Parodypainting 4

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Parody Painting

Lesson Plan for Intro to Art Class

Prepared by Ms. Lempola
Grade Level: 9-12

Unit: Painting

Duration of the lesson: 7 days


1. V.A. - Create a single, complex artwork or multiple artworks to express ideas.
2. V.A. - Analyze how the elements of visual art including color, line, shape,
value, form, texture, and space; and principles such as repetition, pattern. Emphasis,
contrast, and balance are combined to communicate meaning in the creation of,
presentation of, or response to visual artworks.

Content Objectives:
1. Students will design and paint an 11x 14 painting on tag board that is inspired by a
painting of a master, but is modified in a creative way to creative a parody of that
2. Students will research an master painter what subject matter and painting styles they
utilize within their art pieces
3. Students will use critical thinking and creativity skills to consider how they can adapt
a master painting into a parody painting
4. Students will use communication and collaboration skills when presenting their
thumbnail sketches to their peers for feedback on successful designs
5. Students will practice their painting skills of controlling the paint brush, making
sharper lines, and filling the entire painting canvas
6. Students will further develop creative skills by designing with the elements and
principles of art

Language Objectives:
Identify and properly implement the following painting terms:

Primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue)

Secondary Colors (Orange, Green, Violet)



Postive / Negative Space



Behavioral Objectives:
1. Formulate an idea before implementing it
2. Respect classroom materials used for this project

1. 11 x 14 tag board (Block 2: 36)
(Block 3: 32)

4. Water
5. Pencils

2. Acrylic Paint

6. Computer / Printer

3. Brushes

7. Projector


Students will already know and will have reviewed the following:
1. The art elements and principles of design
2. Color theory / color mixing
3. Painting techniques
4. Care of paint and paint brushes
5. Positive / Negative space
6. Composition

Introduction/ Motivation: Presentation of parody paintings including fun examples of how to
take a master painting and translate it into a parody painting.
Instructional Strategies: (direct instruction, modeling, demonstration):
Day 1: Presentation and research time.
Day 2: Demonstration of blending two colors, how to make hard edges, and reminders of
color mixing, composition, and positive / negative space. Also a reminder of the elements and
principles of design.
Research page to aid students in finding a range of painting to convert into a parody
Days 3,4, and 5: Work time
Guided: Students observe the above demonstration and decide what techniques they
will use for their painting.
Independent: Students will design and paint their own parody painting.
Closing: Students are mixed up so they interact with other students and participate in a small
group critique

For my students who have an IEP / 504, I will prompt them to take breaks as necessary
to avoid major frustration. I will also be checking for understanding with them,
monitoring progress, and cuing any on-task behavior as outlined by individual IEP /
504s . Students will also be provided a worksheet to follow, ensuring they meet all
requirements for the research.
For my ELL students I will further clarify directions or demonstrations as needed. I will
also explain vocabulary with different terms or with a concrete example to further
enhance the student's learning experience

For gifted and talented students in this classes, they will be encouraged to take a
deeper look at the artist they choose to research and consider what techniques they
used in their painting that they could implement within their painting. They will be
able to further develop and implement advanced techniques to finish their piece.

Formative Assessments: (Checks for understanding during lesson)
Observation of technique, application, and creativity as defined by the learning
objective above throughout lesson
Summative Assessment:
-Final Painting (100 points)

Graded on:

Student Score

Teacher Score

Creativity and use of

Original ideas / Approaches


Painting skills and

techniques including color
theory and color mixing


Interesting composition and

positive / negative space


Craftsmanship, control of
paint, care taken for work



Use of class time and effort

given to project including
being prepared for class and
being responsible



/ 100

/ 100



Parody Painting Evaluation




Point System:
20-18 Excellent, Outstanding, Best
17-16 Above average, Good,
15-12 Needs more work, not
necessarily on target
11-8 Below Average, needs much
improvement, more effort
7 or below- Unsatisfactory, not

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