Unit 2 - Chuck Close Portrait Grid Drawing 12 5
Unit 2 - Chuck Close Portrait Grid Drawing 12 5
Unit 2 - Chuck Close Portrait Grid Drawing 12 5
Melissa Miller
Arts: Visual arts
3 7
IB MYP Visual arts (Grade 8)
First Term
(Sep 2015 - Feb 2016)
Statement of inquiry
An artist communicates aspects of their identity through the style of the image and the interpretation of the viewer.
Inquiry questions
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
the person (ie. gender, age, race, etc) and justify their Students reflect on why they have portraits in their
answers. homes and why they are important.
Summative assessment
Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Knowing and Developing skills Thinking creatively Responding
understanding The summative assessment will be students' final project with the addition of their artist
statement. Students will demonstrate their understanding of grinding images, mixing colors,
and showing emotion through line and color.
N/A N/A N/A N/A Students will also participate in a final critique, where they will evaluate the work of others
and give feedback specifically related to their criteria in the rubric.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
I Communication skills
Learning Experiences
Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction Students will complete critiques, and write artist statements after analyzing artist
Give and receive meaningful feedback statements from other artists.
Students are working this unit on keeping track of their assignments and what they
are missing, and having projects and work turned in on time. I am keeping track on a
tracker chart in class that students will refer to. Students will also be filling out
planners where they will record assignments for all classes.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
Illinois Art Standards
STATE GOAL 25: Know the language of the arts.
25.A. Understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts
STATE GOAL 26: Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced.
26.A. Understand processes, traditional tools and modern technologies used in the arts.
STATE GOAL 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations, past and present.
27.A. Analyze how the arts function in history, society and everyday life.
National Core Arts Standards
1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
3. Refine and complete artistic work.
7. Perceive and analyze artistic work.
8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
Learner Profile
Thinkers: No description provided.
Open minded: Students will need to be open-minded to the styles of many different artists who approached portraiture and self portraiture in various ways.
Risk takers: Because students have had very little experience with drawing, this will be new for them, and most students currently lack self confidence in their drawing
abilities. They will need to try something new and trust that I am setting them up for success.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
Week 1: One more grid drawing. Students must finish before they can start gridding Mon Task 8:00 AM
out their image. They will finish gridding it out for homework if they do not finish in
Elephant Grid Drawing
Week 2: Measure a grid on a ruler and draw simple drawing as a class, finish for 2016
homework. We will watch the Art 21 on Chuck Close as students work and I walk
around to help students. They will finish their grid drawings for homework, and Mon Task 8:00 AM
reflect on the video.
Week 3: Students will work on applying the grid to their drawing paper. They will only
Setting up the Grid
get one piece of paper, so they will need to be careful or use the back if they mess 2016
up. Students will erase dark pencil lines once the drawing is complete. If students
have time, they will do a mid-project peer critique. Mon Task 8:00 AM
Week 4: Students will use stippling with their fingerprints, reminiscent of Chuck
Closes Fingerprint technique. We have discussed this earlier in the year, but they 25
Grid Drawing in pencil
will put in 2016
Week 5: Students will learn about color mixing with primary, secondary, and tertiary
colors. Students will create colors for their background remaining squares, with a Mon Task 8:00 AM
design in the inside, just like Chuck Close. They will finish the portraits at this time.
Week 6: Artist Statements/ Critique/ Display day. Students will write their artist 8
Reptile Grid Drawing
statements for the first 15 minutes of class. Then, we will complete a class critique. 2016
Students will have two minutes to write out answer to the following questions:
Process: How did you complete the project? Where did your ideas come from? Mon Task 8:00 AM
How did you choose the image you did? What decisions did you have to make?
What materials did you use? 8
Complete Stippling of Lines using Fingerprints
Thoughts: What are your thoughts on your project? Did you enjoy it? Why or why 2016
not? If you could complete the project again, what would you do differently? Why?
Feelings: How do you feel about your final piece? Are you proud of it? Why or why
not? What did you learn during the course of this project?
Students have done a self portrait at the beginning of the year for a homework
assignment and they will do another one at the end of the unit. The beginning of the
school year portrait showed that students were ready for this unit because they were
missing skills about portraiture and drawing. Their portraits were not to scale. They
did not understand color.
Each step along the way in working on this project will be a formative assessment.
They will be working on grid drawings so they know how to draw proportionally. We
will start with simple grid drawings and they will slowly work up to harder and harder
assignments, getting feedback on their assignments before. I will be guiding
students in these drawings so they will learn how to use a grid.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
I will have templates available for students will special needs so that they have what
they need to begin. They will work on a picture to their ability level that I pick out and
start the grid for. They will be working with color in a way they hadn't before so I will
provide references for their color mixing as well.
Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
Students will have scaffolded activities leading up to the assignment which will set them up for success. They will also have assistance creating grids and I will have images
available that they can work on if they do not have an image to work on themselves. Additionally, I will provide students who need it additional one on one time, preferential
seating, or extended time, as allowed by their IEP or 504 plan. I will also collaborate with the SPED team to provide additional supports where necessary.
I will also have some grids already done for students who will need them after they have attempted creating them themselves. I will also have these differentiated. Some will
have just tick marks done for students, some will be completely gridded, and others will be completely gridded and labeled.
Additionally, I choose a variety of images students can replicate in their drawings, including one of Maya Angelou laughing. We will talk about why that particular picture is more
difficult, and that this would be a good idea for someone who feels pretty confident in there ability to replicate from grids, as it will provide more of a challenge.
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
Example Example
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Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016 Added by Melissa Miller on November 25, 2016
Summary Summary
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
Added on January 31, 2016
Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
Why do we think that the unit or the selection of What difficulties did we encounter while What artifacts of learning should we document?
topics will be interesting? completing the unit or the summative assessment What was surprising?
What do students already know, and what can task(s)? How will we build on our experience to plan the
they do? What student inquiries are emerging? next unit?
What attributes of the learner profile does this unit What is the level of student engagement?
offer students opportunities to develop? Many students who were dedicated were surprised
While I gave students plenty of time to bring in their at how well they could draw and make the drawing
This unit is meant to be about the student, so the own image to work with so that they would be look recognizable. I was also surprised by how long
subject that students find most engaging is engaged, only a few students actually brought in this unit took.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
themselves. They will also see how an artist who is their own image. I provided other images for I think students could have used more practice with
unable to create a lot by himself because of students to work with, and specifically choose a grid drawing before diving into this unit. In the future
disabilities uses his resources to create really unique variety of people, though all Black, to tie in Black I may want to use practice both collaborative and
pieces of art. History Month. (Obama, MLK Jr., Harry Belafonte, individual grids more before this unit begins.
The other reason I think students will be highly Ralph Ellison, Wilma Rudolph, Ida B Wells, Rosa I think I also need to be more explicit about the ATL
engaged in this unit is because they are lacking Parks, Maya Angelou, etc.) If I could start this skills in this unit as students had a very difficult time
confidence in their drawing abilities. We start out project again, I would take student pictures so that self-managing their time to ensure that this was
with simple exercises that all students can be they would truly have a self portrait, which I think done in a timely manner. They lacked urgency with
successful with. Then we move to a larger picture would increase engagement. I would use a local the project because it just kept going.
that students can take more ownership of. business (The Art Institute of Chicago) to print them Although i document the final project, I think some
As demonstrated by previous grinding exercises, off. of the other smaller projects may have also been
many students have very little knowledge about helpful.
artists and lack any knowledge or skills in technical We also didn't have as much time as I originally Lastly, one way I wanted to push students was to
drawing. They have never used a grid before, and hoped to study the proportions of the face. I may encourage them to use complementary colors with
during our first try with the grids, many students want to think about studying the face separately in tertiary colors. I felt most students were plenty
completely ignored the grinding in trying to replicate another unit. This unit logically makes sense challenged with project, but I think a few of them
the image. because it focuses on replicating the facial features could have pushed themselves further so that it
Again because of their lack of knowledge, this before they start free-hand drawing in facial something I will be more intentional about next time.
requires students to take significant risks in their features.
work. They also need to persist through difficult
obstacles in trying to create a successful piece of Students lost some steam during this project
work. They will need to think through the process because it took a while to complete. We spent quite
carefully as they problem solve. a bit longer on this than I had originally hoped. I
think engagement may have improved if students
were drawing themselves.
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Second Term
December 05, 2016 IB MYP Visual arts (Grade 8) by Melissa Miller Page 10 of 13
Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
1. Measure each of the four sides of their paper by inches with tick
2. Connect tick marks with a ruler to create parallel lines both
vertically and horizontally.
3. Choose a picture to work with and complete steps 1 and 2 for the
4. Label each row and column A, B, C, D, etc, and 1, 2, 3, etc. Make
sure name and room number are on both pages on the back.
5*. If students finish these steps, they can begin drawing in the same
way we did with the last grid drawing.
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
When they are done, we will spend the rest of the period in critique.
They need to participate in the discussion during this time. Their
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Wells Preparatory Elementary Academy MYP Unit Planner
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