Nicole Embury Lesson Plan 1

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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Unit: Eureka Math Module Lesson Title: Grade/Period: K

Compositions and Lesson 4: Represent decomposition
Decompositions of 2, 3, 4, and 5 story situations with drawings
using numeric number bonds
CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Duration:
K.OA.A.1 Represent addition ands (include timing for each activity
within your plan)
subrtraction with objects, fingers, 25 minutes
mental images, drawings, sounds
(e.g. claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions,
or equations.
K.OA.A. 3 Decompose numbers
less than or equal to 10 into pairs
more than one way, e.g., by using
objects or drawings, and record
each decomposition (e.g., 5=2+3
and 5=4+1)
Resources and Materials:
(can be attached)
Number Bond Template
Linking cubes
Dry erase markers

Objective: I can:
What students will learn and be able to do Represent number stories using numbers in number bonds.
stated in student friendly language (use
Bloom’s and DOK levels for higher level
thinking objectives)

Essential Question(s): What are the parts? What is the whole?

Over-arching questions of the lesson that will
indicate student understanding of
concepts/skills What is it you want the
students to learn/know? Why?

Inclusion Activity: Recall yesterday’s lesson.

Describe an activity that will ensure that all
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson.

Sequence of Activities: 1. Recall the parts and whole (“party”) and number bonds. (3
Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson. minutes)
Should also include estimates of
pacing/timing. 2. Pass out materials to students.
3. Let’s pretend that our cubes are apples. Let’s put 5 apples in
the whole or “party.” Put the other 5 cubes to the side.
(Walk around to check.)
4. Take the 5 cubes you put to the side and let’s pretend that 3
are green and 2 are red. We are going to put those into the
parts. The parts are the circles with only one line. (Walk
around to check.)
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

5. Take the 5 in the whole/”party” and write the number “5” in

the circle. Then take the 3 from it’s circle and write that
number. Next we will take the 2 and write that number.
6. You separated 5 cubes into sets of 2 and 3. 2 and 3 make 5.
What are some other ways to make 5?
7. Let’s try one more. We have 4 boxes. How can we show 4?
Put them on our number bond. Put 4 in the whole/”party” and
show me how to make 4 using the parts. (Formative
8. Write the number in the circles under the cubes. (Walk
around and check.)
9. Please connect your cubes into one long stick. Erase your
number bonds. I will come and pick them up.
Instructional Strategies: Direct Instruction, Hands-on instruction
Research-based strategies to help students
think critically about the concept/skill

Assessment: Formative:
List both formative and summative Students are able to show the teacher a way to make 4.
assessments that you will use to assess student
understanding. Formative assessments are
given during instruction (check for Summative:
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will you grade – Students will be able to add and subtract using number
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation, bonds.
demonstration, etc.).

Differentiation: Each student has their own space to sit and to work. Each student
Describe who will need additional or different will have their own materials to practice the lesson. The teacher will
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could be constantly checking the students to help them adjust and practice
include testing accommodations, preferential the concept. If the student needs help manipulating the materials,
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teacher’s notes, assignment notebook, peer such as writing a number, the teacher or another student can help.
tutors, etc.

Summary, Integration and After collecting materials, students will be able to show a teacher a
Reflection: couple of ways to make 2, 3, 4 or 5 using number bonds. Students
List the way that you will bring students can show this by using objects, writing the numbers or showing on
together to integrate and reflect on their
learning from this lesson their fingers. Students will practice showing 5 using their fingers.

Changes to Future Lessons:

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