Equivalent Fractions Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that equivalent fractions have the same value even though they have different numerators and denominators, and fraction models like strips or circles can be used to identify equivalent fractions.

The learning intention of the lesson is for students to understand equivalent fractions.

Two fractions are equivalent if the same part of the whole is shaded, or if they are the same shape and size.

Lesson Focus Learning Area / Strand Year Implementation

Mathematics Equivalent Fractions Leve Date

l 23.07.2021
4 Duration
30 minutes
Prior knowledge of learners
 Representing and comparing unit fractions
 Using symbols to represent fractions (shapes)
 Using symbols to represent fractions (collections)

Declarative (knowledge) objectives Procedural (skill) objectives

The learner will know: The learner will be able to:
 The definition of equivalent fractions  Identify and create equivalent fractions for half,
quarters, and eighths

Links to Curriculum (identify relevant Strands and Content Descriptors)

Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)

Evidence of learning
Probing questions will be used to ensure understanding
Worksheet will be completed

Classroom Management Strategies

Strategies from the essential skills will be utilised when necessary. These include:
Waiting and scanning until students are listening
Cueing with parallel acknowledgement
Descriptive encouragement
 Whiteboard and whiteboard markers
 Worksheet – Equivalent fractions
 Coloured paper strips, same length 4 colours for each student.
 Fraction strip example
Differentiation strategies
Questions will be adjusted for specific children.
Cold call will be used to allow all students to participate
Students will be scaffolded and provided individual support during the individual activity time if needed.

Timing Teaching Steps What the learner

5 mins Introduction
1. Explain learning intention and success criteria – Equivalent fractions Students listening to
2. Recap on fractions expectations and
 What is a fraction? Part of a whole learning intent.
 Can you give me an example of a fraction? Write the answers
on the board, also draw examples of circular fraction and bar Students raising their
fraction. hands to answer
 When do we use fractions? When we are cooking, eating a questions
 Can you tell me what the bottom number is called?
Denominator, this tells us how many equal parts the item is
divided into
 What is the name for the top number? Numerator, this
number refers to how many parts are being referred to.

20 mins Body
3. Explain that equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal to one Students listening
4. Demonstrate an example on the board using circles.

1 2 4
5. Discuss that is equivalent to and . These are what we call
2 4 8
equivalent fractions, and what we mean by that is they look different
because they have different numbers in them, but actually they are
the same size if we look at the proportion shaded in.
6. Explain if we were to eat half a pizza, it would be the same as eating
2 4
and .
4 8
7. Check for understanding using thumbs up strategy. Students
8. We are going to create some fractions to help us learn about participating in hands
equivalent fractions. Hand out one strip of paper to each student. on activity
 Students to write 1 whole on strip and glue into book.
 Hand out second strip. Each student to fold and draw a line down Students answering
1 questions
the centre creating . Glue strip into book.
Students completing
 The third strip of paper can be handed out to each student who
individual worksheet
will then fold into quarters.Glue strip into book.
 The fourth piece will be folded into eighths. Glue strip into book.
9. Using the strips, ask the students how many to find and match
equivalent fractions.
10. Hand out worksheet, complete first question together, then students
are to complete worksheet individually.

5 mins Conclusion Students listening

11. Reflect on what we have learnt. Question student understanding. and answering
 What does it mean for two fractions to be equivalent? questions.
 How can you identify if two fractions are equivalent? When
the same part of a whole is shaded, or when they are the
same shape and size.
 How can fraction bars or circles help you to find equivalent
fractions? Using models to compare different denominators
that have the same shaded area. Equal area shows
equivalent fractions.
2 4
 If you were at a birthday party, would you prefer to get or
4 8
of a cake? They would be the same size
Evaluation / Reflection
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= =

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