Mod Minecraft and Math - Scoring Guide

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Minecraft and Math: Personal Plan and Reflection Scoring Guide


Mathematical Concepts

0 1 Unsatisfactory

Describe and model

2-D shapes and its
image after a
combination of

Communication: Does not

identify the
Accuracy: Unable to
describe/model a
translation, reflection or

2 - 3 Fair

Computational Thinking

Formulating Problems

Communication: Unable
to identify related

4 5 Good

Communication: Identifies
less than half of the
Accuracy: Correct
implementation of
translation, reflection and
rotation. Unable to
describe/model successive
combination of

Communication: Identifies
the problem(s) accurately
Decomposition: Use of
some strategies or
incomplete steps to solve

Communication: Identifies more

than half of the
transformation(s) accurately
Accuracy: Correct
implementation of translation,
reflection and rotation. Some
challenges or inaccuracies with
describing/modeling successive
combination of transformations

6 - 7 Excellent

Writing Algorithms and

Efficiency: Largely
inefficient code that is
prone to failure
Analysis: Unfeasible
attempts/ iterations


Writing Algorithms and

Efficiency: Code follows
principles learned in
tutorials, but still has some
notable inefficiencies (e.g.
buggy, redundancies)
Analysis: Reflects on
previous attempts/
iterations towards

Communication: Clearly describes

the transformation(s) with correct
terminology and sequence
Accuracy: Correct implementation
of translation, reflection and
rotation, as well as the successive
combination of these

Communication: Identifies the

problem(s) accurately with
generic terminology
Decomposition: Use of
strategies or sequential steps to
solve problem(s)

Formulating Solutions

Writing Algorithms and

Efficiency: Code is well grounded
in principles learned from
tutorials and works efficiently
(e.g. loops, conditionals)
Analysis: Reflects on previous
attempts/ iterations towards
problem-solving and
experiments with various
approaches to formulate

Communication: Clearly describes

the problem(s) with accessible,
correct terminology
Decomposition: Use of strategies or
sequential steps to solve problem(s)
Abstraction: Generalizes patterns or
commonalities to solve similar
problems or new applications
Writing Algorithms and Efficiency:
Code is extremely efficient, with
obvious effort made to reduce
redundancies (e.g. loops,
Analysis: Reflects on previous
attempts/ iterations towards
problem-solving and experiments
with various approaches to
formulate solution(s) or future
applications that resemble expert



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