Photoacoustic Spectros

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Photoacoustic spectroscopy is a technique that uses light and sound to study materials. It involves modulating light which causes heating and pressure changes in a sample, creating sound waves that can be detected.

Photoacoustic spectroscopy involves absorbing light which causes heating and pressure changes in a sample. These pressure changes create sound waves that can be used to generate spectra and study materials.

Some advantages of photoacoustic spectroscopy include its ability to study all phases of matter, perform nondestructive analysis, and detect very small concentrations of gases.

14 Spectroscopy 21(9) September 2006 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e .

c o m

The Baseline
Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
An unusual form of spectroscopy uses light and sound to probe the behavior of materi-
als. Here is a brief introduction to photoacoustic spectroscopy.

David W. Ball

here is a form of spectroscopy known as photoa- sensitive microphone, piezoelectric devices, or optical
coustic spectroscopy. As with many forms of spec- methods (for example, deflection of highly collimated light
troscopy, its name is descriptive. The prefix “photo” reflecting from the surface). These techniques are more
makes sense for a form of spectroscopy, but “acoustic”? properly called photoacoustic techniques. It has been
Doesn’t that mean “relating to sound”? Is there really a argued that photo-
form of spectroscopy that uses sound? acoustic spectroscopy is as much a type of calorimetry as it
Yes, there is. is spectroscopy (5).
In 1880–1881, Alexander Graham Bell (1–3) found that
when a thin disk was exposed to mechanically chopped Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: Gases
sunlight, sound was emitted. In addition, he noted a simi- One advantage to photoacoustic spectroscopy is that it can
lar effect when infrared or ultraviolet light was used. A plot be performed on all phases of matter. Figure 2 shows a gen-
of the loudness of the sound versus, for example, the wave- eral setup for the photoacoustic spectroscopy of a gas sam-
length of the light used, is called a photoacoustic spectrum. ple. When a species absorbs some of the incoming light, one
According to Haisch and Niessner (4), this effect essentially of several mechanisms of de-excitation is intermolecular
was forgotten until researchers led by Allen Rosencwaig colliding, which ultimately leads to increases in translation
(ironically) at Bell Labs rediscovered the behavior and pro- energy of the gas particles — that is, heating. According to
vided a theoretical basis (5). To indicate the growth of the the various gas laws, an increase in the temperature of the
field, Figure 1 shows the number of publications listed by gas leads to an increase in the pressure of an isochoric (con-
the Chemical Abstracts Service under the subject “photoa- stant-volume) sample. If the incoming light is modulated
coustic spectroscopy”. — modulation frequencies can vary from single to several
thousand hertz — the gas pressure increases and decreases
Photothermal Techniques accordingly, creating sound. Varying the wavelength of the
Photoacoustic spectroscopy is part of a class of photother- incoming light will change the amount of light absorbed,
mal techniques, in which an impinging light beam is the amount of pressure changes occurring, and the amount
absorbed and alters the thermal state of the sample. This of sound produced, and a spectrum of loudness versus
“thermal state” can manifest itself as a change in tempera- wavelength can be produced.
ture, density, or other measurable property of the sample. One useful aspect of photoacoustic spectroscopy of
One method of detection is to experimentally measure the gases is that very bright light sources — lasers — can be
temperature or density of the absorbing material. This is used to detect very tiny concentrations of a particular gas,
referred to as thermometric detection. on the order of parts per trillion. This makes photoa-
However, if the incoming light is modulated, the absorb- coustic spectroscopy very useful in following the concen-
ing sample warms and cools in a cycle. If the cycle is so fast trations of trace gases in mixtures, like soot in diesel
that the sample does not have time to expand and contract exhaust or NOx in the atmosphere. Photoacoustic spec-
in response to the modulated light, a change in pressure troscopy can also be limited because laser light is not very
develops. This pressure “wave” can lead to the production broad in bandwidth; the analyte molecule must absorb
of a sound wave. These sound waves can be detected by a some light from the source in order to be detectable.
w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m September 2006 21(9) Spectroscopy 15


Number of publications




1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Figure 1: Number of articles published using the key phrase “photoacoustic spectroscopy” since the early 1970s.

Saturation effects can also cause noticed a photoacoustic signal appar- mechanism for the photoacoustic effect
problems (6). ently coming from the windows of the is called RG theory, after its developers
sample cell, which should have been Rosencwaig and Gersho (8,9). The
Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: transparent to the incoming radiation. main source of the acoustic wave is the
Condensed Phases Further (and this might be unique to repetitive heat flow from the absorbing
The mechanism of the photoacoustic this particular form of spectroscopy), condensed-phase sample to the sur-
effect in condensed samples is not as the exact mechanism of spectrum pro- rounding gas, followed by propagation
straightforward as it is for gas samples. duction depends on the type of detec- of the acoustic wave through the gas
For example, in 1973, Parker (7) tor used. The commonly accepted column to microphone-based detector.
However, a photoacoustic signal also
can be detected piezoelectrically.
Instead of being dissipated as heat, the
absorbed radiant energy also can be
Sample chamber transferred through the solid-state
vibrational modes, or phonon modes,
filled with gas
of the sample. The motions of these
sample phonon modes are nondissipative
(unlike heating), limited only by the
Laser size of the sample. A piezoelectric
detector physically connected to the
Microphone sample can detect absorbed energy in
this manner. Although piezoelectric
detection is about 100 times less sensi-
tive than microphone detectors, it can
be preferable for large samples or for
Microphone samples that do not efficiently convert
electronics, additional absorbed light to heat.
output devices
Other Issues
One advantage of photoacoustic spec-
Figure 2: General experimental setup for performing photoacoustic spectroscopy on a gas. troscopy is that it is nondestructive to
16 Spectroscopy 21(9) September 2006 w w w. s p e c t r o s c o p y o n l i n e . c o m

analysis of textile dyes as another prac-

tical application of photoacoustic spec-
troscopy. Photoacoustic spectroscopy is
Incoming light particularly useful for samples that are
powdered (like catalysts), amorphous,
or otherwise not conducive to reflective
or transmission forms of optical spec-
troscopy. The photoacoustic effect is
used to study biological samples such
as blood, skin, eye lenses, tumors, and
drug-laced tissues. Several studies are
available in which photoacoustic spec-
troscopy has been used to identify dif-
ferent types of bacteria. Interested read-
transparent ers are urged to consult the literature to
medium see if this fascinating form of spec-
troscopy might be right for them.

(1) A.G. Bell, Am. J. Sci. 20, 305 (1880).
(2) A.G. Bell, Phil. Mag. 11, 510 (1881).
(3) An article describing the work in the
Thermal diffusion limit Thermal diffusion limit
at high chopping speeds at low chopping speeds journal The Manufacturer and Builder
13(7), 156–158 (1881) is available
Figure 3: How photoacoustic spectroscopy can perform depth profiling. online through Cornell University at
the sample; the sample does not have examples of infrared photoacoustic bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=ABS1821-
to be dissolved in some solvent or spectra of poly(vinylidene chloride) 0013-416.
embedded in a solid-state matrix. films using different modulations, (4) C. Haisch and R. Niessner, Spec-
Samples can be used “as is.” Another showing differences in the spectra due troscopy Eur. 14(5), 10 (2002).
advantage is the potential for perform- to differences in penetration depth. (5) A. Rosencwaig, Photoacoustics and
ing depth profiles of analytes in opti- Photoacoustic spectroscopy is not Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (R.E.
cally transparent media. Figure 3 shows only used for depth profiling. As indi- Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar,
how this is possible: essentially, the cated earlier, it can be used to measure Florida, 1980).
slower the modulation rate, the farther pollutants such as NOx or soot in the (6) A. Rosencwaig, Photoacoustics and
the heat can diffuse before the incom- atmosphere or in automobile exhaust. Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (R.E.
ing light is cut off. Figure 4 shows Haisch and Niessner (4) also list the Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar,
Florida, 1980), p. 69.
(7) J.G. Parker, Appl. Opt. 12, 2974 (1973).
(8) A. Rosencwaig and A. Gersho, Science
190, 556 (1975).
(9) A. Rosencwaig and A. Gersho, J. Appl.
220 Phys. 47, 64 (1976).
200 (10)P. Zhang and M.W. Urban, Langmuir
Photoacoustic response

20, 10691–10699 (2004).

David W. Ball is
a professor of chem-
80 istry at Cleveland State
60 University in Ohio.
40 Many of his “Baseline”
20 columns have been
0 reprinted in book form
by SPIE Press as The
3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 Basics of Spectroscopy,
Wavenumber available through the
SPIE Web Bookstore at His most recent book, Field
Figure 4: Fourier transform–infrared photoacoustic spectra of poly(vinylidene chloride) films at Guide to Spectroscopy (published in May
four modulations. Spectrum 1: 50 Hz; spectrum 2: 100 Hz; spectrum 3: 400 Hz; spectrum 4: 1000 2006), is available from SPIE Press. He can
be reached at [email protected]; his web-
Hz. (Reprinted with permission from reference 10. Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society.) site is

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