Speculations …….
• Once believed that the Earth is flat and that ships could sail over the edge.
• View persisted into the Middle ages and was an issue in recruitment for Columbus.
• The Flat Earth Society still alive and well and describe
the Earth as “being a disk with a circumference of about 78225 miles and a diameter of 24900
miles. The sun and moon are both disks about 32 miles in diameter …and are about 3000 miles
above the Earth, and the stars about 100 miles above the sun and moon. The Flat Earth Society
also maintains that the Earth is accelerating upward at a rate of 9.8 m/s², thereby simulating
gravity. This upward momentum is caused by the "Universal Accelerator", a vague term used by
the Society to describe a force that originated at the Big Bang and caused the Earth to speed
upwards. Gravity cannot exist on a flat Earth since the disc shape would eventually collapse on
itself. However, other planetary bodies such as the moon and the sun have gravitational pulls,
causing the gravitational force on an object to decrease as it increases in altitude. This also
allows spacecraft to orbit.”
• Early Greek view was that the world was surrounded by Oceanus, origin of all rivers.
• Anaximander (600 B.C.) – cylindrical earth surrounded by celestial sphere
• Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) described observations that supported the theory that the
Earth was a sphere. These included (1) the fact that the shadow of the moon is
Geophysics 210 September 2008
circular in lunar eclipses (2) constellations were higher in the sky as one traveled
• More historical details of ancient Indian, Armenian and Islamic studies can be found
in the article :
On the summer solstice, the sun was overhead in Aswan, since it illuminated a
deep well. On the same day, the sun was at an angle of 7° 14’ to the vertical in
Combining these measurements, can show that the circumference of the Earth = 360
*925/7.23 = 46058 km. Correct value = 40030 km. Error = 15%
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• A seated observer watches the sunset over the horizon (A) at the Equator. As soon
as the sun sets, he jumps to his feet and enjoys a few extra seconds of sunlight
before the sun sets again (B).
(A) (B)
The observer was 2 m tall and the two sunsets were separated by 7.5 s. Through
what angle (θ) does the Earth rotate in this time?
The radius of the Earth can be shown to be R = where the angle θ is measured
in radians and the observer is h m tall.
R = _______ m
It was soon realized that the Earth was not a perfect sphere. Jean Richer (1620-
1682) was a French astronomer who made observations in 1671 from the island of
Cayenne in French Guyana. In addition to measuring the distance of planet Mars from
Earth, he also noted that a pendulum swung slower on Cayenne Island than in Paris.
He deduced that this was because gravity was weaker on Cayenne, which implied that
Cayenne was further from the centre of the Earth than Paris.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) suggested that the Earth was an oblate spheroid because it
rotates - somewhat flattened at the poles.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
A debate followed about whether this was true, because measurements were not very
accurate. Surveys in Peru (equator, 1735-43) and (equator, 1735-43) showed that
flattening occurred as suggested.
More Details at
Density variations mean that there are discrepancies between the surface and the
reference ellipsoid. A surface called the geoid takes this into account and will be
discussed in B1.3.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Consider two point masses that are a distance r apart. Newton’s theory of gravitation
predicts that they will attract each other with a force F that is given by:
Gm1 m2
The quantity G is called the gravitational constant (or “big G”) but is actually a small
number. Newton deduced this equation from observing the motion of planets and moons
in the solar system. The units are as follows:
F Newton (N)
m kg
r metres (m)
G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2
It can be shown that if one of the masses is finite in size (e.g. a planet or the sun), then F due to
will be the same as if all the mass were concentrated at the centre.
If m1 = m2 = 1,000,000 kg (1000 tonnes) then the variation of F as r increases will show the
“inverse square law”.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Consider the mass m2. Newton’s Third Law of Motion predicts that this mass will accelerate
with an acceleration a, where:
F = m2 a
Gm1 m2 1 Gm
a=g= 2
= 21
r m2 r
The Greek letter rho (ρ) is used to represent density. Rocks and minerals found on Earth have
densities that range from 1000-7000 kg m-3. Often densities are quoted in g cm-3.
Pure minerals can exhibit a high density since the atoms are closely packed together.
Sedimentary rocks generally have lower densities since the atoms are not as closely packed
together and pore space is filled with lower density materials.
The range of density values reflects the degree of weathering and the porosity. Why?
The composition is secondary, but explains why dolomite is more dense than limestone.
Most sedimentary rocks increase in density with depth, owing to increased compaction.
This reduces the pore space available for low density materials such as air, water and
The density depends primarily on the rock composition. Mafic rocks are generally
more dense than felsic rocks owing to increased proportion of heavier elements
such as Fe and Mg.
The gravitational acceleration at the Earths surface is 9.8 ms-2. Subsurface variations in rock
density produce very small changes in this value, so it is more convenient to use a smaller unit.
Consider a spherical ore body with density ρ and radius a that is buried at a depth z below the
surface. The extra pull of gravity will be greatest at a point P directly above the ore body.
Remember that the pull of gravity (g) for a sphere is the same as if all the mass were
concentrated at the centre.
4 3
Total mass of ore body = volume x density = πa ρ
Excess mass , mE = mass of ore body – mass of rock that was already there
4 3 4
= πa ρ - πa 3 ρ 0
3 3
4 3
= πa ( ρ − ρ 0 )
Above ore body, the change in gravity due to the ore body (gravity anomaly) is given by
Gm E 4Gπa 3 ( ρ − ρ 0 )
Δg = =
z2 3z 2
a = 30 m
z = 40 m
ρ = 4000 kg m-3
ρ0 = 2000 kg m-3
MJU 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
However, other factors can cause gravity to vary with position on the Earth. These effects must
be removed from measurements in order to use gravity data to study the interior of the Earth.
This difference is 5186 mgal, which is a lot larger than changes in gravity because of
subsurface density.
Can this observation be explained by the fact that the Earth is a rotating ellipsoid?
The Earth is an
oblate spheroid.
R E = 6378 km
R P = 6357 km.
Qualitative answer
Since a point on the Equator is further from the centre of the Earth than the poles, gravity
will be weaker at the Equator and g E < g P
Quantitative answer
For a sphere g (r) = 2
where the mass of the Earth, ME = 5.957 1024 kg.
At the North Pole, RP = 6357 km and g P = 983,219 mgal.
Thus g E = g P - 6467 mgal, which is too much to explain the observed difference
between the Equator and the Poles.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
The rotation of the Earth also causes gravity to vary with latitude.
Qualitative answer
Imagine you are standing at the North Pole. The rotation of the Earth will not change g, all
that will happen is that you rotate once a day.
Now imagine you are at the Equator. If we could increase the rotation rate of the Earth
enough, you would be ultimately be thrown into space (i.e. become weightless). Thus rotation
makes gravity weaker at the equator.
Quantitative answer
Assume RE = 6378 km
In a “vertical” direction (defined as pointing towards the centre of the Earth) this has a
component :
Now the Earth rotates once per day so ω = 2π / (24 x 60 x 60) = 7.27 10-5 rad s-1
g P = g E +3370 mgal
gE < gP
Question : You are standing on the Equator. How fast would the Earth need to rotate to throw
you into space?
Geophysics 210 September 2008
These two factors both make g E < g P so to get the observed difference we need to find a
factor that has the opposite effect. The change in shape from a sphere to an ellipsoid
redistributes the Earth’s mass. Thus results in more mass between points on the Equator and
the centre of the Earth, than between the poles and the centre of the Earth.
Qualitative answer
Consider the case shown above where the flattening is extreme. The observer at the pole
experiences the pull of gravity in all directions, and this almost cancels out. An observer on
the equator only experiences the pull of gravity due to mass located to the left.
Quantitative answer
Geophysics 210 September 2008
These factors are represented in the following equation, that defines the variation of g with
latitude θ
More recent revisions are essentially the same, but with ever more decimal places …..
g = 9.78031846 ( 1+0.003417902-0.000005395) m s −2
= 9.81369388 m s −2
The variation of g with latitude is important when a survey extends over a significant north-
south distance. Differentiating the GRS67 equation with respect to θ yields
Geophysics 210 September 2008
= 9.78031846 (0.0053024 x 2 sin θ cos θ - 0.0000058 x 4sin 2θ cos 2 θ)
= 0.049526 m s −2 per radian
All the these equations define the expected value of theoretical gravity (or normal gravity)
at latitude θ. Differences between this value and what is actually measured are anomalies that
we will analyse for information about subsurface density structure.
Calculation 3 – How much lighter would you feel after driving from Edmonton to
Change = 19 grams!!!!
Geophysics 210 September 2008
g(r) =
This means that as you move away from the centre of the Earth, the acceleration of gravity (g)
decreases. In Edmonton, g = 9.81 ms −2 and if you move up a distance, Δh, the acceleration of
gravity will decrease by
Δg = 3.086 Δh x 10 −6 m s −2
= 0.3086 Δh mgal
Gravity measurements are made at points A and B. The difference in elevation means that gB will
be less than gB by an amount
When collecting gravity data, our real interest is to determine the density of the rocks below
ground. The change in elevation from ‘A’ to ‘B’ will thus contaminate the data. The Free Air
correction is a mathematical way of undoing the effect of elevation. It allows us to correct the
data collected at ‘B’ in order to make it equivalent to data collected at the same elevation as ‘A’.
In gravity surveys, we always define a reference level for the survey. Free Air corrections are
made relative to this level. In general, any reference level could be chosen, but sea level is
commonly chosen in coastal areas. In Alberta, the average level of the prairies would be a good
If a gravity measurement was made Δh above the reference level, we must add
CFA is called the Free Air correction for a given gravity measurement.
Similarly, if a gravity measurement was made Δh below the reference level, we must subtract
Question : to keep data accurate to 0.1 mgal, how accurately must we know the elevation?
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Unfortunately, this is not the end of story! Compare the gravity measurements at ‘A’ and ‘B’. At
point A, the gravity measurement is solely due to structure below the reference level (blue). At
‘B’ the gravity measurement is due to structure below the reference level, plus the gravitational
pull of the 100 metres of mountain (red). The net result is that gB > gA
From section B2.3 the magnitude of this extra gravitational attraction is approximately
gB - gA = 2πG ρ Δh
Thus to remove this effect we need to subtract CB = 2πG ρ Δh from the observed gravity
measurement at ‘B’. This is called the Bouguer correction and
CB = 0.00004193 ρ Δh mgal
Note that to apply the Bouguer correction we need to estimate ρ, the density that lies between ‘B’
and the reference level. Using the value ρ = 2670 kg m −3 this gives
CB = -0.1119 Δh mgal
This value represents an average density for crustal rocks. Other information (e.g borehole gravity
data or Nettleton’s method) may be used to give a better estimate of the density.
Pierre Bouguer
Geophysics 210 September 2008
B4 – Gravity anomalies
To understand how geological structures can cause gravity anomalies, let us consider
some simple shapes. Obviously these models are too simple to explain real geology, but
they will illustrate some important concepts.
Gravity measurements are made on a surface profile across a buried sphere. The sphere
has an excess mass MS and the centre is at a depth z.
To calculate the pull of gravity, we can use the fact that a sphere has the same
gravitational pull as a point mass located at it’s centre. Simple mathematics can be used
to show that at Point P, the vertical component of g is given by the equation below.
GM S z
gz = 3
(x2 + z 2 ) 2
Radius, a = 50 m Depth, z = 100 m
Density contrast , Δρ = 2000 kg m-3 Excess mass, MS = 109 kg
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Note that:
● Note that a shallow sphere produces a gravity anomaly that is quite narrow
(short spatial wavelength), while a deeper sphere produces a gravity anomaly
that is wide (long spatial wavelength).
●A gravity survey would measure g zmax and x½ values. Once z is computed, the
g zmax z 2
excess mass can be computed as M S =
● Far away from the sphere, gz becomes very small
When gravity measurements are made across a buried cylinder, it can be shown that the
variation in gz will be :
2Gπa 2 zΔρ
gz =
(x2 + z 2 )
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Note that :
● the maximum value of gz is located directly above the axis of the cylinder (A)
max 2Gπa 2 Δρ
gz =
● gzmax for a cylinder is larger than gzmax for a sphere of the same radius? Why?
● Cannot distinguish a buried sphere from a cylinder with just a single profile. Need to
collect gravity on a grid and make a map.
A layer of rock has an infinite extent, thickness ∆z and a density ρ. The gravitational
attraction of this slab at the point P is:
g z = 2πGρΔz
Note that gz does not depend on the distance from the layer to the point P. Why?
Geophysics 210 September 2008
What can we say about the gravitational acceleration (gz) of the two models?
This is an example of non-uniqueness in geophysics, and occurs when more than one
Earth model can explain the same set of geophysical data.
Computations for more complicated shapes cannot be done with analytical formula. A
numerical method must be implemented on computer. When ever using a new piece of
software, always be suspicious about the results …. especially if the software was
expensive! See Geophysics 224 notes for details of some tests of this computer program.
Consider now a simple model that represents a sedimentary basin. Note that the density
of the sedimentary rocks in the basin is lower than that of the surrounding (crystalline)
The horizontal dashed line represents the acceleration of gravity (gB) due to an infinite
layer, with density contrast of 1000 kg m-3 and thickness 1 km. Use the results of 4.1.3 to
verify the result.
The lower panels show the first and second horizontal derivatives (gradients) of gz across
the basin. Note how the gradients define the edges better than the gravity anomaly.
An example of this in real data is presented later in this section (Alberta basement and
Chicxulub impact crater).
Geophysics 210 September 2008
An object is dropped and accelerates at a rate g. After time t it will have fallen a distance
gt 2 2x
x where x = . Absolute value of gravity computed from g = 2
2 t
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Since we have seen that it is the differences in gravity that is generally more important
than absolute values, we do not need absolute measurements of gravity at every survey
location. Often relative gravity measurements can be made over a survey area, and then
tied to an absolute value by using the relative gravimeter at a location that was
previously surveyed with an absolute gravimeter.
Portable pendulum
The period of oscillation (T) a pendulum, length (L) is given by T = 2π
Note that as gravity gets stronger, the pendulum swings more quickly. Accuracy
around 0.25 mgal when popular in the 1930’s.
Mass-on-a-spring gravimeters
F = ks = mg
where k is a measure of the stiffness of the spring (the spring constant). If the
gravimeter is then taken to a location where the acceleration of gravity is stronger by
an amount δg, then the spring will stretch a little bit more, δs.
k(s+δs) = m(g+δg)
Geophysics 210 September 2008
δg =
This uses a zero length spring and temperature control to measure to 0.01
milligal. The instrument applies a (known) force to keep the spring the same
length. This avoids non-linear elastic effects (i.e. departures from Hookes
Geophysics 210 September 2008
● Collect gravity data on a 2-D grid and repeat measurements at cross-over points
where lines intersect. This will give a good idea of the repeatability of the
Gravity data must be corrected for a number of factors. This includes (a) a slow
stretching of the spring in the gravimeter (instrument drift) and (b) variations in
gravity due to the tides. These effects can be removed by setting up a series of base
stations that are visited several times a day. See Geophysics 224 notes for more
●We can obtain absolute gravity measurements from a relative gravimeter by
making measurements at pre-surveyed stations where the absolute values is
already known.
●Often several survey crews needed for each gravimeter crew. It is vital to know the
elevation of each measurement location. Differential GPS is sometimes good
enough, but leveling may be needed.
● Seafloor gravity surveys use a
gravimeter that is lowered to the
seafloor on a cable.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Elevation of sea-surface
Note the patterns associated with plate boundaries such as mid-ocean ridges and
subduction zones. These will be discussed in detail later in this course.
Note that the sea-surface also represents the geoid (discuss in B5)
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
A gravity anomaly is the quantity left over after the effects of latitude and elevation
have been accounted for. This typically requires a set of corrections to be made.
(a) Measurement on gravimeter
(Difference between campus and the CGSN station at the Airport)
(f) Free air correction for 600 m elevation = 300 x 0.3086 = 185.160
Geophysics 210 September 2008
● Microgravity were recently used by United Nations weapons inspectors to look for
underground bunkers in Iraq prior to the 2003 invasion.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Ore bodies are often higher density than the host rock and can produce positive
gravity Bouguer anomalies. Gravity can be used to estimate the excess mass of an
ore deposit, using Gauss’s theorem. While non-uniqueness prevents the spatial
distribution being uniquely determined, the total excess mass can be estimated
The example below comes from Voisey’s Bay, Labrador. This massive sulphide
deposit has a pronounced positive gravity anomaly. Note that gravity inversion is
an automated procedure that determines a density model that fits the measured
gravity data. An inversion is a solution of the inverse problem, and non-uniqueness
must be taken into account.
Simple half-width calculation can be used to estimate the depth of the body.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
● on the Canadian Shield gravity anomalies are small (10 to -50 mgals). Variations due to
changes in composition and thickness of crust.
● Negative values coincide with mountain ranges (Canadian Cordillera in west and
Laurentides in east). In these areas the crust is thicker than normal. Since crustal rocks
have a lower density than mantle rocks, this gives the upper 100 km a lower average
density. Thus Bouguer anomaly is weaker. See discussion later in class of isostacy.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
● What are the dominant features in the Bouguer anomaly map of Alberta? Sketch
a profile from Fort McMurray to the Rockies and try and account for the main
features observed above.
● White lines denote the boundaries of basement blocks. Note correlation between
gravity gradients and these boundaries.
● Data and figure from : M. Pilkington et al, Can. J. Earth Sciences, 37, 1453-
1471, 2000.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
We have considered the Earth’s gravity field in terms of the acceleration that a test mass
would experience (g).
An alternative way to visualize the gravity field is by using the gravitational potential
energy (U). This has some advantages because g is a vector while U is a scalar.
• Each of the circles shown above represents an equipotential surface. That means
no work is required to move a mass along the surface.
• However, moving away from the mass requires that work is done and converted
into gravitational potential energy.
• If you move towards the mass, then some gravitational potential energy is
converted into kinetic energy (falling).
• The acceleration (pull) of gravity (g) is at right angles to the equipotential surface.
• Rate of change of potential with distance is proportional to gravitational
acceleration (g = −∇U )
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Water will flow downhill until it has reached the lowest possible level, since it is
not rigid. Thus on a calm day, when ocean currents and weather are ignored, the
sea surface is an equipotential surface. Large mounds of water do not persist in
the open ocean!
• Suppose that there is some excess mass (high density) buried under the seafloor.
This will distort the equipotential surface so that it bulges upwards and results in
a small rise in sea level above the mass excess.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Can also think of this as the mass excess pulling water towards itself.
Similarly, if there is a mass deficit (low density) then a slight depression will form in the
sea surface.
• The geoid is defined as the equipotential surface that coincides with mean sea
level. If the Earth had uniform density and no topography, then the geoid and
International Reference Ellipsoid (IRE) would be identical.
• However, non uniform density and topography result in the geoid being relatively
• In the oceans, the geoid is defined by the sea-level and can be measured with
radar altimetry.
• On land the geoid corresponds to the level that a hypothetical ocean would have.
Location must be computed from gravity measurements (land based and satellite
data). See details of GRACE described below.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
The geoid was increasingly well defined by satellite data collected from 1957 onwards.
Long wavelength features are shown below.
A more detailed view of the geoid has come from the GRACE project (Gravity Recovery
and Climate Experiment). This has been underway since 2002 and uses microwave
measurements of the distance between two satellites to measure the gravity field with
very high precision. (
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• The geoid contains a lot of information about the internal structure of the Earth.
• Figure below shows the geoid superimposed on a topography map. Red: -7.7 m
Magenta = -52.8 m.
• The long spatial wavelengths of geoid anomalies indicate that they originate in
deep density contrasts that are associated with mantle convection.
• Observed geoid variations can be explained if density contrasts from subduction
zones persist to mid-mantle depths (Hager, 1984).
5.3.2 Surveying
To illustrate this difference, consider a ship sailing across the Indian Ocean. GPS
measurements will indicate that it drops into a 70 m deep hole. Conventional surveying
tells us that it stays at sea level the whole time.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Hager, B., Subducted slabs and the Geoid: constraints on mantle rheology, J. Geophys.
Research, 89, 6003-6015, 1984.
Han, S.C., C.K. Shum, M. Bevis, C.Ji, C.Y. Kuo, Crustal dilation observed by GRACE
after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Science, 313, 658-662, 2006.
Richards, M. A. and B. Hager, Geoid Anomalies in a dynamic Earth, J. Geophys.
Research, 89, 5987-6002, 1984.
Tapley, B.D., D.P. Chambers, S. Bettadpur and J.C. Ries, Large scale ocean circulation
from the Grace GGMo1 Geoid, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2004.
MJU 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
B6 Isostacy
• In the 19th century surveyors used plumblines and theodolites to map India. A
plumb line was used when measuring the elevation angle of a particular star, as
described in B1 when Jean Picard measured the radius of the Earth.
• North-South distances in India were measured with two methods (a) changes in
elevation of stars and (b) direct measurements on the ground using triangulation.
• When a plumbline was used, corrections were made for the anticipated attraction of
the Himalaya
• The results of (a) and (b) gave answers that differed by an angle of 5” (0.0014°).
This discrepancy was shown to be because the Himalayan peaks did not deflect
the plumbline as much as predicted (deflection was 1/3 of the expected value).
An explanation of this phenomenon was given by John Pratt who was Archdeacon of
Calcutta. Pratt’s hypothesis of isostacy proposed that topography is produced by
crustal blocks with varying density, that terminate at a uniform depth.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
At the compensation depth, pressure is equal at all points (it behaves as a liquid). Thus at
the compensation depth, the pressure below the mountain (B) must equal the pressure
below the Indian plains (A).
ρ c t = ρ1 ( h + t )
Rearranging gives
ρ1 = which simplifies to ρ1 = ρc t / (h + t)
(h + t )
What crustal density (ρ1) is needed to explain the 5 km high Tibetan Plateau?
Assume ρc = 2800 kg m-3 and ρm = 3100 kg m-3 and t = 30 km.
ANSWER : ρ1 = 2400 kg m-3. What could cause this type of density change?
George Airy accounted for these observations with a different idea. In Airy’s hypothesis
of isotacy, the mountain range can be thought of as a block of lithosphere (crust) floating
in the asthenosphere (lava). Mountains have roots, while ocean basins have anti-roots.
In his 1855 paper, George Airy who was the Astronomer Royal wrote:
“It appears to me that the state of the earth’s crust lying upon the lava may be compared with
perfect correctness to the state of a raft of timber floating upon water; in which, if we remark one
log whose upper surface floats much higher than the upper surfaces of the others, we are certain
that its lower surface lies deeper in the water than the lower surfaces of the others”
Geophysics 210 September 2008
If the system is stable (no external forces) it is said to be in isostatic equilibrium. At the
compensation depth, the pressure due to material above is constant at all locations
(below this depth the Earth behaves as a liquid).
Thus equating the pressure at the compensation depth at ‘A’ and ‘B’ we can write
t ρc + r ρm = (h + t + r) ρc which simplifies to r ρ m = h ρ c + r ρc
Note that we have assumed that g has the same value at each location. This may seem to
contradict the last few weeks of classes, but is valid as a first order approximation.
r = h ρc / (ρm – ρc)
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Was George Airy correct about crustal thickness in Tibet? Modern seismic exploration
has shown that the crustal thickness in Southern Tibet is in the range of 75-85 km.
“It will be remarked that that the disturbance (gravity anomaly) depends on two
actions; the positive attraction produced by the elevated table land; and the
diminution of attraction, or negative attraction, produced by the substitution of
a certain volume of light crust for heavy lava”
To consider this, compute the attraction of mass above the compensation depth at points
‘A’ and ‘B’.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Are topographic features on the Earth’s surface in isostatic equilibrium? This can be
investigated by calculating the isostatic gravity anomaly as follows:
(1) Topography is used to predict the expected depth of the crustal root needed to
support the topography in isostatic equilibrium.
(2) Using this depth, the predicted Bouguer anomaly ΔgR is computed.
ΔgI = ΔgB−ΔgR ,
where ΔgB is the measured Bouguer anomaly and ΔgR is the predicted Bouguer
anomaly of the root.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
(c) Under-Compensation: In this case, the root will be too small to support the
feature the feature. Tectonic forces may give additional support (e.g. plate flexure,
dynamic topography) or else subsidence will occur.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Canadian Cordillera
• Figure above is taken from Fluch et al., (2003) and shows gravity anomalies
across the Southern Canadian Cordillera on profile AB.
• Note the negative Bouguer anomaly.
• The isostatic gravity anomaly is quite close to zero, indicating that the Canadian
Cordillera is close to isostatic equilibrium.
• This may be the result of a combination of Pratt and Airy hypotheses.
• The crust is thick under the Continental Ranges (Airy) but thinner and with a hot
upper mantle under the Omineca belt (Pratt).
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Fowler Figure 10.19 on page 540 shows the Bouguer anomaly measured across
the Himalaya from Cattin et al., (2001). It also shows the predicted Bouguer
anomaly assuming complete isostatic compensation.
• In Ganges Basin ΔgB < ΔgR which represents over-compensation. This occurs
because the Indian Plate is deflected (pulled) downwards by loading in Tibet.
This makes the crustal root thicker than needed to support the observed
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Figure 9.11 from Fowler (2005) shows gravity anomalies across the mid-Atlantic Ridge
at 45° N. Mid-ocean ridges are large submarine mountain ranges located where plates move
apart to create ocean basins.
• Figure 9.59 from Fowler (2005) shows the Free Air gravity anomaly across the
Chile Trench and Andes at 23° S, taken from Grow and Bowin, (1975).
• Like many subduction zones, this model shows a characteristic pair of low-high
gravity anomalies.
• Note that the gravity modelling includes the phase transition of basalt to eclogite
in the subducting slab. This corresponds to an increase in density of 400 kg m-3
within the slab.
• Negative gravity anomaly due to deep trench that is filled with low density water
and sediments.
• Positive gravity anomaly on ocean side of the volcanic arc.
• Flexure in the subducted plate can cause under compensation on the overriding
plate. This is because flexural forces give partial support to the topography. In this
situation, Buoyancy forces do not completely support the observed topography.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Canadian Shield
• Strong evidence for post-glacial isostatic rebound comes from the raised
beaches on the coast of Hudson’s Bay.
• Surveying has revealed a pattern of uplift beneath the former location of the
Laurentide Ice Sheet with a maximum rate of around 1 cm per year.
• This is surrounded by a ring of subsidence that is caused by flexure of the
lithosphere. Note that horizontal motions also occur.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Total uplift since the ice sheet melted is in excess of 100 m in the centre of
Hudson’s Bay.
• Modern uplift rates are much slower than immediately after the ice sheets melted.
• These values have been confirmed by gravity measurements made by the GRACE
satellite (Tamisiea et al., 2007). Gravity changes have a peak change of 1 μGal per
year from 2002-2007.
• Geoid motion was also determined by GRACE and is ~1 mm per year.
• Mantle convection can change gravity over timescales 10 times longer than the
timescales for isostatic rebound. The shorter time scale of post-glacial rebound
allows the phenomena of mantle convection and rebound to be separated.
• Note that horizontal motions also occur, and also the yearly variation that is due to
climatic effects on the ground and atmosphere.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
For reference, the following values are for the viscosity of some other liquids:
Viscosity (Pa s)
Water 10-2
Honey 2-10
Peanut butter 250
Pitch 108
B6.5 References
Airy, G.B., On the computations of the effect of the attraction of the mountain masses as
disturbing the apparent astronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys, Phil. Trans. R.
Soc. London, 145, 101-104, 1855.
Chen, W. P. and S. Ozalaybey, Correlation between seismic anisotropy and Bouguer gravity
anomalies in Tibet and its implications for lithospheric structure, GJI, 135, 93-101, 1998.
Clowes, C. Zelt, J. Amor and R. M. Ellis, Lithospheric structure in the Southern Canadian
Cordillera from a network of seismic refraction lines, CJES, 32, 1485-1513, 1995.
Flück, P., R. D. Hyndman, and C. Lowe, Effective elastic thickness Te of the lithosphere in
western Canada, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B9), 2430, doi:10.1029/2002JB002201, 2003
Grow, J. A. and Bowin, C. O., 1975, Evidence for High-Density Crust and Mantle Beneath the
Chile Trench Due to the Descending Lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 80, 1449–1458.
Pratt, J.H., On the attraction of the Himalaya Mountains, and of the elevated regions beyond
them, upon the plumb line in India, , Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, 145, 53-100, 1855.
Tamisiea, M., J. Mitrivica, J.L. Davis, GRACE gravity data constrain ancient ice geometries and
continental dynamics over Laurentia, Science, 316, 881-883, 2007.
MJU 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
B7.1 Tides
• Tides on the Earth arise from the
gravitational influence of the
Moon and Sun. This results in
motion of seawater and also in
changes in gravity that can
influence gravity surveys.
• Effect of sun and moon are
similar, so they will initially be
considered separately.
• Tidal range can exceed 18 m in
coastal locations such as the Bay
of Fundy in Nova Scotia.
• Earth and moon revolve around their common centre of mass which is located a
distance c from the centre of the Earth.
• In this frame of reference, the Earth translates and does not rotate. Thus all points
on Earth move in a small circle with the same radius. See animation in Figure 7
at for a clear demonstration.
• Centrifugal motion is thus the same for all points on surface of Earth.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• However, pull of gravity varies across the surface of the Earth. This can be
illustrated by comparing pull of gravity at ‘A’ and ‘B’ with the value at the centre
of the Earth. At point ‘A’ can show that the net acceleration due to the moon is :
AA = − = 0.113 milligals
(R − r ) 2
Similarly at point B, AB = − = -0.107 milligals
(R + r ) 2
• When computed at all points on the surface of the Earth, the following pattern of
tidal forces is computed.
• Note that tidal force is due to the spatial gradient (change with distance) of the
gravitational pull of the moon.
• The Earth rotates faster than the moon orbits the Earth.
• Friction occurs between seawater and seafloor as the Earth moves beneath the
tidal bulges. This drags the bulges forward and tides lead the moon by 10°.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Energy loss slows the Earths rotation by 0.0023 seconds per century (i.e. days get
• This corresponds to a 0.017 % reduction in the gravitational pull of the sun from
point A to point B.
• Note that the gravitational attraction of the sun is 180 times stronger than that of
the moon. However, the attraction of the moon varies more rapidly with distance
(higher spatial gradient), giving a larger tidal force.
The tides are due to the gradient of gravity forces (i.e. how much they vary per
metre). Illustrated below where the acceleration of gravity (g) produced by the moon
and sun is shown as a function of distance from the Earth Note that:
Geophysics 210 September 2008
dg sun dg moon
(2) < . Look carefully and you can see that the slope of gmoon is twice
dr dr
that of gsun at the location of the Earth.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Tidal bulges due to the moon and sun can be added, according to the relative
orientation of the moon and sun.
• Neap tides occur when moon and sun are at right angles (first quarter and last
• Spring tides occur when sun and moon are collinear (new moon and full moon).
In addition, the simple tidal model listed above is complicated by a number of factors:
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Note small tidal amplitude in Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Why?
• Tidal phase (high and low) occur at the same time on the cotidal lines. These are
shown in white on the figure above. M2 component dominates other contributions
with 12 and 24 hour period.
• Amphidromic points occur where cotidal lines meet and there is no vertical
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• The solid Earth deforms in response to tidal forces in exactly the same way as the
ocean. However, the Earth does not flow horizontally in the same way as the
ocean, so tides are smaller (50-100 cm vertical displacement).
• Relative motions of Earth and ocean can reduce absolute amplitude of ocean tides
• Figure below shows the Earth tide sequence for (left) Edmonton and (right) the
North Pole in September 2007.
• Why is variation smaller at the North Pole? Is this what you would expect to see?
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Triggering earthquakes
At high Earth tides, the rock is dilated and eruptions are more frequent. At low tides the
dilation is less and fractures are closed.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Good explanation about origin of tides and centrifugal forces. Considers the physics of
tides in a number of reference frames and shows that the same answer can be obtained,
provided that fictitious forces are correctly handled.
Cochran, E.S., J.E. Vidale, S. Tanaka, Earth Tides can trigger shallow thrust fault
earthquakes, Science, 306, 1164-1166, 2004.
Egbert G.D., and R. D. Ray, Significant dissipation of tidal energy in the deep ocean
inferred from satellite altimeter data, Nature, 405, 775-778, 2000.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
The Earth rotates because of angular momentum that was acquired by the solar system as
it condensed from a rotating gas cloud into a protoplanetary disk and then individual
planets and moons. This momentum has been conserved over the life of the solar system.
PreCambrian Tidal rhythmites can record number of days per year and
per month. Rocks from Australia consistent with LOD =
21.9 hours at 620 Ma (Williams, 1997 and 2000). Record
spanned 60 years.
Figure above shows the predicted number of days per year, based on extrapolation
of present rates. Wells (1963) showed that the number of daily growth rings in
coral are consistent with this rate of change:
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• The next figure uses records that have times associated with the
observation of an eclipse.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
t =T t =T
⎡t 2 ⎤
ΔT = ∫ rt 365dt = 365r ⎢ ⎥ = 182rT 2
t =o ⎣ 2 ⎦ t =0
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• The Earth’s orbit changes over time, mainly because of gravitational interactions
between the Earth and the other planets.
• These orbital changes cause changes in the amount of solar energy received by
the Earth.
• This insolation at high latitudes is believed to control the growth and retreat of
polar ice sheets.
(a) Eccentricity
• This defines the difference between the orbit and a circle.
• A circle has an eccentricity of zero.
Time variations in eccentricity are due to the gravitational effect of other planets.
(b) Obliquity
Geophysics 210 September 2008
(c) Precession:
• This is the wobble of the axis of rotation relative to the fixed stars.
• Gyroscopic action that is a consequence of the Earth not being a uniform sphere.
• Rotation axis moves in a circle with a period of 21-26 kyr.
• This variation only has an effect if the orbit is elliptical.
• This can produce a temperature difference between the North and South
• At present, the Earth is closest to the Sun (perihelion) during the southern
summer. This makes seasonal variations more extreme in the Southern
Hemisphere (6.8% difference in summer radiation).
Milankovitch cycles
• In1920 Milutin Milankovitch computed the combined climatic effects of these
variations and suggested that these changes could have triggered the ice ages.
• However at the time, no detailed datasets were available to prove, or disprove,
this hypothesis.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Loess is a sedimentary rock deposited by the wind. It can be deposited over long-
periods of time and can record climate variations.
• Corroborating evidence for periods in the geological record are shown on next
• Left column shows the loess-soil pattern. Next column is the geomagnetic
polarity. GSR = grain size distribution. Right column is the corresponding power
spectrum which shows peaks near 100,000 years, 41,000 years, and 23,000 years.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Geophysics 210 September 2008
However Kawamura et al., (2007) validated Milankovitch’s hypothesis and showed that
local insolation variations can explain the 100,000 year cycle.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
B7.4 Wobbles
The Earth also undergoes a series of orbital wobbles. These are called free nutations as
they do not require an external driving force.
Figure from Gross (2000) is shown below. This shows that a good correlation between
observed wobble and combination of forces from atmosphere and ocean (2 black
curves). Correlation with atmosphere (red curve) is much lower.
Gross (2000)
Geophysics 210 September 2008
Another source of possible polar wandering with 24 year period. This may be due to
coupling of the inner core and mantle. See Battesby (2006) for review of research by Dr.
Mathieu Dumberry (new faculty member in Geophysics at the University of Alberta).
Geophysics 210 September 2008
B7.5 References
Battesby, S., Watch that wobble, New Scientist, 18 February 2006.
Chao, B. F., and R. S. Gross (2005), Did the 26 December 2004 Sumatra, Indonesia, Earthquake
Disrupt the Earth's Rotation as the Mass Media Have Said?, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(1), 1.
Egbert, G.D., R.D. Ray, Significant dissipation of tidal energy in the deep ocean inferred from
satellite altimeter data, Nature, 405, 775-778, 2000.
Gross, R.S., The excitation of the Chandler wobble, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 2329-
2332, 2000.
Hays, J.D., J. Imbrie, N.J. Shackleton, Variations in the Earth’s Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages,
Science, 194, 1121-1132, 1976.
Höpfner, J., Seasonal variations in length of day and atmospheric angular momentum
Geophysical Journal International, 135, 407–437, 1998.
Kawamura et al, Northern Hemisphere forcing of climatic cycles in Antarctica over the past
360,000 years, Nature, 448, 912-917, 2007.
Stephenson, F.R., Historical eclipse’s and Earth’s rotation, Geophysics and Astronomy, 2003
Lambert, S.B., C. Bizouard, V. Dehant, Rapid variations in polar motion during the 2005-2006
winter season, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L13303, doi:10.1029/2006GL026422, 2006
Kawamura et al, Northern Hemisphere forcing of climatic cycles in Antarctica over the past
360,000 years, Nature, 448, 912-917, 2007.
Morrison, L.V., and F.R. Stephenson, Historical values of the Earth’s clock error ΔT and the
calculation of eclipses, Journal of Historical Astronomy, XXXV, 327-336, 2004.
Peltier, W.R., Global Sea Level and Earth Rotation, Science, 240, 895-901, 1988.
Rial, J., Pacemaking the Ice Ages by Frequency Modulation of Earth's Orbital Eccentricity,
Science, 285, 564-568, 23, 1999.
Spence, K., Ancient Egyptian chronology and the astronomical orientation of the pyramids,
Nature, 408, 320-324, 2000.
Wells, J.W., Coral growth and geochronometry, Nature, 197, 948-950, 1963.
Williams,G.E., Precambrian Length of Day and the Validity of Tidal rhythmite paleotidal values,
Geophysical Research Letters 24, 421-424, 1997.
Williams, G.E., Geological constraints on the Precambrian history of Earth's rotation and the
Moon's orbit, Reviews of Geophysics 38, 37-60, 2000.
Geophysics 210 September 2008
• Density, ρ(r), varies with radial distance from the centre of the Earth
• Note that where composition changes, there is a jump in density (e.g mantle to outer core
at depth of 300 km)
• In regions where composition stays constant, increasing pressure causes an increase in
density through compaction.
• This model is the PREM (Preferred Reference Earth Model) that was first defined by
Dziewonski and Anderson (1981).
However, this density model cannot be derived from gravity measurements on the Earth’s surface
because of Gauss’s theorem. This states that
∫ g.dS = 4πGM
where M = mass enclosed by the surface ‘S’.
In the case of a radially symmetric Earth the surface ‘S’ is the surface of the Earth and g has a
constant value. Thus
4πRE2 g = 4πGM
Geophysics 210 September 2008
where RE is the radius of the Earth. Note that M is mass enclosed by ‘S’ and the location is not
important. Thus all mass distributions give same value of g at the surface.
• Could map the variation of density with depth if we could drill to the centre of the Earth
and measure g. Figure above shows g (r) for the PREM density model and an Earth with
uniform density (straight line).
• The variation of density with depth, ρ(r) was determined from seismic studies,
constrained by knowledge of the total mass of the Earth.
Dziewonski, A.M, D.L. Anderson, Preliminary reference Earth model, PEPI, 25, 297-356, 1981.