Sample CH 4 For Experimental Research

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Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

According to Age

Age Experimental Group Control Group

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
10 4 7.55 0 0
11 45 84.91 37 69.81
12 3 5.66 11 20.75
13 1 1.89 5 9.43
TOTAL 53 100 53 100

Table 2 shows that majority of the experimental group respondents are 11

years old with a frequency of forty five (45) or 84.91 percent, four (4) or 7.55 percent

are 10 years old, three (30 or 5.66 percent are 12 years old and one (1) or 1.89 percent

are 13 years old, while the control group majority are 11 years old with a frequency

of thirty seven (37) or 69,81 percent, eleven (11) or 20.75 percent are 12 years old

and five (5) or 9.43 percent are 13 years old.

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

According to Gender

Experimental Group Control Group

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Male 19 35.85 26 49.06
Female 34 64.15 27 50.94
TOTAL 53 100.00 53 100.00
Table 3 revealed that thirty four (34) or 64.15 percent of the respondents in

experimental group are female and the other nineteen (19) or 35.85 percent are

,ale, majority of the respondents are female with the frequency of thirty four (34)

or 64. 15 percent, while in the control group twenty seven (27) or 50.94 are female

and twenty six (26) or 49.06 are male.

Problem No. 1 What is the Pre-test result of the experimental and control group

of respondents who were taught Science grade 5?

Table 4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents
During Pre-test Score

Control Group
Pre-test Score
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

30-40 2 3.77 0 0
20-29 21 39.62 15 28.30
0-19 30 56.60 38 71.70
Total 53 100 53 100
Mean 16.41 13.75
8.20 6.82

Table 4 reflected the frequency distribution of the respondents during

pre-test score wherein, majority of the respondents from both experimental and
control group obtained a score of 0-19 with a frequency of 30. 56.60 percent and

38 or 71.70 percent, respectively. On the other hand, 21 or 39.62 percent of the

experimental group got a score of 20-29 while 15 or 28.30 percent of the control

group obtained a score of 20-29 and 2 or 3.77 percent belong to 30-40 scores in

experimental group.

The computed standard deviation of 8.20 for experimental group was

obtained. Since the result of the pre-test has stretched within the range of 0-19 with

a frequency of 30 pupils. This revealed that their pre-test scores were concentrated

between the ranges of 0-19.

The data implied that the majority of the respondents in both experimental

and control group obtained a score of 0-19 during pre-test in Science.

According to Abolade, the advantages of instructional materials are that

they are cheaper to produce, useful in teaching large number of students at a time,

encourage learners to pay proper attention and enhance their interest.

A key feature of effective teaching is the selection of instructional materials

that meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of the teaching and learning

environment. There are many pressures for educators to match the audiovisual

stimuli of television, computers, and electronic games with which students are

Educational resources used to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and sk

ills, to monitortheir assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall d

evelopment Instructional materials can serve as learning materials for both students

and teachers. They can serve a primary source of science content, present specific

views about the nature of scientific practices, and how scientific knowledge is

developed. Materials can also serve as a primary influence on how teachers should

teach science. Contextualization’s activities help relate the ideas to be learned to

students’ prior ideas. Our work considers how to develop contextualizing contexts

that truly meet the content standards identified and upbringing.

Pullies argued that neither traditional instruction nor modular learning stations

is the answer. He wrote that technology education is “locking itself into

obsolescence” through the use of modular labs that stifle students through their lack

of flexibility and synergy.

Problem No. 2 Is there a significant difference between the performance of the

experimental and control group of respondents in the pre-test based on their

mean scores?

Table 5

Significant Difference between the Pre-test result of the

experimental and control group
Level of Significance = .05

N Mean P-Value Decision Interpretation
53 16.41 8.20
2.146 .0032 Reject Ho Significant
53 13.75 6.82
Degree of Freedom = 92

Table 5 reflected the significant difference between the pre-test result of the

experimental and control group using the t-test. It obtained a computed t-value of

2.146 wherein the probability (.0032) is less than the alpha level of significance

(.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There was a significant difference between

the performance of the respondents from both experimental and control groups in

the pre-test.

Van Hooser said that the method of instruction also determines the choices of

instructional materials. The teaching methods can be divided into mass instruction

techniques, individualized learning techniques, and group learning techniques. For

mass instruction, audiovisual and instructional materials are used, worksheets, hand-

outs and visual aids.

In these computer facilitated learning, students’ behaviors are reinforced by

being permitted to proceed to the next frame when they get the right answer.

Technology has a broad impact on all facets of society. In education,

technology is now viewed as a necessary component. Information technologies have

changed the way we learn, work, and live, transforming the way teachers teach and

students learn.

This study, coupled with the findings of Schrauth, will be of use to those who

can improve the current state of elementary science curriculum materials. This study

will also lay groundwork for future research on efforts to improve students’ views

of the nature of science.

Problem No. 3 What is the Post-test result of the experimental and control

group of respondents who were taught Science grade 5?

Table 6

Frequency Distribution of the Respondents

According to Post-test Score

Control Group
Post-test Group
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
30-40 38 71.70 5 9.43
20-29 13 24.53 16 30.19
0-19 2 3.77 32 60.38
Total 53 100 53 100
Mean 31.46 16.43
6.31 9.10

Table 6 reflected the frequency distribution of the respondents according to

post-test score wherein, the total number of respondents from the experimental group
obtained a score of 30-40 with a frequency of 38 or 71.70 percent, 113 or 24.53

percent got a score between 20-29, and 2 or 3.77 percent got a score of 0-19. On the

other hand, majority of the respondents from the control group got a score 0-19 with

a frequency of 32 or 60.38 percent, 16 or 30.19 percent got a score between 20-29

and 5 or 9.43 percent with the score range of 30-40.

The computed standard deviation of 6.31 for experimental group was

obtained. Since the result of the post-test has stretched within the range of 30-40

with a frequency of 38 pupils. This revealed that their post-test score were

concentrated between the range of 30-40.

Generally, the Grade 5 pupils obtained a computed mean of 31.46.

The data implied that the majority of the respondents in the experimental

group obtained a score of 30-40 during the post-test in Science.

Tinio said that the effective integration of ICTs into the educational system is

a complex, multifaceted process that involves not just technology—indeed, given

enough initial capital, getting the technology is the easiest part but also curriculum

and pedagogy, institutional readiness, teacher competencies, and long-term

financing, among others.

Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching

basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective
technological integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research

shows deepen and enhance the learning process.

Students see these types of technologies as useful and extremely enjoyable.

These very same students that are accustomed to these types of technologies will

relate to using technology at school.

Although much in 21st century K-12 education still needs to be figured out,

such as creating a generally agreed upon 21st century curriculum, one goal is now

clear—the pedagogy with which our kids should be taught.

Technology can be a rich source of learning. Computer technology is a

positive supplement to bridge the gap between education and the technological

world in which we live. Computer-assisted technologies in schools offer students

greater access to information, an eager motivation to learn, a jump-start on

marketable job skills, and an enhanced quality of class work.

Problem No. 4 Is there a significant difference between the post test result of

the experimental and control group based on their mean scores?

Table 7

Significant Difference between the Post-test result of the

experimental and control group
Level of Significance = .05

N Mean P-Value Decision Interpretation
Experimental 53 31.46 6.31
Group 5.677 Reject Ho Significant
Control 53 16.43 9.10
Degree of Freedom = 92

Table 7 reflected the significant difference between the post-test result of the

experimental and control group using the t-test. It resulted in a computed t-value

5.677. Since the probability value (.002) is less than the alpha level of significance

(.05), the null hypothesis was rejected.

From the stated data, I is evident that that there was a significant difference

between the performance of the respondents from both experimental and control

groups in the post –test result of the experimental and control group in the post-test

using integration of ICT in teaching Science 5. This means that the post-test result

of the experimental and control group which the integration on the academic

performance of grade 5 pupils was effective.

In this 21st century, the term “technology” is an important issue in many fields

including education. This is because technology has become the knowledge transfer

highway in most countries. Technology integration nowadays has gone through

innovations and transformed our society that has totally changed the way people

think, work and live by Grabe.

Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) will assist

teachers to the global requirement to replace traditional teaching methods with a

technology-based teaching and learning tools and facilities.

Technology can be a rich source of learning. Computer technology is a

positive supplement to bridge the gap between education and the technological

world in which we live. Computer-assisted technologies in schools offer students

greater access to information, an eager motivation to learn, a jump-start on

marketable job skills, and an enhanced quality of class work.

As part of this, Ghavifekr, Afshari & Amla Salleh said schools and other

educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a

knowledge society” need to consider ICT integration in their curriculum.

Integration of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in

education refers to the use of computer based communication that incorporates into

daily classroom instructional process. In conjunction with preparing students for the
current digital era, teachers are seen as the key players in using ICT in their daily


These included attitude towards technology and perceived usefulness of

technology in teaching, the institutional cultural environment, as well as resources

available to support uptake. This research contributes to the growing significance of

individual, contextual and cultural influences in the adoption of learning

technologies into teaching.

Problem No. 5 Is there a significant difference between the Pre-test and Post-

test of the student respondents in Science grade 5 based on their mean scores?

Table 8

Significant Difference between the Pre-test and Post-test result of the Science
grade 5
Level of Significance = .05

N Mean P-Value Decision Interpretation
53 15.08 7.51
2.17 Reject Ho Significant
53 23.95 7.71
Degree of Freedom = 92

Table 8 showed the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test

of the pupils’ respondents. It resulted in a computed t-value of 2.17. Since the

probability (.024) was less than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null
hypothesis was rejected. There is a significant difference between the achievements

of the respondents in pre-test and post-test.

The data implied that the use of computer in teaching Science is effective.

Showalter found out science teaching is such a complex, dynamic profession

that it is difficult for a teacher to stay up-to-date. For a teacher to grow professionally

and become better as a teacher of science, a special, continuous effort is required.

The teachers are having high confidence and competency in using ICT in

classroom even though it does not represents the types of ICT used. This is because

they believe that ICT is a tool could help in learning process especially to relate with

real life practices. This factor has reform the teaching method to integrate ICT in

order to create and construct knowledge for the student.

The integration of ICT in classroom is getting more important as it help

student in enhancing their collaborative learning skills as well as developing

transversal skills that stimulates social skills, problem solving, self-reliance,

responsibility and the capacity for reflection and initiative.

The global importance of science and technology which dominates in every

society requires an educational system that provides a venue for the development of

scientific knowledge and skills. Evidently, the rapid development of this field of

knowledge through scientific inventions and discoveries posts a challenge to

educational institutions to contribute their part in this growing demand of scientific


Problem No. 6 What is the performance of the Grade 5 experimental and J

control group of students?
Table 9
Unit Test Result of the Respondents in Science 5

Control Group
Unit Test Group
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
23-30 23 43.40 5 5.7
15-22 20 37.74 10 35.8
0-14 10 18.87 38 58.5
Total 53 100.00 53 100.00
Mean 19.80 11.09
7.21 6.75

Table 9 showed that unit test score of the respondents. Majority of the

experimental group respondents have a score range from 23-30 with a frequency of

twenty three (23) or 43.40 percent, twenty (20) or 37.74 percent have a score range

from 15.22 and ten (10) or 18.87 percent have a score range from 0-14. While the

majority of the control group respondents have a score range of 0-14 with a

frequency of 38 or 58.5 percent, ten (10) or 35.8 percent have a range score of 15-

22 and only 5 or 5.7 percent have a score range of 23-30.

The computed standard deviation of 7.21 for experimental was obtained.

Since the result of the unit test of the respondents has stretched within the range of

23-30 with a frequency of 23 pupils. This revealed that their unit test were

concentrated between the range of 23-30. In totally, the Grade 5 pupils obtained a

computed mean of 19.80.

This data implied that the scores of the respondents in the experimental in the

unit test in Science are concentrated in the score range of 23-30.

Novak and Krajcik utilized technology tools in inquiry-based science

classrooms allow students to work as scientists. Teaching science as emphasized in

the reform documents, however, is not easy. Science teachers experience various

constraints, such as lack of time, equipment, pedagogical content knowledge, and

pedagogical skills in implementing reform-based teaching strategies.

Study habits or strategies that students use to learn, such as paying attention

in class, being on time, taking good notes, completing homework in a timely manner,

and reading the study materials before a lecture, that are apt to impact their


Trowbridge, Bybee and Powell said when educational technology tools are

used appropriately and effectively in science classrooms; students actively engage

in their knowledge construction and improve their thinking and problem solving


Many new educational technology tools are now available for science

teachers. However, integrating technology into instruction is still challenging for

most teachers.

Teachers need ongoing support while they make efforts to develop and sustain

effective technology integration. Professional learning communities, where teachers

collaborate with other teachers to improve and support their learning and teaching,

are effective for incorporating technology into teaching.

Table 10
Long Quiz Result of the Respondents in Science 5

Control Group
Long Quiz Group
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
16-20 5 9.43 3 5.66
10-15 43 81.13 19 35.84
0-9 5 9.43 31 58.50
Total 53 100.00 53 100.00
Mean 12.26 8.13
3.00 4.52

Table 10 revealed the frequency distribution of the respondents according to

the result of the long quiz wherein, the total number of respondents from the
experimental group obtained a score of 10-15 with a frequency of 43 or 81.13

percent. On the other hand, the respondents from the control group fall on the score

range of 0-9 with a frequency of 31 or 58.50 percent.

The computed standard deviation of 3.00 for experimental was obtained.

Since the result of the long quiz of the respondents has stretched within the range of

10-15 with a frequency of 43 pupils. This revealed that their long quiz were

concentrated between the range of 10-15. In totally, the Grade 5 pupils obtained a

computed mean of 12.26.

This data implied that the scores of the respondents in the experimental in the

long quiz in Science are concentrated in the score range of 10-15.

Furtado stated that science has been neglected or taught by a method where

the instructor relays information to students who are given a textbook or worksheet

assignment to complete. Students were sometimes allowed to find solutions to real

life situations through activities completed in the lab or modeled experiments. These

methods of teaching science might have been effective for test scores, but proved

ineffective for increasing literacy in science.

Modeling, professional development, using IBL curricula, and mentoring

other teachers are sound methods for assisting teachers in learning about the use of

inquiry in science.
Educational research has classified ICT-using teaching practices in a number

of ways. A meaningful one for our empirical analysis classifies these practices

according to their level of pedagogical innovation.

Table 11
Periodical Test of the Respondents in Science 5

Periodical Control Group
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
38-50 30 56.60 7 13.21
23-37 21 39.62 41 77.36
14-25 2 3.77 5 9.43
0-13 0 0 0 0
Total 53 100.00 53 100.00
Mean 38.12 32.02
7.14 5.88

Table 11 reflected the frequency distribution of the respondents according to

periodical test result wherein, the total number of respondents from the experimental

group obtained a score of 38-50 with a frequency of 56.60 percent. On the other

hand, majority of the respondents of the control group obtained a score of 23-37 with

a frequency of 41 or 77.36 percent and only 5 or 9.43 percent of the respondents got

a score of 14-25.
The computed mean of 38.12 showed the performance in this particular area.

The standard deviation was 7.14. The computed standard deviation of 7.14 indicated

that the score of the experimental group are concentrated between the score of 38-


Kazempour states that science teachers need to guide and facilitate learning

and students need to take an active role in constructing their own learning

experience. Assessment was also critical in this study of IBL in helping assess prior

knowledge and checking student understanding throughout the learning experience.

Students need to develop scientific literacy in order to participate fully as

citizens, community members, and in the globalized economy. Scientific literacy

dictates that students should have the reading ability to evaluate the print-based

information presented to them.

Maybe for the complexity of this re-organization of teaching that an active

use of ICT in the classroom demands, no evidence of positive impacts have emerged

so far. Furthermore, a number of studies have even found negative associations

between learning outcomes and the frequency of ICT use by students at school.

Those advocates think that computer programs designed for toddlers can

strengthen problem solving skills, increase hand eye coordination, and stimulate

budding minds.
The presence of ICT in the classroom can facilitate a confrontation between

students and teachers on digital risks and opportunities, whose level of awareness

seem particularly poor among adolescents.

ICT use in schools is related to communication practices between teachers,

students and their families, that is the use of a pc to communicate with colleagues,

students and their families or to access official communications.

The teachers are also asked whether they use common or specific education

software, whether they help students for ICT-related problems.

Problem No. 7 Is there a significant difference between the performance of

respondents in the following:

7.1 Unit test

Table 12
Significant Difference between the Performances of
Grade 5 Respondent during Unit test

Std. Computed P-
N Mean Decision Interpretation
dev t-Value Value
53 19.80 7.21 Reject
5.023 .012 Ho Significant
Control Group 53 11.09 6.75
Level of Significance = .05
Degree of Freedom = 92
Table 12 showed that the significant difference between the performances of

Grade 5 respondents during the unit test. The data were analyzed using t-test. It

obtained a computed t-value of 5.023. Where, the probability (.012) is less than the

alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected.

From the stated data, it is evident that there was significant difference between

the performance of the respondents from both experimental and control group in the

unit test.

Norris, Sullivan and Poirot pointed out the importance of accessibility as:

“…teachers’ use of technology for curricular purposes is almost exclusively a

function of their access to that technology”. Merely providing schools with

hardware, software and in-service training is not enough. Any in-service training

needs follow-up support, peer coaching and peer dialogue to ensure successful

utilization of new technologies. There must be active involvement of the teachers

concerned in the whole change process so that there is the element of “ownership”

of the innovation.

The material should cover the required learning competencies and lessons or

activities must be provided to carry out the objectives. The objectives should be

clear, attainable and measurable, there should be provision for appropriate

evaluation activities with indicators for the degree of attaining the learning
competency, time allotment is suggested in each lesson which should be long enough

for the users to cover the lesson or unit and in-field testing the following should be

considered; workability of activities, sufficient content to achieve objectives,

sequencing and organizing of content and activities, interest and variety in activities,

value orientation of the material and appropriate content and approach.

According to Kramnik, the internet is becoming an increasingly vital tool in

our information society. More American are going online to conduct daily activities

as education, business transactions, personal correspondence, research and

information gathering and job searches. Each year, being digitally connected

becomes ever more critical to economic and educational advancement community

participation. Now that a large number of Americans regularly use the internet to

conduct daily activities, people who lack access to these tools are at a growing

disadvantage. Therefore, raising the level of digital inclusion by increasing the

number of Americans using technology tools of the digital age is vitally important

national goal.

To achieve effective learning, the student should be involved in the learning

process in a discussion-oriented science program that promotes the development of

reasoning skills and critical thinking.

Table 13
Significant Difference between the Performance of
Grade 5 Respondent during Long Quiz

Std. Computed P-
N Mean Decision Interpretation
dev. t-Value Value
Experimental 53 12.26 3.00
Group 3.281 .0006 Reject
Control 8.13 4.52 Ho

Level of Significance = .05

Degree of Freedom = 92

As reflected on the table 13, the t-test was use to find the significant difference

between the performance of Grade 5 respondents during long quiz. It resulted in a

computed t-value of 3.281. Since the probability (.006) is less than the alpha level

of significant difference between the performances of Grade 5 respondents during

long quiz.

The data implied that the integration of ICT in teaching Science 5 is effective.

Angrist and Lavy related the significance of internet use by children and

adolescents has even spawned new field of inquiry in developmental psychology. In

a conceptual context, we tacitly assume that students utilize the internet for both

academic and non-academic purposes, with the most intense users spending the most

time in non-academic pursuits (e.g. facebook, downloading music).

The Melbourne Declaration (Ministerial Council on Education, 2008), which

outlined the educational goals in schooling for young Australians over the coming
ten years, stated that: “successful learners should be creative and productive users of

technology, especially ICT”. Following this, the Australian Curriculum, the first

nation-wide syllabus for K-12 schooling, was introduced in 2012. It positions ICT

as a cross-curricular priority, mandating that:

Students develop capability in using ICT for tasks associated with information

access and management, information creation and presentation, problem solving,

decision-making, communication, creative expression, and empirical reasoning.

This includes conducting research, creating multimedia information products,

analyzing data, designing solutions to problems, controlling processes and devices,

and supporting computation while working independently and in collaboration with

others. (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

Table 14
Significant Difference between the Periodical
Test of Grade 6 Respondents

Std. Computed P-
N Mean Decision Interpretation
Dev. t-Value Value

Experimental 53 38.12 7.14

4.361 .000 Reject Ho Significant
Control Group 53 32.02 5.30

Level of Significance = .05

Degree of Freedom = 92
Table 14 revealed the significant difference between the performances of

Grade 5 respondents during the periodical test. The data were analyzed using the t-

test. It obtained a computed t-value of 4.361. Since the probability (.000) is less than

the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There was a

significant difference between the periodical test of Graded 5 respondents from both

experimental and control group.

As stated by Gisela V. Rolluqui, with media education, teachers and students

both achieve critical, analytical and creative skills that enable them to think

independently and to become well-informed and active citizens of this nation. In our

world of multi-tasking, commercialism, globalization and interactivity, media

education means having the right answer and asking the right question which results

in an empowerment of a learner and a citizen. Because media educations are

complex and often contradictory or controversial, the educator’s role is not just to

impart knowledge but also to facilitate the process of inquiry and dialogue. This role

given to a teacher as facilitator and co-learner in a student-centered learning process

is not only a model for education but also a new pedagogy for them.

Information and communication technology (ICT) on school, is a complex

object to investigate: several factors influence it, it is closely connected to society,

the political background and decision making, and it is deeply dependent on the

previous history of ‘school’ and the values and norms of education.

Mary Grace Empasis said computers are increasingly a part of preschoolers

to professional lives. The use of multimedia in education has significantly changed

people’s learning processes. Computer technology holds promise for improving

student performance and quality of teaching education program at all levels. Today,

development has been rapid and technology has been acknowledged as an additional

teaching tool. Results from a number of research studies indicate that appropriately

designed multimedia instruction enhances students’ learning performance in

mathematics, and literacy. The purpose of the present paper was to discuss research

avenues employing computers as a learning tool and to analyze the results obtained

by this method at the preschooler learning level.

Problem No. 8 What is the academic performance of the experimental and

control group respondents in Science grade 5 based on First Grading Period?

Table 15
Academic Performance of the Respondents
Based on First Grading Period
First Grading Experimental Group Control Group Achievement
Period Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Level
90-100 10 18.87 0 0 Outstanding
85-89 32 60.38 8 15.09
80-84 9 16.98 40 75.47 Satisfactory
75-79 2 3.77 5 9.43
Did not meet
Below - 75 0 0 0 0
Total 53 100 53 100
Mean 87.28 82.28
4.52 2.48

Table 15 showed the frequency distribution of the respondents based on First

Grading Period wherein, majority of the respondents from the experimental group

obtained a grade of 85-89, verbally interpreted as “very satisfactory” level with a

frequency of 32 or 60.38 percent, while 10 or 18.87 received a grade of 90-100 with

the verbal interpretation of “outstanding:, 9 or 16.98 percent got a grade of 80-84

verbally interpreted as “satisfactory” and 2 or 3.77 percent got a grade of 75-79 with

a verbal interpretation of “fairly satisfactory”. On te other hand, majority of the

respondents from the control group got a grade of 80-84 with a frequency of 40 or

75.47 percent, verbally interpreted as “satisfactory”, 8 or 15.09 percent received a

grade of 85-89 with a verbal interpretation “very satisfactory”, and 5 or 9.43 percent

got a grade of 75-79 with a verbal interpretation of “fairly satisfactory”.

Generally, the pupils obtained a computed mean of 87.28. The standard

deviation is 4.52 which showed that the scores of the pupils are little bit dispersed

because their grades had stretched within the grade range of 85-89 with frequency

of 32 pupils. This means that their score using integration of ICT in Science were

concentrated between the grades of 85-89.

As regards teachers’ training in ICT integration, Bonifacio recommended the

following to enhance teachers’ skills and competencies in ICT: (1) provide

workshops on how to effectively integrate ICT; (2) provide teachers with the

appropriate ICT tools they can use inside the classroom; (3) provide incentives and

rewards to teachers who performed outstandingly in ICT integration; (4) provide

teachers with appropriate release time to enable them to plan effectively on how to

integrate ICT in their lessons; (5) explore the use of ICT in the classroom at all levels

and types of the schools; (6) investigate the effects of ICT on students’ achievement

and attitude; and (7) evaluate ICT integration in relation to curriculum goals and


Bonifacio concluded his study with an emphasis on the use of ICT in

education to improve students’ learning by “promoting learner’ motivation to study,

mastery of basic concepts, and development of higher education and life-long

learning skills.
Cahilig (2009) conducted a study on the patterns of how teachers in public secondary

schools in Metro Manila adopted ICT integration into their teaching. The study

sought to determine the level of implementation of DepEd’s ICT integration

program in Mathematics and anchored on Rogers’ five-stage Innovation Diffusion

Theory of communicating an innovation to would-be innovators. The stages are:

knowledge – exposure to the innovation and understanding how to use it; persuasion

– development of a favourable attitude toward the innovation; decision –

commitment to its adoption; implementation – putting the innovation to use; and,

confirmation – reinforcement resulting from favourable outcomes. A survey

questionnaire was constructed and administered to 111 teachers from 7 schools in

Quezon City.

Results showed that in terms of the level of implementation of ICT, three types

of teachers emerged: innovating teachers, planning teachers and computer non-

users. The innovating teachers used computer in preparing their Mathematics lessons

and in actual teaching. The planning teachers only used computer in preparing their

lessons. The computer non-users did not use computer in either planning their

lessons or in actual teaching. 80% of the respondents were computer non-users, 12%

were innovating teachers, and only 8% were planning teachers. Results also showed

the specific math lessons to which ICT integration were made, namely, graphs of

linear functions (systems of linear equations and inequalities, exponential, circular,

and trigonometric), surface area, volume, and Pythagorean theorem. Affecting the

implementation of ICT in teaching were barriers identified as (1) lack of ICT

facilities (rank=1.5), (2) lack of basic computer competency (rank=1.5), (3) lack of

software (rank=3), and (4) too long lesson preparation (rank=4).

Problem No. 9 Is there a Significant Difference between the Academic

Performance of Grade 5 respondents?

Table 16
Significant Difference between the Academic Performance of Grade 5

Std. P- Decisi Interpretati
N Mean ed t-
Dev. Value on on
Experiment 53 87.28 4.52
al Group 6.412 .0432 Reject
Control Ho
53 82.28 2.48

Table 16 evinced the significant difference between the academic

performance of grade 5 respondents under the experimental and control groups. The

data were analyzed the t-test. It obtained a computed t-value of 6.412. Since the

probability (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected.

It donated that there was a significant difference between the First Grading

Period of the respondents from both experimental and control group in Science 5. It

implies that the integration of ICT in teaching Science is effective.

Klopfer, proposed six dimensions regarding ‘attitudes toward science’

namely; the manifestation of favorable attitudes to science and scientists; acceptance

of scientific inquiry as a way of thought; adaptation of scientific attitudes; enjoyment

of science learning experiences; development of interest in science and science

related activities; and the development of interest in pursuing a career in science.

Attitudes toward science involves the students’ affective behaviors; for

example preference, acceptance, appreciation and commitment. Students with

positive attitudes toward science tend to have higher scores on achievement


Students’ interest in science is directly linked to the quality of teaching as well

as learning interactions provided by their science teachers. Interviews with students

who excelled in science reveal that they were greatly inspired by science teachers

who engaged them in tasks that enabled them to inquire and solve problems.

Oh and Yager, stated that while students’ negative attitudes toward science

are related to a traditional approach in science instruction, their positive feelings are

associated with constructivist science classrooms. The authors also commented that
if students are provided with too much scientific information, they will have a more

negative attitude.

Students’ previous science grades was found to be positively correlated with

their achievement, meaningful learning, and self-efficacy but negatively correlated

with the rote learning and performance orientations.

Exactly as in other productive processes, the effect of introducing a new

technology depends on the kind of use that is made of this latter and by the ability

to absorb and make use of this technology.

Chapter 5



This study determines assessment on the integration of ICT in teaching

Science 5 at Kapt. Jose Cardones Memorial Elementary School Taguig City: Basis

for Action Plan.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Pre-test result of the experimental and control group of

respondents who were taught Science grade 5?

2. Is there a significant difference between the performance of the

experimental and control group of respondents in the pre-test based on their mean


3. What is the Post-test result of the experimental and control group of

respondents the respondents who were taught Science grade 5?

4. Is there a significant difference between the post-test results of the

experimental and control group based on their mean scores?

5. Is there a significant difference between the Pre-test and Post-test of the

student respondents in Science grade 5 based on their mean scores?

6. What is the performance of the Grade 5 experimental and control group of

students in:

6.1 Unit test;

6.2 Long quiz; and

6.3 Periodical test?

7. Is there a significant difference between the performances of respondents

in the following:

7.1 Unit test;

7.2 Long quiz; and

7.3 Periodical test?

8. What is the academic performance of the experimental and control group

respondents in Science grade 5?

9. Is there a Significant Difference between the Academic Performance of

Grade 5 respondents?

10. Based on the finding of the study what action plan may be proposed to

enhance the use of technology in teaching Science.

Summary of Findings

1. Pre-test result of the experimental and control group of respondents who

were taught Science Grade 5.

Majority of the respondents from both experimental and control group

obtained a score of 0-29 with a frequency of 30 or 56.60 percent and 38 or 71.70

percent, respectively. On the other hand, 21 or 39.62 percent of the experimental

group got a score of 20-29 while 15 or 28.30 percent of the control group obtained

a score of 20-29. 2 or 3.77 percent belong to 30-40 score in experimental group.

The data implied that the majority of the respondents in both experimental and

control obtained a score of 0-19 during the pre-test in science.

2. Significant difference between the performance of the control and

experimental group in the pre-test?

It obtained a computed t-value of 2.146 wherein the probability (.0032) is less

than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There was

a significant difference between the performances of the respondents from both

experimental and control groups in the pre-test.

3. Post-test result of the experimental and control group of respondents who

were taught Science Grade 5.

There were 30-40 with a frequency of 38 or 71.70 percent, 13 or 24.53 percent

got a score between 20-29, and 2 or 3.77 percent got a score of 0-19. On the other

hand, majority of the respondents from the control group got a score 0-19 with a

frequency of 32 or 60.38 percent, 16 or 30.19 percent got a score between 20-19 and

5 or 9.43 percent with the score range of 30-40.

The data implied that the majority of the respondents in the experimental

group obtained a score of 30-40 during the post-test in Science.

4. Significant difference between the post-test result of the experimental and

control group based on their mean score.

It resulted in a computed t-value 5.677. Since the probability value (.002) is

less than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There

was a significant difference between the performance of the respondents from both

experimental and control groups in the post-test using integration of ICT in teaching

Science 5.

5. Significant difference between the pre-test and post test result of the Science

Grade 5.

It resulted in a computed t-value of 2.17. Since the probability (.024) is less

than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There is

a significant difference between the achievements of the respondents in pre-test and

post-test. Using the integration of ICT in teaching Science is effective to the Grade

5 pupils.

6. The performance of Grade 5 experimental and control group of students.

6.1 Unit Test

The computed standard deviation of 7.21 for experimental was obtained.

Since the result of the unit test of the respondents’ has stretched within the range of

23-30 with a frequency of 23 pupils. This revealed that their unit test were

concentrated between the range of 23-30. In totally, the Grade 5 pupils obtained a

computed mean of 19.80.

This data implied that the scores of the respondents in the experimental in the

unit test in Science are concentrated in the score range of 23-30.

6.2 Long Quiz

The computed standard deviation of 3.00 for experimental was obtained.

Since the result of the long quiz of the respondents has stretched within the range of

10-15 with a frequency of 43 pupils. This revealed that their long quiz were

concentrated between the range of 10-15. In totally, the Grade 5 pupils obtained a

computed mean of 12.26.

This data implied that the scores of the respondents in the experimental in the

long quiz in Science are concentrated in the score range of 10-15.

6.3 Periodical Test

The computed mean of 38.12 show the performance in this particular area.

The computed standard deviation of 7.14 indicated that the score of the experimental
group are concentrated between the score of 38-50 with the frequency of 30 or 56.

60 percent.

7. Significant difference between the performances of respondents in the


7.1 Unit test

It obtained a computed t-value of 5.023, where the probability (.012) is less

than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected.

From the stated data, it is evident that there is a significant difference between

the performance of the respondents from both experimental and control group in the

unit test.

7.2 Long quiz

It resulted in a computed t-value of 3.281. Since the probability (.0006) is less

than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There was

a significant difference between the performances of Grade 5 respondents during

long quiz.

The data implied that the integration of ICT in teaching Science is effective.

7.3 Periodical test

It obtained a computed t-value of 4.361. Since the probability (.000) is less

than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected. There was

a significant difference between the periodical test of Grade 5 respondents from both

experimental and control group.

8. Academic performance of the experimental and control group respondents

in Science Grade 5 based on First Grading Period?

Majority of the respondents from the experimental group obtained a grade of

85-89, verbally interpreted as “very satisfactory” level with a frequency of 32 or

60.38 percent, while 10 or 18. 87 percent received a grade of 90-100 with the verbal

interpretation of “outstanding”, 9 or 16.98 percent got a grade of 75-70 with a verbal

interpretation of “fairly satisfactory”. On the other hand, majority of the respondents

from the control group got a grade of 80-84 with a frequency of 40 or 75.47 percent,

verbally interpreted as “satisfactory”, 8 or 15.09 percent received a grade 85-89 with

a verbal interpretation “very satisfactory” and 5 or 9.43 percent got a grade of 75-79

with a verbal interpretation of “fairly satisfactory”.

9. Significance difference between the academic performances of Grade 5


It obtained a computed t-value of 6.412. Since the probability value (.0432) is

less than the alpha level of significance (.05), the null hypothesis was rejected.
It donated that there was a significant difference between the First grading

period of the respondents from both experimental and control group in Science 5. It

implies that the integration of ICT in teaching Science 5 is effective.


Based on the findings of the study the following were formulated:

1. The experimental group got the higher mean score than the control group during


2. When the integration of computer technology in teaching Science 5 was used in

experimental group, the respondents performed an outstanding achievement during

post- test while the control group performed a satisfactory achievement level.

3. The experimental and control groups have a very good achievement level during

unit test but the proper and continuous integration of technology in Science 5 made

the experimental group of the respondents, perform better than the control groups”

gained an outstanding achievement.

4. The academic grades of the experimental group respondents, in Science 5

indicated outstanding level of achievement. This means that they were able to enjoy

learning with computer technology and it really made a big difference on their

academic performance.
5. This is a significance difference between the pre-test and post-test of the pupils

respondents an evident that there is effectiveness of on the instruction when

computer technology was integrated in teaching Science 5.


In light of the significance of the study, the following strongly recommended.

For Teacher

1. Incentives should be awarded to teachers who are existing efforts in the

preparation of the instructional material.

2. Should be made mandatory for teachers to attend ongoing professional learning

workshops at least once a year to maintain their teacher registration.

3. Teachers should be equipped with the various strategies for conducting inquiry-

based teaching and formative assessment practices during their initial teacher

education training so as to improve teaching and learning in science.

4. Teachers exert more time and effort in teaching Science with good motivation and

encouragement to strengthen scientific and biological skills of the pupils.

5. There should be regular monitoring of all teachers in the school system to ensure

accountability and quality.

For School Administrators

6. Findings in this study can be used as a tool in determining which strategies are

more effective in teaching Science.

7. Results of the study can be compared to other technique like the use of traditional


8. The school administrators should be equipped with information and

communication technologies including computers and internet access so that

teachers and pupils would be able to find information beyond the resources of


9. School Administrators should regularly monitor all teachers in the Science Faculty

to check and ensure their accountability and quality of teaching.

10. School Administrators should encourage teacher to attend continuous

professional education program learning workshop regardless in information and

communication technologies for practical science activities.

For Pupils

11. The pupils should be given more instructional materials in order to ensure better

results in Science.

12. The pupils should be trained to use the computer before they start the study.
13. The pupils should be benefit to gain their knowledge using the information and

communication technologies in learning science.

14. The pupils should have sufficient access to digital, multimedia and internet in

their classroom and school institutions.

15. The pupils should be developed tried out bigger sets of technologies for further


For Future researcher

16. Future researcher should be related to the present study may be improved

teaching in Science using instructional technology.

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