Computer Lab Monitoring System

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1652 - 1656


Computer Lab Monitoring System

Ms. Rashmi Janbandhu

Ms. Bhagyashree Gaurkhede

Lecturer, Information Technology

Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research
Nagpur, India
[email protected]

Student,Information Technology
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research
Nagpur, India
[email protected]

Ms. Neelam Bahekar

Ms. Gayatri Puri

Student,Information Technology
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research
Nagpur, India
[email protected]

Student,Information Technology
Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research
Nagpur, India
[email protected]

Mr. Viplove Karhade

Scholar, Computer Science and Engineering
North Eastern University, Boston
[email protected]
Abstract Lab management system is developed to overcome the problem faced by the lab managing staff. To Monitor a LAN,
the monitoring server is typically connected to a monitor port on the switch. If multiple Switches are used in an installation, the
monitoring Server may need a connection to all of them. That connection can either be a physical cable, or if your network
switches support it, a LAN specifically configured for monitoring traffic. LAN monitoring project aims to develop various
network utilities which are required to effectively monitor a LAN network. Project aims to develop an integrated software solution
that allows a network administrator to remotely monitor his LAN network.
Keywords: LAN, Server, Client, Connectivity.

either be a physical cable, or if your network switches

support it, a LAN specifically configured for monitoring
traffic. LAN monitoring project aims to develop various
network utilities which are required to effectively monitor a
LAN network.


In the present situation the number of system are present in
lab and they are in LAN also but in every lab there is no
such client server connectivity present. On such system
students can complete their given task and they can also do
some other work which is not related to their given task.
This is the main problem of the current lab management
system. The other problem of the present existing lab
management is that the lecturer cannot supervise the student
The existing system presents an introduction of an
embedded processor-based laboratory environment monitor
system and its design for hardware and software. This
system aims at completing monitoring a variety of real-time
data. This system achieves the intelligent management of
laboratory. By wired or wireless means, the laboratory
monitoring system can communicate with PC.
To Monitor a LAN, the monitoring server is typically
connected to a monitor port on the switch. If multiple
Switches are used in an installation, the monitoring Server
may need a connection to all of them. That connection can

Aim & Objective

Our project aim is to monitor the activities of students by the
lecturer and to maintain the control and discipline while
students practical performance.

To provide remote access to labs in various disciplines of

computer engineering.


To provide a complete learning management system around

labs where students can avail the various tools for learning
including video lectures, practical performance, etc. with
rules and regulation under vigilance of faculty.
The existing system presents an introduction of an
embedded processor-based laboratory environment monitor
system and its design for hardware and software. This
system aims at completing monitoring a variety of real-time
data. This system achieves the intelligent management of

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1652 - 1656

laboratory. By wired or wireless means, the laboratory
monitoring system can communicate with PC.
We implemented some features in it and developed a new
system. This system will include some more features like
from system the student will not be able to retrieve data
through Pen Drives, they will not be able to access any data
from the system, etc.

interface for performing practical to the student and it will

help lecturers to monitor individual students activity on
their system. On the basis of that performance the lecturer
can give marks on every practical and can view the
performed practical of the individual student.
The below fig 1 shows the flow of the Client-Server


A. Related Work
[1] This is based on sensor in which monitoring is done
through embedded sensor in system. But we are
implementing the system on LAN without using sensor. We
are including the concept of message sending, command
giving, etc.
[2] This system presents an introduction of an embedded
processor-based laboratory environment monitor system and
its design for hardware and software. This system aims at
completing monitoring a variety of real-time data. This
system achieves the intelligent management of laboratory.
By wired or wireless means, the laboratory monitoring
system can communicate with PC.
[3] Computer labs can be found in libraries, schools,
government buildings, science labs, community centers,
companies with IT departments that requires such a place
for their employees to do their jobs, and research centers.
Printers, scanners, and other peripherals may augment the
lab setup. But we are making this system just for college
[4] The problems faced in computer laboratories is lacking
consciousness for service and standardized management,
lacking means for executing and maintaining, no
standardized process, no record for software and hardware
configuration and change as well, and also changing
configuration randomly. Our project will help in reducing
these problems.

Fig 1: Flow Chart of Proposed System

B. Proposed Architecture
The below fig 2 is showing the connectivity between Client
and Server.

[5] This tells about the organization about computers in

computer lab. We learn about arranging computers and
managing them.
B. Problem Statement
It is observed that students access a lot more functions/
software of the system (computer) other than the one which
is required for the practical performance in the practical slot.
It was also observed that it is difficult for the faculty to
supervise each and every student all the time.


A. Proposed Approach
This system is developed to overcome the existing problem.
In this system there is Server and Client connected with
each other in the LAN of which it will provide the good

Fig 2: Connectivity Diagram

In this system there is one user handling client system which
is sending request to Server through Client Process and
Server responding it through Server Process. Both the
system have their own software and hardware.

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1652 - 1656

C. Basic Steps
Step 1: Server will start listening.
Step 2: Client will send request.
Step 3: Client will get connected with Server.
Step 4: Client will send its detail to Server.
Step 5: Details will be received by the Sever.
Step 6: Client will perform practical and will send it to
Step 7: Server will see the details of Client.
Step 8: Server will give some command to Client like
shutdown, logout, etc.
Step 9: Connection will be terminated.


The above figure is showing Client-Server

Connectivity in LAN network. The server has its own
database which is storing all the data coming from


Methodology: We firstly design and code for Client

Side for connectivity with the Server. After this we
will design and code for Server for activation and
responding to the request to the Client. After this we
will code for connectivity between them.


Testing: In this the code written will be tested. The

execution of the system will also be tested in
sequential form.

D. Scenarios
Normal Scenario
In normal scenario the Server will start listening request
from Client. For establishing connection the Client will send
connection request to the Server. Once connection get
established Client can send its detail, perform practical also
can be send to the Server, etc.
If Pen Drive is attached



A. Server Side:
This is Server Side in which we can see that there are some
systems placed in some boxes. There are some buttons and
some text boxes which contain some information about the

If in normal scenario incase pen drive get attached to system

for taking data from system, the screen will get locked
immediately after attaching pen drive to the system and the
client will not be able to logged in until the removable
device(pen drive) get detached from the system.
E. Project Plan

Analysis: In the existing system the system are in

LAN network and they also have Client-Server
Architecture but there is no such system made for
monitoring the Clients activity.


Literature Review: This system presents and

introduction of an embedded processor-based
laboratory environment monitor system and its design
for hardware and software. This system aims at
completing monitoring a variety of real-time data.
This system achieves the intelligent management of
laboratory. By wired or wireless means, the laboratory
monitoring system can communicate with PC.


Fig 4: Server Side


Client Side:

This is Client Side in which we can see that there are some
buttons which is used for connecting Server and for Sending
Details to Server. There are some text boxes which contain
some information for connecting and sending details to

Model: The below fig shows the model of ClientServer.

Fig 5: Client Side

Fig 3: Basic Model of Client-Server
IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1652 - 1656


Server Starting:

For starting Server first we need to click on Start Server

button. After starting Server it will display one Message
which will tell that Server is ON for responding the request
coming from Client Side.

Fig 7: After Connecting client with Server - Client Side

After establishing connection with Client the system which
get connect will glow on Server and the details of the
Server will be displayed in the above textbox present above
the system icon.
Fig 6: Server Starting

Sending Connection Request to Server:

For connecting with Server first Client need to enter its IP

Address and after that it has to click on Connect button for
sending connection request to the Server.

Fig 8: After Connecting client with Server Server Side


Sending Details to Server:

Once connection is established the Client can send its details

to Server for keeping records of performance, etc.
Fig 7: Sending Connection Request to Server

After Connecting Client with Server:

Once the connection get established between Client with

Server the timer will get start.

Fig 9: Sending Details to Server

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication

Volume: 3 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2321-8169
1652 - 1656


Clients Details on Server:

After connecting client with Server, the Server will have all
details of Client saved on its system. Take the mouse on the
icon which is glowing it will open one new window. It will
show the details related to the particular Client. The Server
can also see the activity of client by clicking on various
buttons present in the window.


performance, login time, can give marks on the basis of

their performance, etc.
In firms or company it is used by manager for
monitoring the staffs work and for accessing the
necessary data. Manager can monitor his employees
work by sitting in his cabin. He can give any command
to his employee at any time.


The present system is developed on Local Host. This system

is presently implemented on Local Host but in future it can
be modified and can be implemented on LAN network.
This system will help lecturer to supervise the activities of
student with the help of client-server system and can give
marks on practical performed by students. This will also
help student to improve their practical knowledge. Because
of this system student only have to perform the given task.

Fig 10: Clients Details on Server

H. If Removable Device Attached:
If any removable device like pen drive is attached to the
system, the system screen will get locked completely and
the client cannot enter into the system for accessing any data
of system until it remove that removable device. Once it will
be removed the system will ask for password, by entering
which the Client will again get logged into the system.

The proposed system is presently running on Local Host.

Which means that the Server and Client both are running on
same system. They can perform their task on the same
system itself but simultaneously.
[1] Wang ping, wany Zheng, IEEE, Design and
Implementation of Open Computer Lab Monitoring and
Management system. Computer and modernization,
[2] Jiang Linyiang, Li Hailong, IEEE Embedded
Laboratory Environment Monitor System. IEEE,
WASE International Conference on Information
Engineering,pp.197-201, 2009.

Fig 11: If Removable Device Attached



In college computer labs it is used for monitoring the

student activity (client) on their system by lecturer
through server system. They can see their practical

IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @


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