and the operating return on sales before tax was
17.9 (10.8) percent. Profit after tax came to EUR 2,608 (1,101)
million. Condensed balance sheet, Audi Group

EUR million Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 ∆ in %

Non-current assets 32,443 34,211 –5.2

Current assets 34,785 32,422 7.3

Assets classified as held for sale − 246 –100.0

Total assets 67,229 66,878 0.5

Equity 24,253 28,395 –14.6

Liabilities 42,975 38,431 11.8

of which non-current liabilities 17,638 16,212 8.8

of which current liabilities 25,337 22,219 14.0

Liabilities classified as held for sale − 52 –100.0

Total equity and liabilities 67,229 66,878 0.5

Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 111 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 112 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 113

Strong net cash flow High net liquidity

Financial position 2020 2020 Condensed cash flow statement, Audi Group

4,589 EUR
EUR million

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of

2020 2019 ∆ in %

11,747 8,550 37.4


+45.2 % Cash flow from operating activities 6,308 7,479 –15.7

Investing activities attributable to operating

–1,720 –4,319 –60.2
EUR activities
In the 2020 fiscal year, the Audi Group generated cash flow from m of which capital expenditure 23
–1,888 –2,731 –30.8
of which capitalized development costs –1,365 –1,146 19.1
operating activities of EUR 6,308 (7,479) million. The decline
of which acquisition and sale of
1,460 –497 X
was principally due to lower earnings as a result of the pandemic. 2019 participations
21,754 EUR
m Net cash flow 4,589 3,160 45.2
3,160 EUR
m 2019
Change in cash deposits and loans extended –1,032 1,201 X
Significant reduction in capex
Profit transfer to the Volkswagen Group –3,752 –1,096 X
Lease payments, change in miscellaneous
–200 –104 91.9
The cash flow from investing activities attributable to operating financial liabilities

activities came to EUR −2,752 (−3,118) million in 2020. Net cash flow and net liquidity above prior year Change in cash and cash equivalents due to
–199 36 X
changes in exchange rates
Change in cash and cash equivalents –595 3,196 X
This reflected the Audi Group’s increased investment discipline. The net cash flow of the Audi Group totaled EUR 4,589 (3,160)
For instance, we significantly reduced capex 22 to EUR −1,888 million in the 2020 fiscal year. Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 11,152 11,747 –5.1

(−2,731) million. The ratio of capex was 3.8 (4.9) percent in the
Net liquidity 22,377 21,754 2.9
2020 fiscal year. Intragroup sales of subsidiaries and the trans- Cash flow from financing activities amounted to EUR −3,952
fer of shares in associates amounting to approximately EUR 1.5 (−1,200) million. It mainly comprised the profit transfer to Cash flow from investing activities –2,752 –3,118 –11.8
billion had a positive effect on cash flow from investing activi- Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, of EUR −3,752 million for 2019. Cash flow from financing activities –3,952 –1,200 X

ties. This was countered by cash deposits and loans extended

due to a change in the investment horizon. As of the balance sheet date, our cash funds declined to
EUR 11,152 (11,747) million.

The net liquidity of the Audi Group as of December 31, 2020,

amounted to a total of EUR 22,377 (21,754) million.

22 Capex includes investments in property, plant and equipment, investment property and other intangible assets 23 This includes investments in property, plant and equipment, investment property and other intangible assets
according to the cash flow statement. according to the cash flow statement.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 114 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 115 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 116

Employees Report on expected

Workforce Audi Group

Average for the year 2020 2019 ∆ in %

Domestic companies24

of which AUDI AG



Ingolstadt plant 42,131 42,904 –1.8
Neckarsulm plant 15,306 16,036 –4.6
Foreign companies 26,612 27,669 –3.8
In the 2020 fiscal year, the average level of the Audi Group work- of which Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. 3,052 2,922 4.4
force was 87,996 (90,783) employees. As of year-end 2020, of which Audi Hungaria Zrt. 12,391 13,079 –5.3

there were 86,860 (90,640) employees. This reduction was of which Audi México S.A. de C.V. 5,233 5,268 –0.7 The Board of Management of AUDI AG anticipates – based in part
largely based on the Audi.Zukunft fundamental agreement of which Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. 1,769 1,788 –1.1 on the estimates by leading economic institutes – that the global
of which Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. 1,337 1,290 3.6
concluded in 2019. More than 1,300 direct and indirect employ- economy will stabilize in 2021 and grow by a good 4 percent.
Employees 85,044 87,752 –3.1
ees of AUDI AG took up the early-retirement offer and left the This is based, in particular, on the expected containment of the
Apprentices 2,493 2,585 –3.6
company on July 1, 2020. There was also a reduction in the num- Employees of Audi Group companies 87,537 90,337 –3.1
coronavirus pandemic as a result of strict lockdowns at the start
ber of employees at Audi Hungaria Zrt. as a result of employee Staff employed from other Volkswagen Group 459 446 2.9 of the year and the increasing number of vaccinations adminis-
companies not belonging to the Audi Group
turnover and adjustment of the production program. The decon- tered as the year progresses. The Board of Management believes
Workforce Audi Group 87,996 90,783 –3.1
solidation of Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH, Munich, Workforce Audi Group as of Dec. 31 86,860 90,640 –4.2
that risks will arise from protectionist tendencies, turbulence in
and Audi Japan Sales K.K., Tokyo, also brought a reduction in the the financial and commodity markets and structural deficits in
workforce. individual countries. Moreover, growth prospects will be nega-
tively affected by continuing geopolitical tension and conflicts.
Audi.Zukunft Furthermore, the Board of Management assumes a clearly pos-
The funds freed up in this way will secure the strategic target
itive economic trend in both the developed economies and the
corridor for the operating return of 9 to 11 percent and finance
In order to transform the company, Audi reached a fundamental emerging markets.
the implementation of future projects such as in the areas of
agreement with employee representatives in November 2019 on
electrification and digitalization.
structural matters within the framework of Audi.Zukunft. The For 2021, the Audi Board of Management expects the passenger
decisions relate especially to the optimization of the strategic car markets to develop at different rates in the various regions.
For more information about Audi.Zukunft and strategic HR
production capacity at the two German sites and socially respon- Overall, worldwide demand for new vehicles is expected to be
planning see page 266.
sible adjustment of jobs along the demographic curve. At the perceptibly higher than in the year under review, assuming suc-
same time, job guarantees were extended to the end of 2029, cessful containment of the coronavirus pandemic over a sus-
and agreement was reached on the creation of new jobs in tained period.
future-oriented fields.
In Europe, the brand with the Four Rings expects that in 2021
new car registrations will be much higher than in the previous
year. Audi also expects new registrations on the US market for

24 Of these employees, 2,104 (1,945) were in the passive stage of their partial retirement.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 117 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 118 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 119

passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to be considerably This path is set to continue in the coming years. A total amount
higher than in 2020. of EUR 35 billion in the period to 2025 will ensure that, despite
Cost and the challenging economic environment, upfront expenditure will
The market for passenger cars in China, too, is expected to remain at a high level, particularly with respect to future vehicle
develop favorably, with considerably higher volumes than in investment discipline projects. The company is prioritizing product-related invest-
2020. ments and reducing its strategic target corridor for capex by one
Ensuring percentage point to between 4 and 5 percent of revenue. Mean-
Significant year-on-year growth is also expected for the interna- while, Audi is increasing upfront expenditure for products and
future viability
tional motorcycle markets. future technologies. Instead of investing 5 to 6 percent of reve-
nue in research and development, the company plans to increase
The Audi Board of Management is cautiously optimistic about this to 6 to 7 percent in the future – Audi is thereby underscoring
2021, although forecasting is currently hampered by the contin- its commitment to innovation and accelerating its transforma-
ued impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which also affects Audi is clearly committed to a strategic target corridor of 9 to tion into a provider of connected and sustainable premium
global economic recovery, and by the bottlenecks in the supply 11 percent for the operating return on sales, as only lasting mobility.
of semiconductors experienced at the beginning of the year. profitability can create the necessary scope for investing in the
Subject to this situation, the Board of Management currently future.
expects the Audi key performance indicators to develop as fol-
lows in the 2021 fiscal year: To achieve this target, the company is relying on strict invest- R&D capex

ment and cost discipline so as not to compromise on product

substance and future viability. In the 2020 fiscal year, Audi
therefore reduced capex considerably to EUR 1,888 (2,731) mil-
lion. The ratio of capex fell to 3.8 (4.9) percent. Audi is also
6–7 % 4–5 %
Anticipated development in the key performance indicators of the expected research and development ratio anticipated ratio of capex
Audi Group continuing to implement the Audi Transformation Plan (ATP)
and the Audi.Zukunft agreement consistently.
Actual 2020 Forecast 2021 Strategic target

Deliveries of cars of the Audi brand to 1,692,773 significantly above – At EUR 3,662 (4,426) million, research and development activ-
customers25 prior-year level
Revenue in EUR million 49,973 significantly above –
ities also declined; the research and development ratio reached
prior-year level 7.3 (7.9) percent. Efficiency gains in Technical Development and
Operating result/operating return on 5.1 between between 9 and 11
the pooling of software development in the Car.Software orga-
sales in % 7 and 9 percent percent
Return on investment (ROI) in % 7.4 between > 21 percent nization within the Volkswagen Group had a positive impact
12 and 15 percent here. However, there was no reduction in project funds for new
Net cash flow in EUR million 4,589 between EUR 3.5 –
and 4.5 billion models and technologies – a clear entrepreneurial statement
Research and development ratio in % 7.3 within the strategic between 6 and 7 amid the pandemic.
target corridor of percent
6 to 7 percent
Ratio of capex in % 3.8 within the strategic between 4 and 5
target corridor of percent
4 to 5 percent

25 This includes delivered Audi models produced locally by the associate FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, Ltd.,
Changchun (China).
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 120 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 121 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 122

In this way, control activities were assigned to all major risk-

carrying business processes across division boundaries as safe-
Report on risks and guards.

opportunities Operating principle of the Risk Management System

The Risk Management System of the Audi Group is based on the

Report on
internationally recognized standard of the Committee of Sponsor-
ing Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Risks are
Risk management system in to be identified, evaluated and appropriately managed by those
the Audi Group responsible. The higher-level internal business units and Group

risks and
functionalities responsible must communicate in a transparent,
accurate and timely manner. All divisions and material companies
of the Audi Group are integrated into the Risk Management Sys-

tem in order to satisfy both business and statutory requirements.
Changes in the legal framework with respect to risk management
Integrity and compliance with statutory and regulatory require- are also continually monitored and accordingly implemented
ments are the basis of entrepreneurial actions in the Audi Group promptly for the company.

and are treated as a top priority. Addressing opportunities and
risks constructively and openly is vital for Audi in order to ensure The RMS/ICS is closely interlocked with the compliance function-
the lasting success of its entrepreneurial activities. The particular ality (Central Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) organization)
purpose of an effective Risk Management System (RMS) – besides as part of an integrated and inclusive management approach. The
fulfilling statutory requirements – is to validate entrepreneurial Board of Management and the Supervisory Board, especially the
goals, protect stakeholders against negative corporate develop- Audit Committee, are kept regularly informed about the RMS/
ments, fulfill the company’s far-reaching duty of care in respect ICS as well as the Compliance Management System (CMS) in a
of how it handles risks as well as protect long-term viability and combined report.

The Audi Group’s responsible and transparent approach to risks

is reflected, among other things, in the formulation of ambitious
Page 121 Risk management system in the Audi Group corporate goals that are based comprehensively on risk/return
Page 126 Operating principle of opportunities management considerations. These are synchronized both within the Audi
Page 127 Risks and opportunities of the Audi Group
Group and with the Volkswagen Group. The RMS is supplemented
by the Internal Control System (ICS) that ensures that processes
at Audi are compliant and stable. In the past fiscal year, an exten-
sive revision and extension of the ICS was successfully completed.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 123 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 124 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 125

of the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing Each line furthermore submits reports regularly and inde-
Supervisory Board
(ECIIA). On this basis, the RMS/ICS of the Audi Group features pendently to the full Board of Management and the Audit Com-
three lines that are intended to protect the company against the mittee of the Supervisory Board of AUDI AG.
occurrence of material risks.
Board of Management
The independent auditor assesses annually the suitability of
The individual divisions of AUDI AG and the participations form the measures taken by the Board of Management pursuant to
First line Second line Third line
the first line. They are responsible for the operational manage- Section 91, Para. 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
ment of risks, taking countermeasures, controlling the risks and
GRC organization
Internal Audit reporting on them.

Coordination of control
Operational risk
processes, governance and Audit of RMS/ICS In the second line, the central GRC organization takes charge of
the fundamental functionality of the RMS/ICS as well as the CMS.
Core activities involve monitoring system performance and sub-
mitting an aggregated report on the risk situation to the Board
of Management and the Audit Committee of the Supervisory
Central tasks of risk management Board. This ensures that the statutory requirements for the early
identification of risks and the effectiveness of the RMS/ICS are
The central tasks of risk management are to identify and analyze met. Ad hoc projects on risk management and regular training
risks, ensure transparent reporting of these risks and improve courses are also held to reinforce awareness of risk management
their controllability using suitable risk management tools. Risks and compliance as well as to promote a positive risk culture in
are generally reported quarterly through the Risk Quarterly Pro- the Audi Group. Mandatory training and function-specific training
cess, which maps the current risk situation in the Audi Group. In programs are aimed at various specific target groups. AUDI AG
accordance with the COSO framework, risk-appropriate internal also has business division GRC coordinators who liaise between
controls are also defined along the entire value chain and their the first and second lines. At the participations, this function is
implementation is monitored (ICS). handled by clearly designated risk and compliance officers.

The Audi Group promotes the further development of the RMS/ In the third line, Internal Audit as an impartial body examines the
ICS through cross-divisional and cross-company projects. The pri- security, regularity and economic effectiveness of the RMS/ICS
ority here is to interlink the system closely with corporate finan- activities. The RMS/ICS for accounting is additionally subject to
cial planning and management, as well as with accounting. In view scrutiny by the independent auditor of the consolidated financial
of its high strategic relevance, the regulatory framework for the statements.
RMS/ICS is firmly established both in an internal Corporate Policy
of AUDI AG and in the policies of the material participations.

To systematically structure its risk management architecture, the

Audi Group follows the “Three Lines Model” – a recommendation
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 126 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 127 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 128

Progress with diesel issue

Operating principle of Risks and opportunities AUDI AG has made material progress since 2015 on the many
legal and official proceedings in a large number of countries in
opportunities management of the Audi Group connection with the diesel issue. Individual and class action law-
suits brought by customers and/or environmental and consumer
organizations are currently still pending against Volkswagen AG
and other Volkswagen Group companies, including AUDI AG, in
a number of countries. Among other things, these are assert-
ing alleged rights to damages or rescission of the purchase
To secure the sustained success of the Audi Group, it is necessary The main risks and opportunities for the Audi Group are described
contract. Further settlements were achieved in the year under
in all long-term corporate decisions to identify and use entre- below. Based on current assessments, these have been catego-
review, the financial impact of which is reflected in the special
preneurial opportunities, as well as managing risks effectively. rized as materially relevant to future development and may lead
items described in the explanation of the Audi Group’s finan-
Opportunities management – which includes such aspects as to negative or positive deviations from the key performance indi-
cial performance. The consultations with government agencies
optimizing revenue, costs and products – is integrated into the cators forecast.
on technical measures relating to the diesel issue have largely
operational and organizational structure of the Audi Group and
been concluded. Audi remains in technical discussions with the
is closely aligned with our strategic objectives. To that end we AUDI AG sees risks to the positive growth of global economic
responsible authorities in only a few cases. There are also crim-
continuously analyze the international context for potential output, and therefore to the Audi key performance indicators, as
inal proceedings and investigations still pending against indi-
impacts on the business model in order to identify trends and lying predominantly in a failure to achieve lasting containment
viduals. The main trial proceedings that began at the Munich II
industry-specific key factors early on. Relevant developments of the coronavirus pandemic. There is a further risk regarding
Regional Court in September 2020, where a former Chairman
are studied in detail with the help of scenario analyses. The pos- the sufficient supply of semiconductors for the entire automo-
of the Board of Management of AUDI AG is defending himself
sible impact on Audi is identified jointly with Strategic Corporate tive industry. Audi is striving to keep the operating impacts of
against allegations in connection with the diesel issue, are par-
Planning, the divisions affected and the Controlling area. The the current undersupply of semiconductors as low as possible
ticularly noteworthy.
purpose of this cooperation is to identify and utilize opportuni- and to compensate them as far as possible during the remainder
ties. Medium and short-term potential opportunities are identi- of the year.
In-depth information about the diesel issue can be found in the
fied and operationalized by the divisions. The aim is to secure
Volkswagen Group’s Annual Report for the 2020 fiscal year.
the long-term competitiveness and future viability of Audi The most significant operational risks are also associated with
through its strategy, efficiency and opportunities initiatives such the timely implementation of future mandatory legal require-
as Audi.Zukunft and the Audi Transformation Plan (ATP), and ad ments in connection with cyber security and vehicle software
hoc through benchmarking. Over and above pursuing specific updates. In connection with the strategic realignment of Audi
targets, further opportunities may come to light when imple- business in China, risks remain in relation to collaboration with
menting these initiatives. local partners. These risks could have an adverse impact, partic-
ularly on the planned volume development as well as on import-
ant financial key figures, and could adversely affect our reputa-
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 129 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 130

Sustainability as the basis for the Audi Group’s future viability Alongside a rapid global economic recovery, the main oppor-
tunities involve synergies in new vehicle architectures in the
The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important Volkswagen Group, especially in the areas of development, pro-
throughout the entire value chain and in the management of curement and production. In addition, the global trade disputes
the company as a whole. For example, in 2021 and beyond, dif- could be defused and the company could increase its market
fering and constantly changing global regulations and legisla- share thanks to its young and attractive product portfolio. A
tion on vehicle emissions have to be complied with. Continued further increase in the strength of the brand could also prove
systematic development of alternative drive concepts – espe- beneficial.
cially fully electric and electrified models – is a cornerstone of
the Audi strategy. This results, among other things, in a risk Overall risk situation of the Audi Group
that we will fail to meet the more stringent average target for
CO₂ fleet emissions in the EU introduced in September 2020. The current risk situation has already been built into the forecast
Moreover, there are risks in connection with the speed of the for the 2021 fiscal year. The overall risk situation in the Audi
general transition to electric mobility and the associated mar- Group has increased slightly compared with the previous year.
ket acceptance of our electric vehicles, partly because of the This is reflected in the number of reportable risks. On the basis
delayed development of the infrastructure. Furthermore, sus- of the information available at present, there continue to be no
tainable operations are the basis at Audi for future-proofing the risks that could pose a threat to the Audi Group and material
company. Audi therefore takes the return on investment (ROI) Group companies as going concerns.
after CO₂ effects into consideration in its product decisions. The
decarbonization index26 and NEV share27 are firmly established
in the Audi Group as strategic key figures and are used to man-
age the company from a sustainability perspective.

To achieve its sustainability targets, the Audi Group has ear-

marked EUR 15 billion of the EUR 35 billion capital investment
planned for the period up to 2025 for electric mobility. In 2021,
Audi will maintain its consistent efforts across the entire value
chain to preserve resources and help the topic of sustainability
become even more deeply rooted. That is the only way the brand
with the Four Rings can offer customers sustainable premium
mobility and remain economically successful.

26 The decarbonization index (DCI) measures the average emissions of CO ₂ and CO ₂ equivalents (together CO ₂e)
over the entire life cycle of our portfolio of passenger cars and is stated in metric tons per vehicle. The DCI
encompasses both direct and indirect CO ₂e emissions at the individual production sites (Scope 1 and 2) as well
as all further upstream and downstream CO ₂ e emissions over the life cycle of the vehicles sold – from the
extraction of raw materials to the use of the vehicle and final disposal of old vehicles (Scope 3).
27 The NEV (new energy vehicle) share expresses the percentage of all-electric (BEV) as well as electrified (PHEV)
vehicles in relation to the Audi brand’s total amount of vehicles produced.
Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 131 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 132 Audi Report 2020 Operations & Integrity 133

In spite of the difficult global situation owing The supercar brand Lamborghini was also
to the coronavirus pandemic, Ducati Motor severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Holding ended 2020 with a record in the sec- Even so, in 2020 Lamborghini recorded the
ond half of the year. best second half of the year in the company’s

Revenue from
Production Revenue Production automotive business

Motorcycles EUR million Cars EUR million

44,827 (51,723) 676 (716) 7,250 (8,664) 1,569 (1,743)

–13.3 % –5.6 % –16.3 % –10.0 %
Production was down by –13.3 percent com- Yet in spite of the difficult market environment, The number of vehicles produced declined Yet in spite of the difficult market environ-
pared with 2019 as a result of the coronavirus revenue only decreased by –5.6 percent to from the previous year by –16.3 percent to ment, revenue from automotive business only
pandemic and the associated production stop EUR 676 million due to a vigorous second half 7,250 vehicles owing to a production stop in dropped by –10.0 percent to EUR 1,569 million

of several weeks. of the year and a stable genuine parts business. Italy that lasted for several weeks. due to a strong second half of the year.

Deliveries to customers Operating result Deliveries to customers

Motorcycles EUR million EUR million Cars

48,042 (53,183) 12 (29) 24 (52) 7,430 (8,205)


–9.7 % –59.8 % –53.2 % –9.4 %

Thanks to strong sales performance during The effects of the pandemic were also clearly
the second half of the year, Ducati delivered a visible in the operating result, which declined As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the
total of 48,042 motorcycles in 2020, thus by –59.8 percent to EUR 12 million. Lamborghini brand delivered 7,430 vehicles,
limiting the year-on-year drop in sales to –9.4 percent fewer than the year before
–9.7 percent. despite a stable order situation.

Ducati Lamborghini
model families model families

> Diavel Aventador Limited edititon

> XDiavel > Aventador S > Sián FKP 37
> Hypermotard > Aventador S Roadster > Sián Roadster
> Monster > Aventador SVJ > Essenza SCV12
> Multistrada > Aventador SVJ Roadster > SC20
> Panigale
> Scrambler Huracán
Page 132 Ducati > Streetfighter > Huracán EVO
Page 133 Lamborghini > Superleggera > Huracán EVO RWD
> Supersport > Huracán EVO RWD Spyder
> Huracán EVO Spyder
> Huracán STO

Lamborghini Sián Roadster:

Urus combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5;
Ducati Superleggera V4

Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP)

17 Adjusted for effects of subsequent measurement in connection with the purchase price allocation (PPA)
amounting to EUR 12 (23) million.
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 134 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 135 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 136

How will Talking Sustainable Business –

Key Facts
Design: new Audi e-tron GT quattro1 as the spearhead
continue of the Audi electric model initiative showcases the
future of electric design

Electric mobility: substantial progress achieved

in profitability; investments amounting to around
EUR 15 billion in electric mobility by 2025

Comfort: Audi offers customers innovative lighting

and sound technologies
DELIGHTING Software: expansion of Group synergies – the
DELIGHTING Car.Software organization has operated as the central
unit for software development within the Volkswagen
Group since July 2020; Artemis project as a blueprint
for future agile development throughout the entire
Volkswagen Group

its High-performance segment: high contribution to prof-

itability; despite the coronavirus with record sales;
electrification is leading the segment into the future
Page 136 Page 152 Page 168

the future MA STERPIECE

The A winning quar- Bright &

masterpiece tet – Audi’s path audible – for

to the electric age more comfort

Page 183 Page 203
Speed date – the future Synergies in software
of the high-performance development. Creating
segment hard facts for software

Photo: Robert Fischer

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 137 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 138 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 139

The new Audi e-tron GT quattro1 A Gran Turismo is a sporty

and Audi RS e-tron GT.2 Fully touring car with excellent
electric and produced at dynamic handling, a confident
Böllinger Höfe, these vehicles glider. The Audi e-tron GT1
combine forward-looking tech- shares this character.
nologies with Audi’s commit-
ment to premium quality, and

Photo: Robert Fischer

therefore symbolize the electri-
cal performance of the future.

Audi RS e-tron GT:

combined electric power
consumption in
kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3
(NEDC); combined
CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Photo: Robert Fischer

Photo: AUDI AG
The formula
for progress Focus on the customer
The future
Photo: Robert Fischer
Thus the concept starts with the customer’s wishes. And in the
Dr. Karl Durst,

lies in ideas Head of Requirements

case of the Audi e-tron GT quattro,1 they are as clear-cut as they
are incompatible. Or at least, they have been until now. Plenty of
Whole Vehicle
customers want a vehicle that is beautiful, very sporty, fit for
Text: Bernd Zerelles
everyday use and sustainable. The challenge is that very sporty
vehicles do not usually score highly on everyday usability. And if
The fully electric Audi e-tron GT During our video call, Dr. Karl Durst waves his cup of coffee around
the focus shifts too much towards everyday usability, developers
with a wry smile: “Basically I could illustrate our work very well
quattro1 is a masterpiece of engi- are inclined to create a purely functional vehicle that will then be
with this cup. The cup needs to satisfy various requirements: It
neering art – in terms of its technol- less aerodynamic or sporty.
needs to hold 0.3 liters of liquid, you need to be able to hold it
ogy, aerodynamics and design. This with one hand and it needs to keep the liquid hot for a while. It’s
But the future often makes things possible that were difficult to
the same with a vehicle: Every Audi needs to satisfy various dif-
electric car signposts where the ferent requirements. If it’s an Avant, it needs to be family-friendly
imagine in the past. That is where electric mobility steps into the
role of enabler. Durst, who is effectively the project owner in
future of Audi lies. Which details with ample space for three kids on the rear seat. A sports car
defining the performance specifications for new vehicles, puts it
needs to have excellent driving dynamics. The concept for a vehi-
make this vehicle a masterpiece? like this: “With the electric platform as our basis, we can now
cle is defined by requirements. And the requirements come from
bring together aspects of the vehicle architecture of the
our customers.”
1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: Audi e-tron GT1 that were previously incompatible.”
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
2 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 140 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 141 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 142

Optional, aerodynamically optimized The electric vehicle concept

wheels round out the efficient,
high-performance vehicle concept.
There is no ten-cylinder engine restricting the cabin. Instead,
small electric motors on the axles permit an interior with abun-
dant space for four passengers. The agility and surprising accel-

Photo: Robert Fischer

eration of the electric drive is combined with a high range, which
also benefits from excellent aerodynamics. The absence of a com-
bustion engine enables proportions that produce an exciting

The result is a fully electric, four-door, driver-focused Gran Turismo

with high-performance handling characteristics. “The Audi Dr. Moni Islam,
Head of Aerodynamics/
e-tron GT1 is the best example of how utterly contradictory Aeroacoustics
requirements drive us further forward than we had ever imagined Development
in our wildest dreams,” adds Durst. “The vehicle is a breathtaking
combination: dynamic, practical, efficient and a design icon.”

Photo: Robert Fischer

Active aerodynamics
improve range

Dr. Moni Islam is standing in front of an oversized LED wall that

displays an aerodynamics simulation of the Audi e-tron GT.1 He
throws his arms wide open and follows the simulated airflow
along the vehicle’s silhouette. Brimming with pride, he declares:
“With the Audi e tron GT1 we’ve succeeded in blending fantastic
design with very good aerodynamics.”

The Canadian makes no secret of the huge challenge his specific

The Audi RS e-tron GT 2 also performs while
charging: Thanks to its 800-volt technology, the discipline has faced: “For system reasons, electric vehicles can
high-voltage battery can be recharged quickly. carry less energy on board in their battery than conventional
vehicles have in their fuel tank. So we need to take special care
Photo: Robert Fischer

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:

19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0

Photo: AUDI AG
Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 2 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 143 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 144 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 145

In combination, the vehicle details create Levers for optimizing aerodynamics the rear, the lower the entire vehicle’s resistance. In the dynamic
a sculpture that looks like it was shaped by mode, the rear spoiler is angled much more steeply to reduce
the wind. This is further underscored by But the electric vehicle concept is conducive to efficient aerody-
styling with a high degree of aerodynamic lift at the rear wheels to the minimum level required.
quality. The drag coefficient amounts to
namics. For example, the Audi e-tron GT1 has a completely
only 0.24. enclosed underbody that is smooth from tip to tail. Such a
design is only possible because the battery drive means there is
no exhaust system. That already improves the airflow enor-
mously. Also, the electric motors of the Audi e-tron GT1 operate
much more efficiently than a combustion engine. They transmit
less heat to the surroundings and cooling is needed much more Fascinating
rarely and to a lesser extent. That allows the aerodynamics engi- effects thanks to
neers to employ intelligent cooling air management on the innovation: active
Audi e-tron GT.1 adjustment of
aerodynamics by

Photo: AUDI AG
the rear spoiler
The closable side cooling air inlets Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in adjustable in two
kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in stages.
g/km: 0

“We’ve realized a raft of measures to manage the aerodynamics

optimally on the Audi e-tron GT.1 First, the closable side cooling
The adaptive air suspension
air inlets are a very important aerodynamic feature of the for-
ward structure,” emphasizes Islam. “The louver system on these
Photo: AUDI AG The controllable features also include the adaptive air suspension.
Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: air inlets is controlled electronically and regulates automatically
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 “Height adjustment is important for aerodynamic reasons. The
how much cooling air the vehicle needs. Depending on the driv-
lowest position, the setting for fast freeway driving, is ideal for
ing profile, the louvers remain closed for much of the journey –
the drag coefficient,” explains Islam. He then adds: “From an
that keeps the drag coefficient as low as possible.”
aerodynamics perspective, I don’t mind if the suspension setting
is higher for everyday use in city driving. At those speeds, aerody-
The extending rear spoiler
when using that electrical energy. For us engineers, there’s a namics are barely relevant.”
huge incentive to develop the best possible aerodynamics for all
Another innovation is the extending rear spoiler, which for the
our electric models.” Every one-thousandth degree of improve- He concludes: “The Audi e-tron GT1 has an outstanding drag coef-
first time on an Audi has several positions to optimize the vari-
ment in the aerodynamics can extend the range. That is because ficient of 0.24. That’s the best drag coefficient to date of any of
ous driving modes. This means that in any driving mode the rear
aerodynamic drag is often the dominant component of road our electric models. Good aerodynamics are especially important
spoiler can adjust the direction of the airflow to produce the
resistance for an electric vehicle when driven by the customer. for maximizing the electric range. But if performance is what you
most appropriate aerodynamics. In eco mode, the slipstream is
At speeds beyond about 100 km/h, it already accounts for want, with very low lift for precision driving dynamics, the
brought together as close to parallel and to the vehicle’s tail end
roughly half of total road resistance. At a steady 140 km/h, Audi e-tron GT1 can of course also deliver. The technology makes
as possible. The reason? The smaller this low-pressure zone at
aerodynamic drag approximately doubles. That inflates energy incredible aerodynamic breadth possible.”
consumption by around 50 percent.

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 146 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 147 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 148

The exterior of the Audi RS e-tron GT 2 Marc Lichte, The quattro muscle is a special
is a dynamic work of art. Each surface Head of Audi Design detail. It presented designers
and each line is harmonious – from with major challenges, since this
the headlights to the large diffuser at section is tautened with absolute
the rear. precision.


Photo: Robert Fischer

Photo: Robert Fischer

The Audi e-tron GT quattro1
and the Audi RS e-tron GT 2 are
the first fully electric series-
production vehicles to display

Photo: Robert Fischer

all the traits that define the
Audi e-design of the future
Audi e-design of the future.
The ambition of reinterpreting
a car is also reflected in the
puristic design that is inspired
The Audi e-tron GT1 is the first series-production
by aerodynamic performance. vehicle to display all the traits that Marc Lichte

Photo: Robert Fischer

and his team define as the Audi e-design of
the future. Such as the optically inverted
Marc Lichte strides swiftly into the studio hall in which the
Singleframe, which is finished in the body color
Audi e-tron GT1 is waiting for the cameras to start rolling, and
with a dark surround. It declares from far off:
calls first: “So, is the suspension in the lowest position? That will
This is an Audi. And – it is electric. Or take the
show off its proportions much better!” Then Lichte simply can’t
expressive sill design, which very clearly indicates that this vehicle’s
resist exclaiming: “Doesn’t that thing look just great? A vehicle
nerve center is no longer the engine under the hood, it is the bat-
with a battery in the underbody, a four-seater with plenty of rear
tery beneath the floor. And above all the deep shoulder line, which
headroom, even for tall people like me – but the Audi e-tron GT1
instead of following the time-honored principle of continuing at one
is still seven centimeters lower than the Audi A7. I always say:
level is now interrupted in the middle, and uses soft lines to accen-
Proportions are the basis for good design. Always. And the pack-
tuate the muscles that define the vehicle silhouette at the front and
age of the Audi e-tron GT1 creates those proportions – they are
rear – the so-called quattro muscles. Marc Lichte continues: “These
quite simply perfect.”
wheel arches. These two muscles. That, for me, is Audi.”
1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Photo: AUDI AG

2 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 2 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 149 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 150 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 151

The light signature Aerodynamics as a design feature Every designer’s dream: huge wheelbase, huge wheels,
featuring the blue
X element makes
short overhangs
an unmistakable On the Audi e-tron GT1 the aerodynamics are also visibly expressed
as an exterior design feature: by means of air inlets (air curtains) The technical platform for electric cars now gives Audi designers
in the front, separating edges integrated into the rear lights, the the scope to craft the vehicle proportions they have always
diffuser at the tail end. But these features do not blatantly dreamed of. The motors on the axles and the battery between
demand attention. According to Marc Lichte: “There are all kinds them, in the floor, mean the cabin that is at the heart of the struc-
of ways you can express e-mobility in the design. Some electric ture can increase in size, pushing the larger wheels further out.
cars seek to grab your attention. We take a different approach. Huge wheelbase, huge wheels, short overhangs. That is what
You can clearly tell the Audi e-tron GT1 is an electric vehicle. We defines the unique character of Audi electric vehicles.
use the design to illustrate the drive system’s evolution. We
believe electric mobility enables us to create the most beautiful Marc Lichte cannot suppress his enthusiasm: “The Audi e-tron GT1
cars in the world. That’s our ambition.” is easily the best car I’ve so far had the privilege to design. The car
is like a sketch. It’s ultra-flat, has giant wheels and fabulously
short overhangs. Ever since I started sketching cars as a small boy,
I’ve been dreaming of creating a vehicle like this.”

The fact that Lichte’s dream has become a reality specifically with
the Audi e-tron GT,1 one of the most aerodynamic – and therefore
efficient – Audi models of all time, highlights his expectations of
every Audi: “A good design combines high aesthetic value with
perfect function.” And as if he can barely believe it himself, Marc
Lichte takes another walk around the Audi e-tron GT1 in the studio
hall, stops, smiles and says quietly to himself: “The masterpiece.”

Photo: Robert Fischer

A good design always offers high aesthetic value with perfect
function. The Audi RS e-tron GT 2 is one such example.
Photo: Robert Fischer

1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:

19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 2 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 1 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 152 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 153 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 154

A winning Audi is fully backing electric

mobility: Over the past two years or

Modular longi-
so, the car manufacturer has pre-
tudinal matrix

QUARTET – sented five all-electric models. At

the same time, Audi is electrifying

Audi’s its combustion engines and equip-

ping them with new technologies
MLB evo

path to make them fit for the future. The

switch from purely internal com-
bustion drive to electric mobility is
under way. The challenge now is to
scale up electric cars profitably.
Audi’s strategy revolves around four
vehicle platforms, to create Group-

Photo: AUDI AG
wide synergies in development,
procurement and production.
The brand with the Four Rings opened a new chapter of sustain-
Text: Dorothea Kauf
able mobility at the end of 2018 with the fully electric
By the end of 2021, Audi wants to expand its electric portfolio Audi e-tron.1 This is the manufacturer’s first all-electric series-
to eight models, by which point it will have electric cars in the production model, and a commercial success: In 2020, the

to the compact, full-size and luxury classes. It also plans to add more
than ten all-electric cars by 2025. By then, the volume of all-
electric and plug-in hybrid models should increase from currently
Audi e-tron1 was the world’s top-selling electric car in its segment.
To bring it to market rapidly, Audi based it on the modular longi-
tudinal matrix, or MLB evo for short. This platform, conceived for

electric about seven percent (2020) to around one-third. The company is

investing some EUR 15 billion in this venture between now and
2025. In an effort to scale up electric mobility profitably, Audi is
combustion models, was extensively adapted to the requirements
of an electric car.
Illustration: Matthias Seifarth

age drawing on synergies across the Group and adopting multi-brand

platforms – from the compact to the luxury class.
1 Audi e-tron models: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
2 Audi e-tron Sportback models: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
28.3–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 155 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 156 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 157

Both models are based on the modular electric drive matrix

(MEB). The platform provides the technical basis for future com-
pact and midsize models from Audi. The MEB is a very versatile
Performance Modular
concept and highly scalable. The range of possible derivative ver-
platform electric drive
sions includes SUV, crossover models and sedans. Thanks to its
concept as a purely electric platform, the MEB helps customers
enjoy all the benefits of electric drive. To read more on the sub-
ject see page 158 ff.
MEB Profitability on a par with combustion models possible

Photo: AUDI AG
The Volkswagen Group as a whole plans to build around 19 mil-
lion vehicles using its MEB platform by 2030. The synergy effects
are correspondingly great. This means Audi will be able to offer
The Audi e-tron GT quattro3 unveiled in February 2021 has the its customers electric models that are both economically and
Porsche-developed J1 platform as its basis. The four-door Gran technically sophisticated. Exploiting the platform synergies to
Turismo is the new Audi signature car, a pointer to the technol- the full and building the vehicles at multi-brand plants now

Photo: AUDI AG
ogies of the future and the brand’s design. To read more on the makes electric mobility an attractive proposition for a large
subject see page 136. Its sporty silhouette and fascinating number of compact-segment customers.
technology demonstrate just how emotionally charged electric
mobility can be. Collaboration across the Volkswagen Group As the only manufacturer operating in the premium market,
enables Audi to invest more strongly in such brand-differentiating through and through: a deluxe touring sports car. Its long-dis- Audi stands to benefit from such extensive Group synergies.
features. tance capability rests not merely on its comfort standards; it can What this means in practice is that the company plans to make
also cover more than 480 kilometers (WLTP) on a single charge. the Audi Q4 e-tron family as profitable as an equivalent combus-
The Audi e-tron GT3 has a very high proportion of carry-over parts tion-engine model within the space of two to three years –
approaching 70 percent for its main components such as plat- Audi will be introducing two new electric SUVs – the Audi Q4 e-tron despite the higher manufacturing costs of electric automobiles.
form, interior and exterior. It shares most of these components and the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron – before the end of 2021. These Over the coming years, the company anticipates further reduc-
with the Porsche Taycan.4 This is illustrative of the huge synergy first fully electric Audi models in the compact segment will appeal tions in material costs and additional volume effects that will
potential within the Group. At the same time the brand with the to a broad group of customers and therefore be a key source of improve profitability per vehicle.
Four Rings is pursuing its own distinctive course when it comes to volume within the company’s electrification strategy. They will act
design, technology and vehicle character – examples being chassis as gateways into the electric world of Audi.
and steering tuning. “Comfortable where possible – dynamic
where necessary” was the developers’ guiding principle. The Offering the spaciousness of a full-size model, ranges in excess
Audi e-tron GT,3 as its name clearly indicates, is a Gran Turismo of 500 kilometers (WLTP) and the option of quattro drive, the
Audi Q4 e-tron model line has all the credentials of a first car as
3 Audi e-tron GT models: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: well as being suitable for everyday use.
20.2–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
4 Porsche Taycan: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.7–28.0
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 158 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 159 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 160

What makes the Q4 Sport- What are the design advantages of having a dedicated electric
back e-tron concept a gen- platform?
uine Audi?
P. R. Long wheelbase, short overhangs, large wheels – those
Philipp Römers Among our are the optimum basic proportions of the platform, ones that
customers, design is still benefit the design of a sporty, confident SUV.
the top reason for buying.
The Q4 e-tron family shares C. B. That also gives the interior more depth and maximizes
the typical Audi design the sense of spaciousness. Its exterior dimensions place the

Photo: AUDI AG
traits that we have taken Q4 Sportback e-tron concept in the A+ segment – but its luggage
forward into the electric capacity is worthy of the B segment and the interior is of a size
age. The prominently mod- that belongs in the C segment. That means it is uniquely spa-
Photo: Robert Fischer

Photo: Robert Fischer

eled fenders of all four The vehicle shown is a concept vehicle that is
cious for this class. In an all-electric model, we also no longer
wheels are a classic Audi not available as a series-production vehicle. need a center tunnel. In its place, we’ve been able to include an
design feature that empha- airy center console with ample storage space. This makes the
sizes versions with quattro drive. The flaring is very fluid in electric models useful companions for everyday life.
Christian Becker Philipp Römers
Design Interior Studio 1 Head of Audi Exterior Design design, giving the side view such a distinctive character. Also,
the ratio of one-third window to two-thirds body has a very The vehicle shown is a concept vehicle that is not available as a
sporty impact. That is another Audi-specific attribute within the series-production vehicle.

Group. Obviously there is never any mistaking an Audi in the

rearview mirror of the vehicle in front. The Singleframe marks
out the Q4 Sportback e-tron concept as an Audi at first glance.
DESIGN To identify the electric drive from afar, we’ve sealed the radiator
grille, painted it in the body color and embedded it within a black
is the top reason mask.

for buying Inside, sportiness and the focus on the driver

Christian Becker

are important Audi design features, including in our e-tron

A profitable electric car using a Group platform, but still unmis- models. These models benefit especially from the wide range of
takably an Audi: Its Audi-specific design in particular will make high-quality materials to choose from and the typically Audi
the new Q4 e-tron family stand out. Designers Philipp Römers premium quality and feel of the controls. In a first for Audi, the
and Christian Becker discuss the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron showcars of the Q4 e-tron family feature a steering wheel with
concept as an example of how to express Audi DNA in the age of touch surfaces.
electric platforms. The showcar already gives a highly realistic
foretaste of the series-production model that will be going on
sale later in 2021.

Photo: AUDI AG
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 161 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 162 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 163

Premium performance for charging times and electric driving Intelligent ecosystem: The Audi route
planner allows routes to be planned in
advance on a mobile phone and then sent
Audi is planning various PPE-based model series that – as SUV,
Premium to the car. The planner computes the
Sportback, Avant and crossover models – will cover the seg- fastest route, takes traffic and route data
Platform as well as the driver’s style into account,
ments from the upper midsize class to the luxury class with
Electric calculates the duration of the charging
various different vehicle types. stops, and includes them in the total
driving time.

Key development goals for PPE are high electric ranges, fast
charging times based on an 800-volt system as well as excel-
PPE lent connectivity and digitalization technologies.

Illustration: Matthias Seifarth

Photo: AUDI AG

From now on, Audi intends to focus on the Premium Platform

Electric (PPE) developed in close partnership with Porsche for its
System approach to
electric full-size and luxury models. Both flat-floor and high-floor
vehicles can be realized with the extensively scalable high-tech electric mobility
Key factors that determine the everyday usability of electric cars
Because the platform has been created for the world market and are range and charging time. Drivers of a fully electric Audi
can be scaled up to around seven million units across the model benefit from high charging speeds because the charging
Volkswagen Group by 2030, it will bring corresponding synergy capacity currently of up to 150 kW is achieved across an exten-
effects. Merely the joint development approach will reduce one- sive part of the charging process, depending on model. The
time expenses by 20 to 30 percent. Audi e-tron GT3 even manages a charging capacity as high as
270 kW. It demonstrates how high performance also extends to
the matter of charging at Audi. This performance is made pos-
sible by intelligent thermal management of the battery.

3 Audi e-tron GT models: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:

20.2–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 164 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 165 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 166

All the electric cars currently

available from Audi are also Plug-in hybrids as part Combustion
embedded in an intelligent
of the electric initiative models for
ecosystem: The Audi route
planner allows routes to be the future
Zero local emissions coupled with long-distance capability –
planned in advance on a mobile
plug-in hybrids are an important element of Audi’s electric ini-
phone and then sent to the car. The future of the automobile is
tiative. They are especially important for customers in urban
The planner computes the electric. Nevertheless, com-

Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
areas and for commuters as the key to driving with zero local
fastest route, takes traffic and bustion engines will be rele-
route data as well as the driv- vant for mobility into the
er’s style into account, calcu- medium term. That is why Audi
e-tron Charging Service: just one card and Audi is consistently expanding its part-electric model range all One of many Audi models with
lates the duration of the one contract for over 203,600 charging still plans to be selling around efficient combustion engine and
the way from the compact to the luxury segment. The brand
charging stops and includes points in 26 European countries. 60 to 70 percent of its vehicles mild hybrid system on board:
already offers plug-in hybrids in nine model series. They are the new Audi Q5 Sportback.
them in the total driving time. with a combustion engine in
proving a real hit with customers: Last year, the brand with the
In combination with the Audi 2025. This projection by the company is based on demand in the
Four Rings sold roughly eight times more plug-in hybrid models
e-tron Charging Service, Audi customers in Europe have the various markets and the prevailing statutory requirements. With
worldwide than in 2019. Despite the constraints of the corona-
benefit of over 203,600 charging points in 26 countries that technologies such as broad-based electrification through mild
virus crisis, Audi has increased production capacity for plug-in
they can use with just one card and one contract. Further details hybrid drivetrains, highly efficient particulate filters and new
hybrids more than four-fold since 2019.
about the Audi e-tron Charging Service and its terms and condi- innovations such as twin dosing5 for TDI engines, the brand with
tions can be found here. the Four Rings is demonstrating how combustion engines can
be made even more efficient. The introduction of plug-in hybrid
There should be a further boost to the range in years to come Plug-in hybrids in demand: vehicles in almost all car lines equally cuts fuel consumption and
production capacities at
from innovations to the battery and drive. The power density of Audi increased more than CO₂ emissions. Audi will continue to work on steadily improving
the cells will increase, boosting the storage capacity that is pos- four-fold in 2020. its combustion engines in the future.
sible with a unit occupying the same space or paving the way for
smaller, lighter batteries. Both measures can extend the range Read more on the subject here.
while cutting material costs.

5 Twin dosing technology involves injecting the additive AdBlue into the exhaust system via separate modules at
An improved drive is also a factor in increasing the range. For two points where the temperatures differ.

example, Audi aims to reduce the weight of future electric

motors by around 20 percent and extend the range by some Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs
10 percent. Whereas some competitors buy in electric drive of the United Nations

technology, Audi develops and builds much of it itself. This

In an effort to scale The switch from a drive
enables the brand to be sure of its premium quality. In 2020,

Illustration: Matthias Seifarth

up electric mobility portfolio based entirely

Audi collected an AutomotiveINNOVATIONS Award sponsored by profitably, Audi is on combustion engines

drawing on Group- to electric mobility is
the renowned Center of Automotive Management (CAM), in the wide synergies. now under way.

Alternative Drives category.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 167

In 2020, Audi surpassed the

CO₂ fleet targets for Europe
within the Volkswagen
emissions pool, improving
by around 20 percent in the

Illustration: Matthias Seifarth

Fleet emissions and

The Volkswagen Group is explicitly committed to the goals of

the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to cap the global tem-
perature rise to significantly less than two degrees Celsius. As
its contribution to this “two-degree goal,” Audi is concentrating,
among other things, on reducing the CO₂ emissions of its vehicle
fleet. Based on provisional figures, the company surpassed its
CO₂ fleet targets for Europe within the Volkswagen emissions
pool in 2020. With a calculated 102.9 g/km,6 the company
improved by around 20 percent compared with the average for
the previous year (provisional figure for 2019: 131 g/km). Fleet
consumption in China (FBU) in 2020 was 7.9 l/100 km7 (2019:
5.9 l/100 km).

6 Subject to the official data of the European Commission in the annual CO ₂ fleet monitoring report of the
Volkswagen emissions pool.
7 Subject to official publication by the Minstry for Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in the annual
CO ₂ fleet monitoring report.
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 168 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 169 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 170

For more
BRIGHT comfort

Photo: AUDI AG
& Text: Manfred Dittenhofer
Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro: combined electric power consumption in
kWh/100 km: 24.0–21.6 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0

Seeing and being seen is not every- AUDI LIGHTING –

thing. Making the right sound is also
important in today’s cars. With its digitally breaking

latest lighting and sound technolo- through the dark

gies, Audi is making its mark when

it comes to design and safety. In
particular, the latest innovations
mean Audi has taken a huge leap Cesar Muntada, Stephan Berlitz and Dr. Werner Thomas have
one thing in common: They all work in the field of lighting at
towards achieving its goal of mak- Audi. Their key place of work is 120 meters long and completely
ing mobility in general and cars in
Photo: AUDI AG / Graphic: Colorpong

dark – the drivable underground light testing tunnel in the Audi

Lighting Assistance Center at Technical Development. This is
specific a whole lot more comfort-
where the latest headlight and rear light technologies are devel-
able. oped and tested. Audi and lighting – the benchmark in the auto-
motive industry.
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 171 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 172 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 173

The headlights and rear lights driver to assess their vehicle’s Personalization with organic
are among the most striking position within its lane more light-emitting diodes
design features of a car. “Light accurately. The system can also
The new Audi Q5 and Audi Q5
becomes the visible expression detect pedestrians close to the
Sportback can be supplied with
of ‘Vorsprung durch Technik.’ roadway and picks them out
the option of digital OLED rear
We use it to give a car an outside built-up areas with a
lights. OLED stands for organic
unmistakable face and to marking light.
light-emitting diode. Audi has
Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
sharpen the character of model
already been pioneering
and brand alike,” explains The development of this tech-
organic light-emitting diodes
Cesar Muntada, Head of Light- nology illustrates Audi’s sense
since 2016. Digitalization now
Cesar Muntada, ing Design at Audi. Audi has of responsibility for identifying Stephan Berlitz, Dr. Werner Thomas,
Head of Lighting Design at Audi Head of Lighting Development heralds in a new age, because Project Manager for OLED
brought a succession of trail- all road users. Stephan Berlitz,
the technology has the poten- technology
blazing developments in light- Head of Lighting Development:
tial to make road traffic even
ing technology onto the market in recent years. One example is “The importance of lighting
the digital matrix LED headlight that was first unveiled on the technology is fundamentally changing; its horizons are shifting
Audi e-tron Sportback1 in 2019. from purely driver-centered safety to comprehensive external
The higher segmentation of the digital OLEDs means different
communication based on car-to-X, in other words connecting the
tail light designs are now possible. When buying their Audi Q5,
The right light at the right moment vehicle with other road users and its environment.” Data sharing
customers have three tail light signatures to choose from.
should increase traffic safety and help traffic to flow more effi-
Headlights fitted with this DMD (Digital Micromirror Device)
ciently. Within what is legally permissible, Audi could soon be
technology have a small chip with about one million micromirrors The light from the digital OLEDs is extremely homogeneous. It
using light projections to alert drivers to hazards.
that can be tilted up to 5,000 times per second with the help of can be dimmed continuously and achieves a very high contrast.
electrostatic fields. This chip breaks down the light into tiny pix- Because the light unit does not need any reflectors, light guides
els as the basis for these innovative projections onto the wall or or similar optical parts, it is very efficient, but low-weight and
the ground. The way this technology works is similar to a video flat in design.
projector. The headlights illuminate the road in high resolution
and support drivers with new functions such as the lane and ori- That also opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for
entation light, which help keep the vehicle in the road lane. Audi Design: In the future, digital OLED technology will turn the
rear lights into veritable displays that will hugely increase the
On the autobahn in Germany, the lane light generates a carpet scope for design, customization, communication and safety.
of light in front of the vehicle, brightly illuminating its own lane
and adjusting dynamically every time the vehicle changes lane.
Also, the orientation light uses darker areas masked out from
The digital matrix LED headlight can deliver cornering, city and high-
the light beam to show the vehicle’s position predictively. In nar- way lighting as versions of the low-beam light with ultra-high preci-
row lanes, for example through roadworks, this enables the sion. The Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro2 with digital matrix LED
headlights is shown above in the Audi light testing tunnel.

Photo: AUDI AG
1 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 2 Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro: combined electric power consumption in
28.3–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 kWh/100 km: 24.0–21.6 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 174 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 175 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 176

Photo: AUDI AG
The optional proximity detection in the new Audi Q5 ensures all
OLED segments are activated as soon as another road user
comes within two meters of the rear end. This increases the vis-
ible surface and boosts perceptibility.

Dr. Werner Thomas, Project Manager for OLED technology,

explains: “Thanks to its shallow design and scope for flexible
surface shapes, the potential of OLED technology goes beyond
two rear lights: The entire rear end could become a display.”
Subject to legal approval, it could be the basis for enhanced car-
to-X communication.

As an example of how dedicatedly and effectively Audi works

with the approval authorities, Audi was the first car manufac- THE SOUND –
turer to develop and obtain approval of the turn indicator with
dynamic display, which it brought to market in 2012 in the more than
Audi R8. It improves identification especially in the road user’s
just noises
peripheral vision, but is also an emotional light feature.

Visit Dr.-Ing. Stephan Gsell and Rudolf Halbmeir on their home

territory and you could imagine yourself in a recording studio.
The milestones in the history of lighting at Audi Except the artist behind the microphone at Audi Technical Devel-
↗ 1994 – Second-generation xenon ↗ 2014 – Laser additional high beams in the
opment is not a musician, but an Audi e-tron GT quattro.4
headlights on the Audi A8 headlights of the Audi R8 LMX
↗ 2004 – LED daytime running lights on the ↗ 2016 – First OLED rear lights on the Audi TT RS
Audi A8 W12; “string-of-pearls” ↗ 2019 – Digital matrix LED headlights (DML)
Gsell and Halbmeir are sound designers, and the Audi sound lab
daytime running lights as a light on the Audi e-tron3 and Audi e-tron is their place of work. While its walls barely reflect any sound,
strip on the Audi A4 Sportback1
the floor is made from typical sound-reflecting asphalt. The
Photos: AUDI AG

↗ 2008 – Full-LED headlights on the Audi R8; ↗ 2020 – Digital daytime running light signatures
now offered across all model lines on the Audi A3; digital OLED technology engineers use this environment to program the “voice” of the
↗ 2012 – Dynamic turn signals on the Audi R8 on the Audi Q5
↗ 2013 – Full-LED headlights for the compact Audi e-tron GT.4
class on the Audi A3; Audi matrix
LED headlights with adaptive high
An Audi Q5 rear light has three panels, each incorpo- beams on the Audi A8; as the first “When is the sound agreeable? Which timbre suits a car? What
rating six OLED segments. These can now be activated manufacturer, Audi LED technology is the perfect sound for an electrically powered Audi? These are
as needed, and their brightness adjusted infinitely. is validated by the EU as an eco-
The optional proximity detection by activation of all innovation the kind of questions we ask ourselves at the sound lab,” explains
OLED segments can be seen at the bottom.
1 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: Stephan Gsell.
28.3-20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
3 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8-21.4 (NEDC); 4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 177 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 178 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 179

50 decibels and a radio at typical indoor volume is 55 decibels.

Progressive e-sounds for A gasoline or diesel vehicle driving past will measure about
safety 70 decibels.

Every electric vehicle must

So at low speed, an electric vehicle is still much quieter than a
emit a sound to alert people to
vehicle with an internal combustion engine. At 20 km/h or
its presence – that is what EU
more, the noise generated by the tires is easy to hear. The arti-
Regulation R138 specifies. The
ficial sound for electric cars is therefore no longer required by
reason? Pedestrians and
law and is gradually faded out. From about 50 to 60 km/h, it
cyclists might find it hard to
Photo: AUDI AG

ceases to be audible.
hear an almost noiseless elec-
tric car, especially when it is
A sound says more than a thousand words
traveling at low speeds. People
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Gsell (left) and
Rudolf Halbmeir, Audi sound designers have become used to interpret- But what does an electric Audi sound like? Ultimately, it needs
ing the sound of a combustion to be more than merely an acoustic signal for pedestrians that
engine as an acoustic warning says: “Hey, I’m here.” The sound also needs to be modulated to
signal. The regulation is also indicate whether the vehicle is speeding up or slowing down.
intended to protect the inter-
ests of the partially sighted. A progressive electronic sound
Sound designer Rudolf Halbmeir explains: “We use a variety of
was specially created and volumes to achieve that, but we also modify the frequency. The
designed for the Audi e-tron GT4 –
The EU regulation applies to all on the computer, in the sound
sound emitted by the Audi e-tron GT4 is made up of over 30 dif-
electric and hybrid vehicles. An laboratory, inside the moving car ferent sound tracks that can be superimposed on each other.
and in customer studies.
AVAS – or Acoustic Vehicle Depending on the driving situation, a variety of tracks are
Alerting System – can help pre- played – on average 15 at any given time – at a range of volumes.
vent accidents involving espe- That’s because the brain soon starts to recognize unvarying
cially pedestrians and cyclists. sounds as ‘normal’ background noise, which it increasingly filters
It works by simulating the out.”
sounds emitted between set-
ting off and reaching a speed
of 20 km/h, and also when
reversing. The rules include an
overall sound level of at least
50 decibels at 10 km/h, and at
least 56 decibels at 20 km/h.
By way of comparison, a radio
playing music quietly or bird-
4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric
song registers at around
Photo: AUDI AG

Photo: AUDI AG
power consumption in kWh/100 km: 19.6–18.8 4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 180 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 181 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 182

Two control units and amplifiers installed in the luggage com-

Audi e-tron GT411
Innen- und
Interior andAußensound
exterior sound partment generate the exterior and interior sounds. The front
exterior loudspeaker has a counterpart in the rear end along
Exterior loudspeaker with two loudspeakers in the rear doors for the interior sound.

Interior sound In Audi drive select, the car’s dynamic handling system, the
control unit
driver can set how the e-sound is delivered. In the efficiency
Exterior loudspeaker Interior loudspeaker mode it is limited to the AVAS warning sound, which basically
involves the front loudspeaker playing an appropriate sound for
the vehicle up to about 50 to 60 km/h. With the comfort profile,
the rear exterior loudspeaker increasingly comes into play. The
exterior sound then remains active up to more than 200 km/h
because it also serves to enrich the interior driving sound. In the
dynamic mode both exterior loudspeakers are involved, and the
interior sound now also enhances the dynamic driving experi-
ence right up to top speed.

That is because exterior sound is not all that matters: The sound
Interior loudspeaker
inside the vehicle also needs to be right. On the Audi e-tron GT,4
Drive control unit the acoustic effect perfectly reflects the vehicle’s identity: quiet
sounds when gliding smoothly along, and a vibrant sound to
evoke electric power.
Exterior sound
control unit

Photo: AUDI AG
In addition to the AVAS that is required by law for the protection
of pedestrians, the Audi e-tron GT4 is available optionally with a
sound package with enhanced exterior sound and an emotional
interior sound. This makes the Audi e-tron GT4 the first electri-
The exterior loudspeakers of the cally powered Audi model that enables customers to define their
Audi e-tron GT4 are located towards
the front of the car and at its rear
own acoustic experience.
Photo: AUDI AG

4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 4 Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km:
19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 19.6–18.8 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 183 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 184 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 185

The future of the


Photo: graupause
segment for
supercars Sant’Agata
Text: Dorothea Kauf

Huge image value and an

Whenever Maurizio Reggiani’s timetable allows, the technology

important contribution to profit-
ability – the high-performance seg-
boss at Automobili Lamborghini gives himself a short break. He
then walks a few steps from his office to the MUDETEC, the

Photo: graupause
SPEED ment holds special significance for
Audi. So how is it responding to the
in-house museum of the brand with the bull logo. This museum
is not simply about the legacy of previous development direc-
tors. Reggiani can also sense the future here.

automotive megatrends of electri-

Alongside legends of the
fication and hybridization? These
past – such as the Miura,

appear to be at odds with light- the first Lamborghini pow-
ered by a rear-mounted,
weight construction, performance transverse V12 engine –
and the emotional sound of com- there are concept cars such
as the Terzo Millennio. The
bustion models. Maurizio Reggiani, study provides a glimpse of
Head of Development at Automo- what a future Lamborghini
bili Lamborghini S.p.A., and Julius might look like: fully elec-
tric, with wheel hub motors
Seebach, Managing Director of Audi and nano energy stores
Sport GmbH, explain how they incorporated into the body-
tackle the issue. Two men, two
Top: Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP);
cars, two solutions.
Photo: graupause

Photo: graupause
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP) A look back to the past: The Miura was the
Bottom: Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: first car to be fitted with the Lamborghini
20.2–19.3 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 rear-mounted, transverse V12 engine.
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 186 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 187 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 188

The Sián1 is a statement in the shape of an automobile. Its design

polarizes opinion. Its name – which is Bolognese dialect for
“lightning flash” – is an initial pointer to the innovation beneath
the hood. It is the first electrified Lamborghini, a mild hybrid.
Not that you would really notice that from the outside. A V12
engine1 shimmers through the glass engine cover. “You need to
feel this car to understand it,” comments Reggiani, and swings
himself into the sport seat for a test drive.

New technology: supercapacitors

Photo: graupause

A short half-hour drive north of the company headquarters and

Photo: graupause
the development chief has reached his destination: the Autodromo
di Modena, a nearby test track. This is where the Sián1 shows what
it is made of. One moment the Lamborghini is poised and waiting
at the starting line, the next it has shot forward like a projectile
out of a catapult. After 2.8 seconds it touches 100 km/h.1 Its
The Sián1 is the most powerful
acceleration: quite surreal. The gearshifts? Imperceptible.

Photo: graupause
“The Terzo Millennio completely series-production Lamborghini
ever built and also the first
redefines the concept of the super- electrified one. A display in the
car,” remarks Reggiani. “At the cockpit informs the driver of its
battery charge status.
start of its development I felt like On the racetrack, technical
boss Maurizio Reggiani shows
a child skimming a stone over the
Sián, bull of superlatives just what the Lamborghini Sián
water surface and eagerly wait- Roadster1 is capable of.

ing to see how far it bounces.” He One such milestone stands on the forecourt of the museum in
describes the Terzo Millennio as Sant’Agata Bolognese: the Lamborghini Sián Roadster.1 A bull of
the boldest concept of an electric superlatives. Starting with its visionary design – all the way to
Lamborghini that he can currently its sheer power. 819 PS of system output make the Sián1 the
imagine. So when might it become most powerful series-production Lamborghini ever built. Thanks
a reality? “I see this concept car to intelligent materials, it achieves an exceptionally low power-
as a checkered flag in a rather dis- to-weight ratio2 and the best acceleration of any Lamborghini
tant future – hence its name Terzo approved for road use.

Photo: graupause
Millennio, or third millennium,”
explains Reggiani. “There are many
more milestones to pass before we
get there.”
1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP);
Photo: graupause

Photo: graupause
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP)
2 Power-to-weight ratio describes power (in PS or kW) relative to vehicle weight 1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP);
(in kilograms). combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP)
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 189 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 190 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 191

The transmission houses a 34 PS, 48-volt electric motor that Research for the future
keeps the acceleration smooth and enhances traction. The energy
for the electric motor is supplied by supercapacitors – a special If they are to find use in supercars in the future, lithium-ion
form of storage battery. They achieve around three times the per- batteries will need to deliver more energy per kilogram. Only
formance of lithium-ion batteries with the same weight and are light batteries will avoid having a significant adverse impact on
more durable, even under high load.¹ performance. “As part of Audi and Volkswagen, this is where we
benefit from Group-wide research. We’re able to evaluate vari-
Redefining the rules ous battery technologies centrally for all brands.”

“For us, taking this technology into series production marks a big
The area of supercapacitors is
step towards electrification,” adds Reggiani. “Acceleration and
being pioneered by the manufac-
therefore also the power-to-weight ratio are important issues for
turer in collaboration with the
our customers. Heavy batteries stand in the way of this.” That is
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
why Lamborghini is adopting a different tack. Supercapacitors
nology (MIT). In 2019, they
weigh roughly a third of lithium-ion batteries with the same
jointly filed a patent application
capacity. An ideal basis on which to transplant supercar DNA into
for innovative synthetic materi-
the age of electric mobility. “Lamborghini has always been some-
als as the basis for a new gener-
thing of a provocateur. We don’t conform to established ways of
ation of supercapacitors. In
doing things. We redefine the rules – and electric mobility is no
another partnership they are
conducting research into new
design principles. These are all

Photo: graupause
While the mild hybrid drive in the Sián1 may initially be simply
about integrating the materials
about improving acceleration, it shows there is no contradiction
for high-performance batteries
between driving pleasure and electrification, between low power-
into the vehicle structure, as on
to-weight ratio and high electrical output. The next challenge? To
the Terzo Millennio concept car.
move the supercars to plug–in hybrid architecture, without losing The characteristic Lamborghini
hexagon forms can be found on the
out on driving pleasure and performance. “We’ll pair the emo- exterior design of the Sián.1
Its plans for electrification will
tional V12 engine with an electric drive,” says Reggiani. The result
help Lamborghini lead the super-
will be reduced CO₂ emissions and the possibility of part-electric
car segment into the future.
driving. Meanwhile, customers will not need to forgo the emo-
Maurizio Reggiani promises: “We
tional, traditional sound of 12 cylinders.
have our sights firmly set on the
Terzo Millennio as our long-term
Photo: graupause

1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP); 1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP);
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP) combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP)
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 192 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 193 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 194

The linear design of the Lamborghini Sián

Roadster1 stands as a symbol for optimized Maurizio Reggiani (62) has
aerodynamic efficiency and technological been Chief Technical Officer at
innovation. Maurizio Reggiani
Lamborghini since 2006,
where he is in charge of devel- The Lamborghini Sián1 is not only inspiration for future electric
oping long-term strategies, cars of the brand with the bull in the logo. It was also the design
including body and chassis model for the Ducati Diavel 1260 Lamborghini, a unique motor-
technologies, powertrains, cycle born from the cooperation between the two Italian brands
suspension and electronics. of Audi. In November 2020, the Ducati Diavel 1260 Lamborghini
From January 2011, he also was created from the collaboration between these two presti-
took over in charge of the Cen- gious brands that have their roots in the Motor Valley, the
tro Stile Lamborghini and, Emilia-Romagna region.
since 2013, has been responsi-
ble for the Motorsport division Style, sophistication,
of Lamborghini. Under the performance and trust
direction of Maurizio Reggiani, are the core values of

Photo: graupause
Lamborghini launched the the Ducati brand.

Photo: Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A.

Aventador and Huracán, and Ducati motorcycles are
with the Urus ventured into the purest expression
the Super SUV segment. of refined engineering,
Maurizio Reggiani
Chief Technical Officer at Lamborghini unmistakable design
and above all, a great
passion. The essence of
Italian st yle shows
Success amid the crisis through the lines of each motorcycle, in which lightness, tech-
nology and high performance are at the service of all motor-
Automobili Lamborghini delivered 7,430 cars worldwide in 2020, cyclists eager to live an incredible experience on two wheels.
a decrease of only nine percent compared with the previous year.
The slight drop is attributable to the 70-day production shut- The highest standards of quality, constant innovation and atten-
down in the spring as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In tion to rider safety are just some of the qualities that identify
contrast, the second six months saw record sales figures, result- Ducati motorcycles and guide the development of each new
ing in the best second half-year for deliveries to customers in the product. Strengthened by its unique history and its roots, Ducati
company’s history. For 2021, over half of its production capacity is looking straight towards its ambitious vision: to be the most
is already spoken for. desirable brand for powerful two-wheel products.
Photo: graupause

1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP); 1 Lamborghini Sián Roadster: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 18.5 (WLTP);
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP) combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 447 (WLTP)
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 195 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 196 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 197

Performance and electrifica-

tion: The Audi RS e-tron GT3
shows that this does not have
to be a contradiction in terms.

The electric

Photo: graupause
an der Donau

Photo: graupause
At the same time, about 600 kilometers further north, Julius
Seebach is on his way to his next meeting. As the managing
director of Audi Sport GmbH since 2019, he has to shuttle
between the company’s head office in Neckarsulm and the head-

Photo: graupause
quarters of Group parent Audi in Ingolstadt. His favorite travel-
ing companion at the moment? A low Gran Turismo with four
fiery red rings. The four-door model unfurls 646 PS (475 kW) in
boost mode. It sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.3 seconds. Never
before has Audi Sport put a more powerful series-production to go into series production with an all-electric high-performance
model onto the market.3 model.”
But that is not the only
thing that makes this New dimension for RS
car revolutionary. It is
also the first fully elec- Seebach still remembers his first test drive with the new model
tric RS model. Seebach well: “I was skeptical, excited and expectant all at the same
visibly swells with pride: time.” The electric RS won him over after just one lap. “I climbed
“Audi Sport is all about out and thought: Something momentous is happening. And it’s
high performance. With going to be great!” Performance and electrification? Not a con-
the RS e-tron GT,3 we tradiction for Seebach. Quite the opposite, in fact: “They com-
are taking the RS DNA plement each other perfectly. Electrification makes our port folio
into the electric age. So future-proof. And it will delight our customers because it cre-
Photo: graupause

in our competitive field, ates an entirely new dimension of a sporty driving experience.”
we are the first German
premium manufacturer

Photo: graupause
3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 198 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 199 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 200

Since 2014, the brand with The proof comes on the first straight after leaving Ingolstadt
the Four Rings has also city limits. The sports car accelerates continuously up to the
been championing electric 100 km/h speed limit. Time to make the most of its electric
drive in motorspor t boost – for a short time at least, with the next bend right ahead.
through Formula E. This Even then, the GT3 makes an impressive display of its on-road

Photo: graupause
has helped the company power. Because the battery under the vehicle floor gives it a low

Photo: graupause
gather important findings center of gravity. Thanks to optimum roadholding, the coupé
that will also benefit elec- takes the bend dynamically. Julius Seebach: “The dynamics of
Understatement coupled with outstanding
tric mobility in series devel- the RS e-tron GT,3 its precision and high efficiency make it an
Seebach wants to delight performance – the RS e-tron GT is an
opment. Audi is now seek- image carrier and characterful pioneer that will shape the future
important image carrier for the Four Rings.
Audi Sport customers in the ing to take on fresh of the Audi brand.”
future with the dynamic
performance of electric cars. challenges through its latest prototype: For the first time, its
alternative drive concept combines an electric drivetrain with a Three stages of electrification
He has been driving the
Photo: graupause

high-voltage battery and a highly efficient energy converter. Audi

RS e-tron GT3 for several
plans to compete with this vehicle in the Dakar Rally through the How will this future look? Electrified! Seebach is convinced of that.
weeks and has now really
desert. Yet again its aim is to be a pioneer in motorsport. What But it will come in different stages: “We already offer the Audi RS 6
got to know the qualities
better platform to choose than one of the toughest rallies in the Avant,4 RS 7 Sportback and RS Q8 with mild-hybrid technology
of an electric car: “I love
world? “That’s where we develop the technologies for series pro- based on a 48-volt electrical system.” The result is increased com-
the rich sound of the V8 biturbo in the RS 6.4 But now – with the
duction in extreme conditions,” explains Seebach. fort and efficiency. In the RS models, the electric belt-driven starter
electric GT – I notice even more intensely how it drives.” He is
alternator lends this technology extra starting performance. Audi is
also impressed with its everyday usability. Whether for business
Image carrier for the brand the first manufacturer to have taken this technology into series pro-
meetings, weekend shopping trips or a family excursion, the
duction in the high-performance segment.
RS e-tron GT3 is always the right choice. This electric model is a Already available in the series-production Audi RS e-tron GT:3
unique blend of elegance, dynamics and driving pleasure. intelligent thermal management for the electric motors. This Plug-in hybrids represent another step. They offer scope for all-
makes the output highly reproducible so that sporty acceleration electric driving combined with an internal combustion engine.
Electric – in motorsport, too without power losses is available at any time and for repeated All-electric models will complete the portfolio.
bursts. Air suspension, controlled damping and all-wheel steer-
The managing director and his GT3 have a special destination
ing provide the requisite quality of ride comfort. A range of more This electrification strategy is the basis for the sustainability of the
today: the Audi Motorsport headquarters in Neuburg an der
than 450 kilometers and high-performing charging at 270 kW Audi Sport models. So will every RS soon come with a charging
Donau. Since March 2019, Audi Sport GmbH has consolidated not
that keeps stops for charging brief make the Gran Turismo suit- cable? “We’d like to offer our customers a suitable model in every
just the development of R and RS models, the Audi exclusive cus-
able for long-distance driving.3 “This is understatement coupled segment,” says Seebach, who promises: “We will continue to put
tomization program and the Audi collection, but also all motor-
with superb performance,” declares Seebach. “The RS e-tron GT3 models with combustion engine onto the market in the future. Step
sport activities of the brand with the Four Rings. As managing
is always ready to perform and is utterly electrifying.” This elec- by step we’ll enrich them with the emotional appeal and perfor-
director and the person in charge of Audi Motorsport, Seebach is
tric Audi has nothing to prove. But it can do if it has to. mance that electric drive makes possible. The RS e-tron GT3 shows
pushing the strategic repositioning in motorsport.
how passionate the mobility of the future can be.”
3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
4 Audi RS 6 Avant: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 11.6–11.5 (NEDC); 3 Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 4 Audi RS 6 Avant: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 11.6–11.5 (NEDC); combined
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 265–263 (NEDC) (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 CO₂ emissions in g/km: 265–263 (NEDC)
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 201 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 202

Julius Seebach
High-performance charging Julius Seebach (37) began his
with a capacity of up to
270 kW keeps charging stops career with AUDI AG in 2015.
brief. He has been with the company
Audi Sport GmbH since 2017
and was appointed its manag-
ing director on May 1, 2019.
Under his aegis the subsidiary
of AUDI AG has realized the
biggest international model
initiative in its history, pushed
ahead with its electrification
strategy and consolidated all
motorsport activities of the

Photo: graupause
Audi brand under one roof. In
addition, Seebach assumed
responsibility for Audi Motor-
Julius Seebach
sport on December 1, 2020.
Managing Director of Audi Sport GmbH

Record year

With over 29,300 R and RS models delivered, 2020 was a record

year for Audi Sport GmbH despite the coronavirus pandemic.
That is a clear gain of more than 16 percent on the previous year.
Audi Sport GmbH recently completed the biggest model initia-
tive in its history. With 13 R and RS models on offer, it now has
its youngest and largest portfolio ever. With effect from
March 1, 2021, Dr. Sebastian Grams is taking over in charge of
the series-production range of Audi Sport GmbH. Julius Seebach
is increasingly advancing the strategic realignment of motor-
sport activities.
Photo: graupause

Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3
(NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 203 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 204 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 205

Software is
the differ­



When the term “mobile device” is used, most people think about

hard facts for smartphones and tablets. Yet there is a mobile device with four
wheels that is more complex – and that is the car. The fully con-

software nected Audi models already offer customers digital experiences

today. However, the majority of digitalization in the vehicle con-
tributes “invisibly” in the background to enhanced comfort and
efficiency. This trend is progressing rapidly.

What has long since become commonplace with smartphones

and similar devices is being demanded increasingly in the car: con-
Text: Pauline Böttcher tinual updates and new features and functions – and ideally with-
out having to visit the workshop. Over-the-air software updates
Software is becoming of central are to provide the answer here, and offer certainty for Audi cus-
tomers at all times that their personal data is secure. The quality
importance, including in the auto- standards and premium security requirements that are typical of
motive industry. The cross-brand
Audi are just as valid as ever, particularly in the digital era. A car’s
operating system and its connectivity with a highly secure data
Car.Software organization consoli- cloud are increasingly becoming factors that can offer a compet-
dates all activities relating to in-car
itive edge. That is why software development is growing in both
importance and scope.
software development within the
Volkswagen Group, thus facilitating
development Group synergies.
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 206 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 207 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 208

The Car.Software organization: development in five central

Focus on
software The subsidiary focuses on developing standardized software
development solutions for all of the Group’s brands and markets. The vehicle
operating system VW.OS and integration in the associated
Volkswagen Automotive Cloud are key components of the devel-
opment scope. Moreover, the organization will consolidate the
technological platform solutions in the future to create data-led
business models and innovations. Investments also underscore
the great importance attached to digitalization in the Group:
The Volkswagen Group is investing around EUR 27 billion in
The fact that an Audi today autonomously stays in its lane and digitalization. Compared with the previous planning round, this
maintains a distance from other road users, among other fea- figure has doubled, and also includes expenditure for the range
tures, is due to around 100 million lines of program source code. of tasks undertaken by the Car.Software organization. Thanks
The infotainment, for instance, comprises more than 10 million E
3 to standardized software solutions, substantial economies of
lines of code, as much as was to be found only a few years ago E3 scale are generated and therefore the costs per vehicle reduced
in an entire vehicle. As vehicles become more digitalized, the for all brands. Meanwhile, customers benefit from more com-
complexity and costs of development also increase. 2.0 architecture fortable and seamless mobility featuring the Audi look and feel.

In order to actively shape this change, Audi is re-thinking Tech-

nical Development. Where the hardware of the vehicle, in par-
From end to end – the new electronic architectures
ticular, was once the focus of attention in the product emer- Connected Car & Uniform vehicle operating system, connectivity
gence process, software development is now in the spotlight. To It may only be a small abbreviation, but for Audi and the Device Platform and corresponding cloud platform for all brands

reflect this growing importance, Audi no longer organizes the Volkswagen Group it represents the basis for future digital inno-
Platforms for all electronic architectures in the
management of vehicle projects in the product lines and Tech- vations: E³. It stands for end-to-end electronic architecture, and Intelligent
Group, uniform integration of HMI functionalities,
Body & Cockpit
nical Development according to the length, size and width of the extends from the vehicle to the backend through to the cus- software structure and hardware

vehicle, but instead places the emphasis on the vehicle electrical tomer interfaces, such as the smartphone.
Software functions for automated driving in all
system. This refocusing creates the basis for achieving synergies Automated
brands, for NCAP up to level 3 and beyond, func-
through the Car.Software organization. When operations commenced at the Car.Software organization, tions and the corresponding reference hardware

development responsibility for the current E3 architectures was

Software functions for the drive system, chassis
The Volkswagen Group subsidiary has been operational since July transferred to the organization. At the same time, the new E3 Vehicle
and energy/charging technology, combined with a
Motion & Energy
2020 and aims to bring together software expertise throughout 2.0 architecture is being developed, representing a scalable high-performance computing platform

the Group. The Car.Software organization already provides Audi architecture that will allow synergies to be leveraged through-
with access to 4,000 software experts. out the vehicle life cycle. Digital Business & Technologies aimed at implementing new mobility
Mobility Services services and digital business models in all brands
Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 209 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 210 Audi Report 2020 Products & Services 211

Make or buy? Collaboration model Artemis


Artemis is the Greek goddess of hunting – and a project in the

With the Car.Software organi- Volkswagen Group that is aimed at using development products
zation, the Volkswagen Group from the Car.Software organization.
aims to increase its overall
share of in-house software ARTEMIS GmbH was created as an agile unit that advances inno-
development in the car from vative vehicle concepts and the digital ecosystem surrounding
10 percent today to more than the car. An approach to vehicle development that focuses on
60 percent by 2025. In this software architecture and the integration of hardware and soft-
respect, the focus must be on So how exactly does the new software unit operate? Currently, ware facilitate the realization of new, software-based business
maintaining and extending the the Car.Software organization is surveying the sales and devel- models throughout the entire life cycle and the creation of a
necessary know-how in the opment requirements across brands to ensure a scalable end-to- far-reaching ecosystem surrounding the car.
Group as it ensures a competitive edge. The real potential of end system design. The close content-related collaboration with
software becomes clear as the number of vehicles grows. This all brands is critical to the success of the Car.Software organiza- The first goal: a highly efficient, fully connected electric vehicle
applies to what can be learned from the data and also to cost tion. As a premium brand, Audi sees this as its special responsi- from the Audi brand that is scheduled to enter the market in 2024.
advantages. The Group can profit from this scale advantage, bility. After all, premium for many customers is already defined
with more than 9 million vehicles having been sold in 2020 today by digital technologies that are tailored to their needs. The The Car.Software organization makes digital solutions available both for the vehicle and for
alone. Moreover, data sovereignty and digital value creation are Car.Software organization brings together these requirements the digital ecosystem surrounding the car.

retained in the company through in-house development. and develops a comprehensive platform consisting of operating
system, electrical/electronic architecture and cloud. The brands AUDI AG Interlinking in development ARTEMIS
In addition to expanding its own software expertise, targeted can adapt features and functions on this basis that will make Development GmbH
of product line
collaborations ensure that the Car.Software organization can them stand out from the competition. Audi can therefore offer
gain momentum. In addition, the company took over the front its customers a premium experience – but at a lower cost. Digital solutions Digital solutions
“vehicle” “ecosystem”
camera software division from software specialist HELLA Aglaia
Mobile Vision GmbH at the beginning of 2021, for example. This Digital ecosystem
move signals the intention of the Car.Software organization to Vehicle surrounding the car

expand its competences in image processing and press ahead

with the development of automated driving functions for all Car.Software organization
Group brands.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 212 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 213

Talking Sustainable Business –

Key Facts

At Audi, sustainability is strategically anchored along

How does the value chain and in projects

Audi is involved in international collaboration as an

Audi important partner for sustainability standards

achieve Audi endorses the goals of the Paris Climate Agree-

ment and wants to be a net carbon-neutral1 company
by 2050

Scoring with continuity: Audi continues to promote

its own Mission:Zero environmental program world-
wide and across departments

Page 214 Page 222 Page 230
ASI-certified Good chain The goal is
aluminum: reaction – greater zero –
Audi leads the sustainability environmental
way together with management
suppliers in production

1 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
at reducing the still remaining CO ₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently
unavoidable CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles,
at least quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects.
Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO₂ emis-
sions produced are not taken into account.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 214 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 215 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 216

Light and malleable: Aluminum has

AUDI AG is the first car manu- been a popular material for use in

vehicle bodies since the early days
facturer to be awarded the Chain of
of the automobile.

SI- Custody certificate of the Alumin-

ium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) – a

certified milestone for the company.

aluminum: Text: C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH

Photo: Amos Fricke

In 2020, AUDI AG became the first car manufacturer to receive
the Chain of Custody certificate of the Aluminium Stewardship
Initiative (ASI). The certificate confirms that Audi can comply
with the materials flow chain for sustainably produced alumi-
num in accordance with the ASI standard and can also input the priority. This also means using the required material in the right
correspondingly certified material to the Aluminum Closed Loop place and in the right quantity. Lightweight construction with
with its suppliers. In this way, the level of sustainability attested aluminum has been one of Audi’s great strengths for decades.
by the ASI is completely maintained, not just for vehicle compo- The company has particular expertise in the use of this material

Audi nents but also for the process scrap from Audi press plants that
is retained in the loop.
in vehicles and components.

Certified sustainability

leads the “The responsible use of resources is self-evident for us. At Audi
we see it as our duty to treat our planet’s valuable resources
with respect,” says Josef Schön from the area of Corporate
Those involved with sustainability and aluminum will no doubt
be familiar with the work of the Aluminium Stewardship Initia-

tive. With 143 stakeholders, this organization has developed a
Responsibility. “We are convinced that we can bring about
global standard for handling aluminum that defines ecological,
change. And Audi’s use of aluminum is a really good example of
social and business ethics criteria along the entire aluminum
how the company wants to play a role in achieving greater sus-
value chain. Representatives of indigenous peoples are an estab-
lished part of the organizational structure of the ASI, and dia-
logue with labor union representatives also plays an important
Sustainability is a focus for Audi in all stages of the value cre-
role. As early as 2018, Audi became the first car manufacturer
ation process, with particular emphasis on aluminum – whose
to receive the ASI Performance Standard certificate for its
production is especially energy-intensive. Here the company has
responsible use of aluminum for the battery housing of the
a variety of approaches to enable sustainable use of the material
Audi e-tron1 – but that was just the start.
Photo: Amos Fricke

in all its different facets. The economical use of resources is a

1 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4 (NEDC);
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 217 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 218 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 219

Recently, the Chain of Custody (CoC) certificate of the Alumin- Active involvement required
ium Stewardship Initiative was awarded for the Ingolstadt and
Even if the processing of aluminum is certified at various Audi sites
Neckarsulm sites. Audi is therefore the first car manufacturer in
over the coming months, the goal is still far from being reached.
the world with the right to bear this award to this extent. It cer-
Josef Schön: “Certificates alone are not enough for us. A central
tifies that the company can demonstrate its ability to input sus-
pillar of Audi’s sustainability strategy is its desire to improve con-
tainably produced material into closed loops. “We heartily con-
tinually and be actively involved. And our work in initiatives like the
gratulate Audi on being awarded the ASI Chain of Custody
ASI – which is also required by the UN in the Sustainable Develop-
certificate for its two press plants and for being the first OEM to
ment Goals – is an important part of our commitment.”
introduce CoC into its own operations,” said Fiona Solomon, CEO
of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. “Over the course of
Yet, the sustainable use of aluminum is a complex endeavor, since
2020, we have identified growing interest among downstream
it starts far from the AUDI AG factory gates. Work in the deeper
aluminum users in sourcing responsibly produced aluminum for
tiers of the supply chain and beyond contractual relations requires
their products and being able to demonstrate this to their cus-
intensive involvement. Audi has been a member of the Aluminium
tomers. Together with the Aluminum Closed Loop at these sites,
Stewardship Initiative since 2013 and Audi experts can be found
CoC certification allows Audi to fulfill the expectations of con-
around the (virtual) table when it comes to developing new stan-

Photo: Amos Fricke

sumers and the demand for more sustainable products.” The next
ASI certification & dards and improving existing ones. As a member of the ASI, Audi
steps are already being planned, with further sites to be certified
Chain of Custody is currently supporting the advancement of ASI certifications, some
to the ASI standard in 2021.
of which are to be adopted as early as 2021.

“Certificates and standards help us ensure that our local suppliers

Longevity is another important component of Audi’s commitment
comply with internationally recognized human rights and environ-
to the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. Trust and strong partner-
mental standards,” says Josef Schön. The cross-sector and indus-
ships ultimately have to grow too. According to Mathias Kellner,
try-wide mechanisms of the ASI provide assistance here: Its Chain
who heads up Metal Procurement at Audi: “We can do a lot more
of Custody ensures that only ASI-certified material reaches Audi. The Chain of Custody (CoC) documents where a company sources
when we work together with other manufacturers, suppliers or
what volume of aluminum and where it is sold. This ensures that
stakeholders from the industry. Responsible action means engaging
the entire aluminum cycle of certified companies is traceable.
in dialogue with all the stakeholders, taking the interests of others
The CoC is a recognized method of managing material based on
seriously – and ensuring that no one is left behind.” Industry-wide
its mass – because it is not outwardly obvious where aluminum
consensus must be reached, and binding standards and processes
comes from if, for example, it passed through a melting plant.
established that ideally apply to all.
Put simply: Before now, a roll of aluminum had no label to indi-
cate origin and production, as is meanwhile typical with super-
market items like bananas. Now, traceability is achieved by
awarding certificates, which are a central element of this method
of accounting for materials.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 220 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 221

Closed loops
Properties Extraction
Audi uses the purchased aluminum efficiently, with the volume
Aluminum has two main A great deal of electrical
properties: It is lightweight energy is required to extract of offcuts kept to a minimum and reused. So that even less pri-
and does not rust. It there- pure aluminum. Around mary aluminum is required in manufacturing in the future, Audi
fore has many different uses 507,000 metric tons of pri-
and is frequently used in mary aluminum was pro- launched the Aluminum Closed Loop in 2017. It ensures that
vehicle construction and in duced in Germany in 2019,
high-grade aluminum production offcuts are not simply sold on
aerospace applications. Alu- requiring approximately
minum has been a popular 7.6 terawatt hours of the scrap metal market, but are fed back into the material loop.
material for use in vehicle energy – slightly less than a
bodies since the early days of nuclear power plant gener-
“In this way we protect valuable resources,” explains Alois Winkler,
QUICK FACTS the automobile: The NSU ates per year. That is why it project manager in Procurement Strategy. “The Aluminum
8/24 with all-aluminum body pays to collect and melt
Closed Loop allows us to retain valuable raw material in the
about was manufactured as early as down used aluminum parts
1913. again. loop, with sustainable production guaranteed along the value
chain based on the ASI Chain of Custody standard.”

Occurrence So, how does this work? Aluminum offcuts from the press shop
go directly back to the supplier. The supplier can recycle the
Aluminum is not manufactured, but
extracted from bauxite. Bauxite is a min- scrap and use it to produce new material that Audi then uses
eral whose aluminum content can, among
other things, be electrolytically melted.
again in the press shop. In addition to the plant in Neckarsulm,
The name has its origins in the French vil- the Ingolstadt plant joined the Aluminum Closed Loop process
lage of Les Baux-de-Provence, where the
ore was first found. Today, bauxite is
in January 2020; the plant in Győr in Hungary is set to follow in
mined primarily in Australia, China, Africa 2021.
and Brazil.
Photo: Amos Fricke




Aluminum (Al) is a metal. It belongs to the Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs
group of light metals and has a density of of the United Nations
2.7 g/cm³. This means: One liter weighs less
than three kilograms. By comparison: A liter Audi considers it a Audi is committed to
of steel weighs approximately 7.85 kilograms, duty to treat the sustainability stan-
and a liter of gold around 19.3 kilograms. planet’s valuable dards in interna-
Australia resources carefully. tional collaboration.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 222 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 223 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 224

adds up to a large responsibility, but at the same time it offers

Volume of raw materials processed by Audi
in 2020 enormous potential. If we succeed in steering the network in the
0.28 % right direction, then this not only has a positive effect on Audi,

but also on our entire sector.”
1.49 % < 0.1 %

Process polymers Special metals
2.85 %

Non-ferrous metals In 2020, Audi delivered 1,692,773 vehicles despite the corona-
3.66 %
virus pandemic – each consisting of around 12,000 parts. “As a
4.77 % major industrial enterprise, we are very conscious of our respon-
Operating fluids and
ancillary materials sibility for the environment and society. For Audi, the concept
of being consistently sustainable means focusing holistically on
14.57 %
Light alloys processes that are as environmentally friendly as possible and
53.19 %
Steel and ferrous on social working conditions,” says Marco Philippi. After all, even
if Audi manufactures many parts itself, a large part of the value
19.18 %
creation takes place on the supplier side. “Our globally distrib-
Polymers and
uted supply chain plays a key role.” And sustainability require-
Percentage of raw materials
ments are clearly defined for any suppliers and partners who
processed by Audi in vehi- want to collaborate with Audi.
cles; presentation based on
own analyses.
“We take this duty seriously and work exclusively with partners
who share our values. This is because we firmly believe that our
suppliers play a key role in the sustainability performance of
Audi,” says Johanna Klewitz, coordinator for sustainability in the

Greater sustainability supply chain in Procurement Strategy. The company’s commit-

ment to ensuring responsible supply chains follows a clear strat-

together egy that can be split into three focal areas: environment, people
and innovation.

with suppliers
Sustainability in the supply chain – this is both a challenge and
an opportunity. Audi is present in more than 100 markets. The On-site inspections carried out Number of suppliers that
Group-wide have provided information
company’s supply chain is therefore widely branched. It is also (SAQ)
subject to constant change and is highly complex due to the
More than
wide array of process steps and materials. “We interact with

chain reaction more than 14,000 direct suppliers from more than 60 coun-
tries,” says Marco Philippi, Head of Procurement Strategy. “That 822 13,000
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 225 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 226 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 227

Environment: more than just individual measures The chemical recycling of mixed plastic waste also harbors great
potential in terms of intelligent closed loops in the supply chain
“The switch to electric mobility creates entirely new challenges and the efficient use of resources. This is why the Karlsruhe
within the supply chain. But at the same time, it also creates Institute of Technology (KIT) and Audi launched a pilot project
Sustainability rating
opportunities, and we want to make use of these,” explains in 2020 as part of the THINKTANK Industrial Resource Strate-
for suppliers
Marco Philippi. “Through the systematic electrification of the gies. The objective is to recycle mixed automotive plastic waste
model range, a large part of the CO₂ emissions arise right here.” in a resource-conserving closed loop. Audi provides plastic parts
Up to 2025, the supply chain and upstream production processes that are no longer needed for this purpose, such as fuel tanks,
A rating for more comparability and transparency: The sustain- will account for almost one quarter of all CO₂ emissions at Audi. decorative wheel trims or radiator protective grilles from Audi
ability performance of the Volkswagen Group’s suppliers has To counteract this, the company launched an Audi CO₂ program models. These are turned into pyrolysis oil by means of chemical
been recorded since July 1, 2019, using the so-called S-Rating in the supply chain back in 2018, in which measures are identi- recycling. The quality of this oil corresponds to that of petro-
(Sustainability Rating). By filling in a self-assessment question- fied for reducing CO₂ emissions together with suppliers. These leum products, with the materials made from it offering the
naire (SAQ), suppliers report on how they act sustainably in measures not only contribute significantly to reducing the envi- same high quality as new goods. In the medium term, parts
terms of social and environmental aspects and corporate ethics. ronmental impact of the brand’s electric cars; the Aluminum made of pyrolysis oil can be reused in automobiles. “If plastic
In addition to the answers provided in the questionnaire, docu- Closed Loop project also plays a major role in reducing CO₂ emis- parts can be manufactured from pyrolysis oil instead of petro-
ments and certificates confirming the information are required. sions. Valuable primary raw materials are conserved at the same leum without loss of quality, then it would be possible to signifi-
If the results of the SAQ are not satisfactory, independent sus- time with the intelligent closed loop. cantly increase the share of sustainably produced parts in auto-
tainability assessors visit the suppliers to carry out an inspec- mobiles. From a long-term perspective, this procedure can also
tion and judge whether the supplier “can be awarded a con- As regards 2021, careful use of water is another example of the play a role in recycling end-of-life vehicles,” says Marco Philippi.
tract” or “cannot be awarded a contract.” There are no gray work being undertaken at Audi to conserve resources. “For our
areas. Suppliers have the opportunity of identifying potential Water Stewardship Program, we work together with our suppli-
for optimization and implementing improvements. Audi pro- ers to analyze potential risks in our supply chain – from both
vides support here in the form of targeted training programs ecological and social perspectives. In this context, we identify Net saving of metric tons of
CO₂ as a result of the Alumin-
and workshops. In 2020, over 950 employees at supplier com- processes for which excessively large amounts of water are ium Closed Loop in 2020:
panies took part in online training. In addition, in 2020 the com- required,” explains Roland Dieling, who is part of the sustain-
More than
pany established an information hub for suppliers on the topic ability in the supply chain team. Site-specific concepts are to be
( Why? Because solution approaches are
developed together with the suppliers so that we can ultimately
meet the demands of the Water Stewardship Program. “There
are opportunities in potentially closed cycles here as well. How-
ever, in contrast to CO₂ emissions, sustainable water manage-
ment works only at the local level because the conditions on site
are crucial for success.” Net saving of metric tons of
CO₂ in the supply chain in 2020:

More than


Photo: AUDI AG
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 228 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 229

People: improving working conditions globally Innovation: promoting transparency and identifying
sustainability risks
Audi continuously strives to improve working conditions for peo-
ple, for example when handling critical raw materials in the sup- Apart from the direct suppliers, the upstream chain is also critical.
ply chain. Sarah Schwellinger, expert for human rights duty of “By collaborating closely with our partners, we want to make our
care in the supply chain at Audi, says: “Aside from environmental supply chain increasingly transparent. This gives us a continuously
protection, our supply chain strategy also places a strong focus better understanding of the measures we have to take to set the
on social challenges. There are some 1,600 kilograms of differ- right course from the outset,” explains Susanne Lenz, a member
ent raw materials in an Audi. This leaves not only an ecological of the sustainability in the supply chain team.
footprint, but a social one as well.” The Volkswagen Group’s
Code of Conduct for Business Partners summarizes the The figure of around 14,000 direct suppliers is already impressive,
requirements Audi places on all of its partners. but the topic becomes even more complex when the upstream
chain is considered. Here Audi uses the latest technologies, for
In this regard, the experts at Audi consider not just its direct example to identify sustainability risks early on and intervene
suppliers: “We have to take responsibility and as a company, and appropriately. “Thanks to the closer integration of artificial intelli-
as a relevant customer, take a firm stand as regards our stan- gence (AI), for instance, we want to continually increase transpar-
dards,” says Sarah Schwellinger. “We usually have indirect influ- ency in the global and complex supply chains,” says Susanne Lenz.
ence – sometimes even direct influence – on all the people “As an example, if AI detects critical new reports in media in rela-
involved in the supply chain, their work, lives and families.” It is tion to sustainability, we are informed and can act accordingly.
important to the company to take its responsibility seriously. Negative reports about suppliers or raw materials manufacturers
There are numerous examples of this, such as the Sustainability are thus noticed at an early stage and we can process these sys-
Rating with its on-site inspections ( see page 225), the activ- tematically via our Supply Chain Grievance Mechanism where nec-
ities of the company in the area of human rights ( see page 73, essary,” says the expert. This kind of approach to innovation can
Ethical operations), the formation of strong alliances and coop- arise only through a continuous exchange with all stakeholders.
eration in initiatives ( see page 214). Many of the ideas come from joint workshops and hackathons,
which Audi is consolidating with other new approaches in the
Act4Impact program.

Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs

of the United Nations

Audi continuously Audi defines clear

strives to improve sustainability
working conditions requirements for
for people in the suppliers and
supply chain. partners.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 230 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 231

Climate change, water shortage

and dwindling resources as well as
The goal is zero – the loss of biological diversity are
among the greatest challenges
today. Audi has recognized this and
is taking action. The company is
making an important contribution
to greater sustainability with its
M i s s i o n: Ze r o environmental
program – at its sites globally, in
production and in logistics.


It is clear to Audi: Economic success and environmental protec-

tion are not mutually exclusive; instead, they are inextricably
linked and build on each other. Ideally, the one accelerates the
success of the other, and does so along the entire value chain of
the car. In this context, the Mission:Zero environmental program
is an element of the corporate strategy.

As the name already suggests, the goal is to consistently reduce

our ecological footprint in the direction of zero. Four action
areas play a central role in this respect: decarbonization, water
Environmental usage, resource efficiency and biodiversity. The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the envi-
management in ronmental mission statement of the Volkswagen Group act as

Audi production
guiding principles.
Photo: Getty Images
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 232 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 233 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 234

Audi is aiming to achieve net

Carbon-neutral¹ Audi sites 2 carbon-neutral1 production

at all sites by 2025 as well
Status 2020 as a gradual reduction in CO₂
emissions in logistics. This
task is being enthusiastically

Mission:Zero 1 Ingolstadt undertaken by, among others,

Markus Faigl, who heads up
70 %
the “Decarbonization of sites”

2 Neckarsulm
70 %
action area and Hans Rosicki,


who heads up the “Decarbon-
ization of logistics” action
100 %
4 3
Győr 1

Photo: Robert Fischer

100 %
Audi wants to achieve net car-
bon-neutral1 operations at all
its sites by 2025 as a means of
contributing to meeting its tar-
get of offering carbon-neutral Hans Rosicki,
Head of the “Decarbonization of
premium mobility. Four main logistics” action area
approaches are being followed
5 to achieve this goal. First: a continual increase in energy effi-
ciency in the context of energy management. Second: an expan-
sion of the supply of renewable energies at the sites. Third: the
purchase of renewable energies. And fourth: the offsetting of
currently unavoidable CO₂ emissions through compensation

“When it comes to decarbonization of the sites and production,

our major challenge in 2021 is to implement the master plan
defined for this purpose with the measures we have now priori-
5 San José Chiapa tized,” explains Markus Faigl, who heads up the “Decarboniza-
77 % tion of sites” action area. Measures were preferred here that
have the largest leverage in terms of reducing carbon emissions
1 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
at reducing the still remaining CO₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently unavoid-
able CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles, at least
quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects. 1 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emis- at reducing the still remaining CO₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently unavoid-
Photo: Getty Images

sions produced are not taken into account. able CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles, at least
2 The reported figures establish the amount of CO ₂ emissions already saved at the sites through the use of renew- quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects.
able and low CO ₂ energy sources in relation to theoretical maximum CO ₂ emissions based on an energy supply Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emis-
that relies solely on fossil energy sources. sions produced are not taken into account.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 235 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 236 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 237

so that the goal of “net in the supply chain through close collaboration between the
Markus Faigl, carbon-neutral1 production plants and headquarters, working together within the Energy intensity of the Audi Group – Automotive segment3
Head of the “Decarbonization of MWh/veh.
sites by 2025” is clearly Volkswagen Group and cooperating with external partners. The
sites” action area
addressed. A special techni- employees in transport planning, for example, have succeeded
cal challenge is the integra- in switching transport to rail and making more intensive use of
tion of renewable energies trucks with alternative fuels. In addition, we established and 2018

into the existing infrastruc- executed extensive training programs to raise awareness among 2.69
tures at the sites, some of all our employees of the topic of climate and environmental pro- 2019
which have evolved over tection in logistics. 2.70
decades, while at the same 2020
time keeping production up 2.90
and running. Faigl: “What I
especially like about my work
is that Mission:Zero allows us The energy intensity of the Group relating to automotive production including component man-
to contribute substantially to ufacturing was 2.90 MWh per vehicle (MWh/veh.) for the year under review. The increase com-
pared with 2019 arose primarily because Audi was unable to produce as many vehicles during
the energy transition at Audi
the pandemic period, yet the base load in the plants remained the same. The base load refers
and, at the same time, pre-
Photo: Robert Fischer

to a constant level of energy consumption that is typically not undercut. One example of the
pare the energy and media base load is the electricity consumption of machines that had to be operated regardless of the
number of vehicles produced.
infrastructure of the plants
for the future.” Good exam-
ples of this are not hard to Energy consumption within the Group in total/by type4
find: In 2020, Audi Hungaria in MWh
became the second Audi site after Audi Brussels in 2018 to
achieve net carbon neutrality.1 2018 2019 2020

“When I look back at the reduction in carbon emissions in trans-

port logistics, I’m rather proud that we took a major step for-
ward in 2020,” explains Hans Rosicki, who heads up the “Decar- 42.5 % 49.6 % 63.4 %
bonization of logistics” action area. “We’re utilizing the synergies

2,775,442 2,702,302 2,408,712

from renewable energy sources

1 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures aimed
at reducing the still remaining CO₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently unavoid-
3 The energy intensity indicated refers to automotive production (incl. component manufacturing). This is calcu-
able CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles, at least lated by dividing the overall energy consumption of car and component plants by the number of cars built at the
quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects. sites.
Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂ emis- 4 Total energy consumption: This figure is made up of electricity and heat consumption as well as the use of fuel
sions produced are not taken into account. gases for production processes and externally supplied refrigeration at the plant.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 238 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 239

Total fuel use Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2)
in MWh in kg/veh.

The intensity quotient – that is, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions in relation
2018 to automotive production, including component manufacturing – dropped significantly
1,092,974 owing to the switch to green electricity and was 276.10 kg per vehicle for the year
under review.
2020 2018

981,256 600.57
The decline in energy consumption ( see page 237) in 2020 can be explained primar- 451.02
ily by the coronavirus pandemic, which in turn had a significant impact on production.
Vehicle production halted completely in numerous plants. The share of renewable ener- 2020
gies across the entire Group was in turn increased substantially, which can be attributed 276.10
to the increased sourcing of green electricity in Győr and Mexico. There was also a reduc-
tion in the use of fuels – Audi primarily uses natural gas – owing to the decrease in pro-

Other air emissions

Direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) in t
greenhouse gas emissions by the Audi Group
in t
As well as the CO₂ emissions at the production locations, Audi measures other emissions
that are generated by painting work, by the operation of test rigs or by existing power
There are various reasons for the enormous reduction in CO₂ emissions. On the one hand, generating facilities, for example. The reduction in emissions in the year under review
energy requirements in general declined, as did the use of fuels. can be explained by a coronavirus-related lower production figure since less vehicle sur-
face was painted (VOC9 and total dust). In addition, however, process optimizations were
On the other hand, the purchase of energy from renewable sources at the sites progressed carried out in the paint shops in the year under review that will continue to have a posi-
further with increased sourcing of green electricity in Neckarsulm and San José Chiapa and tive impact over the long term, not just in 2020.
the purchase of biogas certificates in Győr.

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

Total CO₂ emissions 619,140 451,725 231,334 Direct NOx emissions8 202 190 177
Direct CO₂ emissions (Scope 1) 5
202,031 198,730 172,387 Sulfur dioxide (SO₂ ) 2.14 2.05 2.03
Indirect CO₂ emissions (Scope 2)6 417,110 252,9957 58,946 VOC emissions9 1,081 916 815
Total dust (PM) 58 41 33

5 Direct CO ₂ emissions: This figure is made up of CO ₂ emissions generated by the use of fuel at the plant and CO ₂
emissions produced by the operation of test rigs.
6 The process of selecting relevant emissions and the emission factors used are anchored in Volkswagen standard 8 Direct NO X emissions: This figure is made up of NO X emissions caused by the boiler houses at the plant, by paint
98000 (→ see page 248), as is the entire key figure collection process. Generally, Audi uses the real emission shops and by the operation of test rigs.
factors of the energy suppliers. If this is not possible, calculations are conducted on the basis of the VDA’s stan- 9 VOC emissions (volatile organic compounds): This figure is made up of emissions from the paint shops, test rigs
dard factors. and other facilities.
7 Correction in the recording of green electricity for 2019.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 240 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 241 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 242

“What I like especially about

my work is the variety of Fresh water consumption in the Audi Group

Mission:Zero tasks,” says Daniel König,

who heads up the “Water
in m³

usage” action area. “The big

WATER USAGE challenge of reducing fresh-

water usage and increasing
USAGE recycling is a result of the
different conditions that
exist at the various sites
with regard to water. Not
every measure makes sense
at every site.”

Photo: Robert Fischer

Daniel König,
Head of the “Water usage”
action area
2018 2019 2020
4,159,236 3,428,689 3,132,780
Preventing water shortage, protecting drinking water quality: In
terms of its water usage, Audi uses efficient processes and a
water cycle at its production sites for the sustainable production Total volume of water discharge
in m³
of its cars. “The careful use of a resource such as water is a key
priority in the Audi environmental policy,” says Daniel König. A
good example of this is the sustainable water KPI introduced
additionally throughout Audi in 2020 (KPI waterAUDI). It evaluates
water consumption in accordance with the different site condi-
tions and relates this to the units produced. Daniel König: “The
new indicator allows us to control measures in such a way that
they are implemented strategically where they are most effec-
tive for Audi as a whole.”

2018 2019 2020

2,382,498 1,872,285 1,847,735

The efficient use of natural resources, such as water, is a key priority in the Audi envi-
ronmental policy. In 2020, the Audi Group reduced its water consumption in compari-
son with the previous year. This reduction can be explained primarily by the drop in
Photo: Getty Images

production owing to the coronavirus.

Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 243 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 244 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 245

“What I like especially about my work thanks to cutting-edge technology and strong partnerships. We
is that it is strategically important for can only achieve our goals by working together with other com-
the sustainable future of our com-
panies – such as our suppliers and recycling companies – and with
pany. The fact that I can contribute to
a sustainable future through my work their specific know-how.”
makes me passionate about what I
do,” says László Horváth who heads
up the “Resource efficiency” action
Total weight of waste by disposal method
in t

Photo: AUDI AG
László Horváth, Total volume of waste (excluding scrap) Recyclable waste
Head of the “Resource efficiency” action area

Natural resources are important production factors and a basis


for industrial added value. Audi wants to use resources even
more effectively and efficiently, and is also continuously devel-
oping its recycling expertise.
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

Resource efficiency is much more than just waste management.

Disposable waste Metallic waste (scrap)
It starts with use of the right materials across the entire product
Mission:Zero emergence process and ends with reuse. “My vision is to estab-
lish a 100 percent cycle in our entire production chain,” explains
Y László Horváth.



Environmental protection is the sum of many small things, as

clearly demonstrated recently by a project in Neckarsulm. Numer-
ous packaging materials accrue when assembling a vehicle since
suppliers package most parts in plastic film or wrap for protec- 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

tion. Audi collects waste films on a large scale, delivers these to

a recycling company based in the region, which uses them to
Audi closes material loops where possible In relation to the recycling of hazardous
manufacture new films, and these are then used in the plant in order to reduce waste. Group-wide, a waste – 42,074 metric tons in 2020
again. “This example has a dual effect: first, less impact on the total of 98,814 metric tons of waste (2019: 40,782 metric tons – Audi is aware
(excluding scrap) were generated in the of the various framework conditions and
environment by recycling rather than incinerating materials. And year under review. This year-on-year local statutory requirements and com-
fewer CO₂ emissions owing to the short transport routes,” reduction is primarily due to the corona- plies with them. No major discharges of
virus pandemic and the fall in the number chemicals, oils or wastes to the environ-
explains László Horváth. The raw material thus remains for lon- of vehicles produced. ment occurred during the reporting
Photo: Getty Images

ger within the Audi closed loop. Horváth: “This is successful period.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 246 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 247 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 248

“What I like especially about my

work is how the topic of biodiversity,
which is relatively new in environ-
mental protection at Audi, is being

Mission:Zero anchored in the company,” says Antje

Arnold, who heads up the “Biodiver-
Environmental management
sity” action area. And she adds: “To
at Audi

BIODIVER SIT Y me, biodiversity is synonymous with

health and safety since unspoiled
Y nature keeps germs at bay. This excit-
ing topic area offers a sense of pur- Audi carefully analyzes environmental aspects in its worldwide
pose, but also calls for innovative and manufacturing network – with the vision of building its cars in
creative action – paired with unceas-
net carbon-neutral1 plants by 2025. Along with emissions, Audi
ing lobbying for the cause.”
looks at all other site-based environmental aspects of opera-

Photo: Robert Fischer

tional value creation.
Antje Arnold,
Head of the “Biodiversity” action area
The basis of environmentally compatible production at Audi is
the environmental and energy management systems that the
company has gradually introduced since 1995. The environmen-
tal management system of the European Union, EMAS (Eco-
Loss of biodiversity is one of the greatest ecological challenges Management and Audit Scheme), is installed at almost all Euro-
alongside climate change. Audi is committed to preserving bio- pean car plants of the Audi Group. Six Audi sites in Germany and
diversity and thus joined the “Biodiversity in Good Company” seven internationally have management systems accredited
initiative several years ago. “Moreover, Audi is conducting bio- according to DIN EN ISO 1400110 or DIN EN ISO 50001.11 The
diversity projects at all of its sites to play its part in helping European sites, in particular, are validated additionally in accor-
preserve biological diversity,” explains Antje Arnold. “What’s dance with the “EMAS premium standard” of the European
wonderful about this is that the results of our work in this area Union. It requires that the sites in question demonstrate the
are often visible – as we can see from one of our biodiverse flag- sustained improvement of their environmental performance to
ship projects in the Audi production plant in Münchsmünster. specially accredited environmental experts, Compliance with
The open spaces across the entire site have been turned over to legal requirements is the starting point for this.
nature. The number of species that are interesting and import-
ant for the region is growing constantly. It really is a lot of fun!”

Further biodiversity development projects are planned for 2021

on the site’s grounds, such as facade greenery or the conversion
1 Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaustion of other possible measures
of lawns to blooming meadows. aimed at reducing the still remaining CO ₂ emissions caused by the products or activities of Audi and/or currently
unavoidable CO ₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling of Audi vehicles,
at least quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation projects.
Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer, CO ₂
Photo: Getty Images

emissions produced are not taken into account.

10 ISO 14001: Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Győr, Brussels, San José Chiapa, Sant’Agata Bolognese and São José dos
Pinhais sites.
11 ISO 50001: Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Győr, Brussels, San José Chiapa and Sant’Agata Bolognese sites.
Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 249 Audi Report 2020 Value Creation & Production 250

The Board of Management defines the environmental policy, The scope of the environmental key figures relates to the pro-
which is binding for AUDI AG sites. Its requirements are reviewed duction sites of the Audi Group. Unless otherwise indicated,
periodically and amended as necessary. these are the following plants: Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster,
Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr, San José Chiapa, Sant’Agata Bolog-
This policy applies to all products, services and activities, and is nese (Lamborghini), Bologna (Ducati), Amphur Pluakdaeng
implemented at all levels of the company. The Environmental (Ducati).
Protection organizational unit coordinates the Audi Group’s
activities in the area of ecology and is the main point of contact Only car-producing sites including component manufacturing
for the respective environmental protection bodies of the are considered for the specific key figures.
Volkswagen Group. It develops overarching and strategic regu-
lations and implements these in practice. Environmental protec- In addition to the environmental data of the Audi Group (includ-
tion at the sites comes under the responsibility of the respective ing Ducati motorcycle production at Bologna and Amphur Plu-
environmental protection officer. akdaeng), the environmental data of the car production loca-
tions (Ingolstadt, Munchsmunster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr,
Scope of the key figures and Sant’Agata Bolognese sites; including San Jose Chiapa) is
also shown separately for better comprehensibility).
Unless otherwise indicated, the environmental key figures are
determined on the basis of Volkswagen standard 98000. This
standard defines how operational environmental data is to be
determined within the Volkswagen Group and its subsidiaries.

The aim is to collect and document all environmentally relevant

data from all the plants in a comparable manner. The environ-
mental data is primarily based on measurements and calcula-
tions. The figures may contain estimates if, for example, they
are based on statements from energy suppliers that were not
available when data was collected. If, during the following year,
material deviations from actual values are determined in the
reported data, they will be updated accordingly. The individual
key figures for 2019 were updated in this report using the actual
values for 2019. Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs
of the United Nations

Audi is continuously Audi is working to

working on all site-based consistently reduce its
environmental aspects ecological footprint in
of operational value the direction of zero.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 251 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 252

Talking Sustainable Business –

Key Facts

Standing strong during the coronavirus: cultural

How does change makes further progress

Team for the future: Strategic personnel planning

Audi make links corporate and HR strategies

a social Strong social commitment at all production sites

Safe workplaces thanks to accident and health

protection – for the last 100 years

The transformation calls for new key competences:

Thanks to the Audi Akademie, the company is well

Page 253 Page 266 Page 276
Standing One goal – Responsibility
strong during one team worldwide:

? the corona­
pandemic Empower
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 253 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 254 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 255

Standing Oliver Schadow

Leadership Programs/Training Ingolstadt

Oliver SchadowWhat eventful months we have had. They were
challenging, but for this precise reason they were a time of dis-
covery as well.

If anyone had asked a year ago whether and how managers can
lead their teams from a distance – that is, without working
The significance together in one location most of the time – many people might
still have been skeptical.
of corporate culture
But now we know that “digital leadership” works – even as early
as today. Why? Because the underlying bases for this are an open-
ness for new things as well as trust. These are values we have
been promoting at the Audi Akademie for many years through our
interdisciplinary training and corporate culture initiatives. We
The coronavirus has put Audi to extended our training program in the area of digital leadership to
a tough test and resulted in many support specialists and leaders during the pandemic.
changes both for the company and
Looking back I can say that the coronavirus pandemic has accel-
for its employees. Six employees erated both digitalization in the Group as well as the flexibility
from the areas of production, train- of our working world overall. What we experienced over the past
months and have also driven forward ourselves would otherwise
ing and development, health care, normally have taken years.
corporate culture and human
resources report on their experi- The coronavirus has changed our organization and will continue

during the
to do so. This includes a new mentality for dealing with chal-
ences over the past months – and lenges. Specifically: “Just do it” is sometimes a good approach!
why Audi will emerge stronger This boldness will make us faster as a company, and besides,

some insights are only gained once the process has begun. This
from the pandemic in the long “Do it” approach has also proven successful with such a complex
term. issue as the widespread introduction of mobile working. For me
Photo: Getty Images

this is a reflection of “We are progress.”
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 256 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 257 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 258

“The four linked rings Chris Metzger I celebrated 25 years of service on March 4, 2021.
Peter Biersack in our logo are a good
Learning process facilitator in Further symbol for the collab- Throughout all these years, I have experienced and seen a great
oration between us
Training Vehicle Technology Neckarsulm deal. The company has changed enormously since my first day
in 1996, but we have always come through both the good and
difficult times together. The four linked rings in our logo are also
When the pandemic hit, we in the Further Train-
Peter Biersack a good symbol for the collaboration between us employees. Yet
ing Vehicle Technology department were no different from any- naturally nothing could really have prepared us for something
one else at the company – we asked ourselves: “What do we do like the coronavirus.
now?” But when it became clear that the coronavirus wasn’t
going to disappear after a few days, it was time for solutions. In In production, we were hit hard by the negative impact of the
other words, we wanted to make our training services available pandemic. The assembly lines were down for five weeks in
to employees in digital form. 2020 – something I had never witnessed before during my time
at Audi. Normally there are around 44,000 people at the
We benefited enormously in this regard from the wealth of Ingolstadt site, and suddenly only about 2,000 Audi employees
experience available to us at the Audi Akademie. After all, the were keeping operations going at the plant. It was pretty eerie!
Akademie is the company’s internal point of contact when it
comes to skills development and training. We had already gath- Since then, there have been a lot of changes in production.
ered a lot of knowledge about digital learning formats. The Numerous occupational health and safety measures have been
Akademie has focused on blended learning for some time, introduced at the plants, with special safety precautions devel-
including a mix of face-to-face measures and digital training oped by Audi for group areas, plant entrances and exits, internal
programs such as live online or web-based training. This enabled works transport and the staff canteens.
us to quickly prepare and conduct face-to-face training events in
digital form, with some extending over several weeks. Much of what we regarded as self-evident in assembly is no lon-
ger so obvious. Work within the group the way some of us have
It’s important to note that not everything is possible virtually, experienced it for a very long time now is changing. There are
and not everything makes sense digitally from a methodical and new constellations because some employees with pre-existing
educational perspective. This is something that we as training medical conditions are deployed to other areas. Of course, we
experts always pay particular attention to. Our motto – “lifelong all know why, but it’s still tough. We will definitely be very
learning” – ultimately applies to us too. And I have to admit, as pleased in assembly when the coronavirus is finally behind us

Photo: AUDI AG
an experienced classroom trainer, I was initially unfamiliar with and we can take off the masks again.
the virtual training format, but now I have become a real fan of
live online training.

Chris Metzger
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 259 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 260 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 261

“The coronavirus has Daniela HuberThe task of continually developing corporate cul-
Hanna Kuschel shown us the impor-
HR Strategy tance of the role ture at Audi is handled by our department. This is where we
Ingolstadt played by shared fun-
develop, test and evaluate special measures, formats and pro-
damental values, and
how they can commu- grams for this purpose. At the heart of this are the Audi leader-
nicate certainty and
ship principles and the Audi corporate values of appreciation,
unite people.”
Hanna Kuschel The coronavirus is persisting stubbornly and openness, responsibility and integrity. We collaborate with
changing the way we work at Audi. I personally already worked employees from all the business divisions every day – very often
from home one day a week before the pandemic. My experience through personal interaction. Events and workshops are part of
is that many tasks can even be completed more efficiently our daily business: bringing people together, networking and
remotely. However, I was in the minority. Now many of us are leveraging synergies. And then came the coronavirus.
familiar with the advantages of digital collaboration. I asked
about this on our internal platform “Audi Team Community.” Suddenly everyone had to work from home where possible. Sud-
Many Audi employees appreciate the fact that digital collabora- denly there were digital teams, leading from a distance and col-
tion allows them to work more productively, more creatively and laboration via Skype. But what does this mean for our corporate
also more efficiently. culture? Little or no personal contact within the team and lack
of facial expressions and gestures in meetings mean that behav-
So what will change in the long term as regards working from iors such as “reading between the lines” and asking more tar-
home? Many of my colleagues would like a hybrid model, where geted follow-up questions are now playing a more important
they work remotely or away from the office on certain days or role. Openness and transparency are now more important than
during certain weeks. However, we should retain as much flexi- ever before in our predominantly digital communication. This
bility as possible rather than adopting a rigid approach. All the takes courage – the courage to address things, and not just
survey respondents said that they did not want to work solely things relating to specific work topics, but also interpersonal
from home, but would prefer to go back to the office on certain matters. Together with appreciation and trust, this is the basis
days at least. Another finding is also worth noting: Some people of a positive team culture. The lack of personal interaction
realized during this intensive period that working from home is during coffee breaks means that new and different ways have to
simply not for them and they prefer to work in the office. be found to compensate for this.

Even so, we should expect that, thanks to the coronavirus, The coronavirus has shown us the importance of the role played

Photo: Markus Burke

mobile working will become an accepted practice in areas where by shared fundamental values, and how they can communicate
it is possible. We’ve learned a lot about digital collaboration in certainty and unite people. One thing has become clear: Culture
recent months and will also benefit from it in the long term. I is especially important when the pressure mounts in uncertain and
welcome the new flexibility. complex environments, and a pandemic is naturally the ultimate
example of this. At the same time, it was and is acting as the
Daniela Huber impetus for faster transformation. The cohesion between Audi
Corporate Culture
Ingolstadt employees has been noticeable everywhere and many exciting dig-
ital initiatives have emerged. I am convinced that with this Audi
spirit, we will all emerge stronger from this challenging situation.
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 262 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 263

“Audi Occupational Anke Manthey We’ve never had a situation like this before. First
Health has been work-
ing in the crisis teams of all there is the disease itself, and by now most of us Audi
since January 2020
employees know someone among our colleagues or acquain-
to ensure safe work-
places, to keep employ- tances who has had Covid. Second, everyone is impacted by the
ees informed and to
prevent or interrupt
pandemic: everyone at the site, all the Audi employees – literally
chains of infection.” everybody. Audi Occupational Health has been working in the
crisis teams since January 2020 to ensure safe workplaces, to
keep employees informed and to prevent or interrupt chains of

For these reasons, the pandemic has been and is an important

issue in my work at Audi Occupational Health, where the primary
focus is on mental health. Or to put it in simple terms: If employ-
ees do nothing but read about the coronavirus and think about
the disease, how can they enjoy their work or be productive?

We all know that conditions also need to be right in order for

people to work well, and these conditions have changed signifi-
cantly as a result of the coronavirus. This starts with simple sit-
uations, such as eating lunch together in the staff canteen or
having a quick chat in the corridor. None of this is possible at the
moment – and that can be quite stressful. So it’s all the more
important that we look after our mental health. Especially in a
time when we have to forgo familiar daily routines and keep our
social contacts to a minimum, psychological well-being can be
thrown off-balance sometimes.

We began to offer individual consultations as early as April last

Photo: Markus Burke

year. I myself have held many conversations with colleagues, and

sometimes just listened. I have shared some helpful tips and
tricks for how to successfully get through a potential quaran-
tine, and how people can make sure that the virus is not the only
thing they think about. At the end of the day, we are all in this
Anke Manthey together – and the more we talk to each other, the faster the
Specialist for Health Promotion
Ingolstadt waves will subside.
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 264 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 265

Group-wide standards are helpful in this regard. For all day-to-

day operations, the company and Works Council representatives
have developed measures to prevent accidents and damage to
health as well as to design safe processes, equipment and vehi-
cle components. The Board of Management bears overall respon-
sibility for compliance with the statutory regulations on occu-
pational health and safety. Furthermore, each operations leader
is responsible for occupational safety in their supervisory and
functional area. This is also laid down in a works agreement on
Occupational occupational safety that covers all employees of AUDI AG.

health and Health and safety during the pandemic

safety at Audi A comprehensive safety concept was developed during the first
lockdown along the “worker journey” – in other words, along the
daily work routine. This concept includes both behavioral mea-
sures at home, such as checking one’s own state of health, as
well as on the way to work. Behavior at the workplace and during
break times, as well as redesigning workplaces and work orga-
nization – distancing, segregation, working from home, provi-
sion of face masks, in other words – were also considered within
the scope of the “worker journey.” This safety concept was
adapted continually in line with the latest findings concerning
Comprehensive health management and an integrated occupa-
the pandemic and implemented in accordance with the incidence
tional safety system are two of the ways in which Audi seeks to
minimize work-related accidents and improve the health
resources of its employees, while also promoting their physical
and mental performance.

Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs

of the United Nations

Development of a Diverse backgrounds,

comprehensive abilities and skills:
safety concept along Audi promotes equal
the “worker journey” opportunity.
during the corona-
virus pandemic.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 266 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 267 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 268

In sports, you need foresight This path is based on the development rhythm of the automo-
tive industry and must now adapt to the increasingly rapid pace
and knowledge to assemble the of software development, for instance. On top of that, we are in
right team for the game. But what if the midst of a transformation in which cars are increasingly
becoming much more than just mechanical objects. Never before
the team consists of just under
have the level of digitalization of this product and the share of
90,000 members? At Audi, the value added by software been so high or so important. At the
same time, Audi is transitioning from a car manufacturer to a
Strategic HR Planning department
provider of connected and sustainable premium mobility – which
helps the company find the best is why the knowledge and skills of the teams must also trans-
lineup for the future.
Women in leadership positions
AUDI AG has set itself goals aimed at increasing or ensuring the proportion of women at all
management levels and on the Supervisory Board. The share of women on the Supervisory
Text: C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH
Board amounted to approximately 30 percent as of December 31, 2020. To ensure this
proportion, the Supervisory Board has established a target value of 30 percent, which went
“We use a far-sighted approach when it comes to assembling into effect on January 1, 2021, and will continue until 2025, and must be separately fulfilled
the right team for the future of mobility,” says Sebastian Döring, by both shareholders and employees. The Supervisory Board resolved a formal target quota
of 25 percent for the Board of Management, also starting January 1, 2021. There were two
who heads Strategic HR Planning, HR Reporting. At Audi, the women on the Board of Management, also of AUDI AG at the end of 2020. AUDI AG is also
focus is on driving and promoting the transformation of mobil- striving to increase the proportion of women below the Board of Management. By the end
of 2021, women should comprise 8 percent of the first management tier below the Board
ity. “And for that, Audi employees need the right skills, abilities
of Management and 16 percent in the second management tier. As part of efforts to sup-
and competences, or we will be surpassed by technological and port and facilitate the advancement of women pursuing leadership positions, AUDI AG
social developments. But we don’t want to be the ones who are promotes special programs such as “Sie und Audi,” in addition to flexible, innovative work
models and diverse offers to enhance the compatibility of family life and work.
driven; we want to remain the ones who shape things.”

Transformation of the company Audi in figures

Proportion of
Workforce, Audi Group3
This is a major task and requires new ways of thinking. Why? women1, 2

Because for decades, the automotive industry’s growth trajec-

87,996 15.2 %
The workforce in
tory was rather straightforward. Successful companies like Audi ­figures­
The workforce of the
sold more vehicles and therefore needed more employees. These
Audi Group decreased
employees started out in already existing fields of competence. slightly in 2020
Audi knew exactly which professions were required to continue (2019: 90,783); the
proportion of women,
pursuing its successful path. A path lined with employees whose on the other hand,
automotive manufacturing expertise is extremely high – after increased slightly
(2019: 15.0 %).
all, the people at the Four Rings are highly knowledgeable when
it comes to developing, building and selling vehicles. 1 Excluding apprentices Apprentices3
2 As of Dec. 31 of the year
under review 2,493
3 Average figures for the year
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 269 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 270 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 271

to the current Audi workforce. Then the divisions drew up a tar-

AUDI AG Ideas Program Age structure2
Implementation & savings in 2020 get vision of their future personnel requirements based on the (AUDI AG, excluding apprentices)
following three questions: Where should we invest, where should
Audi benefits from the we no longer invest and what stays the same? < 30 years
ingenuity of its Equal opportunities – for every-
12.9 % one! Diverse backgrounds, abili-
employees. The Ideas
Program of AUDI AG ties and skills are what make

30–50 years
collects suggestions success possible in the first
56.6 % place. Audi ensures that people
for optimizing existing
processes. > 50 years can unleash their maximum
potential – at every level,
30.5 % regardless of cultural back-
Men and women on parental leave Family and career?
ground or other characteristics.
Total No­problem!
Audi’s goal is to create a diverse

53.4 % 94.5 EUR

Women on parental leave
Audi is strengthening
the work-life balance.
Average age2
and inclusive community where
gender makes no difference.
of­the­ideas­submitted­in­ savings­were­achieved­ Employees can for
(excluding apprentices, excluding fixed-term Promotion of equal opportunity
2020­were­implemented.­ as­a­result.­ 2020 instance work part-
employees) helps ensure continued eco-
(2019: 54.4 %) (2019: 101.3) time or take caregiver
1,598 41.8 nomic success and reinforces
leave to support fam- 41.2 41.5 years social cohesion.
2019 ily members. Many years
employees take up the
Closely interlocked 1,448
option of parental
leave. The company
“At Strategic HR Planning, we address the question of what the Men on parental leave
then facilitates their
workforce of the future might look like and outline how our 2020 reintegration and
2,190 gives employees on
transformation can succeed in the long term,” Sebastian Döring parental leave addi-
2018 2019 2020

explains. “That’s why we have interlocked the HR strategy and 2019 tional job training that
corporate strategy more closely and systematically. We look at 2,305 makes it easier for
them to resume their Identifying­risks­at­an­early­stage­
corporate decisions such as site occupancy, sales planning or even careers.
the personnel adjustments agreed under Audi.Zukunft and ana- 10 Average­time­on­parental­leave­in­2020­
Once the workforce and personnel requirements have been
in months
lyze them together with the divisions. And we naturally also take depicted as job clusters, Audi uses simulation software to per-
a close look at which new technologies or business models we’re form gap analyses. Sebastian Döring: “These analyses compare
investing in and which new jobs they will create in the future.” the current job clusters with our future requirements so that we
Structural­data­ Structural data AUDI AG
This means the direction in which the company is heading also The average length of
can identify surpluses and shortages at an early stage and make
influences how and in which direction the workforce needs to service (2019: 17.9) the situation transparent. We also keep an eye on demographic
increased slightly, the Turnover­rate­
develop. in percent1, 3, 4 influences and identify where the current early-retirement pro-
turnover rate (2019:
0.7) was down. gram is taking effect, for example. In the action phase, the oper-
Strategic HR planning is an annually recurring process that incor- ational HR team takes over and plans staff changes and training
porates new impetus from the strategy and comprises two ele- 1 Excluding apprentices
2 As of Dec. 31 of the year
service in years1, 2 based on our analyses.” All of this is done in close cooperation
ments: First of all, to obtain transparency of the work done at under review
3 Average figure for the year
with the Works Council see page 273, which is an important
Audi, thousands of job profiles across the Group were analyzed, 4 Turnover takes into
partner throughout the entire process.
account terminations by Average­training­time­
condensed into just over 120 job clusters (groupings) and applied the employer and/or
employee without a rein-
statement guarantee
5 With respect to indirect 2 As of Dec. 31 of the year under review.
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 272 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 273 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 274

Developing­ and­ nurturing­ key­ work and the future of co-determination” led to the opportunity
competences to take part in the EdA project – a joint initiative funded by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research entitled “Empower-
When putting together the right
ment in the digital working world – developing sustainable con-
team, the focus is on providing trans- Works Council and working world:
cepts for digitalization.” A key instrument that has emerged
formational training for existing opportunities and risks of future
from this project are the corporate practice laboratories. These
employees so that they can take on forms of work
allow the company to set up learning and experimentation
the identified jobs of the future (e.g.
spaces and to shape the transition to the digital working world
software developers or high-voltage

Photo: AUDI AG
together with the workforce.
technicians). In terms of recruiting,
One building block of the Audi corporate culture is the principle
suitable candidates for positions are
of employee participation, which is also legally based on the One of these laboratories was launched under the umbrella of
first sought internally at Audi and
“Close collaboration German Workers Co-determination and Works Constitution Acts. the #womendigit research lab and was tasked with examining
within the Volkswagen Group. The between corporate and At Audi sites and subsidiaries worldwide, the employees are how employees can be deployed more flexibly in shift work in
Audi Akademie ( see page 275) HR strategies enables the
organized into independent, democratically legitimized trade the future. A cross-functional lab team is working together on
plays a central role in this compe- successful implementa­
tion of the transforma­ unions and employee representative bodies. One advantage of this and, among other things, conducting a pilot project with
tence development – not just in Ger-
tion and the future­proof co-determination from the employer’s point of view is that it part-time employees in clocked production. The aim is to develop
many, but with regard to all Audi positioning of the motivates people – and only a motivated team will be able to and test innovative and sustainable concepts that will enable
staff and Group employees world- company.”
achieve the transformation and build up expertise with the nec- new ways of making working hours on the shop floor more flex-
wide. In the long term, the plan is to
essary innovative strength. ible. Peter Mosch, General Works Council Chairman: “If we want
roll out the strategic human resource Andreas Zelzer, to achieve more gender equality in the working world, then we
planning system to international Head of Human Resources,
Transformation, Top Management Main issues during the year under review included the joint have to break up old structures – including in production. To do
AUDI AG sites as well. After all, the
efforts to overcome the coronavirus crisis, while focusing on pro- this, we need persuasive arguments, staying power, participa-
Four Rings team is a global player.
tecting the health and safety of employees, and the further tion and solidarity between the social partners. And the effort
transformation of the company. In addition to these main issues, is paying off, as demonstrated by the new flexible working time
there was a particular focus in 2020 on further implementing model for people working shifts at the AUDI AG paint shop in
Audi.Zukunft. With this general agreement, Audi is making a Ingolstadt.”
lasting commitment to greater efficiency, flexibility and, above
all, job security with an extended employment guarantee until
the end of 2029.
Self-determined work Audi employees with a
Audi creates leeway for part-time contract
various different life 2020 The sustained transformation of the automotive industry – dig-

phases to take account
italization, globalization, electrification, disruptive business
of employees’ needs.
This also includes models – presents major challenges for co-determination and
modern working time thus for corporate culture. Works Council and trade union mem-
models for employees.
bers, as well as the management at Audi, are called upon to take
(2019: 4,448) action in this area. The project “Vision Ingolstadt 2030: Digitalized

GRI 102-41
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 275

Audi Akademie –
developing and nurturing

A transformation calls for new key competences, since skills and

training needs change fundamentally. The Audi Akademie is
responsible for the training of apprentices, employees, specialists
and leaders. It bundles the comprehensive range of training
courses offered by the Audi Group and thus helps cement the
company’s competence lead in collaboration with the divisions.

Audi invests up to EUR 80 million annually in training and devel-

oping its employees.

During the year under review, the Audi Group held 13,927 (20,694)
training events worldwide with 1.1 million (1.7 million) partici-
pant hours. In the same period, over 25,000 (over 33,000)
employees attended one or more of the 7,291 (10,866) training
events in Germany.

Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs

of the United Nations

Audi invests up to One building block of

EUR 80 million the Audi corporate
annually in training culture is the princi-
and developing its ple of employee par-
employees. ticipation.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 276 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 277 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 278

Responsibility Audi takes responsibility – Neckarsulm


worldwide: and not just during

working hours.

Engage, Educate, Text: C3 Creative Code and Content GmbH

Empower The company is active with a large number of corporate citizen-

ship projects at its sites around the world. Here is a small sample
of the brand’s projects in 2020.

In times of need, the world pulls together: Audi has supported Neckarsulm
medical and social facilities at its sites and provided humanitarian
aid throughout the coronavirus crisis. To this end, the company
donated EUR 5 million in international emergency aid in 2020.

Local assistance is tailored to the circumstances of the region and

can therefore vary greatly. Audi has defined global principles for

corporate citizenship as a guide ( see page 285). Through its

local activities at the sites, the company wants to promote the
development of individual regions and support positive neighborly
relations by acting as a good corporate citizen.

Audi is also committed to helping people who are disadvantaged

in society, supporting mobility projects and promoting education
and training for children, adolescents and adults. In addition, Audi
backs projects that allow the company to put its technical know-
how to good use.

Audi employees, too, frequently demonstrate solidarity in various

Illustration: Eva Revolver

campaigns and calls to raise funds.1

Illustration: Eva Revolver

1 For example, in the year under review, the Christmas appeal and the “Last Cents” campaign at the sites in
Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm raised around EUR 1.28 million (EUR 1.297 million).
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 279 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 280 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 281

San José
Chiapa through know-how

The coronavirus pandemic had a devastating impact on the

Emilia Romagna region in spring 2020. In March, Automobili
Support Lamborghini converted some of the departments at its produc-
tion facility in Sant’Agata Bolognese to allow surgical masks and
in all areas medical protective visors to be manufactured. 1,400 masks left
its upholstery workshop every day. In addition, 3D printers were
used to produce 400 protective visors for medical staff daily.

Illustration: Eva Revolver

As a good corporate citizen, Audi assumes social responsibility,
for example by supporting regional social projects and non- Race against infectious disease
profit organizations with donations or through campaigns as
Ducati launched a fundraising campaign under the motto
part of the “Audi Volunteers” initiative. The main focus in 2020
#RaceAgainstCovid. This called on the entire Ducati family to
was on in-kind and cash donations in connection with the con-
participate – from the employees to motorcycle enthusiasts
tinuing coronavirus pandemic.
around the world. The proceeds will be used to finance rehabili-
Safe transport
tation measures for patients with long-term effects of the
Research for children
in a vast country coronavirus.
The “COVID Kids Bavaria” study, funded by the Bavarian Ministry
of Science, has been underway since July 2020, focusing on the

Illustration: Eva Revolver

pandemic situation at childcare facilities in Bavaria. Audi made a
donation of EUR 50,000 here to help combat the pandemic in
Bavaria and beyond. Mexico has been part of the Audi family since 2016. In a country
almost six times the size of Germany, mobility holds a special
Individual and unbureaucratic significance. The distance between home and work is often
greater, and public transportation is widely used. So that their
Donations totaling EUR 600,000 went to the German hospitals
travel to work would not become a source of infection, Audi
Klinikum Ingolstadt and SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn. Moreover, Audi
Mexico spontaneously agreed to provide vehicles for doctors and
produced 10,000 face shields for use in the healthcare sector.
nursing staff, enabling them to commute between their homes
And when the major rescue organizations were faced with equip-
and workplaces. Audi Mexico also donated protective equipment
ment shortages, Audi offered quick and targeted help in the form
to various hospitals and the local Red Cross.
of protective materials, loan vehicles and cash donations.
Sant’Agata Bolognese
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 282 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 283 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 284

Audi of America

Help and commitment

for the entire region

As one of the largest employers in Hungary, Audi Hungaria made a

massive contribution to the fight against the coronavirus in 2020.
The donation check that the company handed over in Győr as early
as May last year was worth HUF 100 million (forints; around
EUR 280,000). The money was used to purchase equipment that

Illustration: Eva Revolver

has further raised the standard of care and made the work of
Brussels employees at medical and social facilities easier. Of course, the

Illustration: Eva Revolver

company and its employees remain true to their strong social
commitment in other projects as well.

Illustration: Eva Revolver

Audi Brussels
Enjoy your meal!

volunteers In the USA, Audi of America gave its support to two economic
groups that were particularly badly affected by the coronavirus
pandemic: restaurants and small farmers. As well as providing
vehicles to support the “LEE Relief Kitchens,” the company
Helping where help is desperately needed: In the fight against donated USD 750,000 to the LEE Initiative. This initiative was
the coronavirus, Audi Brussels donated protective medical equip- co-founded by the award-winning chef Edward Lee and his busi-
ment to various hospitals and also made a cash donation to the ness partner Lindsey Ofcacek, and aims to improve gender equal-
Red Cross. In addition, the employees of the Belgian plant are ity and increase diversity in the restaurant sector as well as pro-
supporting the StreetwiZE organization, which specializes in tal- mote a sustainable food chain. As part of the aid campaign,
ent development and change management, investing primarily 19 pop-up kitchens were set up nationwide from which more
in educational projects for children in need. than 400,000 meals have been distributed.
Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 285 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 286 Audi Report 2020 Employees & Society 287

Social responsibility Three fields of action can be derived from it:

at Audi
GREENOVATION – combining traditional environmental
Audi has a vision of sustainable mobility Audi
Engage covers volunteering protection with innovative technologies and using the knowledge
and donations. It also encom- that everyone can use with a clear con-
passes social sponsorship, ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION gained to make a valuable open source contribution to society.
events, cooperations with non-
science. That is why the company goes
profit organizations and the beyond manufacturing premium vehicles
promotion of projects with a ENTHUSIASM – using a variety of projects and formats to get
positive social impact.
and offering innovative mobility solu-
Audi Environmental Foundation promotes green innovations people excited about the environment, encourage them to join in
tions: Audi also takes responsibility for
for a livable future and thus motivate them to make a contribution themselves.
the future of our planet – in other words,
for how we must shape the environment,
For ten years now, the Audi Environmental Foundation has been RESPONSIBILIT Y – taking on social and ecological respon-
the economy and society so that future
making an active contribution to environmental protection, thus sibility through targeted projects and thus giving back to society
generations can also live well.
shaping new paths for sustainable activity. The foundation’s and the environment.
commitment is multifaceted and of a long-term nature. AUDI AG
established the foundation as a fully owned subsidiary on The 2020 reporting year saw a noteworthy technology project
The company considers sustainability in
December 1, 2009, with a view to strengthening its social and related to the recycling of electronic waste: the German-Indian
all its facets. Besides ecological and eco-
environmental commitment. startup Nunam, which is funded by the Audi Environmental
nomic aspects, social sustainability is
Foundation. Nunam manufactures stationary energy storage
also of great importance. To ensure that Educate unites all the training
In the projects it supports, the Audi Environmental Foundation systems from discarded batteries, thus exploring potential
its commitment makes a significant con- and education programs that
Audi offers or supports. The focuses not only on nature and the environment, but also works applications for second-life batteries. Its aim is to supply rural
tribution to society, Audi follows a three- company focuses not only on
its employees, but also on cus-
toward a sustainable human-environment system. areas of India, in particular, with green electricity. This multi-
fold approach: Engage, Educate and
tomers, business partners and faceted electricity storage project can help people in addition to
Empower. society as a whole – in the lat-
ter case, especially initiatives saving CO₂.
in the vicinity of Audi sites.
Audi also cooperates with
numerous national and inter- More information on this sponsorship project as well as other
national universities to help initiatives and publications by the Audi Environmental Founda-
shape progress in research
Empower is an instrument with a strong impact and teaching. tion can be found here.
because Audi acts as a multiplier here. Through var-
ious innovation and cooperation projects, the com-
pany empowers other players to make the world as
a whole more sustainable. These sustainability agents, as they
are called, include employees, customers and other stakehold-
ers. They are actively encouraged by Audi to advocate sustain- Selected contribution by Audi to the SDGs
able practices and lifestyles. Here, the company plays the role of the United Nations
of a “change agent.” The aim of this commitment is to bring
about even more far-reaching and long-term changes – albeit Audi is active with a Audi has supported
without the direct involvement of the Four Rings, as is the case large number of medical and social
with the Engage and Educate programs. corporate citizenship facilities at its sites
projects at its sites throughout the
around the world. coronavirus crisis.

→ see page 289 for an overview of the SDGs

Audi Report 2020 Appendix 288 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 289 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 290

Agenda 2030 development and the eradication of poverty are inseparably

17 goals for sustainable
development Audi recognizes and observes the Sustainable Development
Goals. Internal workshops were conducted to identify the SDGs
to which Audi can make the greatest contribution with its core
business. For this purpose, the topics and results of the materi-
ality analysis were compared with the SDGs, making it possible
to determine where the company can make the greatest impact.
As a result, the following five SDGs have been pinpointed:

At the 2015 United Nations (UN) General Assembly, 193 states
adopted Agenda 2030, which lays out 17 goals – the “Sustainable
Development Goals” (SDGs).

Of course, Audi endeavors to make a comprehensive contribution

SDGs combine the social, environmental and economic dimen-
and can therefore also work toward SDGs other than the five
sions of sustainable development and thus link the battle
listed above. The stories in each chapter of the Audi Report
against poverty with the protection of natural resources. After
provide examples of SDG-relevant activities at Audi. At each of
all, social progress is not possible in the long run if the limits of
these points, reference is made to the relevant Sustainable
the planet are not respected.
Development Goals, with a brief explanation of how our activi-
ties relate to them.
Agenda 2030 stands for a global understanding of prosperity
that extends beyond the constricting concept of per capita
income. At issue is reshaping economies toward more sustain-
able development, for example through responsible consump-
tion and production patterns and clean as well as affordable
energy. It is becoming clear that climate policy, sustainable
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 291 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 292 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 293

Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program

Operations and Integrity Operations and Integrity Products and Services
(Table 1 of 2) (Table 2 of 2) (Table 1 of 3)

The Audi sustainability program combines strategic goals in the Goal Measure Date Comparison of
Goal Measure Date Comparison of

area of sustainability with specific measures. It is divided into Global protection and Definition of data processing principles 2020 Reduce CO₂ emissions from Reduce consumption by using new tech- 20205
responsible handling of applicable worldwide (completed) the Audi EU new car fleet nologies from the modular efficiency
the four core topics “Operations and Integrity,” “Products and personal data by 27 percent (base year platform
Services,” “Value Creation and Production,” and “Employees and Establishment of a data protection 2020 4
organization within the Audi brand Reduce environmental Prepare product-based life cycle assess- Continuous
Society.” group impact across the entire ments for new vehicle models; validate development
life cycle compared with and certify life cycle assessments; pub-
Goal Measure Date Comparison of
Binding measures in the Audi brand Continuous the predecessor model lish the data
SDGs group, e.g. maintaining a procedure development
directory, internal reporting processes
9 to 11 percent operating Implementation of the Audi Transfor- Continuous for data protection violations, ensuring
return on sales by no later mation Plan and the Audi Strategy development the rights of parties concerned Significantly reduce fuel Switch 70 percent of new vehicles sold 2022
than 2025 or establishing an appropriate risk consumption for every new with combustion engines to mild
management system vehicle compared with the hybridization or plug-in hybridization
predecessor model
21 percent return on Implementation of the Audi Transfor- Continuous
investment (ROI) by no mation Plan and the Audi Strategy development
Expand the range of elec- Expand the range of plug-in hybrids to 2020
later than 2025
tric drive concepts seven models (completed)6

6.0 to 7.0 percent research Implementation of the Audi Transfor- Continuous

and development ratio by mation Plan and the Audi Strategy development Availability of at least one plug-in 2023
no later than 20251 hybrid in every core segment from com-
pact class or higher (Audi A3)
4.0 to 5.0 percent ratio of Implementation of the Audi Transfor- Continuous
capex by no later than mation Plan and the Audi Strategy development 40 percent of new Audi vehicles feature 2025
20252 an electric drive (availability of at least
one battery electric vehicle for each
core segment)
Self-finance the transfor- Implementation of the Audi Transfor- Continuous
mation to provider of mation Plan and the Audi Strategy development Extension of the product portfolio to a 2020
sustainable, individual total of five electric cars (completed)7
premium mobility

EUR 15 billion measure Programs already set up with Project 20223

potential through the Audi Management Office (PMO) and work
Transformation Plan on packages from the Board of Manage-
the cost and revenue side ment. Flanked by ongoing monitoring
2018–2022 and control.

Reinforce Group-wide Implementation of the Group-wide 2025

compliance and integrity compliance and integrity program
Together4Integrity in all companies
through 2025

Accompanying communication cam- 2025

paign Together4Integrity

5 As things stand at present, this goal was narrowly missed in 2020 and is expected to be achieved in 2021. The successful
1 5.0 to 6.0 percent adjusted to 6.0 to 7.0 percent; in light of the sweeping transformation of the automotive industry, launch of the e-tron and the plug-in hybrids in 2020 could not fully compensate for the opposing effects brought about
the Audi Group is stepping up its upfront expenditure for products and technologies of the future. by supply- and demand-driven shifts in the model portfolio. Nonetheless, the statutory targets have been exceeded.
2 5.0 to 6.0 percent adjusted to 4.0 to 5.0 percent; this is based on continued investment discipline and a reduction in 6 Following the successful launch of the Q8 and A3 successor as plug-in hybrids, seven Audi models featuring this tech-
structural investments. nology were available in 2020.
3 The pandemic-induced drop in volumes may result in a slight delay. 4 A data protection organization has been set up at the European subsidiaries. 7 With the start of production of the e-tron GT, Audi had five electric models in its portfolio in 2020.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 294 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 295 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 296

Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program

Products and Services Products and Services Value Creation and Production
(Table 2 of 3) (Table 3 of 3) (Table 1 of 3)

Goal Measure Date Comparison of Goal Measure Date Comparison of Goal Measure Date Comparison of

Ensure availability of Provide competitive charging lineup for 20208 Expand the range to Continue to develop fuel cell 2022 Integrate sustainability Training for all procurement employees Continuous
charging systems for electrified Audi models for domestic include fuel cell drive technology into supplier relationships to raise awareness of sustainability development
domestic charging to coin- charging, including: concepts11 standards in supplier relationships
cide with the market intro- > Charging equipment – smart charging
duction of the first fully functions, e.g. photovoltaic-optimized Tiered implementation and roll out of 2026
electric series-production charging fuel cell technology across the Group
model from Audi > Joint projects on home energy man- brands with the focus on commercial
agement systems (HEMS) vehicles for initial market entry Training for suppliers to raise aware- Continuous
> Innovative technologies ness of sustainability standards in the development
Provide carbon-neutral Promote the development of synthetic Continuous supply chain
Further development of the charging 2020 energy sources from liquid fuels together with suitable part- development
lineup for electrified Audi models in (completed)9 renewable energy to ners. Additional focus on the technol-
relation to the smart integration of reduce greenhouse gas ogy readiness of products within
electric vehicles into power grids to emissions12 AUDI AG
promote the compatibility between Sustainability rating (S-Rating) as a Continuous
electric vehicles and the grid, including Extend strategic partnerships and Continuous mandatory criterion for awarding con- development
piloting of services to network the vehi- cooperation agreements regarding development tracts
cle with the power grids research and development of renew-
able energies Involvement in industry standards and Continuous
Ensure the availability of Infrastructure expansion in cooperation 2022 Group tools to ensure compliance with development
fast-charging infrastruc- with partners, e.g. IONIT Y joint venture environment-related and social stan-
ture along the long- in Europe and Electrify America in the dards in the supply chain
distance transport axes in USA, as an incentive for electric vehicles Integrate a CO₂ capturing plant (captur- 202113
Europe and the USA to pro- ing CO₂ from the air) in a power-to-gas
mote long-distance capa- or power-to-liquid plant
bility of electric vehicles Further development of our supply Continuous
chain grievance mechanism development
Extend the charging infra- Set up and operate cross-site charging 2022
structure at the Audi sites infrastructure at Audi sites for the start
of production (SOP) of the Audi e-tron;10 Responsibility for the Portfolio of predictive assistance and Continuous
additional needs-based expansion for safety of customers and safety systems development
processes in the plant as well as provid- other road users
ing 10 percent electrified parking lots Integrate sustainability Development of circular economy con- 202014
Enhance road safety Further development of technologies 2025 into the supply of raw cepts for the supply chain
for company cars and employee leasing
toward assisted/automated driving materials
vehicles by the middle of 2022

Global protection and Fine-tune the organizational processes Continuous Develop an attractive Develop new business models 2022 Adaptation of existing processes Continuous
responsible handling of to validate privacy by design, privacy by development mobility portfolio through successive implementation of development
personal data default human rights duty of care for critical
raw materials in the supply chain

8 The compact charging system is now available in the main target markets affected. Goal achieved. The connect charging
system was launched in calendar week 48/2020 with a starting configuration of smart charging functions. Our cooper-
ation partners’ interoperable range of home energy management systems was launched at the same time. An extended
range of functions is planned for the end of 2021.
9 A joint research project with external partners on grid-compatible charging with smart communication between the
grid operator and the Audi e-tron was successfully completed in 2020.
10 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km, 28.8–21.4 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 12 Strategic shift to carbon-neutral energy sources currently under review. 14 The action “Development of circular economy concepts for the supply chain” with a focus on aluminum and HV batteries
11 Goal and measures with considerable change compared with the previous year. Small-series stop and realignment of 13 The plan is to evaluate potential technologies and possibly undertake basic engineering in 2021. Installation of the was successfully completed in the year under review. Since the Procurement Strategy is still working on innovative
strategy/initial implementation in the direction of commercial vehicles. technology in 2022. circular economy concepts, the action – minus the above focal topics – will remain in place.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 297 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 298 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 299

Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program

Value Creation and Production Value Creation and Production Employees and Society
(Table 2 of 3) (Table 3 of 3) (Table 1 of 3)

Goal Measure Date Comparison of Goal Measure Date Comparison of Goal Measure Date Comparison of

Integrate environmental Performance of CO₂ workshops with Continuous Systematic reduction in Reduction in overall energy consump- Continuous Make working hours and Establishment of mobile working Continuous
measures into the supply selected hotspot suppliers to identify development energy consumption tion through targets derived from development place of work more flexible development
chain15 measures with potential to reduce prior-year consumption and the corre-
CO₂ emissions sponding concrete, implemented and
documented individual measures in the Update methodology and Extension of digital learning methods 2025
operator and planning areas content of vocational and
advanced training
Rollout of the Aluminum Closed Loop in 2025 All plants net carbon- Detailed planning and implementation 2025
other plants neutral17 of site-specific packages of measures
for achieving targets Modification of content of vocational 2025
and advanced training in relation to
Anchoring the use of green electricity in Continuous strategic future-oriented topics
the supply chain development
Maintaining vocational training figures 2020
Implementation of the Verification of the ASI performance cri- 2021
and advanced training days at a high (completed)
performance standard/ teria and implementation of the neces-
Development of a responsible water Continuous level (three-year forecast)
chain of custody of the sary audit to renew the ASI certification
stewardship program for the supply development
Aluminum Stewardship of the aluminum components in the
chain Promote employee health Further development of occupational 2020
Initiative (ASI) Audi e-tron18 high-voltage storage
device health and safety at international sites (completed)

Extension of the ASI performance stan- Continuous

Act4Impact Development and establishment of an Continuous dard/chain of custody to include other development Setup of digital offerings as part of 2022
Audi Act4Impact program to make a development aluminum components and production company health promotion
positive impact together with our part- sites of AUDI AG
Promote equal opportunity Increase in the proportion of women in 2021
For the German sites Ingol- Detailed planning and implementation 2020 the first management tier below the
stadt and Neckarsulm, we of site-specific packages of measures (completed)16 Board of Management to 8 percent and
Integration of sustainabil- Development of sustainability princi- Continuous
have set ourselves a reduc- for achieving Group-wide reduction to 16 percent in the second manage-
ity in the supplier chain ples and support of the establishment development
tion target of 40 percent targets ment tier
and own added value of of standards for high-voltage batteries
for CO₂ per reference unit high-voltage storage in the working groups “Circular Econ-
through 2020 as part of Strengthen cultural Expansion of the proportion of interna- 2025
devices at Audi omy” and “Innovation” of the Global
energy supply (base year diversity tional managers within AUDI AG, global
Battery Alliance, hosted by the World
2010) employee rotation, international young
Economic Forum
talent programs, intercultural aware-
Achievement of the target Detailed planning and implementation 2025 ness and training
figure for the environmen- of site-specific packages of measures
tal impact reduction pro- for achieving Group-wide reduction
duction per unit (UEP) of targets
35 percent. The environ-
mental impact reduction
production is a vehicle-
specific variable. From
2010 through 2025, the
development of the five
key figures is analyzed,
CO₂ emissions, overall
energy consumption,
disposable waste, fresh
water consumption and 17 Győr and Brussels already carbon-neutral; Audi regards net carbon neutrality as a state in which, following the exhaus-
VOC emissions. tion of other possible measures aimed at reducing the still remaining CO₂ emissions caused by the products or activities
of Audi and/or currently unavoidable CO₂ emissions within the scope of the supply chain, manufacturing and recycling
15 The action “Successive decarbonization of the supply chain together with suppliers” has been changed due to the expan- of Audi vehicles, at least quantitative compensation is provided through voluntary and globally conducted compensation
sion of its scope. Successive decarbonization of the supply chain remains one of the strategic focus areas of the Respon- projects. Throughout the utilization phase of a vehicle, meaning from when a vehicle is delivered to a customer,
sible Supply Chain Strategy. CO ₂ emissions produced are not taken into account.
16 100 percent green power sourced in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. 18 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km, 28.8–21.4 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 300 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 301 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 302

Audi Sustainability Program Audi Sustainability Program Audi

Employees and Society Employees and Society Sustainability Key Figures
(Table 2 of 3) (Table 3 of 3)

Audi uses key figures to make its sustainability activities mea-

surable and present them in a transparent way. The key figures
are valid for the relevant calendar year and refer to the
Goal Measure Date Comparison of Goal Measure Date Comparison of
Audi Group. If key figures refer to individual Audi Group compa-
nies only, this is specified accordingly. Key figures are rounded
Promote work-life balance Expansion of childcare Continuous Promote mental health Stages II & III, Expansion of support 2023
development services and establishment of a up or down, which may result in slight deviations from the totals
physical and mental health network
and holistic care structures stated. Auditing firm Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs-
Focus on the issue of care as part of Continuous
employee information events development Promote flexible coopera- Creation and establishment of new Continuous gesellschaft performed a limited assurance engagement on
tion within the company cooperation formats, such as, agile development
process workshop, think tank in Berlin selected sustainability key figures for 2020 in the overview for
Expansion and development of urban Continuous
services, offerings and services for daily development Digitalize HR processes Launch and establishment of an HR app 2020 the period from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. The key
requirements at the interface between to make it even easier for employees (completed)
home and work at the Ingolstadt and to access personal data (e.g., working figures audited are identified by the “ ” symbol.
Neckarsulm sites hours, calendar, wages, etc.)
Promotion of employee mobility by Continuous Extend attractive working Implementation of the extended wage 2020
strengthening the provision of job development conditions agreement (T-ZUG) with a choice (completed)
tickets and promoting carpooling between having the additional wages
paid out or converted to paid leave
Further develop voluntary Needs survey through annual events/ Continuous The Independent Auditor’s Report can be found → see page 323.
programs formats at the Audi sites development = Key figures for 2020 were subjected to a limited assurance engagement.

Promote a corporate Group-wide execution of the role- Continuous

culture along the lines of model program for managers and development Operations and Integrity
the Volkswagen Group supervisors
Essentials, the Audi corpo-
Establishment of the Essentials Continuous Unit 2018 2019 2020
rate values and the Audi
leadership principles Indicator to sustainably anchor the development
VW Group Essentials and to measure Revenue 18
EUR million 59,248 55,680 49,973
the progress in terms of culture
Operating result EUR million 3,529 4,509 2,569
Support of the change of culture Continuous
Profit before tax EUR million 4,361 5,223 4,187
through initiatives, formats and events development
under the “KulturZeit” umbrella
Profit after tax EUR million 3,463 3,943 3,774
Increase employer attrac- Initiation and promotion of future- Continuous
Total capital investments EUR million 5,552 4,223 3,654
tiveness oriented events with the focus on development
corporate citizenship/innovation
Research and development activities EUR million 4,178 4,426 3,662
(e.g. MQ! Innovation Summit)
Operating return on sales Percent 6.0 8.1 5.1
Provide access to educa- Public “Wissenschaft im Dialog” Continuous
tion for the public (Academia in Dialogue) events at the development
Return on investment18 Percent 10.0 12.7 7.4
Ingolstadt & Neckarsulm sites
Ratio of capex18, 19 Percent 5.9 4.9 3.8
Further develop research Support of universities through Continuous
and teaching in future- endowed professorships development Net cash flow18 EUR million 2,141 3,160 4,589
oriented fields at univer-
sities Equity ratio Percent 45.3 42.5 36.1

18 2019 values influenced by the deconsolidation of multi-brand sales companies as at January 1, 2019. Further information
on this is included in the → Financial Report 2019.
19 The ratio of capex includes investments in property, plant and equipment, investment property and other intangible
assets according to the cash flow statement in relation to revenue.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 303 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 304 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 305

Audi Audi Audi

Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures
Products and Services Value Creation and Production24
Fuels Unit 2018 2019 2020

Total fuel use MWh 1,092,974 1,066,997 981,256

Production Unit 2018 2019 2020 Energy Unit 2018 2019 2020
Automotive segment MWh 1,059,128 1,033,811 949,643
Automotive segment Cars 20
1,871,386 1,802,073 1,664,265 Total energy consumption 25
MWh 2,775,442 2,702,302 2,408,712 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 1.03 1.04 1.15
Automotive segment MWh 2,751,234 2,678,671 2,385,912
Engines and 1,955,532 1,969,731 1,662,481 From renewable energy sources27 MWh 135,189
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 2.69 2.70 2.90
electric drives Automotive segment27 MWh 135,189
From renewable energy sources MWh 1,179,50326 1,339,256 1,525,801 (incl. components)27 MWh/Veh. 0.16
Motorcycles segment Motorcycles 53,320 51,723 44,827 Automotive segment MWh 1,177,19926 1,337,062 1,523,897
Natural gas MWh 961,486 946,821 864,833
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 1.1526 1.35 1.85
Automotive segment MWh 929,858 915,693 835,327
Electricity MWh 1,666,649 1,598,809 1,404,445 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.91 0.92 1.01
Deliveries to customers Unit 2018 2019 2020 Automotive segment MWh 1,650,932 1,583,286 1,389,730
Heating oil MWh 8,782 6,813 15,905
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 1.61 1.59 1.69
Automotive segment18, 21 Cars 2,081,418 1,853,833 1,700,258 Automotive segment MWh 8,782 6,813 15,905
Audi brand21 Cars 1,812,485 1,845,573 1,692,773 Heating (incl. district heating) MWh 779,967 788,416 736,905 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.009 0.007 0.019
Germany Cars 260,456 271,613 214,427 Automotive segment MWh 771,475 780,308 728,820
Diesel (test rigs) MWh 30,753 24,537 18,740
Outside Germany Cars 1,552,029 1,573,964 1,478,346 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.75 0.79 0.88
Automotive segment MWh 30,753 24,537 18,740
Lamborghini brand Cars 5,750 8,205 7,430 of which district heating MWh 340,474 352,836 321,535
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.03 0.02 0.02
Automotive segment MWh 340,158 352,364 321,140
Other Volkswagen Group brands18 Cars 263,183 55 55 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.33 0.35 0.39
Gasoline (test rigs) MWh 91,953 88,825 81,778
Motorcycles segment Motorcycles 53,004 53,183 48,042 Automotive segment MWh 89,736 86,769 79,670
Combustion gases for production MWh 328,345 314,759 267,089
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.09 0.09 0.10
processes MWh 328,345 314,759 267,089
Automotive segment MWh/Veh. 0.32 0.32 0.32
(incl. components)
Product-related CO₂ emissions Unit 2018 2019 2020
Refrigeration (externally sourced) MWh 482 318 273
CO₂ emissions of the European g CO₂/km 129 131 102.922 Automotive segment MWh 482 318 273
(EU 27+3) fleet of new passenger cars (NEDC) (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.0005 0.0003 0.0003
for the Audi brand
Exported energy 27 MWh 3,291
Fleet consumption, China (FBU)23 l/100 km 7.5 5.9 7.9 Automotive segment27 MWh 2,777
(NEDC) (incl. components)27 MWh/Veh. 0.0034

24 Figures refer to the Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr, San José Chiapa, Sant’Agata Bolognese
18 2019 values influenced by the deconsolidation of multibrand sales companies as at January 1, 2019. Further information (Lamborghini), Bologna (Ducati), Amphur Pluakdaeng (Ducati) sites. Only car-producing sites including component
on this is included in the → Financial Report 2019. manufacturing are considered for the specific key figures. The environmental key figures for the current year are data
20 This includes Audi models built locally by the associated company FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, Ltd., as of February 24, 2021. The figures may contain estimates if they are based on statements from energy suppliers that
Changchun (China). were not available when data was collected, for example. If significant deviations between the actual values and the
21 This includes delivered vehicles built locally by the associated company FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, Ltd., reported data are identified in the following year, the data will be updated. The individual key figures for 2019 were
Changchun (China). updated in this report using the actual values for 2019.
22 Subject to the official data of the European Commission in the annual CO₂ fleet monitoring report of the Volkswagen 25 Total energy consumption: This figure is made up of electricity and heat consumption as well as the use of fuel gases
emissions pool. for production processes and externally supplied refrigeration at the plant.
23 Subject to official publication by the Minstry for Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in the annual CO ₂ fleet 26 Correction to the data collection process for 2018.
monitoring report. 27 The key figure is being published for the first time in 2020, which is why no data exists for 2018 and 2019. 27 The key figure is being published for the first time in 2020, which is why no data exists for 2018 and 2019.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 306 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 307 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 308

Audi Audi Audi

Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures
Emissions Unit 2018 2019 2020 Water Unit 2018 2019 2020 Waste Unit 201837 201937 2020

Total CO₂ emitted (Scope 1 and Scope 2) t 619,140 451,725 231,334 Total fresh water consumption m³ 4,159,236 3,428,689 3,132,780 Total volume of waste t 107,071 107,940 98,814
Automotive segment t 615,009 447,713 227,497 Automotive segment m³ 4,091,377 3,360,040 3,059,403 (excluding scrap)
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 600.57 451.02 276.10 (incl. components) m³/Veh. 4.00 3.38 3.71 Automotive segment t 105,777 106,692 97,654
(incl. components kg/Veh. 103.29 107.48 118.52
Of which direct (Scope 1) CO₂ emissions28 t 202,031 198,730 172,387 Fresh water consumption, m³ 2,609,368 2,057,909 1,887,602
Automotive segment t 198,564 195,409 169,218 internal catchment Recyclable waste t 99,670 104,096 93,910
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 193.90 196.85 205.37 Automotive segment m³ 2,566,473 2,014,522 1,831,589 Automotive segment t 98,475 102,940 92,826
(incl. components) m³/Veh. 2.51 2.03 2.22 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 96.16 103.70 112.66
Of which indirect (Scope 2) t 417,110 252,99530 58,946 Other recyclable waste t 56,342 56,936 46,289
CO₂ emissions29, 30 t 416,444 252,304 58,278 Rainwater used m³ 394,041 165,207 172,926 Automotive segment t 55,232 55,873 45,291
Automotive segment kg/Veh. 406.66 254.17 70.73 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 53.94 56.29 54.97
(incl. components) Surface water from lakes, rivers, oceans m³ 722,499 611,311 572,606 Hazardous recyclable waste t 37,553 40,782 42,074
Automotive segment t 37,505 40,729 42,023
VOC emissions31 t 1,081 916 815 Groundwater m³ 1,492,828 1,281,391 1,142,070 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 36.62 41.03 51.00
Automotive segment t 1,081 913 815 Non-production-specific t 5,776 6,378 5,547
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 1.06 0.92 0.99 Fresh water consumption, externally m³ 1,549,868 1,370,780 1,245,178 recyclable waste
sourced m³ 1,524,904 1,345,518 1,227,814 Automotive segment t 5,737 6,338 5,512
Direct NO X emissions32 t 202 190 177 Automotive segment m³/Veh. 1.49 1.36 1.49 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 5.60 6.38 6.69
Automotive segment t 195 184 173 (incl. components) Disposable waste t 7,401 3,844 4,904
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.19 0.19 0.21 Automotive segment t 7,302 3,751 4,828
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 7.13 3.78 5.86
Sulfur dioxide t 2.14 2.05 2.03 Other disposable waste t 289 414 1,192
Wastewater Unit 2018 2019 2020
Automotive segment t 2.1376 2.05 2.03 Automotive segment t 244 383 1,150
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.002 0.002 0.002 Volume of wastewater m³ 2,382,498 1,872,285 1,847,735 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.24 0.39 1.40
Automotive segment m³ 2,357,551 1,847,827 1,818,369 Hazardous disposable waste t 6,112 3,170 3,365
Total dust t 58 41 33 Automotive segment t 6,059 3,109 3,331
(incl. components) m³/Veh. 2.30 1.86 2.21
Automotive segment t 58 41 32 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 5.92 3.13 4.04
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.06 0.04 0.04 Direct discharge35 m³ 11,228 18,529 8,918 Non-production-specific t 1,000 260 347
disposable waste
CO₂ reductions in logistics33, 34 t CO₂e 13,712 13,525 – Indirect discharge 35
m³ 2,346,324 1,829,298 2,438,198 Automotive segment t 999 259 347
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.98 0.26 0.42
Intensity quotients for greenhouse gas kg/Veh. 600.57 451.02 276.10
emissions (Scope 1 and 2) Metallic waste t 345,827 320,793 273,371
Wastewater load 35 Unit 2018 201936 2020 (scrap; completely recyclable)
Automotive segment t 345,228 320,200 272,835
Chemical oxygen demand kg 617,759 360,154 309,271 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 337.12 322.56 331.13

Total phosphorous content kg 3,493 3,247 3,901

as phosphorous (P)

Total nitrogen as nitrogen (N) kg 36,026 31,648 26,339

Zinc kg 284 160 85

28 Direct CO₂ emissions: This figure is made up of CO₂ emissions generated by the use of fuel at the plant and CO₂ emissions
produced by the operation of test rigs.
29 The process of selecting relevant emissions and the emission factors used are anchored in the Volkswagen 98000 stan-
dard (→ see page 248), as is the entire key figure collection process. Audi uses the real emission factors of the energy
suppliers in principle, and the standard factors of the VDA in cases where this is not possible.
30 Correction in the recording of green electricity for 2019.
31 VOC emissions (volatile organic compounds): This figure is made up of emissions from the paint shops, test rigs and
other facilities.
32 Direct NO X emissions: This figure is made up of NOx emissions caused by the boiler houses at the plant, by paint shops
and by the operation of test rigs.
33 Transportation of vehicles from Ingolstadt to Emden, the port of loading on the North Sea coast; since October 2012,
also from Neckarsulm; since 2015, the figure is given in t CO ₂ e. Since July 2017, rail transport in Germany has been
handled by DB Schenker entirely carbon-neutral. All shipments from and to the German production locations Ingolstadt
and Neckarsulm operated by DB Schenker are CO ₂-free.
34 In the future, the key figure “CO ₂ reductions in logistics” will only be reported in the following year. The reason for this 35 Direct dischargers: Münchsmünster site; indirect dischargers: Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr,
is the change in the reporting process, as a result of which the key figure cannot be evaluated on the publication date Sant’Agata Bolognese (Lamborghini), Bologna (Ducati), Amphur Pluakdaeng (Ducati) sites.
at present. 36 Correction to the data collection process for 2019. 37 Correction to the classification of waste for 2018 and 2019.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 309 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 310 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 311

Audi Audi Audi

Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures Sustainability Key Figures
Employees and Society
Proportion of women41 Unit 2018 2019 2020 Other structural data Unit 2018 2019 2020

Audi Group39 Percent 14.9 15.0 15.2 Attendance rate, AUDI AG38, 39, 49 Percent 95.2 95.3 95.5
Workforce Unit 2018 2019 2020

AUDI AG Percent 15.4 15.6 15.8 Frequency of accidents, AUDI AG 41, 50 – 5.6 6.2 6.2
Workforce, Audi Group 38, 39
Unit 91,477 90,783 87,996
of which apprentices Percent 27.2 25.5 23.8
of which industrial apprentices Percent 24.2 22.3 20.3 Proportion of academics, AUDI AG39, 41, 46 Percent 50.9 51.4 52.3
Domestic companies38, 39 Unit 59,754 60,083 58,432
of which AUDI AG Unit 58,813 58,940 57,437 of which clerical apprentices Percent 81.1 80.6 74.2
Management44, 45 Percent 10.9 11.9 12.5 Proportion of foreign nationals, Percent 8.4 8.3 8.3
Ingolstadt plant Unit 42,784 42,904 42,131
Neckarsulm plant Unit 16,029 16,036 15,306
Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. Percent 6.7 6.9 7.0
Proportion of people with severe Percent 6.5 6.7 6.0
Foreign companies38, 39, 40 Unit 28,702 27,669 26,612
Audi Hungaria Zrt. Percent 12.8 13.0 12.8 disabilities, AUDI AG39, 41, 48
Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. Unit 2,768 2,922 3,052
Audi Hungaria Zrt. Unit 12,825 13,079 12,391
Audi México S.A. de C.V. Percent 13.8 14.2 14.8 Contracts to workshops for people with EUR million 7.9 7.3 6.7
Audi México S.A. de C.V. Unit 5,682 5,268 5,233
disabilities, AUDI AG
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Unit 1,643 1,788 1,769
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Percent 20.2 20.5 20.2
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. Unit 1,278 1,290 1,337 AUDI AG profit share per employee 47 EUR 3,630 3,880 1,080
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. Percent 18.4 19.0 17.6
Apprentices38 Unit 2,582 2,585 2,493 Employee donations 51, 52
EUR 1,283,502 1,296,507 1,284,240
Temporary workforce, Audi Group 41 Unit 2,527 1,957 1,326 Expenditure on corporate citizenship52, 53 EUR million 16.5 17.5 15.1
Average training time per employee Unit 2018 2019 2020
Average length of service, AUDI AG39, 41 Years 17.5 17.9 18.3 AUDI AG46 Part-time employees, AUDI AG 41
Unit 3,924 4,448 4,327
Turnover rate, AUDI AG38, 39, 42 Percent 0.9 0.7 0.6 Training time, total Hours 13.7 13.0 9.0 Employees on parental leave, AUDI AG 41 Unit 3,439 3,753 3,788
New hires, Audi Group Unit 5,004 4,214 2,181 Production employees Hours 8.6 8.3 5.6 Number of female employees on Unit 1,229 1,448 1,598
parental leave, AUDI AG
New hires, AUDI AG Unit 1,628 1,310 920 Non-production employees Hours 18.2 16.7 11.7
Number of male employees on parental Unit 2,210 2,305 2,190
Average age39, 41, 43 Years 41.2 41.5 41.8 Employees in management positions Hours 21.1 23.8 15.6
leave, AUDI AG
Share of production employees 41 Percent 48.4 48.5 48.4
Average duration of parental leave Months 9 9 10
Share of non-production employees 41
Percent 48.6 48.5 48.7

AUDI AG Ideas Program Unit 2018 2019 2020

Age structure, AUDI AG 39, 41 Unit 2018 2019 2020 Savings EUR million 109.1 101.3 94.5

< 30 years Percent 15.7 14.3 12.9 Implementation quota Percent 55.5 54.4 53.4

30–50 years Percent 54.9 55.1 56.6

> 50 years Percent 29.4 30.6 30.5

38 Annual average figure.

39 Excluding apprentices.
41 As of Dec. 31 in the year under review.
43 Excluding fixed-term employees.
46 With respect to non-production employees.
47 Payment in the following year; average figure for a skilled worker at AUDI AG.
48 Up to 2019, the severe disability quota was calculated based on the Social Code (SGB) and, from 2020, based on the
percentage of employees with severe disabilities and equal opportunities.
38 Annual average figure. 49 The attendance rate is calculated using the formula 100 − (sick days/payment-relevant days) × 100.
38 Annual average figure. 39 Excluding apprentices. 50 The accident frequency figure indicates how many industrial accidents involving one or more days’ work lost occur per
39 Excluding apprentices. 41 As of Dec. 31 in the year under review. million hours worked.
40 Excluding staff employed from other Volkswagen Group companies not belonging to the Audi Group. 44 Excluding leave on partial retirement phase. 51 AUDI AG Christmas donation and “Last Cents” campaign.
41 As of Dec. 31 in the year under review. 45 AUDI AG has management, senior management and top management levels. The key figure reports the percentage of 52 Included respectively in the year 2020: Company top-up to the Christmas donation EUR 268,216.00.
42 The employee turnover takes into account: terminations by the employer and/or employee without a rehire guarantee. women in all three management groups collectively. 53 Includes expenditure in the fiscal year in the areas of education, science, foundations; including donations; not including
43 Excluding fixed-term employees. 46 With respect to non-production employees. sponsorship and research.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 312 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 313 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 314

Fuel/electric power Fuel/electric power Fuel/electric power

consumption consumption consumption
and emission figures and emission figures and emission figures

(All data apply to features of the German market.)

As of: February 19, 2021
Model Combined fuel consumption Combined CO₂ emissions
(l/100 km) (g/km) Fully electric vehicles Combined electric power consumption
kWh/100 km
Audi R8 Coupé 13.5–13.0 310–297
Audi Q2 L e-tron 13.9 0
Model Combined fuel consumption Combined CO₂ emissions
(l/100 km) (g/km) Audi R8 Spyder 13.6–13.2 311–303
Audi e-tron 28.8–21.4 0
Audi A1 Sportback 5.0–4.6 115–106 Lamborghini Urus 12.6 292
Audi e-tron Sportback 28.3–20.9 0
Audi A1 citycarver 5.2–4.9 119–112 Lamborghini Huracán 14.5–14.0 329–324
Audi e-tron GT quattro 19.6–18.8 0
Audi Q2 7.7–4.0 176–107 Lamborghini Aventador 20.1–18.8 499–452
Audi RS e-tron GT 20.2–19.3 0
Audi Q3 9.0–4.5 205–118 Lamborghini Sián 19.8 449

Audi Q3 Sportback 9.0–4.5 206–119

Audi A3 Sportback 7.4–3.9 170–102

Vehicles with natural gas drive Combined CNG consumption
(kg/100 km)
Audi A3 Sedan 7.3–3.8 166–97
Audi A3 Sportback g-tron 3.6–3.5 99–96
Audi TT Coupé 8.5–6.0 194–137
Audi A4 Avant g-tron 4.1–3.9 111–105
Audi TT Roadster 8.7–6.4 200–147
Audi A5 Sportback g-tron 4.1–3.8 111–104
Audi A4 Sedan 7.1–4.0 167–104

Audi A4 Avant 9.2–4.0 211–106

Audi A4 allroad quattro 7.3–4.8 168–126 Plug-in hybrid vehicles Combined fuel consumption
(l/100 km)
and combined electric power
Audi A5 Sportback 8.8–4.0 200–105
(kWh/100 km)
Audi A5 Coupé 8.7–4.0 199–104
Audi Q3 TFSI e 1.7/16.0–1.4/14.4 39–32
Audi A5 Cabriolet 8.2–4.2 188–112
Audi Q3 Sportback TFSI e 1.7/15.9–1.4/14.6 38–33
Audi Q5 7.5–4.7 185–123
The indicated consumption and emissions values were determined according to the legally specified measur-
Audi A3 Sportback TFSI e 1.5/14.1–1.4/13.0 34–30 ing methods. Since September 1, 2017, type approval for certain new vehicles has been performed in accor-
Audi Q5 Sportback 7.6–4.7 186–123
dance with the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure
Audi Q5 Sportback TFSI e 2.0/19.6–1.8/19.3 45–42 for measuring fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions. Since September 1, 2018, the WLTP has gradually
Audi A6 Sedan 7.6–4.3 173–114
replaced the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Due to the realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption
Audi Q5 TFSI e 1.9/19.5–1.8/19.3 44–41 and CO₂ emission values measured are in many cases higher than the values measured according to the NEDC.
Audi A6 Avant 11.6–4.5 265–118
Additional information about the differences between WLTP and NEDC is available at →
Audi A6 Sedan TFSI e 1.6/17.8–1.4/16.7 36–31
Audi A6 allroad quattro 7.8–5.0 178–132
At the moment, it is still mandatory to communicate the NEDC values. In the case of new vehicles for which
Audi A6 Avant TFSI e 1.6/18.1–1.5/17.5 37–34 type approval was performed using WLTP, the NEDC values are derived from the WLTP values. WLTP values
Audi A7 Sportback 11.6–4.4 265–117
can be provided voluntarily until their use becomes mandatory. If NEDC values are indicated as a range, they
Audi A7 Sportback TFSI e 1.6/17.9–1.4/16.9 36–32 do not refer to one, specific vehicle and are not an integral element of the offer. They are provided only for the
Audi Q7 12.1–6.9 278–181
purpose of comparison between the various vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories (attachment
Audi Q7 TFSI e 3.0/22.4–2.6/21.7 64–59 parts, tire size, etc.) can change relevant vehicle parameters, such as weight, rolling resistance and aero-
Audi Q8 12.3–6.9 281–182
dynamics and, like weather and traffic conditions as well as individual driving style, influence a vehicle’s
Audi Q8 TFSI e 2.8/22.9–2.6/21.9 63–59 electric power consumption, CO₂ emissions and performance figures.
Audi A8 10.8–6.5 248–170
Audi A8 TFSI e 2.4/19.0–2.2/18.7 54–50
Further information on official fuel consumption figures and the official specific CO₂ emissions of new
passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on the fuel economy, CO₂ emissions and power consumption of
all new passenger car models,” which is available free of charge at all sales dealerships and from DAT
Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen, Germany
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 315 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 316 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 317

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the 17 global goals for

trification initiativ
internal reasons for this (e.g. strategies) as well


me a value drive
Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I
Vehicle safety

& &
health Society Services for more comfort C
sustainable development

te, c
th and safety at
pational heal techno ive drive

h, clima

arison of c

ite is o


as external ones (e.g. guidelines, materialities).


(cr focus
r ia
Audi Tra I
and safety at lture
Value Creation vati nspa
te cu


of v on a rency

Corp ipatio
n & Production The m g
B ario nd li of re tin B

C om p

i ac
ic ip us fe asterp
part sh Au typ cyclesourc iece –
the d
ize Environment to
es o ec
f driasses onse
e-tron w ith
w is

g no
ec ve sme r- GT qu
ng d t m sys nt
ESG criteria a

ic –

The Content Wheel gives an at-a-glance view of

ra B
production/plants) ou


Su stem
stro dem po


pan r

Stan irus Co riv

e fe


ai off
nav in
Chapter reference for the


na e
nc o
coro of ?

en y

Sustainability standards
in the supply chain
ie n

em cit
e n

bl r

sc io

odiver vation


ag pa

d ot
g n
si u re sum
the cult

an rom

ions an at the plan

an e ca

capital-market-relevant crite-
orate em


corp iss

d m tiv

how the topics are derived and what the under-

I ion nd

e cons

an ova

d ener
ria of Environment, Social



and bi
l in-win


C and Governance (ESG) ica ons
Eth erati
A win-w I
kind, so

lying strategy is. It shows the key topics in the


i lit g op m an

sib ga for hu

rison of content with GRI standards


n En er

po e: ment

s id po ate environ


ic consideration/reputation
Re dw Corpor ce and and the




or e, an

w at AUDI








five chapters “Strategy,” “Operations and Integ-

GROUP Operations





N ate, c
STRATEGY & Integrity


onservat h

ion of resources, healt



stability Financ

The go

i le
ial posit


together with
greater sustainabi

Good chain react

rity,” “Products and Services,” “Value Creation





al is ze

is, revi


an a pro




ata tectio


ro –


in Audi
sec n






ion –
and Production” and “Employees and Society.”


Compari rd s
N son of content with GRI standa
A o rt o

In addition, it ensures that all those involved

n ris
Core areas opp
ks a
The structure of the Audi s

sustainability program combines I

constantly have their sights set on corporate 1 Interactive, Click on the topic of a segment to access the story strategic goals with concrete

measures in an understandable
strategies, reporting standards of the Global 2 To find out more about the individual segments of the Content

Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the United Wheel see page 318 – page 322.
The central element of the
Main target groups
The content is primarily aimed at the
Content Wheel is the following stakeholders:
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Note
Audi corporate strategy
I Investors
when it comes to the topic of sustainability. The allocation of materialities in this graphic is based on the chap- A
Business journalists/media
ters of the Audi Report 2020 so that they are easier to find. N Non-governmental organizations
The materialities may be allocated to other core topics in the E Employees and applicants/suppliers
materiality matrix ( see page 10). C Customers

GRI 102-46, 102-47

Audi Report 2020 Appendix 318 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 319 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 320


Content Wheel Content Wheel Content Wheel

B rison of content with GRI stand B rison of content with GRI stand B rison of content with GRI stand
I Compa ar d s I Compa ar d s I Compa ar d s

A win-win-win situation

A win-win-win situation

A win-win-win situation
for humankind, society

for humankind, society


for humankind, society


and the environment

and the environment

and the environment

rds rds rds



a a a



nd nd nd



sta sta sta










ith C ith C ith C





tw tw tw






is Audi


is Audi


is Audi




en en en







nt nt nt







co co co



rt on


rt on


rt on













i is

i is

i is


n Mil n Mil n Mil



i con

i con

i con








est Holistic consideration/repu est Holistic consideration/repu est Holistic consideration/repu





the the the



on tatio on tatio on tatio

l Aud

l Aud

l Aud







fut es n fut es n fut es n




bac for bac for bac for



ure C ure C ure C




k : loo k k

: loo

: loo




on on on



a ti a ti a ti



20 20 20



k t k t k t



20 /re t– 20 /re t– 20 /re t–



E n E n E



tio rte tio rte tio rte
ra ra ra



N Aud de qua N Aud de qua N Aud de qua
g the nsi
g the nsi
g the
dev i Aka co nin
to dev i Aka co nin
to dev i Aka co nin
elop dem ic win elop dem ic win elop dem ic win
nur A pat nur A pat nur A pat



turi ing ie i’s B
turi ing ie i’s B
turi ing ie i’s B
and – and – and –



ng Aud age ng Aud age ng Aud age
ic ic ic

Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Corporate governance
re C re C re C
com ctr com ctr com ctr
pet ele futu pet ele futu pet ele futu

c stability

c stability

c stability
enc – the enc – the enc – the



Top teri

Top teri

Top teri
ance ance ance

and compliance

and compliance

and compliance
es es es



date form date form date form

top ality

top ality

top ality
ed ed ed



secu n

secu n

secu n
-per -per -per

l opera

l opera

l opera
data ectio

data ectio

data ectio

Top ter

Top ter

Top ter
ics ana

ics ana

ics ana





ps tom

ps tom

ps tom


the the the

top ial

top ial

from lysi

from lysi

from lysi
of of of

and prot

and prot

and prot
ics an

ics an

ics an
ent ent ent



shi cus

shi cus

shi cus
fro aly

fro aly

fro aly

the s

the s

the s


E segm E segm E segm



tion erm

tion erm

tion erm
Trai Trai Trai

m sis

m sis

m sis
cep cep cep A
of nin

of nin

of nin

con con con

rela g-t

rela g-t

rela g-t
N emp g and N emp g and N emp g and
Governance ity B Governance ity B Governance ity B
One goal One goal One goal



loye dev (corpo
rate governa bil tion loye dev (corpo
rate governa bil tion loye dev (corpo
rate governa bil tion
– ce n
as a basis for ce – ce n
as a basis for ce – ce n
as a basis for ce



es elop an mo bus re es elop an mo bus re es elop an mo bus re



one team Equa rn inable operatio w com one team Equa rn inable operatio w com one team Equa rn inable operatio w com
men ve susta architectu men ve susta architectu men ve susta architectu
integ l oppo
Ne E³ 2.0 integ l oppo
Ne E³ 2.0 integ l oppo
Ne E³ 2.0

p a r is o

p a r is o

p a r is o
t able t able t able





diver ratio rtuni Operations diver ratio rtuni Operations diver ratio rtuni Operations



sity n and ties, Sus ines sity n and ties, Sus ines sity n and ties, Sus ines

rd s

rd s

rd s
& & &





tion of

tion of

tion of
n of content

n of content

n of content
eng eng eng

ontent with GRI standa

ontent with GRI standa

ontent with GRI standa

Integrity tivity Integrity tivity Integrity tivity





connec connec connec

pm i.

pm i.

pm i.


onservation of r

onservation of r

onservation of r
velo ud

velo ud

velo ud
Fair working Digital s Fair working Digital s Fair working Digital s






beco training and de r for A

beco training and de r for A

beco training and de r for A

conditions service conditions service conditions service
and modern and and modern and and modern and

resources, climate, hea

resources, climate, hea

resources, climate, hea


working working working

trification initiativ

trification initiativ

trification initiativ



forms forms forms

me a value drive

me a value drive

me a value drive
Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I
Vehicle safety Vehicle safety Vehicle safety

with GRI standa

with GRI standa

with GRI standa



& & & & & &
health STRATEGY for more comfort health STRATEGY for more comfort health STRATEGY for more comfort
Society Services C Society Services C Society Services C

te, c

te, c

te, c
Occupational Occupational Occupational
Alternat Alternat Alternat
and safety and safety and safety
health technol ive drive health technol ive drive health technol ive drive

h, clima

h, clima

h, clima

arison of c

arison of c

arison of c
ite is o

ite is o

ite is o
Occupational Occupational Occupational



ogies ogies ogies

(cr focus

(cr focus

(cr focus
r ia

r ia

r ia
and safety at
Audi re and Tran E
and safety at
Audi re and Tran E
and safety at
Audi re and Tran
cultu Value Creation vatio spar cultu Value Creation vatio spar cultu Value Creation vatio spar




n andency n andency n andency



rate n of vario rate n of vario rate n of vario



B & Production The masterp B & Production The masterp B & Production The masterp

Co m p
of reso

Co m p
of reso

Co m p
of reso



Corpo ipatio Corpo ipatio Corpo ipatio
p us life cycle urce iece – p us life cycle urce iece – p us life cycle urce iece –
partic shi Au type the partic shi Au type the partic shi Au type the
zen Environment s of asse cons Audi zen Environment s of asse cons Audi zen Environment s of asse cons Audi
ton drive ssme er- e-tron ton drive ssme er- e-tron ton drive ssme er- e-tron

g citi (carbon-neutral om GT quattro g citi (carbon-neutral om GT quattro g citi (carbon-neutral om GT quattro



g durin – ate production/plants) ous
syste nt B g durin – ate production/plants) ous
syste nt B g durin – ate production/plants) ous
syste nt B



Sus tem

Sus tem

Sus tem
stron mic por ms stron mic por ms stron mic por ms



ing pande dri ing dri ing dri



tain off

tain off

tain off
Cor Cor Cor



Stand avirus vin C Stand avirus vin C Stand avirus vin C

ce of

ce of

ce of
Emissio ment at the

Emissio ment at the

Emissio ment at the




nt y

nt y

nt y
Sustainability standards

Sustainability standards

Sustainability standards

in the supply chain

in the supply chain

in the supply chain

coron coron coron

abl er

abl er

abl er
en n

en n

en n
eme acit

eme acit

eme acit
the the the

sci tio

sci tio

sci tio
cance cance cance



Cons Cons Cons




e e e


an mo

signifi signifi signifi

nag cap

nag cap

nag cap
the cultur ump the cultur ump the cultur ump






rate emis tion rate emis tion rate emis tion


ns and


ns and


ns and


ma tive

ma tive

ma tive

corpo and corpo and corpo and

sion sion





and biodiver

and biodiver

and biodiver
figure figure figure

and ova

and ova

and ova
s s s










y , y , y ,
ilit ilit ilit



age age age
sib Eng sib sib



er er er



pon e: pon e: pon e:



pow pow pow






Res Res Res



Em Em Em



rld rld rld



wo e, wo e, wo e,





cat cat cat





. Cre

. Cre

. Cre


E Edu Edu Edu










N Clim N Clim N Clim



ate, c ate, c ate, c



onservat h onservat h onservat h
ion of resources, healt

ion of resources, healt

ion of resources, healt








s in

s in

s in



The goal


The goal


The goal











together with

together with

together with
greater sustainability

greater sustainability

greater sustainability
Good chain reaction

Good chain reaction

Good chain reaction











ersity –

ersity –

ersity –






is zero

is zero

is zero






Strategy Operations & Integrity Products & Services

ent in

ent in

ent in


















Compari rd s Compari rd s Compari rd s

N son of content with GRI standa N son of content with GRI standa N son of content with GRI standa

The articles in the “Strategy” chapter illustrate and explain the The materiality analysis ( see page 10) provides information In the core area of “Products & Services,” according to the mate-
corporate strategy, recent developments, background informa- on the relevance of defined action areas for Audi stakeholders. riality analysis ( see page 10), the greatest relevance is
tion and challenges. The six members of the Board of Manage- In the core area of “Operations & Integrity,” high priority is given afforded to the topic of “vehicle safety,” followed by “alternative
ment of AUDI AG have ample opportunity to express their to the topics of “ethical operations,” “economic stability,” “cor- drive technologies.” The topics “sustainable combustion engines”
thoughts. They discuss their most pressing issues, which can porate governance and compliance” and “data privacy and secu- and “sustainable system offer” are also rated as important. The
also be found on the subsequent pages of the Audi Report 2020. rity.” The corresponding articles start on page 63. corresponding articles start on page 134.















in to

nn th
wi pa
A ’s
di a ge B
Au ic
tr C
ec ure
I el ut
h ef ce
g –t an
in B te m
act da for
di ee
d er
Au h Sp h-p
wit hig
w is

Ho nd the
ly a

b of t
fita en

hi cust
pro ? ts seg


tio erm
eg nc
int co

re ng-t
y B
i lit tion

ob us ure

Milestones for the m mb archite

ew co E³ 2.0
n N ble

pa r

l in-win


s er v a
future: look back at ica ons A win-w sta
Eth erati I
Su ines

ison of c
Top topics from
, society g

op kind en

tion of
for hum
an tivity

rison of content with GRI standards

the materiality 2020

rison of content with GRI standards

E nnec
ment al co
ate environ Digit rvices
ic consideration/reputation

ic consideration/reputation
Corpor ce and

and the

ontent with GRI standards

an and

resources, climate, hea




iance AUDI
compl Products Bright & audible –

ation initiat
Strategy &
Vehicle safety
Economic Services for more comfort C
stability Financ Alter
ial posit nativ

Top topics from High-level meeting – ion: e drive
Da analys Tra techn
t is, revi va nspa ologie
the materiality how Audi is shaping an a pro ew, I of vtion a rency
ata tectio outlook ario d n o The m
us life cf reso

analysis the future sec n A asterp
urit typ yc ur iece –
y Au es le a ce c Audi the
to of d sse on e-tron
no rive ssm ser- GT qu
m sys ent attro B
ou tem
sd s


Rep in

o rt o g

B n ris Co

opp ks a n sum

ortu nd ptio
nitie em

iss na

ion nd


I s















Investors Investors



A Analysts A Analysts B

I Investors B Business journalists/media B Business journalists/media

B Business journalists/media E Employees and applicants/suppliers C Customers
C Customers
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 321 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 322


Content Wheel Content Wheel

B rison of content with GRI stand B rison of content with GRI stand
I Compa ar d s I Compa ar d s

A win-win-win situation

A win-win-win situation
for humankind, society

for humankind, society


and the environment

and the environment

rds rds


a a


nd nd


sta sta






ith C ith C



tw tw




is Audi


is Audi


en en




nt nt




co co


rt on


rt on








i is

i is

n Mil n Mil


i con

i con




est Holistic consideration/repu est Holistic consideration/repu



the the


on tatio on tatio

l Aud

l Aud




fut es n fut es n



bac for bac for


ure C ure C



k : loo k

: loo



on on


a ti a ti


20 20


k t k t


20 /re t– 20 /re t–


E n E


tio rte tio rte
ra ra


N Aud de qua N Aud de qua
g the nsi
g the
dev i Aka co nin
to dev i Aka co nin
elop dem ic win elop dem ic win
nur A pat nur A pat


turi ing ie i’s B
turi ing ie i’s B
and – and –


ng Aud age ng Aud age
ic ic

Corporate governance

Corporate governance
re C re C
com ctr com ctr
pet ele futu pet ele futu

c stability

c stability
enc – the enc – the


Top teri

Top teri
ance ance

and compliance

and compliance
es es


date form date form

top ality

top ality
ed ed


secu n

secu n
-per -per

l opera

l opera
data ectio

data ectio

Top ter

Top ter
ics ana

ics ana



ps tom

ps tom

the the

top ial

top ial
from lysi

from lysi
of of

and prot

and prot
ics an

ics an
ent ent


shi cus

shi cus
fro aly

fro aly

the s

the s

E segm E segm


tion erm

tion erm
Trai Trai

m sis

m sis
cep cep A
of nin

of nin

con con

rela g-t

rela g-t
N emp g and N emp g and
Governance ity B Governance ity B
One goal One goal


loye dev (corpo
rate governa bil tion loye dev (corpo
rate governa bil tion
– ce n
as a basis for ce – ce n
as a basis for ce


es elop an mo bus re es elop an mo bus re


one team Equa rn inable operatio w com one team Equa rn inable operatio w com
men ve susta architectu men ve susta architectu
integ l oppo
Ne E³ 2.0 integ l oppo
Ne E³ 2.0

p a r is o

p a r is o
t able t able



diver ratio rtuni Operations diver ratio rtuni Operations


sity n and ties, Sus ines sity n and ties, Sus ines

rd s

rd s
& &



tion of

tion of
n of content

n of content
eng eng

ontent with GRI standa

ontent with GRI standa

Integrity tivity Integrity tivity



connec connec

pm i.

pm i.

onservation of r

onservation of r
velo ud

velo ud
Fair working Digital s Fair working Digital s




beco training and de r for A

beco training and de r for A

conditions service conditions service
and modern and and modern and

resources, climate, hea

resources, climate, hea


working working

trification initiativ

trification initiativ


forms forms

me a value drive

me a value drive
Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I Employees GROUP Products Bright & audible – I
Vehicle safety Vehicle safety

with GRI standa

with GRI standa


& & & &
health STRATEGY for more comfort health STRATEGY for more comfort
Society Services C Society Services C

te, c

te, c
Occupational Occupational
Alternat Alternat
and safety and safety
health technol ive drive health technol ive drive

h, clima

h, clima

arison of c

arison of c
ite is o

ite is o
Occupational Occupational


ogies ogies

(cr focus

(cr focus
r ia

r ia
and safety at
Audi re and Tran E
and safety at
Audi re and Tran
cultu Value Creation vatio spar cultu Value Creation vatio spar



n andency n andency


rate n of vario rate n of vario


B & Production The masterp B & Production The masterp

Co m p
of reso

Co m p
of reso


Corpo ipatio Corpo ipatio
p us life cycle urce iece – p us life cycle urce iece –
partic shi Au type the partic shi Au type the
zen Environment s of asse cons Audi zen Environment s of asse cons Audi
ton drive ssme er- e-tron ton drive ssme er- e-tron

g citi (carbon-neutral om GT quattro g citi (carbon-neutral om GT quattro


g durin – ate production/plants) ous
syste nt B g durin – ate production/plants) ous
syste nt B


Sus tem

Sus tem
stron mic por ms stron mic por ms


ing pande dri ing dri


tain off

tain off
Cor Cor


Stand avirus vin C Stand avirus vin C

ce of

ce of
Emissio ment at the

Emissio ment at the



nt y

nt y
Sustainability standards

Sustainability standards

in the supply chain

in the supply chain

coron coron

abl er

abl er
en n

en n
eme acit

eme acit
the the

sci tio

sci tio
cance cance


Cons Cons



e e


an mo
signifi signifi

nag cap

nag cap
the cultur ump the cultur ump




rate emis tion rate emis tion


ns and


ns and

ma tive

ma tive

corpo and corpo and

sion sion



and biodiver

and biodiver
figure figure

and ova

and ova
s s






y , y ,
ilit ilit


age age
sib Eng sib


er er


pon e: pon e:


pow pow




Res Res


Em Em


rld rld


wo e, wo e,



cat cat



. Cre

. Cre

E Edu Edu






N Clim N Clim


ate, c ate, c


onservat h onservat h
ion of resources, healt

ion of resources, healt





s in

s in


The goal


The goal






together with

together with
greater sustainability

greater sustainability
Good chain reaction

Good chain reaction






ersity –

ersity –



is zero

is zero



Value Creation & Production Employees & Society

ent in

ent in












Compari rd s Compari rd s
N son of content with GRI standa N son of content with GRI standa

In the core area “Value Creation & Production,” the following According to the materiality analysis ( see page 10), the top-
topics are important for Audi stakeholders according to the ics of “fair working conditions and modern working forms,”
materiality analysis performed ( see page 10), “circular econ- “equal opportunities, integration and diversity” and “occupa-
omy,” “emissions and energy management (in the plant)” and tional health and safety” are of particular importance to Audi
“sustainability standards in the supply chain.” The stories on stakeholders in the area of “Employees & Society.” You can read
these topics are featured in this report starting on page 212. about these topics starting on page 251.

– rin
ie r tu
m nu
de d
ka g an
diA in s
p ce
Au elo n
v te
de pe
I m

ce rtifi u di
min wa
alu ility
the p- sib ge,
ds lo pon nga
lea ve s Res e: E
de ee dwid wer
– A
d oy worl E mpo
l is z an pl cate
goa g m Edu
The enta
l N n e
ni of ip
my onm ai sh
no v ir Tr ent en
e n
t in itiz
eco m ec


lar rat


u man ctio
n p o
C irc rodu Co

th, cli
ate, co

i n

and ment Aud ucatio

(cr focus

ison of co

of ed

rison of content with GRI standards


ite is o
Emis y manag otion

r ia
Prom nce

energe plant
nservation of resources, he


beco training and de r for A

an d sc

at th

e, conservation of resou

AUDI Good chain reaction – AUDI

me a value drive
ntent with GRI stand

Value Creation Sustainability Employees Occupational health E

GROUP GROUP Occupational health

& standards in the greater sustainability &

STRATEGY Production supply chain N STRATEGY and safety and safety at Audi B
together with suppliers
Natu Equal
and re conse

velo ud
integr portunitie
biod s,
ivers rvation

pm i.
and di
ity Missi Fa versit

Inn on:Ze ir w y

ro – an
an ova d m orki


d m tiv ersity od ng c
an e Co ern o
ag capa the si at
an rpo wo ndit
rkin ion
em cit tes d ra
en y B pa te gf s
t rt cu orm
ici lt s
N pa ur One
tio e goa
n l–
ne E
de e s in
vel N
op sof
me tw
nt are

I St
du and
B pa ring ing
sig nde th stro
ec n
co n i m g
rp fica ic – oro
or nc th na
at e vir
e c e of us

I Investors I Investors I

A Analysts B Business journalists/media

B Business journalists/media N Non-governmental
N Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
organizations (NGOs) E Employees and applicants/suppliers
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 323 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 324 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 325

Independent Auditor’s Independent Auditor’s Independent Auditor’s

Limited Assurance Report Limited Assurance Report Limited Assurance Report

The assurance engagement performed by Ernst & Young (EY) relates exclusively to the German
PDF-version of the “Audi REPORT | combined annual and sustainability report” of AUDI AG. The Management’s responsibility Our audit firm applies the national statutory regulations and
following text is a translation of the original German Independent Assurance Report.
The legal representatives of AUDI AG (hereafter: “the Company”) professional pronouncements for quality control, in particular
are responsible for the preparation of the report in accordance the by-laws regulating the rights and duties of Wirtschafts-
with the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global prüfer and vereidigte Buchprüfer in the exercise of their profes-
Reporting Initiative (hereafter “GRI criteria”) as well as the sion [Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigte Buch-
To AUDI Aktiengesellschaft, Ingolstadt
selection of the criteria to be assessed. prüfer] as well as the IDW Standard on Quality Control 1:
We have performed a limited assurance engagement on selected
Requirements for Quality Control in audit firms [IDW Qualitäts-
sustainability key figures in the overview “Audi Sustainability Key
This responsibility includes the selection and application of sicherungsstandard 1: Anforderungen an die Qualitätssicherung
Figures” for the year 2020 in the “Audi REPORT | combined
appropriate methods to prepare the report as well as making in der Wirtschaftsprüferpraxis (IDW QS 1)].
annual and sustainability report” of AUDI AG, Ingolstadt, for the
assumptions and estimates related to individual sustainability
reporting period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
disclosures which are reasonable in the circumstances. Further- Auditor’s responsibility
(hereafter the report).
more, the legal representatives are responsible for such internal Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion
controls that they have considered necessary to enable the on the selected key figures that are marked with the symbol “ ”
Our engagement exclusively relates to the selected key figures in
preparation of a report that is free from – intended or unin- in the report based on the assurance engagement we have per-
the overview “Audi Sustainability Key Figures” in the annex of the
tended – material misstatement. formed.
“Audi REPORT | combined annual and sustainability report” of
AUDI AG and to the German PDF-version of the report. The assured
Auditor’s declaration relating to independence We conducted our assurance engagement in accordance with the
selected key figures are marked with the symbol “ ” (hereafter
and quality control International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000
selected key figures). The report is published as PDF-version under
We are independent from the Company in accordance with the (Revised): “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews
provisions under German commercial law and professional of Historical Financial Information”, issued by the International
requirements, and we have fulfilled our other professional Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). This Standard
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. requires that we plan and perform the assurance engagement
to obtain limited assurance about whether the selected key fig-
ures that are marked with the symbol “ ” in the report of the
Company for the reporting period from 1 January 2020 to 31
December 2020 have been prepared, in all material respects, in
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 326 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 327 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 328

Independent Auditor’s Independent Auditor’s Independent Auditor’s

Limited Assurance Report Limited Assurance Report Limited Assurance Report

accordance with the GRI criteria. In a limited assurance engage- bol “ ” are based in the reporting period and testing such Intended use of the assurance report
ment the assurance procedures are less in extent than for a rea- documentation on a sample basis, We issue this report on the basis of the engagement agreed with
sonable assurance engagement and therefore a substantially > Inquiries and inspection of documents on a sample basis relat- AUDI AG. The assurance engagement has been performed for
lower level of assurance is obtained. The assurance procedures ing to the collection and reporting of the selected key figures the purposes of the Company and the report is solely intended
selected depend on the auditor's professional judgment. that are marked with the symbol “ ” in the report, to inform the Company as to the results of the assurance engage-
> Analytical measures at group level and on the level of selected ment and must not be used for purposes other than those
Within the scope of our assurance engagement, which has been sites regarding the quality of the reported data, intended. The report is not intended to provide third parties
mainly conducted between November 2020 and February 2021, > Conducting virtual site visits to evaluate the processes for col- with support in making (financial) decisions.
we performed amongst others the following assurance and lecting, aggregating, and validating the data as well as the
other procedures: reliability of the reported data at group level, Engagement terms and liability
> Inquiries of employees concerning the sustainability strategy, AUDI AG (Ingolstadt, Germany) The “General Engagement Terms for Wirtschaftsprüfer and
sustainability principles and sustainability management of AUDI AG (Neckarsulm, Germany) Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften [German Public Auditors
AUDI AG, Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. (Brussels, Belgium) and Public Audit Firms]” dated 1 January 2017 are applicable to
> Inquiries of employees of the Company’s headquarters as well > Evaluation of the presentation of the selected key figures that this engagement and also govern our relations with third parties
as the employees responsible for the data capture and consol- are marked with the symbol “ ” in the report, in the context of this engagement (
idation as well as the preparation of the report in order to > Critical review of the draft report to assess plausibility and engagement-terms). In addition, please refer to the liability pro-
assess the sustainability reporting system, the data capture consistency. visions contained there in no. 9 and to the exclusion of liability
and compilation methods as well as internal controls to the towards third parties. We assume no responsibility, liability or
extent relevant for the limited assurance engagement on the Assurance conclusion other obligations towards third parties unless we have con-
selected key figures that are marked with the symbol “ ” in Based on our assurance procedures performed and assurance cluded a written agreement to the contrary with the respective
the report, evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that third party or liability cannot effectively be precluded.
> Identification of likely risks of material misstatement regard- causes us to believe that the selected key figures that are marked
ing the selected key figures, with the symbol “ ” in the report for the period from 1 January We make express reference to the fact that we do not update
> Inspection of the relevant documentation of the systems and 2020 to 31 December 2020 have not been prepared, in all mate- the assurance report to reflect events or circumstances arising
processes for compiling, aggregating and validating data, on rial respects, in accordance with the GRI criteria. after it was issued unless required to do so by law. It is the sole
which the selected key figures that are marked with the sym- responsibility of anyone taking note of the result of our assur-
ance engagement summarized in this assurance report to decide
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 329

Independent Auditor’s
Limited Assurance Report

whether and in what way this result is useful or suitable for their
purposes and to supplement, verify or update it by means of
their own review procedures.

Munich, 17 March 2021

Ernst & Young GmbH


Nicole Richter Hans-Georg Welz

Wirtschaftsprüferin Wirtschaftsprüfer
(German Public Auditor) (German Public Auditor)
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 330 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 331 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 332

GRI content index

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

GRI 102-10 Significant changes to 32 ff. Governance

the organization and
its supply chain GRI 102-18 Governance structure The Annual General Meeting, the Supervisory Board and
the Board of Management make up the executive bodies of
GRI 102-11 Precautionary principle 65 ff. AUDI AG. The Annual General Meeting of a stock corpora-
or approach 120 ff. tion is the meeting of the corporation’s shareholders or
owners at which they exercise their rights with regard to
GRI 102-12 External initiatives 312 ff. → Sustainibility Roadmap the stock corporation’s affairs. The Board of Management
manages the business of AUDI AG and of the Audi Group in
212 ff. accordance with the law, the Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws of AUDI AG and the Rules of Procedure issued by the
GRI 102-13 Membership of Audi works in a variety of initiatives, associations and work Supervisory Board. Corporate governance also gives due
associations and groups to discuss ecological, economic and social issues in
The Audi Group is reporting on its sustainability performance for interest groups partnership with stakeholders. The list (see below) of mem-
consideration to the corporate goals and to shared inter-
ests within the Volkswagen Group network.
berships and activities exemplifies the company’s dialogue
the year 2020 pursuant to the international standard of the with industry, politics, science and society. This is only a selec-
At the time the report was completed, the Board of Man-
tion of our numerous involvements that also reflect the inter-
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This report was prepared in ests of the company’s stakeholders. This depiction was created
using the five chapters of this report to illustrate the connec-
agement of AUDI AG consisted of six members. The Super-
visory Board oversees and advises the Board of Manage-
accordance with the “core” option of the GRI Standards. tions to the topics reported in the Audi Report 2020. ment’s running of the business. The Supervisory Board of
AUDI AG comprises ten shareholder representatives and
Strategy ten employee representatives as provided for by law. The
> eNOVA Strategykreis Automobile Zukunft, Berlin composition of the Supervisory Board and Board of Man-
> VDA Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V., Berlin
The information in this report was chosen on the basis of a mate- agement of AUDI AG as well as the dates on which mem-
bers took up office are provided on the website of AUDI AG
Operations & Integrity
riality analysis performed in 2019. The report was submitted to > Deutsches Institut für Compliance (DICO), Berlin → here.
> Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherung e.V. (GDD),
GRI 102-19 Delegating authority →
GRI for the performance of the GRI Materiality Disclosures Bonn
> Zentrum für Wirtschaftsethik gGmbH (ZfW), Berlin operations-and-integrity/firmly-anchored-responsibility.
Service. GRI confirmed the proper positioning of the materiality- Products & Services
> Deutsches Verkehrsforum e.V., Berlin GRI 102-20 Executive-level →
related disclosures (102-40 to 102-49). The German version of responsibility for operations-and-integrity/firmly-anchored-responsibility.
Value Creation & Production economic, html
the Sustainability Report was used for this service. > Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative e.V., Berlin
environmental, and
> Co₂ncept plus – Verband der Wirtschaft für Emissionshandel
und Klimaschutz e.V., Munich social topics

Employees & Society GRI 102-21 Consulting →

> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umwelt- stakeholders on management.html
GRI Standards Page Statement/comment
medizin e.V. (DGAUM), Munich economic,
> Stiftung “Jugend forscht” e.V., Hamburg environmental, and
Universal standards > Verein zur Förd. kult. Belange in der Region IN, Ingolstadt social topics
GRI 101: Foundation 2016 Strategy GRI 102-22 Composition of the →
highest governance ment.html
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 GRI 102-14 Statement from senior 2 f. body and its
decision-maker committees
Organizational profile
GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks, and 40 ff. GRI 102-23 Chair of the highest →
GRI 102-1 Name of the 32 opportunities 81 ff.
organization governance body ment.html
120 ff.
GRI 102-2 Activities, brands, 32 ff. GRI 102-24 Nominating and →
Ethics and integrity selecting the highest tal-market-compliance-and-corporate-governance/cor-
products, and services 40 ff.
governance body porate-governance/diversity-concept.html
GRI 102-16 Values, principles, 65 ff.
GRI 102-3 Location of 32 standards, and norms 40 ff.
headquarters GRI 102-25 Conflicts of interest →
of behavior 120 ff. ment/methods-and-practices-of-the-board-of-manage-
GRI 102-4 Location of operations 32 ff. ment-and-supervisory.html
GRI 102-17 Mechanisms for advice 72 →
and concerns about 75 ance-and-risk-management/whistleblower-system.html →
GRI 102-5 Ownership and legal 32 ethics
form ance-and-risk-management/whistleblower-system.html

GRI 102-6 Markets served 32 ff. →

GRI 102-7 Scale of the 32 ff. ment-and-supervisory.html
organization 309
GRI 102-8 Information on 114 f. ment/information-on-corporate-governance-practices.
employees and other 309 f. html
GRI 102-26 Role of highest →
GRI 102-9 Supply chain 222 ff. governance body in operations-and-integrity/firmly-anchored-responsibility.
setting targets, html
values, and strategies
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 333 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 334 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 335

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

GRI 102-27 Collective knowledge → GRI 102-43 Approach to 7 Delegates of the employee representative bodies of the GRI 102-55 GRI content index 330 ff.
of highest governance operations-and-integrity/firmly-anchored-responsibility. stakeholder Audi Group meet at least twice a year in the framework of
body html engagement the Audi Committee to advise on topics of international GRI 102-56 External assurance 323 ff.
importance for the Group as a whole and to enter into
GRI 102-28 Evaluating the highest Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 exchanges in this regard with the Audi Board of Manage- Topic-specific disclosures
governance body’s (→ see page 10 f. and page 60 f.) ment. In addition, individual support is provided for the
performance respective sites on specific topics. The spokesperson for Economic Performance
Annual Report 2019, Corporate Governance Report the Audi Committee is the Chair of the General Works
(→ see page 45 ff.) Council of AUDI AG, Peter Mosch, with Supervisory Board GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
mandates in Volkswagen AG and AUDI AG.
GRI 102-29 Identifying and 10 GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 7
managing economic, 7 On the Supervisory Board of AUDI AG, the employees’ material topic and its 10
environmental, and elected representatives perform duties such as monitoring boundary 315 ff.
social impacts executive management, approving important corporate 291 ff.
processes and appointing the members of the Board of
GRI 102-30 Effectiveness of risk 123 f. Management. The intention is to give a voice to interna- GRI 103-2 The management 291 ff.
management tional colleagues in this and other key committees too and approach and its
processes to represent the interests of the employees as well as the components
interests of the domestic sites. The Social Charter, which
GRI 102-31 Review of economic, 10 will also be implemented in the future at AUDI AG, was GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
environmental, and 7 amended at the end of 2020 and following this revision management approach management.html
social topics defines economic efficiency and job protection as
GRI 201 Economic Performance 2016
equal-ranking corporate goals. In addition to the Social
GRI 102-32 Highest governance 7 → Charter, there is also a Charter on Labor Relations, a Char-
body’s role in operations-and-integrity/firmly-anchored-responsibility. GRI 201-1 Directly generated and 302 ff. The bargaining partners consider the ratio of the entry
ter on Temporary Work and a Charter on Vocational Educa- distributed economic 99 ff. level wages to the statutory local minimum wage when
sustainability html tion, which set out guiding principles on the respective top-
reporting value structuring compensation as part of the collective bargain-
ics for the entire Group. ing process.
GRI 102-33 Communicating 123 f. There are also elected youth and apprentice representative
critical concerns GRI 201-2 Financial implications 120 ff.
bodies as well as disabled employee representatives at and other risks and 136 ff.
AUDI AG who specifically take up the concerns of the opportunities due to 152 ff.
GRI 102-34 Nature and total 65 ff. In 2020, 450 reports of possible regulatory violations were employee groups that they represent.
number of critical received. The number is somewhat lower than the previous climate change
concerns year’s figure of 694 reports. Short-time work as a result of GRI 102-44 Key topics and 7
the coronavirus is among the reasons for the reduction. GRI 201-3 Defined benefit plan 109 f.
concerns raised 10 obligations and other
The continued high number of non-anonymous reports in retirement plans
Reporting practice
2020 and the fact that a large number of the tip-offs
received were reported directly to the Audi Investigation Market Presence
GRI 102-45 Entities included in the 81 ff.
Office show that a high level of trust remains in the consolidated financial 32 ff. GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
whistleblower system. statements 7
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
Stakeholder engagement GRI 102-46 Defining report 7 material topic and its 10
content and topic 10 boundary 32 ff.
GRI 102-40 List of stakeholder 7 boundaries 315 ff.
GRI 103-2 The management 32 ff.
GRI 102-47 List of material topics 7 approach and its 266
GRI 102-41 Collective bargaining 273 f. The Audi Works Council plays an active role in shaping the 10 components
agreements future at Audi. For example, all works agreements are 315 ff.
reached jointly with the employee representatives at
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
AUDI AG. The latter also oversee compliance with applica- GRI 102-48 Restatements of 7 ff. management approach management.html
ble legislation, directives, accident prevention regulations, information
wage agreements and works agreements reached in favor GRI 202 Market Presence 2016
of the employees. GRI 102-49 Changes in reporting 7 ff.
GRI 202-1 Ratios of standard The bargaining partners consider the ratio of the entry
GRI 102-42 Identifying and 7 GRI 102-50 Reporting period 9 entry level wage by level wages to the statutory local minimum wage when
selecting stakeholders gender compared with structuring compensation as part of the collective bargain-
GRI 102-51 Date of most recent 9 local minimum wage ing process.
GRI 202-2 Proportion of senior Audi fundamentally supports the employment and qualifi-
GRI 102-52 Reporting cycle 9 management hired cation of local employees. The Group is convinced that
from the local these employees are knowledgeable about the region and
GRI 102-53 Contact point for 350 community the local market, and have good networks that are helpful
questions regarding for the further development of their locations. The propor-
the report tion of foreign nationals at AUDI AG was 8.3 percent in
GRI 102-54 Declaration on 330
reporting in
accordance with the
GRI Standards
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 336 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 337 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 338

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

Indirect Economic Impacts GRI 205-2 Communication and In the year under review, 44 national and international par- GRI 301 Materials 2016
training about anti- ticipations were supported in the compliance focal area of
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 corruption policies and anti-corruption in the course of consultancy inquiries, the GRI 301-1 Materials used by 222 ff.
procedures implementation of policies and the execution of training weight or volume 225
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. programs.
material topic and its 10 GRI 301-2 Recycled input 222 ff.
boundary 248 f. Fundamentally, all those entities where AUDI AG holds a materials used 214 ff.
276 ff. majority interest or management responsibility or that are
of particular importance are included in the process. In GRI 301-3 Reclaimed products 308
GRI 103-2 The management 276 ff. addition, the proper implementation of measures is veri- and their packaging
approach and its fied as part of on-site inspections and external audits. materials
Companies can also report risks, problems and incidents in Energy
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → the area of corruption, among others, to the Compliance &
management approach management.html GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
Integrity department as part of hot topic reporting. One
hot topic in relation to corruption was reported in the year
GRI 203 Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
under review.
material topic and its 10
GRI 203-1 Infrastructure 248 ff. GRI 205-3 Confirmed incidents of Within the scope of the whistleblower system, in 2020 the boundary 296 ff.
investments and 276 ff. corruption and actions Audi Investigation Office received two centrally filed 230 ff.
services supported taken reports of a regulatory violation with regard to corruption
GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
for which further investigative steps were initiated. These
GRI 203-2 Significant indirect 275 approach and its 230 ff.
reports are still under investigation at present. Two further
economic impacts components
possible suspected cases of corruption were examined in
2020, which had already been received in the whistleblower
Procurement Practices GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 →
system in 2019. In one case, no regulatory violation was
management approach management.html
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
identified, while appropriate personnel measures were
taken in another. GRI 302 Energy 2016
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
material topic and its 10 Anti-competitive Behavior GRI 302-1 Energy consumption 304 302-1 f: The process of collecting key figures including defi-
boundary 222 ff. within the nition of scope is anchored in the Volkswagen 98000 stan-
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
organization dard (→ see page 248 ff.) and does not provide for extrap-
GRI 103-2 The management 222 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 olation at overall site level.
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
approach and its 225 (→ see page 59 f. and page 64 f.)
material topic and its 10
components GRI 302-3 Energy intensity 230 ff.
boundary 291 f.
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 103-2 The management 291 f.
management approach management.html GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy 230 ff.
approach and its
consumption 304
GRI 204 Procurement Practices 2016
Water and Effluents
GRI 204-1 Proportion of spending → GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
on local suppliers management.html management approach management.html GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
GRI 206 Anti-competitive Behavior 2016
Anti-corruption GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
material topic and its 10
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
GRI 206-1 Legal actions for anti- Cases of actual and suspected compliance violations of
boundary 296 ff.
competitive behavior, anti-trust law are isolated cases. The total number of cases
230 ff.
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. anti-trust, and is not reported for confidentiality reasons.
226 ff.
material topic and its 10 monopoly practices
boundary 65 ff. GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
approach and its 230 ff.
GRI 103-2 The management 65 ff. components 226 f.
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
approach and its
components GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
material topic and its 10 management approach management.html
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 65 ff.
boundary 293
management approach GRI 303 Water and Effluents 2018
114 ff.
GRI 205 Anti-corruption 2016 GRI 303-1 Interactions with 240 ff.
GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
water as a shared 307 ff.
GRI 205-1 Operations assessed 65 ff. The Audi Group places a high priority on preventing corrup- approach and its 214 ff.
resource 226 f.
for risks related to tion. Within our company, the department Compliance components
corruption AUDI AG/Management System, Integrity (I/GC-C) helps to GRI 303-2 Management of water 240 ff.
ensure sustainable prevention of corruption. As part of the GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
ICRA (Internal Compliance Risk Assessment) standard pro- management approach management.html
cess, compliance risk profiles – in the area of corruption
among others – are created for each company. Each com-
pany has to implement appropriate individual measures
once the risk profile has been created, which help to miti-
gate the risk.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 339 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 340 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 341

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

GRI 303-4 Water withdrawal 240 ff. 303-4 c: The site in Mexico was the only site where water GRI 305 Emissions 2016 Environmental Compliance
307 pollution was identified, although the site is 100 percent
wastewater-neutral. GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG 230 ff. 305-1 e: Audi fundamentally uses the real emission factors GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
emissions 306 of the energy suppliers. If this is not possible, calculations
303-4 d–e: As with the entire process for collecting key fig- are conducted on the basis of the VDA’s standard factors. GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
ures, the process for identifying the relevant wastewater As with the entire process for collecting key figures, this material topic and its 10
load and wastewater limits is anchored in the Volkswagen process is anchored in the Volkswagen 98000 standard boundary 296 ff.
98000 standard (→ see page 248 ff.). Owing to the size of (→ see page 248 ff.). 230 ff.
the Group, Audi sites are subject to different legislation. 226 f.
Some incidents are dealt with at a local level. There is no GRI 305-2 Energy indirect 230 ff. 305-2 a: As with the entire process for collecting key fig-
Group data available on incidents at present for this rea- (Scope 2) GHG 306 ures, the process for selecting the relevant emissions as GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
son. emissions well as the emissions factors used are anchored in the approach and its 230 ff.
Volkswagen 98000 standard (→ see page 248 ff.). Audi components 226 f.
Biodiversity fundamentally uses the real emission factors of the energy
suppliers. If this is not possible, calculations are conducted GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 on the basis of the VDA’s standard factors. All Audi manu- management approach management.html
facturing sites were converted extensively to green elec-
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. tricity as of January 1, 2020. Owing to the size of the GRI 307 Environmental Compliance 2016
material topic and its 10 Group, a disproportionately high level of effort would be
boundary 296 ff. required to manually calculate all location-based emissions GRI 307-1 GRI 307-1, Non- 69
230 ff. as a reference. No reporting therefore takes place for this compliance with 65 ff.
reason. environmental laws 23
GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff. and regulations 128
approach and its 230 ff. 305-2 e: As with the entire process for collecting key fig-
components ures, the process for selecting the relevant emissions as Supplier Environmental Assessment
well as the emissions factors used are anchored in the
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
Volkswagen 98000 standard (→ see page 248 ff.). Audi
management approach management.html fundamentally uses the real emission factors of the energy
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
suppliers. If this is not possible, calculations are conducted
GRI 304 Biodiversity 2016 material topic and its 10
on the basis of the VDA’s standard factors.
boundary 296 ff.
GRI 304-1 Operational sites 246 f. 222 ff.
GRI 305-4 GHG emissions 306
owned, leased, intensity
managed in, or GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
adjacent to protected approach and its 222 ff.
GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG 230 ff.
areas and areas of high components
emissions 306
biodiversity value
outside protected GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), 306 305-7 b: As with the entire process for collecting key fig-
areas management approach management.html
sulfur oxides (SOx), ures, the process for selecting the relevant emissions as
and other significant well as the emissions factors used are anchored in the
GRI 304-2 Significant impacts of 246 f. GRI 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
air emissions Volkswagen 98000 standard (→ see page 248 ff.). Audi
activities, products, fundamentally uses the real emission factors of the energy
and services on GRI 308-1 Explanation of the 222 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 (→ see page 64 f.)
suppliers. If this is not possible, calculations are conducted material topic and its
biodiversity on the basis of the VDA’s standard factors. boundary
GRI 304-3 Habitats protected or → Effluents and Waste
restored management.html GRI 308-2 The management 222 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 (→ see page 65 f.)
approach and its
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
Emissions components
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 Employment
material topic and its 10
boundary 296 ff. GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. 230 ff.
material topic and its 10 226 f.
boundary 296 ff. GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
230 ff. material topic and its 10
GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff. boundary 299 ff.
approach and its 230 ff. 266 ff.
GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff. components 226 f.
approach and its 230 ff.
components GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff.
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → approach and its 266 ff.
management approach management.html components
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
management approach management.html GRI 306 Effluents and Waste 2016
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
management approach management.html
GRI 306-1 Water discharge by 230 ff.
quality and destination 226 f.

GRI 306-2 Waste by type and 230 ff.

disposal method 308

GRI 306-3 Significant spills 230 ff.

Audi Report 2020 Appendix 342 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 343 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 344

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

GRI 401 Employment 2016 GRI 403 Occupational Health and Safety 2018 GRI 403-9 Work-related injuries 264 f. 403-9: As in the past, the current scope of the published
311 data relates to AUDI AG. The possibility of extending
GRI 401-1 New employee hires 266 ff. 401-1 a: Data on the rate of new employee hires is not avail- GRI 403-1 Occupational health 264 f. reporting to the production sites is being examined at pres-
and employee turnover 309 able since this key figure is not collected. Audi uses the and safety ent. Due to conversion of the process to a combined report,
absolute number of employees in relation to new employee management system which is published earlier than before, the figures for all
hires. The following are taken into account as regards production sites could not yet be published this year.
employee turnover, terminations, resignations at the GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, 264 f.
employee’s own request without a rehire guarantee and risk assessment, and 403-9 a ii: The data is not available in reportable format as
service termination agreements. Absolute figures are not incident yet; collection is being examined presently.
used as an internal control and are therefore not available
in a reportable format. GRI 403-3 Occupational health 262 f. 403-9 a iii: The data is used to calculate the frequency of
services 264 f. accidents; publication is being examined presently.
401-1 b: The data for the entire Audi Group is not recorded
systematically at present. Collecting this data manually GRI 403-4 Worker participation, 264 f. As part of the Audi ergonomics strategy, the company pro- 403-9 a iv: Injuries are categorized at Audi on the basis of
would be highly complex due to the autonomy of the com- consultation, and motes intelligent work organization along with measures the catalog of the professional association. No evaluation
panies, and a disproportionately high level of effort would communication on to apply the standards on an international scale, for exam- of the data is available at present in reportable form; publi-
be required owing to the size of the Group. No reporting occupational health ple. Through targeted consultations, Audi raises its cation is being examined.
therefore takes place for these reasons and also due to the and safety employees’ awareness of the issue and encourages them to
fact that the figure is not relevant for control purposes. put forward their own suggestions, thus allowing them to 403-9 a v: The data is used to calculate the frequency of
design their own workplace. The ergonomics coordinators accidents; publication is being examined presently.
GRI 401-2 Benefits provided to 266 ff. at all Audi sites discuss measures and developments sev-
full-time employees eral times a year. 403-9 b: The current contractual situation with the compa-
that are not provided nies working for Audi does not permit access to the
to temporary or part- GRI 403-5 Worker training on 262 f. required information.
time employees occupational health 264 f.
and safety 403-9 c–d: Audi fulfills the statutory requirements and per-
GRI 401-3 Parental leave 266 ff. forms risk assessments for all activities according to rele-
311 GRI 403-6 Promotion of worker 264 f. vant standard works. Details are not published for confi-
health dentiality reasons.
Labor/Management Relations
GRI 403-7 Prevention and 262 f. Training and Education
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 mitigation of 264 f.
occupational health GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. and safety impacts
material topic and its 10 directly linked by GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
boundary 299 ff. business relationships material topic and its 10
253 ff. boundary 299 ff.
GRI 403-8 Workers covered by an 262 f. 275
GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff. occupational health 264 f. 266 ff.
approach and its 253 ff. and safety
components management system GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff.
approach and its 275
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → components 266 ff.
management approach management.html
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 402 Labor/Management Relations 2016 management approach management.html
GRI 402-1 Minimum notice In the event of operational changes, the company under- GRI 404 Training and Education 2016
periods regarding takes to inform the employees of these in a timely manner.
operational changes GRI 404-1 Average hours of 310 Information by gender is not currently available.
training per year per 275
Occupational Health and Safety employee 266 ff.
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 GRI 404-2 Programs for 275
upgrading employee 266 ff.
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. skills and transition
material topic and its 10 assistance programs
boundary 299 ff.
264 f. GRI 404-3 Percentage of 266 ff.
employees receiving
GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff. regular performance
approach and its 264 f. and career
components development reviews
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
management approach management.html
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 345 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 346 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 347

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

Diversity and Equal Opportunity GRI 412-2 Employee training on Audi uses a range of training measures to convey informa- Supplier Social Assessment
human rights policies tion on the topic of human rights in the company. For
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 or procedures example, a chapter of the “Audi Code of Conduct and Ethi- GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
cal Decision-Making” WBT has been used for around two
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. years now to provide a basic understanding. The training is GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
material topic and its 10 obligatory for the entire workforce. material topic and its 10
boundary 299 ff. boundary 296 ff.
266 ff. As of December 31, 2020, 98.6 percent of all employees 276 ff.
had completed the approx. 45-minute training. The topic is 214 ff.
GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff. likewise anchored in the form of basic knowledge in the
approach and its 266 ff. 30-minute WBT on “Compliance Awareness,” which has GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
components been available on a voluntary basis since the beginning of approach and its 276 ff.
2020. Around 400 employees took part in this training in components 214 ff.
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → the past year. The 90-minute face-to-face training on “Busi-
management approach management.html ness and human rights in the corporate context – respect- GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
ing human rights” took place for the first time at the end of management approach management.html
GRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
2020. This training course can be booked by all employees,
GRI 414 Supplier Social Assessment 2016
although it is specifically aimed at employees who have
GRI 405-1 Diversity of 266 ff. 405-1: The data for the entire Audi Group is not available
direct responsibility for or heightened impact on the topic
governance bodies and 309 ff. since this information is not relevant for control purposes GRI 414-1 New suppliers that 222 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 (→ see page 64 f.)
in their everyday work. This training will be intensified fur-
employees owing to the autonomy of the companies and the size of were screened using 225
ther in 2021.
the Group. Collection and publication are being examined social criteria
Participation in the obligatory WBT Code of Conduct:
GRI 414-2 Negative social 222 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 (→ see page 64 f.)
98.6 percent
405-1 b ii: Only the key figure for AUDI AG is relevant for impacts in the supply 225
In figures: Actual participation: 54,087
control purposes owing to the size of the Group and the chain and actions
Target participation: 54,837
autonomy of the companies. The scope is limited to taken
(As of Dec. 31, 2020)
AUDI AG data for this reason. Collection and publication
are being examined presently. Customer Health and Safety
Participation in voluntary Life Online Training on Human
Rights: 13 participants GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
GRI 405-2 Ratio of basic salary 266 ff.
(As of Dec. 31, 2020)
and remuneration of
(Note: One training course took place in 2020) GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
women to men
material topic and its 10
Participation in the voluntary WBT Compliance Awareness: boundary 293 ff.
Human Rights Assessment
400 participants including repeat participants 76 f.
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 (As of Dec. 31, 2020)
GRI 103-2 The management 293 ff.
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. GRI 412-3 Significant investment 214 ff. → approach and its 76 f.
material topic and its 10 agreements and 225 components
boundary 299 ff. contracts that include
73 f. human rights clauses GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
or that underwent management approach management.html
GRI 103-2 The management 299 ff. human rights
approach and its 73 f. screening GRI 416 Customer Health and Safety 2016
Local Communities GRI 416-1 Assessment of the Audi’s commitment to quality is based also and especially
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → health and safety on social change, customer requirements, statutory and
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 impacts of product regulatory requirements as well as internal company poli-
management approach management.html
and service categories cies and a binding Code of Conduct. The process-driven
GRI 412 Human Rights Assessment 2016 GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff. quality management system defines regulations in this
material topic and its 10 respect that are to be applied by the organizational units to
GRI 412-1 Operations that have 214 ff. Volkswagen Sustainability Report 2020 (→ see page 64 f.) boundary 276 ff. their tasks, projects and associated processes for the pur-
been subject to human 225 pose of organization, implementation and continuous
rights reviews or GRI 103-2 The management 276 ff. enhancement. All divisions formulate their quality require-
impact assessments approach and its ments in goals, control these independently based on key
components figures, are subject to independent controls and contribute
to the achievement of corporate goals. Audi attaches par-
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. → ticular importance to producing high-quality and safe vehi-
management approach management.html cles. And it continues to keep an eye on its products even
after they have been delivered to customers – in line with
GRI 413 Local Communities 2016
product monitoring obligations. On the request of the
Board of Management, the Product Safety Committee
GRI 413-1 Operations with local 276 ff.
(APS) examines topic-related reports for delivered vehicles
community 222 ff.
and products and initiates measures if there are any doubts
engagement, impact
as to their product safety or if a regulatory violation is sus-
assessments, and
pected. In addition, the APS answers questions from
authorities and consumer associations in relation to prod-
uct safety.
Audi Report 2020 Appendix 348 Audi Report 2020 Appendix 349

GRI Standards Page Statement/comment GRI Standards Page Statement/comment

GRI 416-2 Incidents of non- In addition to interfaces to the Environmental Compliance GRI 418 Customer Privacy 2016
compliance concerning Management System (ECMS) and Product Compliance Man-
the health and safety agement System (PCMS), the interface to the Compliance GRI 418-1 Substantiated As in the previous year, there were no substantiated com-
impacts of products Management System (CMS) should also be highlighted in complaints concerning plaints concerning breaches of customer privacy in 2020.
and services terms of continuous development and improvement. breaches of customer
privacy and losses of
Objectives in this respect include exchanging information customer data
on process weaknesses, initiating improvement measures
when necessary and therefore minimizing compliance risks. Socioeconomic Compliance

Product integrity is the obligation to maintain product GRI 103 Management Approach 2016
safety and product conformity. In 2020, Audi began estab-
lishing product integrity and the Product Compliance Man- GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.
agement System (PCMS) as a regulatory framework for material topic and its 10
ensuring product integrity in the company. boundary 296 ff.

Every employee plays their part in ensuring that product

integrity risks are minimized by complying with regulations GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.
in the Corporate Policy U_059. approach and its
Marketing and Labeling
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →
GRI 103 Management Approach 2016 management approach management.html

GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 10 GRI 419 Socioeconomic Compliance 2016

material topic and its 76 f.
boundary GRI 419-1 Non-compliance with Any known cases of actual and suspected compliance viola-
laws and regulations tions are isolated cases. The total number of cases is not
GRI 103-2 The management 76 f. in the social and reported for confidentiality reasons.
approach and its economic area

GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →

management approach management.html

GRI 417 Marketing and Labeling 2016

GRI 417-1 Requirements for 312 ff.

product and service
information and

GRI 417-2 Incidents of non- AUDI AG never provides general information on the scope
compliance concerning of field measures.
product and service
information and

GRI 417-3 Incidents of non- 72

compliance concerning

Customer Privacy

GRI 103 Management Approach 2016

GRI 103-1 Explanation of the 315 ff.

material topic and its 10
boundary 296 ff.
204 ff.

GRI 103-2 The management 296 ff.

approach and its 204 ff.

GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the 120 ff. →

management approach management.html

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